HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of July 5, 1989 Regular Meeting ROSEM T CITY PROCEEDINGS ` � • REGUL�MESTING JULY 5, 1989 � �ursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting -o�-the_Cit� � Council of the City o£ Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, Julp .5, 1989 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the C:ity xa11. Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order with Councilmembers Wa1sh, WiQpermann and Napper present. Councilmember Oxborough was absent . Mayor Hoke led the group in the Fledge of A1legiance. The agenda was amendeci to i.nclucie Item 3(bj Spring Cleanup/Recpc.ling ilpd�te; Item 6(g) Leprechaun Days/ApprovaX of Limited Parking ai�d Street Closing; Item 6(h) ApProval PurchA�e of Mohi.le t.if t; r�n�l Ih�am �3( U) Acc.tdent Ineurance - City Councl]./Commission Members. City F,ngineer Kich Hefti reported on County Traffie Engineer Pete Sorenson' s recommendation to the County Board on July ll , 1989 to install a four-way stop at the intersection of Connem�ra Tra-t1 �nd Diamond Path. Hefti advised the county traffic engineer indicated he ' would noC recommend the installation of traffic sign�ls at this intersection until Diamond Path is widened to provide the necessary turn lanes. Additionally, the county traffic engineer had determined that traffic counts and the traffic record at the 3ntersection o£ • Shannon Parkway and Countp Road 42 does not warrant any further consideration for traffic control at this time. Hefti referred to the resolution for Council adoption under the consent agenda requesting the Dakota County Board of Commiasioners to include funding for traffic signals for these two intersections in the Countp Highwap Department' s five year capital improvement program. See Clerk' s File 1989-2l+. Communitp Development Director Dean Johnson reported on the success of the eity' s spring cleanup day held on May 9, 1989. Johnson further informed Council the citq has met 67 percent of its annual goal of the curbside recycling program. MOTION by Napper ta approve the consent agenda as preaented, SBCOND by Hoke. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Naps; 0. Abstain: Walsh. Staf� recommended that Council take action egain on the rezoning of Chelsea Woods Estates since the amendment to the zoning ordinance did not represent a four-fi£ths vote of the Council. See Clerk' s File 1989-24. MQTION by Walsh to adopt Ordinance No. XVII.96. AN ORDINANCB AMBNDING ORDINANCB NU, �VII.3 - ZONING ORDINANCE. SECOND by Wigpermann. Apes; Wippermann, Hoke, Napper, Wa1sh. Nays: 0. ` City Engineer Rich Hefti recommended that awarding the contract for �ublic improvements for West Ridge 3rd Addition ahould not occur at this time since the developer has mot provided the required letter of credit. John Broback from Rosemount Devel�pment Campany was present at the meeting and reqaested that Council, waive this requirement and a11ow his company to groceed with the 3rd Addition under Che same terms and conditions as West Rfdge lst and 2nd Additions. Citp staff informed Cauncil that since 1988 all developers have been required to provide � � � RQSEM�T CITY PBOCEBDINGS R�GUL A MSETING JULY 5, 1989 , either a 100 percent or 60 percent letter of credit depending on ��� whether the improvements are done publiclp or privately. Following ! further discussion, Council unanimously agreed the developer ahould try ' before the July 18, 1989 Regular Counci� meeting, to obtain a letter of credit or a satisfactory alternative. See Clerk' s File 1989-24. Council provided the names of their resgective nominations for members on the Town Green Ad Hoc Committee. Councilmember Walsh, who was not present at the June 20, 1989 Regular Council meeting, requested that he also provide a selection of a member. Council concurred that even thou�h Councilmember Walsh was not desigated by Council action to select a member to this committee, it was the Council' s intent that Councilmember Walsh have the opportunity to do so. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1989-24. MOTION by Napper to change the policy approved by Council at the June 20, 19$9 Regular Counci2 meeting to includ� a person of Councilmember Walsh' s choice. SBCOND by Wippermann. Apess Hoke, Napper � Wippermann. Nays: 0. Abstain: Walsh. Council discussed the role and charge of the Town Green Ad Hoe Committee with Council agreeing that Mapor Hoke should present to the Parks and Recreation Committee, for their approval, a detailed outlined on what the charge of this committee wi11 be, and how it wi11 interact with the Parks and Recreation Committee. Council further agreed the ad hoc committee should study alternative sites for the town green pro�ect. See Clerk' s File 1989-24. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the purchase of the basic computer networking sqstem as pxesented bp the Communitp Development Department in an amount not to exceed $15,000 from P.C. Express, Burnsville with funds from the 19$9 CIP. SSCOND by Iioke. Ayes: Napper, Wa1sh, Wippermann, I�oke. Nays: 0. ' MUTION by Hoke to adopt Ordinance No. XIV.9, AN 08DINANCE AM$NDING TITLE 7, CHAPTBR � PBRTAINING TO DOGS AND CATS. SBCOND bp Napper. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Nays: 0. MOTION by Hoke to adopt A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FINES, FEES AND CHARGBS FOR AND IMPOUNDMBNT OF DOGS AND CATS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSSMOUNT AND FURTHSR ESTABLISHING �BNNEL AND/OR CATTBBY RSGISTBAT�ON FBES. SECOND by Walsh. Apes: Wippermann, Hoke, NapperR Wa1sh. Nays; 0. See C1erk' s File 1989-24. Parks and Recreation Director David Bechtold presented his recommendation for the hiring of Mark Joosten for the posit3on of Farestry Level II. BeehCold reviewed the candidate' s atart�n$ eala�q and step �rocess ae outlined in his m�mnrandum dated J�ne 21 , 1989. See Clerk e Fi�e 1989M2�. � � 2 R45EM T CITY PROCEEDI�GS ` � � RE�UL�ME�TING JULY 5, 1989 MOTION by Wa1sh to llire Marlc Joosten ta fi11 the poaition o.f Forer�txy Level. II w�.th � 9tart�ing date ��E ,iuty 19, 1�89, at � er�lr�ry of $ 11 .89 per hour. . SSCONA by I�Ioke. Ayes: Hoke, NepPer, Wa1�h� Wipperin�iin. NtiyH: 0. Council reviewed staf£' s recommendation to hire Robert Raddatz to £311 the position of public works supervisor. City Engineer Rich Hefti reviewed Radditz' background and experience with Council and outltned the general duties of this posttion. Discussion ensued as to whether the candidate' s managemenr background had prevented him .from being directly involved with the operation of city street equipment which is one of the required duties of this position. See Clerk' s File 1989-24. NOTION by Napper to approve the hiring of Robert Raddata. for the public works supervisor position sub�ect to the conditiona outiined in the City Engineer' s memorandum dated July 5, 1989, with an annual salarp of $37, 269 and a starting date of August 14, 1989. SECOND bp Hoke. Aqes: Napper, Wippermann, Hoke. Nays; Walsh. MOTION by Hoke to purchase the office furniture as listed in the administrator' s memorandum of June 30, 1989 €rom Fair Book in an amount not to exceed $8,668. SBCOND bp Walsh. Aqes: Wa1sh, Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Nays: 0. City Administrator Stephan Jilk reviewed staff recommendations for remodeling and relocating of emploqees to provide additional work space for staff in city hall. The administrator estimated the cost for remodeling would be less than $i0,000 and advised the moneq had been budgeted for in 1989 for such a project. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1�89-24. MOTION by Hoke to direct staff to receive quotes from contractors to accomplish the recommendations outlined in the adminiatrator' s memorandum. SSCOND by Napper. Ayes: Wippermann, Hoke, Napper, Walsh. Nays: Q. Deputy Clerk Susan Johnson preaented seaeral revisions ta the city liquor ordinance for Council consideration. These revisiona included but were not limited ta the incresse of license fees, decrease of invest3gation fees, strong beer provision, extending Sundaq on-sale hours, allowing a€£-sale liquor an Januarp 1 and Ju1q 4 and to include a bottle club license. City liquor Iicense holders were present at the meeting and commented on some of the gropoaed revisions. After discussion of each of the proposed revisions, Council reached a consensus that all the proposed revisions ahould be included in the final draft of the ordinance to be reviewed at the August 15, 1989 regular Council meeting. See Clerk' s Fiie 1989-23. MOTION bq Hoke to set a public hearing on August 15, 1989, at 8:00 p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, to consider the increase of � certain .liquor license fees and to eonsider the extension of Sunday on- sale hours. SBCOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Hoke, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann. Nays: 0. 3 � ` • ROS$M T CITY PROGEBDINGS RSGUL�M�ETING JULY 5, 1989 HOTTON by Napper to approve the limited no parking and sCreet closings during Leprechaun Days and as outlined in Joseph Wa�sh' s memorandum dated July 1 , 1989. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Napper, Walsh, Wippermann� Hoke. Nays: 0. City Engineer Rich Hefti presented a recommendation for Council to purchase a mobile lifC for the city maintenance garage. Hefti adviaed the mobile lift was recommended in the event the public works garage would be relocated. Council concurred that the costs for a permanent lift should be determined be£ore a decision is made on whether to purchase a permanent or mobile lift. See Clerk' s File 19$9-24. City Administrator Stephan Jilk presented an update on the most recent armory committee meeting and advised this committee will be touring facilities in St. Peter and Brooklyn Park. MOTION by Napper to purchas� the League of Minnesota Ctties sponsored accident coverage for the citq council and city commissions and boards at an annual cost o£ $7. 74 in 1989 and $12, 75 per qear after that. SBCOND by Wa1sh. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Napper. Nays: 0. HOTION by Wa1sh to ad�ourn. SECOND by Wippermann. Aqes: �. Nays: 0. Respectfully submitCed, Susan M. Johnaon, Deputy Clerk ATTEST: I Stephan J3�k, Adminiatrator/Clerk Published this day of , 1989 in Aakota Countv Tribune. 4