HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Approval of Fire Department Expenditures < ., �,. -, , b . - . � �������� ��j ( ������ 2875 145th SI�Qet Weat 1,.�,�.J Rc�s�emc��mt, t tN 55068 FIRE DEPAF�TMEl�1�' �;�y f��� ��2- ���.��� Fire Hall 612- 923-34�4 T0: Steve Jilk, City �ldministrator FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief �, --�T,�".�t/f ',�� DATE: February 21 , 1989 RE: Authorization for Expenditures Item ��1, This year is our third year in having members of the fire department take stress tests . This would complete our cycle and everyone will have had a stress test by the end af this year. We have seven fire fighters scheduled to take the test at this time. I have not been able to get in contact with Dr. Helmeke to find ; out if we wi11 experience a five pereent increase in the cost of the test as in past years. Last years ' test was $1Q5.00 per person, so I am assuming that this years' test will be somewhere • around $110.00; to $120.00 per person. This would approximately be an $850.00 expenditure. It was budgeted for 1989. Item ��2. .-._______,, We do 'have the opportunity to bring an InGident Command class to our fire station. Tt would in�rolve six hours on a Saturday of classroom work by officers, with a four hour follow-up for all members of the ;fire department on a regular training night . We would be able to get Jerry Rosendahl, Chief of the �watonna Fire Department, to''teach the elass. He teaches the class throughout : the state. Appxoximate cost would be $225 .00. Item ��3. � We have received some bids on painting the vehicles . �1 picture has been attached for clarification. We would be putting the lime yellow stripe down the side of each of the two pickup trucks and the Suburban. Cost ranges from $200.00 to $300.00 per vehicle. Phil ' s indicates they will meet any price , therefore, we should be able to get the job done for approximately $20�.QQ per vehicle. Item ��4 . During the time tt�e Suburban is out there for painting, we wauld like to have it undercoated. That vehicle will be on the road ,� much more than the other vehicles not kept inside . Phil ' s has typically offered undercoating for ap�roximately $100.t�Q with no warranty, In checking with some of the other companies that do perform undercoating, the price is approximately $2QQ.pQ to $250.00. They were not sure if they could provide a caar.ranty for a city vehicle. � ' � � Authorization for penditures February 21 , 1989� • Page 2 Item ��5 . Last year we planned on increasing the safety on two of our vehieles that have open side compartments for passengers to ride on. We did that with the installation of seat belts. We would like to further reduce the possibility of injury with a fal,l from the vehicles, by putting some automatic spring loaded �;ates on the two vehicles . We have two very close bids from Custam �3re and General Fire Apparatus. We wi11 probably go with the bid from General at approximately $850.00 per vehicle. They are lacated a little bit closer and very easy ta work wi:tk�. All of these items are the same as we discussed earlier. - Thank you for your consideration in these matters. dw attachment V • ' ' GENEi�L SAF'ETY EQUIPM�T GORP. 35D EIt3HTH AVENUE � P.O. BOX 249 � NORTH BRAWGH� MINNE80TA �5056 f61 Z) 874-4004 • TWIN CITIE� 2Z 1-S 1 1 1 owic Pl�at�Indicat� ro Rosemont Fire Department th��^�^�� Q Q��7� 2875 145th Street West 1 � 8� ��•rM� . . � YOGR FNQU�qV D � � '�^'�� F�osemont, Nhi. 55068 y�„ c�,, y � � � •RO Q CD HI 1 . O � . .. � � A l.l.l l� ►71.:�4 l. � . . . . . . . � � � � fALEfP61lSON � r.0.�.. ... . . .. . ►RO. C LI.. � . ' � � . . . ��.