HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Home Delivered Meals Program . • • : � �t ��n E�c�x �,�� j, � � `.tlt� l.1 �ril5-j,}5ir� s� w �r��._�� � g,� �y ' }�j Ly WCltik Mt)Lft�J� MI�NNFS�'TA 5B(}68 � � � I ` B'���)���/�'[��/i ll� (i12 42.3-A411 IT�IM # Q TO: Mayor, City Council, t;ity Administrator � FROM: Tracie L. Pechonick, Ecanomic Dev. Speciallst DATE: Aprlt 25, 1989 SUBd: "City Sponsored" Home t)elivered Meals Program Kathy Pierson, manager of the Home Delivered Meals Caordinaiion Project in Dakota County, has approached the City of Rosemaunt with ehe conce�t that the City sgonsor a proposed Rosemount Home Detivered Meais Program, All of the cities surrounding Rosemount have HDM Programs. While there is a proven demand for such a program in Rosemount, surraunding �ammuniUes onty have resources enough to serve their o�vn eitizens. Although some communities have HDM Programs whieh are cl�urch sgonsared, the County is Crying lo get away from this practice as ii causes the HDM Program to be affiliated with one single religion. Even if tbe Rosemount churches wanted to group together and sponsor the prograra, the n�umber of churches in town, as well as their financial stability, may not be great enough to sustain an HDM Program over a long period of time. Church organizations and volunteers are already taxed for time and money, it would be nnwise to add another pr�gram to their lists and expect it ta get top priori[y. While having a city sponsored HDM Program may sound aut of the ordinary, most cities actually sponsor their HDM Programs indixeetly through their 5enior Centers. However, as the Rosemount Senior Center is more or less affiliated with School District ]96, the emphasis is mare an cc�ntinuing education rather lhan nutritic�nal services. In addition, there are not sufficient facilities within the Roscmounl Senior Center ta support a Home Delivered Meals Program. Thus, the next logical sponsor woutd be the City of Rosemoun[. Please refer to the attached "'Option #2" for information regarding what the basic responsibilities of the City of Rosemount would be as the HDM Program sponsor. I respectfuliy recommend that staff research the feasibility of a city- sponsored Home Delivered Meats Program in Rosernc�unt and prepare a propasal for presentation to Ehe Rosemount City Council on Tuesday, May 16, 1989. A simple m�tion airecting staff to do lhis is requested. � . • Option #2 Have a church or other non-profir group be the s�►anaoringr orqanization by taking on the legal and financiai responsfbility for Che program, Establish an Advisory Board made up of regresentatives of sponsoring churches, civic organizations, businesses, the �al source and other interested parties ta handle most of the day to day re�ponsibilities for the program. Some possible implications of that optiont _ 1. The Rosemount Cammunity could still have ownership of and responsibility for the program through the Advisory Bo�rd, However, it is very important that constant effarts are m�de to insure that the Board remains active and strong and does not abdicate fts reaponsibilfty to � the sponsoring agency. 2. No forms or Eees would be filed witih the state. 3. The program would use the non-profit, tax exempt status of the sponsoring organization. 4. The program could use the insurance of the sponsoring arganizat#.on. Responsibility for additional insurance eost to the sponsoring organization, if any, could be negotiated. 5. The program would have a separate checking aceount ar� a12 funds would be separate from the funds of the sponsoring a�ency. The to sign the checks (usuall 2-4 person assiqned Y per month} and be respon�ible far the account could be someone from the spansoring agency {pa��ar, church secretary, president, treasurer) or could be an offieer of the Advisory Boc�rd. (That would be n�gatiated ahead o� time by the sponsorfng organization and the Advisory Board) . 6. The Advisory Hoard would make a11 policy deeisione for the Exceptions to thia would be neqotiated ahead of tirr� by the spar�sorinq agency and the Advisory Haard. (Exceptions would includ�a 1. The Advi$ory Board does not feel camfortable making a decision on its own an a particular issue. 2. The sponsoring organizatian doee not f�el ' comfortable with the decisian th�t has been made by the Advisory Hoard. 3 . Any other exceptions negotiated) . 7 . The Advisory eoard wauld be responsible for hiring ar�d evaluating the program coordinator. The coordinator would report to the Advisary Board on the status of the program and would ask the Boarcl for ang advice or help needed. The spansoring agency may or may not want the fina2 hirfng decisions. Any exceptions would be negotiated ahead of tfine. 8. The Advisory Board would be responsible for he2ping the coordinator with the volunteer recruitments and recognition, pvblicity and fundraising. , 9. Lo�al Rosemount peopie would have ta agree to take or� tfie Advisory � Board positions, but rhere would be no signing of legal documente or legal or financial responsibility involved. . . '�' • POLICY STAT'II�NP 90UTfi N�LIS VIA Wf�[3 t. Chaioe of food aupp2.i�r - Et�nezer Hcxne 3oc�iety -. 26�E Park lrrer�te. a. S�NMVW ie redponai6le fur payment for meale and equip�nt pmvided by Ebenezer Hane. 2. Loo:ation of diatribut�lon eentert Hallway outeide ot' kitehen in Luther Hall at 18:00 noon and Ebenezer Hall kitchen at 12t�0 P.M. 3. D�►te Heguns ,Tanuary 15� t973. 4. Mea1e a. Co�ts Mea18 and aupplie$ will be purchaeed fram Eberiezer and dietributed at coat. Monthly statemente wi.11 be sent to e2ients. b. Therapeutie diete aha12 be aerved as or.dered by olienta' dootor. c. Notifioation of oane�llation aP meala shall be giwen eoor�dinet,c�r • � prior to day bePore the aneal ie not wanted. d. All meale ehall be del.ivared witxiin ona haur ot' the time they are packed. , e. Meala will be diatribu'ted Mor�day thru Friday, e3cospt ms3or halfdaye -- Memor3al Day� July 4th, Labor Day� Thankagiving, Chrietma�a, eu�d New Year�e Day. 5. Diatribution Area: Area �� L�mdale Avenue to 28t1Y Avenua, e,nd Lake 3treet to Croastown Highway No. 62. Area II - 2$th Aver�ue ta the River, FrAnkl.in Avenue to Croeatown Highway No. 62. 6. I�thod of diatributiont Ersah ahurah o?' other orga�ni.zatia� will be asked tc� supply volunteere far one week in eaoh dei3very cycle, Equ.{p_ � went hae been purchased for keeping meale hot etu•aute to client. 7• Procedure Por aeleoting elisnts: a. Inability to leave home frequently or to eat �t a reat+�urant regularly. b. Inability to ahop far food or to cook meale even thaugh raw taod fe availsble. a. Praximity of relativee and athere w2�o help and a,sre �or the�p. d. No oormn,nicable dieaase ar otherwiae hazardoue eituati�t. $. Personnel a. SNMVW does nat aeawne re�poneibility for liability insurance for paid or volunteer peraonnel, b. Coordinator shall be paid $250.00 per month and 10$ a mil� trntrel expensea. Vacations Up to two w�eeke yr3,t�,h p�y, 3iek le$vs: t�ie deY per mont,h, acewnulative ta 2i daye. A sub$titute aoordine�tor shall be paid �10.00 Per clay. The trea�urer oha21 be Paid �50.00 per month for bookkeeping and billing dut3ee. c. Volunteerat Volunte�r ohairman Tran aaah organizstton �►x�a roepaneihl� for recruiting vrnlwnteare, orientntlon� and sahsduli.ng. �a?7 �oo . � � � ARPte Valiey/RosemauntitakeviNe Courxrys�e--Wed.,AprU 19, 196�-2U1 . � i Rasemount exaxnines - -. : � meal d+�livery program - By Jetf NoGnquLs/ have expres�an Intere�t in b� � ing ttye sPonsor.s1�s8id. Rosemount, Dakata Cour�ty's Aaother tuture need for the last remaintng city without a pragram Is funciliag� Pferson ' '- • . iwtne�liv�d meals program said. ;. , . � � 6or the elderly�is one steP closer "We're going to ralse it�by- � to establistwng s�h an effort. asking Ehe churches, civic Kathy Piersoni manager of the organizati�s and bt�s�f�r Home Delivered Meals Coor- danations;'s#ie said.'"A nuiaber d'u�►tion Proj�ci in Dakota Coun- of clvic organlzations ��d � tY►met with local oft"icials April businesses have inciieated that 11 to discuss the kleals on Wheels they would be do�atit�g.It'B noE a � conc�ept. Akwut ^A residents at- huge amEwr►t of morbey that we tei�ci�d, t�ed--�,000 to i4,000 will pro- "We had I2 people sign up to be bably run it for a year at thi� on a planning cammittee to look point„ into how to organize it,,`st}e said. The Rasecnbunt Jayeees has "And about l8 volunteers signed atready pI�iged consider�ble up that night to deliver meals. fit�aticial ba k��she said;, I've had a number call sir�ce so �M�p�t�n Cotu�it,M a we probably haue a good 25 ta 30 �indicat+ed that the�e r�ccentst�dy v u l u n t e�r s r�o w. was�n e e d fa�a meals program '11ie plannir�committee's fust in the R�s��naunt area. � ! action was to select its meal `�At least six ta iQpe�at the i saurce, which will be Apple R�m�t ���.��)� + Valley Health Care Ceater. Tl� rises could use th�s�yrvice;� � • care center, four miles from �d, a�q�w,�',����at Rasemount� will provide all the F�ARTS Inqwlrin� abaut hume , meals for thc[�'�'�• delivered meals.•• . � • 1fie tu�act step,Pierson said,is If all gces aaeurding to�n, • � to find a sponsoring agency to Pierso�.said, loc�l organizers � � : . take on insurance and paperwork hape ta begiii c�livering rneals in } . . r�sp�nsibilities involved with the June. "It kind of �pends how � program. fast we're able to get our spanso� . "We're loaking W the clty rigttt ship,'� � now to see if they'll take it on," Anyone interested i� � she said. "It sounds lil�e they volunteeringlnthemeald+ellvery . might be ope�z tu tl�at, but theY program is askal ta call Pferson have to get cauncil r�pproval." at DARTS,45S�i560. If the city is unwilling to assist • the effort�several local churches �• . ,