HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Urban Design Team Findings ,r � • • � � �� f'�� B�)X ',I� � , t �;lk' �T W `� Y.'��Z� (. ' , ' Fa,�,� � r; ���r�i i h+in.ir!� r�,�n �,�,o�;R � � � � � ,� �+C����'��'�'1�7'���l'Z.,� � � ��,; a„: ,,,,,t � ; i � � T�� J�`�'. � TO: Vernon' Napper ! John Oxborough Joseph Walsh Dennis WiPPermann FROM: Rollan Hoke DATE: March 2, 19$9 RE: Urban Design Team Report i ( Attached you wi11 find the final regort and recommendations of � Bill Morrish and the Urban Design Team. As you recall, Bill P4orrish presented an executive summary af the report at a January , coune3l meeting. At that time it was the general consensus that , due �o lack of time, we would hold off council questions and input for `a later date. While this report is not a mandate for action, it is nevertheless, a valuable piece of professional insight that deserves consideration and discussion as we plan for the future . Citizen' s Advisory Committee members have already been given copies of the report and will be using it to foster � discussion as they develop their goal and strategy ; - recommendations . Staff will be meeting with Bill Morrish on riareh 13 to discuss the Urban Desig�f Team findings. I would like to discuss with you whethe� Council needs to meet with the Urban Design Team at a � special workshap meeting or can we clarify any questions we may � have through a report from staff after their meeting with the �� design team on March 13. i i I i I � aW ( attach. 1 � , 1 • � ! UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA School ot Architecsure and�andscape Architecture TWIN CITIES 11 Q Architecture Building 89 Church Street S.E. Minneapolis,Minnesota 55455 (612)624-7866 Mernorandum To: The Honorable Rallan Hoke City Council Members City of Rosemount, Minnesota From: William R. Morrish, Director Design Center for American Urban Landscape University af Minnesota Date: February 20, 1989 �: �'he Transformat�on of �� AQricultural ["o�mLn� y_ int� a Met,,�432�itan/Snby�an Town Downtown Rosemount, Minnesota "Summary Ob�ervations and Suggestions from a Cammunity Urban Landscape �esign Worksession" December 7-8, 1988. Executive Summary: The town of Rosemount, Minnesota sits in a rich and diverse urban landscape of varied topography, natural features, land uses and histaric lar�dmarks. If these resources are properly enriched, defined �nd orchestrated into a comprehensive urban vision, they can become a powerful foundation from which Rosemount can integrate existing neighbarhoods and new subdivisions into a coherent and truly unique town within the metropolitan are�, At the heart of Rosemount is its historic cen�er. Though the tawn has changed significantly fram its agricultural roots in 1858 to the growing suburban town of today, many ald and new residents sti11. identify the downtown as the community's center, function.�ng as a place af orientation, social interaetion, culturai expression and commercial exehange. 1 � • • � In defining what comprises the �downtawn, it is our observation that downtown as the "tawn crossroads" extends � beyond the limits c�f the Housing Redevelopment Area (HRA) boundary. Limiting the focus of the downtown to only those elements found within the HRA boundary, precludes the addition of many soeial and cultural elements such as the town green, city hall, schools, and recreation. We observed two planning areas in Rosemount. The first is the historie commercial center now defined by the HRA boundary. The second is the area of Rosemount High School, adjacent schools and recreational lands, which form the core of family social life within the community. We recommend that the two centers should be integrated, in order to provide a more diversified and vital set of uses in downtown. In discussions, many students including a large majority of non-Rosemount residents, expressed to us that the historic downtown was a key landmark in their everyday world,adding, however, that it was difficult to walk to. They lamented that there were not more places for them to us� during and after school activities. They sought a place to shop, meet friends and family. They expreSsed very clearly that downtown could play an integral part in their world. They wanted to become part ot the town. They saw downtown as a symbol of belonging to a "real" place. This same point was expressed by many adults as well, The High School and other cultural functions are examples of tawn elements which bring a community wide social