HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. Limerick Crossing Watermain, City Project #201 j � � { AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS } � � � � �� � � County of Dakota ) � � i ; � � � � � � � � � � ; � � � PUBLIC NC�'�ICE 4 Iin�«�ctCroa�i�of►���m�nonv�atlR��u� NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, being duly swwe,on ooth says thot she is an outho�ized ogent and 1 TO WHOM T�'A4AY CONCERN , i� employee of the publisfier of the newspoper known as Dakoto County Tribune,and hos fuil knowledge NtYY�'IC� IS HEFlEB1' G1V�N, th� City n Council ot the Gfty o[Roeemount wtll hotd mf the facts which are s6ofed below: Public Hearings to considet tlfp itetns lieted below on 7Ueaday,July I$,1989,Ih the Coun- cil Chambets'ot t6e City Ftall, 2575;145th StreM Wat,beginning i►8:b0 p.m.or 0a soon therestf.�t�3 po�sible.Th�Public HeaNnga (A)The newspaper has complied witfi all of the requirements constetuHng qualification os a legol � listld beidw batlf{se�tatn W th�toliowitlg ti�«� � �t���'°�H��_ ' newspaper,as provided br Minnesota Stotute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other appiicoble lows,as amended. Cammencing at tfie notthW�st corner� the Northwesk�Quarter M.�the Southbast� � � � �� � QuattE�oi sald SeCtiofi 3b;thencp north 89 degreps,48 minutes,59 seconds,E�'st bn en �,...-F+ � ,asauined b�ari�lg 81ong the oorth Hne o[the (B)The prirMed Notthtvest Qhtarter o[the Stiutheast @uar• teC of said Stction 30,a distance bt l32.33 teet;thence South t degree,0o minut�s,55 S�'C�indS,We'9t,'g'�1istAnce Af�13.tlb fE�t tb' �i Ntq point uf beg�eNng;thenc�South t He- 8►�e,fN)rhinuteb;55 s�eonda,West,�dis• � , tance dt�g.81 feet �o the,centerlitit M Daid 8oi�l�v�td 8a pr�eatly located�nd , � ttavtled;tt►ed�Siwth ut bodd Bt�ulev�td, a d►stanet ot 485.y§tt�et;`thEnce North 1 which is attaehed was eut trom the columns of said newspoper,and wos priated and published a+ee degree,00 minut�,53 s�ondS,East,�dis- ' i tance of 538.12 fc�t• thehc�North 89 de- ; grees,�8►Ninutp3;5��ohds East,a di�-� � t�tice ot 41U.b2,feet tt1 the poi4t ot begin- ����rfa suoces�ir�e�weeks;it wos i f�1ng;Section 3�1,Tbwnship tIS,Ra�ge x8, � � � bakoui cai,rlty,Mlime�sot .`",= � ! I�w A:The purpr�ot t�i3'h�atin�i�to , - _ i Conatder the LiM�Hck Crussing�itelimi�ry first ublished on Thursda the_�_dar of �' �-" �-- � p(at.Thie ls A pr�d 32 utiit fiehtal,'f+iWn• ' P Y. ' � houaedevelopme t." Mrn�:"Fhe purptii►e of thi;Be�Nng:ia to C�Idet�a r�wnin�of tfi�ibuvE described j �'opetty�ttnht�1 �1grl�l�t!e,W R[�Rtrsi•: 19 � , and was thereaher printed and published on every Thunday to ond ineluding �1 1d�+Hal Mtfltlpi$,�"; � ! St�h�tetenna�1Y dl�ir!tA�tieard iYith tf• i t2re�it�to thie ebov��king av#4 be heard rt� � � � �Afi�m "tin� "� ,�,,. ; a Thursday,the darof �y . Dat�thts�tf��o�Jutyf i9�4 ��,, • • �t�pt�nJlli� � �miini9trhtimlClbt�t��'°""` �" �"" and prirMed beiow is a copy of the lower case alphobet hom A fo Z,both inclusire,which is hereby ' � City 6t Eios��r►oiult �f,�-„„ + ; bf�kotiCdFmfy,Mi1n�w►ota,"' , � r acknowledged os being the sise and kind of t'ype used in fhe composition and publitotion pf the aotice: � t99 a bcdefghi jk l m nopqrstuvwxyz , }1 , � ����t� + . �,�.� BY:_ TITLE:Secreta Publi� r ;� �� � � � � �� �t� � � � Subscribed end swwn to beiwe on this_.�c��day of "`' .19 . � � � � . � ( Notory Public � � �� � '� i CAROL J. HAVERLAND ,r::� . � ��,, �i ti.s� NOTARY PUBIIC-MIP1NE50TA " ,�����,� y DAKOTA COUNTY � �''•�,:�' M Cornmission Expires Dec 3,1989 � � ! �a � � ,. .ITE�it � � **********�*****,t*********�****�r�t*�*r1EM0****�**********�****�*****�**�********** DATE: JULY l�s 1989 T0: riAYOR & COUNCILr1EPiBERS C/0 CITY AAMINISTitATOR JIt�K FROr1: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEM FOR THE JULY 1$, 19$9 COUNCIL PtEETING PIJIlLIC IIFARING Limerick Crossing Watermain, Project �201 The purpose of this hearing is to consider installing a 16" trunk watermaa.n through the proposed Limerick Crossing Addition which Gouncil set after receiving the feasibility report on the June 20, 1989 meeting. Gouncil ardered the preparation of the feasibility report in response to a 100% petition signed by the property owners requesting the installation of watermain through the proposed Limerick Grossing Addition. Our representative from S.E.H. will give a short presentation of the findings of the feasibility study. Recommended action for Gouncil to consider is to adopt the attached resolution approving the project arid ordering the preparation of plans and specifications. N . � . _. , i . . E , � • � � j CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF LIMERICK GROSSING WATERMAIN, CITY PRQJECT 201 WHEREAS, the Gity Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from the developer and by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for Limerick Crossing Watermain, City Project 201; and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the feasibility report on City Project 201; and WHEREAS, the Gity Couneil ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Gity Council of the City of Rosemount tlereby orders the Limerick Crossing Watermain, City Projeet 201. ADOPTED this 18th day of July, �1989. � Rollan Hoke, rtayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk J � . • CITY OF RpSEMOUNT '— RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF LiMERICK CRQSSING WAT�RMAIN CITX PROJECT 2d1 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from the developer and by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report Limerick Crossing Watermain, City Project 201; and WHEREAS, the City Couneil has received and accepted khe feasibility report on City Projeet 201; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to receive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE I� RESOLVED, that the Ci,ty Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the plans and specifications for Limerick Crossing Watermain, Gity Project 201. ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1989. Rollan Hoke, riayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk . • F,r� }{r fY, •11) � � � � ��1 l� �)� '�ft 7!, t,4',I i I `;t W � ��17�.C�PA��I tfd T P�II�JNf`,tt1 n ',`�(1flt � � � �� `�,ose�c�r..r�rc�� � � � � F,,:, ,,�a� ,�„ AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE LIMERICK WAY - PHASE II WATERMAIN EXTENSION II PROJECT 201 j STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � COUNTY OF DAKOTA 3 )ss. ! CITY OF R05EMO�NT ) � Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: : I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. � On July 6, 1989, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at � the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the i United States Post Office of Rosemount, Piinnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing regarding Limerick Way-Phase II Watermain Extension, Project I6201, enclosed in sealed envelopes, ' with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with , their names. , There is delivery service by United States giail between the place ; of mailing and the places so addressed. ! � �� ' Ste an Jilk Administrator Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota :County, Minnesota � � i Subscribed and sworn to before me this �day of July, 19$9. i , i � � � 1 i _ I � , , i ' � ,.,.Y &��a� �a. ,�t-�a��at� � ` �"�5,...�F wotarr�rv��:--t.�:r�;,�sota �� D�i(OtA C{kniTY � � � � � � e���� l,IY�C�M,EXI"#1£S.X1Pif.11. 14t1? � � � � '�__ ,. .. ,. . . . .. .. � � � � � � i � � � � � ; , • ! ) • ��r, t�r,x ,1R � C ./,''/ f) 91t i f, 1�t'�111 �:t W •1'.. . ] Flt)SE Mt)UN T. MItJtJi `�r�I� ',',��i;�1 , �,U����'�vuyZL B12 ,i�i.a,ttt P U B L I C N Q T I C E NOTICE OF pU13LIC HEARING ON LIMERICK WAY-PHASE II ; WATERMAIN EXTENSION, PROJECT # 201 � TO WHOA1 IT MAY CONCERN: , t ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GYV�N, that the City Cnuricil of the City of Rosemotmt, � Minnesota, will meet nt 8:00 o'clock p.m. , or A9 C103C thereto A9 �A99J�1�(?� � T»esday, July 18, 1989, in the Cc�uncil Chambers of the City N�11, 2t375 14Sth i Street We�l, to eonsider the tnllowin�; im��rovements: I ! Pr�,jecl. Il?.0) , l�im�rick Wny-1'lin9� f 1 Wnl.�rmnii� rxtr��9i�iii I ` , , � The total estimated cost of said improvements is $65,000. . ; ,�� � � � � ; The amount to be assessed is e�timated to not exceed $37,500. , � The area proposed to be assessed for the foregoing improvements would gen�rally be a11 thaC area generally described as the west 1/2 of svutheast 1/4 Lying north f of County Road �42 except east 440 Ft and except beginnin� at the northwest ; corner, thence north 89D48t159S east 432.35 Ft, thence south IDOM55S west 593Ft, thence south 89D48M59S west 410.02 Ft to east lin� of Broback 2nd Addition, thence nort`h 1DOM55S east along east line 282•46 Ft to NE Corner Outlot 1 Br�back 2nd Addition, thence south 89D45r17S west along north line of Outlot 1 19.72 Ft to � west line of W 1/2 of SE 1/4, thence north Ob31Pt57S east 310.51 Ft to the point of .beginning, subject to Street Easement to City in Section 30, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Hinnesota. Such person as desires to be heard witli reference to the proposed imprc�vements will be heard at this meeting. Written or oral opinions will be considered. Dated this 26th da}� of June, 1989. � BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. ; . � �. � gtep n Jilk Administrator/ erk ! ' City of Rosemount � , , Dakota County, Minnesota ` i I � � � riailing for Public Hearing Limerick Way-Phase II Watermain Extension Project #201 Richard L. � Emmet Carroll 4485 Oak Chase Lane ; Eagan, MN 55123 � Bill Jacobson 9979 Valley View Road - Eden Prairie, MN' S5344 , � ' �'` i � � i , f ;� � � � � � , � , , � , ' , 3 i . j { � ( � � , � � €� � � i � � ; , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBUCATION STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS County of Dakota ) Pu�LI '�'� ��"�"'�� NANCY l. GUSTAFSON, being duly swwn,on oath says that she is an outhorized agent ond � NOI10EOf FUlUCHEARINGON ' i� employee of the publisher of the newspoper keown as Dokota County Tribune,ond has iul)knowledge UMfkfCK WAY.PHASE M � wATtRMAMI EXTEN3ION,PRo1ECT�►2ot of the facts which are stoted below: TU WHOM IT bIAY CONCERN: � . NbTICE I3 flEREBY C3IVEN, thet tha . �Cfty Cauncll ot ihe City o[R:oaemount,Min-�� ci�t�re�W���i61�e,p C'fu�dayjili�tg t; (A)The newspaper has complied with oll of the requirements constituting quolification os a legol 1989, Eri th�Ga�ll.Chambers of thk City€ � Hall,287314�th�tre�l Wl�t��W zfi6sid�r the; newspaper,as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.07 and other opplicoble lows,as omended. tollocving impcbv�fnEnf3 " � PrnJect�201,.,Linlerltk,WAy-�+hBtb li, (�� Wstti�c�ainExtcnsion, , : ��.._"�� �' c:.