HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Order Feasibility Report, 145th Street Reconstruction, City Project #206 • ITEN� # �+ E , �: � *************************�***�r******PtET10**************************************** I DATE: JULY 13, 1989 T0: r1AY0R & COUNCILPtEriBERS C/O CITY AAPtINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT � g�; ITEM FOR THE JULY 18, 1989 COUNCIL rtEETING CONSENT AGENAA Order Feasibilit Re ort, Pro 'ect ��206, 145th Street Reconstruction The condition of 145th Street from Cameo ameouand�Chippendaletwouldlrate�the�ape. A surface rating of the section between C longitudinal and transverse cracking as severe. In addition, the curb and gutter is terribly out of vertical alignment resulting in extremely poor drainage along that section. The poor drainage also contributes to accelerated pavement deteriorata,on. The segment between Chippendale and �iamond Path is currently a two lane rural section with gravel shoulders. The edge of the bituminous is t�reaking off quite rapidly and transverse cracking is becoming severe. The two lane pavement width is becoming inadequate with the increase in tra££ic volumes. There are safety concerns because west bound traffic turning south from 145th Street causes any vehicles behind them to illegally drive on the gravel shoulder to pass on the right. Even though this is an illegal manuever, it occurs quite frequently. We would recommend that an urban section be constructed from Chippendale ta Diamond Path. This section would be as wide as Shannon Parkway to the south of 145tti Street which wo�ild provide adequate room fo.r vehicles to pass left turn vehicles on the right. Also, there are two stretches of 12" watermain that we need desperately to construct to improve our water distribution system. One being between Shannon Parkway and Delft Avenue and the other being between Cameo Avenue and Chippendale. The Dakota County Highway Department has scheduled the rem�emovin tthisacnrveus curve by the Baptist Church on Diamond Path for 1990. �y g the County proposes to construct the T-Intersection out of 145th Street and Diamond Path. I support this improvement because it will increase the safety of this roadway. Because of the County plans for the Diamond Path and 145th Street safety improvements, I feel it makes sense to be able to take advantage of this work and try to tie it in to City improvements on 145th Street that we desperately need. Sh�uld Coiancil approve the preparation of the feasibility report for this study, y�u should be aware tl�at, tiii.s i.s a non-peY,it.i.oned project and wil]. reRi�ire 4/5 of Ihe Cc�uncil t�.o a��prove the pr.ojecl after }ae�r.inp, input at, rhe p��hli.c h�arinf;. W�` �lo anti.ripaLe assessing a ���rtion crI the street improvements to t�enefited properties. I would estimate that we would be assessing between 25-50% of the street reconstruction cost between Cameo and Chippendale Avenue. In accordance with past policy, I would propose that we would assess the residential equivalent Uetween Chippendale and Diamond P�th where we are i_mprovinp an insufficient rura].