HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Town Green Budget Discussion e $ � • • �I►�EMM # 9 A ►� p o. sox s,o . , t�1�2� � 2875-1�95TN ST. W. , � ��c��Q�f�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55068 J c.Tr 612-423-4411 T0: Council Members Staff FROM: Rollan Iioke DATE: Apri1 24, 19$9 RE: Town Green Budgeting Discussion As you know, the 1990 Celebrate Minnesota Town GreenJBand Stand grant application was not el.igible far funding �see attached letter) . In a March 6th memo the City Administrator asked the Park Board to consider whether it might want to go ahead with the praject (see attached letter) . At the April 17th Park Board meeting, I pased the same question to the Park Board. After reviewing various pieces of cammunity input from the cammunity involvement process, the Park Board voted to budget $106,000 from its 1990 CiP fund to the Town Green Project . The Park Director has stated thaC the project would run around $212,a00. LJhaC I am asking the Cc�uncil to consider, is directing staff to build in an additional City expenditure of $106,000 when staff ' does its CIP budgeting. D�pending on how high a priority this project holds for council , we could also consider taking $10b,000 out of the reserve fund, however, I realize this wauld be less desirable. With prompt and focused direction from Council we could still make this 1990 Celebrate Minnesata �roject a reality. As the attacned items reveal , there is a groundswell of support for this kind of cammunity-pride project . Moreover, the Citizen Advisory Committee has unanimousiy listed Town Green/Bandshell and th� "restore the mount" monument/rose garden project as tactics to carry out downtown goal ��2, strategy �f6 of their recommendatic�ns (see attached items) . aW � .— ' �` • • • •� s � •. � (;�»�iNwi►�ity Ik•��c�ca�i�nc�N �lJvisiii�� . • • � � � . . • � �h�(1 1\m�•ri��ai� ('e���trr _ 1511 I?��c� Kcllar�F; I�ntlr��:trrl St. I':aul, RiN �i41t11-I�lll f�11�'l')fi•51X15 • l:ax: trl LlL�X►•l l'M) . February 27, 1989 Mr. David J. Bechtold 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Celebrate MinnesoLa 1990 Dear Mr. C3echtold: The Department of Trade and Econamic Development has complete�i i�s review of app)ications for the Celebrate Minnesota 1990 Grant program. Qecause of �he limtted grant funds available, we are not able �o affer yo�� a gra��t thls year. We received 328 appiications for �3,351,915 and were able to award on}y 84 grants. Nowever� we hope your comnunity can scale back the pro,�ect and com�lete the work for your 1990 celebration even though gran� funds are not available. Of cours�, you are sti]l eliglble for the many benefits oP membership as a Celebrate Minnesota 1990 community such as the special road signs, visit from the torcti runner, and publlcity for yaur comnunity event. in addition, Gavernor Perpich has reconrnen�ied a �1.0 m1111on a�pro�rlatlon t� the Mlnnesota legislature to fund additional Ce}ebrate Minnesota 199Q cteanup, beautification, and community improvemer�t projects. If thls recomnended appropriatian is passed into law, we will notify yau regarding apptication procedures, grant amounts, and deadlines. Dest wishes for a �Successful pra,ject. Sincerely, � �''" __ Louis F. Jambois, Dlrectar Comnunity Assistance Un1t LfJccd CM/7-CP r���(•�p�.il(l�.�hn��Itui� ��n��I�•w•t ---- -- - ----�------�-�..,.,.»,,...,.....— � �.._..w. �«.�..«�»���.,�.�,.�..�.w...����....,�.....-- . .__._.....,.......:....., . , __ �a � • � rt�rch 6, 19f39 � � 't'0: Ur�ve I3CCIICO�.t� , I)irector �f t';irks F�a�� lt4,r.rc���t! t.r��� / .. � CIZOM: Ste�han Jilk � Adm.i.�t.istr��:or/Gler �� ; , i � RE: Celebrate Minneso�a Graiit I wish t� thank ,yo�� and memt�ers c�f. y�ur cle}�s�rt:��ren1; �F�r• ��u1.�i�i� uuC such an excellent• efForC in cc�rap:t��Xi:n� tt�e (.c*let>rril:e Mi.nnesota gcant a�p'�icati�n. � Icnc�w �h�.s wh�.te tirc>cr�:�:s wr��r 3t��t: dumpscl on you and yaur si:af.E witltouL- ►nueh �i�ne i:+� re:�jf�.�uri . '1'iie �pplication was r� �ood oap. And, tliou�h �we ha�e. been »oti£ieci L-hat we wil1. ncit: bc; :� r�: .r,:i.�i.c��t., of atty tuncle throu�li Ft�at �rncess we mu�t l.oak Cn L-i�N ��r����c►sert pro jeer now �tud deter�nine wh�t �rc� c�aii/shoulcl scFt:te I►n�k i:n orcler to fund any �r a11 oL Che pro jec_t Fiy proiro�ed . .__ i.et' s discuss Ll�e prr�j�ct a� �ur Ptmrr.h 2�tli ds��aHrtinp��t�t �nt���t.Ln�; • to revie�,r 1:he cost et� . to aL�l.�w us tc� f�ri�i�; ss c��c:�nunei��l�ri.n�� Uack �o the cir.y r_ouncil an Li�is. Also, you ma�� wlsh to di�cuss h1�9.9 �rn�jeCt tind 3.Cs �ttn�En�; s�.11:h � tlie Park 13oard at qour nex� �aeht:}.�1�. � Again, Chank you and your staEC Eor al..l. your work �n t.li�.s pro�ecC. � 1� Attach�neiit cc; M�yor ltoke C:tty CUuncil Dept. Ileads File M . . • ' • . � . . .. ....�+��+r�w� APPendix : B I Response and Coinments by Rosemowr►t Town Residents (Comments recorded during the morning workshop session and field trlp} 1N�iAT DO YOU SHO'W VISITORS WHEN THEY COME TO RUSEMOUN'�? 1. Shops where people are known on first name basis (ex. of dry cleaners) 2. VOTECH - youth 3. Schools . 4. Churches 5. City Hall 6. U of M Farm 7. Downtown Ftedevelopment 8. 145th St. Redevelopment 9. Last corner building lO.Open areas: access to farms wifh horses and cows WHAT DOES ROSEMOUNT HAVE THAT IS UNIf�,jUE? 1. Downtown (1 d0 years +) . (second commercial center) 2. Irish herltage 3. presence of U. of Minnesota (farmin� 4. Navy presence 5. Ambassadar's group 6. potential low retail rents ($6-7 sf vs $14-i6 Apple Valley� 7. Graln elev�tors/factaries 8. 5,000 ,�obsJ5,000 residents (1980� 9. Refinery/large industry 10. Woods Area (Schwartz Pond. Carols Woods) 11. Park System 12. RoUte 42 Retail 13. Zoo 14. Regional open-space network VPHtl�T ARE TfIE CITY'S SPECIAI. EVEN�S? ; 1. Lepraehaun Days (July� 2. Steam Engine Days 3. Important Memorial Day Parade VPHAT'S MISSING FROM ROSEMOLtNT? � i. a�a���d �' 2. Central Park/Green (rose garcien, rosebeds, histor�c niarl�ers, Ir1sh settters) 3. Pool . 4. Cc�m�nunity Center ancl Ice I2Ink � t ... _--'_. . .--..............a.r.,we,.,,wr..o,....�«+.«.+.�...�...`....,. _,,,,�,_,,,�„-.:�..........��. • �, ' � . . .. � • � � . � � . • � � � � . . . 5. Boundaries, gates - sense of arrival 6. i,ibrary 7. Basic goods and services: (retail clothing, visI�ility of stores, avallal�illty of leasable space� 8. Specialty shops 9. City-type street with shops - get away from sho�ptng centers 10. Concept of cammerclal development 11. Business cooperat�on (Chamber of Commerce?