HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.g. Receive Bids / Award Contract 1989-7, Water Tower #2 � � � � ITEM # � � , ' ************************�*****�r*�r��r*1�1EM0******�******��**�****�*****�****�x****** DATE: JULY 14, 1989 T0: PIAYOR & COUNCILAIEfitBERS C/0 GITY ADPIINISTRATOR JILK FROPt: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DZREGTOR HEFTI RE: ITEri FOR THE JULY i8, 1989 COUNCIL MEETiNG NEW BUSINESS Receive Bids/Award Contract 1989-7 Water Tower �12 On June 27, 1989 the City opened bids for the construction of a 1,000,0�0 gallon elevated storage tank. The location of this tank is just east of the intersection of Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trail and located on the Kelley property. The Utility Commission is recommending Council receive the bids and award ttie contract to PDA1, Inc. , the lowest responsible bidder. Attached is a bid tab for Councils reference. Recommended action for Council to take is to receive the bids and award the contract with the alternate for the fluted column (Type A) tank, to the lowest responsible bid from PDrt, Inc. in the amount of $83$,2�0 and authorize the Ptayor and City Clerk to sign the contract documents. „ . ,.,, . �. . . , i . . � F � • .TIY3.ULA.T_I.ON...Of-_.B_I.DS 1 ,000,000 GAt,�ON WATER STORIVGE TMIK ROSENUNT, MtNNESOTA BIDS DUEs 10;00 AM OOMMISS ION N0. 9229 JU1� 27� 1989 P1.AN HO�,�� B ID ADD. �LT �1Q .. E� �� �B ,�.�_..�['! .�I Ne-Cn1L___� .,.5 0 �o`�.S S�'7Q Q pm � �-�'p? S�o aS;aryv . 3�.�r_�o P_.I,.t�-�s �' � S��' Asa �99 coo v .3�o �� , � �9 �� —.�..�, F.n�1.n.��r's-�.ttm�.t _' . � . , . � . . . � . . . � � � •� � �• � -� r��� -� � � T��� TOLTZ,KIMG,�DUVALL,ANpERSON � AND ASSOGIATES.INCORPpRATEO � ..�����i .n.��i.�. � . . u������.� ENGiNEERS ARCHITECTS PIANNERS 2500AMER�CANNATIONALBANKBUILDING ''/► SAINT PAUI,MINNESOTA 55i01-1893 �4��n' 612/292�4400 �r FAX 612/292-0083 Ju1y 5, 1989 �U� � 7 198� �=�rY f:s e��te�,���r�r.�.- NNp--. Richard M, Heftt, P.E. - DE rector ot Pubi ic Works 2$75-145th Street West Ro9emaunt, Mi nnesota 55068 Re: 1 .0 1+� Elevated Water Storage Tank � � . . Rosemount;° Mi'nitesota � � � Commisston No. 4229 Dear Mr-. Hefti : Btds were received and opened on Tuesday, June 27, 1989 for the construetion of a 1 ,000,000 galion elevated water storage tank. 7wo bids were recetved tor each tank style as fol iowss FI uted Col umn SinQl„g, Pedestal Pit�fi-DesMoines, Ine. a 828,850 E 899,OQ0 C6 I Na-Con, I nc. � 925,500 � 90�,500 Alterna�te bids were atso received for the instal lation of an overhead rol i up--type door as fol I ow s: Fl u-ted Coi unn S t,n�j�,�'edestal P1 ti�-DesMoi nes, I nc. � 9,350 E 25,000 CS I Na-Con, I nc, �29,150 $ 33,000 Please f ind a tabulation of bids, t isting subcontractors named by the bi dders, attached herew ith fcx- your use. The (aw btdder, Pttt-DesNbines, is a maJor national tank manufacturer, experienced and qutte capabie of c�signtng and erecting a large storage tank. Also attached, is an experTence { isttng of tanks constructed by P[�I in the Twtn Cittes area. ` � � Nk-. Richard M. Heffit Juty 5, 1989 Pa ge Tw o We, therefore, recommend award of the cantract f�- •ffie consfiructtoh of a Type A fFl uted Co1 �nn) wtfih Qverhead Door, 1 .0 NG EI evated Tank to Pttt- DesMat nes for the tatal 8ase and A{ternate bt d pr ice of �838,200. I f you have any q uesti ons regardt ng th i s matter, pl ease do not hest tate to caI I. ,. �i.c i t . . Si�cerely yours, . . �c< � r� a��. _._.. 1� Kurt B. Johnson, P.E. KBJeJ cc: Tom Kirk . � � • OONSTRUC'i'ION OF A 1 ,000,000 GALLON TOLTZ, KING, Ot1VALL, ANDERSON ELEYATED WATER STORAGE TANK AND ASSQCAITES, INOORPORATEi� CITY PROJECT N0. 183 ENGINEERS-ARCHiTECTS-PLANNERS RQSEhUUNT, MiNNESOTA DOMMISSION N0. 9229 BiDS OPENED: JUNE 27, 1989 tO;OQ AM TABt1LATI0N QF B1DS PITT-DES F�AINfS C�•I NA CON 1 TEM NQ. -VLrI-�I�ION Q �AIT ITY � J.�..���.�.�. 1 GOMPLETE OONSTRUCT ION OF A 1 ,000,000 GAL.LON TYPE A, FLUTED OOL UNN STYL E, Ei.EV ATED S TE EL WATER TANK, AS SPECIFIED 1 LS a828,850 �$28,850 �925,500 $925,5QQ 2 OOMRETE OONSTRUCT ION OF A t ,000,00d GALLON TYPE B, SINGLE PEQESTAL STYLE, EIEVATED STEEL WATER TANK, AS SPECIFtED 1 LS �899,00� �899,Op0 $902,500 $902,500 , AL TERNAT B!Q 1 TEP1S FURNISH ANp INSTALL AN pyERHEAD ROLLUP-TYPE G/V�A�GE DpOR, ADD 3A TO ITEM N4. 1 (TYPE A TANK) a 9,350 $ 25,OOQ 3B T0 ITEM N0. 2 tTYPE B T/WK) � 29,150 $ 33,000 SUBODNTRAGTORS FOUNDAT ION L.C. HOWE 00. L,C. HOWE t�0. E AR THWORK L.C. HOW E 00. L.C. HOkI E 00. ROAD OO N STRUCT ION L.C. HOMI E 0�. L.C. MOW E tJO. EL EGTR i CAL OONSTRUCT ION AERO AERO TANK PA INT ING LARSOW TANK 00. N�-CON P I P I NG I N STAL L AT I ON L.C. HOhI E 00. L.C. HOW E 00. CATHODI C PROTECT(ON WALLACE b T IERNAN WAt,.l.ACE $ T IERNAN • • � � MYDROP,ti_L�t EX.pF.Ei.��l�l t�? PITT-D�� ND INES INC �r�N S.LL.F�� A@E A Year Ar de n N i I I s, NN 1 ,000 N�/101 � C i�ty 1987 Arden N i I i s, NN 500 NG/83�-6" V t I 1 age 1969 Bloanington, NN 1 ,500 NG/58� Ci�ty 1972 Brooklyn Center, Md 1 ,500 MG/121 � Ctiy t974 Ch amp l a i n, NN 1 ,000 NG/107� C t iy 1984 Eaga n Tow nsh i p, NN 500 MGJ 100� Tow nsh t p 1968 Eden Prairte, NN 1 ,000 t�/1Q1 �-6" Cfty 1982 f I k R i ver, NN 1 ,000 f�G/43� Ci ty 1986 Hastt ngs, � 750 N�/74� Ci�ty 1986 LakevlFle, NN 750 NG/86� City 1984 Lakevtite, NN 500 NG/112� Vtilage t969 L Et-Ft e Canada, MN 1 ,500 NG/127�-6" Ci ty 1978 Mapls Grc�ve, M+1 2,000 NG/116� City 1983 Mapl e Gro�re, Md t ,500 NG/97�-6" Ci�ty 1974 �p���d, �1 1 ,500 NG/fr4�-14" Ctty 1978 Mapl ewood, NN 1 ,000 NG/87.5� Ctty 1987 Mendota Hei ghts, NN 2,000 NG/138� ���}y �ggp New Brighton, hN 1 ,000 NG/120+ Ciiy 1976 New Hope, NN 1 ,500 MG/84►-6" V 11 I age 1968 Oakdaie, � 1 ,50Q NG/116� City 1986 Priar Lake, NN i ,00� I�G/96.5� City 1988 St. Paul, NN 1 ,500 NG/151 �-10" Ctiy 1987 Savage, � 1 ,000 NG/106� Ct�ty 1979 Shoreview, NN 1 ,500 NG/144� Ci�ty 1983 Shorsv tew, Md 1 ,500 P+�/96�-6" V i i I age 1974 Sou�h St. Paul, NN 750 MG/92�-5" Ci#y 1973 Yadnats Hetghts, NN 1 ,000 ti'�/106� City 1982 West St. Paul, MV 500 NGI135�-1Q" City 1968 White Bear Lake, MJ 1 ,000 NG/105� City 1985 • w . , � . . . , . . . � � ...� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION REGEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT ON WATER TOWER �2 CITY PROJECT N0. 1$3 BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Piinnesota, as follows: 1. -Ik'll'•b'ids on construction of Water Tower i'�2 are hereby received and tabulated. 2. The bid of PDPi, Inc. in the amount of 5838,200 for the construction of said improvements in accordance with the plans and specifications and adverti.sement for bids is the lowest responsible bid and shall be and hereby is accepted. 3. The Piayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and direeted to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the eity of Rosemount. 4. The City Glerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to � all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the next two lowest bidders shall be retained until a contract has been executed. ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1989. Rollan Hoke, rtayar ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk