HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Adopt Master Storm Sewer Plan l I • • � . ITEM # � � , . , ; **�******�r��***********�***********�*�;*MEP10��*�****�******�***��**�*�r***�r*�k�t**** , DATE: NOVEPtBER 3, 1989 , ' T0: MAYOR & CQUNCILMEMBERS C/0 ADMINISTRATOR JILK FROM: CiTY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HEF RE: ITEMS FOR THE NOVEPiBER 7, 19$9 COUNGIL MEETING OLD BUSINESS Adopt riaster Stozm Sewer Plan Gouncil made its initial review of the Master Storm Sewer Plan at the Octo6er 17, 1989 meeting. This item was continued to this meeting because COUttC1I WST2tERI somemore time to review the document. Councilmember Walsh had � specific request relaying to Figure �5 of the Storm Sewer P1an. He felt that' the figure showing ' the pond connection was not clear without there being any dr�inage arrows pointing in the direction the water is p�oposed to be transported fram pond to pond. Councilmember Wippermann had concerns regarding `the figur� that depicted the assumptions made an land uses in th� future for Mr. Kleins calculation of the run-off volumes. The concern was that rir. Klein had lumped Rurs1 Residential and Single Family Residential lot co�+erage assumption ittto otte tategory, that being Single Family Residential. The concern appears to be that developers o� fttture councils may misinterpret the figure showing the land use assumptions as being councils plans to support higher density Single Family uses in at�'area already either zaned Rural Residential or identified in Ghe Comprehensive Land Use Plan� as Rural Residential. Staff feels that the Master Storm Sewer Plan is weil done �nd eomprehensive. Staff also feels that the land use issue is a moot point as it relates to this plan because the land uses indicated in this plan ai�e assumptions only and indicate what we can expect based upon run-off volumes ��lculated for the different types of land uses shown. In na way should the lartd �se �ssump�iotts be misconstrued to be Councils intention on re-zoning any Rura1 Residential property. Only the Council can change zoning or land uses �s designated by the Comprehensive Lattd Use Plan. However, both myself and Stet�e Klein af Barr Engineering wi11 be present for further discussiot► regarding this matte�. I have not received any further eomments or quest'ions regarding this plan since it was introduced to Council last October 17. Staff would recormnend adopting the Storm Sewer Master Plan with the exception of changing Figure l�5 to include appropriate drainage arrows from pond to ponc�. � r