dimension to the downtown commereial business functions. Residents attending our workshops and the design team agree that the sense of permanence and celebration need to be reinforeed and expanded through the design and construction of publie spaces such as dawntown streetscapes, a band shell,a town green and a "rose garden mount" . We suggest that these be located eentral to the educational, governmental and commereial activities of downtown. Many expressed the concern that a balance needed to be faund between the needs to reinforce the traditianal while also encouraging compatible new growth. Along with the addition of new landmarks the town needs to preserve and reinforce other existing landmarks and environments, such as the grain elevators, the barn on I45th St, and Chippendale Ave. , the church steeples, the Geraghty building, sections of woods, lakes, and apen farmland, throughout Rosemount and the township. Many peaple remarked that it was the sense of the openness of the land whi�h` drew them to Rosemount. If a sense of openness is to remain in the future, the town needs to further develop policies which maintain this "attractive" quality, before it is last to haphazard speculative development. 2 , � ! :� Residents and public officials, need to collaborate to develop a set of guidelines for the future developm�nt of downtown. We have discovered that the land uses downtown can be organized into four sub-zones, each containing unique elernents but collectively offering a dawntown with a diverse cross section of social and commercial activities. We suggest that each zone be directed by its awn set of design guidelines thereby responding ta the idiosyncratic needs of each set of land uses. The guideiines may address such issues as building material, coTor pallette, height, d�nsity, appropriate land uses, developmer�t of particular public amenities, and approval processes. The zones are: 70ne:1. ThG H2Stnri� ��ter;� the commercial/governmental area surrounding the intersection of 145th Street and Route 3, ZQII�: ���1.�+CT.�.rvi cc� Area • the general community service retail area south of the intersection Qf 145th Street and Rc�ute 3 extending to Route 42. Zone: 3. The Avt o- omm r .i a 1 Araa; the retail cammercial developing along Route 92, ' between Route 3 and Cllippendale Ave. Zone: 4. The Ed���?nn and Recreat�Qg Cen��r• � Rosemount High School, primary schQols, and adjacent recreational areas. To unify these diverse set of zanes, we suggest that a amenable pedestrian environment be organized into a clear network linking these �aur zones tQgether. A leey design ' policy for downtown is that a person should have the Qptioz� to be a pedestrian and is not required to drive to every location. This option is encouraged thraugh the design of a clear and well maintained spatial system leading from the parking lot, to one's des�ination in a pleasant, informative and safe manner. The pedestrian network should include nat only the downtown sidewalk network but the links to parking lots. Definition of a successful downtown is alsa related to the development and planning of subdivisions some distance from the center. Too many new subdivisions have been platted and constructed as if they were remote islands in the community landscape. Their road systems dizect traffic away from the downtown area. Few have open spaee systems which connect to the recreational, educatipnal and commercial activities in downtc�wn Rosemount. The town needs to approve subdivision plans which provide for this incremental addition to their public systems as well as re- orienting the neighborhoods to downtown and schools. The Kelly Property is an example of a strategically located development parcel which provides an excellent opportunity 3 . � � � to connect autlying subdivisions to the High School and downtown. We also observed that Rosemount contains a powerful environrnental resource, in �ts varied landscapes, especia�.ly the woodlands and farmland. The town should consider developing public drainageways, roadways and an open space system which works in a unified and collaborative effort ta - enhance the basie natural systems and to provide support �nd enrichment to urban development. it is an important resource that could ultimately make Rosemount a truly unique community. You all are facing a critical time in Rosemount's urban development. To date your community has grown at a moderate pace. Still there are large areas of apen farmland,the historic downtown and �.t can still be said "Rosemount looks like Rosemount." But, this can change quickly. Demands for new development are increasing in both residential and commercial sectors. The question is whetMer the residents of Rosemount will direct and enhance this new development using it to build a coherent community O r will the new development use the town? 4 � w i � UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA School of Architecture and landscape Architecture TWIN CITIES 1 t0 Architecture Building 89 Church Street S.E. , Minneapolis,MinnesoEa 55455 (6t2)624-7866 � Process and Investiqation: I. O1Qst;��a �osA,� ,j?Y �.