HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.d. New Business Proposal i : � P O. BOX 51Q ' . ' , �1,� O ' ,•�875-145TH ST W 1 O���AO��� FiOSEMOUNT. tv11NNESOTA �i5d68 /�•�, 612--423-4411 T0: Mayor Noke X�'�For your informatian=��'� Councilmembers Napper Na action requested Oxborough '��IYI � / LJ Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk , Administrator/Clerk . � DATE: November 17 , 1989 ' I � � � Dean Johnson and I have me� with representatives of an organization � . known as ARN (America' s Radio Network) . These representatives included one of the current owners of the Rasemount Mall, a radio . ,' _ advertising/marketing person and a technical person. ' �I �I'his group (ARN) , is a non-profit organization that wants to put together a national radio network utilizing cable television systems as a broadcasting mechani.sm. They have presented inforrnation regarding t,heir business plan, estimated revenues, costs , etc. Their purpose for ' talking with us was twofold: 1. The radia station or studio would be located in Rosemount. , This would not be significant in terms of number of employees , possibly 10-12, or in taxes because they would simply rent a spot in the Ken Rose Mall, but it could be from a business draw and good publicity sense. 2. They are asking that the city issue bonds in an amount of $3,SOO,OOQ to fund the project. For this the city would receive I5 percent of their net pro€it for as long as the network is in business. All of this is very preliminary at this point. I have held `a meeting � with our financial advisor, auditor and legal couneii and we have drafted a letter of response indicating what items we need to verify the validity of their proposal. ! I would expeet that if staff' s research pxoves this to be a credible ' proposal� we would have a presentation for your considexation at the becember S meeting. dw � � ANNOUNCEMENTS MEETING SCHEDtJLE , NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1989 November 20: 7:3Q p.m. , Park Board Meeting November 21 : 6:Q0 p.m. '' HRA Meeting 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting i ' November 23 & 24: City Hall closed - Thanksgiving Holiday November 28 : 5:00 p.m. Planning Commission December 4: 6:30 p.m. Armory Committee Meeting Council chambers December S: 6:00 p.m. HRA Meeting , 7s30 p.m. Council Meeting December 7: 8 :00 p.m. Budget Meeting � December 9: 6:00 p.m. City Ha�l Christmas Party December 11: :6:3Q p.m. Utilities Commission December 12: 5:00 p.m. Planning Commission � . . CUUNCIL LIAISON APPOINTMENTS January 1 , 1989 JOE WALS� Acting Mayor _ � Commissioner of Planning Commissioner of Public Improvemen�s & Uti.1.3.t.i�s D�NNIS WiPPERMANN Commi,ssioner of Finance C.ommissioner of Insurance .JOHhi OXBOROUGH Commissioner for Parks & Recreation YEIiN NAPPER Commissi.oner of Pui�lie Health Comm3ssianer o€ Roads & Streets Liaison to Business ROLLAN H�JKE Commi.ssioner fpr Public Safety OTHER APFOINTMENTS Insur3nce Officer: �on Darling HeaJ.th OEficer: Dr. Raqmond Mardell 13r. T. W. Lai