HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Budget Discussion � j .. � . � � � � � � . . . . . . . . ' . . . � . .� . . . .. . . .. .... . . . . . .. . .. �� . ; � P(3 E�t�X 5t(i . �/' �,-t�1� � 2875-1A5Tt1 ST W ., �+r��n�.sr�3'�fn RO.iEMOIINT. MINNE�(lTA .'�!'i(tfi8 - Q�7G FaLVUi•rL� 61?.=d?:� a411 T0: Mayor Hoke ��IYI � � � �ounciZmembErs Nappez , Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administxakor/Clerk ' DATE: November 17 , 19$9 f RE; 1990 Operating Budget � 1990-1994 CIP Budgets ; 1 ; Ry now yau have had an o�portunity to review the updated bvdgeks. � At our �ast meeti,ng we discussed the fact that we would hape to have our discussi.ons and changes out of the way by our public hea�ing on Dec.embex 7 so that we may consider adoption at that ' meeting or the continuation of tl�at hearing if that is necessary. From s�eaking to yau individually, I feel that there are a few ; items that you wish to address as they are proposed to be included, or possibly some �hat were excluded €rom the budgets as presented. � I would suggest the following may be of specifie concern �r to which you wish discussion to be addressed: , 1. Police liaison to Rosemount High School (not in final , budget) . ' 2. Request by Dakota County Humane Society for danation in 1990 equivaient to $SO per capika or about $4,000 to go toward their eampaign on building an animal shelter. 3. The personnel propQsed ta be added i,n 1990. One of � these, a elerical position, was already appxoved. 4• Major items on the proposed CIP budget. .. 5. Any programs which may be affected pasitively or negatively by the prc�posed bud�et. � � I 'm sure this list is not all eneompassing of yvur questions and ! areas of �oncern. These are items that hav� be�n menti.oned t4 me. I would _request that we attempt to couer as much as w�e can � ' on Tuesday as it relates to the budget document, direct me tca ` ' g�ther additional in�orrmatian regarding your eancerns and attempt to cnnclude our discussion an December 5 so we can prepare a firm presentati_on for the December 7 meeting and hapefully adapt the ' f i na l t�udge t then. ! ! 1990 Operating Budget � ' November 17, 1989 � page 2 You al�o have additional budgetary items in this meetings packet on sal'ary and benefit adjustments for consideration, We should attempt ta finalize a position on those matters before a finai budget document is approved. Funds sufficient to cover the proposed salary and benefit adjustments are in the proposed budget as you have it. Finai figures for each line item may be - revised ta reflect actual approved salaries and benefits ,' but if the total package is approved, the total budget amount caill not change. I would be pleased to discuss with you the proposed budgets individually, and as al.ways, at our meeting. dw