HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Appendix Chapter 38 Adoption �� G'O. fiOX 510 � ,.._- ��). � � �;:1�t� t)� 2R�5 �n5r�i sT w �B�`��'��`�t f j�� H()`,t Ml)IJNT MINNFSC3'fA ,5,506£3 lf lf [ f Bi2--423-4411 M E M 0 .R A N Q_U_.M IT�f� # � A TQ; Mayor and City Cauncii Fft13M: l�an Wasmund. Building 17�f icial DATE: Apri1. 28, 1989 SUBJ: Amended 8uilding G4cie Ordin�nce Attached is the e►rdinance amending 't'itle 9 Building R�gulation s�etion af the RAs�mount C;Lty Code by incvrporsting Appendix Chapter 38 "Automatic Fire Suppression. " This amendment has been reviewed and pr�paxed by dauid Gr�nnis. City Attorney. We have incorporated optfc�n �a of the apPen�#ix e�tablishing SO00 square f�►�t as the threshald for retail, warehause or manufaeturing. Thie is the higher limit of the tao options. As grepared the Qrdinanc� is ready for yr�ur formal adoption. � _ • . . � � � . . . � . . � � . � � . + � Ordinance No. XV111.8 i Gity o# Rosemount i Dakota Countya Minnesota ' � An Qrdln�nce Amendi�ng Ti#1� 9, Cha�ter 1 ! � Pertaining to Build�ng Regulations ; � i The City Council of the City af Rosemount, Minnesota, ordains as follows i j SECTION I: Title 9, Chaptex 1, of the Rosemount City Code is hereby amended � to read as follows: I � 9-1-1: State Bnilding Code Adopted: The Minnesota State Building Code, j established pursuant to Minnesota StatuEes 15B.59 through 16B.73, � including Appendix Chapter 38, with optian 8a and Appendix i Chapter 7Q is hereby adopted as the Building Cods of the City. I i i SECTION II: Title 9, Chapter 1, Section 3 of the Rosemount City Code is hereby �� amended to read as €oltows: � I � 9-i-3: Violations and Penalties: The penalty provisions c�f Title 1, � Chapter 4, shall apply to vioiations ot' this Cl�apter. i �� � SECTION �II: This Ocdinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and � ,� publication. i � I , f Adopted this 2nd day of May, 1989. + (:ITY UF Rf)SEMnUNT _ i I � ; ; ,' Rolian Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: i ; i ; , Stephan Jilk, AdministratorJClerk ; ; � Puhtished this day o€ , 1989 in Dakota Caun� Tribune. , f ; ; �