Weed Inspector: Rollan �ioke Don Brown (assistant} . � PO: ! )X '.Sti� - ��1�t� � _� 287.5-145Tt ST Nt �+p y�'�} *i }� RO' [-h.SUI tJl_ F�titJNE501 55t���tS � �JG/I[���VI�1L� � � til'1._,, '3•4-,i1 � TD: MAYOR HORS COUNCIL MBMBERB WALSH F(�i YOUR MIFC��� , WIPPER2�SA'NN OXBf)ROUGH NAPPER ' FROM: TRACIE PBCHONICK� ED 8PECIALIST DATS: NOVE�[BER 15, Z989 SUBJ: WINTER 1989 NEW8LET'1'SR Attached is a preliminary copy af the Winter 1989 issue of the Rosemount City Newsl.�tter. ' I agologize far the quality of the copy, it was made from a fax sent from Walker Enterprises. The newsletter will be �ent in its entirety to aI2 Rosemount mailing routes (3,239 residents, including Caates) with the exception of Valley Park. Valley Park residents (1,797) will be sent the Park and Recreatian insert through the ADS program at Thisweek news. The follawing is the approximate cost breakdown of the Winter 1989 ' issue; 3, 300 8 pg. capies co ies 2 9 80.00 1,900 4 pg. p � r Recyclinq Inserts 314.00 Postage 33d.00� ADS 5fl. 00 TOTAL $3,67U.0t? If you have any questions regarding newsletter cost, format or eantent, please contact me by Mot�day, November 27, Z989. Thank you. f r - , � . � . . •' � � , . . P a aox s�o Z�a/ � 2875-145TN S7. W. �� ROSEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 55�68 osernoun� 6,�-4��_44,, November ].7 , 1989 T0: Mayor Hoke HRA Chairman Walsh Planning Commission Chairman Toombs Planning Cvmmission Members City Councilmembers HRA Boardmembers Park & Recreation Committee OGi1i�q Commission Councilmember Elect Rlassen Councilmember E1ect Willcox �'RnM: Stephan Jilk, Adminiatratox/C1erk ' RE: Special Presentation Market Analysis Studp November 21 , 1989 at b:00 p.m. City Hall The C3tp Council and the HRA have commissioned a special market analysis and commercial development issues study to be done. This atudp was a �oint effort of Fred Hoisington, planniag consultant, and Jim McCombe, market analpst. This report ai11 be presented at a meeting of the Rosemount HRA on _ November 21 , 1989 at 6:00 in the couneil chambers. As part of this presentation the consultants wi11 be available to answer questions about their study and factors wiiich formed their recammendations. Plesse take this opportunitp to come and listen, and join in discussion on this very important topic for the future of Rosemaunt. 1j , , . r • �� � r��> t .�x ��,n �/��t� L) �flt5 aa57r� s7 �� C.���.'YYl(�Zd.YI� �t�� � G,s����� ��r_ r��r�r�ESr�r ss,,,;rl bt2- 3•4-�i I TO: MAYOR HORE COUNCIL MEMBERS �ALSH WIPPERMANN FO� YO'UR I��ATK�N� OXBUROUGH NAPPER FROM: TRACIE PECHONICR� ED SPECIALIST DATE: NOVB�iBER 15, 1989 SUBJ: WINTBR 19$9 NEFIBLEK'TSR Attached is a preliminary copy of the Winter 1989 issue af the Rosemount City Newsletter. I apologize far the qua].ity af the copy, it was made �rom a fax sent frorn Walker Enterprises. The newsletter will be sent in its entirety to all Rosemount mailing routes {3,239 residents, including Coates) with the exception of Valley Park. Valley Park residents (1,79?) wili be sent the Park and Recreation insert through the ADS program at Thisweek news. The following is the approximate cost breakdawn of the Winter 1989 issue; 3,300 8 pg. capie� 1,900 4 p9. copies �2,980. 