HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. and 7. Limerick Crossing Preliminary Plat and Rezoning : . 3, • • � �'" � � � � F Cl Ei C�x E i p � �.: � �_� ,,� �� ��� �� 2�;, ��:JrH 5 r w " � F�Cl;FM(,lUf�1T. MINNF r)1�A '�?�;U6R . �. ; �(�'t��T���c)u}`t� 61;> 4?� 4411 TO: CITY COUNCiL Public Hearings 1 tems 6 & 7 FR�M: MICHAEL WOZNIAK, ATCP, CITY PLANNER i DATE: JULY 13, 1989 II', SUBJ: JULY 18, 1989 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS PUBLIG HEARING - LIMERICK CROSSING PRELIMiNARY PLAT PUBLIC HEARINGS,LIMERICK CROSSING - PRELIMINARI'PLA'�& REZONING� , . Bill Jacobson, of William Jacobson Associates, has submitted a preliminary plat/site plan for Limerick Crossing, 32 units of Renlat Townhouses. Enclosed with this review are copies of the prelirninary plat/site plan, building floor plans, building elevations and a conceptuat landsca�ing plan. Also included are copies of a Resolution outlining eonditions for Preliminary Plat approval and a Zoning Ordinance Amendment. The project is to be situated on a 2.72 acre parcel property situated at the intersection of Dodd Boulevard and Shannon Parkway. The sudivision witl be comprised of a single lot which meets zoning ordinance dimensional requirements for the RM Residential Multiple District. The proposed density of 32 uniks falls well within the allowed density far the RM District c�f (l5 units/acre). There will be a single access point to the development coming off of Dodd Blvd. City Engineer, Rich Hefti has approved the location of the access drive. Mr. Hefti, also indicated that the City will require dedication of an additional seven feet of right of way along Dodd Boulevard to expand the existing easement to 40 feet from center line. The purpose of this is to accammodate future conversion of Dodd to an urban stxeet section with a wider pavement width. Jacobson Associates has incorporated the dedi�ation �f the additional seven Eeet of righ{ of way for podd. �lvd into the Preliminary Plat. The plan as submitted meets all zoning ordinance requirements with one exception. Along the north property boundary c�f the site one vf the proposed townhouse structures encroeches within the required 30' yard setback. As can be seen on the site plan a eorner of the building extends to within 20 feet of the rrorth property line. ?he Flanning Commission at its June 6, 19$9 Meeting agreed in conce�t to the approval of a variance to allow this slight setback encroachment. The Commission �uill formally act on a variance petition at its July 18th meeting. I will inform Council of their decision at the meeting. The site plan as praposed exceeds minimum parking requirements of 1.5 spaces per unit. 2.5 spaces per unit have been provided with 1.5 spaces �er unit which are not set up in a tandem fashion. The additional issues which thould he considered by the Council when reviewing this proposal include building aesthetics, landscaping, and recreational amenities. In appearance the buildings will cicfsely resembte the Limerick Way Townhouses. Because of the detailed review and scrutiny o[ building aesthetic for Limerick Way which took place my suggestion is that the design for Limerick Crossing is }�erfectly acceptable. If there are any questions as t� the a}�pearance I suggest visiting Limerick Way to see the finislied product. i � - ,. • • The landscaping plan submitted for the project indicates an excellent mix of deciduous trees, evergreen trees, evergreen shrubs and decidous shrubs. It should be pointed out that the Planning Commissi�n has made two recommendations regarding the Landscaping Ptan. First, that a minimum of 32 oE the proposed shade trees be planted at the time of construction and secondly, that the proposed Norway Maples be installed at a minimum of 2" caliper size to meet City Standards. The Park and Recreation Recreation Committee has recomrnended that the City accept cash in lieu of land to meet park dedication requirernents ($10,240.00). Limerick Crossing will include a toE lot and a tennis court for recreational amenitzes. These amenities are not required by ordinance but do help to provide a improved living environment for the tenants. The Planning Commission has recommended that the City Council approve the Limerick Crossing Preliminary Piat subject to the following: 1. Detailed Engineering Recommendations; • 2. Rezoning; and, 3. Subdivision Development Contract. A1so required in conjunction with this project is Rezoning of the property from Agriculture to RM - Residential Multiple. Rezoning of the property to accommodate the Limerick Crossing represents a logical progression of land use for the property and does not present a conflict with surrounding development. The Planning Commission has recommended that Council approve rezoning Limerick , Crossing.. ��.Staff recommends that Council conform �to' sta�ndard City� • � policy and withhold action on the rezoning untit final ptat approval of Limerick C rossi ng. i . . • � � �: City of Rosemount Resolution 1989- A Resalutian Approving tt�e Limerick Crossing Preliminary Plat WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has reviewed and forwarded its recommendations on the Limerick Crossing preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held to receive public input on the Limerick Crossing preliminary p1aL NOW THEREFQRE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Limerick Crossiag preliminary plat, subject to detailed engineering recommendations, rezoning, and execated Subdivision Deve(opment Contract. Adopted this 18th day of July, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administralor 1 ; � � � � � ���t � � � � � � r c� r��,�x� �,,�n � . �jt[ L¢� O ?H;�-ii�rEttr w � f3C�';k`Mll{)PJT b111�1PJE�;!)7�J1 ��`infi8 � �� � � � � � � � � _ �,OSC�Y1-2�C?�Lt?'l� � � � F;,.,�: :,�:, ��„ , � AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE Preliminary Plat & Rezoning - Limerick Crossing STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ; COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss � � � � � i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) j , i � Stephan Jilk,b.eing first duly sworn, deposes and says: , � I am a United States citizen and the duly quatified Clerk of the � City of Rosemount, Minnesota. ! ' � On July 7, 1989, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at f the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the � United States Post Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of public hearings for lhe Limerick Crossing ` preliminary plat and Limerick Crossing rezoning from AG � Agriculture to RM Residential Multiple, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the fpersons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed { with their names. ' There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place ' � of mailing and the places so addressed. ` � , , ; � ��� , " Stepha Jilk Administrator/Cle 4 City of Rosernount '' Dakota County,_,Minnesota �. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of July, 1989. � . I C � ` No ary Public � , ' � � �� St15AFl M. JQFi9�i�ON NOtAR'Y PllBl1C—�11�67lESOTA � DAKOTA C�I�DfTY � MV C00lIM EXPKiES AN� 11. t0�t -�; , ! • • � � �,,, �u,v in � ' � � � �...� �-. I�f� �')� � ^��; , �-r�.,�� r ��' ' y ftf15;FM(��rr.11 RtlrJr.i� � ��in . .n�;n ,. �� �Cl�'SC l��l'l O l.l)�i� �,, , , �: ,��� Public Notice Limerick Crossing Preliminary Plat/Rezoning TO WNOM 1T MAY CONCERN: � NOTiCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tlie City Council of the City of � Rosemount will hold Public Hearings to consider the items listecl � below on Tuesday, July 18, 1989, in the Council Chambers c�f the jCity Nall, 2875 145th Street West, beginnin� at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. The Public Hearings listed below both ; pertain to the f�llowing described property: ; ; Commencing at the northwest corner of the Northwe�t � Quarter of the Southeast Quarter �f said Section 30; j thence north 89 degrees, 48 minutes, 59 seconds, East I on an assumed bearing along the. north line of the ! ' Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter o[ said Section 30, a distance o( 432.35 feet; thence South 1 degree, 00 minutes, 55 seconds, West, a dislance of 913.00 feet to the point ot beginning; thence South 1 degree, 00 minutes, 55 seconds, West, a distance o[ 325.61 feet to the centerline of Dodd Boulevard as � ` presently located and traveled; thence South of Dodd Boulevard, a distance of 465.75 feet; thence North 1 degree, 00 minutes, 55 seconds, East, a distance of � 538.12 feet; thence Norlh 89 degrees, 4f3 minutes, 59, seconds East, a distance of 410.02 to , the p�int of • beginning; Section 30, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota i County, Minnesota. F , Item �A: ?he purpose o[ this hearing is to consi�ler the Limerick Crossing preliminary plat. This is a pr�posed 32 unit Rental Townhouse development. ; ltem B: The purpose of this hcaring is to consider a rezoning of the ,above described property [rom AG`Agriculture to RM ; Residentia) Muitip(e. i � � � � � � � ; Such persons as desire to be keard with reFerence to the above ;` - hearing will be heard et this meeting. , , � a , , � Dated this 3rd day of Joly, 1989. ,� � t .. ' . . . � � . . � . . . � �Stepha . ilk, Adm�rator/Clerk I� � City o Rosemoun Dakota County, Minnesota 1< { 1 . . . � • • i , � MAILING LIST FOR LIMERICK CROSSING PLAT/REZONING 1. JAMES & DEHiSE BELL. PID� 34-03t�iQ-A10-52 14785 DODD BLVD ' ' ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 � ; 2. JAMES I & VESTA GOODRICH PTD� 34-03010-020-52 � ` 14800 DODD Bi.VD: j ROSEMOUNT, ?M}1., 55068 � : � 3. 3ANET R OSTER PID� 34-03010-030-52 y 14793 DODD BLVD � ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 4. RICHARD L & EMMET CARROLL PID� 34-03010-011-80 5251 150TH ST W 34-03010-015-80 ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 34-03010-016-84 5. WESLEY b JOAN HASBROUCI{ PID#► 34-15200-020-02 14685 DAHOMEY AVE , . ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 � 6. RONALD J & DARLEN V LEE PID#� 34-15200-030-02 , 1 ' 14699 DAHOMEY AVE � ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 � ; . � 7. THEADORE & KATHLEEN GWILLIM PID�! 34-15200-010-03 14678 DAHOMEY �AVE ROSF,MOUNT, MN 55068 8. JEANNE M BAILEY PID� 34-15200-020-03 14686 DAHOMEY AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 9. JUDITH A DYSON � PID#� 34-15200-030-03 i4692 DAHOM�Y AVE ' ROSEMOUHT, MN 55068 � ; s 10. DOL.ORES C BROBACK PID* 34-15200-04Q�03 i ; 10341 204TH ST � LAKEVILLE, MN 55044 , � 11. CALVIH & CONSTAHCE DRAKE PID� 34-15200-050-03 i 14698 DAHOMEY AVE ! ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 � 12. ROSE b ELAINE RATZLAFF PId#� 34-15200-060-(J3 1 � � 4076 147TH ST W � ROSEMOUNT, MN 55�68 � � ;" � �;, ; t 13. H W � •PID� 34-15200-090-f?3 RUT F'AGER OLD • 14770 DALLARA AYE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 14. SCOTT D b TERRY PETERSCHICK PID� 34-15200-1OU-03 147$2 DALL.ARA AVE ROSBMOUNT, MN 55068 15. JANELL R JOHHSON ' PID� 34-15200-1i1-03 1479C1 DALLARA AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 16. JAMES E & LYNETTE PATWEL.L PID�t 34-1 5201-080-04 14675 DAHOMEY AYE ROSEMOUHT, MN 55068 17. ROHALD E & K��'HRYN A KARGES PID� 34-152Q1-090-04 14655 DAHOMEY AVE ROSEMOUNT. MN 55068 18. CURTIS A & JOAHN WATKINS PID#� 34-15201-1Q0-04 14625 DAHOMEY AVE ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 19. RONALD JAGKELS PID#� 34-15201-030-05 13721 DIAMOND PATH APPLE VALI.EY, MN 55124 2Q.; JOYCE M LEE PID#�34-15201-�40-05 14598 DAHOMEY AVE ROSEMOUHT, MN 55068 . 21. VERNOH D 8� SHARRON B FOLVEN PID#� 3�-15201-050-OS 14620.DAHOMEY AVE � ROSEMOUHT, MN 55068 22. JAMES C & SALLY OMAN PID# 34-15201-OE�O-05 14646 'DAHOMEY AVE ROSEMOUNT, MH 55068 23. RICHARD & JEANETTE MACHO PID� 34-15201-070-05 14660 DAHOMEY AVE ROSEMOUNT, M�i 55068 � . 24. KORY M & LYNNE E HALTERMAH PID� 34-16401-070-01 i 14785 CRESTVIEW AVE - � ROSEMOUNT, MH 55068 I i � �� � � � � � � � � : !, � � � � � � 25. GARY M d� KAREN L HAGEH Pia� 34-16401-010-Q3 ' 14786 CRAHDALL AVE ROSEMOUNT, MM 55068 , 26. PROP OF ROSEMOUHT PID# 34-ib�401-050-01 2415 ANNAPOLIS LN �109 34-16401-060-01 � PLYMOUTH, MH 55441 34-16401-080-01 34-16401-�90-01 . 34-16401-100-01 � 34-16401-110-01 � � 34-164�1-120-01 � � `"' 34-16401-130-01 � 34-164Q1-140-01 � j 34-16401-010-02 i 34-16401-210-02 � ; 27. WM JACOBSON ASSOCIATES PID# 34-45300-010-01 9979 VALLEY VIEW RD 34-675�0-040-01 EDEH PRAIRIE, MH 55344 ;�� '� � � � � � d t , ` �.� . . . � . . � i:. . ' . . � . . . .. � . . . , . . � � . . . � . ' . �.. � . � � � .. . ` . � i J 1 � � ��t:. � . . . . � . . S � ; � , l i � � �t ikt . . � . � � . . . I.� . . �, � � � i d