} 12. Redevelopments concepts which address streets rather than singie �iuflcitngs 13. Coherent image for downtown (could be a singte historic period); Streetscape": banners, plar►ting � ,14. General sense of communit 's chara Rosemount dIfferent y cter, followed t�y clest�;n gulc�etines - »��ke 15. Ni�ht tighting 1G. Safeguarcis for c,lcl 2-storey t�uilcling ,� 17. Pld/rural look�eopardized l�y certain types of builc�tng 18, Reminders of past heritage (see "�ark") 19. proximity to freeways 20. community volunteers - with "suburban lifestyle", people are too bucly WHAT TOWNS HAVE IMAGES YdU LIKE? 1. Northfield 2. Redwing (Veterans Mernorial) 3. Hastings WHAT ARE THE I.ARGER METROPOLITAN ISSUES AFFECTING RCISEMOU1�iT? 1. Retaii competition from other communities 2. Part of a larger county/metropolitan structure 3. Between "mall" and "�autic�ues", can Rpsemount becon�e unic�ue small s}�op community with physical image to match? Dc�ends on ecc�r�oniic cl7aracterlsties: thresholds jmarket, size 2 � • 11. DOWNTOWN �a.�� The city shouid preserve and enhance the c�rwntvwn'� ldentity as a place of arientatlon, social in#eracttan, cuiturat expression and commerciai exchange. �TRA"�E ES 1. Capitalize on the educational and recreattonal areas adjace�nt to down#own by encouraging the government�l, smail commerclat and general servlc�s that these markets wili support. � 2. Develop an overalt downtown ptan which includes design guldeUnes and enhance the cultur�l uniquene�, hi�tory, ldentity and "hometown" feeling that is unlquely �ioserr�unt��. 3. Provide the streetscaping, walkways, lighting and beautification thaf altows people to be pedestrians and gtves them a sense of b�longing and safety. . 4. Connect nelghborhaods to downtown by a well planned vehicular, pedes#rian and public open space system. 5. Support the centrat downtown concept. � 6. Provfde be�uti#ication prajects and pubiic apen spac�s that wiil give our citizens a sense of place, identity and �ommunity pride. + • , � • Citizen's Advlsory Commitfee PRELIMINARY GOALS AND STRATEGtES I. SMALL TQWN AMBIENCE �_L To preserve and #oster the smali town ambience of the community, the City of Rosemoun# shoutd respect tts unlque hlstoricai and physlcat assets and encourag� c+�ntinuatlon of strong interpersonai relationshlps among its residents. ��E_G I ES 1. Green areas should continue to be rnain#ained and incarpc�rated Inta future development. 2. The preservation of the centrat downtown's architectur�i landmarks and the character andlor the traditlan they represent. ,� 3. Provide an environment ihat will foster and - promote harmonious interaction and a sense of community prtde amang the cltizens. 4. �ity government should s#rive to malntain Rosemount's safe, quiet and peacefui hometown environmen#. 5. Citizens should be encouraged to parti�ip�te in clty government and Ic�al organizations and ailowed to effe�#tveiy contribute and express their views. 6. Convenient and continuous streetscapes and trails should be � developed to connect alt areas of the community to #he commercial center. :._ . : _ . .__ _ �� � l r . . - �{,;. _ ��.�7 ;� �,��� , , .fl I� . �,��a� _i , ' n a, f.JS 1� �vs3v tsrnv. a.,�,N� � , } '� . . J � ,f/ . ��'" _\.'``tr . �/ �.S � � �� -..�r� _ !ij� -�M ,- �� ��\ f , li �,r,�, ,�.u�v - / � � u r�� ,=i• ' , � ' , �fnv,vJr�srf�i' , � � �v�in��tl,s.N . � �l tbV 1 pyM d�3t� � ` �� •n�.��) - ,.' �� I ij�na��1S � w��• Je f'� I . � � ��l.� � . �` t �p�?Z 'M�3� � � �t i V�% , , . 3/ril�1, � � 1 fM �:•�Nfy�lpn9 � � ��� (j � �. �,� ��+��� ) t�`ST �i� f�� �°� �iaz� �,:.��f .•,:. �:;�; _ . _._. _y = - _.-�..-` - � i �� �' _ � � N� ,�• ; 1 y► , .�r � s. � �_�►��. � ., . �;,;�X u�,. ) .. j � I�� i i � �:��„ji' .rW/ � •-, .� / •^1�, � '( i � ,#vr,'ti��rtt�++ j � s , 1 ��2 � - �,. . � � _;�-•^�-s-:-1i•v,_�_ ,tot�n��� . ���., � �,� .. 1.1�s,� .. . . . . �� � . . : :' .�. . :-: - 1 , ..� . . 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(YWlfJ`!�'7`�� f ttW'WI �•. }_ , f�.Gf�MiQ! � �.� , �� � ��; � d � �. ��� �' �. —' z ,� � � � . �:_ _- -, �?t- i� . . . _ _ -- --- �� , �- , �.,,,t���� � - ,r---�..-,, .� �^.,,.,� ,_ r �►� r�.," � '.. +r��� �''�'�' '� 1 � `�� ,'��� .:�` . . . . . .....�. � _ � , �''�� � 2� � �� � `� . �� � � 4 . `�'-~` � _ � � ,��,� � Q K�l� ��-1 �...-�'� ,1'`" �. ' 'lixl�SN�� � Q � � ��..,,,.� J .,^�z., � , . -, j"`'"''`�.,_ _-� , ___---_._._ �.� _. ---- . a * ±� � � • � . � • � . Tfl: Ma or Hoke / Cit Cauncil Members ���� Q.. � y � ,� X Stephen Jilk - City Administrator �'ROM: Uavid J. Bechtold - Director af Parks & Recreation DATE: April 26, i989 RE: Er3.ckson Fark Improvements Eriekron Park is approx3mately 54 acres in size. Tncluded in its geagraphic layout are: 1. five softball fields 2. one soccer field 3. two hockey rinks 4. one large holding pond S. one nursery being developed 6. many youn� trees planted l - 4 years ago 7. many acres of slopes and passive areas 8, one park shelter 9. two harse shoe pits Improvements in this park over the past five years included al�. items �xcept for the soccer field and t�ao of the softball fields loeated ne�t to the fire hall. , Recommendations in 1987 & 1988 for upgrading Er3ckson Park included: 1. develogment of a nursery area 2. building two ne� hQekeq rinka 3. new lighting on hockey rfnks 4. park shelter that could be used for a. warming hause b. picnic shelter c. rest rooms €or dflwntown shoppers, walkers and bikera, Dakota County biking "pit stop,• d. concerts in the park e. family reunions 5. cleaning ug the pond area 6. walkin�/biking trail €rom City Hall to soccer field 7. removal of a1d hockey rinks $. iandscaping of o1d hockey rink area 9. landscape pro3ect £or land behfnd hardware property purchased by the city i0. clean up the slopes aiong west boarder where o1d hockey rinks are presently located A request for fu�zding of the upgrade of Eriekson Park was made to the City Cauncil in the budget reeommendations of 19�38. The items listed at this time were perceived to be of a high priority weres 1. building two new hockey rinks 2. adding new lightfng to the new rink area 3. construction of a shelter/warming house The estimated costs in 19$8 were $106,OQ0.40. This amount is based upon exgectatfdns of using rink materials and lighting fixtures from the present facility. 'If those it�ms grove to be inadequate for use additional funds wfll b� required to comple�e fihe upgrade projeets proposed in the 1990 CIP program� fi . In mid Deeember �1988 a directive was given by.� City Administrator to ' write a grant pr sal far "Celebrate Minnesota" e deadline for that proposal was December i6, 198$. This directive was foilowed and a concept proposal was written and presented for council approval on December 15, i988. It was stressed at the council meeting that this was merely a proposal for a grant pro3eet. I£ this grant would be aecepted for the upgrade of Erickson Park the maximum that could be derived fram the grant vaould be $25,000.00. Councilman Napger questioned the future of the pro3ects. It was explained ta him that this was merely a proposal. Even i€ the grant would be acceptec3 the council would be required to €ind the funds in addition to the grant that would total $212,000.00. This was due to the fact that all pro3eet funds approved for use in the Erickson Park upgrade pro�ects were scheduled to be used in 1990. Ail pro�ects 3n the grant would be required to be eompleted in 1989. In the spring of 1989 we were informed that the City of Rosemount was not accepted for the grant monies. Also in the spring of 1989 a pro�ect now known as "Town Green" was conceived. The Erickson Park upgrade proposals are considered to be a part of that "Town Green" concept. Other areas such as Burma Avenue alterations, down town beautification, and the monument in the "ride share" area were nc�t considered in the grant apglication nox were they considered in the Erfckson Park upgrade propasals. A miscon�eptio� that this park director and/or the Parks & Recreation Co�ittee were designing all of the down town concepts when working with the Erickson Park upgrade seems to have taken place. We do support the upgrade c�f Erickaon Park in the efforts of a ci.tizens committee to deve2op "Town Green", however, all d�partment heads must be involved in the "Town Green" concepts. This is due to the fact that the ride share if and when it would be turned into a monument area would requfre actions of the Community Development DireGtor in replacing the bu� stop site. The alterations o.f the Burma Avenue area would require the input of the Public Wc�rks Director since this relates to boulevards, sidewalks, streets, etc.. The finance Director mu�t be involved to indicate �rhere funding might come from for the pro,�ect items. The Planning Aepartment should be involved so that business input may be obtained and idea sharfng can best be utilized to serve the business co�unity. The "Town Green" pro,�eet does include a ma3or Ez�iekson Park upgrade groposal. Parts of that Erickson Park progosa�. were itemized and prioritized inta the Y990 CIP pro�ects. Other items for the Erickson Fark upgrade which eventually were alsa included in the Celebrate Minnesata Grant were not considered in the high priority range when setting the 19$8 budget items. That was due to the facL that other parks required aetion at this ti�ne and fur�ds were prioritized to those areas to follaw through with the pro,�ects. The Parks & Recreation Gommittee and this Direetor, do support the proposal for sdditional funds in the 199Q CIP bud�et ta com�lete additional Erickson Park upgrade items. We understand that this will enhance the proposed "Town Green" concepts as are being presented hy other parties at this time. « a. �� . . . � • � �. �. � � . . • � � � ..� � . . �. �. APPENDIX 1V ���„�PARK (south end) UPGRADE Z:ttere Are seven ma�ur items that the City c�f Rnsem�i�nt }iopes to ac}�ieve throug}c tl�e completion of tliis pro�ect: 1) Provide a eity landmark on the northern portion of the downtown 2) Provide community recreational ares for senfor citizens who ].ive in downtc�wn area 3) Clean up the southern portio.n of Ericksan Paxk and replace this eye sore with a reva�aped passive recreational area for all to use 4) Enhance tlre City }fell area of Rosemount and increase tlie cftizen a�rareness of eity government working to improve ttieir comm�nity 5) Fravide a new agproach to recreation in the Gommunity using the 199fl Lepreet�aun Days pragrame to kick them off a. famil.y bike ride statting end encling at ttiis site b. commu�ity entertainment to be conducCed an a "family night" at this cenCral location c. famiiy picnic and ice cream social 6) Pravide a liealthy mix of paseive and active recreation in ttie 54 acres af ttae Erfckson Park site 7) Develop ttie nature area that is located in tt�e downtown More tt�an the CeleUration of 1990 thie park clean up and renovation wi11 be the start af the "celebration of the 1990's'". The amenikies involved in fihe pxo�ect wiil be the fundamental itetns to aid in identifying the downtown ares oE our city. It will serve as one af the land�arks identifyfng our efty as being " somep2ace special". �� t . . . . . � . . . � . . . . � R •� 1 � �• � . � . �• . � .. . . � � li�['! �� . � . . .� . � � � . . . . .. . .. . A culmfnation planning and budgeting for Erickson Park improvements will take p1�ce in i990. Altl�ougZx many of the areas of this 54 sere park have been nearly ' eompleted the sUuthern area requires a ,great deal af alterations. This is the area of the park that is located next to the new city hall building. It is also the area of the gark that contains most of the natuxe area and passive sites. Presently two older liockey rinks and an old warming house are the major amenifiies afi this loeation. PBOJECTS SCHEDULED: A) CLEAN Up SLf}P� ALONG HIG}IWAY #3 FROM SUllTNERN �lOAitDF.K TQ GItAVEYARD 1.CUT UUT MANY OF THE DEAD TREES 2.CLEAN UP GARBAGE AND TRASH F'ROM SITE 3.IAlSTALL WAI,K TgAIL FROM TOP OF SLOPE TO LOWER PARK AREA BEING REMQDELED B) REMQVE OLA WARMING HOUSES I.REMOVE OLU WARA9ING HUUSE FROM BEHiND THE GARAGE ;AREA 2.REMOVE ULll WARMING NOUSE FROM THE RINK AR�;A C) CLEAR AREA OF PULES AND EQUIPMENT STOR�►GE 1.PICK UP OLD PUWER FdLES AND PLACE THEM IN PROYER STORAGE [�.ItEAS 2.CITY PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT TO HAVE NEW BUIi�DING AND SITE PREPARED FOR IT 1�) RHMOVE Ot�ll ItEX:KEY KINKS FRUM PONDING AREA �'1�ISMANTLE R3NKS ANU SALVAGE MATERxALS UF REUSA13Lr QUALITY 2.TAKE ALL DAMAGED AND ROTTED MATERIALS TO DUMP �) R�MOV� OI�I) 1.IGf11'3NG AN� REPI.AC� IT WIT1i NFW SYSTF.M 1.lt�MUVk: 1.lGt!'1'S k'ttOM YOI.ES AND SALVAGE TlI05E N01' BURNLI) O[TT 2.KH:MOVL 1'�WI;K PUi,H;S ANU KEllSF; T1iQSE 'f!{A'1' ARE I,ONG l?N()UGH F�K NLW IACA1'�:QN 3.ith;VOV1: 1'IIE. TI�ANSFURMl�:tt AND INS7'AI.L 1T ANll NEW SWl:1'GII 1lUXES A1' NI:W StIFI.1'�:[t STTE �') GONSTRUCT NEW RINKS BEHINI} PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING l.LANDSCAYE SITE BEli7ND BUTLDING 2.GRAUE AREA FpR URAINAGE FROM RAINS ANp MEL�ING AS WELL AS SNOW nUMPING 3.PURCHAS� RINK SECTIQNS Tfi�T ARE INTERCHANGEAllLE �'OR EASY MAINTENANCE G) CONST'RUCT NEW SiIELTEK / WITH WARMING HOUSE INCLUI)ED / NEAR RINKS 1•SHELTER TO }iAVE LARG� WARMTNG flOUSE INCLUDED THAT CAN BE USED ALSO IN TftE SUMM�lt MONTHS FOR RECREATIOI�AI, pRpGRAMS (SERVING FOOD OR SHELT�:R FROM WEATEiER) 2.DESIGtV TO HE WITH WARMTNG HOUSE EASILY AGCESSIBT,E TQ RINKS AND YET PROVIDE PI.ENTY OF OPEN AREA TFiAT OVER LOOKS THE NATURE ��Rk;A TO THE NURTfiW�;ST H) CONSTftUCT BANU 5H�LTER IN AREA W1iF.RE HOCKEY RTNKS ;A,R�. PRESENTLY LOCATED 1,T0 BE LOCATEU IN TtiE SOUTHWEST CORNER FACING NURTHEAST 2.DE�TGN�D FOtt US� FOR MANY CONCERTS, COMMUNITY BANDS, CITY FUNCTIONS ; -- ; s • Z) I.ANT)SGAI'�: 01.t� il(3CKFY RINK AK�A FOR PICNICS ANI) PASSIVF Rl�.f:RF:ATl�N 1.AEtEA TO $E LE;VEI.EU FRflM �NE OI�D RtNK S7.TF. 7'0 7'i1F: U7'IiER 2.AT.ACK DIRT 1'U IiF. }iAUI.F.I) I:N ANI? GRASS �'I.ANTI;U 3.SL(�PFU SO TItAT FROPER llRAINAGF WII,I. TAKE PI�l1t:F 4.Ta BF US�D FOR CROQU�:T, KICKBAI,I,, ANll �TifFR SUMMI;R RF:GRF.A1'7�NAt. PROf.RAi�iS S.TO HAVE I�ASY AC(;ESS FROM PARKING LOT NEXT TO CI7'Y 1lAIJ, WI7'IT WAI.KINC TRA1tS 1) GL�AN UP lIU1.1)iNG P(?Nn AR�A 1 .PICK Up TItA511 ANU i)�A� TR1:F.S 2.CI,�AR AREA S� TIIAT ACGESS IS Pp;SIAI,F FOK PtAIN1'h,N1tMGis CREW T� USF, 3.YLANT A})DITIONAL 1`R��S WI1'W USING SEVERAL VARIFI7}:S IN TIiIS NtH,A K) Cf�NSTltUCT NATURE TRAIL IN SAMF LOCA1'ION AS BI.AC,K WRI.NUTS WERF �+J,A1VTE►� 1.NEARLY ONE IfUN!)REb AI.AGK WALNf1T TRL�F.S WBRE PIdlN7'ED IN ]9A7 IN 1RtU.1, ARRA �.TttAIL S}tOUI,D 8E BJ�ACKTOPPEll AND FOI.I.OW FROM PARKING 1.OT, �1.