HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Kelley Site School / Park Contract � • x� . �. • F' .. F �� . / . , I��� f� �� � � 7a�T� �,����,, � � �� � � � � � ,�k..� � � �-;��f�r ;n��T� n��tin;E��T�. �,;�F� � � ' OS�'�`1�'1-02:�E}'�� s,� 4�:<_sa„ Agenda Item 5e ` TO: Mayor, City Council, City Administrator FR033: Dean Johnson, Director af Community De�elopment DATE: Marc6 2, 19$9 SUBJ: March b, 1989 Agenda Item'Se This memo is intended to pro��ide ihe City Council with an update on the �lementary school,/city gark de��elbpment. It is also a request ft�r the City Council to accept-and a�prove the 'low bid for grading on the city park site, as ' received and conditionally appro`�ed b} khe ISD 196 Board af Educaxion. I think it's fair to Say,',we've all been riding the e�e of the hurricane on this project, We have done everything passible t4 keep pace with the 5chool disirict's timetabie. So far, the commitment for extraordinary coordination by all parties invoh-ed has paid off. The project is back on schedule and we look '!'c�r��ard to faeorable impacts on the community, �s a result. Gonsuliants fpr the school district have completed the follo�ing to date: i. Bonndary survey and updated topography sur�•ev on ihe 30-acre ' schac�l�p,�r� �ite 2. Site ptan �'r�r Lhe scl�flol site ` 3. G"rrading pl�'n for the school site 4, C`.xr�ding plan �or the �ark site 5, Bid documents foz #�ital site grading City staff and consultants have compteted the fallowing: 1. Feasibility study for stxeet and utility improve:ments 2. Park development plan 3, Legal descriptions for U.S. Home and Kelley Estate parcels 4. Appraval of the school/park grading plan for bid purposes The school district recei�•ed bids for site grading of the entire site on Monda}', February 27, 1989. Contractor response was excellent and competitive. A tc�tal of lb bids were reeei�ed_ The Iow bid of $127,43� �;as submitted b�� Gamman $ros. Construction. Of that total, $28,700 was identified as the cost of park grading. The aext lous bid was $145,250, total, and $3�,625, park. The a��erage cost of the park grading in the bids was $64,125. We feel the low bid is excellent and w�ould recommend the Gity Council approre the $28,700 "bid" on park grading. The school board a�arc3�d the bid contineent � � � ��upon City approval znd title to tne property. Rr,gardin� t�itle, the � Kelley� Si•ust �� � � � has executed ihe 20-acre park dedicatian aereement per our re�•ision. The} -ha��e � � � �also �accepted the purchase agre�ment from�the �schoo� district for the acquisition � of ten acres of additional property. r Council Agenda ltem Se . March 6, 1989 . � � Page Two To date we have committed to cost shaxing in th� baundary survey, topographical surtiey and grading plan for the �ievelopni..nt. This amounts to approximately $10,OQ0. We have also agreed to share in the cost of relocating fences on the Kelley property (ap:proximately $?,500}, which was a condition of xhe land transfer. From the beginning of this project, district staf f cammitted to "acquire" a minimum of 13.� acres for the school site. On the surfaee, the City has "acquired" 3.� acres of that on behalf of [he district. The districC will "credit" the City for that acreage through costs it receives in its contracts for wprk perfo'rmed on "City pro�erty." The tatal Citv costs noted above still leave the City with a "crediE". _ The next sEep of the project will identify ' �he 'scope of work £or the next contract<. That will include the schaal eonstruction and 'site wark, as wetl as a�y additional work the City wishes ca pur�ue as part of the district's contr�ct. Qur detaiis wili' have' ta� be pres�nted ;t4 the school cansultants by ear�y April' far inclusion in the bids which will be dne r�z�-l�iay. We wiil also be eompariag future costs --- schaol permit fees, cannectioa charges, street and utility assessments, and; potentiai paxk de�•ett�pment expenditur�s --- in an effort to present some cost balaneing/funding optiot�s to the Citg ;Council: �f` � � � � �Che Councii�� has any_ ot�her q�;�stio�s.��r �co�eerns abot�t t��is� grojec�,��I w�u1d 6� haFPY to address them at this time. ,