HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.d. Receive Bids / Award Contract 1989-1 Well 8 � ' • � ITEM # 8D ******************,t***�r********,t******�*AtrtiO�*****�e****�r*****************�r***,t** DATE: APRIL 27, 19$9 T0: MAYOR & COUNCiLAiF�tBERS Cf0 GITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK �.. �FRO1�t; GITY ENGINEERjPUBLIC WORKS �IRECT�R HFFTI RE: ITEPI FOR riAY 2, 19$9 COUNCIL 1�iGETING NEW BUSINESS Receive Bids/Award Contract 1989-1, Piunicipal We11 /�8 On Apri.l Zl, 1989 the City ogened bids for the construction of Well ��8. We reeeived three (3) bids, a copy of the bid tabuiation and recommendation from our Consulting Engineer are attached to this memo. We have reached agreement with the property owners for purehasing the site. Our City Attorney has prepared the Warranty Deed and submitted it to the property awners attarney. As long as the purchase price is agreed upon, we see no problem in obtaining the Warranty Deed shortly. As a precaution, our Gity Attorney will also abtain a right of entry from the property owner so we can award the contract Piay 2nd. Recamtnended action for Council to consider is to receive the bids for the _ construction of fiiunicipal Well 4E8 and award the low bid of $120,020.00 to Keys Well Drilling Company and authorize the Mayor and City Cl�rk to sign the contract documents. _ � i � ��I��� T.OI.TZ.KfNG.DUVAIL.ANDERSON AND sSSOCIATE5.INCORPORATED ENGINEERS AR�NITECYS P(.ANNER$ 25QO AMERICAN NATtONAI BANK BUILDING SAINt PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101•1H93 612/292-4400 FAX 612/292•0083 Apr t 1 24, 1989 Mr. R i ch ard M. Hef tt, P.E. R�CEi�lELi City Engln�er Ctty of Rosemoun# W�'f� 2�i j��� 2875 f�5#h Street W. Ro9emounfi, Mi nr�sota 55068 �'IfiY e'���tc►�e��r+�r�r� Re: Wef I rJo. 8 , c�,�-��a. �c��;c� _ r Ctty F'�oJect No. 1983 Rvsemount, Mlnnesata Cvmm i sst on No. 9230 De�r Mr. Hef t i : Pursuant to the City Caunctl 's authaTtza#ton, bids were recetved on April 2�, 1989 for the c.onstruction of Wei t 1�. 8. Thr�e (3> bids were recelved as foi tows: Keys Wei I DrI1 i !ng Compa�r �120,420.Q0 . E. N. Renne� $ Sans, i nc. �142,190.00 Be�gerson-Ga�►e6l, tnc. �177,450.00 4u� es#ima�te #or the wo�~k w�s �135,OQ�.00. A ccxnplete tabutatton of the b i ds t s �i�tached. RI�though �there i s a i arge spread t n the bt ds, we bel Ieve tha# the campetition was �s keen as could be expec#ed, gtven the targe nunber a# wet I s be i ng constructed th I s year, Checki ng of the b t ds reveal ed no errors in the proposa) s. The Iaw btdder, Keys Wei t Dril I ing Go. , is an exper#enced, ma,�or f irm speci af iz ing i n 1 arge mu�f ci p�! wei !s. They are currenti y t n the process of canpl ett ng a 't1CDA-desf gned wel I for the C!ty of Hasti ngs, and p1 an to remobi i ize the personnel and equl pment fran the Hasti ngs we{ I to Ros�nount. We recommend the a�vard of the contract fnr WeJ I No. 8 to the Ivw btdder, Keys Wei 1 DrI1 I ing Co. , for the untt prices contatned tn �the,ir proposal . if there are any questto�s regarding this matter, pleas� do not Mssitate fio ca! I. Very truly yours, . 1��,s,K,," �� . .�.� `'_ ' . han�s K 1�k, P.E. JTKImha cc: K. Johnson a UpNSTRUGTiQN OF N�1N1Gi PAL WELL N0. 8 t Cl1ntT. i939"'� T�TL. Klf�, DIiVAtL, ANDERS�PI CtTY OF ROSENpUNT, MINNESOTA AND ASSOCiATES. INO4RPORATED COMMISSION N0. 9230-01 ENGINEERS-�2Q11TEGTS-R.Ah1N€RS BIDS OPENEDa AFRlL 21. 1989 t0:0t) AM . TABULA710N OF BIDS ENGINEER ESTIMNTE KEYS WELL DRIiLlW6 E.N. RENNER 3 SaNS BEEtG£RSaN-CASWELL lTEM N0. !PT p� _ 1 Mt)BILIZATIOMJDEt�081LIZATION 1 .00 LS t75Qa.00 E 7,500.00 E8000.00 5 8,000.04 514500.00 S1d,5fl0.Q0 5�5040A0 515,040.00 2 ORILL 3d" DIA CASED HOLE b0.00 LF 200.00 12,000.00 240.00 t2,000.00 200.Q0 1?,OaO.Ofl 190.00 ]1,4fl0,0 3 iNSTA1.L 24* CRS ING 6Q.00 LF 6Q.00 3,600.tJ0 53.00 3,3�.00 54.00 3,2�.04 50.00 3,000 4 DRILL 24" DIA;CASED Hq,E 130.�0 LF t50.OQ t9,500.00 120.00 15,6�.00 135.00 17,330.00 150.00 19.500. 5 DRlLL 23p OIA ROCK Hq.,E 290.00 LF 75.04 21,7�.00 60.00 17,400.00 70.00 20,3�O.OQ 130.00 37,700.00 6 Fb! 18" OiA INNER CA511+� 390,00 LF 5Q.00 t9,500.00 39.Ofl 15.210.00 50.00 19,5QO.Qfl 45.00 17,550.00 7 CEhENT GRt7UT IWt�1LAR SPACE 30.00 CY 20a.00 6,OQO.OQ 200.00 6,000.00 245.00 7,35Q.fl0 2Zf3.04 6,600.00 8 EXFLOSiYES dQQ.00 L8 10.00 4,000.00 10.00 4,OOQ.00 12.OU 4,�0.00 t0.00 A,000.00 9 REMDyE RQf�f 300.Ofl GY 70.00 21,OQO.Op 70.00 21,000.00 60.00 18,0{)0,04 100.00 30,000.00 10 COt�RESSOR h�R A!R SUR�IPI� 1.00 LS 3000.00 3,OOO.UO 3000.00 3,000.00 300Q.00 3,080.00 �OO.OQ 8,000.00 ]1 AIR SUR�ING 32.40 HR 125.OD 4,OOQ.00 134.00 4,164.OQ 125.Q0 4,Ot30.00 100.00 3,200.00 t 2 ADDITIONAL, A IR SURG IN6 EQUI PMI' 1 .00 LS 1500.00 i,500.00 500.00 500.00 2600.00 2,$OO.QO 1000.0� 1,OOO.QO �3 7EST R1MP 1.00 LS 250Q.00 2,500.40 3000.00 3,000.00 5808.00 5,000.00 5000.00 5.000.00 14 WQL TESTING 60.00 NR 125.00 '1,500.00 110.00 6,640.00 100.00 6,OOO,QO 100.00 6,000.00 15 FI1/R WELL PIIMP WR ADONL TEST 1 .Ofl I.S 1000.00 1,000.00 5U0.00 500.00 3000.00 3,0{)0.00 5000.00 6,400.00 16 AODNL SAND CQNI'ENT T£STS 5.00 EA 50.OQ 250.Q0 50.00 25�.00 100.00 5(lQ.aO �00.40 500.00 17 CH£MICALIBACT'ERl4LOGICAL TEST 1.(?0 LS d00;00 400.00 300.OD 3D0.00 65p.00 650.00 3000.OU 3,OQ0.00 ------ ------------ --- _____� S 135,000.00 S i20,820.Q0 S 1d2,t90.00 S 177,450.04 , �