HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Water / Sewer Utility Budget and Rate Increase _ � � ITLM � � � � • ****�*******�*******�r***�r**********PiEMO*�****�r*****�*�****�t****�r****�t*****,��r,t*** DATE: NOVEMBER 16, 1989 T0: MAXQR & GOUNCILMEMBERS C/0 CITY ADASINISTRATOR JILK �.-' FROM: GITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WQRKS DI�ECTOR HEF RE: iTEMS FOR THE NOVEMBER 21, 19$9 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS 1990 Utili� Budget and Recommended Water & Sewer Rate Changes Attached to this memo is the 1990 Utility Budget that the Utility Commission adopted at their November 13, 1989 Regular meeting. Also �ttached are mp recommendations for the Water and Sewer Rate increases for 1990 that the Utility Commission is recommending to you for your consideration. At this time this is for your information on1y. No action is required at this time, however we da anticipate presenting the resolution to adopt the rates at the reguiar Council, meeting on December 3, i989. *�*:e��*�***�****�***�****�*******ri�r�o****�**��*�*�**���*********�**���**�* ))hTt�.: NOVEPiBER 8, 1989 ` T0: UTILITY COPi�tISSION FROP(: CITY ENGLNEERiPUBLIC W(�RKS DIRECTOR NEF J i RE: ITEAiS FOR Ti�E NpVEAtBER 13, 1989 UTILIxY MEETING ; OLD BUSINESS • Recommend Approval fox 1990 Utilzty Budget ` AtC.ichecl is a cc�py of the 1990 Utility Bud�et for your �evi�w and comments. I a1s� included an estimated income statement. As you can see from the income , �tat�em�nt, we axe Pro�osing to eover some of the capiCal expenaea fram Fund 6t1, the depreciation and �;.I.P. accaunt. The following table illustratea l�ow �e arrived at those transfer amounts. ' Fund �xpenditure Amovnt 601 Repair/Paint Inside Tower #1 S90,Q00 601 Geagraphic In£armation System $ S,U00 �Q2 Replace Existing J�tter/Truck $6Q,000 602 Geographic Infazmation System $ S,OQQ : As you can aiso see from the zncame statement I'm proposi.ng that we inctease the water rates from $,95 per tfiousand gallons to $1 ,1A per thousan� gallons. I Also am requssting that we increase the �anitary sewex rates from $1,25 per thousand gallan ro $1.85 per thousand gallons. The water rate has nat been i.ncreased since 1983, The s�nitary sewer rates were increased in 198? fram $1.05 to $1.25 per thousand gallon. The justification in raising the sewer and water rates is b�canse �re are fincling the operating exFenses are increasing ak e faster rate than revenues toe gxe receiving from increaged demand. - This is true especislly in the water �rea. For the sanitary sewer rates, we are finding that the l�tetxo WaBte Control Commission is charp,ing as substantially more each year for all ovr t�astew�ter flows. A� you ean see they will l�e charging us $226,�00 which is an incresse of 43X over 1989 1�ill . Fiast af this increasQ is c�ttp t� new develr►pment, but snmc of it is du� to r.he increased cost for MWCC services that are being passed onta us. One other srea Chat we changpd in providing at the 1990 Prc�posed Budget was redistributing the, ex�enses to both water and sewer funds. We had changed the distribution to a 50-50 split a cQuple years �go. Howev�r, since the rtWCC porr:ion of the sewer bill is about 50% of the budget, a fact we have no control over, it doesn't seem reasonable to split the expens�s 5Q-50. Rather, it seems that. a 70� water f�md and a 3Qx sewer fund is more realistic £ar those commot� ;expenses such as labor, vehicles, office supplies, etc. xhis was the split wizen 1 g��t here in 1986, although I'm not sure exactly how that percentage xas determined. In any event, when time allows us to evaluate our job co�ting d�ta we will be able ta have a g�od handie on what �ercentage af the cov�►on expense� stio��ict f;o to t11e wa te r fund and tl�e sewer fund, Rect,mm�nded action for the Cortanissior� Lo take is t� recommend the f,ouncil �doflt t.he si.tiched buclget.. The rate ean be discussed at the Deceml�er meeting and pas�;ed anto Councit for their consideretion when the resalution e�tablishing the ratc�s is adapted in January 199�. ' • � .;,���►.� � ��ttrt.��i'�� ���btt���1 �bl� ........__-�___-�__� bCT���' 7 }98� �;'A t �`. �:O t FtTND ,_.... . � .=rF'F:�.,�`�1"7�:; RF�E.I�7tT:.�, t�,',tai .5'.�1�?s �►297,OQt} 270A�iG �►t.lU1�:GAL R�i,atp. �,��int F�,p �10,400 :' i�'�tr` �•t u':�r S�lps $1:�,OOd 200 f� �75 , R�J�:.� 1t����,�vs �3,ZOQ i�te ieps Tr��,. ;�,t. $95,i�qd it�m f�t t 8t +!xf�o�.: C�`Ip �nt�r, -t �15�OOU ,,4`f�i� ; t_�r ERt�TI�•'s�� I`.L.��LNtTE.S �435,24t) t�►FI R.�' �1'TA;r3 E.��'�"3S] S 42? $45 : 3�i�.T $���9� ._..__.__.._�_ ._. : �_.."._ . � ' ��E`t� E_i . t+� FUN�:�..__-____ ��►�'I R; .Tti�T�� RFVENCTr.�. .; S�Rv�: S�t��s $370,QQa 2DQI+�C� �t.85f�.GAL . A�fis�;�stt�.ie���aus $3,200 t�Ea {aa5 Tran f+��a $65,t?40 tr�tt� 6i[ �bc �x+c+��€ CIF In��r:�=t '�4 OOU SE�' F:�:,i��'ER��.TIIv!� �� E�'�?NUE $4�2,2QQ +=►�':r R.l=._CI1�'i3 EX�'E�T53'S 435 07� ���I' $7,t21 ! . i " '_ _ � � , . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � �t_tl��Il�C�I� r"� � tT"�,`iT�,T i:tt*'; �T>�R�,TT���T.�,��'�.JCt�T 4.�r19f} R: �... . . ��1 �i;rA'TE�� ��i�',II�'TEN,�1�T[;F ��43,64� O1 t'4�f1iE:�'. 1�IT'TEItS $31,SU(1 �1 �,5�'E)_L� 3,h.7,�,9,14.`�C11 $,.42,64t1 pS �rrI'rTt�.'7�!