� resident� and ,�ublic �ff��;a1s to the D ��Q� Center The investigation was initiated by a set of questions posed first by Mayor Rollan Hoke and l.ater reiterated in a session with a group of 25 invited residents. The questian at hand was how the town of Rosemount rnight begin to describe an approgriate urban vision and identity given the development forces impacting the eommunity. The town saught a different perspective from the Design Center and its team of professionals on the possible issues and methods for designing a vital downtown. The Design Center was interested in the issu�s facing a town like Rosemount caught be�ween its agricultural history and .its future place as a town within the larger metropolitan community. The investigatian was conducted over a two day period on December 7-8, 1988, in the Rosemount City Hall and with an initial group session with 25 residents invited k�y the Mayor. During a discussion about issues of growth and change the Design Center derived the following issues and questions: A. Identify the principles, elements and values that we want ovr downtown to reflect? B. What are the opportunitzes to design and create a unique downtawn about which we can say "this is our place"? C. What should be considered as we work towards a "total vision" for downtown Rasernount? Does Rosemount need a downtown urban design design plan that would include guidelines far everything from planters, sidewalks, and other design issues; a Iand use plan that woulct spe11 out cultraral, entertaznment, service, z-etail, commercial character.istics of the fUture downtown? 5 ' � � i D. How can Rosemount strengthen: 1. the sense of p.Iace; define a community centeredness and auter edge of circumference, s�ructUring a clear sense of „arrival and departure", 2. the sense of conneetedness; between the oId and the new; between the new subdivisions, the established neighborhoods and recreational areas; the agricultural t�adition and the new emerging metropolitanlsuburban town. 3. the intersection of 145th St. and Route 3 as a vital center, and community landmark represented by a commercial m�.x and image, integration and compatibility between historic and new buildinqs. 4. the public open space system consid�ring elements such as the cen�ral town green, connections to z-esidential and exist.inq neighborhoods, expansion of the galf course, and the develapment of the armorylcammunity cen�er. 5. the town streetscapes; consider.ing elements such as the parade route, Christma� 2ic�hts, town gatewa,�rs, and tcawn .landscaping and beautification. . II ' Inve st��i nn into the Town 's U�r�an La,n�jscane I"'O*-"It� �3I3{�„ Pd1.` _arn A. The Process of Investigation The investigation centered around a two-day work . session held on site in the City of Rosemount. The sch�dule for the two-day session is attached. (Appendix A, y 1. Pub 1 i d i sc�l.s��i nn S � This involved a morning diseus�sion with twenty-five residents invited by the Mayar, an intormal evening discussion with residents and publie officials,a work session with local high school students and a follaw-up public presentation to the community and city council in January 1989. tAppendix B. ) 2. Fie1d taur . This involved a bus and walking tour of the dow�town and community with teams members, invited residents and public officials. We visited the Mississippi River,the refineries, traveled through the various existing and new residential areas, the Hiqh School, Schwarz Park and returning to Downtown. 