HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Approve Spec's / Authorize Ad for Bids - Limerick Crossing Watermain, City Project #201 � � � ; , � � � AFFIDAVIT Of PUBLICATION , � � � � � � P�JBLl+� N�TICE , , ; �n,►�►��E,�o�,►� �+�oFM����»��s STATE OF MINNESOTA ) I ` ' t FOR LIIT StXTIQN+1 � l SS � 3ANITARY SEWER EXTENSION COUI7� OI DCIkOtC) � ''". <OR 1lM,�!1'Y/k0lE!C1'NO.1t1:'*"^� ; 'M WHOM Tf MAY CO[VCERN: 7'tME AND PLACE,G�NERAt,NATIJtiE �OP' lMPRd�EMEN'1'8':N+ftlt� ia;Mpreby ;ma�m Mi�es t�er,�m�tin the C�tq i�iali •iiu the City at RorettfOW►t;lHtnnasote,a�tt� � �18th dap ot July;1869 a`t tl:d0 p.etY.,at��i►oun th�eesiter ee poesible,td c�sider objecti�i - NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, being duly sworn,on oath says that she is an authorised agent ond 'ko tht propoecd ass�asMent�tar Ufl StadorR °"�3anitarq Sewe�t Extet�iari ot 1988,GYty�Pra ""' employee of ihe publisher of the newspaper known os Dakoro Coantr Tribune,and has full knawtedge ' cl No,t81,hereGHot��rdei�&I by�ihe�E��� � � ' ASSi�SSMEN'1'RUfi fi.OPEN 1'O IN9F�C• of the facts which are stated below: �"f10N:Thep�p�¢�aa�e.ssment rbli b on 8k' `with the Adminigttator/Clerk b�nd b�to ;publiC it�specd�., ,., ,, . . �REA FRUPOSED,TO BE AS3ESSEn: (A)The newspaper has complied with all of the require�nents cansNfuting quolification os a legal '�°��bp°B���g�E�°���g�°� newspape►,os provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02,331 A.Q7 ond other opplicable lows,os amended. ;t'vdy Ihf,piecb��bai��l ol lahd b�nefite�by aid ir►tptuvEm�b,which hes 6een otdercd � j made�ahE is ge tdlNstive:The SE�/4 M the NVV � ±1/��the W 1J3 oE the NE:t/4 bi SecUon 30, � P_.c 'fio�mshlp i15N�Raeg6191N;iie Dakot8l Carn• (6)The printed ��tY�Minnestota. �; ' � , � � � TOTAL AMOUNT bP'PA6POSED'. '1'he , total ama�nt propo�e�i W be a�seeeed � � E t19.A811.�.� � , � ; wferrrEN�oR ot�ni oea��t�torrs:w�te- ,ten ar onu ob�tlouh adll be c,�ldaea ec rha ' RIGHT 0�APpEAL��At���e�r ot propet•�� � � � � � � ;ty w ne assds�a may ap�1 th�assessment `ta the'dietrfct c4urt of�bekbt�Coun � �'�'' wt�ich is attoched was cut hom the columns of said newspoper,ond was printed ond published oece � Stlptlt t0 Millt�otll Stettttbd,SeCtIm1429.Os1 �bs eerWng noilc�e � tfie a�p�[�i upon the b�Ay01'or Cld'k Of thC City WiWt190 de jy fftp' ` i fheadoptionoftheassessmentandtilingsucN eoeh week,fw �T,- 1 .�� C) ; successive weeks;it wos �iEe with the diatrlct coutt wikhin ten daye 'if�serviceupon ihe Mayar or Clerk.' � E LIhfITATION QN APPEAL: Nb���1� � '�(� I �r►yaq be taker�As to thk amount M An�+assers- -�'j..� �..J L.�l._ '`C�1� � meht adopted by the City Cotjncil unl+eae!` . first published on Thursdoy,the day af • • 's wMtten qbjecdcn aigned by the atfected pvf- �P�Y d�Gt fi�d�vlth the Glerk�i�ta the E � �ea�s.m�t�h�rih� br pre�entea�to t!�� � G� �presidl�oftic�r at tF�e hearing.All oh�eti�, 19 � , and wos thereaka printed and published on every Thursdap to and ineluding � ta ttle as�bsmenb t�►!�eivbd at the�sse�s• ; _ �md1E hear�ng tr��th�,mAm�r�rrescdbed by i t4tinnesbta Statutes:SdcHrni 1Z9,oel lre waW ��� (� -� �c i �ed,4hleae the�ailw+�td objtct�t t6e a3ae�- Thursday,tbe�.