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Recycling Grant Discussion � � AFFioavrr oF Puec��►� STATE QF MINNESQTA ) SS County raf Qoko#a � NANGY 1.GUSTAFSON,being�lp swam,an oath says H�ot ahe is on awin�ds�d age�t and emplage�of N�e pu�lisher of N�newapaper knawn os DdtoM Coualy T�,+nnd!a�h�k�rowl�edge PUBLIC `I'�OTiCE �"'°�'•'�"`�°`°�"a�°"': Mt0!'OSED AM�ME►IT, ORDINAMCE�.ZQNIN6 ORDINAN� TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: (A}The newapa�er hos wmpiied wiM�a�l oF!1�roqai�eme�Ms cantih�tF��ua�fic�ia�w a(egd NOTiCE LS HERLBY G/VEN,that tMe Ci- tq Couneii M the Gity ot Rae�mamt wi0 car�- newspoqe�,os�rovided br Mi�sota'Sio�ute 33T A.QZ.331 A.07 a�nd otherappHoobk Mwa,us a+nanded, ducE a pubilc irearin�on'hu adeY,Alovemt�er 2f,i9R9,in ttm Counc•ii(Ywmb�o!Cityileil, 2R751451hStrcetWcst, � " Ixgiaming et 8:00 p.m. , The purposa�thie heari�1s to cw�tder nn F.` �' amendment lo khe tNdinnrn;e$-7.a�i (?r- t�)�P�rMed_..__.- � _.._.----� �� dinatx�,afFeetln�three sectiotes ef that�- ment.f'eo�sed to be added ko Sectia�Three tUetinitia�sl are definitio�tor the t�loaeing terma: Agriculturat Stand, Commerciai Greenfiouse a�Tant�cape Nursery.A pro- posed ehange W Seetion 3eren�the Qrdi- naeue war(d modify restrictio�ns�plaeed upon tk�e cmtstruMinn of accessory buiic�t�gs on p�+p. perty locat�east M Akron Avtnue in Rnse• mouM.Currentiy,far propertiee�ed pgN. wGieh is a�iieohed was eat kan tM Coiumes of ad�nsw+pw'P�+'.+o�d was prMta�d�d�ub�ishsd once cuihme or Agriculture P�eeerve which aCe !effi tha�twenty acr�in size,there ia a aize ce,strictim�far acceassory buSidings�a max- imum aggregatc tatai M 24oB bquare[eet.7'he �,�fa; s�w-w�Mict:it wa� PreP�eed char�ge in the ardi�mrnx aould cause thc retereece toaggregate t�al to be remov- ed,LasUy,a proposed cha�e to Secti�Four• * teen�'the Zoning Qrdinance to be canittered � �- � �,, � �.�,�„�� includes the additi�of a procedute to eppeai first pubNsl�od oa Tha�rado�r,the_I!�!—doY , Plauning Gommission�iona on Site Plan liev'1�ws�Bu[lding Permit A�ications ta the City Council. � S�xh persoe�sa deslre to be heard wit6 19 `-� i , m�d was N�eroaka priMed aml P�blish�d � every Tha►sday to aed iMd�ng nference to the above item aeili be heard at this meeting. Dated this 7th day ot November,19&9. �Steph�n Ji�le�,dmimstreWr/Clerk j�q�p�,the de1�of ,�4 f nakota CountY,Minnesota � a�d prin�sd 6elow is n ceqW of ths lower eo�e ai�a�sf trom A to Z,i�ath inel�iw.wldeh is hsrabY eck�+ewiedged m bei»g!he si�amd kind af lype used M i!a composition aad pnbHcatbn of N�s�: a bcdergM jk n„nopqrsww,xyz . � . �_ � . . '�ry.. � . . r BY: �('�i �� ' tii'I.E:See►atarY ta t�' . Subseribed ad sworn to baforo er� ti�is �, "�'�'"� da}r d I ���,q��,14�. � , (l. � .�_ � � , 4�.�ft- NotaY Pii6�ie � .� .�..: C�RG�.!. HAV�RI.AND �"; ;�R i� nfOTaRY PUBttC.MINNE507A �� a f,�r DAKf3TA COUNTY ' tc5y Commts�an Ex�ires Oec.3.i�9 .� � . ��.�..ti;E�r!�h"�1�6"0 , . . . . .. .. � . . ` � • • �/t�� f�c� fia < 5ii� ..�1�2� !) :fs�F� �a5�r� r w; ,py���1 �y f�osEr,n«��r�r. nniNrvE�sc�ra. .��a,« � ���GI�'i��/i•� 612 42 441t Agenda Item 7a. TO: MAYOR, C1TY C(}UNCIL, CITY AUMINISTRAT�R FR(}M: D�A1�F JOHNSON, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNiTY DEVELOPMENT UATE: NOVEMBER 17, 1989 , SUBJc NOVEMBER 21, 1989 AGENDA ITEM 7a. KNUTSON RUBBISH SERVICE, LNC. RECYCLING GItANT The Ciry h�s been approached by Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc. (KRSI) ta consider sponsarship af a recycling grant application to the Metropolitan Councit. Tbe ptupose of the grant is to subsidize the acquisition of equipment, n�cessary to the operadon of a private Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). The rote of the "local sponsor"is to acf as Ehe actual grantee of lhe program and assume ownership of the equipment for a minimum three-year period. The grant program covers a m�imum request of $340,000, or SG percenl. The local sponsor is required to match the grant amount from Met CounciL We have received a legal opuuon Ehat the City has no authority to provide the moaey for a local match, even if it were a loan to a third party, such as KRS[. The CiCy and KRSI could enter into an agreement,however,whereby KRSI would proviJe the required funding and the City would act as the local sponsor. The City vc�auld stiil own the equipment far three years, as required by the grant program. Tbe City would likely relinquish its interc;st in thc