6 , � � _ � 3.A fram ��ork for � �r landar�d�'���..G(l'1_3t��inn The design team organized the information and findings to propose a framework for integrating and orchestrating the town's existing land uses, historic landmarks and landscape resources with existing planning procedures and emerging development trends. Our goal was to develop a strategy which wpuld transfoxm a fragmented and segmented urban area into a new suburban town. The framework suggests possible additions to urban design and glanning policies which the town may seek to further develop and implement. B. Elements of the Analysis These diagrams sought to illustrate and reveal potential formal and spatial system aspects of the existing urban landscape and how they might be enriched, enhaneed and integrated into a public urban framework for future urban growth. 1. I�n_ d t7S�: We found that the land uses within the town of Rosemount had two unique organizatior�al attributes. a. �n�er- own h,�j2?.r1t1GLs�e asso �� i�n� The town is bisected aiong the narth-south �is of the Canadian Rock railroad right of way, dividing the existing suburban community on the westerz� side of the railroad tracks and the farmland/Mississigpi River to the eastern side. (Fig.l .) b.I�tra-town land-Ls�a$sociat�,ons• The tawn is part of a larger emerging metropolitan area. Many land uses merge into surrounding communities. The only area which seerns not to be part of another town or area is the historic center of the • town, the adjacent residential area to the west of downtown and the educational area araund Rosemount High School. {Fig.2.) 2. Fnviromm �t• �and���R���eS. The town is unique in that it cantains several distinct landscape environments. The downtawn sits at the edge between the lake and hills of the glacial woodlands and the plain of the grassland/farm landscape. it is also strategically located to be the regional gateway to the Mississippi River/Spr.ing Lake recreational areas. fFig.3 a.,b. ) 3. Mov m 17 Sy ams• We found that the existing movement systems within the ` town created two types of spatial and formal gatterns. 7 - � � t a. Th ran s��-a t i on ne work• The town is bisected by several mai,n railroad lines which segment the community. The Canadian Rock Island is the dominant north/sou�h linear barrier whieh separates the town into two by limiting access aexoss its tracks. The town is also crisscrossed by three ` main state highways, Rte 3., 55, and 42. They intersect each other at several key junctions, estabiishing potentially important points fc�r orientation and/or gateways into the center of town. (Fig. 4.) b.A h�erar�hv of roads• The town is serviced by highways, arterial streets which act as main baulevards through the town, local residential; town center streets and small country lanes. The diversity is an asset if they are they are . transformed into public spaces which nat aniy carry traffic but are amenable roads creating a comprehensive public open space framework. {Fig. 5.) 4. �'VDEs (�f 7rban n rm a nr�1 Aa i- Arn ; No one main building style nor urban pattern seems to dominant the urban fabric of the town. In fact there is a diversity of residential forms, recreational spaces, and commercial/retail types. Presently they are fragmented lacking a community tie and in some areas bordering on visual disruption. The question is: "can this diversity become an asset?" Can it be enriched and enhanced througl� the development of a clear common theme inherent to the "place" ealled � Rosemount? {Fig. 6.) 5. The Existinc7 T.annimark� af Ro emocrnt • There are several existing landmarks in the town which people utilize and view as key points af reference for directing visitors, and as useful in their own proc�sses of movement as well. The sketehes illustrate four of these landmarks. {Fig.7 a. ,b. ,c. ,d. ) They The Farm � The Water Tower The Grain Elevators The Church Steeple 8 � � � • III. How do you defi nA a sensQ of ,�lace? A. Trends/Geaeral Planning Observations Defining the center of the town and attaining the sense of place begins with organizing the larger town whole. One might say that a town which has a sense of itself hegins where there is a ciear sense of its elements: how they interrelate and support each other. That sense of place is not only represented in built form sueh as monuments, historic districts and design guidelines, but by the process of building anew. Design guidelines begin with establishing a few basic town wide planning principles which organize space to reinforce the community connectedness, enhance environmental resources and focus neighborhoods towards a sociai,cultural and commercial downtown, Town design polices are critical in directing new growth. There are potentially a large number of platted subdivisians ready for eonstxuction. The town needs to become pregared to inelude these families, new homeowners and renters inta the community. The question €acing Rosemount is whether th�: community can establish a set of "town prineiples" which assist the new residents to nat onl.y feel part of but actually to become part of the town. The sense o£ place begins w�.th the sense of belanging and cc�nnectifln, The following are several key town design principles. (Fig. 8.) 