�,. j The total estitiiet6d troaf,bt said irnpWvb-; (B)The printed Wienta is$6�,000.,. � � o � � � The amdunt W 6��saessbd i��stimated�b`; � � � i � not e�eeed i37,5o0. '� , p " � � t�oing tnpr�uveiri�t►ts wau��d�generallytbeq �il t t are8�ener�lly desEeib�d�s tlie west= � � i/2 ot sor�t6easE 17A Lyiag�ibrth uS C��ntq�_ � � � � � Ttuad•42 exc�pt east 440 F't gnd�xcept fi�-> ginning at khe northwest corn�r,thence noFth` 89b48M593 �&st !132.3$ Ft, thence l�outfi`. ' ' which is ottaefied wos cut from the eolumns of soid newspaper,and was priMed ond published once , iDOM55S'�esf 593 Ft,'fhence soUth, � 89DaeM595,weat 410.02�'t ttf�ast llne ot Bro-; back 2hd Addition;th�neb tioftN IDOA355S� ` east Along eaSt Hne.28'i.�6 Ft.W NE Cotner', c._--}(�_� (3utlot 1 Broback 2rni AddiNdn;thence salth� each week,fw 1 successive weeks;it was e9D4SM75 west 61ong porth tine�,Outlnt 1. :197l�'t�owestiltf�pfWi/2bf5E5/4,thet�e' north bD�1btS7S e�A13i0.b1 Fi to the poiet ot a r� � �Jy,�r,_�,_ � begtn�►ing.sub(�et td �treet �asEmenf to- � first publisl�ed on Thursday,the `�` ' � doY� �+ C(ty#n Sccttod 90,Tuwnshi�s 115�Ratlgt if,' � bakataC�i�fy;1141nifesbta. � � . such pet�son�a�.,t►v�a eo t�I�esrd dvlen irt-; terenCe to ih�pro�Osed ihnprpveA►�nW v�u!` 19 �_ � and was thereoffer printed and published on every Thundoy to ond including be h�rd "et Ehis m�eti .,�W1rltten tw�orel� opiaiats will be coeside� . # �Datcd this ZBth day of June,19g9 { { �/' BY OftDER OE'1'HE CI'fY COIJNCI[,. � � \ {.y .�9 {-� : Stepnan Jpk ' ` ' � Thursday,the � 1 day of � ��` � Administt�ta�iCfe�c� ������� � Citybtftostni► u�!!� �� �,��.� £ and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,both inclusive,wfiich is i+e�eby DAki1�8 CGufity`�;Miptle�bt�; 94 ,, , �. .. „�,:;• <: 1�20; �, ocknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition ond publication of the notice: a bcdefgh ijkim nopq rsL�vwxyz ,�� � . . • � ' � __.»E.__ .�'f . . (i` , , � � BY: _.Z( �. ! � ,(,�;I (�. �t� , i r � TITLE:Secretary e blish6r i - � i i .I ! �� �,I `y�'G� f Subscribed und swom to befwe me this �-��" dar of �_ t�'-ti''� ,19�_. i � I �..,`..� 1 � } r � � � � . � � .�W�,�l..�Q_. `�' �.`.� �:�.-(�.-��c'.i.-�.,-F...�_''� _ i Norory Public i � CAROL J. HAVERLAND � ,',� � NOTARY PUBUC-MINNESOTA �,� DAKUTA COUNTY '''•'l�,:.: �ny Commissfo�Exp�res bec 3. 19fi9 ♦ t � s • • 1 a.�,���- **************�******�r**�*�t**�********r1EPl0*�t�r�********�*�*�****�*********�*�***� DATE: JULY 17, 1989 T0: riAYOR & COUNCILPtEPiBERS G/0 CITY ADPiINISTRATOR JILK FROri: CITY ENGINEER/PUBI�IC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE: ITEri FOR THE JULY 18, 1989 COUNCIL riEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS Lift Stfltic�n �14 Snnit.nry Sewer l:xt.�nsr.c�r�, Pr�ject 1�31 'I'lu� purpose of t:I119 publ'tc: heMri_iif; is Lo ��rese�at tf►e assr.ssmer�l` rc�11 Cha� Council ordered Staff to prepare at the June 20, 1989 meeting ancl hear public input regarding the proposed final assessment roll. Attached is a copy af the final assessment roll for Councils information. The original public hearing for this project was held April 5, 1988. At tha� time we had proposed on assessing on a unit basis but each unit would t�e equivalent to 150' . We later changed this to 85' to mare accurately refleet . typical single family conditions that we felt most aceurately defined the benefit from this project. The pending assessment based on that was $1,572 per unit. The contract cost were somewhat under our estimate allowing the finai assessment amount per unit to be $1,480.04, whieh is about 6� less than our originai estimate. The exception to this was that of the property owned by Ground Development lying east of Shannon Parkway. That property is responsible for paying for the easement eost to get the sanitary sewer to Shannan Parkway. The reason they are responsible for the cost is that their pending development pramoted the area then needed construction of the sewer line. 2he easement cost to date for this project is $17,900.56. The public hearing had estimated the easement acquisition to eost $10,000. Given a 10% allowance for being over estimated cost limits the amount we can assess Ground Development. Therefore their total assessment is $1i,000. However, we plan to recoup the remaining $6,900.56 as part of their development contract for the Shannon Hills Addition. Recommended action for Gouneil ta consider is to adopt the attached resolution adopting the assessment roll as proposed. , _ „ . � . . . r�'F'G_Ttwi;;T #i u 1 ___ �_j�-; ���TR T I11t•� u4 ':�Nt�1 i TNR'r' '�=�EWF'�: c:<;TEt�f:�T��i•� � , r hi�`_;E�;'��i�1Ei�11� 6�:-'L! _��.��.,_'_i..� �•�'i�1E:F= ,�;; :�l..;=T �_.("ii �=�L Lti'��T �•aFi�•1F r[�'!`_,T 'raHi•iF� HCiG�E='�;., Ci:T`i' '��T�ii`� ;'iP I_1taIF'_� "COTI=1i._ ..i-- � s c'cr i .c c i �. t� L,_ _.Sf 1.'. �_IiU �r_� li'n::Jt-i��t �i_.r_�C� L�rr_u_irnl ���":�+=i uCniiE•f`r't. ,.�,�+_1 I.J�1G.� FIS?r,. �-{t.JJ±.. ,.t:�111`s �.�.Y'f-;['��. .�=��lij ll :�.