�_day of ` � � •19�; F�Yn�t h���n�ht+�e tii a reasoiiable c�t�� I i DE�ERMEN7'OF`ASSF�S4MENfS:UMAMr 1 the p�vbio�M MiY�n�ot�gtgtut�y�SecWont ond primed below is a eopy of the lower case alphobet from A to Z,both iMlusire,w6ic6 is herebr '�,96.i93 to 199.193,tl�e City may,at its diseri- �tibn,defe?the payhten!M a�se�sment�tut f aekeowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the eomposition and publieotion of the notiee: =8tty hOmettead prop�rty owned by a petslm abcdetghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz : INtdthl�fs m8ke�de�C tor whom it wonld b! p payment�.Howevet, i r the City�hab eketed ti�t W eatablish any def'�• meot prbcedure�Yinasnt to thase 5ectiotu. ' 1f1 ° Uated thf:28th daq ot June,1989. J/ !� � � BY dRDEA b1�9'HSGi'!'Y COtiNGIL�r};," BY: � �L✓�-�L r_ -�� �'�°St�phatt dlik e'`�• ~r����s� �� a,,�:r� � � mLE:Secreto e P lishe�f.� � a,�AdnfinisErBta�lCl�rk�x�xi,��i�3� ���,., ry he � , ` CIt�1+Of ROSAhtoUl�t c •, ; i�1�oCn C�Y ldlt�enti �Ir� ,19�. �:'.'� � �<a r : tE-t9 ` } l,� � - Subscribed ond sworn to befo►e me n this�LJ_!�doY of ,,. , � ,�..,.� �� � ,��.� ` � _.,_..----. Notary Public N/Mk���� vF��.�No r;:•�,, CARO�J. HA NpTARY QUBUC h� r�'S�T� � '��= QAKOTA COIJtl�Y �� �!t�' My Qomml55fon Expires be� 3•19iSg � , ,.:.. • • �T�� # � � ******************�*****************P1Eri0******************�*****�***********�*** DATE: 1ULY 14, 1989 T0: PtAYOR & COUNCILriEMBERS C/4 CITY ADMINISTRAT�R JILK FROPi; CITX ENGIN�ER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEFT RE: ITEM FOR THE JULX 18, 1989 COUNCIL PlEETING NEW BUSINESS �prove Plans & Speci£ications/Authorize Ads for Bids, City Contract 1989-9, Limerick Crossing Watermain, Ci� Project �i201 100� of the property owners petitioned for this project. Because of this, we were able to begin plan & specification preparation concurrent with the feasibility study which is why we are able to have plans & speeifications for Council to approve at the same meeting that the public hearing is held. Recommended action for Gouncil to take is to adopt the attached resolution approving the plans & specifications and setting a bid opening date of August 11, 1989. a . _.., � � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �.. RESOLUTION 1989 - M ,. .,A,, RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLAN5 AND SPEaIF�CATIONS � • • AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT pF BIAS LIMERICK CRQSSING WATERMAIN PROJECT �201 WHEREAS, the Consulting Engineers for the City have prepared final plans and specifications for Limerick Crossing Watermain, Project �201, and such plans and specifications have been presented to this CounciT for approval; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Gity of Rosemount, Ptinnesota: 1. Such plans and specificatians are hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. 2. The City Clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official City newspaper and in the Construetion Bulletin an advertisement for bids ugon the making af such improvements under sueh approved plans and speci€ications for Project �i20I. -- 3. The advertisement shall be published in each of said publications at least once not less than three (3) weeks before the date set for opening bids, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be publicly opened on August 11, 1989 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at Rosemount Gity Hall in said City and that no bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City Glerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or certified check payable to the City Clerk for five (5%) percent of the amount of such bid. ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1989. Ro11an Hoke, riayor � � ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk