HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of October 17, 1989 Regular Meeting €_ , • ROSEMOt� CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 17, 1989 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Tuesday, Qctob�r 1'7, 1989, at 7;30 p.m. in the Council Chambers o€ the Gity Hai1. Mayor Hoke called the meeting to order with all rnembers present. ' Mayor Hoke 1ed the group in the Pledg� of Allegiance. ' The agenda was amended to include I�em 4(� ) Resolution Appointing Election Judge; Item �(k) Authorization to Request Quotes on Playground Equipment; Item 5(b) Update on Retail Market Study; Item 6(e) Discussion an Zoning Ordinance Special Requirements in Downtown Area. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the Consent Agenda subject to including �he two additional items, 4(j } and 4(k) . SECOND by W�lsh. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, 4xborough, Napper. Nays: 0. See Cierk' s File 19$9-34. Administrator Stephan Jill� reportad on his meetings with representatives of School p�.strict i96, Parent� Communication Ne�work and other cities in Dakata County regarding the Red Ribban Campaign October 22-29, 1969. Jilk acknowledged the wil.lingness af the . Rosemount Jaycees' to equally share with the City the cost of providing ribbons to school district and eity staff, businesses, Rosemount students, buttons and banners. See Clerk' s File 1989-34. MOTION by Waish to authorize an expenditure up to $500.04 on the Red Ribbon Campaign. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayesz Wipperrnann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nays: 0. Mayar Hoke read to the audience A PRO�I.AMATZ4N SUPPQRTING OCTOBER 27- 29, 1989 AS RED RIBBON WEER. See Clerk's File 1989-34. Community Developer Director Dean Johnson advised the city' s consultants will be prepared to make a presentation regarding the retail rnarket analysis/land use study on November 21 , 1989, at 6;00 p.m. , at a regular City HRA meeting. The Council concurred they would attend t}�is meeting and encourac�ed other city cammiss�.on members to also attend. Council reviewed the Master Storm Sewer Plan wh3ch would be used for implementing the stormwater cant�ol and management system for the western third of the city, City Engi.neer Rieh Hefti recognized the input of the citizens advisary committee which consisted of S�eve Toombs, Wesley Hasbrouck, Harry Willcox, Arnie Jensen, F4rrest Krogh and Ra� Barton. Consulting Er�gineer Steve Klein of Barr Engineering briefly suinmarized eacl� section of the drainage plan. Klein commented on the joint ef£ort of the citizens advisory committee and city staff and commended both groups for their ti.me and efforts. Engineer Kl.ein answered several guestions from Council. Concerns were expressed from Council regarding the designat�d use af single family residential in rura2 residential areas and the anticipated use of trunk r ' • ROSEMO� CITY PROCSEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 17, 1989 was noted by staff and the consulting engineer that in identifying and planning the long-range land use of the city, ultimate development was a rna�ar assumption in determining the types of land uses identified in the p].an. Council concurred that formal acaeptance of the plan should be tabled to a future meeting to allow further review and diseussion with staff an specific questi�ns and concerns. See Clerk' s File 1989- 3�. Parks & Recreatian Director David Bechtold requested Council authorization for the purchase of materials and labor necessary to complete the fence projects for the pond area and baseball area of Connemara Park. Bechtold noted the Utilities Commission approved payment for the fencing around the holding pond. The parks director also requested Council approval to purchase the split rail fence material for area between the parking lot and athletic area. See Clerk's File 1989-34. M�TION by Walsh ta authorize the fencing work for the holding pond area, backstops work and split rail fence praject. SECQND by Hok�. Ayes; Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Nayst 0. Gommunity Development Director Dean Johnson presented for Council review an agreement between the City of Rosemount anc� the owners o� AAA Au�o Salvage which would authorize city �staff to apply for Community Developm�nt Black Grant (CDBG) funding for the acqui,sition and relacation of AAA Auto Saluage. See Clerk' s File 1989-34. MOTTON by Walsh to authoriz� the necessary signatures on the agreement between the City of Rcasemount and the Andersons subject to de-leting the words "s3.abs and footi,ngs", on page 2 of the agreeme�t. SECOND by oxborough. Ayes: Oxborough, Napper, Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke. Nayst 0. Communi�y Development Director Dean Johnson requestec� direction from Council as to the method of securing a contract for recycling services in 1990. Council rev3ewed the two alternatives recommended by staff af ei�her ren�gotiating a contract solely with Knutson Rubbish or preparing a Request for Qualificati.ons (RFQ) and negQtiating a cantract with one or more haulers. Following discussion Council concurred to a single vendor concept and unanimously agreed a reguest far qualificat�.ons should be prepared to allow other hau].ers the opportunity to be considered for the eity' s choice in the city's 1990 recycling program. See Clerk' s File 19$9-34� Councii requested that city staff establish a process to allow staff and community business owners tQ meet and develap aesthetia guidelines for the downtown area. Members of the Couneii commented on the willingness of several business owners to become involved in such a process. Administrator Stephan Jilk concurred the business owners are ready to become involved in the destiny of the downtown area and felt 2 : i ROSEMOL� CITY PR(3CEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 1 ?, 19$9 this process should be tied together with results a£ .the eommunity involvement process which occurred aver the last se�rera�. months. Adminis�rator Stephan Jilk advised the city w�ll be receiving €rom the State �epartm�nt of Revenue by October 23� 1989 the revised figures on Local Gavernment Aid and levy limits. The admin�.strator disaussed a recommended schedule for preliminary budget discussion, public hearings on th� proposed budget and benefits/salary adjustments for 1990. S�e Clerk' s File 1989-34. MOTI�N by Napper to adjourn. SECONU by Wippermann. Ayes: 5. Nays: Q. Respectfully submitted, Susan M. J'ohnson, Deputy Clerk ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/�1erk Published this day of , 19$9 in Dakota County Tribune. 3