�,j.�(J(�l�.l'JI I � C�-:1. ?.�, �i: ., _i r J�..I��C'�wa ���l"�.HI' Cr 1� .a -1(J�:; c� 1-, ��l. C,.asr�ar_��_sn _,._�l`, <�'� �f��C7.�J�'' lg 1� t ' t. t�ltd � '= �G;� �� � � . �;;1"a1�� i i:.0 "�L:I H:���k:ir-�_: Jul-isi !i �U•yCl '�1�'_ 145�(7 �;t. f2�_i.:rm��urct. t'tt� .'-`��l.�E',�� 1 �1 a 1t�I1.1]=� w= I�i::l�.!I I�i iJ J.l+ -�L1 Fi�.L En �a�rlr� �x Is.'G^�:�C:��.-� �c_'�`� 1���t'r� '��t, �?C��`�i0c]ur�t, r'1{''t �:�..�il�br 1 �i,=��I.1,LI+� �-� !:J�f�1�1 �J::IJ �CI Rri�ier•�an _iuhn u: Jai���u�•l i ne �:'1 1 1��itl'i '��. F2r v-e�m�.-�ur+�. hiC•� 55CJ�G 1 �1��#UI],�Ja4 :':�. i�=;1::!1'� i�1�7 a.l. Fi.�u�ti:i r•�s Jr�t-�n � J�.:�r-� �I�'�� 1�E��4� '�,t, Pose�riaur.t. h1t� 55�3�8 1 �1,41;17.��-� Tot.ai H�. _ a �„� -��, �W���-�Y��r�t. HEttuunt �1_,����L,��. Ea_•-a,r�ent i�:�,�:t P.�i�� k��� �ity = '��,'��711.5r • N���i�ii�1^�.�1 I:c���l. {3�id by City_ _ �E�a,+��l.l.i�;=.'� TCtY�L - ���[t,.:.''v�3..h;, i'�.; �` i�:fi_��lf',i7 �Irata,?.lG�'J�Ilr'_��+� �.�.�y ,�i•�:+?�:1�=;�+� Zi�,t ,nor� t'.'�.�t"� !'-.�" jJ':'i.iin:lt'i�+i'"�� ��SE?�':SiT�c?t';t .=y�T�qLJ!`��. Y��f �I'�e r�r'C.�'=�..3t'l.( �-:3'.-«itlr�l'tS-..�. ?�'1� t.�:JT.=1� t_��:1��'ITih_-,f�t {�L75'� b)ca'3 �'1 a'_�����..1.JGa . i".F� 1:!'ir_= r_��ti�ir'„�Nr ���G9'jlJiJ,ct�.� i_:� C+e �.�i� ��a �1-i� ��it.y, • ! l • • � �� .. . ,,..,. CITY QF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSrtENT ROLL LIFT STATiON �4 SANITARY SEWER ERTENSION PROJECT N0. 181 WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law, the City Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for Lift Station �64 Sanitary Sewer Extension, Project No. 181, and has amended such proposed assessment as it deems just. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESDLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: (1) Such proposed assessment, in ttte amount of $19,880.22, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 19$9-25 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed imProv.ement. � . � . . (2) Such assessments shall be as follows: .—_ a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1990, collectible with such taxes during the year 1990. b. �o the €irst installment shall be added interest at the rate of eight and seven-tenths percent (8.7%} per annum on the entire grineipal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31 of the year in which such ainstallment is payabie. Ta each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added intexest for one year at said rate on the unpai.d principal amount of the assessment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the 4ounty Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no znterest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 3Q days from the date hereof; and sueh property owner may at any time prior to November 15 of any year pay to the County Auditor the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. � 4 � � 1'n�,� 2 . Resolution 1989 - (3) The Administrator/Clerk shall forthcaith transmit a certified duplicate copy of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax list of the County. ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 19�39. Roilan itoke, rtay�r. ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � . � , . . i . _ � �� � � � �� • �� �� ���� � ��•�� � �� � . ��{� ��,� �,,Q � ;ttt� � ,,,;�, ,���,,a <,, w , �,�, � ��� _� -� � r��7�;f��n-tr�ura i nniraNr�;t�i�n n�� ` �� � �,OS+�Y�I,�?,��M,�� � �,.� ,,,:� ��a,, j ; AFFIDAVIT QF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE � LIFT STATION �4 SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION ASSESSMENT ROLL � PROJECT 181 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOT� )ss. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Plinnesota. On June 30, 1989, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at � the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the 4 United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnes�ta, copies of the { , attached notice of public hearing regarding assessment roll for i Lift Station ��4 Sanitary Sewer Extensian, Project ��1$1 enclosed S in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, � addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings �at the � addresses listed with their names. . iThere is delivery service by United States Mail between the place �� { of maiiing and the places so addressed. 4 � } � � ; � � , �+f� C--� � Step an Jilk i Administrato lerk � 1 ,. City of �Rosemount • � " Dakota County, Minnesota � Subscribed and sworn to before me this �h,,Q day of�� , 1989. �. t � , � ) � . ; ' �_ � , I � � . , Not y Pu » j y d� '�, St93�.�d F.l. J[�'��.� 4 � ������� r�a�raz������a,r:�Tn :���� as.r,�a��.�rr � � �ev ca�na+ Exva�s s� ��. w� i r � ; , � J :i.: . . . � . . . t . i � i • _ i � �� rt„ i„ �y. � I � 's }ip(0.T ' �r , `."; �� i rr � ���1 y v -,�_ „ .,�� � . . ,. , . ,�s � ; , . . ._ , ,- . , � It ) ! ,� M ���� � . � ..��r �; 'f•A(ii Jt �Fl If ': ,A �.�t�ltft ' � �� Y� � � � ���� " _ � �������Y�������.� � , f;l:, 1..4 .1111 NOTICE OF IIrARING ON ASSFSSPIENTS � ; FOR LIFT STATION �4 SANITARY SEWER EXTfNSION ' OF' 1988, CITY PROJECT N0. 181 ; i , j ++ TO WHOM IT PtAY CONCERN: 1 � { 4 ' �,, j TIriE AND PLACE Notice is hFreby given that the City � GENERAL NATURE OF Council of the City of Rosemount, � ' IPiPROVEAtENTS: Piinnesota, will meet in the City Hall in �� the City of Rosemourit, Ptinnesota, on the 18th day of July, 1989 at 8:00 p.m. , or as , _ soon thereafker as possibXe, to eonsider ' objections to the proposed assessments for Lift Station #4 Sanitary Sewer Extension , of 1988, City Project No. 181, heretofore ` ordered by the City Council. { , 4 ; ASSESSMENT ROLL The proposed assessment roll is on file j OPEN TO INSPECTION: with the Administrator/C1erk and open to { public inspection. � � j - AREA PROPOSED The area proposed to be assessed consists � - TO BE ASSESSED: of every lot, piece or parcel of land �� benefited by said improvements, wtiich has a ! ` been ordered made and is as follows: The ' � SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 & the W 1/2 of the NE � ' 1/4 of Section 30, Township 115N, Range � 19W, in Aakota County, Plinnesota. � , TOTAL APIOUNT The total amount proposed to be assessed � ` OF PROPOSED is $19,8$0.22. E WRITT�N OR ORAL Written or oral objections Will be ; 08JEGTION5: coneidered at the hearing. 1 j RIGHT OP' APPEAL: An owner of property to be asaesaed may � appeal the assessment to the district , court of Dakota County pursuant to � rlinnesota Statutes, Section 429.081 by servin� notice of the appeal upon the �; Ptayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days i after the adoption of the assessment and � filing such notice with the district court wiChin ten days after service upon the riayor or Clerk. + � ���<<��� � � � � ,.. ;' � ! • � i ; � . ; � � � � � � � � ' LIt1ITATION ON � No �p�e�l mny l�e tnken n9 t� the nmciiint �►f API'h;ALt nny nqyc+s9meul: tt�lc�pCRcl I�y the CiLy i;o�t�ir.il unlcss n wr.itten ot�jeckion si.�ned by Chc affected property owner is filed witli the ~ G1erk prior to the assessment hearing or ' presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. All objections to the + assessments not received at the assessment I , hearing in the manner prescribed by � rtinnesota Statutes, Section 429,0G1 are � waived, unless the failure to object at � the assessment hearing is due to a � ` reasonable cause. � DEFERMENT OF `r{ � ASSESSriENTS• Under the provisions of Ptinnesota • Statutes, Seckions 435.193 to 435. 195, the � City may, at its discretion, defer the payment of assessments for any homestead j property owned by a person 65 years of age � or older for whom it would be a hardship � � to make the payments. However, the City has elected not to establish any deferment procedure pursuant to those Sections. SPECIFIC APiOUNT TO The amount to be specifically assessed �' BE ASSESSED , against your 'particular lot, piece of � parcel of land ia shown on the attached � Exhibit A. � i � PREPAYNtENT: You ma � � ` y prepay the eptire assessment to the Treasurer of the City until the i assessment roll is certified to the Covnty , ' Auditor; after certification to the County � , Auditor, prepayments of the entire amount , � remaining due may be made to the City Treasurer at any time prior to November 15 in the year this assessment is adapted. . ; NO PARTIAL The City Council has not avthorized tile , �� partial prepayment of assessments prior to ; `, certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the County i Auditor� j ; PREPAYINENT WITHOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire j INTEREST, OR WITH assessment is paid within 30 days from INTEREST TQ END OF the adoption of the assessment roll. At I YEAR: { any time prior to November 15 of any year � following the year the assessment is � certified, the owner may prepay to the �` City Treasurer the whole assessment � remaining due with interest accrued to � December 31 of the year in which the i prepayment is made. I I � ��� � � , !I ; . - i • • I ; , ; ; INTEREST RATE: If the assessment is not prepaid within 30 days from the acloption of the assessment { roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate vf 8.7�. Interest ; accrues from the_ date to be s�ecified in � tlie resolution levying the Rssessment, but not earlier than the date of such resolution. � �� Dated this 26th day of June, 1989. �.. � � . j � . . . . j BY ORDER OF fiHFs CITY COUNCT.i,. � j L � eph Jilk � Admi istrator/ , rk � City of Rosemo nt Dakota County, P[N I 1 I ; , . � , t � � � . i � , ; � � , � � ; i � � , ,. , ; : ; �,>� _ , ; i . � i I r I � ; ( 4 �-���. ' . . . . � � � �. . . . � � . � . . � �f.;�.... . . � . � . • • EXIIIBI'P ��A�� . I�';actt;•� I'•It':�. � �_1`�, .'.�... 1 f'.r47 . �. . : �.i 'i1111 �. ':�Y...`, t=;f.��1��1i. r... �.'� f Er�fi.r�;1 1:'tl`i �� � . �...:L�' �: �:r�'.c:11'.].i.:il'1 ��'� La'.T:=i4��5a!h(OE11lt: (`I't'r3r_lY'l.l'li.a: ;1�.�.1 ..✓ i.t::3, 1';1�:3�i l•a�5���rncarit. I:)�..iF:;,� ��i.�i:ri.��,t:. 1. �' . L��'f::;`: 'Y'f?c3Y..�=� ::i,'�1'"l•_?ui f,i: . t.Jri;i k,s_: i':irz�e.:n ti�t:. r- r.�.> r�;_���,fw �a• Fal 1 e?ri (::;E::rr.iE_, ;:,. I r:�t�c.�r...c:::a:� � ► `i12��. �:;:� . ;�;�� t:► :';c.�i��t t��.1t:i xii�a �•l.l ].�::ari , t.a�l:i�!.t.f�7 •�.•�• :�>i.il_�t.��,�:.al #.�. , 1. c�; � 1 �if:;�,>.. t?�I w•� f�nt�t�r i:,i�ri • � ,7<:�r_r.:�����'i :i.r�yc:a 1. , "' ,I t:�l�r'� ,.. ::',<.4 t�...�►1�:� c��°�'t► •'1i:► t�r�iiie:.,r..�c:iri y' 1 1 ��Its�,, �r::�. a if t l�..1 t_(::l t:�l� k'�' � �i;�� �ti:::� Kc•k• �"�6�UJ�::].1'1� �.