��RY t�'C�1'J1',T ��I.5 �2,ZOU -�41 �V��r'.L'+;. 'I'�::�S�IE.F?5 $A2,SQU �Jt ��'EI_L f�:��,SE� �$Q(� ' ` ,?i t.�'A ._E' .�,�1.' [N5 ���C40 Oi �If=r�,��i ���r�TE�! E���'E;'SE 3 $427,�45 � .02 SAI��i�' t�.�' SE'�t'ER R1��IN'1" ��3����9 .. ..+J� .JET"�'X3�• t; *,��AC�IIAi}�. $62,7g0 ���_ IIF�" �...-tl�T''C�N� I-.5 $6,841t? U7. SAI�: �� t�'E�t MAIN�S $b,9UQ ���Z R�2E1'�;� > �E:�VER C'HARt•E.� 22f.544 �•02 TC►T�AI S,�;J SE�VER E.��PLNSES $433,079 - �. �CTk��N�� '1 t_+TAI_ '__ � $8f+7,883 ' �: t T `t � I= �! J `; � w1 �t t.l N T 1'3�U Ui::�iti+�s 6uuyet Dra'r't c;'-��cL-�`j r 4u ii.� �yGaita,�:at ti LiCSGr 1�.7i.liun ke�y'trr_��,Q11 ir.it�xflk:'n C3 ' ..', ;���,C��i I�;i�T�� MN I tYT�!`aNP#CE t��_�+ hi�3 �#'3dC1t7 1i�i.�3 F��I2 7im� - rec� �11�,�25 �Qi:-_6(Ji, 3R�' •6t�'� t� : : ,.:,� .,� . . . �.'�T1.1 :i '.iI.3 .�,�c:�rt.:;r� , .1:.: 6��a,��t, �:��� ���11fi�� 1 t���{.? t•!a i;,t t I r, n:�'� �^S,��fl� ��.��: �':+�t1U t.��}I.:: ;9�_nt i i i.sl::) :6�'3, I�;u ��iii �',��#t7i� I iv1.�'s ���D �;�.�'•::� -�i+��'3iC7 cui �#'��Uu itvi.;� t=inanaa Uxrt�.r'S:t1 :SiU,�62 601 494t10 I101.6 Rccauntant fB.?SX) �,511 ��:;1 494�a13 ila�i_? 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HQllSE � 601 �9423 2223.tI 81dg ra�p,�ir itr �tuppl �101] �s+�l �t9�d.2�# WELL HOUS� st i�7 at�i �'3�t��# 2�23.�] 81dg r*spair & �uppl �lUD 5fi I �9��5 kJAI'cl�fH It�i5 5171 d9�35 222+#.0 Str�t �aint aiatl �1,Q0(3 �tr-�et patctsir�g due to tsr�aks,etc 601 �9+435 2225.1] I�dsc,ape �rat I : �20D top�o i 1,�e�d,s�d �e to p�tch i ng 6�3 494�5 �'2'2?.i1 Uti1 �ys a�airit *3upp1 �41D0 �lt�+nlS�DIP�sGt�^'b 8e Co�"p stOpS.�tc 601 ; �F94?S 3309.0 Rrof s�r�ic� �'3,QOtI ttraw tr�zen l in�s,atc 6DI 44d35 3309.1 tha+r frozen nwins #1,000 5Q 1 �9�i�5 33Q'9.2 ch+auck for i eaks t2:OOt3 hydran� sur�.�y by Tr i.�n�31 e cn� �� I i '•�' �� F RiJ ; E �1UUN �i . 19'?CI I.�ti I i ti�� ���3ct Ora€b �r-ii�t-u'3 . . . �. . .� �� .f-._.�� �I�:,....rw�`..��++ LG':;�:Y-i}JGi+.:�it .. . . . . � .. . .. �t�4�l+c'Sa.t'U . � . I�aJUHu�CC1L� � � . . . � . � .. . . . . . �[;'� �9�t�t3 5RN SEktE� �1RiMT ' -- - - ------- --_____-------- 5U2 �'��Su 1 ii�1.0 FuI i Ti,ne - reg ���i,35� r',r'�-, ig��n 1:O 1_ 1 Sa�r�t.�r�� �;3�:''� :5:�:=,��'i� �1]4 4'?45t� 1101.2 �laint II f30�:� ��lt�,a?RQ . _ - __ _ „ ,-,_� y'al+�ii >il�l.:; i•1.3�nL lI �.�Uf:.� :�';,'fl..uU ��:�.:.' �4�;�Ci 11�!.3 PlJL� t'.S.:i 3u. I3�t _.. -�3��:G i1C3.� rinar7�.e �ir-C:�.�v."•:� �-�,.1Sa 602 4945d3 I 1Q 1,5 Hecountant t3.7Si:3 #2,7'91 b��^. �9�i�+.'3 lltli.? Rs�t PFID �D p���i�I�� 1'a�I 6t�2 4945Q 210 I.8 Eng Teah C 3.D'✓.� �1,955 !�+7� �F'S�5�7 l IO2.4 �u I 1 T i me - OT �I,'3�aS 5tl"� 49450 11Q2. 