HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Set Hearing Date(s) - Zoning Ordinance Adoption� . ' : . i � y • -�� � � ) � F ; t� a� ;ii � � r--- ) � �.�dl� �� +�.3 ;', ,�t�i �1 ;�a� � �� R(�3Etvl[)tiNl MIfJI�JE.`.�)i � °�»)i�i� r � ��:��:�'.��''1,��t•� ���� �,t ' ��.; ,�.1{,� �,� - . 1f�� `7`�• TO: CITY COUNCIL FttOM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, AICp, CITY !'LANNER DATE: JULY 13, 1989 SUBJ: JULY 18, 1989 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS S�T HEARING DAT� FOR zONING ORDiNANCE AllOPTION Having completed a productive review process with City Council of the Froposed Zoning Ordinance, Staff has at this point prepared a final revised draft incorporating the changes desired by City Council. Tt is the conc}usian of Staff including City Administrator, Steve Jilk; Director of Cammunity Develapment, Dean Johnson; and, City Planner, Mike Wozniak, that now is the time for City Couacil to solicit public comment on the documen[ and to consider taking action. I�cluded with this review is a copy of a Public Notice which would announce a public hearing date of August 1, 1989 to be continued to August 15, 1989. The notice includes a summary of the most significant areas of change from the current zoning ordinance. The notice suggests that the Council consider questions or comments regarding the majority of the content af�.th.� qx.dinance at the 'August lst hea'ring date, however, it is has been suggested that consideration of provisions creating a WM - Was[e Management District and the permitting by Iaterim Use Permit of Non-Hazardous Waste Land Disposai Facilities be done exclusively at the August iSth Meeting. Staff requests that Council set public hearing dates as indicated in the public natice for consideration of the New "Loning Ordinance. ✓ w . a � / • � ri,��: . �.__„ 1 ��y /J� f ,.�. I� )k :.. !I ry* � f ��� .-� ,�E.. , `� -d�t� c.� � 'E{ � ,t �p +� fn�`;i_F���� t�!T M�;I li�r;,t��{ a �1,�f3 "� .% �.��c�9'�:���'�� ��'[ � ` 37 � i,. l.�S !!i1 ��� � :r . , , P�biic Notice , ;. ., r I New Zoning Ordinance TO WHOM I7' MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount wilt conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, August 1, 1989, in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, beginning at 8:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. This hearing will be continued to August 15, 1989 at 8:30 p.m. also in the Council Chambers of City Hall. The purpose of this hearing is to consider adoption of a New Zoning Ordinance. SUMMARY OF CHANGES IN PROPOSEU ZO�NING ORDINANCE The Ci[y Council of the City o# Rosemount intends to consider for adoption a new to Zoning Ordinance which represents a comprehensive revision to the current Zoning Ordinance. The City's current Zoning Ordinance which was origonally adopted in 1972 and which had been amended from time to time, has been recognized by the City as being antiquated in terms of adequately addressing thz complexities of regulating land use in today's development climate. Changing attitudes in the community, changing development trends and the addition of new state and federal land use regulations have prompted a need to undertake a comprehensive revision of the City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. The process of revising the Zoning Ordinance has actually been in progress for several years. The current draft of the Proposed Ordinance represents a culmination of efforts of both City Staff and Consultants as well as a considerable amount of review time by the Planning Commission and City CounciL The Proposed Zoning Urdinance represents a continaation of many of the concepts regarding the orderly regulation of land use that formed the basis of the current ordinance, however, the Proposed Zoning Ordinance is a much morc detailed and all encompassing document. This summary identifies those sections of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance which iiiclude the mos[ significant additional provisions or changes from the requirements of the currenl Zoning Ordinance. !�ECTION 3 (DEFINITIt)NS) - This scction has bccn c�itsicicrably cxpandcd with many new d�l�inilians anJ chunges to many c�f lhe definitions lh.�t were used in lhe current zonin� ordinance. g;�C�'ION 4 (GENERAL PRUVISIONS) - This section expands upon its counterpart in tbe current ordinance to specify new or existing provisions which affect all zoning dis[ricts or least several districts. For example this section includes pr�visions which regulate the conducting of a Home Occupa[ion (business run �ut c�f a home); Home nccupations are permitted in all residential districts an� the Agriculture District subject to the provisions cited in Section 4. SECTION S (ZONING DISTRICTS) - This section which lists the Zoning Districts indicates that the following new districts have been incorporated into [he Proposed Zoning Ordinanc�: RL Low Density Single Family Residential District R-2 Single Family Attached Resideace District R-3 Multip{e-Family Residence Diytrict R-4 Multiple-Family Residence I)istrict C-4 General Commercial.District WM Waste Management District . � � 1 � 4 SECTION 6 (DISTRICT REGULATIONS} - This section of the Proposed Zoning Ordinance lists in detail the uses which are permitted in each Zoning District including the five new districts cited above. SECTION 7 (DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATlbNS) - This section reflects changes in dimensional requirements including yard setbacks, height limita[ions, density requirements and open space requirements. Also included in this section under subsection 7.2 (Supplementary Regulations) are new provisions which re�ulate appearance of Buildings by requiring that certain types of building materials be used in exterior constructiott. This section addresses building aesthetics in all districts with particular attention directed toward Commercial and Industrial Districts and also to regulating the size and appearance of accessory buildings in all Residential Districts and the Agriculture District (under 20 acre parcel size). SECTION 8 (OFF-STREET PARKING,LOADING AND GANDSCAPING) -Most significant in this section are many changes in parking requirements for commercial and industriat uses frora what is required under the current ordinance. It has been long recognized by the City that parking requirements in the current zoning ordinance are somew6at excessive for certain uses and the new standards are an attempt to establish a more logical ratio of parking for many commercial uses. Aiso, specific landscaping requirements are established for all districts which cite numbers of required plantings of trees and foundation plantings. The current zoning ordinance does specify that landscaping is required for new development but does not include any numerical requirements. I SECTION 9 (SHORELAND OVERLAY REGULATIONS) - This section adds completely new provisions which are not included in [he current zoning ordinance. It is the intent of these shoreland overlay regulations to impose restrictions in addition to those required by the underlying zoning for the protection of shoreland areas, the preservation and enhancement of the quality of surface waters and the wise utilization of water and related land resources. SECTION 10 (SIGNS) - This section provides much expanded provisions for the regulation of signs. A large section of definitions af various types has been included and more detailed �information regarding permitting requirements has been inc�u,de�d." The Ordinance remains relatively s[rict regarding size requirements for signs wiEh the largest sign allowed being 100 sq. ft. (10' x 10') for Commercial Developments with 10 or more businesses. SECTION 11 (PERFORMANCE STANDARDS - ALL DISTRICTS) - This sectiaa specifies standards by which Uses shalled be judged which because of the nature af their operation are accompattied by excess of noise, vibration, dust dirt, smoke, odor noxious gases, glare or wastes shall not be permitted. The provisions of this section have been slightly modified from the corresponding provisions of the current zoning ordinance, but the intent of the section remains the same. Added to this section are provisions to allow Non-Hazardous Waste Land Disposal Facility to be permitted by Interim Use Permit subject to established conditions. SECTION 14 (ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT) - This section of the proposed ardinance includes a variety af provisions regarding the Administration and Enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance some of which were specified in the Current Zoning Ordinance as well as several new requiremen[s. Mos[ significantly new or significantly changed requirements are established for the following: 1. Site Plan Review - requirements and pracedures 2. Licensing Requirements for Contractors. 3. Grading Permit Requirements. 4. Mining Permit Requirements (Mineral Extraction). 5. Recyling Operation Permit Requirernents. E � � � � � Provisions in Section 6 to allow creation of the WM Waste Management District and provisions in 5ection ll to allow the develo�ment ot' Non-Nazarcic�us Waste Land Disposal Facility subjcct to Interim Use Permit reyuiremcnts will bc consiclered exelusively on the August 15, 19�3I public hearing date. Uther content af the Zoning Qrdinanee will be considered on [he August 1, 1989 public hearing date. Copies of the praposed City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance are availabte for review at City Hall, weekays, during business hours, 7:30 a.m. - 4:OU p.m. Any questions regarding the proposed Zoning Ordinance may be directed ta the City of Rosemount, Community Development Department, ph.#: 423-4411. Such persons as aesire to be heard wilh reference to lhe above item wi11 be heard at these meetings. � � � Stephan 7ilk, Administrator/Clerk City of Rasemount Dakota County, Minnesota