�NG TJFF. RIItGR (?VF.[tT,00ICINC T�iF pONnING AREA, AROl1ND TtfE SU(;CF:R F1TI.I) ANll F:Mp lii� A7' 1'tiF; �'ARKTNG I.OT ARFA EAST OF T11E SQCCER FIEI.p L� PURCtiASE PICNIC Ef�UIPMENT (TAI3I,ES, GRII,LS, E1'C.) ANIt 1.AGATt: QN SITF 1 •�S1'AtiI,IStI FICNIC SITES NEAR pqRKiNG I.01' AREA OF SITF AS WF.LL AS OTIIFR +ITES �VERLOQICING TlIE 1'ONDIN� AREA 2•i�:STABLISH I.(}CATIONS FOR TAAJ,ES ANp CQIdgTRU��' CQN(:RETE f3ASF, FOR F.ACtt OF Z'tiF,M NlIERE TARLES ARE TU REMAIN "GABLEU" TO S�TE . M) PttRGlIASE ANp INSTAt�T, PARK BFNCftES IN PONDING A[tF.A AS WfI.1. AS FTCNIC ARFA 1.AENCtt�S SHOULfl BE LQCATEi3 OVP:RL(30KING Tl1L� PONUINi; SITE AI,ONG TIIE WAt�K)NG TgAii, 2•AENCftES S!{OItI.D B� IACATED NEAR TtIE pICNIG SITE WNF:Kk "FUTURF." PL,AyGRpUNis EQUIPI�fENT COULll BE INSTALI.FD N) I'AYE TIIE AUUTTIONAI. AR�A OF CITY Nllt,L PARKING I.UT FOR JOINT USF. 1 .).�ANIiSGAI'E OUT AltF.A PIt�SENTLY USED FOR OVF.TtFi,ffW FARKING �F SKATING !'ROGRAriS ANn JOIN IT TO 1'FIE CITY ltAI,L PAEtKING 1.UT �•YAVF, ANll INSTALJ. PARKING CURI3S 3.�NSTAt.I, PAYF:U QR C�NCRF.TE WALKWAYS FEtOF! PARKTNG I,�T ARFA T0 11(�7'li SH�:T�T):RS 0) JNS7'ALI, GI�:Ni?ItAT, I�Tt;lt7'ING Ft�R T117S RFMt)URt�FI) S?1'!: I .Pt1Cll'1' 1.IGt17'S 7,'� I'R�VN:NT VANI�A11. 2•C�Nk:NAi. L1GIiT7 NG "lIt1U1.0 D� iN51'A 1.E!)U�t)'�!'ttt)VI Nl:,VJ,�W!NG t)F S. ., , L t h �Rt)PF HTt;1IWAY Y) }*URGlIAS� ANt) INS1'AI.T. PI,AYGRt�UNU EQUIPMN.N1' AT S17'E 1.FOR USE UURTMG FAMILY PI'GNIGS �.flF A VARIE"TY FQEt US� 23Y VERY YOUNG CIiII.IHtNN AS W�I,L AS 1'NE: OJ.bf?R YOUTN ' • . CON---CBPfiS' �) StlEI.T�R RESZROOMS ANI? FQUNTAINS WILI. SFRVE Ft1R CUt1NTY DiKk: 1'RAl C. I ,�nSI:1�iC1UNT IS I,UCATF.D IN T'!lE GEpGRAPt1IC CFN1'F;R UF I)hKt)�'A (:UUMI'Y WIiERE MANY ts RFST ,TOp ��A�� t;R05S ANU I,OCAL CITI?.ENS US[? IKF 2.PARK ARFA WUULl3 �E LISTF.D ON MAE'S F�R Rlllt?RS UN A S'1'h7'F Wli�F ltl1S1S 1' 1 1i) PARK SiiFI.TFR ANI� AANll SHEI.TF:R TO AE US�U AS "tir:ART" 0� (,]'1'Y FAFITJ. 0 ! SF I .SUN�AY EVFNING CpA1t:F,RT� AND PRpGRAp1S WpUt,l) BE HI�:I�n AT' 9'Ii1:S S17'F, y P?CNIC'.S 2.RFS�RVA1'f1NS FOR F!llfll�Y ANI� BUSINESS PIC:NIt;S t�Ul.n RE MA1)F A7' T}IiS�SITF�pU1F5 �'llk MAiVY SPEGIAI, Fk:ATURE TliAT IT OFFERS � Tb C) 1990 I.BPR�CIIAUN bAYS TO 11AY� HAJOR PR(IGRAltS A'f SYTR TQ Sti 1.ARRA FAMII,Y $IlCB RIDB TQ START AND END AT S1Tg OW IT OFP 2.PUPPBT WACON AtiD CONCERT Tp B� HSLD AT SITB 3.FAMILY PICNIC A�+iD ICS CRB,AM SOCIAL TO B$ HBLU AT SITB D) REVAMPED ARF.A WII,�, S�1tyE AS LOCAL SITE FOR SR. �ITIZEPtg {�Ftp I,TVI; tA��x�%� NFXT TO SITE IN NIGHRISE I.SR.S COULD USE TNiS SIT$ FQR TNE1R SliAlpiFR WA1.KS ANtt T;XTRGISF. }'ROGRAp1S �.ARF.A I3 CLOSF. ENOUGIt FOR YISITING FAMIL �.AREA TS CLOSE ENOUGIt FOR SR.S TOP WALK TflSC)NCF:!{7SFANI)R(;ITY�I'R�AMSltF.R 4•�tEA !tl1S EASY A�CESS FRUM SIDEWA�.Kg FOEt SR.S TO [1SE E) RF.VAMPFD SITE WiI.L SEE�VE AS WAI,KING AND PICNI:C S7.TE FUR FMPL.�Y�F.S CUSTOMERg OF DOWNTOWN RUS7NESSES nt1E TO TltE FACT 1'HAT PARK IS Lq(;ATFD 1N IH�WN1'OWN ARF.A N�:XT TO 1'tiEM 1•��A BUSINESS EMPLOYF.F.S HAVE EASY �h�CFSS RY WAY OF SI1)FWA1.kS TO tIS 2.AREA WOUi.D �'ROVIUE h REIAXING SITE 'It� ENJt?Y LUNCII IiRF,AKS � SITF. F) REVAMPEp AItEA WILL SE�.VE AS A SPECIAI. ATTRAGTI{�N FQR AI,L PF.til'I.F F:NT� TIIE NURTlt �t I Nc, FR pM . 1.1T IS IACATE� NT.AR ppRK ANI) R]"I�E SITF. AtVb TfIF.. CttURt:li 2.1T IS G7.EARLY VISIBI.� i�NEN EN1'E�ING CITY _ G) U{'CRADING ANll A1,TERJNG PARK SITE WIId. EA1tfANCF Ti1F ACTIVI? ARF.A PhRK WNERE SOCC�.R, FOOTHAI.L, ANp SOgTBAI,I. 1�I1;I,1)S Attl: YRESFN7'LY LOCA1'EU l .FRESENTI,y g!{IS ARFA OF TIiE pARK Ig AN „EY� SnAR�� OF TH15 SG At;RE 2.CONPIECTING TRAII,S TItR0UG1i TNE PARK WILI, ALI,OW FOR PFt)PI,F TO WAI.K ' EVEN1'S QR FRqM ATHLETIC EVEN1'S TO TNE IAGAI, AUSTNF.SSRS 10 �T��i'FTIC 3.PEOPI.F. USI[VG PARK FQR ATNLETIC PURBOSF:S WII.I. TO USE FOR IiAVING PIGNIGS HETWEEN GAMFS, REIAXIN� IiFTWEEN G1Uft;SA1�ETC.FOR. Tt1I:F1 II) �itF,A WOUI.D CONTINUE TO PRESE[tVED FOR WII.� LIFF JN FUNDINC ARF.A 1�NTt FI1G11 GR S ARI?A N�XT T� P�MU A S I•YKESENTLY P1fF.ASANTS AItF PLENTTFpi, IN IiIGiIF:R GRASS ARE:A QF P(?N!) STTE 2.WATr.R 1.EVEI. IS EXFEGTF.11 1'U CUNTINUE TU RF:MAIN IiIGltE;R WITN 7NCRI�.ASr1� J>k.YELUPMENT RN1� RUN c�FF FR(�M 7'tiOSfi I)EVFi�OFMLNTS - 7�tiTS WA7�F,R W7 J.L I;l;, STnRF:t� F(iK IIUCKS ANl) QTftk:R WI I�DI.T F L� TO US E � ' . • APP�I'DIX V This pra�ect was propoged by the Parks & Recreation : Department �s a part of the parks development prvice��. Fortions o� the pro,ject involved in the gran� such as the UPGRADING OF THR PROPQSBD P�iRK 5HHGTIIt, UPGRADE OF �IOCREY RINK FLANS, GRILI�S, OLD RINK ARBA I�ANSC�IPING, BAND STAND, PARK BENC1iES, P�ND SITE I.ANDSCApING, PAVING OF Ti�F, NATtTRE jt�TALRI'NG TRAIL, AND PIAYGROUND �QiTZPMENT we r e a d ci i.t i on s to the plans. The i.ntent of the pro3ect is to follow the intencled �.�se of the park as designed many years ago. We mearel.y wisi� to redesign some of �he areas and improve their availabi�.ity for use. There are no other agencies involved in tltis pr��osal at tltis �ime. The Jaycees, Lions, American Legion, VFW, and other organi�ations wiZl be asked to become involved a� we p�,an ahesd �or further improvemer�ts. One of those future �.mprovements wil]. be to �ut a "memorial" into this area of the park land. It would either. be in the centra�. area next to city hall or in the area on ttie t�igher elevation on the south westerly partion next �o ilighway ��3. . . , . � APPBNDIY YI Tt�ere are no e�encies required for ingut to tl�is �rc��Pct. I,�nd use, park d�sign, and general programm#ng of ttie area follows policiee used wt�en ti�e park area was designated several years aga. ' , � � Al'PBNDIY VTI Publie input into the concept of "Celebrate Mfnnesota" was reeeived at the Public Hearing of December 15, 198€3. It was also received at t}ie Parks & Recre�tion Committee Meeting of Novec�ber 21, 19A8. A copy of the minutes of the Public itearing 4f �ecember 15, 1988 is attached for your reference. Aiso a co & lteereation Committee minutes of the page referencingethe�kg diseussian of this sub3ec[. • (:il 1 � : ' tl tll• , !'itl)li;t:�'. ��.1)Atl'1?PIl�NItiAta�►11ti1lf;l�YtJl�f i�1tih� It)t'{tAlt'1 #•t!