����� .. HERE 18 OUR qUOTATIflN ON THE QOi1D8 NAMEDrSUHJECT TO THE CQNDITIONS NQTED2 � CONOITIONS: The prkes ond ferm� on this qumation oro not wbjeet to verboi changes o► other ogreements unless opproved ir�writing by the Home p(fi.e pf tha 3efkr. All qvorotbm ond ogrssments oro coetinyen} upon sh�kei, a��idents, fi.es, avoilobility of moteriais oed oll othsr cov�ss beyond our tonlrot. Prkes an bo�^d ee� co�ts pnd conditions exisring on dote of qvototion ond ars�ubject to cho�ge by the Seller beforc fi�oi acceptvnce. Typ�raphlcol and�tenoyrophic erron subiect to corre�tion, purchoser ogrees to occept either overoge or shortage nof in ezcess oF ten percertt to bs chorged tor pra-ruta. Purchoser ossumes(iobihty(or potent and copyrrght infringeme�t when goods are mode ro Purchaser's speciiicotions. When qvotaiion �pecilley moftilai to b� furnished by ths ' purchoser, ampls ollowante musl be mode fo� roownable spoiloge pnd mpteria� must be of suitobie quoNty tp facelifote effkknt prodvetion. Conditbn� not specifkolly stated heroin shei) be governed by established trade customs. ierms inconsistent with thos� :tated he+sin which me�y oppsqr ae Purthaser't lormol ord�r w{II not be bind�ny p� ths Ssller. s • PRICE QCKYI'E_ 1 pair Mansaver bars including padeled rail, ar�}le brackets, and installation $565.U0 truck � 1 pair Mansaver gates includinq angle brackets and installation. $870.00 tr�.ick _ Rernove (2) screw type drai.ns on your LS-900Q Ford I�P�'r truck and xeplac� with t 2} pqash-pull style -- drains wit� plumbing, etc. $�2U.00 iean r r�»a�wnes►er e�o,�,i�a�y� • OUOTE VAL.IQ ROR--�._DAYS. B,� // . . . . . � FM/G.�,.�++�w.�,�w�.. oa�a�NA� � TD CONFIRM ORDER. SI�N ANO RETURN WHITE I1C'CEATANCB CqPY ` ` U RPORT ROAD, P.O. 80X 3� �,CEOL.A, W18CON81N ■S402t3" � _ (71 �SI 294-235�3 /� ) o�rc Plea�Indlc�N (�, TO / �OeIS�'�r.s,.,.s�`—^' / I.�f L..r'�-!1� _' 's�'� whee a�°rM� Q O�J�Q . .T . YOUR INQUIRYb [ � . . . .Sco_�F r ��� ROPO�[O Hi. i . . f`,�'S�,S � G%J � � . � 4ALt�/[R10N. . . ♦,O./i. . . . � ��PO. CO:�I. � .�5�" ,,., �/ ,.5� O � �' r�-'�-•� �.� M�RE 18 OUR QUOTATION QN THE 00008 NAMEDrSUBJECT TO TME CONOITIONB NQTE4: � ..�. CON�ITIONtt Th� prk�� ond terms on fhis quototion are ewt sub�ect to vsrbol changes or olher ogroement� unle:s approved in wrf�i�g by ths Hoene Of1ke af the Ssllee. Al! quofotiom and apro�m�ef� oro eominqent upon itrikes. occidsnts, fire�, ovailobNity of moftrlals onef all other tovsst bsyond out control. P�kti are batt<i pn cosM aed �dkbni exi:�iny on date of qvo�qHo�ond aro sub�ect to change by the Selter baloro finoi oeceptance, Typoyrnphkol and st�noq�aphk�rron�ub�acf fo correction. PurehoHi o9rees to occept elrher cwraqe or shQrtaiq�nof in�xcen c)ren percenf fo bs ahorped tar pro•rcta, P'archo�tr o�wmtf(Ioblflty(or po��M ond copyrfqht in}ringement whtn yoods are mod�to Purchoar't specllicetiom. Whe�qvotetl�n specifi�s mqtu{a)}4 yi (u��i�hed by tM purchour,omp1�oibwoac�must b� made for rwanobie spoilogs ond moteripl mu:t bs of�vNabb qvoitty to fcciUtot��tticism product(on. Cw+dlNon� nat�p�cifleolly ifqhti herein shoU M governed by established Hode c�aroms. Terms irrcontislent with tM�te srattd Mn1n whkh moy pppeor �� Purcho»r'; forma!ardar w111 nW b�bindinp on th� S�iba . ��" �� � o� s�.�'r 9--�,.s v� y.s ' == �'� -� ,L�'-�Y.s �,vs,�.. /1� .�' ,�'g�a ....�.....-.. Pr T � yl:. ��„�. .... . �, � � y 4�� �� �� . 4�� � . Itsm M PQR113 O WMsix aroup lac.i983 qUOTE VALID FOR DAYS. �Y ORIGINAL � � TD CONFtRM QRDER, SIqN AMD R�TURN WHITE ACC£PTANC,� Ct}PY � � � � � � �� � � ` ` j � . , , , ,.-: .. . .�: � , � • . , . ��.(�. ��e � � � , "0 P" ��' DESCqIPtiON OF pAMAGE � hARtS � LAtfOit � pAtNT � A1;�OTNfR e.. w �■� � . e���►.�r.�s►�r• � r e��►►.�-�r�� - ,�� ' ■ � a�r� � � oi ir..� r�ri ' �� � r � a������►�r�l��►-r ■ � �///i" � � o��r� ����� ' - - ■ � �iiii ' = � � � � i i m�i��� � r r� m���� •� ■ r m��� i � e��►��► �i�� ������i�� e�i� ����r�■ � ����� ���■■���r �r e����■► �e���sr � e����► ��r�rr■ � m� �r �i�i�r� � �. �=ii►� r■ r ���� r���r■ � m����■i► ,. �ii��i�r■ � o���► � r��riii i r ���,Zi, ,. o���►a� ► �� ■��� � ���■ � � �'!