equipment to KRSI aC the end of the grant period. As part of the grant program ini[iative, KFtSI proposes to conslrucE a new recycling facility in Rc�sentount. The MR�, consisting of approximately 15,000 square feet ux area, would - be built solely and specifically for recycling purposes. Future plans include the construction of a separate facility for the company's waste hauling activities. KRSI is currently negotiating the purchase of property along 16(}ch Street, adjacent to AP►A Auto Salvage. The Planning Cammission briefly discussed the potential use af this site, at the November 14, 1989 Regular Meetin�, and gave conceptual approval to the land use. The Rosemount HRA briefly discussed the potential of the projecc and future development in the area. The concept for ta�c increment financing is being pursued, with respect to the feasibility of e�ctending public water to lhe area for fire suppression systems. Enclosed are copies of a letter from Larry Knutson, draft application to Mel Council and aciclitional supparting information. The materials are intended to introduce ihis matter to the Council. There is no request for aclion al this time. Representatives from KRSI will be at the meeting ta discuss this in further detaii. If the Councii is interested in pursuing the project, we'll have to act formally pri�r to �he December 29th application deadline. While there are a number of questians to be answered and dttails to be worked out, the iniliaiive is an exCiting one. �oth KRSI and the Gity have an opportunity to continue the pursuit of demonstrated commitrnents to wasle reduction o�jec[ives. � � :�i�ice f.)Ei1 - .....+.... y..�,.g�..�.�,,,,�„ , ...�: .._�. �i=�, .�r.:.; RUB6ISH SE�YICE � 1�12d CHIPPENDAI.E AVE., Rf)SEAIOUNT, MN�,SUbn (622)4�3-2��4 November 13, 1989 Mr. Dean Johnson . Di rector of Corr�nun i ty Devei npment City af Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rasemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mr. Johnson: As you know, the cost of waste disposal has increased dramatieally in the past few years and is not expected to stop anytime soon. Waste dis- posai fees at the Pine Bend Landfill will increase again in January to $53.00 per ton. By the time the Dakota County incinerator becames opera- tional in 1993, we can expect the disposal fee to reach $T00.00 per ton. We at Knutson are concerned about the impact of increasing d�sposal costs on the price paid for callection services in the City of Rosemount and elsewhere. During the past three years, we have attempted t� reduce rising disposal costs thraugh recycling. We now intend ta further address this issue through a new aggressive recycling alternative. Based upon studies conducted during the past year, we fe�el we can significantly increase recycling through construction af a Materfal Recavery Facility (MRF). The MRF would be capable of processing up to 40 tons per day of commercial and residential recyclables collected from current Knutson custamers, including the citizens of Rosemount. The facility wi11 cost approximately $800,000 and will employ up to ten peaple. We expect the facility to reduce disposal costs by $30 to $60 per ton of material recycled and increase quantities recycled by over 150�. As we move ahead with facility implementation, we wouid like ta in- clude the City of Rosemount in a coaperative development program. Such a program would be mutually beneficial to both the citizens of Rasemount and Knutson: Potential cooperative measures could include City sponsarship af a grant application to the Metropolitan Gouncil and other alternatives included as attachments. � • � Mr. Dean Johnson November I3, 1989 Page Two At Knutson, we believe the quest for excellence gives dignity to a person, character to a business, and most impartantly, satisfaction to our customers. Thraugh this project, our quest will be enhanced. Please feel free to contact me regarding any of the information contairted in this packet. We look forward to continuing our relationship in this timely and important pro,ject. S' er ly, � , . / ���--��-- .. L�l s �,,��//.�-,,''-Y'1 Larry t�tson President Enclosures � � ; } , KNUTSON PROJfCT GBALS • To construct an MRF and increase recycling quantities from 2,340 TPY to over 5,504 TPY (150% increase). • To expand the list of reeyclable materials collected by Knutson . from six to at least ten. � To significantly expand commercial recycling services to include different materials and new customers. • To provide greater recyclable colTection flexibility, since the proposed MRF wi11 be able to accept comingled recyElab]e loads. • To increase flexibility in the tCMA recycling system. s To reduce the disposal cost through recycling by 30 to 74 $/ton. . � • � cit�r oF aosEr�ou�T/�ursoN COOPERATIVE PRUGRAM OPTIONS • ADJUS7MENT OF LAND U5E CLASSIFTCATiON Backg;round The proposed facility site, rrear 16Oth Street and Biscayne Avenue, is presently zoned far agricultural use. Option We ask that the City reclassify the site for industr�al use. Bene t Knutson will be able to provide the most cost-effective service to the citizens of Rasemount through maximum recycling. • CITY SPONSORSHIP Of A METROPOLITAN COUNCIL GRANT APPLICATION Backqround The Metropolitan Cauncil wi11 pay up to 509'0 of facility �quipment casts, or approximately �150,800. However, the Council requires that a municipality or Caunty act as sponsor. . rthe sponsar is required ta provide a cash match to the Council Grant and must own the equipment for a period of three years. The sponsor is allowed a great deal of flexib�lity recovering funds from the pro�ect developer. Grant applications are due to the Council by December 29, 1989. 0 'on Should the City wish ta sponsor a grant application for the propased facility, repayment by Knutson could be made through the following alternatives: 1} Partial repayment made by Oakota County. Under this option, na repayment wauld be made by Knutson. However, up to 240� of the matching grant could be recovered through available County programs, such as the Cammunity Landfill Abatement Program. 2) Deferred repayment made by Knutson to the City of Rosemount at a negotiable interest rate. Under this option, the City w�u1d recover matching funds from two to three years after application aPProval . 3) Annual repayment by Knutson ove�^ a three year period at a negotiable interest rate. Under this opt�on, the City would receive three equal payments from Knutson. � � Benefits Through grant application approval , Knutson will be able to reduce the cast of facility operation by up to $5/ton. Should Option 1 be selected for repayment, operating costs would be reduce by $10/ton. fihese cost reductions would allow Knutson to furth�r expand the types and quantities of materials recycled, 7he overall result would be to further reduce materials landfilled by the citizens of Rosemount ecanomicaily and efficiently. � � FACILITY FINANGING TWROUGH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOND5 6ackgrout�d Knutson is committed to securing capital funding for the facility through private investment sources. tion Public financing of the faeility could be used to reduce the cost of debt. :enefits The cost savings from recycling would be enhanced. Also, Knutson would be able to maintain aur present ability to finance other waste � abatement activities. � � BENEFITS TO THE CITY OF ROSEMQUNT � • TWf FUTURE COST OF WASTE COLLECTION SERYICES TO ROSEMOUNT CITtZENS WILL BE MINIMIZED For each ton of material recycled, citizens and businesses wili pay up to �50 less than the cast of �andfill disposal or incin- eration. i THE CITY MAY RECEIVE INCREASE R�CYCLING FUNDS FROM DAKQ7A COUNTY The County will reimburse to the City a portion af recycling program expenses. The amount reimbursed is based upon abate- ment quantities and the program cost. • ADniTIONAL JOBS WILL BE CREA7ED IN THE CITY The proposed facility wfll in�tially employ up to ten people. We also expect to expand aur collection crew to meet recycling demand. s TN� CITY TAX BASE WILL BE EXPANDED The facility value wi11 be approximately $750,000. A1so, util - ity development at the proposed site may enc�urage other busi- nesses to locat� in the area. • INCREASED RECYCLiNG WILL HEtP THE CITY M�ET THE "SCORE" BILL GOALS During the recent special session, the State legislature enacted a recycling goal of 35?'o for metro area communities. The pro- posed facility will provide the City with the ability to meet this qoal . i CITY PAR7ICIPATION IN TNE PROJECT WILL ENNANC� PUBLIC RELATIONS The proposed facility will help the City move to the forefront of landfill abatement. As a result, the City will profit from the positive publicity associated with maximum recycling. • PUBLIC AWARENESS Of TNE ENVIRONMENTA! ANO ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF RECYGLING WiLL INCREASE Knutson is co�nitted to public educatian via plant tours, mail- ' ings and the potential development of a recyclable buy-back center. � � , � ����'�� �,�,���� � METROPOLITAN LANI3FILL ABATEMENT FtJND CAPITAL ASSI52ANCE 6RANT PROPOSAL COV�R SHE�T FY89 1 . Naine of Pro3ect Spansar: i v nf R�Semount Mailing address: p � BQ� 510 - ?87� lg5th �treet West Rosep�ou�,t MN 55t}68 _,,,, � 2. IRS Tax-Exempt Nwnber: 3. Pro,ject director/oontact person naa�es ' Title: �'honet Addresss .� 4. Authorized Official aame: - Title: Phones - - Addresss _ 5. Third Party information, srhen ap-plieablei a? Name: Knutson Rubbish Seruices Inc. b) Address: 5 0, �pAen a e venue -__ Rosemaunt MN 55068 c) Authoriz�d represantatives � � arrv �n�'kson „ Titles President _Phonez - d) Minnesota Tax ID nuc�ber: 6. PROPOSAL SUMMARY Briefly summarize the ma�or benefits and gc�als assoeiated with the pro�ect. 7. Amou�t of Grant Request � Amount af Local Cash Match � Amount oP Other Costs � TOTAL PROJECT COST � 9 .' � � CAPITAL ASSISmANCE GRANT PROGRAM PROJECT SPONS�R�S CE�TIFrCATION SE IT CERTIFIED THAT 1} ' � . will aet as the sponsor (Pro�eet Sponsar and grantee for the landfill abatement Capitgl Aasistanoe grant to be condueted bYt 2) . • when applicable, implementing t ird party and authorized represerrtative} , during trie period from 3) � estimat�d start date-aoquisitioa througb �� ' . estimated end date-three years trom aoquisitiot� date 5) Name and title of authorizad offioiai is hereby autbori�ed to submit a grant proposal and request t'uading for this pro�ect to the t�Setropolitan Counall and to exeoute such agreements and prepare documents as neeessary to accept tUnds and lmplement the pro�ect on behalf oF the Pro�ect Sponsor. This certification certi.fies the fallowing: 1. Trie Pro�ect Sponsor is an eligible applicant for the Capital Assistanee Grant Pragram. 2. The pro�act will further the go�ls of the Metropalitan Cauncil's So� lid Wasta Management DeveloP�er�t GuidelPolioy Plan. 3. Th� pro�eot is tn aonformance with the approved Solid Was�e Manag� t�laster Plar� for the county in whioh the pro�ect wiil oacur• 4. The Pro�ect Sponsor agrees to �omply with all applicable iaws relating to nondiscrimination and affirmative aetion. 5. Tha Pro�ect• Sponsor w111 provide all local and stiate permits, lieenses and authori�ations neoessary for the pro,�ect. 6. Tha Pro�ect Sponsor is current in all tax obligations to local, state or federal governments. 7• Acknowledgment wi12 be made for the Counail far its grant assistance ori all promotional materials� reparts and publications relating to trie pra�ect during the grant period. $. The Pro�eot Sponsor Will provide all docwnentatian and reports required by the Gounoil during the grant period. 9. The proposal is aomplete and all information provided in the praposal is true and aeourate. I HEREBY CERTIFY THIS CER'�IFtCATION: �) (Date Pormally approved) 7) �D�te r tSignatur� af Authorized Offioiai) - 8? Date� �� (Signature of Pro�ect DireetorJContact Person 9) """"_ tSignature nf suthorized third party representative na�� 10 � � SECTION A. IN�ORt9ATI0N ABOUT TNE PROJECT SPON�OR l . Describe the Capital Assistance Grant praje�t sponsor. For example, is the project sponsar more than one Metropolitan County and what is the total population affected? RESPONSE Ramsev, Washington and Dakota County(iesj Rosemount, Apple Valley, Burnsville, Ea�an, Inver Grove Heiqhts. Lakeville, Mendota Weights and White Bear Lake. Municipaiity(ies) �500 + 33.622 + 50,000 + 45,000 + Z1,477 t 22.707 + 8,834 + 24,891 � 214.031 Population The pro�ect sponsor is the City of Rosemount. Located in Dakata County, the City has been home to Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc. for over 11 years. With a current population of approximately 1,500, Rosemount has grown nearly 400�6 over the last 30 years. Recyclab7es collection in the City is pravided by Knutson, while residential and commercial waste collection is Yeft to the chofice of each individual business. While the City of Rosemount is the sponsor, the proposed project will impact residents and businesses in a number of communities in Dakota County as well as a portion of Ramsey County. The tatal affected population wi1T be approximately 17,Q0a hflusehalds and 1,000 commer- cial waste generators throughout the same region. 2. Describe how the pro,�ect sponsor wi11 administer and manage the project and who will be responsible for preparing written financial and progress reports. RESPONSE Written reports shall be prepared by Knutson staff and submitted to the City Administrator for review. The City shall be able to include additional co�nentary before submission to the Metropolitan Cauncil . . , � � SECTION B. INFORMATION ABOl1T THE THIRD PARTY 1 . Describe the business, nonprofit organization, public institution or solid waste management district, which has applied to the above for project sponsorship. Frovide sufficient detail an the nature of the third party's primary mission and purpose, how long in operation, etc. RESPONSE . Knutson Rubbish Service, Inc, has operated in the Metropo]itan area for 27 years. During this time Knutson has pravided waste and recy- clable collectian services to residential , commercial and institu- tional clientele. In addition, Knutson has retained CRS, Inc. to provide technica] and professional services in the development and implementatian of the MRF. Since its establishment in 1975, CRS has specialized in the recovery of resources from wastes. The company's philosophy toward alternatives to land disposal have remained unchanged. Rather than emphasizing one solution versus anather, members of CRS have main- tained the highest 1eve1 of objectivity in seeking and proposing the best alternative, or combination of alternatives, for its clients. Members of the company have been participating in projects involving material recovery and integration of various sub-systems in waste management since the 1950's. CRS has conducted more than three hundred projects in the field of waste management since its faunding. This experience provides their personnel with a breadth of understandit�g that wi11 enable CRS to provide a thorough and well-thought-out design �nd implementation. A project of particular relevance to the proposed work is one current- ly being conducted by CRS for Swift County, Minnesata. The three phase pro�ect lnvolves: 1) conduct of a preliminary engineer design and feasibiiity study; 2) preparation of a grant application to the Office of Waste Management; and 3) final design and management of the construction and operation of the facility. �unding has been granted and CRS is proceeding with final design and implementation of a curb- side collection program, recycling/camposting facility, household hazardous waste drop-off center, and an environmental monitoring pragram. 2. Describe the business, nonprofit organization, public institution or solid waste management district's past and ongoing experience in landfill abatement or closely related activities. RESPONSE Knutson has five years experience with fa11 leaf coll�ctions, and one and one-half years of spring and summer grass collections in the City of White 6ear Lake. In addition, Knutson has provided one and one- half years of grass and leaf callections in cities within DakQta County. � � Knutson has faur y�ars of cardboard recycling experience and hauls aver 900 tons of cardboard per year. In addition, Knutsan collected over 2,300 tons of residential recyclables during FY 1989. Knutson provides weekly curbside recycling collection for homeownet^s and businesses in all af its services areas, operates two drop-off centers, one in Rosemount and one in White Bear Lake, and has par- ticipated in several h�usehold hazardous waste programs. 3. Describe the business, nonprofit organization, public institution or solid waste management district's administrative and management experiencQ in supervising staff, managing contracts and in preparing written financia] and progress reports. RESPONSE Knutson staff manage 45 employees and has had a contract with the City of White Bear Lake since July 1, 1984. Since impJementation of this cantract, Knutson has prepared monthly pragress reports. Knut- son has a-lso completed three successful grant projects during FY87 with the Metropolitan Council . • + � � SECTION C. INFORMATION ABOUT TNE PROJECT 1 . Summarize the Capital Assistance Project, including type and number af landfill abatement machinery or equipment to be purchased, approxi- mate purchase and acquisition dates, potential abatement results, creation of new markets or expansion af existing markets and other information pertinent to the project. A marketing plan should also be attached. . RESPONSE Knutson proposes ta construct and aperate a Material Recavery Facility (MRF) in the Gity of Rosemount. 7he MRF would initially accept car�ercial and residential recyclables collected by Knutsan from existing routes. Faci�ity capaci�y will be 40 TPD, with potential for expansion. The proposed abatement praject wi11 have a positiue impact upon both commercial and residential recycling in the 1'win Cities Metropolitan Area (TGMA). 5pecifically, the proposed facility will : o allow Knutson to expand the types of materials currently collected from residential customers; o allaw Knutson to significantly expand commercial recycling services to include dafferent materials and new custamers;. - o provide greater recyclable co3lection flexibility, since the proposed MRF wi11 be able to aceept eomingled and mod�rately contaminated recyclable laads; o reduce the waiting period at the weigh scale used by Qakota County for recyclables data collection; and o increase flexibili�y in the TCMA recycling system. The proposed MRF will increase the incentive for Knutson to expand recycling since the facility will be tailored directly to the needs of its clientele and will provide Knutson with a cost-effective and integrated recycling system where avoided landfill collection and � disposal costs can be directly realized. MRF Description The proposed MRF is designed to accammodate bath comingled and source separated recyclables from co�nercial , residential and institutional waste generation sectors. The MRF is also designed for the delivery of recyclables by end-dump and side-dump collection vehicles as well as from conventional packer trucks. - Based upon preliminary design estimates, the facility will have an enclosed area of 14,400 ft2. A facilfty layout is included , as Figure 1. 'I . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . ��M i: 180� . �..,.�..--------� I ( � �N �CORRt�CirATEp aevp I CoRRu�aTED INF'EEO STORA6rE j PROGESSEo- � ' � • D�W�pR I HtC�Fi CS,RAOE ( ! MfiTER�iiL . � �� _�oaT«c�- Ac��� . L_ _._.._ � _— .__ ._ J S,-oa�e � � � � i � � p`�s-r�c.s � t_ -- — —j � G�QaN � — - -— � � 'Ra�s..-OFF f ' t � / �ALER I � F �t � ----—---� 1 �------- ' t �j,VEWSrPt2tNT SORT1�tG � , AND STaRAt,rE � N�SP�ERS rf'oR� AREA � G�a�S �. � � F�ascr�nEL G.a1ss Cc��.L.r�T CR�tSt1ER � I � .PAQER SMREOOER At�D MoO�t�ie0 HaY-PSA�EF�' � : � CJ LE - (N=20� A't� • • � � Landfill abatement equipment to be purchased is indicated �n Table 1 . 7he equipment has been selected based upon the following parameters: materials to be processed; expected throughput; and market specifications. Each of these parameters are discussed in greater detail later in this section. A compilatian of price quotes and technical specifications received to date is included as Appendix B. Recvclable Collectian Impacts . Through construction of a MRF, Knutson will be able to modify and expand the recyclable collection services offered to its c�ien- tele. The proposed MRF will accommodate both source-separated and co- mingled recyclables. As community recycling programs mature, irrdividual cities may wish to increase participatian or reduee scavenging. Comingled collection can accommodate each of these cancerns. Cor�nercial recyclable collection will alsa be enhanced thraugh the comingled alternative. Knutson has perfarmed visual waste surveys of ail co�nercial customers. As a result, Knutson has tarqeted numerous clients that generate mainly recyclable waste. While certain customers have a�ready initiated source separation programs, many additional customers will be abie to recycle with a minimum of separation once the MRF is on-llne since sume resi- due will be acceptable. The proposed MRf wi11 alsa allaw Knutson to increase the number af material types collected from commercial and residential customers. Plastics, tin cans and a wide variety of paper grades that are either currently not accepted at the Dakota Caunty facility or are not economically feasible to coilect at present will be accepted at the proposed MRF. Landfill Abatement Impacts The proposed pro,�ect wi1-1 divert approximately 5,50Q TFY of recyclables from landfill disposal or incineration. Table 2 presents a quantitative breakdown {by material} of Knutson`s existing recycling programs and an estimate of the future recycling system. ; Markets Creation and Expansion The praposed MRF wi11 allow �nutson to create and expand market alternatives over thase presently availabfie through County pr�- grams. Untique markets Mave already been identified for many materials including PVC films, tin cans, mixed and white ledger, camputer printouts, mixed low-grade paper and different mix$s of recyclable plastics. There wi11 be a significant incentive far Knutson to continue to identify r�ew markets to further abate land- fill dispasal and hence, mitigate costs to TCMA waste generators. . Y .• . . � . � � � . � . " Council directed sta� Red Ribbon Cam ai tO CO��'�nu� to monitor s P gn for City inuolvement ��al events such as the MOTION by Wipp�rmann to adjourn. Second 'by Walsh. Ayesr 5. N�ys; p, Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus ATTEST: R�cording Secretary Stephan Jilk Administrator/Clerk Published this un_Y..__T�ib jne --_."_ day of . �989 in ��?�k� . � . Table 1. Knutson La�ndfill Abatement Equipment list Equipment Item Processed Mat�rfals Horizontal Baler Paper, Corrugated, Plastic Films Can Densifier � Metal Containers G1ass Crusher Glass Containers Plastics Granulator Plastic containers Shredder & Newspaper Mechanical Baler Sorting Canveyor Paper, Container$ Plastics Collection Plastics C�ntainers Bobcat Unprocessed Recyclables, Residue Forklift Processed Recyclab3es Containers All Materials ' � � 7able 2, Current and Projected Landfilf ' Abatement(Tons) ' RECYCLABLE$C�LLECTE FUTURE COLLECTION Sept 1988 - Aug 1989 Projected MATERIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCtA RESIDENTIAL CpMMERCIAL PAP�R Newspaper 1,281 0 2,165 0 Corrugated 0 575 50 2,000 High Grade 0 25 0 125 ,. , ; PAPER TOTAL :.... 1,2$1 i600:: ;::..... 2�21.5 .2�125 PLpSI'tCS HDPE 0 0 135 0 P ET 0 0 25 0 I.DPE 0 0 0 0 PVC 0 0 0 240 ;: _ . PLASTICS 70TAL. : ;0 0< .:..,... 1�0 . ...::24� __ . METALS Bi-Metai UBC 30 0 45 5 Aluminum UBC 25 11 45 5 Tin Cans 0 0 225 0 Other fl 0 0 0 T07AL METALS ;: 55 . . `:: 0:1 ':: . ,,::. 1�> , . 315 GLASS > : 287 ;:; 82;' 450 . . .:.: 120, , .; : , :.. GRAND TOTAL 1,623 682 3,i40 2,495 . � � Knutson is also working with the C�ty of Rasemount and private newspaper publishers in the TCMA to develop an old newspaper ' recycling agreement with FSC in A1sip, illinais. FSC wi11 accept ald newsprint in quantities equal to a commitment to purchase a similar quantity of new recycled content material . While the counties and the Metropolitan Council work with large publishers such as the Star Tribune and the Pioneer Press, Knutsan has an incentive to iaclude s�naller companies in a recycled stock program. This type of market expansion will provide flexibility and stability in the 7CMA recycling system while expanding the use of recycled-content materials. A detailed market analysis is included as Attachment A. Pro.iect Schedul e 2. After the minimum three year period usage of the machinery or equip- ment for landfill abatement activities, is cantinuation af the proj-, ect anticipated? RESPONSE The landfill abatement equipment is anticipated ta be used for at least seven years. The proposed MRF will operate for at least l5 years. 3. Where will the project activities occur? Provide as much deta�il as possible, including the names af caunties or m�nicipalities in the Metropolitan Area that will be directly affected by the capital purchase. RE5PQNSE , The facility will be located in Rosemaunt, Minnesota oa land aiready owned by Knutson near 160th Street and Biscayne Avenue. 4. What is the approximate �iate of acquisition of the machinery or equipment? Capital Assjstance Grants will be manitored for three years from acquisition date. RESPONSE Equipment wi11 be purchased in March or Apri1 , 1990.` A complete . project schedule is shown in Figure 2. 5. What are the anticipated or projected landfill abatement results from the purchase of the machinery or equipment? These results shauld be measurable �nd included on the annual report form. a) Materiais to be abated: See Tables 2 and 3. b) Generators to be served: See Table 3. � � Figure 2. Project Schedule Task Nov Oec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Rug Sep Oct 1 Fina1 Design Q-----] 2 investment Oocument 0------------] 3 Final Bid Specs 0--------------] 4 Met Council Grant App 0-----*-----J 5 Procurement 0----------) 6 Construction Management 0------------------------] 7 Operatar Training 0----} , . � � C. iNFORMATION RBOUT THE PROJECT (continued) 6. What are the major goals af the pro�ect? RESPONSE The major goals of the proposed project are as follaws: o To construct a MRF that includes the equipment listed in Table 1, and utilize the facility to increase recycling quantities from 2,300 TPY to over 5,500 TPY (150'�o increase) . . a Expand the list of recyclable materials callected from six to at least ten (see Table 2) . o Increase commercial recycling quantities through comingled collec- tion and processing. o Reduce the dispasal cost through recycljng by 30 to 70 $/ton. 7. Each project sponsor wi11 be required to complete and submft a written annual report and final narrative report. A farm wi11 be` provided for the annual report. It wi11 address achievement af goals as listed in questian #6. How wi11 the project sponsor measure progress in meeting the stated gaals? What records or other methods will be developed and used to support and document the results of the proposed project? What types of ongaing evaluation will be used to determine the success of the project? RE5PONSE All mater�als delivered to the MRF wj11 be weighed and data wi11 be recorded in � computer database along with the material source. Pro- cessed recyclables and residue shall alsa be weighed and recorded before leaving the site. Knutson will also maintain separate financial records for the MRf so that econamic perfarmance of the facility can also be measured in terms of capita� costs, operating costs and throughput. � � 8. Capital Assistance Grant Work Program ACTIVITYjTASK PERSON/POSITION COMPLETION TIME . Final Facility CRS December 15, 1989 �esign Capital Acquisition Knutson Management, february 1, 1990 CR5 MPCA Solid Waste Permjt CRS Apri1 1, 1990 General Contractor- Knutsnn Manaqement, April 1, 1990 Canstruction Agreement CRS : Equipment Procurement CRS Aprii l, 1990 Construction Management CRS September I, i990 , 0 erator Trainin CRS October 1, 1990 P 9 Commercial Account Knutson Management October 1, 1990 Adjustment Facility Operation Knutson Recycling Ongoing Manager Financial Management Knutson Fin�ncial Ongoing Off�cer , � � C. INFORMRTION ABOUT 7H£ PROJECT (continuedj 9. Will the Capital Assistance project require the approval af any lacal ar state permits or licenses, prepa�ration of an �nvironmental Assessment or Impact Statement, or other �conditions which must be met in order to conduct the project? If yes, describe what has or will be dane to obtain the necessary approvals for the project. RESP4NSE Minnesota Pollutian Control Agency solfd waste permit and City of �osemount building permit are the two ma�or approvals needed. 10. How will the Capital Assistance Project be publieized? RESPONSE The project will be publicized through facilfty taurs, inserts included in customer invoices and through the media. . 11 . List the employees, staff positions or consultants that will be responsible for completion of the praject work program. Resumes or position deseriptions of key individuals should be attached. RESPONSE Resumes and positinn descriptions of key individuals are included as Appendix C. 12. Describe the role of any board members, corr�nittees, or valunteers that wi11 be involved in conducting the project or providing oversight. a � • i SECTION D. INFORMATIQN ABOUT PRUJECT FINRNCES 1 . Itemize the Capital Assistance Grant Pro�ect budget. All project sponsors are required to use the budget format provided below. The budget must shaw haw the grant funds and �cash match wi11 be used for the purchase of landfill abatement machinery or equipment. Total Project tocal Match Capital Assistance Budget Item Cost Cash Grant Equipment Purchase Machinery Purchase Freight aPPlicable Taxes SU61'OTAI S � � The foliowing costs are not eligible for grant or match funds, but are part of the tatal project costs: Salariesjfringes Cantracted Labar Travel Expenses Printing Equip/Mach. Rent/Lease Other project Costs SUSTOTAL � TOTAL $ � � Anticipated Project Revenues, if any � _ , � � 2. Itemized Project Costs Budqet Ttem Amount project sponsars must provide detail for each budget item included in the line item budget. Detail would include number of items at per unit cost, number of haurs at hourly rate, etc. . � � 3. Cash Matching funds Source Amount S atus 4. Project costs not covered by the Capital Assistance Grant. Source maunt 5_tatus 5. Explain hoa� the Capital Assistance Project will be con�inued beyand the grant period. What �aurces of funds will the praject sponsar use for continuation of the landfill abatement activities? 6. Explain Mow the Capftal Assistanee Grant will enable the pro�eet activities to occur, or if they would not otherwise be possib�e.