00 , Recycling Inserts 310. 00 Postaqe 330. D0 ADS 50. OQ TOTAL $3, 67�. 00 If you have any questions regarding newsletter cost, format or content, please contact me by Monday, November 27, 1989. Thank you. r. - . • � ��:MQ� ..� ��. ���� ��'� � � � �t���� Yokan�'I•Numbec 3 Winter,19�B9 �mer►aed zanin� h�ow �es�c�+�nt� ar� Ai#ec��c� �y C�rdin�nc� Adapte�! �C►mt�Uili�y ��'�W'��i 1'he R�semounl �Myr couneH, c�t Se�+tembHr 19, 1989, �dopted �n {t,fith a populaftia'� e3titnate oi 8.g00 FO�r►atefY, ►�ativs asp�cts of ihe �trrtentl�d Z4Ring OrdM� anrl �by,�anuary i.1990,Ho�erniiuM grow#h�t Rvsea+oun#'s�ulation su'e iNsiciat Zosurp Map wt�ich r�at'e- hasbeen++exxpe+rienc9r+gsuhssan�isesi� mnrathsnc�tsetbycspperlunit��which SeRts an exRs�tisir�e rsvi9l<�n �the derrii�i gr4wth.AcCordktg to N�e Cit�+rsf b8c�me av1�l�ttW the City tt�rbi�gh prevlous ord��nce�nd map. Ro�emcwnYsCommunity[)eve'�pmern the aorammada�tian at r,aw�evetop� The new ard'�n�ncs was a{�sraved�n aapartmentth+�oorr�a`es writt►a popu- ment.fncre�s�d tax rev�nues a�.ow tne its�ntirety v�tith tl�e exCeptian o4 tha� �a�n ot�,t334 in 1970�atid 5,0&3 in City t�s lmpcpve thB qu��iy acicJ effi- Si$nage�tia�.N�wever,this sec- 1980.It is prajeGted iir�;i t�csemounl's Giencycipu�icsea�ioes.exten.stveFab- tias►ts being rewtev�ed for pnssib� tc>tat pcapula�ar►c�uid r8ad�9.33�3 by divislari af ta�ci afk+n�iss�provemenis to sre�ridments with di3cus31vr1 be- 1390;i 3,250 by i 995;ar�d i S.Q75 by tt►�paPc sysiem thrcugh requir$r!tand twsen City statf ar+d ihe business Gte y�24Q0. and cash deqiicatians;and n�nr tl�vel- GotlltmuRf opmer►t enabl8s th� Giry fc� pt'C�Geed h'• Naw �e the resfs�nts aft�cted by w�tl�constnactionand;mpcovvements this populstbn�rrr,w#h7 of msjor ciry strests. �c"�ttt�li+�� (""u�+fi�'sUS �e ot t�e most vis�s�e en�ects�ssoci• �he C�r or Rosarncunt{aces t�e con- � �`�+fil�5 A t'iI 'I ��ed with popui�tron incr�aise is ti�e st�nt ch€�Iienqe nf provi�ir�+n�w hous- � t�onstrltGths�t�Ctivily 59en pcit�atily in 'i'he 1�9fi�en�s ol Pop�+tat�at and tha western �iortic,n of tt� C�y. be• �8pportu►iit►e�tor peup�e who desire twe�a the Apple Vafia �utyit tine and to(ive in�tosemnurrt,while�i t'•�e sars�e Nous' wia taka y'�Y: u'f� p�ce�atoss dte n�- St,uth Robatt Trs�, #fine rn�tntaimng the htgh t�uatlty ot life .tKron sG3�tlpg AP�d 1,1990. that �pr��tet! Cutr�t�t r�sSit4ent�. Ssr- h�s oonducte0 by the Census Bureau V�hite�noise and tratfic assoc'rated ring a dramatic chanye�n the e x,nanry. for t�►e purpose�t provic�st��tes r�rMh ' w�h t�rese lsrge A�1�5 car+ be an a!1�igns St�ggest th�!Ro�em�,snt wiU 8qu2dt+epra3et�12�Ot1inihellc�ctState5 arinayance,#tis dEvet4pmer1lS add t4 ccsrs#i�u@ ta gtG'�r 8t a�'�impfes$iv�reit� f�it�u���it Representatives. the tsx base a€Rvsemaunt,tn�ittion, which wit!require the Gity to�:untinue �11Z1$f U8$S df Q611SU51�d��iRC�lit'�(�"i@ �i$ a1��7V8 il@W SI�IY�&N}11S YYttjt B�F�SS�CIG1 t�t@ if1$CIY (ifQb�cRIS �fid � �itQ1)Bi'V$NI�h44116�51'tlayltlG'�81S9(�Ng• U�?