� Iiil� 1'ilt)11it:1'1'11Ai1't)I��I:�J i.ti t�tinrr���f� tiul C t..-Pu.riroac Shc i lnr 111 It��t1�1 , N�ackcy_.Ctlpk„-_ ��- . _ ._.._. ! � N�cke • ! P�r�cl� -�� __- ._ � 1�0,004.(1n � �„ Y.klttk I.igl�li�f .. _� l.nr��lsct� K .. Upgrncle ...z _.__.... . . 26,t)U(�.UU ,; pe_1)Ld .itti�k..Site ._i . ].2 �t►ui►.tm La�nrl4c;npe .l'ottt�ltt _" � _ .. � � �� N.,tur�/Wnikl�l ,..'�C..SJ,IQ � _ '�- �- _ , � Z�I)flll.ntt _ l'lci� P 1tt1��._ __ ._ ._.._..1 ... . � r��ltFlll,ilit . ic_.�rn��lca._ - .__. ' 17,t»,�r.t,u 1'c�rk_llenchea � _._..' .,,_ 15 .. ... . . Ila tlst►� - �"� - •• 11� .. . _ 7�if�11,titl ' �u�. Crills..._.....--.. � ' I,R{itl.t�ll Itnt�d'..ShelCer -_.._,..._ -� . . .,.__ E'�t�yg t ou�i�_:�c�u f_�nnen l-_.----...._ - ��I1(►t),I)1) 1�- _._. __.__ .,_..._ _ �,;t cmt�.n� . -�_"_' ......_._. -•----- , __..,,.,__--...._. ---..__..___..-- �� 1 i,titlll.1111 �• •i•t)'1'Af.t'i)S1' �$?.t2�:it)i1.t1t)' . . , . , , � '_�� . ..._. ..... .__...._.___�.... ... � � t�t)1(,ti•�•�•�.1� `""�— --._—.__---•-- � tlSii UtJ1.Yc ; : : 4 . _.. ... - ---�-_ .._._ 1 � _ . 'r���,t r«►j�c�C��si . •, , :. . � � ' . �tivldcil I► � ti + . t, t Y i'�ta��l I��m�ix + '— — , � �r Ai�lcl�1'rt��ds ' "_.. ~--� ..._._ _. � . :. . . . . � j, . . . . . . ; , ���� tif((I�U���)��i �""'"`"'...'_..."+'"" __ + .. . '�i��i��rn��i.t���c�����nc•�i c•«n���t�r�r�Mrr�r•�r�i�t��u , .� ►��t�►ti1�t�����c�ltnt��•A4vntt��•����Itc�uct11 t�ttnt���.t=.�t1uN .. ..... 111:itiNNIMU I�A'1.1= Itl t)til�l�i'Itttt!'�•�. ---- .._.__._ IzPtl�tNtl1)q���q � _""'_`----- ..�,_..._,�,�_____y - ,.. , -._.___,______-- ('C)Af1't)Ni:M' ' ' X-- —�-- 1 ._. .. .. ._. . ..._.__ .. .. ...�..... "'".------_—.__.,..._...._.�,_.., 1�►�t�i ..._ at��rc r r�,�4� ����T` J �, �� � 1�4 f .1 �� � t i� t�i i i Iinr.ke . 1�n,i tt�r • ., y ttt��k - I�t��ve �4 tl T .. _ N��ck�y Iilt�k - 1.[p,l�t1�7 �Prnde X �tr i.nn�l.9cnhe c)!d R Mc�ve It Up,rn I� ' X. Y!t �.AtitI9CA t IIttCIfP�► IIIIIIf S(C , � e fio�iding 5.ite �• �r NAtur�/Nalking 1'rail X. xX 1'icalF Tables X4 YX. !'nrk Detich�4 �� n�rta+rque r,ritiv �ix,!� Il��id Shc*11 x� XX !'lny�round Eq��E�,o�enl !t)�( �t $, 't X} •-..__._.�__.--__...�.,,,----- ._ ___� __. __ .Rin:w�'i"'^'—..w•�•�r,;4, . ..,�•,,,� ..,,.:..r;�.._ .... � . � � � . � . . .. . . . .. . . � ..........._ --.^.._,...,,,,,_ .. • . . ««.t a:...,,.:..�.,..-.. � � � � . . . . .� . . .... ...;,._� ;..�:::;.. ,... •.., . . � . � � . . �»'_,,;',r;;::7�..�«.:.......�.... .r..,, ... . .. ,...._. ... , , � . ' •� � � APP�NllIX.VIII A culminati�n �l.anning and bud�;etins for Erick�son 1'ark impravPn►ents wi11 tRke place in 199U. Alt,hc��i�h �any af tlie areaR ot ttiis 54 �cre �»rk t��ve I�c�c�n n��r7 complel:ed [he sa�ill�ern area re�uires a great dea1. af alt;er.Atio���s. � Tt�is is 1:t�e area oE the park that is local-.ed next to tlie new ci ky f�All bui.lctin It i� elso tl�e area of t1�e park thet contains most caf the nr�tt�re Area and a��ive sites. Presently two alder hoekey rinka and an 4ld warmin� 1�ouse are the ma or amenities at thie locetion. f 1'FOJECTS SCfiEDULED. �) CI.EAN UP SI.OPE AI.ONG HI(:IIWAY �3 FRON SOUTNNRN 110AN1�1?R 1'() GttAVT.YARI) 1.CUT QUT Mt1NY OF' Tt1E 1)�AD TIiEES 2.C��F:AN UP GARBAG� ANI) TRASf! FROM SITE 3.1NSTAI,L WA1.K TRAIL F[tOM TUP �F SI�OI'F TO I.OWFR PAItK AREA I3�;INi; Rt:F10nL,L�D t;) R[:M(�YN: 4I.D WAitM7NG !H)USF:S 1.REMt�y� UI.I) WANMING HOUS� FROM BEIIIND TlIF GAI{AGE ARIiA 2.ItE�1flVE OLD WAftP11NG I10USE FR(1M T1tE RINK AR1�:A � ' C� CLEAR ARFA OF POI.ES ANU EQUTPMENT STORAGR t •�'Z�:K UP OI.t) PUWF:It !'pl.�g �I,JVp pI.,ACE TI1FM IN PROT');R STt1RAGF AR!{.AS 2.CII'Y YU1tI.IC Wt1KKS EQtJZ!'MENT TO lIAVE N�W llU]I.UING ANII S17'}�: PRI?}'At��;i) I�'UK 1.7' ll) RI:Pt(1VF, OLI? II�t.KI;Y RINKS FR�M PONlliNG ARF.11 1 .D7S�1l+NTi.� RINKS ANU SAI,VAGE MATF.RIAI,S UF RrtISAt3I.E (�UtlLI7'Y 2,TAKE ALL DAMAGEU ANQ ltOTTED MA1'ERIAI,S T'0 I)UMY �':) RisMOVC OI,I) t.TGitTING Atdn RF.t'1.ACF IT WI:1'[I NEW SYS7'I:�t 1 .k1:FK1VH: LIC1i'1'S k'Kt)M I'�LFS AN`� SAt.VAG�. Tlit?SF; Nt)7' Ii1.IItNI:t� t)U'i' 2.lth;MOVI.: ['t�WC�t C0J,1�.5 AND R�USE 'fi1�S� 1'l1A'1' ARI: I,�NC }�:Nt){7t�1t !�"t)it NF:W l.()CATI()N 3.CtLVUVt. TIi� 1'EtANSFtIRMER ANll INSTAI,I. I1' ANU NCW SWl'!'t;ll 1St�Xh:S AT NI:W Stii?I,1')? R SI7'E� �) CUNSTRUCT NFW RINKS IiEIiINll YUBLIC WURKS DUll.t�l NG 1 .I�ANI)SCAPE SITE liE1tJNU IlUII.DING 2.GKAUf?. AKk;A FOR URAINAGE FRpM RAINS AND MF.I�TING AS t+Ti�:l..L AS SNt)w I>UM!'ING 3.I'UKCIIAS� RINK SEC`i'I(?NS Tl1AT ARE iNT�.RCNANG�:AItI.F I�ftR I��ASY P1A1N'1'GNANt:Is' C) CfyNS7'RUCT NEW SNELTk:R / WiTIC WARMING II�USE 7NCI.lIt)f:l) / NF.l1It RINKS 1.SIIF't.7'F:It 10 IIAVE IARGE WAftMING IIOUSF 1NGLU1)�I1 TlIA1' c;RN Rl: USi;I} AISt) 1 N TIIF. St►ltMt�tt Mt�NT11S F�R RECltEATT0IVAT. pEtpGRAM3 (SFRVING F()UI) f)R Stl�:),TF:ft F'R(�M W�:ATiiFR) 2.I�FS1t;N 1'0 }3F WI7'I( WAltMING t1UUSE F.ASII,Y A(:�;RSS f D1.N: 7'Q Kl.NKS ANII YF'£ 1'FtOVIUF. Pt,l�:N1'Y OF Ot�i?N AkEA 1'tfAT OV�;tt I.00KS TIdF. NA1'UR1� AK1?A 1't) 1'NF� NUN1'i1WF;ST N) (:ONS7'NU("1' 13AN1) Sfil?I.1'!;R ]N AKEA WiIERE UOCKE:Y R3NKS Aal's !'KF:SJ�.PI7Y.Y IACA7'f?1) 1 .1'U 1!!; I,Ut;AZ'rp ]N 1'i1F SO(Pi'fIW�$T Ct}ltNFR FACINE; Nt1R7'IiI;hS't' 2.U}s5!(;�NEU F�R US1: F'0!t MANY C(�NCF.RTS, GOMMUNII'Y HAN1aS, (;.1'i'Y FlINC7'1 t)NS � . , � � 7 ) )J►NI)S(;AI'l�, U1.0 ttOt;K[.Y k1NK AfiF:A 1�OR i'1t;NIGS hNi� PASStVf; Itl?.Clth:t�1'1t)N t .Akl�:A 1U llF. 1,l:VF;I.C11 FRf)M t)NE: UI.I) RINK SI`C� 1'U '�'IH�, t)'1'I1E;K 2,lit.ACK U7.itT 1't) �3F; ttA11L�n IN ANQ GIiASS I')..ANTfI) 3.SI.UPF:ll SU TifA'C 1'ROPFR llRAI.NAGF WILL �'AKE I'I.ACF, 4.7'0 13F; USI?D �OR CROf1UF.'T', kICK�AI.I., AND OTiFI?K StIM�lI�.lt R[?GRF,ATIC?NAI, PI2(t(:FtAhiS 5.1'U llAttE �.ASY ACCl;SS FROM YAKK:FNG I,OT NEXT T(� (:I1'Y fiAl.l� V�I:l1'll WALKI,NG 7'�AILS J? C;I:�Mt U:� IIOT.1tINt: Pt?NI) AR�A 1 .!'1(:K U!' 1RASN ANf) 1)h:At) 7'kErS 2.CI.�:AIt AREA SO Tf1AT ACCESS TS P�SSIIiI,E F(t!t PtA7N7'F:NANt;H; {:ItfW 9'0 t15� 3.}'�,ANT AUI)I1'IpNAI, 1'R��:S WI1'11 USING SCVF[tAL V�iRli�:'1'11:S I.N f11IS Ak1�.A K) t;()NS7'RUCT NA7'URE TRAII. TN SlIMF I,OCATIpN AS 13I.AGK WAT.NU�'S 4dI?tti? t'T,ANTFU I .NF,ARI.Y UNF IiUNf�EthD AI�ACK WALPIUT 1REES WF.RF; !'i,l1N7'l�;it :iN 19�i7 .IiV 7�t11TT, Al2EA 2,1'itAJI. SttUUI.t) BF fiI.,A(;KTOPP'ED AND FUI,LOW FRQM PAtiKING 1.�1', Al.�)NG 'I'iiE RII)Gk: OV�:[�I,{�)��G Tt1E PON�ING AREA, AROUND THE S�(;G�:l� FItil.li AN1� F:NI) UI' AT �'N� YAkK1NG I.QT 11RF:t� EAST OF TIiE SOCCER FI�Ln I.) PtIKCHASC P]CN]L �:t�U7I'MENT {TAtII�ES GNIII� � 1.I�.STA1tI,ISit P1CN1U SI1'�S N�.Ak YARKINC 1.aT n��n�o�js�i�? A5rW1%I L(,ASSU'i'[1FR S OV�'RLtH)KING Tlii; 1'�NDING AR�A 7TrS 2•�':51'AllL.1511 LOCA'170NS F�R TAliLES ANU CONSIRUCT CUNL:tiE1'1's ilASf. F'�It h:ACll OF 1')ir WHFttE 1'AT3L�5 Att� TO ltEMAIN "C:ABLEU" TU SI1'E M M) }'URCItASE ANp IN4TAl,I. PA[tK I3ENCIfES IN PONllINt� A1tEh AS IVF:I.