HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Special Training Opportunity J► ; � . . : , ' • �j. • P o a�x 5,0 ��../`lt� Q 2875-145TH ST W �S�/�'i�Ov4�� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESO�A 55�88 fi12--423-441 t . TQ: Mayor l�oke �IY! � � g:� ,. . � Gouncilmembers Napper Oxborough Walsh ` Wippermann FROM: Stephan Ji1k, Administrator/Clerk i DATE: November 17 , 1989 � � ; RE: Speeial Training OPportunity ; City Administrators in Dakota County have begun to put together a � series of special training opportunities for city staff and , i_nterested elected oEficials in Dakota County. It is our hope that we can benefit by putting kogether training and conference o�portunities which we, here in Dakata County, highlight as special needs and also by cost savings on travel, etc. The first of these opportunities is way off, but we feel is so ' very exciting, we want to get the word out soon. We have engaged the services of Dr. Layne Longfellow for a special one day presentation on February S , 1990. A brochure on Dr. Longfellow is attached. Because we are coordinating this locally and will guarantee so many participants , we can experience a cost of $40 � plus meals for each participant. ; Speaking from experience, I can say br. Longfellow is unique in his insight to people and their relationships with one another - in and out of the work place. I heard him speak at a conference I 4 years ago. ' I plan on having department heads attend and have reserved 6 � additional spots for couneilmembers and other staff. As time gets closer to February 5, Z will bring this back to the council, � but hc�pe some of you will avail yourself of this unique oppor.tunity. i dw ' attach. � � , _. � � I�C. Lc'I G' LOI1�riE1�4W PRQDUCTIVtTY,LEADERSHIPl�c EXCEt.I,�NCE; � b As 0ut Values CeMinue te Change A psyehologist by training, Dr. Layne Dr. Lay»e L�st�tio.. Longfellow is a professianal speaker and t strongty rernmmcnd that todar'x dccision-makcrs rcad seminar leader by mid-life trans�tion. He was hi�in'Ibtiler's recent book'[1�e'[hi�d 1�•s,•c►, t think it is a hOrn it1 AppaleC�lia cIUY�ii� t�te Uepf�SlflQ brilliant encaps�dir.ation of Rhe hiNeriee) raats o( thc in- and educated at Ohio Unlvers#ty and The du�tr�al�otution,e�s vvel)ss an affirmatic�rt e(the uodcrly University of Michigan. A college professor ing"pos�t��er�"of the trtum�tle socicts)chi(ts we are nc►w and academic vice president unt�i 19T4, �te �t��enc;n�as that revolutton mov+es into its nact pha� ti�en oined The Mennin er Faundation . We are in a t�me�globel crts�a,i bcl�e�e.7Mticr has madc , j g + very real for me the Chinese understanding of thnt term.The where he was Direetor of Seminars for Chtn�form the chara�t�th�t is thau�o.d•`c�r�sis"by com- Exe�cutives. �n 1978, �tt age 40, }te eSt8t7tlls}tec� Mning the charactera faT`'danger"end"opportunity."Our hi5 own Company. He �#aS SinCe �tresentet� • media esiist us daily in emph�sitJng the dangec of our cur- over 2,000 Lecture Theatre speeches attd *e��r lbtfler assists in compnhending the apportunity seminars intern�tlonall that lies deeper. The reader is kfc wtth hope to crntnter to- Y d�y'a despair end eancern: the Mninca render will he IeR with cle�r ideas is!o the dir�tion ot futt�re prefitabiNty as wclt. ' 1..reC�.L1Y'e �'heatre� The princ�pat eEfect� tbtf{era vwxk has lx�en M facilitste my und+erstanding of the �eneretbnai eontlicts in today's Tl�e ur ose of Lecture Theatre is to resent � '"O��Oi'�My treatme,nt oi the Pbst•1t`orid Was tI genen- P P P tions had �lretdy been d�pe»ded M tfie vaerk oi F'red inteiligent ideas as entertainment. We learn Henberg', who drives home the don+inant theme of those thr�tugh all our senses, not �ust our intellect; wha entered the workpt�ce in the'70's—theg feel cheated so tlr. Langfellow's "talks" take many farms. out of their piece oE the Amertean dream. A college prc►fe,�sor and musiciaR, a humorlst Ha�ng grown up taking eEfinence and continuous with a moral and a mess�tge, he leetures �omie e:pansion for granted, !t all seems to 6e coming + apart f ust as they enter the rowrnrkEorc�just as it's their turn sings, plays piano, pm�ects photogtaphs and to get their piece of the acNon.1'hey're el+a�terribtp cynical charts, adds recorded music for the memories and pragmst�c.'1`hey ere not.eis they appear,a eeturn to the and feelings it evokes, and does readings from .�atues of the'3(Ya — '40's-- '50's. Thelra is en intemst in the works oE eat wr�terS. Le�tttt�Theatte [S work that s�es arork�ts necessary to support one s reel{ife.. � a mesns to an end.The Pre-Warld iA'ar II g+e�arettons, the a mu lti-rne dia presentat ion: lec tur�, s l i des, ����gab���,,,,,a������;k,,,a�end in i t s�1F. graphics and music. Aod the newest generatien maJora tn busin�s and computers because they'v�e concluded that"s the bect way M get as much as possibte ss fAst as possibl�..o�portunism e»d pregmatism. I�E',SOUrC@ Ma�$PlalS ���a�ism and commitment. Herds wfiere it comes together: T'offter paints out that the Indust�la) Aevotution bmught about,for the firat time� Few af us can take in all the �vailabte learm a sharp division betvween eoesun►pHon and produ+�tia»•Prior ing in a presentation on first hearing. SO 8 . to industrialization,produetion and consumpNon wer�c car- � wide range of resource materials is offered to r�ed out,for the m�t part�by the sgme p�pk tn the same suppletnent Dr. Longfellow`s Leeture plece at the same time.As we added the aatomobile snd the Theatre. Video and audio albums, as well as . airplan� the soctetal functtons separaked more and more. The distin�ction came to e�ist psychologically as weiL 1Ve �vritten materials, are presented here to give ces�d to see the consumer and the producer es the s�me per- you the oppor#uni#y to c�wiew tapics at your �n.Weceased toseea�r�elv�s sabeina,nece�arily,botfi per- own pace. We �Ope you w�II S�tare theSe ' �ms and perForming, neces.tarily. both Eunctions. �resentations �vith family, Eriends and As thts happened,those in charge of the nation s produc- �iusineSS asSOCiAtes. You wi11 Etnd ordering in- tive capacity came to see those wha consume their products , as aepante from thou who produce their consumables.Thus formation in the �ocket at the back of this the producer coutd.and should.market retenticssiy.even to l�rochure. You may vrder by mai! or call the point oi exrtoitatlon* in oTder to sustain the cwer. ' (800)824-4563. increasing GNP. i _ :. _ J