�(':}�711 t'� �.aCiK1f.Y �. ( �@:��.� �1.i:4 ..,tF {:�;';{��t t"i �::►1.�:i :::e� I I�aa�4;i r����:� 9. ,7c:�tir� :,. �J���a�ri ;;.<:� �:►:_',�:�1�:► ii'Lfi ��1 F�I���,�I:incs _ ,_� ,_, `,';:;��_i R.��.:. .�.•�• c:'s�.�t�t:.ca•t:.G-�1. �..�. .,... i:� I. t�.:,c�c,1 ��i.) �..�!� Iric �.yr����c�r-���.�cl -. . :;;Sl �.i..:s,l.t.� c:r.i�:f 9:::'. 1:r���:�r.�rF:�c:n�'r_a�t:.t�rt::l t:r;i._cn_�ri�l ti�-;t✓r.,:l c�yF7rnk�i�r1'. r ,i I I -.:�i:��.i,. �.:�x:.> " •�k: ;:i�..�l:a r.c�i::;a 1 ��� • ..:`:+'f �t �..1 t:.: i •}�•'k �_)�:1'..�a��F� ` � �.. .�. �..E.Y .. l..l . 1 ... ,�j.:.�� .. .a - rr .....� l:��F .�;t� �.y:�;�.�1.�:1 t��l ::.. ?:�7' �it.t•�Fa�r_a ,_ ,:'�.�c.E.>��:r<!:i I �•�e• ;::i�a I:�t:.r.y i:a�1 � � ' � I+:.;,.���i ..,. ; , ,�.i, '� k•!F•�iF• �f�'f'.i:i�. '�"k"k' ,�.� t . j I i i , j • � � " 1 �� � � � � � j ( � i � 3 � , � j � � � � � � . � � . � . � . : . . If �.�. . � � � . � . I �.-� �. � . . . i , 1 .�;::. � . . � . . . . . . � . 1 i i _ � � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION , Pt�B�.����N+�T�G�� ::`� i:'� � � � � � � � � �` �� ""'°"�°�"'"'°"* � ° � STATE OF MINNESOTA � � SS � � NOTItE C1i NLARINfi Opi it,tStSSMEN?S 10�UMtRItK WAl'1MATERMAIN EkTEMlION COUI7�/ O� DQkOtC� � bi 19t1i.d'f�MtOIEtT NO.if�7- :� '' 7Y1 WHOM 1T FlAY'CONCEttN: ; � F TiME AND PGACE;tiENEFtAL NATUti� � � 0�' iMYROYEMEMfS: Notice i� hereby f givNt t6�t the Ctty GOundi)ot th�GYry of I�Ole- mbudk;Min�eeoW,will meet in the City Hatl ; (n th!City of Rosema�nt;Miro�etota;on th+e 18th day o(July,1989 at 8fbo p.m.,or as aoon: � ther�aEter es p�ible,tbtonslder objeetioro e to the proposed aese39menta tor LimeMek. • NANCY J. GUSTAFSON, 6eing duly swan, on oath says that she is an outhorized agent and Wey WBtermein Exteh�ion ot t988,City Prb-` ° • employee of the pubiisher of the newspaper known as Dakota Couoty Tribune,ond has full knowledge Ject No:•iS9{hbtetolata,a'deted by the City i'� GabuerciL y= " - of the faets which ore sfoted below: AS3ESSMEfVT ROLb OP�IV TO INSP�C• TION:ThE propoaei!assessment rot}is on 81e with the.AdministtBE�tGl�rl[;;and.ope�t�p publie inspecti6n.>, ;f, ,., •< . AREA PROPOSEIi T0 B� ASSESS�D:� (A)The newspaper has compiied with all of fhe requirements constifuNng quolificotion os o legal The orea proposed ta be t��essed consisb ot every lot,pl�te er pei�cef of land benetited by newspaper,os provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A,02,331 A.07 and other applicable laws,os amended. 1 auid improvementa�,whieh�s bEenordered made and ia as tollows: The northwest quarter ot the southesst qc�rter ot Section� � � end is immediately east of Sh�nrron Parkway (B)The printed 'E- c � and rwrth ot;Dodd;BoutevaM.knowq �1t• � Limerick Way . ; . TUTAL�AMOlJNT QF PROPOSEb: '�'1�e? � �� �tbtal amounf pra�ki�e�i to�be;a�leses�ad��ir� ��t58.50. . ,.t. i � "��V�['��t�RFtAt�Alt+.oat �'f NSi,WF11;+� � � i�n ora��d4i,l�deMp.r�ldb��.. � �pe: ; ll�aring:,�,. �i , �� � , �,E ti� �� RtGNT OF'AP'P'LA�.:An owner o�pr�• i !y to be asseased may appeal the assessment, i tq the distriet C�n't af pakota County put- which is attoched ww cut from the columns of aaid newspoper,aed wes pri�Med and publisMed onue. s�nt lo Minnesota Statutes,Sectiwt 429.1�1: by aerving noNCe ot�the appeal upoH the Mayor a�Clerk o�the�ity witliln�days af'ter; �,,, i thp ad�tioe o[tl�asses.sment and filtng such each week,for ��.t ) t successive weeks;if wos notiCe with th�dis�ict couri within teq day� , sttlr;service upoa he,Mayor or Clerk._ j LtMI'fA21of� ON XPPEAL: No a�pt�11, ! may b�taken as W the amount o�any asaae- C�� ''� ' ment adopted by the City Council unleea i ' fint publisl+ed oe Thu►sdoy,fhe doy of � �^--h"1 �-- . � wtitten abjectlon e�gned by the attecte�pro-+ P�'�Y owner is tlled with the Clerk prlar!o the ; eatffieasment.}rearing or pt�esented .to tfiE �G' [�idi�Mnce�"ettheheari� Allobjeciium; 19 � , ond was thereaker printed and published on every Thunday to und ineluding ' ia Uee easessmenhi nat receivec�at the asae�e-; � mrM heari�ng In the manner pr�cribed by: Mimleaotil Stahlte�9�SeCt3on 429,be1 ate wpiv;; / _ � � Q �"< � ed,unles�s the faiiure t3 bb�et at the as�; Thursday,the��'_` day of ��` ,19`) �; ment hearing ia du��o�r�asonable cause.� �DEFERMENT b�'ASSESSMEN7'S;Uedet'- and pfi�Ned below is o copy of the lower cose alphabet hom A to Z,both inclusire,which is hereby , �mo�isia�s of Mirutesot8 StatUteB.SectiM�e ��4s5.193 fo 435.t95;t(�City may,at!ts discre-- �, a�knowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: tion,deter the,payment ot assessments far. j U any homestead ptoperty oWnCd by e peMon abcdefghijkimnopqrstwwxyz i f es yesrs af age or oider for whom!t would be= �e hArdship to make the paymenta.Eiowevet., r1 � the City has elected not tc�establish any defer- d � �ment procedure putsu8nt to those 9ectiatll. � ,, � x paied this 26th day ot June,1869. / _�T�__ � � � ��Y oBDER oF'�HE�ITX COUNCIt�. `�� � BY: L.!_�4 �..r_. . �-'i � , ,' � ; , Stephan Jilk ° r „ r�, ,�: TITLE:Seereta e P lisher ' � � kdr�inistratar/Clert[ : a*�d�=,�,�c� �Y , City ot Rosemaunt ,. � bakata C�unt�rrldfanaeW,r u ,� � . f `�A .>..�`r� lt-1! } � t�� — Subseribed ond swwn to before me on this�dar of �� ��-�,19�. � � � -----,r , �� � � +� , ...