HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. 1990 Salary / Benefit Discussion � �� � �vr^ � . � �•. . . f... f� � � . � � . . . ... f'�i. EZOXi}Q � . . ! . . . /' d� . . " . � ) � a t11� (J ���5-�.i�,ir{ <:r w ��� �q�-� � RO,"�FiC?1.1NT. MINNE�>C�TA �iSC)68 ,+i.-''�t'���"�7`���������� � � � fit? 4?'���44it � � � . .�.-T�,� 7�., TO: Mayor Hoke � Councilmembers Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann EROM: Stephan Jilk, l�dministratcar/Clerk DATE: November 17, 1989 RE: Salary/Benefit Adjustments - 199Q Non-Unian Empl.oyees T'o13.owinq is a recomrnPndation for your consideration for ad�ustments to salary and benef it programs for non-un�.on emplayeea for 1990. Al�. employees woxking under union cantracts haue sal.ary and b�nefits :�lready sQt for 1990 under the 1989-199Q eontracts. As in 1988, for ad�ust,ments which came in 1989, factors supporting � these recammendations are as follows: / ( 1 ) A comparable wort�i implementation plan approved in 1988 and w ich included scheduled adjustments to some employees in 1989 and 1�990 based upon the comparable worth study approved by you and the State of Minnesota to comply with s�ate law. t2) A cost af living increase (inflation? rate for 1989 prajec�ted to be about 4.6� for the Minneapolis/�t. Paul area, { 3) A review of LeaguE af Cities r�port and the Stanton (pri.va�ely done for metro cities, counties and state offiees) Reports on salaries and benefit adjus�ments for 1989. ( 4) A review of job d�scriptions/job responsibilit3.es for current city staff. ( 5) A review of salary ad�ustments policy for the city. Taking th�se factors iind�r consideration and upon thorough aiscugsion amongst department heads and suppart staff, I recommend the foZlc�wing; A. Consider the salary adjustment policy attached which will become a specific section in the PersQnnel Pal.iey. B. Consider a change in point valuP, uz�der the comparable warth plan, to tI�A following �ositions: DCGputy Finance Director Is now: 75 To b�: 88 with a new salary range of $29,941 to $40, 424. The prvpc�sed incr�ase in point value for the Deputy Finance t�irector Posit�.on is based upan the di,rection that the pasition has . . ' � • , ��SalaryJBenefit Ad�ustments - 1994 y Non-Union Employees Page 2 taken in regards fic� more responsibility for day-to-da� decisiQns regarding the finance department and the supervision of other finanee department employees. Also, as Finance Director, Don has taken more af a management role, as he should, and has stepped away more from the day-to-day activities. As w3.th other c�epartments having their "second" level of management in similar posi�fons, this ehange or incre�se in points would recagnize the actual value of this position. When th�.s position was established one plus years ago, some of this was recc�gnized; but with the experience we a1,1 have now with it, we would recommend the additional change. For your reference, the Deputy Finance Director job description is attached. Adrninistrative Assistant - Parks & Recreation De,partment Is now: 65 To be: $0 witk� a new salary �ange of $2?,008 to $36,469. This posa,tion is similar to the Deputy Finance Director' � position as it is a "second in command position'" for a department. As the staff in the Pa�eks & Recreation Department cantinue to expand, and the v�,rious park �roject4, as wp11 as reereatian programs cantinue to grow, this pasition continues to expand in depth as well as scope. Tfiat i,s, there are simply more persQnnel matters and other issues requiring decisions, on a day-to-day basis which fall on this oosition to hanclle, W� feeI. that the added point v�lue is recog�zition of th3.s growthl and we recQmmend the change. I have al.so attached the �ob description for this gosition, C. Add a new position with the associated goint value as follows; Gity Clerk Point Value to be; 88 with � salary �ange of $29,941 to $40,429. As th� G�mittuility cont�inues ta grow and more demands are put on our stafft it has been my decision to place more responsibility tor certain activities wi.�h the Deputy Clerk' s position held by Sue Johnson. Sue not only has tak�n on those responsibilities well but has also improved he� position by attending the Univer.sity of Minnesota Clerk' s Institute for the las� three years. With her work experience, college education and completion of the third year of th� institute, she will c�btain the "Certified Clexk" status this spring. ThiS certification is a recognition that she has completed . T . ' . • � � •� Salary/I3enefit Adjustments - 1990 � Non-Union Emplayees Page 3 the thr�e years of specia�. training in the areas af elections, recard keeping, legal notices and personnel i�sues. , Because Qf the demand on my position for activities relating to persann�l, Sue has also taken on many of these responsibi.li�ies as they xelate to personnel files, vacation schetluling, foilow-up on bene�it records� (i.e. insurance, deferred �ampensation, flexib�.e benefits, ete. ) and