HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Receive Feasibility Report / Set Public Hearing - Valley Oaks Addition, Replat, Phase IV . � � � IT�M # �+ G *****�r**************************�r****rtEAlO�x*,�*****�x�t**�****,t**�r*******�r**,t*,� **** DATEs AtARCH 2, 1989 T0: MAYOR & COUNCILrIEAiBERS ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: RICH H�P'TI, CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIG WQRKS DIRECTOR RE: ITEPt FOR riARCH 7, 1989 GOUNCIL PIEETIAIG CONSENT AGENDA RECEIVE FEASIBILITY REPORT/SET PUBLIG IiEARiNG, VALLEY OAK AUDITI�N EZEPi,AT— PHASE IV, PROJECT 196 This item consist of Council passing the resolutian to receive the feasit�il+ ty report and set public hearing for the Valley Oak Addition Replat, Phase IV, City Project 196. This projeet is a result of a petition by thP develaper of thf> Va11ey 0ak Addition for the installation of utilities, streets and street Iights within his development. This project wiil complete the Valley Oak Addition development. Attached to this memo is a copy of the feasi.bility report our consultants h:�ve prepared. The feasibility report finds this project feasible from an enginc�ering standpoint and recommends proceeding with the project. . Recommencled action for Council to consider is to adapk the attactted r�solu�ion receiving the feasibility report and setting the public tiearinp for April 4. 1989 at 8:00 p.m. for City Project 196, Valley Oak A�idition fte��lat} P#1t�se IV, Utitity and Street Improvements. � + � i CITY .OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTiON I989 - ' A RESOLUTI�N RECEIVTNG 'THE FEASIBIl,ITY REPORT OF CITY PRUJ�CT i�19b, VALLEY 4AK REPLAT ADDITION, PHASE IV, UTiLITY & STREET IMPROVEMEAI`�S, AND CALLING FOR PU�LIC }��ARI�TG TO CQNSID�;R '�I�F. PRQJECT WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City uf Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to-wit: Cixy Projecr #196, Valley Oak Addition Replat, Phase IV; Utility & Street Improvements, in thE� City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility repart prepared by ;:hort- Elliott-Hendrickson, Inc. , Consulting Engineers; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the Consulting Fngineers th�t said utility and street improvements, Gity Project 4�196, is feasible, and shoul�f best be.made as proposed, and the Gonsulting Engineers' report to this effect h��s heretofore been reeeived by Council, and filed. with the Adminis'trator/Cierl; on riarch 7, 1989; and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements sha11 be made unti� the Council has held a �ublic i�earinp, on st�ch iEn�rovements f�llc�win�; mnile�l not i.ce and two publications thereot in the official newspaper stating time and pl<�ce of the hearing, the general nature of the improvement, ttie estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in aecordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Co�.incil of the City of Rosemount acc•epts the feasibility report for City Project 1�3�i and places it on file; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that a public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project �196, Valley Oak Addition Replak, Phase IV, Utiiity & Street Improvements to be lFeld on Tuesday, April 4, 1989 at 8:00 o'clock p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Ghambers of City Hall. ADOPTED this 7th clay of Aiareh, 19$9. Rolian Hoke, rtayor ATTEST: Stepttan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk �� � . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . � �t � � � � . � � � � � . �� � � . . � � . . � . FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR � STREBTS AND UTILITIES IN ' � PHASB IV VALLEY OAK ADDITION ROSEMOUN7.`, MINrTk:SOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 196 �� SEH FILS NO: 89161 � : March 7, I989 � � �� 1 � I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and� that I � am a duly Registsred Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnes ta. � � DATE: � 3 V J REG. NO. 12691 / .�' REVIEWED BYt DATE: � � � � � - - � ENGINEERS I ARCNITECTS I PLANNERS 222 EAST LI7TLE CANADA ROAD,ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55117 612 484-0272 �I March 3, 19$9 RE: ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA � VALLEY OAK ADDITION PHASE IV STREETS AND UTILITIES � CITY PROJECT NO. 196 SEH FILE NO: 89161 �� � City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 � Attn: Rich Heft3, Director of Public Works Gentlemen: � In accordance with our authorization we have� re ared the Y P P attached feasibility report for utility and street construction � in Phase IV Valley Oak Addition. This report discusses sanitary sewer, watermain, drainage, street, and street lighting improve- ments, and provides cost estimates for each. � We find this improvement to be feasible and recommend that it be constructed in general compliance with the provisions of this report. � We would be pleased to review this report with you in detail. � Sincerely, SHORT-ELLIOTT-HENDRICKSON, INC. � � ..���-� Steve Campbell � SDC/cih � � SHORT ELLIOTT SL PAUL, CHIPPEWA FALLS, HENDRICKSON INC. M/NNESOTA WISCONSW � � � TABLB OF 'CONTENTS � . TITLE PAGE AND CERTIFICATION ' � LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' � PART 1 -� INTRODUCTION � 1.1 _ AUTHORIZATION 1.2 SCOPE 1.3 - DATA AVAILABLE �; PART 2 - GENERAL BACKGROUND 2.1 - LOCATION �` 2.2 _ PROJECT AREA 2.3 ADJACENT PROPERTY 2.4 - SITE CONDITIONS �, PART 3 - PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3.1 - SANITARY SEWER � 3.2 - WATERMAIN 3.3 - DRAINAGE 3.4 - STREET CONSTRUCTION � 3.5 _ STREET LIGHTING 3.6 EASEMENTS PART 4 - FINANCING � 4.1 - COST ESTIMATES 4.2 - ASSESSMENT AREA � 4.3 - COST RECOVERY 4.3. 1 Core Facilities 4.3.2 Assessments � 4.3.3 Summary > PART 5 - PROJECT SCHEDULE � APPENDIX: Estimate of Cost - Sanitary Sewer � Estimate of Cost - Watermain Estimate of Cost - Storm Sewer Estimate of Cost - Street Construction Estimate of Cost - Street Lighting � DRAWINGS 1 - 5 :� � �' �' E%ECUTIVS SUNIIKARY � City Project No. 196 �rovides for the construction of sanitary � sewer, watermain, storm sewer, streets, and street lighting in Phase IV of Ualley Oak Addition. This development consists of 28 � single family residential lots and is located in the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 31 adjacent to Phases II and : � III of Vailey Oak Addition and Shannon Parkway. The pro�ect is feasible from an engineering standpoint and � includes approximately 1, 100 feet of sanitary sewer, 2, 100 feet of watermain, 700 feet of storm sewer, and 1,400 feet of street � construction. The total estimated pro�ect cost is $235,000. Of this total, $221,000 will be xecovered through assessments, � $3,000 will be recovered from the Stosm Sewer Core Facility Fund and $11,000 will be recovered from Water Core Facility Fund. The � pro�ect is scheduled for construction during the 1989 construction season. �� � � � � � � � � Executive Summary - 1 � � PART 1 � INTRODUCTION � 1 . 1 AUTHORIZATION On February 13, 1989, the Rosemount City Council, upon � petition by the owner, authorized the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for utility and street � construction in Phase IV of Valley Oak Addition. This project has been designated as City Project No. 196. � 1.2 SCOPE � The purpose of this report is to determine the engineering feasibility of this pro�ect based upon a review of the data available, and to make recommendations and provide cost � estimates for the construction of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, street and street lighting facilities in Phase IV of Valley Oak Addition. � � 1.3 DATA AVAILABLE The information and materials used in the preparation of this report includes �i 1. Final Valley Oak Addition Replat. 2. Grading Plan of Valley Oak Addition (August l7, 1979) . � 3. City of Rosemount Construction Record Drawings. 4. Feasibility Report for Streets and Utilities in Phase � III Vailey Oak Addition (February 11, 1988) . � � " � � _ � Part 1 - 1 � � PART 2 � GENERAL BACKGROUND � 2. 