}, AS I'1t:N]C Nt 1 .I3MNCilES SItOUI..n HE I,(3CATi�� OVF.RLOOKING THE P�NU1Nt, S1�'C Ai,(1NG TN� WAI.K7NG TRAII� 2.t3ENCtIES SIIOUI,!) I!E LOCATETI N�AK TpE PIGNIC St1'�; WIIE:(t8 "FU1'llltF:" I'LAYGROUND �QUII'F1ENT COUI.1) t�E INSTAI.I�ED N) PAVE 'rilB AI)1)ITl�A1AI, ARFA UF CITY ItAI.L PARRI:NG I.t31' �(lit .101N'C USF 1.I,ANUS(:A!'k; OUT ARk:A P1tI;SEN1'LY USFD FOR OVER�I.t)t� !'ARKIPdG t)F' SKA`I'I.NC: I'ttUGRA ANU JOIN IT Tt) �tl� CI7'X lIAI,L PARKING I.UT MS 2,t'AVE: ANU INSTAI,I� PAItKING CURBS 3.iNS'1'AI.I, PAVN:1) t)� GUN(;tt�TL WAI�KWAYS FltOM I'ARKING Lt)T ARF.A 'CU n077! SH�:1,Tf:RS 0) 7NS1'AI.L GFNI?RAI, I.J(;ItTINC F�tt 3'{!7S [trMO!)F.I.E1� S1'I'I; 1 .NIG[i7' LIt;N7'S 1'0 1'itFV�N� VANI�AI.TSlt SiIUUJ.D Ah INS1'AI.LRU 7.G�NEltAI. I.IGIi1`lNG S11UUb1) Dk; INSxAI.I,Ell TU �'R()VtUI; Vtt?.W1N(. UI� S.t!'H. F12UM 1{3t;1{td11Y I') PURCIIASE ANI) INSI'ALI. PI,AYGR�UNU EQUIPMIsN1' A1 S17'I3 1 .FUit U5E DUR1Mt� E'AAtI.I.Y PIGN7CS 2.t)F A VARIET'Y Ft1k t1SE BY YERY YpUNG CifII.UREN AS WP.I,I., AS TNF. OI.Itp:R Yt)tl'I'!1 � , � �. � � i c:oNCM pms s ------,------..._ A) SHP:I;rr;K RF.S'fit(1t)fi�1S ANU F�UN7'AINS WtI,1. S�:RVF, Ft)R (:OON7'Y 1)lK.)? 9'ItA1T. (tH,43' S't'�}� 1.Nt)SF:�tt)UNT JS I.tH.A7'I;D IN 7'tIF. CEOGRA}'IiIC t:F:N'1'H:t� UF llAKq7'A t.'ttUN'i'Y WtiFttF. MANY !�}KF 1'kAlI,5 (:R�SS AN}) i.00:AL GI't'1?.ENS USR 2.}'AttK Akk.A WQtll,ll Ti�, I,t5�'EU ON MApS FUIt Rll>I?RS ()N A :.'1'A'1'1: tJ11)i: llAS1S 7'U US� !t) !'AKK SHI?T,TF,R ANi) 1fANU 511E1,1'�R T0 1!E USFU AS "Nt:AR9'" (tN CJ7'Y F11pflI,Y �'ICN.tCS 1.SUN�AY EVE;AIING GUNC�.I2TS A1�JU FROGRAMS WOULI) diE iIM:I,H A'I' 7'li1S S)1'}; �'UR �,AF11I.Ik.S 2.RESEltVA1'UNS FO[t FAM]:LY ANn BUSINESS PTGNICS Idt)l�l,l) I1L MAUF A7' 7`II:IS SITF, hUF 7`U TUF PiA(VY 5PE:(;IAL FEATURE TIIAT IT O1�FERS . C} 1990 I.EPRFCiIAUN DAY3 TO IIAVE MA.TOR FROGRAMS AT SITB TO SIIOW IT OFF 1.NtBA FAMTLY DIKE RIU$ TO START AHD END AT SITS 2.FUPPET WAG4N AN� CQNCERT TO BE Ii$Lb AT SITF. 3.FAHILY FICNIC AND IC$ CRg.AM SpCIAt, TO BS ltELD AT S1TL� �) Ri.VAMPED AltEA WiJ.I, St�RVE AS LOt.'AL SIT� FOR Slt. L'77'I7,L'NS 4�110 I,�VF, ]id )t?GIIRISE LQCA7Ei) NEXT i'0 SITE },SR.S CUtiL� t1SE T11IS SITE F4Ft 1'ffE1R SUMAtER WAt.KS ANI� t:XFRC7SR }'R�t:NAMS 2•��%A I5 CIASE k:N0UGf1 FUR VISITING FAMI1,IfsS T� USi�, FUR I�I:I.AX7Nt; 1'tK;ETIf1;R 3.AKE� xS GLOSE ENt1UG11 FOR SR.S TOP WAi.K TU CUN(:FK7'S ANU (;ITY PRIX;ItAMS 4.AREA NAS EASY ACC�55 FROM SIAEWALKS FOR SR.S TQ USR E) REVMiC1�:11 SIT'� WII,t� S[:RVE AS WAI.KING ANI� PICNIC S:i'I'}'s �t)ft E�iP1.0YlaF:S ANt) CUSTOltERS OF nOWNTOWN BUSJNESSES DUE TU TIIF FAGZ' TIfAT YAF2IC ]S LOCA1'�:I1 IN IN)WNTUWN AItE1k NF.XT TO 1'IIF,M �Z 1•ARFA JfUSINF.SS �:PIPLOYEF.S 11AVF. EASY AGCESS ITY WAY ()F' SI.itI:WAT.KS 7'0 lIS� SIT(; 2.Ak1�:A WOUI.() i'R�Vlt)F. A ItEI.AXTNG SITE 1'� LNJOY I.UN(:ti [tEt!?AKS F} RI:VAAtPF.0 ARF.A WI`LL SERVE AS A SPECIAL A1TRAf.TIUN FOIi AJd. PL:t)!'I,F I?N7'�'�t].NG F Ti1F NUit7'11 ROPt 1 .I1' IS 1,OCATEi) NI,AR kARK ANU RIllE SI7'F ANU 7'I!E GftURC11 2.IT IS C3,EARi.Y VISIBL� WII�N FN1'ERI'NG GITY G) UI'GRAi�TNG AM[j AJ.I't;K7NG PARK S.i�'E WII.L �NlfAtdCC f'lll: AC?':tVN. AR�.A UI�' TII.iS 5h • • I'ARK WIt�RE SiK:t:i�:[{, Ft30'PNALL, t1Nn SOF�"BAI,I. FIF.i.t�S AkF: i'kESM.N7't.Y i.Ut;A'I'F:1) A(.RC I .PRF.S�:NT'I,Y TiIIS AR�A (3F TiIE PAKK TS AN "EYE SUAR" 2.CUNNF.t:7'ING TRAII.S T(tRf�UGii T1tE FARK WII.L ALI,�W pt)R 1'I?ppLE T(1 WAI,K 1'0 A1'JII,F.'I'1`C IsVFN7'S OR FRC1M ATIII.ETIG EVF.N1'S TO THE I.QC.AL litJS1NESSt•:S 3.1'E�PI.,�: US]:NG PAitK FUR hTHL�.TIC PURPOSF.S WILI. TO USE FQR IIAYIP}G P�(;N]:CS 13E1'WEFN GAMES, REI.AXING 13RTW}�GN GAMrSn�F7(�.��� �i��'ti �I) �{I�A W�3UI,U CtHVTINUE 7'0 pRESCRVF,ll FOR W1LA I.I�'E 1N PUN1�tNf; AKI:A AN1� }1.iG11 CitASS ANI.A NF.XT TO YnNt1 1�1'1{ESE:N'PI.Y FHh.ASAN9'S AItE 1'l.�NTIFUI, IN TIIGi#N:Et G1tA5S ARI�:A 0(' P()NU S77'i�: 2.WA1k.R I.�VI;I. IS �X!'rt;1'l�;D 7'0 [;UN7'INItE T(� RF:Mt11N 111GN!?tt Wl1'li 1N(:tt�:ASH:U 1�k;Visl.C�{�PiF:IVT ANf) ttUN �FF FROM TliOSE b�VEI.C1PMi?NTS - 7'ItIS Wtl7'E(t 4llLL. Iii; STORH,I� . Ft)K ll[IGKS ANU tt'1'11F:R W1I,I)LI�'F TO USE � 4 :T . . . . � . . � � .� . � .. � . . � � . .. �p a, . . � � . . � . � � � . . � � : . . .. : . . .t . . . . . . . . . . � ' ti't'A'I'I�.At1�:N'1'ui�Ati.SU1thNC1?5 � '1'r► tl�c: l►c;st uf nty kt�u�vicd�c s�i�ct (�clief, dnlH in ihis n� ►li • � 1 � cs�tltart atc Uue��I���t c��rrcri� at�cl 1lic;cl��eu»yc�it li;�s t,ecn iluly nufhu�iacct I�y the g��vcrni�i�b���ly E�f tl�c s��►plicst��t. .�.� 1� � � �� /�� / . ,� tr•r.t���.� f �_N_�,�'-���� � . — ,, ,.� � _....,...��...__._----...-. f�. - .. S� �--�� � � Si�,�i:�1��rc nf E'�ii��a�y CuiNs�ct t'crsu���. __.._ _ 1)crtc � . -t— n � (��/Z.c�v, �..�.e`��rJ �c�--/S—C� ltt:fltlittf:l) A1'1'ACIIMI?N'I'S 't�� nr� ttvci..Ul)I?!) A5 f'Att'1' Ul� '1'iltr � A1'1'l.IC:A7'lUN: ; A. ���.� {)rb,�utzutic►ia t)cscri��ti��t(if nppHcsil�ie) fZ. �ttexotutic�ti A��tltuririti�J�����lic�tic�n�n�l t:)esi�;nhtit�g 1'ri�nsii�y C'c�nit�c! 1'crsr� �•`• IN ht;y�c�f 1'rt�jrcl i a�rtrtiuit �� � 1�• L�Ct�t��r Sli�ics f t:. (_1 L�:ticrs caf 5������c►rt ur AF���1ic;�ti�i�s fi►r t'cr�t�it ' , 1'• (�I'ahlic 1 tearin�;iMcciing tnfc�rm��tii��� • (i. � {'ru�CC1 N:irrativc/CcIcl��atc MiEi�iccut7 �t � 1))(11)csct�{rl ii>i� , '1'hc tli�cu�t►cnts sul�tnittcd in sup;ic�ri ut'tliis t►p��l'tcil(I(/11 SIIf1II I}C CtIFiSIIIC�CtI ►,TCt!)f 1I11S it�)'1�1C�IlIQ'fl. j i � ` 1 , . � 1 ' . j � � . � �t.... . � ..y . �� � � . � . � � . . � � � . � . ..� ... � Cri'Y Oi' ROSCMOUN�r � I2ESOLU'PION 19aa- 122 i CELEt3RATF 1990 GR11NT APPLIC:ATIQN i� hPPLICA'CI�Np71NDIpRIMARY�CQN`1'11C" � 1 Pl,It�nN ; � ; I BE IT RESOLVED t1�at C.t�y of Rosemount acG as spq��g�rin+� ur3ik f I �r � the project identified as rrickson Park ! (sai�tl� �n��) Upc�r-a�i� to be � r.anc.i�teCc�c� clux.tng ttie p�:riod Jul Y� 19f39 ll�rc��tc�lt Uec:��i�1�er. , 19E3�3. � F3E I'P FUtt'�Ii�R , ttESOLVED that the amount of �he gratit rec�uesE is in addition to tl�e an�ounC oriyinally budgelec� 1'or tt�e projeal•. t , � David J. I3echtold is hereby au�liorizec� to � �Pl�tY to the Mirtti�s�ta : nepartrnent c�F Tzac�e and �conomie Develo�ment fvr func�ing of thi , S ; ArQjeet on behalf of the City of Rosemount. i !� ADOPTED tiiie 15th day of dec emVer, 1988. i ; 4 � � RolZaii�ilc�� . �_ — ---- - � ke, MayQr � A'rTCST: ( � _ _ ',ri.� i �-�t� n .Ttlk, 1� rrsirt t att��Cl k � i � ; , ; .' •` `. r . � w � � 1'Alt`I' tl c��t.���u�•i���; r�a� t;1tAN7' APPLt('A't'1ON APi'I.f('AlV'C: t'RIMAKY Ct1N'fAt'1't't's1tSUN: (1) N:1��►�G.i�tY�a, � Rosemount (2} Namc David J. Bechtold Ad�i��ss�t375 145th St. West AJttress 2875 245th St. West r Rasemount�MPi 55068 Rosemount. MN 55068 OrganiraUon'1'Yl� Ci�_ Pl+onc �1Z.�.�Z.,� - .4�5_s2f�i.