�ttt7tlltl@5�S5�IStIt3d Wit#1�tOjJU12t- ' {C�'ttq3d On p�e 2j eily Yal�,es iR existi�°�g neightxyritioud5- tion gtowth. . Vot�r� �le�t Il��yt�r, 'Tv�v+� Cc�un+�ii �rt�mber� Rasem�w�rt vt�t�s eie�ed irK�m• .iot�n Axbotou�h and f�u►is Wip- P�ease call t�s Gity Hatt cW Co�a�c1� bent GouncN meml�er Ye�ncin Nap- pennann. m�mber�with quastians�sert�ining per as I�yi,r to �ve a twwyrear Tha Rasa��ount Clty Caunaifi maeis to t�►a G3rnmunity.When City g�rv- term.Aisaeleciedwsresk�etia K�as- every Htst a�ui t�itrd T�$dAy,af tha lces�ra requlred, pi�ase�a1t 423- S�t18c�liae'Iy"80b"W�t.bx#�!➢8�v8 �sarlM$t the Gt/y tiali,st8rt�g at 44it duYi+t� busid@s3 hoUrs, ':30 taur-ysar tem�s as Ga�tncN msm- 7:� p.rin. The co�aU ►mr�es alt a.rs�. te► 4 p.m., �Aanday thraugh bers. Ofhet t�Dw=cil �ncmb�ra sr� resMa+tit�to�nd tAese mesNngs. Frl�ay. . . . � � r + �� a� ., �. r �: - �. : . �' ; * �r �, .. �.r►. �,.*.:..� � � . . � � �. ' � t. . � . . . . � ,�: _, � • City l'han�c�'4�olu���r�t�+ct�v���+u�f��a �l�a� i't�r�sav� _. . , The City of RosentcrGnt thanks the fo!- Kn4�rt9�ott,ltatia Link+�rt,AABbe!h4eper, ��{��l� �$t ����1 . Iow�ng vcluniears who serv�as Etec� Sh�on Olsorr, t�iana Petetsan, ����,+VII���C$ �an Jutiq�s,Thess resident�have�s- Mar�i�1�cu�h,pAyma S�n���riQ Jsr+e sistetiv�ersdttl1ee18tlionpoiiSth��tu�h- kYlpFotrr�Rtt. Th8 r8m�rval of sncyw artd '►�e hOm o�rt the years,wveking b�g hours on ._.,,_„_ cc�r�rete s�dewalks ir► the Cny af � Elect�art Gay,,���;n���y����,.� Ad��#�����`C���C�� R�serr�unt is the respons�il�t�ot the the ever C�aging�1eCt+Cn taws.Fr�e ak,ut�Arapert�+Ownet/oC�s,�nt and tiye Ciry,ihe�k ycw very much to: 7'tie wlnter s�tths bring a apa- must be dona within 2�:�ours atter tha CarW VYachier(Precinct#Captaiqj, �ial c�ncem to ttie Rwsemou+yt snow has ac�xrmuiat�. �ett'Y Zaruni{1�Y(PYeChsc#2 GBp#�ip), �DepBttritent, ha�rev@t, hg}� JoaR Hawkias Precinct 3 C �tain �s provitied hy yourrgsters ih tl'� I# not rer�ved as requu�3. �City ' t � �} communfty. rs►3Y &��ve� a nati� ord�rirx,� ti',e r8- Teresa Albers{P7ecinct 4 Captainj, m�va1 w;tRlr�24 haars.ti�►�t�sk'ss not C&rai Ak�r,Pfiyllis Barivn,iNar are! �i�e tlgMers ate asking youdg- $oehlke, ta�i Boopier DGc1e Gl�f� Siarslohel�keeptt�eflt�l�ydr,�n! i�*+�onr,ed, the Ciy msy remave ihe Gardan t�ocicen, Joyc� Eschen- d��t tc ti�eir t►c�tse ctear at sn�w or�an�!eharg�the cast of�hp baehe�, R€i8 Flnnigan, Ma�joria 8nOW,in urder!a 1t�ve e�y sC- �'e+'novaltott�abuttin�t.prc+FertYownsr. Manaon, Evelyn ivey, Hsrtial Ces�in case of a flce emergencY- Pl�seremstn�ii�atm�torv�tades �� Kautman, Pt�yttM Lsrsan� Eldlsa Youngsters parttoipqting in ihe maynottoeparlced on any Grty street Luck1�9, Ftose�tiary MuUikin, �y "q�.A-Hy�iran!"PrOg�'artl will ot atiey,ftu a�iod IiN'iget thuu6in toue Q�,s���R�Ctlt�►get,Dorothy recetve a hydrant adopt� Ger• �RUrg�a�r 8 511CWt�t Of 2 it1C#t@S OY l3t8uffety ��^�1iC11 W61�Z8i, 8Atbaca t1�iCate and tt►6 