HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda ���:s, ��r;: ,� k ,� R.� �'; '� r r �°"'��:,�;�v"" �� �r�' '"�;.'''�`+�a +�', a� �;,���a�� xr � � � � � ws:.''s,�. , "a �. � � � � ��� �'' ���.''�� . � .�� . .� . � " A G E N D A • Li�,AR CJC�fJNCTL NID�'TlNG . MAY 2, 1989 7:30 P�M. � _ 1. Ca11 to Order/Pl,ed af All iance ����' ' ' �- / 2. Aadi.tions or Corrections to genda - �.incil, Staff, Audienoe /��9,�/�O 3. DEPA�I�fi1T HEP,D6 RE�T5�,BUSII�S a. Presentation of App�reciation Plaque by Ros�nt Chamber of ComnErc:e b. Introductian of M-:�ryann Stoffel, ^Ar�uriity D�evelrnanent Departrnent Secret��.ry c. Prese�tation of First Draft of "Rosemount CAmnunity Newsletter" d. est to Purchase Lawn Nbw�s for Fublic Wbrks & Parks �• �c.��il/.4 7-'io�r.L�- 4. CANS AGENL�A a. Minutes of Ap�ril 18, 1989 Regular Meeting b. Minutes of April 24, 1989 Special l�eeting c. Minutes of Ap�il 25, 1989 Special Moeting d. Minutes of May 1, 1989 Special Meeting e. App�aval of Bills Listing f. Apporc7val af Licenses arid/or Pexmits g. App�vwe Amendment to (�I F�gineering Cont�cact, Project 194 h. Apprwe Change Order #1 to Contract 198$-7 ' �� i. Adop� Resolution Reaeive cbsts to be Assessed/On�er Hrg./Vailey 0ak Replat, Ph.ITT 1�i89�� , , Leary s Hills �th Addition 7• �L�� Assessment Abatesnent Outlot A O' ' k. Reaeive Petiti� to Vacate Utilities Easement, Brc�badc 5th Addition 1. Apprave Application for Payment No. 2, Limerick Way Wat�rmain m. ove Purc�ase of La� Nbwps n. .�vvr�s �F �,q / /g�9' ,�j�EccJi-�� ���.�� �� -� �1/.��.�-�,���,'�-c�. G�q v c�� �ic�.�---� 5. OLD BUSIl�ESS a. APPend�.x ChaPter 38 A�lopti.on b. Fire Depaxtrnent/Public Wbrks Repart c. 5oli.d Was�e Proj ects d. USPCI Discussion e. Koch Air Quality Mr�nit,c�r3ng Sites f. t , 8:00 P.M. - PUBT.SG HEARINGS 6. FUBLIC HF,ARING - ZONING ORDINANCE TEX7' AMENt�tEtJ� a• Open . c. Clase b� Corx3uct d. " Action : 7. PUBZIC HE�ARTNG - AAA AUP() SALVAGE PROP06AL - REZa1VIl�IG a. Open c� Close b. .Cor�uct d. Actic� ; 8. NEW BUSINFSS � . a. Hame Delivered I�eals Progr�n ` b. Apprvval of Fire Depari�►w_nt Manbership c. Re�ect Bids/C7onnemara Park Imp�ave�n�sits d. Reoeive Bids/Award Contradt 1989-1 , W�l.l 8 �19g9-�Se. Reveive Bids/Aw�xd Contract 1988-5, O'Leary's Hills 4th Addition /��9 d9-��f. Rev�ive IIids/Award C�ntract 1989-4, Valiey Oak Replat Pha.se IV ; ._.� ,:. ��`��g`��. Apparave Plans & SpecsJAuthorize Ad for Bids, West Ridc�e 3rd Addition ' h. App�cyve Hiring M�chanic Level I Position i. Publication of Ac�nda for Comnissions j. Authorize Payment for Well 8 Site , k. Authorize Ad sanent for� Fores Pasiti �' ' 1. �-C c.`�Tvq�� /A�i� ���,d/c p,�'$7 U�i►'It�� � 9. MAYOR'S REPORT � a. � Green B�dqet niscussion ' b• Zb�wri M�eeting, May 9th, 7:00 p.m., Rosemcyunt Iiigh Scl�ool Stude.nt Center c. z 10. ADNCLNIS'rRA�R'S REPORT a• Arnmry Comnittee Upda.te b. 11. ANl�AiIN�VrS a. Nkzy 6, 1989, R�ab3es Vavcinati,on Clinic, 10:00 a.m. ta 1 :Q0 p.m. b. May 11, 1989 Special Ca�ncil Meeting, Review of Proposed T,oning prdir�anc� ' c. NS�y 16, 1989 Regular Catncil Meeting, Starting Time 8;OD p.m. d. May 17, 1989 Opt Out Presentation, 7z30 p.m., Appl� Valley fJor�ni,ty CQnt,�x e. May 20, 1989 Sp�ring C1ean�/Park Im�av�nent Day f. 12. AD�x�rTNt�Tr