1 LOCATION The project district is located in the north half of the southeast quarter of Section 31 in the previously platted � Valley Oak Addition. The project location is shown in Drawing No. 1. � 2.2 PROJECT AREA � Valley Oak Addition Phase IV includes 28 single family residential lot� located in two separate tracts along � Columbia Court and also along Crestone Path and Crestone Court, as shown on Drawing No. 1. This is the fourth and final phase of the Valley Oak Addition development. � 2.3 ADJACENT PRQPERTY � The project area' is located ad�acent to Phases II and III of Valley Oak Addition and lies immediately east of Shannon � Parkway and south of O'Leary's Hills 2nd Addition. Street and utility construction in Valley Oak Addition Phase II was completed in 1987 under City Pro�ect Nos. 1985-3 and � 1986-7. Street and utility construction in Valley Oak Addition Phase III was completed in 1988 under City Project � No. 180, Contract No. 1988-1. � 2.4 SITE CONDITIONS In accordance with City requirements, all street and site � grading will be completed by the developer in accordance with the master , grading glan of Valley Dak Addition. The �" required street' grading includes core excavation of all plastic (non-suitable) materials within the roadway area and replacement with granular (suitable) materials. Most of the ' � pra�ect area has' been preliminarily graded. � ' P art 2 - 1 � � � � PART 3 � PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS �. 3. 1 SANITARY SEWER Proposed sanitary sewer facilities are shown on Drawing No. � 2. These facilities include the northwesterly extension of an 8" PVC service main from the inplace stub at 156th Street � into Columbia Court; and the southerly extension of an 8" PVC service main from the inplace stub at' 156th Street into � Crestone Path. The proposed facilities also include the extension of 4" PVC services to each lot from the proposed service mains. Lot $ of Block 10 and Lot 24 of Block 4 have � already been served with sanitary sewer as a part of the Phase II project'. � 3.2 WATERMAIN � Proposed watermain facilities are shown on Drawing No. 3. These facilities include the northwesterly extension of a 6" � DIP service main from the inplace stub at 156th Street along Columbia Court to the inplace main in Shannon Parkway; the southerly extension of a 6" DIP service main from the � inplace stub at 156th Street into Crestone Path; the westeriy extension of a 6" DIP service main from the inplace � main in Corneli Trail to the inplace stub at Shannon Parkway; and the southerly extension o€ a 12" DIP trunk main � along Shannon Parkway from the inplace stub at Cornell Trail to the south line of the plat. The proposed facilities will also include the extension of 1" copper services to each lot � from the service mains. Lot 8 of Block 10 and Lot 24 of Block 4 have already been served with water as a part of the � Phase II pro�ect. � 3.3 DRAINAGE Propased storm sewer facilities are shown on Drawing No, 4. � These facilities include the northwesterly extension of the � Part 3 - 1 � � 27" RCP along Columbia Court from the inplace stub at 156th � Street to the existing discharge from Shannon Parkway. A catch basin is proposed for the Columbia Court cul-de-sac to intercept drainage flowing westerly from a high point in the � street. The inplace catch basins at the intersection with 156th Street will intercept drainage flowing southerly from � this high point on Columbia Court. � No new storm sewer is proposed for Crestone Path. Drainage wiii be intercepted by existing catch basins located at the intersections of Crestone Path with 156th Street and 157th � Street with Cornell Court. � 3.4 STREET CONSTRUCTION The construction of standard City streets is proposed as � shown on Drawing No. 5. The proposed streets are 30 feet wide between curb faces and are located within 60 foot � rights-of-way. Proposed cul-de-sacs have a 45 foot radius to the face of the curb and a 60 foot radius to the right- of-way line. � The proposed street section consists of a 2" bituminous �� wearing course and 2" bituminous binder course placed over 6° aggregate base with design D-418 (delineator) concrete � curb and gutter. This section assumes that a granular subgrade will be provided by the developer. The developer will also be responsible for the restoration of the � boulevard areas as a part of the final lot development. � 3.5 STREET LIGHTING The type and location of proposed street lights are also � shown on Drawing No. 5. Type A lighting units are 15 feet high with post top mounted fixtures. Type B lighting units � are 25 feet high with the fixtures mounted on a 2-1/2 foot mast arm. Street lighting facilities will also include the installation of feed points and conductor runs to each of �� � � � � Part 3 - 2 � � PART 4 � FINANCING � 4. 