1. The Tz'aC1 S fn rma t i nn p f ap .�q�-,},�"L 1 t L ra l ,� m»n i t� int� a Met r�na_1 i tan/St�h�rban Town• Qowntown Rosemount was once the cen�er of ar� agrarian landscape identified by dispersed farms positioned in a cl�ar and direct social and commereial network linked to the center of town. The new emerging metropolitan suburban town of Rosemount has • seen these dispersed farms transformed into subdivisions. The onee clear sense of connectedness to the town center has become blurred by recent urban development. What can be learned is that the town came from a network of dispersed farms each having a strong community tie to each other and downtown. This has become confused in that many new subdivisons platted on the land of these old farms orient away and even 9 � � � preclude a connection to downtown by the manner in which they are internaily organized. The lesson learned is that a town can be structured in a dispersed pattern but not without stro�g linkaqes to its center and to each ather. (Fig. 9.) 2. NPw�Hot ,�,r�' 1hd i vi S i nn t?�.L�ILfi'��w-�Y.--„�,t'Qrr► I)owntown• New subdivisions are typically platted to respond to onsite issues or �he mast adjacent land uses. Sites which were once farms are now transformed into subdivisions, whose access roads extend to the nearest arterial at the periphery of the garcel, Very little thought is given to how �he subdivision is linked through open space systems or street right-af-- ways to the town center or educational facilit�.es at the heart of the town. It is suggested that by utilizing the basic pZanning vocabulary of subdivision design but emphasizing linkages to the other parts of the community, through proper inter-town road development, bikeways, drainage ways and apen space dedications, the new subdivision will reinforce the sense of community and the downtown center, (Fig. 10. ) 3. RP_i n_f0 r�� O mQ r�r_�1/.SP rtr�r�'��,Y_�ACitP1I�"*��'''�n�",€� Many suburban landscapes appear to be a hopscotch pattern of commercial developments, merging over time with ather free-standing developments, into an undi.fferentiated strip street. In its matur,ing stage the town of Rosemount should begin to cansolidate and attract a wide range of commercial and service uses into the "downtawn" carridor (Zones 1,2, 3> extending frc�m the l�istoric center ta Route 42. 4nce this ar�a� stabilizes, the town can begin to open new areas oF . development in support of new residential deveZopment. {Fig. 11.) 4. Reconn_P_rt_�S�r�a 1! .r�r�rar Ls112��1. �t �r �-o t��a CommPrr;a1/ and � vermm �t Cen r The downtown might be defined as a crossroads for commercial and social communication. In its present state it is limited by the definition of the downtown boundary, that being essentially the line demarcating land controiled by the Housing Redevelopment Authority (HRA) . Yet in actual use the downtown encompasses a much larger area including Rasemount High Schools and adjacent town recreational areas just north of the HRA boundary. Combined into a unified downtown the educational and recreational resources and the historic cammercial eenter provide a broad foundation for a social and commercial center. (Fig. 12. ) 10 � ' � • 5. �'onnectincr the E�pand�r�g Neig�,i rho .��o own own �hr'oLah a Ptrb] i r ��qg Ystem Building a strong and vital downtown i� predica�ed on forging a clear and comprehensive open space netwark linking neighborhoods to downtown and to adjacent neighborhoods. This can be done incrementally utilizing basic public works infrastructure. E'or example drainageways can become open space trails through neighborhoods to schools and downtown. Certain roads can become inter-town boulevards with special landscaping, lighting ar�d bikeways. Tnstead of building the typical costly curbed and underground starm drain suburban street the town might e�lore less costly but more visually amenable street section alternatives (Fig. 13 a. ,b. ,c. ) . The key concept is to enrich and enhance the basic public infrastructure, working towards the incremental constructian of a comprehensive open space system. 6. U� i �1 a r/P d G ri an Fram ��o r�,for RPconnectincr �h� � F�ements of the ,�w Down�own �Lrea Tygically roads are engineered to move traffie ef�iciently. They shouid also be considered as public spaces which tie and bind the community together, rather than segment it. For example the pedestrian environment from the High School to downtown is presently a foreboding and unsafe space. Yet it is the high school students who want to become part of downtown as they stated in a cliscussion sessian, " �o be part of the cultural crossroads of ti�e community". Also, traffic intersections are more than signals and erossing strips, they need to be seen as public spaces, providing a sense-of arrival and orientation in the expanding eommunity. Key intersections need to be identified and designed as gateways. (Fig. 14, ) B. Urban Landscape Design Ideas and Suggest.zons Moving from the perspective of general town planning policies there are several specific downtown des�.gn policies which are important. 1. Gateways anc�Para�P Fov �s• Arriv�Z/D�pBrtUl"�' �nd Celebra 'nn The experienee of downtown begins with establishing a cTear. sense of arrival ar�d departure demarcating the gateway points to Rosemount. The tawn is in an evalving state between a farm community and suburban town, and contains two scales of community:the open land of the farmland and the finer campact seale of the suburban town. This suggests four different scales at which the town might be signed and marked, The first is the township scale marked by the "green 11 , . � i "roads sign at the politicai boundaries. The second is the intermediate sca3e zone discavered when moving towards the interior of the township when one begins to identify the first sense of community. The third level begins to appear claser to the historic center of the community as you begin to read landmarks and landscapes signalling your arrival to the "town". Finally upon arriving at the intersection of i45th and Route 3 you have reached the historic center or powntown. Each layer may be demarcated differently. . (Fig. 15, 16 a.,b.) 2. SbWt7Wtd U siA �i �S• FZtitra �r ,�7ef� AraaS As the downtown matures the town should balance this investment simultaneously with other ongoing projects in the town including several larger urban design issues which need to be addressed, The most notable of these is the issue of the new regional airport, and on this we recommend that a committee be appointed and assigned to beeome experts on the issue. The other major issue is the visual enhancernent of the expanding industriai area on the the east side of town. This area is the future gateway to the town as mare and more traf�ic moves along "55" and as recreational uses increase in the regional park along Spring Lake and the Mississippi River. The environment araund this industrial area should be landscaped and designed to render the area a eamplimentary addition to the community. (Fig, i7) 3. Down awn A To�tn Cen r om� i s��t ,,; o ,r ,�Dowr2t�wn on s�. There are many design issues which need ta be addressed in regards to downtown. The most important point is to see that downtown includes areas beyond the limits of the HRA boundary, incl.uding the commercial area along "42"at the east to the recreational/educational center to the north of downtown. These are key ingredients which need to be linked physically as well as guided in their growth. One principle which the group felt was centra�, to the definition of what it means to have a downtown area, is that one always has the option to be a . pedestrian.In other words , in downtown a visitor does not always have to rely upon their car to get to every destination, because there is an amenable �nd safe pedestrian connection the various destinatians in downtown. This principle is extremely imgortant for youth who do not have aceess to an automobile, In fact downtown should be a place where vehicle drivers are 12 � - � � drawn from their autos to become a pedestrians by the activity and ambience of the area. ,_ Another town principle is represented by the way in which a community establishes a elear set of urban design policies about they feel their town is about. we suggest that the downtown area is structured from � � four small subsets or zones. Each is unique. By themselves, they are incomplete. Together they offer, educatian, recreation, government, commercial, office, serviee and convenience retail linked together by a clear set of public spaees. Combined the four zones offer a multi-dimensional crossroads. We suggest that each zone might contain its own set of guidelines ta suit the idiosyncratie land uses cantained within. The overriding town principle is that the pedestrian pathways (sidewalks) are the binding element, as a foundation network, celebrating the uniqu� qualities and heritage of Rosemaunt. This can be celebrated by using these special downtown public spae�s as parade routes as illustrated in the skeGches. With regards tQ the commercial viability Of CIOWri�'.OWI7� the question was asked, "What type of uses exist bstween the seale af small boutiques and the shopping center for our downtown?" We suggest that a healthy cross section of uses including social commercial and services convenient to the neighborhoads is one answer. (Fig. 18) Added to �.his ensemble of zones and pedestrian networks, we suggest the addition of severai landmarks. The first idea is to build a "Rosemount", a hillside garden, which we suggest be lacated overlooking the city park across from the Catholic Ghurch. We suggest that •the town consider redesigning the existing town park into a "tawn green", including a band shell and reconfigured landscape to accommodate public gatherings and celebratians. 4. Dt� thc� St rAPt��19'�3f St i nn� o � D�'V�10X��1i1 n bf f-hc A3th..�.t�.d.tm in Ddwt'Itnwn The pedestrian and street environment of the � downtown is enhanced by more than street furniture and lighting. It is reinforced by the full cross section as diagrammed. It is influenced by how the parking 14t is designed, landscaped and linked to the street, how the buildings open up to the street acco�nmodating seasonal change and building variation. The sketches are idealized views representative of the many ideas and elements which add to the overall spatial enrichment of the downtown character. They are laosely based on the various street situations in downtown Rosemount. (Fig. 19 a. ,b. ,c. a 13 � . ! • IV_ 1)ec;Qn Tea� and �;nan�.l.d.�u&nart A. Investigation Team: 1 . William R. Morrish, Director, Design Center for American Urban Landscape, University of Minnesota, Architect 2. Cath�rine R. Brown, Coordinator of Special , Projeets, Design Center for American Urban Landseape, Landscape Archit�ct 3 . Harrison Fraker, Head; School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture fS.A.L.A.) , University of Minnesota, Architeet 4 . Doug Suisman, Visiting Associate Professor, S.A.L.A., Architect 5. Patrick Condon, Associate Professor, S.A.L.A., Landseape A�ehitect 6. Richard Bolan, Professor, Humphrey Institute, University of Minnesata, City Flanner 7 . Michael MeDonough, Landscape Designer 8. With assistance from: a. Michael Munson, Metropc�litan Council, planner b. John Fraser Hart, Professor, Geography Department, University c�f Minnesota, Geographer c . Zack Johnson, Scotland Properties, Developer B. Financial Support 1 . This study was funded by a grant frorn the Dayton/Hudson Fotandation for the Dayton 's and Tarqet Stores and the University of Minnesota, through the pesign Center for American Urban Landscape. On site support was provid�:d by the Ci�y of Rosemount. 14 . . . . .' .• . . � `.+--r .�.�� y�� I�r � f^'�, �'``` 7�)"' � �W .. � / ` � �...nr, \ . ♦ �� l� �� r //� � � ..�... �i"i '' � � I � , + ' 1l�Ult/Yi.�' � , � � � � /�5/DE.' �� _ �� , _. ��� �'�� S�HN�6 i ,. ' 1 ft i ��%" � i � i � � '` / � bF°� � f -- v't'�F-' ' I . � ' t• � � . �- �� .� v � . . � � �.IJ�q� � � . /�,�-' i , I �...'��} r ? � � �'' -j" . `�, \ ,--_ (� , 6�, , 6�l �— � � /'�� ��� � J�" � =-P.ac�. i � ,/ , , / .- � - . �`� � � � � s �� � � 1 . ./ / _ ,� �".'�i /� � y 6t0✓/N 'l / � '"'�� r` .,; � � �� (� � �� ' I ,,�c� / y ..i ,. � � �`�`` J ,f � �+ .�'J�4t�FiM�D1� � </ ' � . �� ,�._� , . 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Schedule Wednesday, � December 7th 9:t}0-1o;15 am. 25 Civic Leaders, Urban Design Center to facilitate a workshop: The Wish list, for The Ideal Town Center. 10;15-10:30 am. Bre 10:30-11:45 am: A Shuttie/Walk� Tour, ( 12:00 Noon -1:00 pm, L U N' C H 1;00 -4s0U.p.m.,Three wews of the Citty Afternoon exercise for design team: Opportunities and Issues 4;30 -5:3Q p.m. Pubiic pPen Iiouse. Short Introduction and community chat. wifh Team Members ?:15 - 9:30 Pm. Team Work Session. Develop 2-3 Urban Design Scenarios ; Assets and Liabilities af each Optaion Thursday, December Sth; 9:Q� -I1:45 Am. A Dev�,Iopnt�nt Sc�enu,riQ•A �ynthe�is 12 Noon-1:30 Fm. Lunch Presentation Mayor and Staff 12:00 -4:30 Fm. A Develovment Stratetv Design, Foliey , Finance, Implementation 4:45-5:30 Pm. A Public Presentation � � • � .. Appendix : B Response and Comu�nents bp Rosemount Town Residents (Cc►mments recorded during the morning workshop session and field trip) WHAT DO YUU SHOW VISITORS WHEN TI3EY COME TO R4SEMQUNT? 