HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Approve Payment of Connemara Park Fencing Projects : � - i�r�� # : ;� �► • �+ �e**�*****��,�*********,��r******��**�*At�tiO********���*�t�*�****�t**���t*�r*�r,�***��,�*,��* DATE: PIQVEPiBER i 6, 1989 T0: PiAYOR & CQUNCILMEMBERS C/0 CITY ADAtINISTRATOR JILK FROpic CITY ENGiNEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIE�ECTOR HEFT RE: ' ITEPtS FOR THE NOVEZiBER 21, 1989 C4UNGIL 1�1EETING CQNSENT AGENAA Approve Supplemental A�reement �tl for Contract 19$8-6� Shannan Oaks Addition The purpose of this supplemental agreement is to have additional cost that we incurred in order to eontrol erosion in the ditches to be considered as a eost reimbursable expense from State Aid. The supplemental agreement is a form that State Aid requires to complete in order to be reimbursed for eligible cost. A portion of this supplemental agreement was eovered in Change 4rder #2 to the Contract. The amount of this change order was for $2,Q40 and covered basically reseeding, a portion of the topsoil barraw, bail checks and remulching. Unfortunately, we experienced rainfall prior to the reseed having a chance to germinate, therefore our Consultants and myself felt that the only way ta control erosion at this point would be to provide for some sodding, plastic netti.n� and wood fiber blanket to keep the sod in place to eliminate the erosian problems. This appears to be working satisfactorily at this time. This work amaunted ta , $7,b62, making the total supplemental agreement $9,702. Our Consultant Engineer is getting the contractors signature ia order to pzocess the supglemental agreement throug� State Aid for reimbursement. Rather than going through the paperwork to prepare a new change order, I am asking Council to approve the supplemental agreement in lieu of spending extra time and paperwort� in preparzng a new change order. Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt SupplemenCal Agreement �E1 to Contract 1988-6, S.A.P. 208-1Q6-03, to Bituminous Roadways, Inc. in the amount of $9,702. � r�rr�i Vv� �� vc�.�iJ�JI�IV� . . . . . . BT�TE OF•MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT O RAN8PQqTATiON � 3upp.to Cantract No, SUPPLE TAL At�REEMENT No. � s,,�e, 3 0� 3 ca,ae�io�: Fedsra�Prol�� Stais Pro(eet Na.c Bituminous Roadways � Inc: $.A.P. 208-106-Q3 �d�sas: cocattom Shannon Farkway from County Raad 38 to O .S3 2825 Cedar Avenue South miles south, located in the City af Rosemaunt, Minneapolis , MN 55407 Dakota County, MN. Pro.No. F.Y. ACcounl I.D, Ospl:/Qiv. SequenC!No. 3uMl�c l?pMcf Vsndoa Typ� M��� 01 y Purchese 7srma Aaaet No. C.CD.t C.Cp.2 C.00.3 C.Cp.1 C.CQ.S OOON£T TYPE QF A4�( ) A41 ( ) pated Numbet E�erod by TRANSACTlON: A44 ( ) A45 ( ) A48( ) Dete�d Number �M��,{by TMis coniract is amended as fotlows: � �`i ��:�,�„k'(�,� C� �',� Additional Quan�ities ���1 �� > � -?,.C��,2 ITEM NO. CONTRACT TTEM UNIT �TY. PRICE AMOUNT 2105. 525 Topsoil Horrow (L.V, ) C.Y. 280 $11.90 53,�32.f7Q 2573. 501 Hale Check Each 30 6.00 180.00 25?5. 505 SQdding S.Y. 1, 920 1. 65 3, 168.OQ ?.575. 521 Polypropylene Plastic Netting S.Y. ].,92Q 0.65 1, 248.Cl0 2575. 523 Wood Fiber Hl�nkets, TyPe H.V. S.Y. 55'9 2.OQ 1,, 118.OQ -- Reseed eroded arees; F. & I. seecl mixture 5�0 Lbs. 162 3.Q(� 485.Q0 -- Remulch eraded areas; F. & I. muiah Type I w/disc anchoring Ton 0.85 204.00 1?0.00 Total Increase $9, 702.00 APPROVED: APPROVED: Original Contract / Cammissioner of Commisisoner ot ,`y�`L.. Administration Finance Oafed f CS �I -�' Cc Engines, 8y �y A�xoved as to to►m Deted com�o► and'execution Dated DaRed DAted_.�_„_,_ ._.. astrict Eng�nse, Aa�btsn�Attemsy Q.neret 0�lteci � Aqeix.y Hee�d , Qriginal to Slate Auditor — CQPY to Ager�cy MN/UV 1 I F+-U213A-U3(5/BH) STMT'E OF£JIINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ANSPQRTATION 3upp,to Contrect tao. SUPPLEM�TAL ��. At�REEMENT tilo. s� 1 � __.__ ��_..___ Contracior. Faderai Praisct: Stats � P�c�ct No.: 8ituminous Roaciways , Inc. S.A.P, 208-i06-03 Add.eaa: Locatfon: Shannon Farkway from County Road 38 to 0 .53 2$25 Cedar Avenue South rniles south, located in the City of Rosemount, Minneapolis , MN 55407 Uakota County, MN. Pro. NO. F.Y. AtcOunt I:O. papt:lpNr. Sequsnce No. $�Hix Ob�ecl Vsndo► Typs Amounf Oi y Pu►chaae rerms Asset No C.CQ.t C.CD.2 G.CA.3 C.f.`0.1 C.GD.S OOONET TYPE OF A40 ( ) A41 ( ) Oated . Number Entered by TRANSACTION: A44 ( ) A45{ ) A9R ( ? Qated Number Enteced by This contr�ct is amended es lailowa: WHEREAS, this contract provides, among at�er things, for excavation, grading, aggregate base, ar�d bituminou� surfac#ng; and WHEREAS, after ' eontraet approval, it became apparent that the pian did not provide far adequate erosior� protection in the ditches: and VdHEREAS, MN/DOT Specific$tion 2575 states that additionai seec� and muleh materials used £or reseeding and rgmulching erod�d areas will be measured and paid for s�t the contract priees, provided the original work was perfo�med sat�.sfactoril.y; and WHEREAS, the original seeding and mvlching in the ditches was performed s$tisf€tetarily but hqsvy rains washed away the �seed and mulch: and . WHERrAS, the Engineer has determined that sodding and other messiires are also n�cessary tQ proteet the ditches and new bituminous bike path from excessive erosion: ana WHERF:AS, the Engineer has ' determined this wark " would be cansi;dered extra as per Specification 1904; APPROVED: APPROVED: O�inai Contract Cammissioner oi Commisiaoner ol Admirtistra4ion Finance Dgt� l+ f � ' . "� � _. Ctt' �L�nqx,e��r ,.. gy� �y �PR�'Eri/9d as tQ IOrtn �8t8d Contrsctor end ex�ution Dat�d a��ed _ ---- o�tea ���*► � �,�an�ey c�,� Deted �tr F�d O�iginai t�� State Audito► - Copy�o qgency ' StATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Supp. to Co�trect No. _ _�. , SUPPLE�NTAl. AGREEMENT Ho� �- . 2 Sheet_�__ or.�� Conheeror: FsderN Proieet: Stats P roject Nn.: Bituminous Roadways , Inc. S,A.F . 20$-106-03 nad►ess cocs�ion: Shannon Parkway from Ccaunty Road 38 to Q .53 2825 Cedar Auenue South miles south, located in the Cit y o f R o s e m o u n t, Minneapv lis , riN 55407 D a k o t a C o u n t y, M N. Pro.No F.Y. ACcovnt 1.0. Dept./0iv. Sequene�No. SuMhc Ob�ct VendOr Typs AmouM 01 y Purchass Terms Asset Na C.00.1 G.00.2 C.00.3 C.GD.4 G.CD:S OOONET TYPE OF A40 ( j ' A4t ( � aete►d Numbet EMered by TRANSAGTIpN: A4�1 { ) A45 j ) A16 { ) Qated Number EMered by This contraet is amended as foilowa: NtJW, THEREFORE, IT IS HER�BY MUTUALL'Y AGREED AND UNDERSTC}Q17 TNAT: 1 . The Contractor shall furnish and inatail topsoil, sod, and piastic netting betwee�n the b#ke path and the roadway from Station �+0(1 to Station 1,7+qQ, right, and also fram S�ation 22+00 �o Statian 27+OQ, right. 2. The Contractor shall furnish and install topsoil, seed; rnulch, b�le cheoks, ;and wood fiber blar�ket fram Sta�tian 9+pp ta Station 17+00, lef�, and �l�o from Station 22+00 ta Station 27+U0, left. 3. The Contractar shail raseed and remulch a11 other eroded areas as directed by the Engineer. 4. Payment for all work required in Parsgraphs, l, 2, end 3 sh�ll be at the negotiated unit prieess as tebulated in the Adda.t3onal Qiiantities l�.sted on Sheet 3 of 3. 5. Contract time, will not be revised. 6. 'rhe contractc�r shall nat make claim af any, kind or chaacactex whatsoever for an� �ther costs or expQn�e�s he may have incurred or which may be hexeafter incurred in performing �he work and furnishing the materials required by this agreement. ' _ , APPROVED: APPApVED: Original Contract . � Commissioner of Gommisisoner ol �t� `� f Adtninistration Finance ' G�`i.�a1ect�n�r+se► � gy, BY Approved aa b fom� Deted � — a�execution Deted Qated Dated, tllat*�ct Engq+ser Asa�is��Attansy ti�ns►� D8t9d �,_ AQencY!�d �riginal ta State Auditor — Copy to/lgency