HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Town Green Ad Hoc Committee L � • • �-. . �� �� � � . l July 13, 1989 � T0: Council Members FROM: Mayor Hoke RE: Town Green Ad Hoc Committee Charge Charter: The purpose of the Town Green Ad Hoc Committee is ta serve the Park Board and City Conncil as a fact find�.ng work group that will provide direction in regard to pro�ect desi�n, location, funding, and promotion. Backs�raund: '�he Tawn Gr�an A� Hoc Coarmittee' � p1�ce in �Che loc�l government organizatian i� descr3.bed below. CITY COUNCIL PARK BOARD PLANNING COMMISSION UTILITIES COMMISSION OWN GR N AD $OC COMMITTEE Whi1e the Town Green Committee is o£ficiallq commissioned by the c3.ty council, it is at the same time as extension of, and plays an advisory role to the Park Board bp providing fact, funding, and promotion. Because this project falls out of the overall plans for park development it will require special attentiQn in all of the above referenced areas in order to "fast track" it through its pro�ect stages. In executing its charter, the Town Green Gommittee wt11 serve in an Ad Hoc capacity, that is, it has been crer�ted to deal with � one time issue, i.e. "Town Green" , and is therefore temporary in nature. 5uch a committee acts at the direction of the Parlc Board following the approval of the recommended guidelines for its . function. To accomplish this, a very firm commanication between the Park Board and this committee must be m�intained so the P�xk T�oard can monitor and approve stages of the pro�ect such as the llilt.iat land u.9e inventory, alternative site review, design, funding, promotion and construction. As the committee completes the proposed steps o£ the project �he Park Bosrd wi11 monitor and approve those steps. As an Ad Hoc committee, the Town Green Committee does not have policy making authority, more over, while the Park Board and City Council recognizes the merits of the Town Green eoncept and the wishes of the committee to bring the pro�ect to completion, the Park Board and council reserve final suthority in determinin� the feasibility and ultimate agproval of �he pro�ect . 1 , .. . � As a citizen eommittee it is also assumed that committee members will attempt to reflect the goals, va�ues and dreams of the community. � �., ��.� , . ! . � . . Key Functions and Responsibilities � To pursue the gro�ect, certain steps must be taken and tasks accomplished regarding extensive review of location design, costs, funding , promotion and construction. This might include but not limited to: a. Refining the tasks of the committee and setting a time fraare for the completion of its work. b. Reviewing what has taken place up to this point and identifq the dr�tving forces behind the Town Green concept. Perhaps a review of the Citizen' s Survep, Town Meeting input, Citizen Advisary Committee Recommendations and Urban Design Team Recommendatians would be helpful. c . Developing a theoretical. description of and definition for "Town Green" . In other words, what do we mean bp the concept? Reach a consensus on the purpose and description of "Town Green" . d. Conducting a site analysis inventory to determine the appropriate site for the pro�ect. Work with the Park Board and c3.ty staff in evaluating alternative si.tes, including Erickaon Park ar�d other communitp and neighborhood parka and potential public open space. e . A thorough design study regarding the foX2owing : 1) landscaping 2) decorative lighting 3) flowers, shrubs, wa�.kways, trees 4) o1d fashioned bandstand/gazebo 5) nature area 6) others to be determined f . Working with Park Board in choosing potential landseape architectural services which might design the pro�ect. g. Developing a glan for promation, fund raising and public information and eommunity participation in the pro�ect. h. Investigating potential corporate contribution and additional private contributions needed from sources outside of city government funding for the project. 2 � * . � Job Description : _ „ �, r: . �.. . . . � . . . 1) attend meetings as determined by the committee 2) active participation in discuss3on 3) vote on action 4) impler�ent specific tasks as determined Resources: 1) city staf£ 2) landscape architectural services 3) land use inventory 4) Urban Design Team Reeommendations 5) Citizen Attitude Survey 6) Advisory Committee Recommendations 7) Town Green or beautification pro�ect undertaken by other communities 8) Portfolios of lanciscape arehitectural firm' s pro�ects lj 3