HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Approve Computer Hardware / Software Purchase; P & R and Administration - r � � � �� � F'�� {3C�X �,�n �+� � ���" ���/ � � � .'1 U � � �'k;i 14';IFI � f ' t r f�OSF:MCtUN l MINt1F'�J�I� t f;tt ��� f)'S E'`"Y120�?A 1'2�� � � �������� -- � �� F>» -�:�? i.�i� . .�� '. ,,k . . �,..��� � � ITEM # � 5C July 13, 1989 Tp: . City Council FROM: Administrator Subject: Computer System Qn the agenda for the July 18th Regular Council Meeting are two items that are fol]ow up from the July 5th meeting at which you approved the acquisition of computer equipment and ' software for the Community Development Department, namely Parks & Rec and Finance. As the administrative departments part in this Local Area Network (LAN) I submit the cost of installation, cabling and netware. We are running on stand alone systems at this time several prominent programs that need to be provided in a netware protocol . I have received pencil quotes for the cabling and installation along with the netware programs from PC Express and submit for y�ur approval at this time those items needed to complete the Network installation. Installation, Cabling and Programming $3,000 Word Perfect 5.0 (Muiti-user network version) $ 158 Word Perfect network nodes - 2@ $79 $ 158 dBase IV Lan Rak - 2@ $659 $1,3Z8 dBase IV module line program $ 529 TOTAL $5,374 ..t - �- � _.'{ � � ; ..-�_ � / � I'��� H�tx '���t� ' ` ''� j���/ {) � ;?FI}� I1FtH i�T W . � `�' " � RC�SEMf�I!NT�. MINNF`;Ca�fA G5r')6fl `' ����,����'���c�������t , � � �,, , ,>� ,:�„ � �5.. q �� ,�art:., Jul 13 1989 ���� � Y � � � T0: City Council and Administrator FROM: Park & Rec Director Subject: Computer System Enhancement As part of the Local Area Network (LAN) that was requested and authorized for the Community Development Department, I wish to participate in the overall configuration of that system by requesting authorization to purchase the major printer for the system. It is the general concensus that this system will benefit the entire City Staff and we in the Parks & Rec Department can provide this support for the system. We have received pencil quotes from PC Express and from ' Datalink on two line printers. PC Express Datalink Fujitsu M3042 900 lpm $6,895 $6,800 Genicom 4440 800 lpm $6,599 Having seen the Fujitsu in operation under working canditions and having received recommendations that indicate the Fujitsu is a superior unit to the Genicam, I wish to recommend that � we purchase the Fujitsu M3042 listed above from PC Express. The difference in quoted price is very little to pay to keep the purchase of this type of equipment with a company that is local and well known to the Ci�y Staff. � � • � � . . . . � er�es M3040C/D/R M3041 Cf DI R M3042GID/R M3043CID/R Fujitsu's family of band printers boast unrivaled reliability, quietness, and compacfiess for 300 to 1,200 LPM printing. ..�.�.�... , r.r.a,r,r�„r,�,����r . aa•.�.�s .,__.�__ � _. � m�� � ��� ; r--.,_...I Nlq� .;.: y �►. -•... r. � FUJITSU M3043D - .� , _. � _ • f �� � P C) �B(�X 510 --_. , ] . �" '' � ,� � � {) 28i 5 14�Tk�l `iT W �I� � "' � " " ' FiOSFMnUNT. MWf�JE.`(�(�� `iS�Fiil ,� °' : r �` q �.,_ .. ��.�4��,. 8����F��II: , 61 ' I;;�:q41I July 12, 1989 'TEM # � �j T0: City Council and ' Administrator FROM: Finance Director Subject: Computer System Following the Council 's rejection of bids on the Computer System for the Finance Department as recommended, be advised that Finance Staff has met with Ron Wasmund to coordinate efforts in acquiring a single system that can fulfill the needs of the entire City Staff. We have received pencil quotes from PC Express and have put together costs for our equipment needs, that have been influenced by the features that will be included in the equipment that Ron Wasmund received authorization on at the last Cauncil Meeting. To allow us to review the options present in the MS DOS Operating System applications, we have made office visits to several locations that are currentTy running the programs that we are seriously considering as a replacement for the programs that we are currently running on the Old System. These visits have taken place and we are comfortable now in our presenting a recommendation for Hardware and Software at this time. We are presenting for Council authorization the following configuration of equipment that will enhance that equipment already authorized for the Building Department. EQUIPMENT QUOTED BY PC EXPRESS of Burnsville 1 386 Tower System w/40Mb Harddrive - Fu11 EGA Color - 40 Mb Internal Tape Backup - Math Co-processor $3,745 UPS & Conditioner $88$ 1 286 AT System w/30Mb Narddrive Full EGA Color $1,879 4 Hubs for the Novell Network @ $499 $1,996 1 321 Okidata Dot Matrix Printer $534 1 HP Laser II Laser Printer $1,795 1 Lanspooling Paekage far Network $ 332 20 SMC PC260 Network Cards @ $169 $3,38Q TOTAL $14,549 _ _ • • Page Two - Computer Acquisition July 18th SOfTWARE QUOTED [3Y CIVIC SYSTEMS of Eau Claire, Wis Application Annual Software Support Fund Ac�ounting Package $3,Op0 $195 Payroll $2,000 $195 Accts Pay/Purchase Orders $1,300 $150 Direct - Access Menu $ 225 $26D PC-Anywhere/Anchor 2400 Baud Modem $ 325 Totals $6,850 $800 We feel that this is the best way to approach this need as it will provide a system of communication and computing for the entire City at present and for some time inta tMe future. I have reviewed this with Dave Grannis, relating to him that we have rejected bids on