agenda coordinatian. The position has become a blend of clerk anc� personnel coorciinator. I would hope ta expand even further the areas involvi�g personnel. With ali the additional requir�►ments we must meet regarding hiring practices, employee record keeping and with the number of empioyees �re have, personnel matters are a growing demand of time. With this in mind, I would recommend that the posftion Sue now holds be ch�nged so that a new position be created which would simply be "City Clerk" and that the job desGription be apprAved as attached. The paint value for this posi,tion v�ould be 8$ and the salary range would bP $29,941 to $40,429. I would recommend that Sue Johnson take that position at �he time she rAceives her certification and be placed at a position between Mid "A," and Top "A" at tha� time with a move to the midpoint Qf th� entire range (or Mid "B" ) one year from the date �he is appointed to the City Clerk pasition and upon a satisfaatory perf4rmance evaluation. The position of "germanent" Deputy Clerk will be vacated at that time. Community Development Director Dean Johnson still has, as part of his responsibiliti.es, title of Deputy Clerk in case of a legal need for that position to respond in the Clerk`s absance. Revised job descripta.ons for the position of City Administrator and City Clerk are attach�d. �. Consider the changes to all salary ranges for nc�n-union employees at a rate of increase as follows for 199Q: City Administrato�r 4� Department Heads 4� Statf Members 4,25� (See attached schedule with propQsed adjustments) It is important to remember that the 4`� and 4.25$ adjustments are to salary ranges. E. Consider changes to other benefits tor non-union empioyees as se� out in the attached resolution. {The final resolution will only have the benefits as determined ta go into effect January 1 , 199U, not tl�e asterisk and underl.ine presented here to shaw changes. ) . , �� � � . • �` . V . . . . . . . � � . . Salary/Bene£it Adjustments - 1990 , � Non-Union Employees Aage 4 Items J and K are not defzned here. Staff has reeeived quotations/proposals for these types of i,nsurance but que�tions still arA unanswered as to some details. Based upon initial review of the �roposals, it waulcl appear that consideration for finan�cial involvem�nt by the city in ei.ther 4f these bene�its wauld cause an expen�a.ture of about $6,Q00 per year for ail non-union personnel. We would be comin� back to you on December 5th with a recommendation fo� one of the two items, If either benefit was initiated this year for non-union personnel, it would be safe to say that it would become an i.tem for c�ntract discussion with the two unions for the 1991 canta�act period. I would ask your cansideratian for these zecommendations. If found to be accept�ble the requested action would bez ( 1 ) Pass a simple motion to approve Policy PE-3, Salary Adjustment Policy - Nan-union Employees. t2) k�ass a simp2e motion to approve recommendations as out�.ined in my memo regarding the posit3ons caf Deputy Finance Direetaz, Administrative Assistant, Parks & Recreatian Department, and City Clerk. (31 Pass a simple motion to approve the 4.0� to 4.25� sa7,ary range ad�ustments. ( 4) Give direction on the resolutioa outlining bene£its so that we may came back in Decemb�r with a recommendation of the dental and long term disability insurance and complete discussion on other benefits so thos� may be set €or 1990. I will be pleasec� to discuss all these items with yau prior to or at the me�ting on Tuesday, and I wi11 make a formal presentat#.on o� this at the meeting. Thank you for your cvnsideration on this matt�r. .Attachments : smj w , � . � ' .� , . - , . ' November 21 , 1989 GITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TTTLEC SALARY ADJUSTMENT POLICY - NON-UNZON EMPLOYEES POLICY NUMBER: PE - 3 PROPOSED BY; ADMINISTRATIQN , DATE .�,PPROVED BY COUNCIL: NOVEMBER 21 , 1989 PURPOSE The City of Rosemount values its employees and finds �.t necessary to maintain a credible method by which empioyees can expect to gain and maintain salary levels within the aity's salary strueture. This policy wi11 determine a consistent method by which an employee' s salary is set and how an employee' s salary may be adjusted from time to tirne a3lowing the emplayee to advanee within the salary range for the position the employee halds, I. `i'he City Council of Rosemount has established a certain salary compensation schedt�le which is updated on an annual hasis to reflect changes in position requirements and compensation value fa= those positions. (The current sehedule is attaehed for reference to this p4].icy. ) II. �mployees may be hired anywhere within the salary range for the position they will fill at the discretion of the C�,ty �ouncil based �xpon recommendation by city administration. III. Salary adjustment� can be made based on two criteria: (1 ) annual co�t af Iiving adjustments, ar other factors such as comparable warth which affect tt�e salary range the employee is in; and (2) ad�ustments to the specific employee' � salary �ue to movement within the range. IV. It is envisf.oned that the middle of the salary range will maintain an "average" salary for positions for cities the �ize of Rosemount and for positions with similar duties and responsibilities. In orcler for an employee to reach that "avexage", he/she should exhibit "at least" average Pxperience and capabiliti�s. It is further assumecl that to �ualify in mesting the experience factor, an employee shauld have at least one year in the position currently assigned. Movement through the salary range will also be determined by satisfactory performance evaluatiQns comQleted by the nrnployee' s supervisc�r. V. Movement af �mpl_oyees to salary levels along the range ta �oznts not specificaliy coineiding wi,th mid and top points . . w � � � � . . ' - ' SALARY ADJUSTMENT POLICY - NON-UNIQN EMPL4YEE5 . ` PE - 3 page 2 is satisfactory and will be determined by the employee' s supQrvisor and the approval of the c3.ty admi,nistrator under budgeting guidelines determined ancl approved by City Counci.i. VI. Unsatisfaetory performancc� evaluation by the employee' s supervisor will be the basis for holding an empioyee back from potenta.al, movemen� �.n the salary schedul.e and�or annual . adjustments to the position" s salary range. h r � c� P`� � �D � 7�D � � N �it� V��Nat� tl� 0 �Q tfi t�t� �io^i �N � `r �MC� Cs .- ,- M � � � O O� O A � • •� • • r • ,`i • • 'j • • t" �' � s- �O LO O � � ����� �� � �� ��� ���� N � ��p- ���� ��� . .""r' r- r r �� ���� +�'1r�7 � �y�� ��j NNN � � '�V � �N t'�I N � � �� ��� ����� �� � ��� � � �� �� � �1 � � � � � � � �� � � �f��uid�� €���#��fi�� f�€�€�f�� f�R3�� �F3AAfi?��RRfil�lt�� U � � � o`� � �a � � r � � �i �� '� � � � � 5'0 � F"V � rn ��Q � �- r � �� � �iF'i � � ����:u� � �� •� . . . . . . � . . .,. .�� . . . . . . . . . . . . . : � ���� ����� ���� �� � �, � � � � � ��j �p ��� � rr �`7 �VNN Ntf7� ��t(7 �-M- r�- � Q1C1 �fh� C7101p4CFL � ��J� aS {,� �MspeN �j Qp �ppp r • � •� • • • • • s • � • • • • � N c— r e— 'ep �N N � �N N � ������ ..���� (� �� � +� • •� a • • • • • a. a r • • � ��� �� ���� ������ �� � ��� � � � � � ���� �� �� � ����� � ���� � � �� �� ��� �� �� � � � �M- ' "U� "�p �D"�p `�y�rs�.�+r-� .1�. Cn�c�.c�.Cl�.�p. p-;s�- - . � - . -�p� . . .c�.c�.� . � tt�� � ep �s'r tr?�*1 �fr! l+�1M�1r1 NCV NNN c�lNCV N NN �1 �i�ItV� � � cV c�1 � � 5�� 53�itot� 88 '��i �ic��� ���' �$ � �4 �' �v �i �'I� a� ���d �3� � rG �3 �i M�' + • • • s •!`tw � • . • • . �rj N� � • . • •� • •� � • • . ��� ��� ���� � ��� ���� � �� � � � � ���� �� �� � � � � r �. �� � � � � � �� g ���� ��� $�� � � �� �� ���� � � �� � ��� � i • � f • • • • • • • • � . ..� ��� �� � � � .. �h • � �� � • ..• •� • •�� f •. • • � . � � ��� � �� �� ���� � �j ��� � ��� � � �� NNNa- e- rr � s- ��� r�� ��� �r��� c� t�� �� ��x �� � � ���€� � � � � �� � . � � � V ♦ \ �1 . \Y � \ � �p\�p\ � \ ♦�p\ � \ C.♦ \ ♦ r � ► �► ♦ �. ` \ � Ay �► MM \ \ \ . . . � �� � d�� � �R� [� �'1� c*1Nt� �� Nc��O cV��� NN �� �� ��a � a� o�D� � � Qti ��l � ry � i� hr �� �'�1� � �lisl� slsl �u1 �i �T1 �C�O t7�pSOM1� �� � NN ra-- � � � • � • � • • • • � • • • • � �� �� � ��� �� � � � � ��� `"� ��� � ��j'� ' • . . � � � �N �� � tn � �� 1� �V �� rrr � �� � � r � � � �NfY1 ��S �0 � �� �f1N �O � �t`� l� 01 t`���O �C� SO �� �'t� � OO � � �j � � � � • s Q s • � • • • •� • • • • • �� • � ��+. �� � • • . • • , • ��� �� � � �� � � '�� �� � _ �. �. � � +r1 � � �� �� �� N � � � � N � N �t�j �l� �e- c- �� r e- � . �J', � � ����� �$ �$�$ �� �� �" � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �]� � F {A . . f"" � 17 �y! \ � V ��y . \ � ♦M i ����}p.\ ♦ ♦m�\ ♦q p11` � �Qi \ i��v y\ \�p\Q�p � y W � �Y7 YI . 1 �V tt7 � � �� `V' � � �� M� �'1t'��� � N�� �V� N �f�i�..:: � NNl�1 �� N '— e- r r- r t� � . . �(pV f� 1`� Ol iil W QO .. . . � •• •• •• •. s• •• •• ••.••� •. .� �• •• •• . .� .• �• u •• •� •i •� ••� •�..• .•. N •• a• ..•�•• •• •• w •. •• . � � . �` °r° �8 �5 $ S2 �� � 88� t$$ R�' K' l�' t�' i�'� t$t$ �53 rC'ifntr� rC� C�fr� (�Git`n4iR �' `•�i re- ra- � � � .� •• •.• •• •• A �• •• •� •• •• �• •• �� •• . •• •� '• •� •� •i •• �• � �� •• •• •• H •s �♦.s• •• •• •• �• �� •• � . .. � . .. � � t, �.•. . . � � � . � � �� � � � • � � � a � � � � � � � � � � � � � H � . � � • � � � � � � � � a � �a � � � 0 �� � � � � � � � � � � .` , ,.� - GITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1989- A RESt?T,UTI�JN OUTLINING NON-UNI(JN FULL-TIME STAFF SALARY AND BENEFZTS FOR 1990 the Cit Council Qf the City of RQsemo�on union��ull.