HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Work Session . .'. � � f� � � . " ,-, �'� .} . __, .'J . °3,. . . �.�� ���l i C� �? � s�. �. , ' x ,. _ .� ���, , z kA, r � ,fF r� „ �, ,. , , n t � r ; � � -v��s ���: ���� � � � �� ������������������ . . , � r. �_ . �� �� TO: CITY COUNCIL %���� � � FROM: MICHAEL Vti'OZNIAK, CITY PLAtiIv'ER, AICP DATE: MARCH 2, 1989 StiBJ: MARCA 7, 1989 - REGLTLAR ME£TI':tiG RE�"IEV4'S UPDATE • PRQPOSED ZONING ORDItiAtiCE - CIT�' COCtiCIL RE�'IE�'V The City C4uncil began formal reL�iew� of a comprehensii�e recision of the Cit}� o#' �tosemaunt Zaning (3rdinance at a Special Cduneil Meeting held on February I4th. SeveraT general issues were discussed in length by i�e Council Members ��ho were preseat with the intent of the meeting ,being to bxief the Council on sQme " of th� more controversial issnes effected by prvvisions of the aew document. A suggestion was `made by Council Member Walsh that a method of stxeamlining the review process would he for Councii Mem�ers ro surmit a list of questions or concerns regarding the Ordinance to t�e City �'lanner. The thought behind this is the concerns of iad'tvidual Council Mem►bers could be s�ecifically addressed ' prior io �.he next reuie�y session to :save t'1�e.. ; The Council Members present at the �t�etin� rp�ere in �gr+�es�ie�t:;t#at��i�;�� �;� ;� .°'�r�:�a�ea. � � � �: r� .' .� �� � � ���, , � � � � At ' '�i�t ��c�t�►�i �;psc�a� ;���:�c��.��et����u1;d �e ���led co cc�����tie +Cot�ncil �teview c�f th� �'rapos�d �aning �lidinar�ce, �ecause �a�y ather meet�ngs haue alr�ea�� �en schectuled during �arch the soonest lo�ical date' avaiilable wv�lt�`�:"���r�d�y, M�xch 3f}th. If 1Vi�r�h �t?th is s�t�� �cc��st��le ta th+e �c�t��+�� ` then anc�t�er date to cansider wo�id be Tuestiav, Aprit llth. It is the preference ' of City �taff tt� sehedule the meeting fur-�vi�rch 3Dth, .so that the review pr�c�ss ' is noz extended for to loag a perit�d. i would `<r�quest that if Council'c�aes elect to schedule the next review session for March 30th that an}� written questions or comments �Se'sommited to me by 'Thursda3�, March 36th. I would reco�itnend i�i�t Counc�� ��n�ider ��ar'ti�►g t�e �+�xt rev�ew sessiot� e�rlier than 7:3U p.m. Startin�,the meeting at 6>UU Qr 6:3b p.m. �-ould a12ow for se�erai hours of discussion while still allou�ing the meeting to end at a reasonable haur.