appnecfatton pf tr��t+�M cl+apth,srr 8 ahov�N t+�quiY• Woit, Muriet Bernes, Katherir� the fir�ftphter8, #r� tt►�piowing of sueets and ai. �. �aumgartr+ar'Pl�yttls9ohn�rt.Thea FOrBdd#ifOttBil�tortt�tlat��p{� teys.TMs parkiny�Esar► Is elt�tiva dore�randt,PhyNis Gurry,The�res� eontact tt�s Ro�,tncunt Ffre untiitheste�etsandal�ysarepbwed Er+tcksor�,Jsn�tFel�dslen,KatiaFcx� iMharsha�latiheCityHali,423-q411. ana cfaared at snaw. .lahn is5ak,Sharon Johnsan,Betiy Tt'�$ Pubtt� WOckB Oepsrtrnent �9 ��'�1 ���"��� '"+'�� �1 i�� ��rr�i� VR:1� aris�Dunc�th�It 8r'�Ow tYiB bA P1ow�tt -- . ttsw&Cds th6 tnidd�8 4f Cul-�le-;xi&cs this .' Q [� p� win#er.T1ye purpo�e of thic Ch�t�e is to �+� ■ ��r ��wr�y fl��►��`i� '.� re� the amount af snc�v ph�w�d 4tttobOUlevBrds fttts6ighbC�ffs00dswiil� . �Y+�ArgP�Y�ur vehicies for the the pair�can in s sa�ar�a(away irom cut-de-�.Tha cuhcSe�set�sra large ootd winter moaths,t�se r�memk�er children and animalsy to c�y.t�r►ce ti�e �"�ugh ro al�rv piting or saow in ihe r. th8k waat� ai! 8nci autv batter;8s are mt has dried t � midGt9 wi}h pi�nty of ropm for ecG93s. A+� GCrt�r�telviY�P�t the t�R �ecycla�bte ar►d can be d�osed af vut with yGur trash(keep tha lid aif t� . througri your ausbside recycang colia:• al}ovr the hau�er to se�the dry pair�t}, ��'�S�UR..: tian. (Cottdn�red trom p��e f} �1!base paints are eo�+side�ec�hazard- reat�,�ment ot 1a�lat�ve and etaetoral By contraSE,anti-freeze is�Gnsider�d 2, ouS wa�te. (f y0u titilsh ta c�spose of districcts within e�ch State: eli�itritiiy �� . h�z�cticws wa�fe and wi11 not be tx�i- any,Pi�a�e wah until the nexi Dalcota andiundi�lev�sforfe�ieraigr�ntpra- t�ted,but can be ftushect�own a t0ilet, Coun�r hGusehotd ha�drdous wasfQCol� washtub or similat 18irge drain foUow6d lection day sChe�fuied for the spring pf qr�+�:the tltn�nqlorm�rketin�st+udies by fiushing with pienty pf water, but i J90. �^¢t�������o€ucchool6, oMy{t you are On the City�s$ewage hun+�r+se�vress faclHties,an�so forth. system, Wease ca11 th�Gity Hait,423-44T 1,it Procedures 1or cont�cti��'�f polling •, you h�ve�yquesUans t�rding rB�Cy re5�iderEtss wilt be descrit�d in the 6prit�� ^ if you arv not hoaked to the�ewage cling. ' 25sue af the City Ft�wafatter. � system.P►ease c.::�rntact sam�one you krww that is ho0ked up and ask tilem to """""` ^- a�$�E���;.tt�:�.,�e���$ �ot�r V�hi�1e �,ic�nsi�g t o r e s J c�n t s,L s r ry's A n w c n�n d F�t x l a K Ros€�uni City yail y 66SenricewiUacmeptwasteanti-ir&Bz8 423-Q�4f1 �s�onga�yqukeepthecontainersafl�r 7.•30 a.m,to 4 p•m•,Mond�y thretrgh Ftid&v 1 1he d+sposai. r trp � • tf You wa�i i� dispase of any latax Cars•Tn�eks•MottNcrcies•Tr�kars�6�Ces•R+a�re�tio,t�lV�icies•8nowmabiles• patnts,simpiy remOve the Iiti�nd�ace AN-i`en�M Vaiii�ies•Trans�r c�f Titte•NiapeGs•7au L=xlir�ri Yah�Gte��Bc� i r M� �, .. . I . . .�, � � populatior►do�u�7 fhat b�.San�ehow, Jt s�emed . : , �i'��l'��'�.