�time WHEREAS, Y certain salary and bensfit ad�ustments far the city staf f; and WSEREAS, the CitY Administrator has p rovided supporting informati.on mmending salary and benefits ad�ustment� for 1990; and as to reco WAEREAS, in 1988 the. City Council adopted a comparable worth im l�mentation plan to be implemented in 1989 and 1990; and P WIiEREAS, the City Gouncil has r�viewed a proposed pol.icy for ment step ad�ustments in impl.ementing annual. ad�ustments and employ along with implementing 1990 (this palicy is attaehed as ExhiC�t ��administration; $�d other benefit changes as proposed by Y EAS the Gity Cauncil of the City of Rosemount feel� it is WHER r appropriate to institute sueh recommend�d changes. ranges are to be set NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the salary ta this far all non-union positions as set �u� ie imhlemented as s�t out in resolution, whicY� salary schedule will. b P the Salary Ad�u�tment Policy {Exhibibe"a'do�ted forrall�nonQunion�city that the followin� benefit schedule P1 �9Q: staf� and will become effeetive January � r A. Holidavs: New Ye�rs Day 7. Columbus Day 1 . g, Veterar►s Day 2. Martin Luther K3.ng Day 9� Tnanksgiving Day 3. Presidents Day 10. Fxiday following 4: �femarial Day Thanksgiving DaY 5. Independence Day 11 . Christmas Day. (, Labor Day non-union full-time staff B, Vacw at�ion= Vacation sha11 be earned by � , 1990• monthly �er the :Eoliowin9 schedule, beginning January • .67 day/mo. ($ days) 1st year of employment � day/mo. i12 days) 2nd thru 3rd year ot employment 4th thru 1Oth year of employmment 1 -3/4 days/mo. {2a daysl 11th thru 1ith year of employ 2 da s mo. 24 da s *� 16 and above_._years o€ em la ment ' *� This is kjroposed to be added; existing vacatian schedule ( ends at 1 -3/4 dayslmo. l e, V�cation Accruai: .-� � • � ; - Reso].utian 1989- Fage 3 ** Sick Leave: 1 thru 5 �ears of service - 15$ of a�ccumulated sick ieave 6 thru 10 ears of serviee - 30� of accumulated sick leave 11 thru 15 years Qf s�rvice - 45� caf unu�ed sick leave' 16 years of service and above 60� of unused �ick Ieave G. Lonqevitv: After 5 years of service - 1� of base ** New• After 8 years of service - 2� of base . After 1� �ears of service 3� of base After 16 vears of service 4� of k�ase Old: After 5 y�ars of service - 1� of base A£ter 10 years of service -- 2$ of base After 15 years o£ service - 3� of base H. Health Insurance: Cost of Basic Plan - 100$ of employee coverage (1st Dollar) - 55$ of the difference betwe�n the si.ngle employe� eoverage and the total family coverage. �he cost di�fsrene€� between th� basic (1 st do].l�x) plan and any optianal plans available to employQes, will be paid by the employee. I. LifA Insurance: The city will pay the cost of: ( 1 ) $10,000 Term Life Insurance (Minnesota Mutual Life} f2) Declining ualue FERA Life Insurance Plan ** Any additional iife insurance costs for optional plans available to the emplayee wil}. be born by the emplovee. ** J. Lonq-Term Disabil.ity, Insurance ** K. Dental Tnsurance L. Edueation Reimbursement: ** The city will pay 100$ of all casts of takinq a class nat to exceed 750 a year far classes approved by Administratic�n and successfully completed. The city will also.,pay 5fl� of costs above the initial �75Q for classes approved br� �dministration and suceessfullv campleted. 6sf �s . . � . � � � . . . � � � � � � . . CITY OF ROSfMOUNT PUSITIQN RESPONSIBILITY WRITE-UP Date: January 18, 1989 Positior� Title DEPUTY FINANCE DIREC70R De�artment Finance Accountable to Finance Director Primar�!Ob ective of PQsitivn To S�rve as the Deputy Fin�ncA Director working under the direct supervision of thP Finance Uirector, being responsible for assisting in the cn�rdina'tion �nd management of the Finance Qepartment. To assist with the supervision of the Oeputy Registrar locatian and all other work �ssigned that is incidental to operations of the Fin�nce Department. Major Areas of ?�ccountability l. Finance Procedures Is responsible for directing the rec�ipting of city monies, cataloguing statements and invoices with identification and entering same into the data processing system for compilation and subsequent printing of reports and checks for Cauncil approval, for all funds of the City. Is responsible for maintaining the day to day data processing of general ledger revenue and disbursement entries for a1T funds. Assist the Finance Uirector to insure accurate entries are made to the fund accounting system. Is responsible for maintaining all accounts far payment wMen due. Is responsibte for balaneing the cash register as required. Assist the Finance Director to insure that all receipts are deposited into the bank in a timely, prompt and aecurate manner. Is responsible for the preparation and mailing af utility bills. Is res�onsible for compiling and entering p�yroll information into the data pracessor from time cards, preparing repQrts, printing payroll checks and providing other payroll related activitles as re�uired. , � � Position Responsibility Write-Up Deputy Finance Director Pa ge 2 . Assists in the implementation of approved policies, plans and programs for the financial , aceounting and record keep3ng function - to assure timety and accurate financial data is being maintained at all times. Monitars establish+ad eontrols to in�ure the ac�uracy of a11 records and funds. Participates in Budget Preparation with the Finance Qir�ctor and provides guidance and assistance to department heads, when requested, in preparation of departmental budgets. t'articipates with the Finance Director in managing and inve�ting City monies according to legaTly appraved invest�nt practices. ?