1 5ecretary �30i:? �525 - .-, �. .-� �t . � . � . .a{....,. � Y.'�...t� i i�.7c:.� 11.�..lilL..� 11 :dfJ•'.l �:7�-+^iij �. . . . . . . . 6q2 �9450 110�.Cl P.�rt T i m� f 3a..� �1,?l 17 ��uc -��4yi:+ i it'!3. 1 iaborers #'�UL' iSi7 l�c�urs 602 4'4�45n 11CI3.2 �mb�e-� �810 6Q2 49450 2203.� Printed forms �2'IIQ m�tsr c�r-ds,printer paper 602 4945t1 2204.0 Envelop�s & l�tterhd ` 30 60c �49450 2209.(l �Ff i�� supp l i� �i]0 d i�katt��,pr i nt�- r i b,�o l lect i 4n !so �Q2 �9�50 �212.fl M+�tor f�lels �1,2t1�1 �1t33, 1��'4th �It7lfest � �51�'+�? �^� �4�?��O i'I q.t] I)per3t i n y •3upp 1 �-�Q�' - 5U2 �945L1 2222.t3 Equ ip p�rts & repa i r �I,t7L�0 6D2 �i9�St3 22^t I. 1 weh i c l�s 3c �qu z p �5�� 6i12 #4450 222 i.� m i s+c �400 602 �#9450 2229.0 Repa i r & �na i n t saup l �ZQO 60Z 4945a 2241.0 SmaI1 toois #15Q wrenche�,�tc 6a2 �9�450 22d2.Q Minar equipt ' �3,OQt] 602 4945t3 2242.I �af�ty equ i P �Z,�t3 r��72 49�#S4 22d 2.2 m i s� �1,�I�O 5uc �9�50 3301.4 Auditir►g �50� 3b'!. 602 �t945i3 3302.Q Lega l �'e�� �i�0 � 6i1c 44dSU 3303.0 Engina+�- f�es #1d0 6n2 4'9�#50 �309.a Prof �rvic�s �aQD 602 #945CI 3321.0 Te�lephane� �1,2tJQ talemetry lea�e lin�, 550:�) 6Q2 �43A5{� 3322.D Pcstagm 3�2,ODC3 ut i l i ty b i l l s {50'♦.? 6(Jc 49450 3331.Q Trav�I anrp �SOQ 5Q2 �i'9�t5f� 3333.D Freight �k �s>cpr�ss z1t10 mai I-in r�pairs t�� �'3�4St� 33�"3.a Tr�rs�pr�rtat i on #50 m i ac ,n s l aa�e 617� �945tI 33'91.0 Computer Ma i nt �5l?0 386 tau�r sy�t+�m ,,St13:7 6CJc 494$i7 339�.� Camput�r- Fi�cc��.'SupQ �300 366 �o�.+�er sy�t+dm CSO'!.� 602 �94�0 3395.0 i� ht�i nt �2D0 S�i'f. 61]2 �9�i50 3396.Q PC F�c��S� ` 31� SO'1. 502 �9450 339?.Q PC Hard�SoFtwar� �5,!]i�Q IJtimap �har� 6i72 ' ,�'3d� 33�7'.i U I t i m�p sharr� �S,000 617e^. 4'3�0 3397.2 mise � 61]2 �94SC3 3+EU�4.�I Machinery �C equip #SOQ misc sm�Il machines 602 49450 3414.t7 f2ent.�1� �gp0 6Q2 �.945Q 3�21.0 D�r�c i��i or+ e>cp , *�,� �; I T 'a i� � � � ': EMt� �JNT . 19'3� t;ti i ities 6udyet Draf t cr-uct-�3 rU;�U Hc�ourr:. st Ues�ripti�n �,����ste�� : Gu�rNn�nc� _ . �;!3'�' �'3�i�L� 9431.0 G<bsh shart �!J bC,� �#9;�t5t� ..7,���.0 tJrtcoll�ctabl,a r_h�cks �d N�,._� '��.���1�. „�i�."1j.'�✓.� �•.!t„S i3c aU�S�t�f t s)�.1 i:Af1� �l���J :fl l�+� "��':' �4-��i] �•t:��._tl t'�,nF:�r�rrr��r�,�,nin.ar•, �,ri? Mfit,�? -,�,�:n� . . . . . � - -!^. .+n! -r" . . . ���at 4'��i5�s 3�35.+.7 3ouic:� 3� pomp'r�iets 32G� ref'ar�nc� ,n.�'ti:� +�i�:,' -i';+#�G �•#3'3.i3 Miscei lane,�us �la�Q r,u� �#5�:;+:� S51 i.ll i�n�i purcn�se #ll : 502 �945Q S.S29.0 81 c3g !k structw-es �0 �u2 �9�517 553�.