total paekage offerings from three vendors and that we have been aware of the above recommended system for a very short time. Mr Grannis has reviewed this concept of acquisition and has advised that he can defend our approaching this acquisition in this manner. Even though we have known of this system for a very short time we have studied and reviewed the system in operation at se�eral locations and have convinced ourselves that this system will certainly do what we are attempting to do for the City. It certainly is fiscally responsible to approach our equipment needs in this manner. Council authorized the Administrator's request for furniture at the � July 5th Regular Council meeting and with a lead time of 6 weeks to get . the furniture will afford the equipment and software vendors the time needed to prepare the hardware and software for operation at the City, . so all can arrive together, causing an orderly installation. With this calendar coming together on about August 15th, Finance Staff is requesting authorization of this acqusition at the Regular Meeting of � July 18th. Upon your approval of this acquisition the pracess will begin to obtain the equipment, software and training needed to complete the installation and become operational . Be advised that Parks & Recreation will be requesting certain equipm�ent at this time to go with the equipment that Corr�nunity Development� and Finance is acquiring. The Utility Department will be acquiring the Hardware and Software they will be needing through requests to the Utility Corr�nission. Installation of this entire system will be under the direction of the Administrator. Finance Staff is ready to answer any questions yau might have at this time regarding this request. Thanks for your consideration. � � � • Civic Systems Software License Agreement This agreement is made this day of , 19 ,between Virchow, Krause& Company, Madison,WL (hereinafter called VK), and the City of Rosemount, 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota SSQ68 (hereinafter called "Client"). 1 a.) Description ot Licensed Product(s). Subject to tF�e conditions and terms of this agreement VK will deliver to Client the CIVIC SYSTEMS Product(s) described below, (hereinafter called the "l.icensed Products"} inciuding associated Users Manuals, by the delivery date{s) specified below. Application Version Delivery Date(s) Cost Water/Sewer Utility Network $ 3,495.00 Fund Accountin�, Network 3,OOO.QO Payroll Network 2,OOO.QO Accounts Pavable/Purchase Network 1,Z300.00 Orders License Fee Totai $ 9,795.00 b.) Othe�Software Applications. Application Version Delivery Date(s) Cost Direct-Access Menu Netwark $ 225.00 PC-Anywhere/Anchor 2400 N/A 325.Q0 - installed Baud Modem Other Software Total $, 550.00 Total Sottware Cha�ges $�.(�, 43 5.� 2. Training, VK shall provide training and instruction to Client and Clien#'s designated u�ers on the operation of the Licensed Prcxiucts. The CHent h�s the aption of receiving training either at Client's site or st thq VK offices in Madison,Wisconsln. Recammended Appllcation Training Daya Cost Water/Sewer Utility 1 Dav $ 440.00 Fund Aeeounting 2 DaYs 880.00 Payroll 2 Days 880.00 Accounts Payable/Purchase 1 Day 440.00 Orders Totai Training Cost � 2•640•00 � r • CIVIC SYSTEMS • Software Support Agreement CIVIC SYSTEMS,a division of Vir ow, Kr u ge&Compan (��� inft r CatlQd"VK" a rees to rovide �ity o� Kosemouht,y 2$7�-�4�th 5t. W� � p Software Application Support to Rosemount M�T 550f�8 (hereinafter calied"Ciient")for the following software products: ��711��[1 �.t �lG��'?m�,1.�11�L1LIJatI� Water/Sewer Utility $ 260.00 Fund Accountin� 195.00 Payroll Z95.00 Accounts Payable/Purehase Orders 150.00 Network Assistance 26Q.OQ Totai Cost �, 1.06Q.00 Software Application Support Services The fees above are for telephone suppor[ from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m (central) on ail non-hotiday weekdays. These fees entitie users to "hotline" telephone assistance during normal business fiours, Monday through Friday. Covered services include communication betwee� Ciient and VK personnel via telephone, mait or data communication device regarding use and procedures of the applications listed above. This agreement covers oniy those persons who have been trained on the above listed Applications.There is no additional charge for telephone to11 charges. Overnight mailservice, supplies, i.e. diskettes,tapes ete.,wiil be biiled at cost Terms This Agreement becomes effective on the Commeneement Date shown above and remains in force for a period of 12 months from that date.This Agreement will be renewed annual{y on the anniversary date with the receipt of the support fee assessed at that t(me. Prior to the aceeptance of tMls agreernoi�t, VK reserves the r(ght to require all covered applications be brought up to the current upgrade level. Cilent agrees to pay alt cha�ges incurred to cornply with those specificatlons. Professional Services Professional Services are available at$65 per hour (plus expenses).These services can inciude software modifications to your specific needs, generai consuiting, or support services for whieh a support agreement is not in force. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE PARTIES HAVE HERETO EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT THIS DAY OF , 19_ Accepted by Accepted by CIVIC SYSTEMS Ct1ENT Date Date Virchow, Krause & Company 4130 Lien Road, P.O. Box 7398 Madison, WI53707