_. itespc�nsibil i�_for Work �f Others licts in the capacity of the Finance Director in his absence. Assists in the Supervision and Coordination of the Deputy Registrar loeatian alang with all other duties incidental to Finance Department Responsibility as assigned by the Finance Directt�r 4r the City Administrator. 3. Desirable Training & Ex�erienee Education and experience in modified accrual accounting principles and practices. Education and experience in offiee management and procedures. Ability to meet the public in a pleasant and businesslike manner. Education and experience in Government bookkeeping principles. £xperience and knowledge of computerized accounting equipment. Qesire to maintain ongoing education posture. Accomplished keyboard operator, ten key and typewriter. 4. Minimum Requirements . Successful completion vf degree for two year accounting/data processing course. Minimum of three years experience in related field with supervisory responsibility. Desire work experience with computer data information systems. , CITY �)t�' ROSEMOUNT� F�SITIt)N �PONSIBIL.ITY WRITE-UP Date Revised: November 1989 Position Title CITY ADMINTSTRATOR De artm�nt ADMINIS'FRATIQN Aecountable to City Courzc:�l Primarv Ob�j,ective of Pasition To serve as the Chief Administrative Officer of the City with authoritp and responsibility to plan, control and direct the admini.stration of city �f€airs to insure ef£icient delivery of municipal services and deveingment in line with Citp �ouncil directives. Ma or_Areas af AccQuntabiiitv 1 . Qruanization/Procedures Advise and assist the City Council an a11 matters a� municipal concern. --Follows thr�ugh to assure the Citg ordinanees, resvlutions, poticies and other directives �re properly interpreted, administered and carried out. --Supervise� 3nd directs the administration of �11 departments and coordinates citp department head$ in developing end implementing such programs. ----Coardinates the ` wark of city r�dv�.sarp boclies and citp consultants, e3.ther direct�.p or through department heads. Directs enforcement of ordinances, xesolutions and other direet�.vea _ ��f the Gitp' Council. �'repares agendas for Ctty Council meetings with supgorting d«cumentation as map be needed throu$h �he direction af ciCy staff. Provides reca,nmendations with supporting data, to the City Cauncil as a guide to its policq making rale. Keeps informed on all aspects o� municipal government and researehes improved methods of admini�tration fox possible impiementation in the City of Rosemount. --Advises Councilmembers on concerns of eitizens. --Answers c3.tizens cal:ls and comglainta. T�y directive of the Council map represent the Counci]. in l��gaGiations of contracts and/or grievances or ot�er differences resultin� fro�n intergretation of negotiated contracts and/or other policy praetfices or precedents. , Position Responsi�ity Write=Up � , , • Citp Administrata Page ?, 2. Superviaion/Emp�lovee Relations Plans and definea the organization for eity administration which will assure a coordinated effort to abtain the goals eet t�y the Citp Council. Plans and coardinates the administration and organization of a11 de��artmen�s in city �nvernment, all gersannel, equigment and faciliti.es to assure the desired level of service i.s being provided c�n a basis which eommands the respect of the commnnity and its �p2oyees. Plans, develops, directs, witt� Counci7 apProv�l, personnel ��rograms, poliries and procedures which will encourage the clevelopment of full work potential and work interesta o£ each e�nplayee in city gavernment, �'rovides direction and co�.�nse1 and ac�s, at Council, d3.rection, as Iead person in negotiatians of �:ontract�, ox med:tation of �rievances and/or misunderstanding governing w�ge-salarq, hours and condi.tions of e�nployment, etc. : f#ssigns staFf- members to advisary boards, committeea and other eommunitp effortg and overs�es the results of such activities . ?�onitors, on a cont3nuing basis, the organization, administration and services being rendered by the various departments of citp ;overnment to determine whether results are being achieved a$ planned. --Makes or recommends organizational changes in sta£fing as well as other changes in administration as map be ,ju�tified to assure high standards of performance are rnaintained. Sets an example of person�I integrity and ethical work practices which wili provide a standard of canduct for a11 citp personnel.. Recommends emplvyees which w�11 staff city government wi�h cc�mpetent personnel and de3egates the necessary authority to assur� a well-managed €�nd viahle organizatioz►. --Flans and directs training ogportunities to develop the work potenr.i�], and abi.litp �f. city personnel to functaton effec�ivelp in the varivus areas of administration as assigned. Maintains a fav�rable working clf.mate in a11 departments. --�ecognize problem areas and consulta with department heads as map be necessarg to cause c�rrective actions to be taken as needed. --0versees co�rdination af a1,1 phases o£ personnel administrati.on, 3 ncluding a�iminisLratiofi af a sound salary and perfvrmance review pr4gram. . Posit.�on Respons lity Write-Up ' : City Ad�ni nistrat� � . " �,ag� 3 Involves department heads in the iden�ification of achievement �oals that will provide standards $�ainst which to measure their �erformance. --Reviews periodicallp and c4n�ers with department heads to assure that progress in each �rea is being achieve�l as planned. 3. Bud�et,1Financial Oversees and advises the Council on the financia2 conditiaa of the Citg, --Responsible for developing an annual budget for pre�entat�L4n to, reviewing, �nd consideration bp the Citp Council. Oversees implementation af phqsical planning in �he city invalving r_apital improvements, purchasin� practices, receiving and administering gran�s-in-a�td , submitting grant applications, ete. 4. Public Relations Represents the city and maintains liaison in business-industry, municipal and state gavernment related activit�.es of interest to the citizens of the Citp of Rosemount. Coordinates all public relation activities �manatin� from the City of Rosemount. 5. Sneci�l FroiectslDuties Performs other dut3es, assumes o�her responeibil.ities as need is �pparent or delegated bq the Citp Cauncil. Fxamules of Performance Criteria Policies and programs adopted by the Gitp Counc3l are understaad and effeetively communicat�ed and administered bp ci.tg persannel. Open lines of communicati.on are being maintained by the City �dministrator with Councilmembers and �rith gersonnel in the various departments o1 the citp �avernment. Sound management practicea and financial poltcies enable city to ��btain £inancing at the lowest competitive coat. A €avorable working c�.imate is being ma3ntained throtighout citp government �o that �ersonnel are moti,va�ed to work up to the3r potential. �'roven abilitp to develop and maintain effective working relationships with other government agencies. �ommunicates effectivelF �rall.p and in writing. P4eQts Council' s requirements £or trai.ning, �xperience �n� ��dministrativ� c�us�lifications. Pos3.tion Respansi -�ty Wr:ite-Up • Citp Administrato� � . Page 4 6. }.Pspansibilitg for Wark of Qthers Direct supervision over; Finance Directvr Po13c� Chief : Parks & Recreation Dire�tor �ire Chief Pablic �lorks Directar/City L�ngineer Director of Commun3ty ➢evel�pment �3ty Clerk/Council Secretary Varied C3.ty Consaltants Indirect Supervision �ver ; All other fn11 or part-time citp emplopees 7, 3?esirable Trainin�& E�erience Graduated from � r�±cognired colleg� with a de�ree in Publie or [iusiness Admi.ni�tration. A masters degree in either of ' these fields is preferred, Five to ten pears expexi�nce in man�gement �nci aupervisorq positiot�� in the m�nieipal gavernment £ield i.n ciecision--mak3ng gositions nece:ssary. $. Minimum Requiremants Graduate of a recognized business or public adminfstration ` �indergraduate degree pro�ram and five pears experience in the municipal field . � ` • � � . CITY OF ROSEMQUNT ' PQSITION RESPONSTBILITY WRITE-UP Date Renised: November I989 Position Title CITY CLERK/COUNCTL SECRETARY Depar�ment ,ADMIN�STRATION Accountable to Citp Admin�.strator Primarv Qbject�.ve of Pasition To serve as City Clerk in a1.1 matters releting to of�icial city reeards, ordinances, resol�stions, legal publications and documents and p�her duties as is required to carrq out th� eity clerk' s inherent responsibilities tind authoritp . To relieve the administratar and city cauncil of administrative details by �r�viding responsible and confidential assi�tance thraugh secretarial and other office service� as required. Ma_jor Areas of Accountabilitv l . Dailv Routine Perfor�ns responsible anci confidential secretarial duties for administrator inclading makin� appaintments, setting schedules, arranging meetings and meeting rooms as required; and anawers inquiries and complaints from citizens and refers appropriate inquiries and camplaints to administratar. Performs or assigns stenographic work fo�r the administrator . 1)rafts letters and mernorandums of a routine nature for the administrator . Coordinates the or�anization and maintenance of the master file �ystem. Schedules ancl reserves council chambe�s and city hs11 conference rnQms for staft use and communitp meeting use. Keeps administxator promptly �.nformed of anp development whaich he/she ' wi11 need to k�iow to function effectively as chi.ef administrative afficez �or the city . Attends staff ineeti,ngs and record� and transcribes minutes of the meetings. . Position Responsi ttp Write-Up . , , , Citq Glerk/Counci�ecretary Fage 2 2. Council Assistance Coordinates the preparati.on of agendas for city council meetings. Coordinates preparation of agenda packets far city council meetinga and insures materials are in proper farm and complete. Attende c3ty council meetings and records minutes of such meetings. Coordinates the deliverq of agenda packets to mapor and councilmembers. Tape records council mee�ings and stores tape recordings for safekeeping. Performs secre�ariaX du�ies for mayor and councilmembers incl.uding telephone and personal inquiriea from citizens. Follows up on actions taken at Counc3l meetings to insure that required admzni�tration and clerica�. detail are given prompt and apgropriate a�tention. 3. Official Record� Funetians as Citq Clerk in relation to recording and maintaining ail of£icial city records, including ardinances, resolutions and legal pubiicstions. nrafts or assists in the drafting and preparation of reaolu�ions, publie notices, ordinances and other legal dtrcument�. Performs citq clerk duties and functions inherent to that position as a$signed tiy the administratar. �oordinates the issuance of n�w and renewed liquor licenses and cigarett� l�.censes. 4. Eleetions Plans and conducts local and general elections includfng the preparation of ballots, miscel�aneous election forms, ete. '►�eeps knowledgeable of election 1aws. Recornmends list of election capt�ins anci �udges and submits to City Council for approval at apprQpriate time. Ass3,sts citi�ens in voter registratian and mainta�.ns voter registration cards and coordinates voter registrations activitp with county auditor' s office. S. Personnel Matters Pravides administrative support to the Administrator 3n all personnel matters ineluding, but not limiCed to, maintenance o€ a11 �ersonal emp2opee fi�.es, coordination of benefits for new and , . Fosition Responsi lity Write-Up � , . C�ity Cterk/Cnunci�Secretary � Ya�e 3 �rnployees, szigernision af atl. employee hiring practtces and �ssuranee that all emp�.oqee salary and benefits are �roperl.q initiated and earried out. 6. Public Relati_ong A$sists the administrator in �he coardinstion of gublic relat�.vn activ�.ties emanating fr�m the City o£ Rosemount. 7. Special Fraiects/Duties Per.farms other duties, assumes other responsibilities as need is �pparent or delegated by administratoc or citp council. �xamples of Performanee Criteria Creates a favorable and prafessional image of the administrator' s �ffice in cont�cts with ��ther personnel, council and the general public. Demonstrates the abil�.ty to work effectivelp under pressure and to meet deadl.ines. Zuality of stenagraphic work performed meets highest ��andard$ for neatness, aceuracp and completeness. Anticipates woxk requests and schedule of administrator and prepares mater3als in advanee for review �nd approval bp exercising initiat�tve, diseretion and independence of �udgement. :�Iaintai.ns worlc flow in administrator' s o�fice in a� ora�rl� and busine$slike �anner with a timel.y follow-through. Maintains continuitp within �he administrator' s �taff bp sharing pertinent infor'mation n�cessary to maintsin effective/effici.ent office proceclures, auch as �tatus of pro3ecta, datea of �pecific meetings, etc. 8. Reaponsib�ilitg for Work of Others 'Jirect supervi:�ion over c3.ty of£ices e�dminist�rative secretarp(ie�) and rece�tionist. ---A3si�ns pr��jects and over�low work from other departments to these staff m�mbers.' :4ay, on direr,ti.�n of th� administr�tor, give work direct:tpns to ��thers an sta:ff as may be necessary to a�ssure the necese�ry foXlow-- �hrough in matters of coneern to the administrstc�r, 9. l3esirab3e Trainin� & Experience Graduate of a twv year vocation or techn3cal college pxogram from offi.ce administration. A bachelr�ra degree in Business Administration ar Office Administrat�.on is greferxed. Five p�ars f�xp�rience as �r� execu�ive secretazy �r admin�.etr�tive asaist�nt , Position Responsi�ty Write-Up � , . • City Clerk/Council ecretary Page 4 i.n a management or supervisoxg pasition in the municipal governm+�nt field, and a working knowl.edg+� of city governm€�nt affice and record keeping procedures. 10. Minimum Reau3.rements Graduate of a two pear off3ce administxation pro�ram £rom an accredit�d vocationa]. or technical school and five p�ars experience in an admini�trative or Ie$a1 staff support pvsition. , � . � � . • �.�.rY of Itvseia�mt �itian v� Resaansibilih► Writ�e Up — � i�� �bsittcxi `C�itl,e; l�ninistrativ�e hssfstant to birector of Parks ard R�tivn � -��l: Parks asr�d Rec�.^eation �uit:�le 7b: Uirector of Parks arx3 Recreaticm Yrimax�v Okiriective of �itian: ; 71�e lklrninistrat#.v�e 1►ssis��nt to the Parks & Itecreat�.vn nireckor st�l..t u�rk ttnder : tJ�e dirc�ction of tF�e P�rka b Re�tion Director and shall be respa�sible for all : duties assi ed gpp1 , � bY the Dix�ckor, Main ch�ties shall i.nclude the supervision af rever�iaes and e�cperditclre�s inwlvec� with the xecre�aitianal ��� anc.3 � su�rv191on of th,e pax�k ti.me staff. 'itie hc�ninishrative ll�sssfstant ��l.l t�e resp�onsfble for tl�e secrekarial duties of the Aazks & Re�reati,an E�e�ar�ent. Work with tl�e �irect-or of Parks azd Recreation ko formulate goals and qbjeetives [or L-he recreation c3ep��rtme�t , I• �ar 11t�aas of 1�vao�nit�aib� � 11. l�s.�ign ar�d su��ervise staff ine�er,s` . engaged i� rec�t�tiorwl p�nagr.amairg arrl �ire�tly assist f.i�n in c�ertain assigrm�nta tn vbtain timely +Ar�d efficl�k aar�letion of �ask�. . t3. P�.vvide su��erviaicm arx3 technical. assistance, i.nclading �t�i,ni.ng, t4 all recreat•ional staff m�mber$ anc� ot.hers assigneci to a:�c�reakiot�al wbrk. C• Ca��3inate joint tmo9�� with area cities, attend �saistant di.rector's meeEin9s and �rovide r�gui,red assistanc8 a� those ev+�nts as required, D. Investigate citizen vamplatints ar�d aor�cerns �rding r�q.�e�aticmal �:Mogran�s . �. Iie��resent tMe Recr.e�ticxi D�pe�ctrr�nt in �ty p�ams stx� a� the Itatic�w+�en Night Party artid �he Le���n� E�Y� p� �d otl�ears a�s as�igned or requix�ed. G. InLorm the Di�rector oE Parks arx� Recreativn af �e+atior�al problems It. oUserve rec-xeational staff n�nb�ars in the ca�lettvn of their tasks I. Give input t� the bii-�ckor of Parks arx� R�creaCit� regarding new �►rograms ancl altera�icros tliat cawld be made ta e�ci.sting prdgrams J. �ih.lish a maithl.y tor bfn�onthlyl ne�+asletter for �tion of F�rtas auid se�viees of the Parks � Rec�reaticm Uepaztment t�a be used by other c3eEt�.rtments wl�en z�:�P..�ts aare n�de). K• I�i1-�ci_l.y respa�sible f.or t1�e secret-arial duties of tiie Parks h Itecr��tion iae!�rtn�nt � �� � i.` � . .. � . . . � � . � .� . . .� . � � . . . � � . . � . � . �. � �:. L• C�xlucl• perivdic ��ersonnel eval,vaEians in written form for 1 ' ["N�e reaartnendatic�s for p�tivns. �'' °�s fil�s. transfers, hiring� axd tetminativn af e�.�l.ayeee in rec�ational pr�rartrni,ng M. M�.f ntain aocurate en�loyee i�rds rnlating �o item L. Itecaord wbrk relating to type, facility use�d. rnanber of $taff used'. artid time r �''leked c�_ry aut programning. �N�red to N. 11.g4ist f.n U�e supervfsion of p�rk mAint�nce c�rnw as Director of Parks and R�ti�. ��at�c3 by the + Uirector of Par}ts �nd R�eatfvn mus� cx�ord� of r rtm�rtta�rected by� the ' Public Wbrks Qireci:or and F � p�vjects with careman af Parks. ; O. Si,�arvise all staff. af the P�rks arr� Recreativn . are� of office assistance such as s�cretarial �rtment �ut waxk in �he . . � lay vuts, ekc. P. l►ssist the Prae�r.am Director in ss��exvision flf recreational gh..�ff. and assis� . as zequired in orc�nizin9 e�edules and pub�.ishing o� sc�ui�s. 1 ; Q. l�ss i.�t the Direetar of Parks anc� R , soitball ecrea�i.on in the n�tiaqem�,nt o£ the adult P�anming as dir�eted. ' I I. II�j�t 8�d S�.*��;�g ` n• Coo�clinate the purchases of recreational supplies. n. M�i�ttain a�curake inventariee of supplies arx� equipnen�. C• `i'r.ain recreational +�nploy�ees and wlunteears in ttae s�fe use of x�c.�reational � �Ni�t. . �• . III. S,�x.�cl,a], pipiect,� Sttcl Dut:i� �1. t'erfonn other dutie9 and services �s assl9ned bY t-he UirEctar af �'erks sit�cl Recrc�tion �. Sc�xv� as liaisan oF the Parka and it _ district �n�unity 1�ucati.on 1ldviso��ion Delaa�'bnent t�v t}te lvca�l �xaol zY Uauncil ' G P+�rf�rm �ther dul-ie� tt�t � a recreatian ��nt in the narn�l c�peratians of the deFart�ent of city , _ : � � � ! Iv. Ues.irod S1ci17.e - 1�riencaes - ��ticxi A• D�gree Eran an aecredtted aollege �n the area of rect�e�ticx�al actininistratiori, buslttess edut�tivn� fvrestxY� Pe�rk n�n�age�r►t ar relmted field .. Il. 71u�e� (3 I ta �ive (5) years personnel m�ttat�t eacE�etience C. c�ich.ing, instn�cting, or lead�rship role in athletic proqram� ancl/Qr pe�rk �i�tter�ance axeas . � Q• C�a.trse wark ar�r3/ar office manac�enr,.,nt training w.�.th abil.ity � type ar� c�erate vaariws other offatae n�achines . V• ��,,.,,IFICATIt7[+kS: ; A. College graduate with cleqree in field of recrea�tion or related �ield ' B• oo+wrse wdrk in business mana � . 9�nt, ec�arian�ce, m�rketing, etc. . C• Secr�tarial/offiae rre�nagem�rit a�trse wo�tk o� ; experienoe in offfea p�ocer�res : U. ti�ve a�leted an intexnshiP in recrek�tivn or related field . ' . r, 2 - 3 yeare eRxperience directirg sta�ff arK3 p�oqrams � F. Valid Minnesota Sh�ate Drivers License + � i G. 1►E�ility t�o establisl� arx� rtaintain positive arr.� effective relatic�nsf�,ips with i ���Y�e9r 8taff iner�,iere, axad q�eral public tt. 1►bil.ity �o w�derstaiid and itr�lemen� t1�e "voQperative effort" of city departn��ts �, . I. 11bil.ity t-n p1�in, aarc�nize, and cany wt �ssi9rnienta persvnally as a+�!11 as � witM �he use of sh�aff n�n�rs ; J. 1�bi.litY to oamn�ni�te well #n bott� wr.�tten and oral fmrnt - ko boEh gi.ve atx� ' follc�w instructivns in these foxms �� � i ! K• kbssess �ratrer� l�d�.rs}�ip skills I�. Wi1l.irx3nc�s i�r� cx�r►ti.rr�ic� ecl��c��ic�.�l �n,�ch�ss bo�h cR� ,� ��9ig�i«1 tharYx�gh tl�e reGreation �'x�l t3m� �s w�ell �nirr�aace, etc. �t�rt�t in elas�, wt�rlc�lx�,s, • �