� I�r othe� th�n bidg �� 602 �945(7 55?1.0 Off equip purch��e �0 r�a�2 �9a�t3 55??.0 Qf�' furn pureha�e SIG17 mis� 517� �9�5Q SSB1.0 �ther equip purchase �t� � i',+i.l� -�'3�:=,+.J iU�J.�.0 irans#'t2r� L�3 �1J co�d+?r��� �� G1�'pr�?��:l3tlnln +37*:��9'1�C - ht?:? ���5�7 ?�JC13. : CiP :�0 tsl�� �y45i . 3ETfiIi`1G rFFlGHINE aQ2 49451 221Z.Q Mbtar� fu�ls �1,�Ot7 6Q2 •i'9451 2213.U Lt.+� & �dd i t #50 6�]2 �t9�51 2�21.Q Es�i p part� 3� repa i r �2,5t30 6Q2 4945i 2229.1] Repair � maint suppl #�D� fi�J2 �'��51 5581.� l3ther ��uzP Pu�=hase �50,�113t3 fnr rs�1.�Gt�m�rt . � . .. . . . � ��4.�'•. .. '���JJ. ..� � L.li�1� 31i-Ti 1�j1. .`�1 � � .� � . . . � . . . � � . 1�eJ�.i"l� ��. Yi . . . .. . .. . � � � . � � .. . 6G2 49#�5 ?t 19.�] �7p�r.�t i nc1 �P 1 �1 f�0 5132 �#9�5 2G2i.t7 Equsp parts & r-�pair �SL�� 6D2 �9hS5 2�29.� it�air & aiaint suppl �:2Q0 602 h9�i55 �381.Q El�ctric util �50� 5t12 49455 34C74.0 Machinery & +aquip �0 6D� �9�t5S 3439.Q Mi�csli�neou� �100 t'sD2 49�56 LIFT STRTION �t2 i?asemo,1nt �laod� 50^ �9�t�5 �c 1 S.tl Oper�t i r�g supp l �1 C10 6�2 �9�S�a 222i.fl �iP Part� & repair �SQO 6Q2 4'3456 2Z29.fl 12�pair � �aint �upQi �20� � 6�2 49456 3381.Q El�ctric util �6QQ 602 49450 3404.tI Mtach ir+�ery & equ i p #0 602 49456 3439.0 Mzs�ll� �100 � 602 4'345? LIFT STRTIt3N �t3 Wirn�a Cr�s�ing tiCorn4i 1 firl? � CCI2 4945? 22l9.D O�ee-a�tirg �1 �1QQ > 6U2 ' d945r 2�21.C3 Et{uio �art� �k ra�pair �SDt� ti�3c �945? 222'3.� Repair & �int suppl �20C� ` 6�2 49�57 3981.t7 Elac�r-ic u�i 1 �r'00 6D2 �t9�5? 3�41D4.{l M�chirnsry & equip ##�71 6Q2 4945? 3439.17 Mi�cellaneau� �clOD 6QZ 49458 LIFT STATI£� � F�.awkicrs P+�+�3 CBaptist Churd�t) 5(3 c �494.58 ?2].9:C� Oper.�t i r�g supp 1 �5q gr�as�,�tc 60� 49�45d' 2221.t� Equ i p p�rt� �c r+�a i r #25t] 5t]w �945@ 2224.0 R�p�i r �r ��i nt sugp l �1 Q0 502 �9�58 �3�1.0 Elects-ic utii �7i�II 602 d9458 3404.0 htachi»ery � equip :�C1 6a2 d94S8 3439_Q Miscel l,s�ou� �it�Q �: � T �,� �ir � r� s � r� ;3 �srr � 19�D Utiiiti�s Eudya� Or-4'r'�, c�-Uct-�y i-.a�iu rtc�c,�ur�c x U�scriptior� kequz�t�d ��m��nt� • __ _--------____�____------- +i,:_' 4�?�a`? L.I FT SThT I�,M ic5 B i rraer Pon� bl�? ��'��5y �219.0 Op�r.�ting s��pp1 �SO �r����,atc __ .�'=:i5'? ���:.E� E�;uip p.�rt� �: ra_�.�ir :�t517 .... �;,� .i+?�.�� ???+4_tl' Dana i r �� m:�;Mt s�_:�!�i :s t iln ,��:� ;c'��5'� 3�bl.l� Ela_ctric util S�+�U r'_:� _�i`3�:�'� .�4;3�i.0 Macn inery 'uc e,�u i� �a . tiuz �#y��'3 ��:3�.ti 1H i sca 11�ee7us �i Ull : 602 +F9460 SHN 5EI�ER h�RINS a�u2 49��0 2�2�.4 5tr-��t maint mati �I,000 3tr�et patching �iue to breaks,�ztc +�C2 494E�� 2225.0 Landscape m�tl $2flQ topsoil,sae�,�od due to patching �,i:'.�' �#'3�5� '?�2r.0 Uti1 5y� m�int suppl �1,UG0 s1��4r��,�.,y,��.,P�•�G`(7IP pipe,c.�sting ���;� �9�5�3 3309.Q Praf serviLes ��.,0170 � oU� �►'a-�oU .i�l.i'�.1 sewer re�ia�rs �i,UUU 5t�� :i9����i 33fl9.2 TV me i ns :S?,�(3�? hl;� �#'��#t�13 3�4i'3.i3 R�nta1� 35Ut7 60c �9•i60 3439.Q Miscellan�ous �20Q 602 �494fs5 METRO SEWER Ci�1RRGE5 . 5�2 �9465 �602.1 Otha►r- larrg-term oblig �226,500 � .. . . � . . �. . � � . � � -� t�l��.� � . : � � . . �1 � 1 i� ..� ~_ . . . . � � . . . . . . . . .. .. � . � . . � � � . . , .�� � �� ..�� ���� ��������� �� �� �.. � �� � . � � � . . � . . . . . . .. . . .� � . . A �� �. . , � .. . . � . . . � . �. � . . �.. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . -e- �- f� �---�-s►-1 r-�y �:. �-�-� � •+-1 t �---� �� i� � d j��� �:� i� ��� .i. �i�.. �►� 3 l .���t��`.../ � �.�� � � � � j ! � � :,�,.z� v�/r;.u . '�` � .� �� , i t'1 � � � � � � � _ � l.l.� i 0 i 1Q82 1a�4 �9�6 1�� 13�0 198,� ` 1 �$5 19$7 19�9 _ YE.� - - _ .._ 4:. -. - . - _ ..-..�-.��-� "'-,� ,.,-,.,. ..-�� I !� -.,, f�_ �� , �� � � �� �������� � �� � " /� �'.'_.."I .,: f"�i �t"�"i'' j � �� �..rY. �. .��� �+.-�.��.��� ����.�� �✓ �. ���� � � ���� , � �-�--- � , , - � �. . _ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . � .. . . . . �. ...-�+� t .......r.�. . . . . ` � i f�'v'II'"',��t�;_,° 25Q � � ~ �,�Tt.l,�` � � ��-� � � z,.:v , � �,;� � , � - `� 1�'"..� G'� � � �� � ' � . I � ��{� ��'L� �C� ��� ''�� ��� r�L�31C3N . . • � � , C i TY C�� RO;";EMi�UNT /. L.��ca1 wat.e� F< sewer ra� P�; com�ar3.:�c�n u:-naue ���r. c�t.x�= 20�QQ g�llons SEWER WAT�R �A�F: l�SEAGE SI1N SF:WER + �ASE USEAr.,t; WA'��:R * CITY RATE RATEIKCAL ' AM�t1P1T � RATE RATE/K�t1L AMOUIV'� +� TOTAL At�p1P VaI1��y +37.E10 '��.95 �26.�0 +� �15.7d �0.656 �+28.82 *�55.62 . L.,�kE�vil.T� +�2. 5� �'1 .?7 �;37.94 +� +�2. 50 �0.�7 �17.90 +►�5:5.90 F.�{�s�n �913.64 �1 . 17 �75, 30 +► �14 .Q4 �0.'�? �21 .7t? ���?.40 B��rttqvil .lP �t1.�.AO �A.9f� �26.4Q * +�A,30 �b.�3 '�27.9Q ►�5�.30 1�tv�r Grr�v�� d�15.t?�) t�l .25 �2�5,�J0 * �10.80 �1 .�O �24.Q0 �a349.0Q R,�semotan t t�ic�w) s90.pQ '"1.25 �25.QO +� �0.Q4 A�O.95 �19.04 *�44.t30 R:cmt(pr.opo;;tari) �0.00 �1 .85 �37.OQ * $Q.AO 81 . 10 �22.Ob *�59.OQ N�:�TF: ( 1 )A t.l. r.,f ahnv� r•.{t.i.�z� hage sr�wer an ainter c�u�rtei�. AVERAt3�' �:�50.95 (?..)R.-�t��: ahown fc,r c:�ther citips ar� for 2989. . WATER SF.WER COST GOST �'ITY /KGAL /kGAL A�.�1� Va tl.<�y :-".1.44 �1 .34 i.:�kevil.l�., :-:'�.89 :�1 .90 Er,c)an ?"l .OQ �1 . 26 F3��rrisvi l.l.� fi 1 .40 :31 .32 I�,v�r Gr�r>v�., :�1. 20 �1 .25 . R��3emount:(��c�w) a0.95 :�1 .25 R:>.mt t�sr�U�ao:;nd) :�1 . 10 �sl .85 A�1Et2AGE5 :�1 . 16 �1 . 39 