HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Adopt a Storm Sewer Master Plan . � - • � ��� � � ;� PtEPiORANDUM DATE: NOVEAiBER 17, 1989 TO: PiAYQR HOKE COUNCILMEPiBERS: NAPPER �XTidi20IJGH WAL,SIi / WI C1'I�,I�PIANN �� f� FROAI: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADPiINISTRATOR � �`��M R�� ST4RPiWATTR MASTER PLAN � 1'ur:;uanY. tt� diseus,4ion and review of the praposed Stormwater Ptaster Plan as pre��areci by Barr Engineering StafE has developed Ianguage which could be inserted in the "Executive Summary" section of the plan as presented to reflect the conc�erns about the plan and that it shauld not be a "land use plan". 5ucli language is presented here in pages 1-1 and 1-2 and is underlined for yaur referenee. If adopted the emphasis of underlining would be removed. Also attached is a proposed resolution which also references,the intended use of this plan and the emphasis that this is not a land use plan. The resol:ution would be suitable for adoption of the plan and Staff requests your consideration to clo s�. ,I � •. . � � ARAINAGE PLAN WEST DRAINAGE AREA SECTIfJN 1: EXECUTIVE SU1�41ARY This Drainage Plan was prepared as a combined effort of the Rosemount City Council, City Staff, a eitizens advisory comnittee, and Barr Engineering Co. It is intended to be a dynamic working tool for implementing the stormwater eontrol and management system for the western third of the City. This�.lan is not intended as a land use �lan for determinin� future use of lands in the study area. Land use determination is a function of the City Plannin�Camnission and the City Council through the proper use of the City's Comprehensive Gua.de P1an and the City's Zoning Ordinance. This area is shown in Figure I (Appendix D?. The Drainage Plan will be used for designing and constructing main stem faci.lities, and fpx reviewing new development proposals for compatibility with the identified drainage requirements. Many options are available whe� considering location, type, and eize of the system's components. The nature and number of these options requires this Flan ta be flexible and dynamic. Tt is therefore essential that the users of the Plan understand its intent, design par�meters, control�ing factors, and special considerations for implementation. To assist Plan users, this document is diuided into £ive sections: Watershed Overview, Study Activities, Drainage Requirements, Implementation Gonsiderations, and Appendix. Also, the study area has beez� divided into 19 distinct drainage districts for considering drainage patterns and system improvements. These drainag� distxicts are shown in Figure Z fAppendix D). The "Watershed Overview" sectian discusses the West �?rainage Area and its presently developed state. The "Study Activities" section describes the process of Flan develapment, including: , � * Data Callection * Lang-Ran�e Land Use Planning * Hydrologic/Hydraulic Analysis Data collection activities involved meeting and addressing watersh�d specifics witt► City Staff, reviewing preliminary development progosals, and obtaining existing storm sew�r information. Zong-range land use pianning was ne�easary for the hydrologic/hydraulic ana2ysis. The planning pracess involved the eombination of existing development information, proposed development plans for undeveloped and underdevelaped areas, and the judgment of Gity and Barr Engineering Staff. This resulted in preparing a long-range land use map which was the basis frvm which stormwater runoff computations were made. This land use map is summarized in Figure 3 fAppendix D), Assumptions for present and future land use are made for stormwater control and design calculations only and �hould not be cansidered recommendations €or future land use determination. l-i , � i • The hydrologic/hydraulic analysis included deCermining drainage patterns and the crztitcal 100-year storm flows and volumes. Drainage patterns (Figure 4, Appendix D) were developed by a joint effort of a citizens advisory co�nittee and City and Barr Engineering Staff. The citizens advisory cominittee also provided insight and historical information specific to local areas whieh, in many cases, would not have been considered otherwise. Efforts by the citizens advisary co�nittee have made this Plan more com rehensive and useful. The stormwate P r runoff analysis was conducted through the use of the "Barr Hydrograph Atethod" eomputer model. i 1-2 . � � . CITY OF RfJSBMOQNT 8xS4LUTI0N 1989 - A RLSOLOTIQN ADOPTING TRB "CITT OF QOS8IrI00NT DRAINAGS PLAN - fiBST DRAINAGE ARRA" DATBII MAF 1989 AS l?BVBLOPBD BY �AAR 8�GI1�E$RIpG WHERBAS, the C3,ty Council of the Citp of Rasemount has reslized the need £or planning of th� prop�r cantrol of starmwater runoff in �he city; and WHBBEAS, the City Council of Che Gity of Rosemount directec! city s�aff to receive propasals fram �ngi.neering fira�s to comg�ete euch a study; and �1H8R�AS, Barr Engineering was chusen by the City ta comglete a studp of the western third af the City af Rosemount to det�rmine a mana$ement system for stormwater cantrol; and WHSREAS, Barr Engineering worked wi.th citp staff and a citizene eommittee in developing the proposed pZan; and WHBREAS, this plan has been completed and presented fo�r review br the ci.tizeng cvmmittee, the Citp Utilitp Comrnission and the City Council and a11 have found it acceptable as presented. R� NOW, THER�FUR$ Bg IT RSSOLVSD that the City Counc3l af the Citp of Rosemount accepts and approves the "Gity of Roaemount Drafnag� P1an - t�est Dra3nage Area" dated May I989 as the work3ng tool for implementing th� stormwater control and management spstem fcar �he western third of the Citp. BE IT FURTHBR RBSOLYBD that the City Counc3l recognizes that thie plan is not intended to represent a ].ar�d u�se plan for the area studied bat that the Citp Planning Commi.ss3:an and the City Council will use the City' e Comprehensive G�aide Plan and the City' s Zoning Qrdinan�e for deterr�ining land use now and in the future and that assumptions used for present and future Iand uses in thig atudy are for the purpo�e of setting the mast appropriate criteria for stormwater management. AD4FT8D this 2ist day o€ Navember, 1989. Rol.lan ��oke, Maqor ATTBST: --- Stephan Jilk, Administrator Clerk