� *.�' !�!�' ,�,�� ' �■—� ■ . ' e� • • � , :. r � • i . • - • 1 . : . , i ,L . , . , � � � � � . � , _ �, f � � �� i � ( � � j . . . . . . . � � . . . � . j .. . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � . . . . .. .. � � . � � �� .�. .. . � . � � . � . �� � . � . . � � � � . . . �. . . � � � � � . � .. . . . . . . . . � � . . . ..� � � . . . � � . . � � � . . � ��. . I � . . . � j_ . � . . . � . . � :,• � . � . .. � � . .. . � ; ! 1 ��/ � ; �r ' �� � i � `,-� i � , V , r ; t • . � r • : . � � ;i ; t t ' � 1 ' �i !.� �� ��s��� r �f 1•. �' +����, �1 � • � ��� �, f i • ' i • . RC��EMOUNT VULUNTEEK �875 145th Street West Rosemaunt, MN 55068 FIAE DEFARTMENT e,ty ��� ��2-423.44�� �ire Ha11612-423-3444 March 3, 19$9 ITEM 4 f. 1 ) . T0: St�phan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk Mayor, Rollan Hoke Councilmembers : Napper Oxborough Walsh 6Jippermann FROM: Scott Aker, Fire Chief RE: Authorization For Expenditures , l . Two Motorala XT - 1000 Hand Held Radios � These radios have multi-channel and scanning eapability.` The radios we have now with these featur_es do not'' wark we11 in cold weather. They would be used primarily by an affi�er in command of a seene who needs the ver�atility to talk on many different frequencies . Radio Extra Battery Remote Mike `Charger ` �attery Built in Pager � �urnsville Bid. . . .$711 .00 ea. State Bid. . , $982.00 ea . 2. ` O�e 2 '112 Hose `No�zle. This is an addition. � Each pumper is suppose to have two and one vehicle ' s has always been shot . We must have had the vehiele before the requirement went into effect. Cost . . . . .$525 .00 3. One 2 lI2" Hose Nozzle (end only) . This was damaged several years ago and budget constraints did not a11ow for replacement . Cost . . . . . $347. 5�0 4 . Two 2 1/2" Gate Valves, We now have one of these which is moved from truck to truck as needed on the scene. We should have one on each of two pumpers and one on the tanker. Cost . . .$312. 50 _ , i • 5 . One Low Levei Strainer . One pumper has only had a lake strainer and never had one for drop tanks. Cost . . . . .$395 .00 6. One 2 112" Hose Control Device. This allows the positioning of a Z 1f2 Hose and then you are able to run it with one person or abandon completely. Used when short or people a hazardous material incident . Cost . . . . , $475 .OQ 7. One Generator for 35180, Aerial Truck. This truck has an invertar that converts DC to AC current . Has not worked properly for 4 yea�s . A cord was purchased 3 years ago and a reel last year. The generator would make the system complete. This item has been delayed for a long time due to budget problems. The system can be removed from the vehicle if vehicle is replaced. Cost . . . . . $1 ,013.99 delivered ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS WERE $UDGETED FOR 19$9. Thank you for your eonsideration on this matter. ( • i . � � � � . � � � . � . ,�� �,t�� • � � . . . � � � � � . . �. � � � . . .. ��. ... � � � � � � . . . � . � . . . � �� . � . .. � . . . .. � ' � � . ��NN S T �v�?�n c R�' \, � /1?//� , � � //�I? ' /'/}N/ ��'��"`�� '�C .�' �YS Cv�u-.s � , � Cc.�,l;�a-� Y I-�o,vAA- Ny,�;z�fNlcs � I ; '' � �.. ��=.� �U ,.� f � .� 3 �� 3� y lyez�lC � i � -�-,j� / �� � �� � �--- s"G�� � , ��� �' o� � ' �/o z z�� G / � �� . � -- �� 6{ �� ��� ��� ' �3�fv �', A�� � /��lv � � � ,, r . �. o� .s�� . ��� �� � �0 5 �= , G u�r/?�•l ! ..____ �tc it,��t k�.�v,N,�2 / „ /�,�,yr+�/�2 S ; `�`� ° 3 r 3' "—`� G `� , .� � ��. .-- �c�� N�,��� 3 �7� l��r 'ha+'� � :3 i r� .=`. i ,5 T�i'i�i dFiZ ' 'Z,c� ; 5"99 °u � ! ; i � ��C, PrVu��fAluiL � 4 f � � '��f���13 `L`t � ; �p.s s � ' _ �._____.___.__ .__.��..-----..�. _____-_—:__------ _.___ . _ f - �t, d _, �..�. , ' f/1/7e'if[ ��irt'' /S o �`•*U� , # {/ ij,�+,, ----- ! ' .. +, • .`'- �/k'_: