HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.d. Approve Reimbursement to Carrollton 2nd Addition for Core Water Improvements A j � • 1T�M � �. � *******�********�*******************AiEMO**�r********�r****�*****�****,t**********�t* DATE: JULY 13, 1989 T0: MAYOR & G�UNCILP1EriBERS G/0 CITY ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT R�: ITEPt FOR THE 3ULY 18, 1989 COUNCIL rtEETING CONSENT AGENDA Approue Reimbursement to Carrollton 2nd Addition for Core Water Improvements The IJtility Commission is r.ecommentlinp, to reimbuxse the devc�l.opers of the Carrc�llton 2nd Addi.tion, Rc�semount Pro�erties of AtinneApnli9, f�r thF J.11:1LE11L.�Lion undcr Clieir. pri.vt�t.r. cc�ntract oE lE�" core w€�term�in acrc�ss l.hr.i.r elevelopment. This reiml�t�rsement am�unts to $47,563. Attached is documentation the Utility Cammission based their recommendation on. Recommended action for Council to consider is ta approve the reimbursement to Rosemount Yroperties of Minneapolis. � . ; , ! . . � . . . x � • **********,t***��s�*****,t*************riFP1n***************�**************�*******�* DATE: JULY 6, 1989 T0: UTILITY COl'1�1ISSION FROr1: CITY ENGINEERIPUBLIC WQRKS DIRECTOR HEFTI `� RI;: (� ITEPt FOR Ti1E JULY 10, 19II9 U'fII.ITY kiEETING �� � P �� �� NEW BUSINESS Approve Reimbursemenk to Carrollton 2nd Addition for Core Watermain Installat�on The developer of the Carrollt�n 2nd Addition constructed a 16" watermain through his development at tiis own expense. �n accordance with aur poliey the developer is eligible for reimbursement for the cost in excess of constructing a 6" lateral watermain insYead of the 16" watQrmain our tiaster Waker Plan requires. The Water Core Fund is responsible for the oversizing cost that are outlined in the attached letter sent to the developer. The cost figures used for determining the Citys share were based on actual bids we received for 6" and I6" watermain construction. I would be happy to discuss this matter in further detail if the Commission so desires. Recommended action for the Commission to consider is to approve reimbursement to the Carrollton 2nd Addition developer subject to their paying their ovtstanding bi11s to the City and submittal of the "Waiver of Hearing" for the additional storm sewer improvements installed under the 1987 Shannon Parkway project. � ♦ . �yt��S+. • .. � !• • . I�r� �1��. •.��� '�'1' � � ���� �� '!; . 1 1'.I 1� .I l'. � '���'' !.'! Itt�'.1 1,1��I�111 1�111111! '.��I A �.'.rn.�� �'� .`� ���,��������c�t.�t�il ,,, . , ., „„ July 5, 1989 Thomas 0'Leary EnCry �ne I�C. 2415 Annapolis Lane Si�ile 109 Plymouth� MN 55441 Ite: Reimbursement for. Core WAtermAin instellr�tion in Carrollton 2nd Additi�n Dear Mr. 0'Leary: I reviewed the cost thaC you sabmitted from Imperial Developers Lor tiie dif£erence between instal.ling a 6" lateral watermain and the 16° cor.e wakprmain facility that you did install. In reviewin� these co�t, Z have the fol�.owin� commenCs: 1. Item 1; I Eeel the �t5.25 cost difference bPtwPelt 6" and 16�� �iPQ �Q more than I cAn ,�ustify. Other than the Shannon parkway pco3eet th�t was built by Arkon, I h�d a smali pro3ect built by S. M. Nentges end Sona uith a cost difference of $14.20 per foot and the larger pro,ject buil.t by Austin P. Keller. with a cost difference Was $13.00 per Foot. Giving the hpnefit of tF1Q do��bt 8I1�] AVeCA$�.I1� tlleSe tWo �vrn�l�i rPs��lt in a tmit price of $t3.6Q ciifEerence between the 16" wstermAin end the g" watermain. Assuming the larger project bidn could h�ve been tm helancecl, t Would he willing ta go to $14.00 per lineAl f.�ot ns A realistic and j»9tiEi�ble cost between 16" and 6" wAtermain installation, ThAt would amount to $28,840. 2. Item 2; 6" gate valve boxes are cvnsidered lAterAl expenses. Tf��y will not be included i.n the core facility cost calculntion. 3• Item 3 & 4; I wovld coml�ine Item 3 6 G together. I also Eeel yoi�r price difference �f $1, 190 per velve is a little ateep, Fxi,sting contracts we have reveal c�st difference of around $1,000 per valvP. i{owever, I wotild t�e willing to go $I ,p$p per vAly.e, xhis wotalc� r�mrni�tt to $5,25Q. 4• Item 5; Your numbers here are within a covple hvndred dnitars of our average pricing sv I woulci agree with your total £or fittings of $5,546, 5. I would aiso justi.Cy an averAp,e nVP.CIIP_At� n� 20� makinp the t�t.�l �redi(: or reimUvrsFment ['�r. the insta)l.�tion of the 16" watetmain at $47�5(i3, . . • • Page 2 u ,, ��., , . � . . . . � . . . Reimbursement-Watermain Installation � will be hringinp, this ko the Utility Commiseion et thei.r� at�iy i�, 1:9A9 m��tin�; and rec�mmending that they approve a $47�563 ceimbursement. florvever, I wi11 m�ke this contingent upon you clearing up the tinpaid bill� ancl 3Uh1tI1tCA}, of A 31�;I1P.(� "1�iaiver of NeAring" for the actciitionel starm aewer We huilt For your cievel��meni;. 5i erely� . /�, . yF4��� �. , ". . 6 � L Richard At. Hefti, P. City Engineer/Public c�rks I)irector �,