�.)..o._..5� �.�•..�..� N�.,��w�� /,�"' CAROL J. HAVERLAND /�e u��Lrt NOTARY PUBLIC-MRJNESOTA ���*�,� DAKOTA COUNTY i �.r My Commission Expires Dec 3. 1989 � � � � � . _ � � o� �'J�/ ��r*�**********�***�*�r�**�*�******�*�r�*P1EM0**�t****�*****************�************ DATE: JULY 17, 1989 T0: PIAYOR & COUNCILPtEAtBERS G/Q GITY ADPtINISTRATOR JILK FROr1: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS AIRECTOR HEFT� RE: ZTEr1 FOR THE JULY 18, I9$9 COUNCIL PtEETING PUBLIC HEARINGS Limerick Way Watermain Assessment Hearing, Gity Pro,lect 1.93 The purpose af this public hearing is to provide public input to the proposed assessment of watermain improvements for the Limerick Way Addition. Under czty contract a 16" watermain �aas built within the Limerick Way Addition. In accordance wi.th City policy we are assessing the cost af a 6" equivalent watermain to the Limerick Way Addition property. The lateral benefit cost amount to $24,158.50. Because there is only one iot, the entire amount will be assessed against it. According to the development contract the assessments shall be , payable ovez a period of 5 years at an interest rate of 8.7%. Upon completion of the public hearing, recommended action far Council to consider is to adopt the attached resolution adapting the assessment roll for Limerick Way Watermain Extension, Project ��193. � , . T Pf=�CtJE.t:;T tt l y:�' --�- �th1E�I Gk: W�i�r' WNT�Ph1rl I t� E:,�;TEha�I nha , H���1i�£t�iT �!CIL.L ���'c.�t. r•a1_Iri�;�za � � ��..�r �_��r �,�. �H��j� r�Hr�ic F�zw�;r r�Mr��� �,�o��.�,s :�� .�=,_;���� �_�i�� .-�� ,.�,���:��b__ar, ;. �I'1",' �-rM�r� �z� �Jh�I'T�_, rn�r�� Wi 1 I x,:�m �9�"3 t��l Ie�� �•;i�w R��,3tIE+��r� �r.�riF t•1M 5c��4�# ! �'�.:.'�4, 1..�_,G�,�I� � _ � < w � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � RESOLUTION 1989 - A 1tESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT RQLL I�IPfERICK WAY WATERMAIN EXTENSION PROJECT N0. 193 EJIi�R�AS, pursuant to noticP duly �;i.ven �s required by law, th� City C�uncil lias tnet, tieard ancl pa9sed ui�on 111 �l�jec.t:i�ns to the pr�posed rtss�4sm�nt: [or L,imer.i_r.k Way WaLermain 1,xtensior�, Project No. 193, ancl has Rmendec} such pr.�Pos�d assessment as it deems just.. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Gouncil of the City of Rosemount, Plinnesota, as follows: (1) Such psoposed assessment, in the amount of $24,158.5Q, a copy of which is in Clerk's File 1989-25 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement. �2) Such assessments shall be as follows: a. The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments ,_, extending over a period of five (5) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 1990, collectible with such taxes during the year 1990. b. To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of eight and seven-tenths percent (8.7�) per annum on the entire principal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable. To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be aaaea interest for one year aC said rate on the unpaid principal amount of the assessment. c. The owner of any property so assessed may at any time prior to the certification of the assessment or the first installment thereof to the 4ounty Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such proper�y with interest accrued to the date of payment to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the date hereof; and sueh ��operC'y owner may at any time prior to November 15`of any year pay to the Gounty Auditor the entire principal. amount of the assessment remaining due with interest acerued to December 31 of the year in which said payment is made. . i �! Page 2 ,� Resolution 1989 - ' (3) The Administrator/Clerk sha11 forthwith transmit a certified duplicate copy o� this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax list of the Gounty. ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Atayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk � � . „ . t . � , 1 • • {'(l 13l1;( ,it) �. ��� �t�t��r� �,��,1N tii� W � ���)�� U� RC)`;F MC)�iN T P�11t�iNE ',t�Tn �„f)6R i 7 � � � � � c !,?t �} � � � � � � f;t;�, ,t?�t.q411 � ��J��llVlrl i� � � AFFIDAVIT OF MAILED AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE LIMERICK WAY WATERMAIN EXTEN5ION ASSESSMENT ROLL i PROJECT 193 , � � ; � ' ; STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � COUNTY OF DAKOTA F )ss. CITY OF ROSEM,OUNT ) �r, Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: i j I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk of the � City of Rosemount, Minnesota. ' On June 30, 1989, acting on behalf of the said City, I .posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the ' " United States Post Office of Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the � attached natice of public hearing regarding assessment roll for � Limerick Way Watermain Extension, Pro.ject 4i193 enclosed in sealed � � envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the ' persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed i with their names. � ` There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place ! of mai`ling and the places so addressed. ( , � �.� � � � . . . � . � �. F ��.��... . . .. . , Step n Jilk ' Administrator lerk �' City of Rosemount i Dakota County, rtinnesota r • �-��,���,/ , � �e' 1989. Subscribed and sworn to before me this �day of � , I , � � � � � � � � � �� � � ` � � � � No ary Publi �y Slled+Ji�1. .h^aG:t3t)i9 � , r`a��, NOTARY PUBUC—lk'f���OTA ( , Il�O�A GOl3NT't � � AtY COIA,YI EXF`J�FS.kp'eE 11. W(�t � r j � - G � , i ' ; i��`���� � � � � � � � � � i . � � � � . • . . ` � . • . . - � �1.'(1 f3f 1X '��11) . � ' � (`'ll �/ E)� :'Ri�, 1.](iTfi '�f W i ` � ,l {1r7SF M�)!�M1 ti1tNNf�,tl l� ',',!`fft � . � __ �,c�seYvtor,lnl �;� � .,.�� .,,,, NUTICE OF �iFARING ON ASSESSAfENTS � FOR LIMERICK WAY WATERr1AIN EXTCNSION � OF 198�3, CITY PROJECT N0. 193 , : � i ;: � ( TO WHOPt IT riAY CONC�RN: t j , � , � t:r+ � � � TIr1E AND PLACE Notice is hereby given that the City ! GENERAL NATURE OF Council of the City of Rosemount, IMPROVEMENTS: Ninnesota, will meet in the City Hall in the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, on the 18th day of July, 1989 at 5:00 p.m. , or as soon thereafter as possible, to r.onsider objections to the proposed assessments for Limerick Way Watermain Extensi.on of t988, � City Project No. 19J, hcreLc�Lore orclere�t by the Gity Council. � � ASSESSMENT ROLL The proposed assessment roll is on file � OPEN TO INSPECTION: with the Administrator/Clerk and open to i public i�ispection. � . � r � '- AREA PROPOSGD The area proposed to•be assessed consists i TO BE' ASSESSED: of every lot, piece or parcel of land ; , benefited by said improvements, which hns been ordered made and is as foliows: The l ' , northwest quarter of the sovtheast quarter � of Section 30 and is immediately east af , , Siiannon Parkway and north �f Dodd Boulevard known as Limerick Way. ; ; � ` TOTAL At10UNT The total amount pr.opased to be assessed I OF PROPOSED r' is $24,158.50. i i ` WRITTEN OR ORAL Written,or oral objections will be � OBJECTIONS: considered at the hearing. , ; ; jRIGHT OF APPEAL: An owrter of property to be assessed may � ' appeal the assessment to the district court of Dakota County pursuant to i riinnesota Statutes, Section 429.081 by i serving notice of the appeal upon the � � Ptayor or Clerk of the City witliin 30 days after tlie adoption of the assessment and � filing such notice with the district court ( within ten days after service npon the � Piayor or Clerk. � , , � 3 � . . . . . . � . . . ' � . . � ! � • � I I LI1�iITATION ON No appeal may be taken as to the amotmt of A�PEAL: any assessment adopted by the City Council ` ' unless a written objection signed by the � affected property owner is filed with the� ' Clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding offi�cer at the � hear,ing. All objections to the � assessments not received at the assessment ; hearing in the manner prescribed by i` rtinnesota Statutes, Section 429,061 are ` waived, unless the failure to object at ; , the assessment hearing is due to a , 4 reasonable cause. DEFERMENT OF ` Under the provisions of Ptinnesota ASSESSMENTS:� j`w' Statutes, Sections 435. 193 to 435.195, the � City may, at its discretion, defer the ' 1 , � payment of assessments for any homestead property owned by a person 65 years of age or older for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments. However, the City � has elected not to establish any deferment � , procedure pursuant to those Sections. � , ' SPECIFIC AMOUNT TO The amount to be specifically assessed BE ASSESSED against your particular lot, piece of parcel, of land is shown on the attached , { v Exhibit A. , � ' �( PREPAYNiENT: You may prepay the entire assessment to ' # the Treasurer of the City until the • i assessment roll is c�rtified to the County � Auditor; after certification to the County Auditor, prepayments of the entire amount � '� � �remaining due may be made to the City ' � f # � � Treasurer at any time prior to November 15 ' in the year this assessment is adopted. � � ' NO PARTIAL The City Council has not suthorized the i ` partial prepayment of a'ssessments prior to � certification of the assessment or the � ` ,. first installment ther'eof to the County r �° - Auditor. ;, , 1 , PREPAYPIENT WITHOUT No interest shall be charged if the entire ': INTEREST, OR WITH assessment is pai.d within 30 days from { INTEREST TO END OF the adoption of the assessment ro11. At YEAR: any time prior to November 15 of any year following the year the assessment is certified, the owner may prepay to the � City Treasurer the whole assessment � remaining due with interest accrued to , December 31 of the year in which the' prepayment is made. � � : � � • � INTEREST RATE: If the assessment ia not prepaid within 30 days from the 'adoption of the assessment roll, interest will accrue on the assessment at the rate of 8.7%• Interest - accrues from the date to be specified in the resolution levying the assessment, but not earlier than the date of such , resolution. � ; Dated this 26th day of June; 1989. r � BY ORD�R OF THE CITY COUNCIL. _ � � f�� ZC.� Ste an Jilk � � Ad nistrator/ rk City of Rosemount Dakota County, MN I ' 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � t � , � � � � . � . , I �., _ i ; ' � ; . ; , , , ,,, � y ; ; ,. , 1 " I ; : , ; ; ; j � , � , I � , , � � , : ' � � � i � � ; ; i - ! _ �XHIBIT ��A�� . 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