HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of April 18, 1989 Regular Meeting . � TEM # �. e • ROSE�dOU A CITY PRaCEEaXNGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 18, 1989 Pursuant to due call. and nr�tice thereof a regu�ar meeting af the City Counc3.1 of th� City of Rosembu:nt was duly held on Tuesday, April 9$, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Counci2 Chambers af the City Hall. Mayar Hoke cal.led the me�ting to order with members Wa1sh, Wipperrnann and Oxborough present. Councilmember Napper arrived later on in the meeting. Mayor Hoke le3 the group in the Pledge o€ Allegiance. The agenda was amended to add the follawing items: Item ?(n} Request for Extension of Cable TV Franchise. Community Development Direc�or Dean Johnson preae�ted the Six City Needs Assessment Transit Study Execu�ive Summary prepared hy consultants for �he cit�.es of Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Priar` Lake, Rosemount and Savage. The basic recammendation of the study is to formally o�t out of the existing regian�l transit sy�tem and modify and improve the ievel.s of service by pursuing a locally operaterl transit system. Johnson advised a jaint meeting among the cities may be scheduled to �llo�r city officials the opportunity to share ideas and cancepts regarding the recommendation. See Clerk' � File 19$9-11 . MOTION by Wippermann to approve the cansent agenda as preserlted, SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1989-11 . Parks & Recreation Director L�avid Bechtold provided an ovex�view of Jaycee Park Improvein�nt Pro�ect 1989-5, which is located at the intersection of Shannon Parkway and 155th Street. Bechtoid adv�.sed approval of the plans and s�ecifications wauld allow developmen� of the north po�tion of the park area an land dedicated frorn the Wensmann Addition. The park direc�or recc�mmended a bid apening d�te for May 11 , 1989, at 10:OD a.m. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1989-11 . MOTION by Hoke to adapt A RESOLUTION APPRQVING TkiE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMSNT OF BIDS FOR JAYCSE PARK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT 198. SECdND by 4xborough. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Oxk�orough, Wa1sh. Nays: 0. Mayor Hoke opened the public hearing scheduled at this time to consider the apnlicati�ans rec�ived €rom Raymond A. Rahn for on-sale and off-�ale non-i.ntoxicating malt liquor licenses for the Rich Va11ey Go1f Club iocatea at 3855 - 145th Street East. The administra�or/clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of P+�sted Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File i 9$9-1 1 . , • ROSEI�U� CITY PR�C�:Ed IN�GS REGULAR MLEmING 1�iPRIL 18, 19$9 Deputy Clerl� Susan Johnson reviewed the applications received by the city and advised the applicant has submitted �he apprapriated Iicense fees and proof of insurance. She further advised the police chief recom,nended issuance of the licenses based upon a successful. back,ground investigation. MOTION by Walsh to close the public hearing. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Hoke, axborough, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. MOTION by Wippermann to grant an on-sale non-lntaxicating mait liquor ].icense and an off-saZe non-3ntoxicating rnalt liguor licence tc� Raymond A. Rahn, to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at Rich Valley Golf Club effective Apri1 18, 1989 through June 30, 1989. SECOND by Walsh. Ayes: Oxboraugh, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. N�ys: 0. Council reviewed the clraft ordinance required to institute the changes in salary and per diem payments for the city councilmembers and mayor as discussed at previous counci2 rneetings. It was the consensus af the Council that per diem payments should not be paid for regularl.y and specially scheduled council meetings. The Council agreed payment far regular and special meetings was allocat�d thraugh the mnnthly s�alary payments. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1989-11 . MOTION by Wa1sh to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 1i .6, AN ORDINANCE AMLNDING TITLE I, CHAPTER SIX, SECTI4N 1-6-1 OF THE ROSEMQUNT GITY CODE. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxbor�ugh. Nays; 0. Discussion was held regarding Council consideration �or adopting App�ndix Chapter 38 to the Minnesota State Building Code which author3zes and establishes requirements for the installation of on- premises fire suppressions system in new construction, addition to buildings and changes af occupancy. Wasmund advised the committee appoint�d to study the adoption of fire suppression requirements recommended the adoption of Appendix Chapter 38 in its entirety. Following discussion regarding costs ramificatior�s in rural. areas not served by municipal water and the impact on economie devel+�pment, it was the consensus af the Council that the Building Code be amended to include Appendix Chapter 38 requirements. See C1erk's Fil� 1989-i1 , MOTION by Hoke to direct staff to prepare the formal ordinanee for Appendix Chapter 38 to be considered and officially accepted at the next Council meeting. SEGflNfl by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Hake, Oxborough, Walsh. Nayss 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti reviewed concerns received fr�m Walter Strese, 4063 - 145th Street West, resulting from City Pro�ects 17b and 18i . Strese was present at the meet3.ng and requested that action be taken by the city to prevent young ehildren and teenagars from loitering on a 2 . � • ROSEMOUN� CITY PRf3CEEDSNCS REGULAR MEETING , ApRIL 18, 1989 drainage easement ad�acent to Hawkins Pond and breaking into one of his buildings and vandalizing his propert�. Mr. Strese expressed concern about the possibiiity nf so�naone being injured on his �raparty. City Engineer Hefti agreed with the complainant's recammendation that the city post "uo trespassing" signs. Hef ti further advised he wii2 investigate the feasibility of erecting a €ence along the Strese property as well as other means of enforcement. The city eng3.neer advised city forces have restored Strese's driueway, and the Streses could have access to Shannon Parkway subject to being assessed for such access. Clerk' s File i989-11 . MOTION by Walsh to authorize the nece�sary signatures on the Quit Clai.m Deed from the City of Rosema�unt to Hans C. Anderson and Alice 1�. Anderson, 3220 - 144th 5treet Wes�. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: Ho}€e, Oxborough, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: O, See Clerk's Fil� 1g8�-11 , A recess was called at 9cbfl p.m. with tha meeting eontinuing a� 9:t5 p.m. Councilmember Nap��r join�d �.he meeting. Fire Chief Scott Aker pres�nted an amendment tc� the by].aws of the fire department requiring members to live within a four minute response time or be a Rosemount resident. See Clerk' s File 1989-11 , MOTION by Oxborough to ratify the amendment to the Rosemount Fire Department Bylaws as presented by the Fire Department membership. SECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays: 0. Fire Chief Scott Aker requested ratification of the appain�ments to the Membership/Grievance Committe� as approved by the Fire Department membership. See Clerk's File 1989-11 , MOTION by Oxborough ta ratify the appoin�ment Qf Dan McMenomy and Don McNearney to serve on the Membership/Grievance Committee. SECQND by Hoke. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 4. Herb Wensmann presented a concept proposal. for a commerc3al development proposec3 for a 25 acre site located on the sou�h side of County Road 42 at the intersection of County Road 42 and Diamond Path. City Planner Mike Wozniak adv3.sed tt►e praperty is currently designa�ed Rgricuiture in the Comprehensive Guide Plan, and city poiicy has been to limit new commercial developrnent to thase areas within or contiguous td existing commerciai areas which include the downtown area and South Rose Park. Wozniak noted that although staf€ had recommended the city poiicy should not be altered to allow the cornmercial development on the western boundary, the Plann�.ng Commission recommended that the Council should c�nsider altering the policy. The develaper and architect for the �roposal stated they felt the prc��ect would enhanee the commerei.al 3 � ROSEt�tO� CITY PROCI�EDINGS REGULAR MEETING . . APRIL 18, 1989 growth of the city ancl complirnent the downtown retail area. Herb Wensmann, developer, further advised Council the pro�eat would be completed in phases. See Clerk' s File 1989-11 . Council debated the advantag�s and disadvantages of the Wen�mann concept proposal regarding the negative impact on the dawntawn area versus the inadequacy of the downtown area and the 5c�uth Rase Park for providing adequate space for such a development. Council further 3iscussed the benefits and drawbacks of beginning the commercia2 area at the city' s western bounciary as opposed to keeping commercia3 ' development contiguous to the downtown area. It was the consensus c�f the Council that the proposal was not an appropriate land use at this time, and other options should be considered for the property. The Council encouraged the develcrper ta consider property cl�ser to the downtown area and to work with city staff to explore all possibilities far the proposed develapment. MOTIOH by Oxborough to approve expenditure of €unds in the amount of $4,550.00 for the fireworks display for Leprechaun Days. SECCIND by Wippermann. Ayesc Waish, Wippz�mann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. See Clerk' s File 1989-1 } . Discussion was held reyarding a request for donation for the alcohal/drug free al1 night party for the Rosemount High School seniors. Council was in support of a dcanatior� as a, means for providing a save environment for the graduating seniors. See Clerk' s file 1989- 11 . MOTION by Napper to donate �200.00 to the Rosemount High School senior party. SECOND by Oxborouqh. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, (}xborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to reschedule the May 16, 1989 ReguLar Council rneeting to 8:00 p.m, because at the school. board elections. SECOND by Hoke. Ay�s: Hoke, Oxbarough, Na�per, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. City Planner Mike Wozniak presented the finai plat for Va11ey Qak Addition Replat No. 2 for the development af a quad home on Outlot C located at the intersectian of Chippendale Avenue, Cornell. Tr�i1 and 156th Street. Wazniak advised the Planning Commissit�n reeammended approval of the plat subject to an executed subd3.vision develop�ment agreement. See Clerk' s File 1989-11 . MOTION by Wal�h to adopt A RESOLUTION APPRt?V�NG THS VALLEY 4AK �DDITION REPLAT Nd, 2. SECOND by Napper. Ayes; Oxborough, Napper, Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nayss 0, 4 r � ROSEMOU� CITY PROCEELIINGS , REGULAR MEETING � APRIL 18, 1989 I� City Planner Mike Wazniak reviewed a reguest recefved from Melvin �� Astleford for Council to authorize a series o€ c�ivisians of property � and subsequent comhination of three parcels located at the intersectian '� of County Road 38, County Road 42 and St�te Highway 55. Wozn,iak. noted the parcel divisi�ns and combinations will remed the crisscr Y assing of easements for the three highways caused by the County Road 42 Ea�t road il itnprovement project. The Planning Cammission recommenrled approval �f , the praposed property divisions/combinations. Se�: Clerk' s File 198 - 11 . 9 '', MOTION by Napper to adopt A RBSOLOTYON APPROi�'ING A SERIES OF PROPERTY DIVISIONS AND Ct)MBINATIONS BY METES AND BOUNDS DE5CRIPT�t3Id, SE�QND by �I Walsh. Ayes: Napper, Wal.sh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborou h. Na s: 0. 9 Y I� Community Development Director Dean Johnson gresented for Council review a purchase agreement between the Dakota County Housing and i Redevelopment Autharity and John F. Ryan reqarcling a single family residence located at 14695 Cameo Avenue. Johnson advis+�d the property, formerly owned by Edward Doyle, deceased, is located within a housing 'I district set up through the 'i 984 Mortga e R�:venue Bond Prs� ram b the Dakota County HRA. Jahn Ryan, represen�ative af the Do legEatate �' indicated the estate would acce t the a y � p ppraised value of the property whic h w a s p l a c e d a t $3 7,4 0 0. Jo hnsan indica�ed the reus� of the property has not been determined but several alternati . ves coulcl be , considered which are cansistent with the inte nt of the housin r o ram Discussion ensued an w g P g • hether the city should allow the proper� to be Y made available to potential buyers through normal marketing means , before acquiring the propert . See Clerk's File 1989- I Y i1 . , MOTION by Hoke to adapt A RESC/LUTIOIJ APPROVING` THE PURCHASE OF THR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 14695 CAMFO AVENUE ROSEMO , , UNT, MIAINBSOTA BY THE DAKOTA COUNTY H OUSING AND REDPsVELOPMENT AUTIiORITY. SECQND by i Wi ermann . , pp . Ayes: WiNpermann, Hoke, Na�per. Nays. Walsh, Oxborough. , City Planner Mike Wozniak pregented for adoption a reaolution � authorizing a mora�orium on land use approvals and bui3ding �rmits for mining operations until the £ull review of the proposed revised zoning ordinanae has been concludeci. Wozniak �av�.�oa tne r equest is based u on ac tion b th P I P y e lanning Commission to recommend such a mt�ratorium and the basic agreement by Council to restrict long term mining to the genera�. industrial district in the eastern portion o� the city and to a11ow anly seasonal excavatio n i n the agriculture dis�ricts. Palmer Petersoii, owner of Bituminous Roadways, regaested that Couneil consider �� includin � a ricultur 1 a are � 9 9 as in the mining distri.ct. Peters�n oointed i out the considerable expense and time involve�3 in obtaining a mining , permit, and excluding agricultural areas as potential mining operations , would be unjust to the propert owners and minin o erations , � Y 9 p . S�+e I Clerk s File 1989-11 . , 5 �', , �I ` � • � . � • . . � . � � � . . ROSEMfl� CITY PRC?CEEDINGS I REGULAF� A�EETING , • APRIL 18, 19$9 , MOTTON by Walsh to ado�t AN INTggIM ORDINANCE TSMPt)RARILy PROHIBITING I SSUANCE OF LAND USE APPROYAL5 AND BUILDING PSRMITS F�R M , INING � OPERATIONS AND SIM�LRR USES. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: Wippermann, , Hake, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 4. I Community Development D3.rector Dean Johnson annaunced that the annual Spring Clean-up/Park Improve�nent Day will be on May 2i1, i 989. ,7ohnson � estitnated the cost £or the pro�ram ta be appraxirnately �12 fl0Q to , $15,OOQ based u�on r�sident • narticipation. See Clerk's File 1989-1 '! . �, MOTION by Walsh to proceed with the Spring Clean-up/Pa=k Improvement I Day for 9989. SECOND hy Wipp��rnann. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, I� Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the necessary signatures on the Agreement ', between the Cit , y of Rosemount and Star Mid America YV, rnc, to allow the o�eration of cable televisian system in the city fo.r a period of I one mon�h. SECOND by Napp�r, Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Waish, � Wi erma � , AP nn, Hoke. Nays: Q. See Clerk s F _ ile 1 989 11 . Mayor Hoke provided an update on the prepar�tions of the secand Town , Meeting to be held on Ma • , y 9, 1989, at ?.00 .m. at the Schooi St P Rosemount High � uaent Cente r. �, Mayor Hake advised students €rom the University of Minne�ota 5chooT o� Architecture will pr�s�nt their elass ro ects on the d P � owntown , town green and other areas to the Citizens Advisory Committee nr�a, , April 20, 1989 at 6:i 5 p.m. MOTION to appoint Tom Miller, 15659 Cornell Court, to a three year term . � on the Parks and Recreation Board. SECOND by Oxbaraugh. A es: � Na er Wal Y PP � �h, Wippermann Hoke Oxb = � , . oraugh. Nays. 0. �i Mayor Hoke presented discussion on the recent involv�ment by city staff and officials regarding solid waste issues and proposals received from I Oxbow Power Corporation, USPCI, the County regarding the re�flurce rec � over r -' , y p o�ect, and the Coun ty s selection of University of Minnesota ro ert a P p y s a possible site for the resaurce recovery prc��ect. Mayor , Hoke expressed concern that these issues were averload�.ng the time and expertise of city staff and suggested the hiring of a consultant and i additional staff to mana e suc , g h issues. Councilmernber W I drafts of several resolu . alsh introduced tion s ra o , P p sing that the site selection gracess , cease for the mass burn incinerator, Oxbow Fower Corporation, ar�d USPCI to al.low consideration of ather sites and alternatives for these ro osal , P P s. Councilmember Walsh further recommended that the Universit Y of Minnesota reactivate the Rosemount Research Center for the stud f I waste P � y ° , garbage and other r�lated ro ects and to consider sites for a 6 I a � ROSEMOU�CITY FRtJ CEEDINGS I� REGULAR MEETING ', ,� APRIL 18, 19$9 �'I resource derived fuel plant and recycling plant and the U�PCI �, contain►nent facility. I, Cauncilmember Oxborough ieft lzis chair. Administrator Stephan Jilk also voiced concern regarding the lack of expertise, staff time and an overall ian with P on haw �he cfty should deal such issues and co ncerns. Jilk recommend�d that the consultants for the Metro politan Council i nvolved in the environmental issues of �, the resource recovery project be invited i to discuss sitin roces with Council the J p s and associ ated hea3th and envi.ronmental issue�. , Administra�or Jilk further recommended that staff 2�e al3owed to devel.op � an overail plan on addressing solid waste issues, how the city can become a more proactive participant in these proposa2s and issues, the � hiring of a cansultant and addi.tional staff, and the involvement of the , City Council and advi sory committees. �, MOTION by Wa1sh to set a sp�cial council me�ting on Nionday, May 1 , 1989, at 6:30 p.m. to hear presentatians from the eonsul tant�s far the I Metropolitan Council re ar din the 9 resourc � e recover si t in roc ! SECO D Y g p ess. N b y Hoke. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Tioke. Nays: 0. '�, Council discuss�d a �oint meeting be�ween City CounCil and the Planning � Commission far the pur�ose of d3scussing land use d�cisions and philosophies. Council discussed the possibility of a weekend retreat � sometime in � the fall. I',, Administrator Stephan .7ilk provided an update �n the third raeetin of , the Armory Caminittee. Jilk advised representatives from the National Guard and the Broaklyn Park facility W111 }�@ invited ta attend the next meeting. See Clerk' s File 1989-11 . Administrator Stephan J3.lk reported on the official notica of the Metropolitan Counc3l Public Meeting regardin the Minnes�ta I g ndu � �trial C ont , ainment Facilit Sco 12z � Y P Environme MOTI�N b 9 ntal Assessment Workshap: Wals Y h to approve �he attendance b eoun�il �nd �, at the League af Minnesota Cities Conferen�e June 6-June gta�g8m�8mbers I SECOND by Wippermann. Ayess Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke Na er. Na . pP s• 0. Y - ��,I 7 I ` ~ � RC1SEI��CITY PRUCEE� INGS � REGULAR ME�TING APRZL 18, 19$9 I'� MOTION by Walsh to a3journ. SECOND b Na er. A es: • Y �p y 4. Nays. 0. I, �tespectfully submitted, �!I Susan M. Johnson, De}auty C3.erk �I ATTEST: � Ste han J• i p ilk, Administrator Clerk � � �! Published this day of , 1989 in Dakota Countv Tribune. � 8 - ill