HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.c. Committee / Commission Appointments / Council Liaison Appointments � . �(�] ���, ��,X 5,� ,�3[t�. Q 28�5-145TM S7. W. �c�rn•Q�'�� RO��EM(?UNL MINNESOTA 5,506$ �7 612-423-A41 1 November 16, 1989 '��� TT 9 ,�j �'0• Mapor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper Qxborough Walsh Wippermann � FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk_ RE: Committee/Gommission Appoir�tments Cvuncil Liaison Appointments Several commi.ssion/committee members terms af office are ending as of December 31st. Also, wiph the change in the makeup of the citp counci.l, consideration needs to be given to app��intments for 1ia�.son poeitions. Attached is a current list of committee/commission members and their terms af office. In 1988 we asked current members, who' s terms were tv end December 31 , 148$, if they wished to be considered for re-appointment. I£ thep did wish to be, then they were considered for re-appointment without any tppe of interview or selection process. After that vacanciea were advertised. I wauld recommend that we would do the same th3.s year. ' A list of current council l.iaieon appointments is also attached. The makeup of these positi.ana is left to the Mapor and Councilmembers to decide and I would recommend that the Mayar has a lead role in discussing with the coui�cilmennbers Chose positit�ns most appropriate for individual councilme�bers. The "infamovs" weed inspector position, by 1aw must bQ filled by the Mapar. A staff pasi.tion, Bob Raddatz in aur case, wil.l be design$ted assistant. I would alsa recammend that th�.s qear we would consider the agpointment of Dactor Detlefson as one af aur he�lth off3.cers ta replace Dr. Mardell since he haa retired from pr�ctic�. i would ask your consideration as ta pour greference on how to proceed with comrnittee/commission appointments so we may make the appointments no later that the December 19th meeting with memb�rs sworn in at thQ first council meQting in ,lanuary. I will have this item on the agenda for diseussion. lj . � � COMMITTEE/COMMISSION T�RMS Date Term Date Term Leng�h o£ Committee/Commission Beqan Ends Term Planning Gommission: 3 YRS. Ron Jacobson 1 /88 12/90 Steue Toombs, Chair 1188 12/9C? ` Sheila Hathaway 1187 12/89 * �11vin Meyer 1 J87 12/69 * Daniel Huntington 1 /$9 12/91 Utila.ties Commission: � YRS. Welsey Hasbrouek 1i88 12/9Q Jaseph Walsh, Chair 1 /87 12/89 * Tom Warner 1I89 12/91 Parks & Recreation Commi�tee; 3 YRS. Del Larentzson 1 /87 12/89 * T�oris McKinley 1 /88 12/90 Jerry PuciatY 1I89 12/91 Larry Walsh '� /89 12/91 Tom Reller 7/89 12/91 �eanna Simpson, Chair 1 /88 12/90 John Howard 8/89 12f90 H[tA Board: 5 YR5. Ro.11an Hake 1/88 12/92 D�nnis Wippermanr� 1J89 12/93 Joe Wa].sh, Chair 1 /86 12/90 Mike Willard ij87 12/9t Tom Tucker 1 /85 1�/89 * smj 11 /89 `I ; I I