+�` ��.,(+,��*t��ry� Ntat fJosem�un#w2s unfairty teff aut�f this er•ensx»f� .7 �J"� bvarri.tt b�am�;��sy tc�s�st thst pey'lr��s Ciry FI�lt !laar Net}�l�bc�r, wr�s t�of dvinp w�aat r1 sh0uid do to a�tract ec��amic de� v+�t�rir�t ln actvafity,ecor,nmlc dev�toPn%ent�is, inr By rhnr ri»re thla�t�le�ter goe's h�prhrt th�r ne�v"t+�eh the mostA�,d�+��t on pnpzimity ta tr�tn..lsortation ceme ta Roseinour,t"stg�ns m�,7t grac�ti�e entrartc��io rrn€�ar+d market.A l�r�t us�:�m�rricet siud}+of the Wty ts our cammunliy,one smati p�f stgrN/lcant symtmt of thi� aurreretty bo�ing aa�rrplei�d by en outsida const'tt�rn. cOmmun/ty'S+Comrriittn8�lt tD buildlrr�prldta end id8�r- �.�h{dy Witl ntttSt likety substdtth`ahd#haf ffosemr�trn! ttty. �thts�sklve no�,l wauld�tke to,addrosi�an ts simply not yet�cfy for tt�e klitd of�relcpme��t we lssuethethasavrf�cednep�yaverthey�rs,namaly, h�vs 3E�»ftt ourrr�i�hbGNrtg communiti�s. 14ose�maunNs si�ceti�d"durnpi�p g'ro�nd"ltrrag�r.N�w• We must, hc�aver, � fe�dy wr�en t1:� op�ortt,r►lrle� Corrrets n�at!ltlg thls erticf�m8y be sitrpN�pp ttiat staGh etlsNa.Thst!S tivia,y th�SfAr Cl#yPtt�'rai7�,rri�fCh iS n�,9� arr It»�ge evev�ext�ta,whlch ts whyl hsalt�f�tc+addt�ss � �cpm rtyr lo�e�k�i, ��tG'tiJe f�fu+�implem&ntetion vf the N►Atltl�rrirwsllrtt+�J'.Nbt�art!l�tos',II�oRveh�dltanouqt! Alfnrnea�ot�DqparN»entOf7't�ode�tnelE�an�mlcDsvetap- ta r�,�l�a thetthou�h tho b»a�e mayl58 un$ubsi�nrtiafed nsent s "AA�aln Sn�et"progr�m ere so fmpor�anrL They bY fact: the percepttons ar�ree!atrd ne�d tv be� pravfde our ctr�g�v�rnrn�nt a»d��Irr�ss�atntrrunity � c1��ssed.�utthsmr�e.�n u��tanOkr�af the rvots af wtih thR opportu»It�+ to rrork �co�pgr�ltvely� tDwstds thta t�'t�ptlmt mBrY halP us tv maka mvte sens�oi wtt� ec�Dnornk dev�toprnent�nd downtown rari�lfia�`iarr. w+�are end w!►at we c�n become. Trie actual tacts rela�'ed M the`d r �p�"� � �'erhsps the b�s#way ta rets�seff�tm�g�!s tc cont�inue �'►�8 o+t � the ccmmurii�y lnvalvement procsssas and spo�ciai ana�hw.The an Fblaroots ofthe"dufi roun�' rvcs 1��99 ' �aroject3 fnlii�i�cfover the�8st two y8�8rs.�oattf�uerd'use ima�s er�r��s�� Nre� tndvstrJattzstton of the Mr+e of tawn mee►tings and cittxerr�'co+��mftt�es sre�proven Bant! er�a aq�l tha cc�itrse al et�nts re�rterJ to the waY af baNdMg a senser ot prlde and rtv✓n+�r,�hf�+ of Univ�rsfty�l Mlnnsaota/ena�s,b�tnix�p wfth th�con- eornmvnNy dtr�eotron. 77�r�fYart to Itnk our aommunlfy stnrctk+n crJ"Ms�rul�ov��rrant s t�apl�r pro�nsna� organ7zatlons th►osrgh th�rs�ar�tty s�tatNfst�1�Ci�N Wcuks artd ernding yv�tfh tha�`ontamfrrstton of�evere! {Rasernount Commtrrrtt�'t�*g��r�laattcm N�twor,°c)sht�tdd rtrr��aretis a��e�r1t of poar dscfslorr�by tha LM�ver• be�ar+tl»ueal Furth�+r cammunlcatharr��d�aupar�tio» slty.WHU�fhe lmpa�t these�evettts have tr�d art tha 1�ves among Ctty Nail, h�e&J churcheri�artd Ro.semount Nigh of some res�dettt��rt��st 1?os�meum!are�nat trtvlel b e sny means, tt seems unreasaneble to con�lude from tr'an of�CornrnuR ty C�rt�lArm�ry Camplax,�the th��e eva»ts ihat the"dampktg grot�ad"fn�age ls�ra�• qr�semount Taa•n Gi�tGaz�#aptaa/ect aRd otherh�wn rantBeY. Chte mllSt beltsve th9t Mt-�a ts mot'8 tv this Gs.'8tttif�allon er+duavors t�v111 d0 mttCh t0 buifa�8 Ssrlste petCa,pttcsn then tl?e�a�tuaJeYents dssCYfbecf. ofldentlty�+adhornBMwnprlilethatwltimak�rftca�sernvtrnt .•• Tha�"du�pf'�g'gr�owrtd"irnapa ta In efte�t a symp#orn cr a ur��que cammer»iry trr the Twlrt Clties area. "s�»cke sc�e»"ror#he reat tssu�s tacl»g Rasemourrt: Wht1e i le�ve.�ftf�x9th mlxed er►nvttcns,t�naw that �t•!ma►g��nd prfds. Over ihe tast twa ys�rs, 1 have the�e t►va years as y�ur�Yc�r�ta r�be�n a gr7t thet!w�lt v!Slted Wfth r�yo�.r�prgss+if&tives irom other�rOv�rrt- 8lwey5 tre&sc/t�e� !f� t�ad taeen ,�astvr�d ta r.r+r�ttnu�e ment agancJes, Oeve�s, corporate ot�rct�t�, resi• tuttr7fin�mycivt�respanstbflrtyas A�Yo�`,the"dumping a►ent�trarn putsdds Rosamciunt, r�tativea�nd!�'lends; grou�d"JSSiJid'iS Oi?L'l WOiIM flc�YB COflffRLt�M 8ClC1tB55. � and no!ortCe h89 ti�"dutnP�n�,t Si'oclnd"iswe aam�WP ' A�dfn, J BfJ}G`OfiftiltGr:i'l tNBt �hiS J1il8�18 ,3l2 fli�C�6{ /n our dls�us�rs vf Ros�ai»o�ltt.7,`�re f5 no�Juest;ot� p�resptfon based o»�ur arvn s+eJi-ImBg�nRttt�r it�&n art tn my mind thst ttrfs Js an tntem�llt�arcePtfon,naf an �ccsrtets„�s�ortr�yaJofhowtnh�ss�us.OnfytuttiM,»ent ext�rn�!ane. vf ine�m,a�buttding�cttv/ties of fhe tast two yaar�, Much af cwr I a maga Aroblem Cr9n be traCed in ths ten- Combtnet� w/Nt a rt'alts#ic �tt�d Cc+op,�+rrativ8 City Ms►/l� , afenCy to cornpolU�e ott�'seJves witlr the tte�gfttitrrlrr�I busJr��3apptpar.htoesti0rt�ttrFcdevstG�tsr�r�nt�r�nSlu�Ci�r � communlrt�s vf�AppJer Vett�y,�an and B�rnsvN�.We tnts"durnptng ground"l�rtage onc��nd for�t1. watai�ed theat tapr»mtrrrlties rrkh same envy as tt�ey slnc�ty, deveto�d� a�trpr�g ecaltamJc and Ccmmerclal base Ma Dr Ra�en Nok� burle around an later�ra tr2�sn�y�ysi�in rhet arr�cred Y ..r_.�.__ ; ' � Thanks tc� Su�spo�t�rs of M+�al Qn Whee�ts Pra�ram � RaSemour�t Ameriv�n legron Past&5; CathoG�Church;�nd ihe Reserr��unt TheAdvisory8c�aboiRo�err►oun,Mea�s Branctt aa29 ot A+d Assaciat'on ta� Jaycees. in additio�, tn2 6aard ex- on INhseiS waulq like to ti�ank Iha iol- .Luthsrans; Rosemount Uflns' CiuD; ten�s thelc t�anks tu ih3 Resemount Iowin��rpanizatronsfCttheirge,erous Rcsemaunt Kniqhts ct�otumGu�;St, a9ct3onakf'�arxi Dairy Qu�en for do- • cont�u�ons tp the program: John's Luther��Chur�h;St.Jose�t%'S n&t��fg GDnt�ill�r�tOr the met;i�. f i 3 . • � ,.} . �ni+�r� Ex�mpt ,.�--. : : � + fr+��n �ur���rg�e ,4 wster surci,ar�e is being u�ed ta r�tp tiA1SUh�NEWS �nce dte catstructson�s a new wett 8ttd W818F tOWgf iCl RC6@iCiCUI'IL By Y@,lTI�Fi@,t�Li�iBClT t4 BvSif'I�SS �1 1�h8 RO$Af(10l��it U�llil198 CWflfCtIB3{t?11 The hai+day season is upon us making this the bi+siest tirr�of the yee�r for our r�csnily �t� a ps�iiicy :a ex�mpt locdl merchAntS. t�afi4}riny�tior atiaens trom paying 1 woutd like to rem+nd fiosemount c�sWeeEs that wt�ii�pur clty rr�ay noi cot�taln t��a$4.54 per qu�rter v,rai6r�urGh�rga. the Isrge"c9ep�t�e�t•styl�"stores that s�vqr31 naightjaring citi�8 h8ve,we da 'fq t�uaTiFy for ihis ex�rtlptiGn Y4u rrie�st _� have a fine assortmen►ot shops that:.