��,._ (612) 431 - 428U home (:3) �'VIIA't'IS'i'f tl:LU('A�'1t)N Or Tf IE3 PRO11:(,t'SCTL(S)?(lncludc c•c�urtly,rily,nciglil�t►�I��x�d�fr sulxiivisiu��antl sl�ccl ur road acfJfcss) �Erickaon Park� .Gft r�of Rosemountt Dakota_Couny_145th_Street &_tiighway �3 I.t•�ialalivc 1)i51ii��1 _3� ('��ngrctsKn�ul i)is(ricl_�..3....�.�_.�. itr�iu��..._..��,._...__r._.. �� • (•I) I1OW t)Ot?S YC)Ult 1'It(}Pt)Sl�t)pttOlI�CT RC�I.ATLTt)YOUR COhta1t)NI'fY'S ��MNi Ct:l.t:i!!tA'1'tt1N't.S'CA't'�7'i 11�(it)At.t)i�YOUR i'ROt'f)SL?t)!'Rt)JI'st.l'ANU#)EtiC:itlllii 'i'11131'IiUi't)Sl:i)i'ItUli"st:i'.A't'I'ACIi A NAf2RATIVL. 1'it()1L(:I"t'tl't.t: Eriek�pn Park ,�,soyt� e�d) Unerade �_ (5) Iti'I'lit:t'ROt't)tii?[)1'ItOJCCTCOt)itf)iNA1'�D WI't'!i OTIII;R PRO(�ti�lMS? 1'cs X._�, Na.___.__ Il�YI?5,fi't.LASC?tt)t'sI�1'if'Y C{3Oitf)FNA'I'INti PltUtiRAMS, University of Minnesota City Design Team �study conducte�to eva uat� t e owntown area, entrances to tTie city, �iighlights and lan�marks of the city, etc. The stuc�y i e� nti�ied this _. ..�.�_ �_� _�_ : revan��ing of Erkicson Park as a major pra�ect ttiat cou�e eompleted to enhance a��'ofythe otMer projects expecially �andrnarks an t e��owntown area. (c�) 1�t11?ti'i'lii:Pttt�i't)tiTl)Pit(?li's('1'1tt3(�UTI2C'i'l![?ACi'itOVAi.ANI)/UIi(:t)OPf?!tA'{'IUN Ut�u'filt:lt Al�I�L:C'i'�t)1'AR"11[?.S? � INUIC'A'1'l:S'I'A'1't1S. ' .--,i41.1..,..],arad-,a.�e�uo.3,ue.d�._�.�Rre�ently owrted by_the City of � Aose�noug�and is b ng��;�. �n ,�.�,tar aah �n as i�]�ei�RJ-�LtY1�:d.Project is � �e.j.t]�+,...�Signe.tl._hfL�"PVam�n An� a�an�p rhe_.cil:iier fgei i i tiec _ and__.t�.. replace t�t@[R � where ever necessary. � (7) SitRtAtAlil"f..ts'!'lll?1'URt.iC PAR7'ICIi'ATlt)N PitOt'E'sSS. The city tield a public hearing on pecember 15, 1988. It has alsa included _ . .__�..._ __..,...._.... ___ _.,�.....�_ ...�__.. ctiscussions oE this_pxo ect,at the Farks & Recreation Congnittee meeting of . _.T_.._. _...... _...�_._._.,_.�. _.__.._.._.._�._..___.._.__._.,� _...._.._,_,._�._. .Nsa�v�ml�.�.�...�.1,_���,$$. 'r>>___�_t�evs�..gl.�SLsl�.�lt�..�.�l�lli�._.S��E.S�A.�G�4:Q�..�� the C i t i zen Aa1f�.uS�r�t._�.k,�.,t1g�E�-.�A Nc�,►:pm,�.� � _ -----� � ._ _ . '�YMYfr'n�..•�.-•fR.�QJ.^!'4+"�'�"�q�..��'u•�.lr�'.14�.�.P� ..V k � . . . r.. � ...«:..`..�.�+11+�:'r+iniu3.tn.�""..'_- . . . . . . ._.��. ......,....��....... c s ""'_...._._.....-." '�.. 4:_..w}'� � . � • . . � � . • . . . . � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLiCATi(yN STATE QF MINtdESOTA County of Dakotn j �� I NANCY J. GUSTAi50M,6ciny dulY�worn, oa ootb �art Iha1 shs is on oulbori:ed oyenf ynd a►nptoYe�o!IM publiaher oi il�e newspeeper Mncwn os Ool�oto Gounfy Tri6une,ond bot fulf I�nowledq� af�M(ocy w!►Ich are:loted belows PV��„�� ,+�4'�''e� (�)Tha newsraper ho�complkd wiih ali of Il�e rcquirements con�NluHng quoiiilcatiqn ot e Iegd1 arr cu�os�MctuHY �eW� � r ►roncE Ot ru�ut►K���Np P�P�.ot orided b Mina�aoto Stolufa 331 A.0?,331 A.07 ond eiher eppiicable lews,rts omended. The('Ny 1 iNnx•i!ef 1hr t'i1y��t It��cennnxN wli)mrrl ia Tquri�i S�a. 1kre�ul�rr IS,IWW,al J:30 p n�I ihe Itaee� man�t'�wrx•il�. (B)The pd»te�_._. � 'hamlK�t �,,. , 7'he(uK�n�ce n�Ihin e�rNi�p�wiN be lo con• - _ .�_ _t�._ _. a (� � ._. . . _. .._.._ .. __. ���rclwoWa�•Is1alx�NicaelniM��rr�M�p- ..._._._ _._.......__,_. al{na tar huNliaR u�Nlrr fhe"telebrrle � ' w1�m�rsMs 19�1"�K� rain. .. ._._.__.__`.a....._.� 7'h�u!lwn�ojecie�rrlwkihecm�sirucNoa '.._.�`----_.___..,_.._ __ _. ._._ _ __.___. ._�___....---•r.�.�.._..+__.__— d+�Mlshcl and amm�itiea le E:Hekson Patk �rd ihc cw�straclian o(•'lyeicwne ia Rrwe. fl�e�mt"sig��a at ealrnroces lo the cannwoiiy, ._._.__,�_�, 1'he ciHzero at Nasrnrounl ue wekane lo � -----____-�----- anuK�u .__._-- . ..____-�--------...�.__.__ l' �rax�ril io diarussion un l�e two w hieb is ottoc �—'—"—"'""� pre�•ia a Iha1 m�rlin . �wat suf(ran Ihe columnt ol soid newsE+oper,ond wos p►IMed und publisl�ed onte I�atnl Ihia inth dAy p�(�JpyPh1UC�,IY9e. aY�nchFn ot•Tu�citY cY►trroc��. �rM runN ru.x Ada�inixirul�lt`krk �ota WNk,Iw tt�y oflt�►c�m�W�n1 —' -----�-. .___�_._ __.._--_...,___.._.. soec�sslr�.w�k�;If wo� ; t?rkMs 1'm�niy.61M�u�xia - _. ._ 17t fa�r publisl�ed oo Thundor,�he. �_"_( ._ do d._-.-- 3c.� !_ , �. � -- - r .__ .��:�..4J��-S"�__---- ---__, ig :��� —____ . ond wa� Ihehoke� printed onA pubN�bed on avery� ?bunda� fe ond iaciading Tbundor.ihe--� _._�._doY�______.....__ _..___._.. ..,..._ 19.. ond prinled b�low is o eapY ot the lower cote olphobet from/�to Z,bo�k incias{v�,wirlch it hereb� ockaowbdyad o#be��y tl�e si=�end Mlnd ot typ�used In Ihe eompo�{tion ond RubileoNoa e!tha nnNce: n IxvM(khf jkhua�qxpxl�n•x��y= / . .• / ' aY: i i (f t'f�' ���(�:�(f�,.�.L.����.�,t,._ - - ___ , . • . T iL :Sacrotor�ea the P�b ishef (.,: i. _.� ✓ �, ' - ;" Subtcrlbad ond�wan ta betar � t c y �,� , },( . f�ti'A Ihlt `_-?_` do ot _�!E:_�.'.__tl.s�)t;.d.',19'S "__.. * .� ,� -....,. -- (, ° _.�� �.�-.,� - - - - � ��I-�t 41�t'�.��1'Y.y t . � tory PubUc — -- _ ~z�`,,.....� � � •�«����.ii�....r�,r�r•i��rr.sr�.•e��• •� . ��r.►�� �i .i. �invt:ri�.nwta . � � � � . ' ' .n1S�' . r�r:� �.�:����i+iuNJ-I.tir,ne;nr,i � � � � � `��i 114' ���r<c�1 n cc�i 1r�l Y � . . . . . . . .�S�• .f•, � �� �..�.,��..1�.-piroT hac.a,1�A9 � . . � . . � . . �♦��fsrlllNt�•.�JlrPeINII�NN�NIIN � � � . . . . �.� ♦ ._• . . . " �.J: .. � ' .. . . . � � � . ,..... � . J,�. . . . .. . . � ..� . . . . .. ... e , . fl � . . .� � .. . � � � ' . . . . � ... � ti� . � � . � . � � �'' ''.+�) ��ei�� l / ����� �) 1`t111f�'f ',Ifl t ' ;R!!� t•IS111 ti 1 1N , ��,vsc�r��vr.�ril ,It��;t�ht�liNi. MiltlFli!:111A 4fi1N:l1 fiI? A?:i �1d11 A1�F'T1?AVI'P Oh' PUS'fi�,l) 1�1�AR f.Nt; Nt�'t'tt:l: Ch;L1;liRA`1'� M1NNi:SO'PA 14�)� t;itAN'!' Pitt)(;ItAPt �'f A'T k; E)E' M I N�t E SO'1'A ) GUtlN'1'Y t}t� 1)AKU`PA ) C1't'Y �t{ 1tUS1:M{)t1N,�, � Sle��l��n Ji.tk, hc�l��b [1,r�L• dulp swornt rlepose9 anft a�rrys; I �m a Ur�it�ci S�€ttPe t;. ltizen end the duly qu�li.E:led t;i�rk �f ttie Ciry uf Rasetso�tnt, Minnear�ka. Qn Noveml�er 28, i98a, �cting on belielf '�f AAid ctt j . Citp tiRll, 2875 •- 1�i5Lli SL•reet Weat� khe a1;r_r�checi nnr.i.cepsfpthet ub� t�eerl�ig reg�rding tl�e GeleUraCe Minnesota 19t�(} �'e•ugram. � tic � • Ste ie�i Jil Admin.l9trn r/Clerk Citp c�E Rogemount llakota County, Mfnnesoka SuGacriirea Find swc�rn to beEore me thie �.� {�'f aay ��t Uecember 15, 1988. `'_...._ )i,/i� ---'�._`-_ _,_ 1 � � � . . _ ._w..�,,...t.w i V� .� f .�� . . � � � . �---� \. � .'c^f")4.1+."'Z,.,...- Notary I'tihlic.-' �(//�;' . � � � : . .. . �. l!/'.�NA.+V`a4�JV���\�."��A.V1i+�I� ��1 " . � . . � �� �A�.�.1.y � . � . . . � . ti r���.rr. r�) r.,�.�� .� �;.,7,i . .� . . . . . . . ���,k, f..� td11i �� ft! �p . ..;Ui.\ �..���' 1'r:. �lti �11 � t.tY f:fT!t'.t i:. ..� !.I... !1. 1^,2.? � . . . � . . . YVf1�11ViMiv�M1l��hi�✓VL��V�I'���v✓J�Vft � . . . . � . . • • � .