1 T MATES COS ESTI Detailed cost estimates for all improvements proposed herein � are included in the Appendix of this report. These estimates are based on projected 1989 unit costs and include i� allowances for contingencies (10�) and anticipated overhead costs (20�) . These estimates do not include any costs for � street or site grading or easements which are required of the developer as a part of the Development Contract with the City. � A summary of these costs is as follows: � Sanitary Sewer $ 40,000 Watermain 70,000 Storm Sewer 35,000 � Street Construction 80,000 Street Lighting 10,000 Total $235,000 � 4.2 ASSESSMENT AREA � The following parcels of land are located within the project area and are sub�ect to assessments to recover the project costs. � Valiey Oak Replat Addition: Block 2, Lots 15 through 29 � Block 3, Lots 2 through 3 Biock 4, Lots 22 through 24 Block 10, Lots 8 through 15 � 4.3 COST RECOVERY � 4.3. 1 Core Facilities The estimated cost o�' watermain in excess of 6 inch diameter is considered to be a City core � facility cost. For the proposed 12 inch diameter trunk watermain in Shannon Parkway, one-half of � Part 4 - I . � � � the remaining 6 inch diameter cost is also � considered to be a City core facility cost. This represents the equivalent assessment for the west side of Shannon Parkway. In addition, the � estimated cost of storm sewers in excess of 24 inch diameter is considered to be a City core � facility cost. These core facility costs are not assessable to the project area but can be � recovered from the respective Core Facility Funds. With standard contingencies and overhead allowances, these costs are estimated to be � $11,000 for watermain and $3,000 for storm sewer. � These costs are calcuiated using the differential unit cost of the core faailities from the standard � residential facilities and are based on the following estimated unit costs: � UNIT ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE � 0257.406 6"��DIP WM, CL. 52 L.F. S].4.00 0257.412 12 DIP WM, CL. 52 L.F. $28.00 0258.424 24" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 5�8.00 � 025$.427 27" RCP STORM SEWER L.F. 531,00 The watermain calculation is as follows: � UNIT PRICE ITEM NO. QTY. UNIT DIFFERENTIAL AMOUNT � 0257.412 395 L.F. (28.00-14.00) $ 5, 530 One-half of the remaining 6 inch diameter cost is: � , 395 x $14.00/2 = $ 2,765 Subtotal $ 8.295 � +10� Contingencies = 805 Estimated Construction Cost $ 9,100 +20$ Overhead & Engineering 1,900 � Total Estimated Gost $11,000 � Part 4 - 2 � � � The storm sewer calculation is as follows: 1 UNIT PRICE ITEM NO. QTY. UNIT DIFFERENTIAL AMOUNT 0258.427 690 L.F. (31.00-28.00) $ 2,070 � • Subtotal $ 2,070 +10� Contingencies 330 � Estimated Construction Cost $ 2,400 +20� Overhead & Engineering 600 Total Estimated Cost $ 3,000 � 4.3.2 Assessments � After the core facility cost has been subtracted from the total estimated cost of the pro�ect, the remaining assessable amount is $221,000. � Spreading this amount over the 2$ lots in the � pro�ect area, the total estimated assessment rate for each lot is $7, 893. � 4.3.3 Summary � Assessments = $221,000 Watermain Core Facility Cost 11,000 Storm Sewer Core Facility Cost = 3,000 � Total $235,000 � � � � � _ � Part 4 - 3 � � � PART 5 � PROJECT SCHEDULE � The proposed schedule` for this improvement is listed below. This schedule is based on the provisions of Chapter 429 of the � Minnesota Statutes. It assumes that all elements of the improve- ment, including developer obligations are completed in a timely � manner. � Receive Feasibility Report March 7, 1989 Hold Pub13c Hearing April 4, 1989 Approve Plans and Specifications April 4, 1989 � Receive Bids April 28, 1989 Award Contract May 2, 1989 . � Begin Construction _ June, 1989 Complete Construction September, 1989 � Hold Assessment Hearing Fall, 1989 First Payment Due with Taxes May, 1990 � � � � � � � � Part 5 - 1 � � � ', ES'TIMATE OF COST � � WATERMAIN ; PHASE IV VALLEX OAK ADDITION � CITY' PROJECT NO. 196 � ROSE"NiOUNT, MINNESOTA � , ITEM ', UNIT � NO. DESCRIPTION '' UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0257.406 6" DIP WM, CL. 52 L.F. 1, 667 514.00 523,338 �. 0257.412 12" DIP WM, CL. 52 L.F. 395 28.00 . 11,060 0257. 606 6" R.S. GATE VALVE � AND BOX EACH 9 400.00 3, 600 0257.630 FITTINGS LESS THAN 2" LB. 780 1.25 975 � 0257. 640 FIRE HYDRANT EACH 5 900.00 4,500 0257.710 1" COPPER SERVICE L.F. 980 6.00 5,880 � 0257.730 1" CORPORATION EACH 26 30.00 780 � 0257.740 1" CURB STOP EACH 26 80.00 2,080 0257.801 16" X 6" PRESSURE T P EACH 1 1, 500.00 1, 500 � 0257.903 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN EACH 5 200.00 1,000 � 2521.512 RESTORE BITUMINOUS - PATHWAY S.Y. 30 10.00 300 1 SUBTOTAL $54' 887 +10$ CONTINGENCIE$ ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $60,000 +20$ OVERHEAD AND ENGINEERIN 10,000 � TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $70,000 � _ � � � � � � ESTIMATB OF COST � STORM SEWSR PHASE IV VAL EY OAK ADDITION � CI PROJECT NO. 196 ROS OUNT, MINNESOTA � ITEM UNIT � NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 0258.427 27" RCP STORM SEWER � CL. III I L.F. 690 $31.00 $21,390 0258. 603 MANHOLE, TYPE B L.F. 5 125.00 625 � 0258.705 CATCH BASIN, TYPE Y L.F. 29 130.00 3,770 0258.801 R-1733 MH CASTING EACH 3 150.00 450 � 0258.808 R-3067 CH CASTING EACH 1 200.00 200 0258.930 CONNECT TO EXISTING � STORM SEWER EACH 1 300.00 300 SUBTOTAL I $26, 735 � +10$ CONTINGENCIES 3,265 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $30,000 +20$ OVERHEAD AND ENGINEERIN 5,000 � TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $35,000 � I 1 � : � � � � � 1 � � E TIMATS OF COST � ST ET CONSTRUCTION PHASB IV VAL EY OAK ADDITION � CI PROJECT NO. 196 ROS OUNT, MINNESOTA � ITEM UNIT ' NO, DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION C.Y. 500 $1.00 $ 500 � 2105. 521 GRANULAR BORROW (LV) C.Y. 500 3.00 1, 50Q 2111.501 TEST ROLLING I R.S. 14 40.00 560 � 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATIO R.S. 14 80.00 1, 120 2211. 503 AGG. BASE PLACED, C 5 C.Y. 1,045 10.00 10,450 , 2341. 504 BIT MAT FOR MIX TON 68 175.00 11 900 , � 2341.508 WEARING COURSE MIX TON 610 14.00 8, 540 2341.510 BINDER COURSE MIX TON 610 13.00 7, 930 � 2357. 502 BIT MAT FOR TACK CO T GAL. 286 1.5C� 429 2504.602 RDJUST GATE VALVE e X EACH 4 100.00 400 � 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING PACH 3 130.00 390 � 2531. 501 CONCRETE CURB & GUT ER DESIGN D418 L.F. 3,060 5.00 15,300 � SUBTOTAL $59,019 +10$ CdNTINGENCIES 5,9$1 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $65,000 � +20$ OVERHEAD AND ENGINEERIN 15,004 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 580,000 1 i � 1 1 I . 1 E TIMATE OF COST � S REET LIGHTING PHASE IV VAL EY OAK ADDITION , �CI PROJECT NO. 146 ROS OUNT, MINNSSOTA � ITEM UNIT ' NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT 2545.511 LIGHTING UNIT, TYPE A EACH 3 $900.00 $ 2,700 ! 2545. 511 LIGHTING UNIT, TYPEIB EACH 1 1, 200.00 1, 200 2545. 532 UNDERGROUND CONDUCT R L.F. 700 2.50 1,750 ' 2545.552 FEED POINT EACH 2 1,000.00 2,000 ' SUBTOTAL $ 7, 650 +10$ CONTINGENCIES 350 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST $ 8,000 +20$ OVERHEAD AND ENGINEERIN 2,000 � TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $10,000 � � I ' 1 1 1 1 � 1 . �� . . . . . � �� � w � s > > � oio-�o . . � � I4 T W p / •Z � =i � . I- �,i: p .� �_�� a s� :�� i �'�+ i '= oia-� �4i Z F i r ` �O Q S T w _e � a ,�.� . � � � � � 143 � � . � n o �0Z UPPER R� �� � . n � s/,.. :� �.� i 0�0-�� 0 0 � � p � a . x� za n '�__� � • :� 4TH.ST � S � .. � y ��Vm � � � " � �� t44T ST E 1 ��,� , � � . . S ,� $ . � A Z "'/ .. � � � O1p"•�d� o'�� $ � � 145Th1' STREET �___—�—��� �_ . • � � 3 ON-M � � P ER ° '3 _ ° /� Z 14 TH� 'p' o�0-s2 � . .. 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