�n make your h�liday shop�ir�g ttips a bs 65 yeats ut 7ge Cr oteH3r�nd haYe 8rS ' v�ry pleasant e�ri�nce, average�rnsumptlan a��er tt�e last tr�ur So often du�ing tt+is tlmm�oi y�ar w�he�'hcw"4crnmerc�alized"#�e hs�days quart�rs oil�s ti�an tArO+X►galWns ot t►eve became.The hustie and bustl�has 4a�can its tC�l on aii�t tis in pa�st yvars. wate�per q4tart9r. GrOwded stbrPS,i0�tg�'u18s at7d ovetworfc�d sale&persatoel tend to a�€ect us You GRa�pply tOt t�iS @xBtnpi+c>rt&t the in a negdtive w&Y, Ciiy hi�lt,2875!45ih St�eBi WBSt di�t- ' Fur a welcoma chactige,s�nd more ti►ne ST�oppNr$wi�Rosemduni mer• ing notmat busir�8,f haur8. , Chatlt3.Ch2nCe.s are yau wi�find what you't8�ing far 8�f ihe experi��fi here r+rit)be mt�ch mc�e enjsyyabie tha�Iacir�q Ierge stwes tiiled with tired shappets. tn Rpsemount you'r$I�keiy ta t�e deaiir�with the stcre ovvn�r as ����'IWf1��� opposed to an employee wt�o woWd rather be out doing his or her Chci�rmas ("`i+'d��[1C��r .-. shoppir+g than tpelpir�9 You vrith yotus.Th�set'viCt�eceived�tfler a s�te is yet ��ea+ing Com�►l�oa ariother ben$fit ot doing bt�i�ess with peopfe you s�'e aSr��dy tamifiar wittt: 5�.mr2nd&4u�Tue�day,ea�c;n mvn�t�► m Ail at tt►ssrs r,��sons make seutt�e�s to why w�shauki t,ry za kpep pl1Pt do�s Nau�ing i�'RednvNop►r�snt Authority !n t7UI�c�ty.Take t1►�tfn�+t0�hOA YOurtoCal rtle►chants this hoY��y��aan and t 6�0 p•Rt'�st$3td Tue�lay.each m4r�th lfnd Out tor yout38ii how enjayable 8utd worthv+Viil,e An e�cperiee►c.�it c.�n be. C1ty Ccurnll . �AAY�101�yS! 7.'.�0 P•m••ist�3�Tuesday,s�ch.monih ..� UNIity/C�bla C4naetlsslot� �Nhr�t �'4 QO �n �t�;�� Qf G�'t!!'1'i�@jt F��'@ e:aa p.rt�.•n�a�oay ta�c��n�,ist�r��y Patic�&i�strsatton 8c�rd grows,the srove pipe may shake vio- 7:ao�.m.•�ro n�nday�f each r�th ; Re&iden�5a'�ould be�ware that ci�im• Ieatty and may gtow red haf due w the Hottday C��ervanceg . ney fites accur when Creosate has airtorceEulty°dr�Wt�inthrou�hthestbra, G;tyOtN;sesdasErd accumutated on the insade ata chir�ney A taRf plurr�e ot ftames and spariss rnay s waii.Tl�s is mare tikaly tn staK dur�ng� rise frcm ihe top ot uacapper!;.him• December�5 tGnristm�s Day} vecy i�ot�ire sut�t as wtrsn cordbaa{d is ne s. ,�arw�y 1 twe+-rea�s aay? . Y Js+wdry TS{tvtdrtirt Luther Ku�g C}�yj bum8�l� Or�vh�r1 tvouU�s burrzed at� Februaryr 19(Pre�denr�Cay} very htg�rate. 1t a chimney fire start$In your hama p�e�se cait 9lt immediatety,s�nd tf A crack��ng scund is otten heard at�t� poss{bt�,ck+�e the d�ntpers to limit bt,yinnirsgctachimr+aytir�,AsiEiiensity tt�e air suppty. +�+:ntod cr+recyctabEa p,�sr •�°`'4M C+ry ot Rassmount �3�,r 2$75 145tt,'SttBe�t Wssi � BtJtK RATE - , .fl,Box 51�t U.S�P�STA�E � Rose+ruwmt,MN 550�8 PAiO _ ; 423•441 t Roseri►t�unt,Ml'! PERNNT 1133 Rqllan HOMce............. . ...... . Msy�r I CI'iY GOUNCI�, Verr►an Napp�r..................... Counctt m�rrbsr ,�ohn oxtwrou�h................... caunctrmemaar RaSi�moun#Re�it{et�t Jo�r Waist�..................... Caunc�mem�sr � Oennis WiF,�armann............... Councr�merr�r.�r S�exu�an Jixc ..............•........City Admintstrator ' ..... .$