-~_ �� t•r� pttr �.In . . � . . . . . .��� �,���j� f7�� ... � . '.:4tt'� 1•1�,11��:t ;.; . . r . � `�,v��c�ri���r�r�t� ►,�,:;1 A1tt1ltJ l �„��►�►���„� ....,,F.� , ri; .1�, .1��� 4:ITY Ol� RUS1.Pit)t!N'I' NO'CICI'. Ol� PU13(�I(: 11(;AIt1N{; i 'Che Cif:y Cot�ncil nE tlie Cttr �f Rc�sem�>>�»t w1l.1. meeL- in Speclal �� Seseion an Thur��leY. I)�ceinber 15, 1988, at 7:3U �a.m. at the Itoeerevunt Cauncil Cha�bera. 't'ha purpnee oE i:ifie �n�e�ing W111 be to r.��nr� id�r t:�eo rr�.lecLe t� ��e incl:u�led iu e �rant op�li:c�tion �o� fi�r�clln� iincier �I�e Celebrate Min��e�uta 19�10" pxvgraa�. �� 7'hess Cwo pro,fec.l:s include t1�� con4tructic�n c�f e� hnndr�heit end �taer►.tti�A in };rickevn I'c�rk anct �I�e conr�trncl- La�� o[ "Wcicome to Rosemoi�nt" aigae �t entrancea to t#ie cc�mmunl.Cy . ; ` 7'he citt.�ena of Kosemaunt are we2c�me to �j��l�� t:he city cauifcil in . diacussion an theae tWo pro�jects st th�� meer.ing. ; Ueted Lhis 28t1ti d�y of November, 19�3a. ' I3Y U{tUL�R 4F TIII: Ci'1'Y COUNCIL. ; /, _ �j � ' t ^•� 6�1�7��"Cff / � ,,, � �tePh�i Jil.k l ' Admin.istrr�k�>rf(;.1:�erk f City x�f Ro�emot�nt 1 i)Akotn Couri�y � Minn�sotn�. 1 � { � I � . � � � i 1 , � � t y,,,,,;,._..'� R�SCMO' " CtTY P12f.)CLI��t)INGS � , SP�CIAT,'"MEt;'.�TNG t�cCCMiIC.lt 15, 19nU Pursuaslt tc� due c�ll aiic� ru�tice thereof a s�aecial �o�eting af the City Cc�uncit c�f the City o� Rps+�mocint was duly 1�eld �n Tl�ursciay, t3�ce�nt�c�r 15, 19t3�i, at 7;OU }�,m. in L-he C�u�3r.i1 Ch��ml�rs oE tl�e City IIa17.. Mayor Iloke called tl�e meet.ing ta order wfth memk�er.s Walsh, Oxborough an� NapE�er �resent. Couneilmem�er Wip�aerm�nn was at�sen�. Mayor Iloke 1ed �t�e yroup in �}ie Pledye of Alle��iar�ce. �r. Kurt W��lter-iiansen was interviQwec� for the v.-�r,a�it p�sttio►i on the Etosemo��nt I1R11 �oarc� effective �T��nuary 1 , , 190�.�. 11 �-p4e�is was ca►llec� aL- 7:20 p.m. wi.tlt tlae �oc�Pting i:��;c���ve�iLncJ at 7t30 p.m. May��r ttake c�i�e��ec� t;1►e ���bl tc heariric� �citec���1e�� fc�r thl.� t ime t;o cc�nz�kslnr twn E�ru,j�cls for ��ossible inclu�ic��i ln t:ir� ���-ant �i����ltc,ati.nn L'or �uiacling under tlie "CelebraEe Minnesc�ta 199U" ��rc�yr�i�n. Tlte <��E3u�y �lerk ha�3 in 1�er presence the Af f.iclav.i l: at Puhl ic�tiott and Pa�ted liearing Notice. Ses Clerk;s Fi�.e 198F3-35. Di�:�ct�r oE ��rks and R�r,reation ��vid ��chfc�lci, c3c�sit�►i�tec� as lhe projecti director for tlte Erickson Park {south en��) Upyrade Project, reviowec� in c�etail wi�h Cc�iincil the grant a��lic��ti�n. Thrauyh ove�views �f the pra�ect, �he director explained the ma��ar areas of renovatio» �nd �he v�rious projects inuvlvec� in �.he park �r4gram. The ciirec�or indiGated aIl activities would be dQne by ��cemUer, 1989. K�rry Johnt�an, representing the RosPmot��it Jayce�s, E�re:�e�ite�l a drawing of "Welco»e to Rosefnount" signs to be placed at nritrances tra t}�e commu��ity, Mr. Joltnson, p�ojecE direc�or for tl�e grant, reviewec� the grant a�plieation witit C�uncil. Mr. Johnaon ac�vised ths Jaycees would like to i.ngtall the signs in the spring of 1989. `rhe co�ync.tt commertdeci navid t3eclz�olc� a�ic� Kerry Jvli�is�c�ri for tttetr invQlver�e►�t in the grant �rogram. MQTTON by Wal.sh to close the public hearing. SECOND hy Iloke. Ayes: Wa1sh� tioker Oxborouc�hi Napper. Nays: 0. MO�rION �y Walsh to ac�opt CELEBRATts 1990 GRANT APPLICRTION RESOLUTION AEITHOttIZING APPLICI�TION �Np pRiMARY CONTACT PLRSON fhr tlip Frickson Fa rk (sc�u t�i end) Upgr�cie pro j ect. SECOND by tlokP. Ayes: Wal sh, iioke, Oxborougt�, Na��er. Nays: 0. MQTIQN k�y Walsh to acic�pt CFLEBRI�TE 199� GRANT APPLIC�.TI�N RESOLtITION AUTt10RIZTNG APPLICATI(?N AND PRINlARY CONTACT PLRSON for tlie Welcvme to _ _ _ _ _ _ :. _. _,"� . � ► • � i'NtiL;�b It1�J(33tt�11'CLUV txlt�9+i[I�s�� _. , , - ,..... �.._._.._ ..-_ IZL7C�Ui.7iR_._.�'I[VC; CN.� 21�_�9a$ ��. Fi13rII3t�22:3 1'ftl�;tNr• -._ L3ark��ra�I3tYxvri;�I�ar -----..__.._. � ry Wals}�, I,of s P1cKir�ely, tk�llu�a .Siin���x�t, J�riy I��ciaty, [bve 13edttold (Directo�:) • �'tK�i ��iy�r. Ik�ke, 5lsve Jilk (City lk�ntni,str�t�r), I�isa :1r,st: (��r.Yx rarrt ��i i�cl•c�c•j, I,i�x�a �7entirilc th�ninistration S�cr�t�ar � oC P�1rks) Y). I2ick Ccx�k {C'oz-c�nari M1I�IJ19�t P�bi;icm k�y i�ar� I3ncx�m wit:lt a �nl.nul-�s as wriCl�i. All vc�R:ed in f�r,frcm [�e�acuia t�c� acc�E�l- t1�r. ltt�'U�'t,,;i�tQy�y�t lp�t;s. ��i�ci tliat Eliere would lx� a Citizc�� Att;itt Siirv+ey nx�sliny I�a7:d #n ti�a City t�unail roan.g �� 7:00 P. P�1. c�� Ncyvr���r 2�'�x3. ito at.so anijour� t}jat tihere waa nn Urt�n t�esi.cp� WFirkslx,�Nc v .Scixxlt�l.t�l f�r 9:Q0 tm�fl 10:30 11. M, or� 1:1�c:end�r 7th. 'Iix►se meetirx s Wt�tilcl �:t311C�t t��OTi ite.r� s�xh as tt�e trail syst.e►n, city l�iu�ific�al-ic n, ��sll�Ze fran�e wark,�.or.�.t�_.L�'k st c.a -- __..._ _. ..�Y_..��etc.. �'x�3�t1�'i� MiNN[5�7I'A in ao�nection witli tl�e 1990`Qly����ic ('�lel.�� ' e��e�ir.ac�es san� kfrxi of tc�wn beautificah.ian �roject ihra�c3t� a yrant aE��llcatic��. Z9� cl�adline �or t l�a t a�l i r.�l-i a i l s t k�c���x�r 1 6i:it. A E x a b l ic Ix��r inc� rm�st be held �rior to tt�t c�at� anci �E�,t3e�-��:icxi. ' '11�e :l�aycr�c�, ��u�e wrarkiixJ ta J�ave a grant t�a l�lp fvrx� i�ew siyi�s fc,r tlte ei�trances oF th� City, ��e Director s wri�e a grant f�r kl� paaajects alr �ested tha� �ssil�ly we c�u1�3 1�9(}. 'if�r wol�ld incltx3e cle�ni �at�c}�edulee� i.n I:Yickscx�t Park fc�r l�key ririlcs, txiilc�it�g a stielter� h �ding arF.�-�, i�x�vir�q ttie cleart ut_� tl�e hil.1 alorx� the sic�e�af�ltit��i� a �k�tuar_/walkfny trail, wu.l�l alsc� u.sa sl�n�k�s a�� lanc-3saa �i � Y H3, et�c.. Scl�w�rz �'s�rk � ncJ daze. �if�e 1)ir.ecLor will. wr�rk �t writ�nq a grant pmjec:t foc• t_I�e I:ricic�n P�zrk P�:3c�c1�s a�x� l�ve �t r�dy for ti�e �x.ut,ilic tx�ritx3 cr� I��c�:yr�,�+r 151�l�. . ..___._._._.__ �._ _ O�l',� Cx]UIiSi;: Ifi� was tahled far discussia� at a futnre nx_.,etiixj----".� -----:��d� :�()t'l�(]tT.��_�ItR�!(�;_ '17�e bir�ctor mEx�rtec� tltilt iJ� !�'it�.�iiee I?h�aitn���rl: ------_.. kx�en rlSket� 1)y tllt? c1Ut31t:t)z'S �or t1�e �aast :�.i:ve y�ars t:o �ir.�, t.t�:is 1:��'a� fu�xfiir�y. 'l4�ak w�-�s due fio ttie fact tt�L- Uxay az�e rraL- lc�c��i l:or ci.l;i.es h�a I�ive ��c:c�c�rrling to Mitme�qt�i �t��t� I�aw. I�tti,�ntly funr3s are t�k� in ar�d enter� into t!� Sel f Su Wi�e�� k.t�e el��x� wtx�lci tae nkacie tt�e Furx�s w��lc� t�e e�il•c�c•�i ii���re�vr�iu� � ��ccxxu�ts in the G�,a�eral Ftu� 1�r�ts. t.rackir�9 Qf the tunds. hc�ver, tlie bal�r�s �ild r�iot-.�I�elr�nsfPa�r fmra <�� yc�r tc� tl�e t�ac�. ec� Al: lx�:kj�t; L•in�e �zch year the rev�rn�es weuld bP Ezinjc�ckc�ci .�rx3 t-�ie c�x�x�n�;es. (�zly ltxase �unno�u3ts needc�cl t� l��l�xlc�l. '11� ��rf�se��� '"ci sh.ion" of �iack��r�te i:.i�� �xr-cx�r���n wrx�ld l� u� ftuu:is wr�c�lc� }� elimiru-�tacl.