1. Shops where people are known on first name basis (ex. of dry cleaners) 2. VOTECH - youth 3. Schools 4. Churches 5. City Hall 6. U of M Farm 7. Downtown Redevelopment 8. i 45th 5t. Redeveloprnent 9. Last corner building lO.Open areas: access to farms with horses and cows WHAT DUES ROSEMOUNT HAVE THAT IS U1�TIQUE? 1. Downtown (100 years +) (second commereial center) 2. Irish heritage 3. presence of U. of Minnesota (farmin� 4. Navy presence 5. Ambassador's group 6. potential low retail rents ($6-7 sf vs $14-16 Apple Valley) 7. Grain elevators/factories 8. 5.000 �obs/5,000 residents (1980) 9. Refinery/iarge industry 1(?. Woods Area (Schwartz Pond, Carols Woods) 1 l. Park System 12. Route 42 Retail 13. Zoo 14. Regional vpen-space network WHAT ARE THE CITY'S SPECIAL EVENTS'? 1. Leprachaun Days (Julyj 2. Steam Engine Days 3. Important Memorial Day Parade WHAT'S MISSING FROM RUSEMOUNT? 1. Bandstand 2. Central Park/Green (rose garden, rosebeds, historic markers, Irish settlers) 3. Pool 4. Community Center and Ice Rink i ♦ ` � � 5. Boundaries, gates - sense of arrival 6. Library 7. Basic goods and services; (retail clothing, visibility of stores, availabitity of leasable space) 8. Specialty shops 9. City-type street with shops - get away from shopping centers 1 Q. Cancept of comrnercial developrnen� l I. Business eooperation (Chamber of CQmmerce?) 12. Redeuelopments concepts which address streets rather than single buildings 13. Coherent image for downtown (could k�e a single historic p�riod); "Streetscape": banners, planting 14. General sense of community's character, f�llc�wed by design guidelines - make Rosemount different 15. Night lighting 16. Safeguards for old 2-storey building 17. Pld/rural look,�eopardized by certain �types of building 18. Reminders of past heritage (see park ) 19. proximity to freeways 2�. community volunteers - with "suburban lifestyle", peogle are too budy ` WHAT TOWNS HAVE IMAGES YOU LIKE? l. Northfield Z. Redwing ('Veterans Memorial) 3. Hastings W�iAT A.RE THE I,ARGER METROPOLITAN ISSUES AFFECTING ROSEM4UNT? 1. Retail eompetition frorn other communities 2. Part of a larger county/metropolitan structure 3. Between "mall° and "boutiques", can Rosemount become unique small sht�p community with physical irnage to match? Depends on economic characteristies: thresholds/market, size 2 � I . � MEETING SCHEDULE MARCH 1989 � March 2 7 :00 .m. Citizens Advisor Committee Meetin I' P Y � i { March 6 9-12 noon Photos for I.D. Badges, note scheduled `times ' ! March 7 Ss00 p.m. Planning Commission Meeting � , 6.30 g.m. HRA Meeting � 7: 30 p.m. Council Meeting March 13 9 : 30 a.m Urban Design Team Meeting with Staff March 13 6: 30 p.m. Utilities/Cable Commission Meeting8 March 14 12:00 p.m. Stat-f Lunchean Meeting March 14-20 Right to Know Training (Cindy wi1l advise) March 16 7':00 p.m. Dakota County Genealogical Society � March 20 7s30 p.m, Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting ; � � March 21 S:QO p.m. P]:anning Commission . 6t30 p.m. HRA Meeting 7s30 g.m. Citp Council March 2$ 12 :OQ p.m. Staff Luncheon Meeting � ; March 28 7:00 p.m. Joint �ieeting with Deeision Resources � j Counc3l, Planning Cc�mmission, Parks & i t Recreation Committee, Utilities, a�.d ! Citizen Advisory Council ; ; March 30 Tentative Council Work Session - Zoning Ord3.nance City Council Meetings lst & 3rd Tuesday, at 7z30 p.m. HRA lst & 3rd Tuesday, at 6:30 p.�n. Utilities & Cable Comm. lst Monday after lst Tues. , 6; 30 p.m. Planning Commissian lst & 3rd Tuesday, at 5t00 p.m. � , Parks & Recreation Comm. 3rd Mondap, at 7 :30 p.ra. '' � Staff Meetings 2nd, 4th, 5th Tuesday at Noon � i , ; ; � ------- ----------- — ---.--`-� Y ` (�i_,, r'y m�, r_. _., }-, � '� i E� ;�'�� '`� �� � � � .� : i �_,� %i , l.�. . � � v� ._1 �� f '` \`�\ � , __.tiv.._._ � ,` � ' S .....s..,��.____._�. .__-._.Y..�.._.___...._...""s."'_.�_ . .n .....�._.�__..�y_.���.-a.. _ ����� �������� ������������ � B �ocK � T� ��---__�_ �::::. � e �.oc � � �, z 1 � .� I � _ _ _ � 1 `' � 4 15 3 2 > .�`#�`'. r �,,._--- _ , 1 / ---__ _...-__-___----------�-- �_,�._..� ,� .::.:�::;:::::;:..�Cre t�ne . � Cresto e � � � BL. CK .� � � :::::� � � ► a � 2 ..�-��:...-:�.:;F:�::� :.w.:::. �� 35 , -�. 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