HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. 1990 Budget Discussion � � f�. . . . . . � .. • . � � .• . . . � . .. � .. r I3ovember 3, 1989 '��� # T0: Mayor Hoke � � Councilmembers: Nagper = Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FR�M: Stephan Jilk, Administratar/Clerk RE: 1990 Ogera��.ng Budget ' 1990-1994 C�P Budget Attached herewith please find a secand draf� of the 1990 General Fund Operating Budget and the 19Q4 - 1994 CIP Budget, Si.nce gaur receipt of the first draft of these docu�ez�ts revisi�ns have be+en made in response to the affeets o� the new tax bi11 adopted in the special session of the legislature in Segteml�er. This revised budget, $3,59b,t131 , reflec�s several changes resulting in an overall tax levp decrease froffi the firsC draft of some $7000. This proposed budget reflects a total tax levy of $2,095,644 wh�.ch includes: $ 224,608 for Debt Serv3ee 25, 1fiS for l�ire Relief 26,A02 for funding of the armorp pro�ect $I ,8I9,869 for the General Operating & C�P The ra_maining �1 ,SUQ,3$7 3.s revenne from Lc�cal Government Aid, MSA Raad Maintenanee Funds and $1 ,n42, 335 of Internal Revenue generated funds. The In�ernal Revenue genera�ed includes: A. .�140,000 trangfer from the General Fund (?perating Reserve. �. $159.675 transfer from the CIP Fund R�serv� Balance. Both o£ these reserve draws are recommended this year to offset the approxi�nately $164,000 ].oss in revenue from the cut in state aid caused bp the legislative actiort tak�n in �he special sessian and we are experiencing major cost increasps this year which we won' t in future years due ta certain faetors. And, ae feel comf��rtable in rec�ommending these one time dr�ws on the re�erves, Buclget Memo . • � Page 2 The increase i.n levy recommended of $348, 392 ($2,095,644 - $1 ,747, 252) from pay 19$9 to pa3r 1990 is abaut a s�rai�ht 24� increase. If the shift in state aids from citiea to schoo�.s had not been approved in the special �ession of �he legislature �he increase would have been 10.5�. So the ].oss o� some $164,OQ0, offset by an " allowed increase in lacal levy was equivalent to about 4.5� of our avsilable levy. The affect of this 20� increase on local taxpapers is not kna�n at this time and wan' t be until late December when the county caleulates the vr�lue/levy ratio�. . We exp�ct Chat in most cases the citp's levp wat�.1 not increase the real estate tax for groperty Qwnprs in Rosemount because of our valuation i.ncrease due to growth in the citp. As of Map 1, 19$9 the propertp value in the city had incr�as�ed by 23� over �hat uf December 31 , 1988. Some af th�.s wa� due to r�- evalua'tion of exi�t�.ng property, buG the ma�ority was due ta new huilcling. (For yaur fnforaoat�.an I' ve included a recent ne�rsp�ger axticle on cvmments fro�n the Apple Vallep Adm�niatr�tor on that citp' s levp. ) I would xequest the tollowing action in regards to this proposed levpjbudget. l . To eomplp wi�h state laws on l�vp certification and truth in taxation laws - adapt the a��ached resolt�tion approving the preliminary ].evy, A pre7.iminary levp must be certified to the eounty by i3oeember 15, 3.989. The levg prQgo��d here is the : maximum allowed bq s�ate statute. Lat�r in the pear (bp 12-31- 89) �he city must c�rtifp a £inal levy which eennot be higher than this preliminarp one. 2. Ca11 for a public hearing for December 7, 1989 €or the publi.c to consider the proposed budget. December 7th was the onlp reasonable date left to hold ours �fter cansideri.ng the several sehool distr�.cts and the county dates for their hearings which, by state 1aw, take precedent. 3. Rev3.ew �his nxoposed bud$et and be prepared to specifp at�y it�ms you wished clarified or discussed in detail on Navember 21 and December S prior to the public hearing on December 7. 4. t�n Decembex 7th hopefully, be prepared to adapt � budget at the hearin� or if necess�r�, at a continued time an Che 12th. I'm aware o� a couple of specif�.c items some of you �+�sh t4 discuss in dPtail. Please advise me caf those �.tems so ataff cau prepare infarma�ion for your discussion. As you review these budgets in the next �ew weeks I wc�uld be pleased to sit with you individually to review them in order tQ contin�te the adagCion process in a more complete and timelp faehion. 1�0 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Picked as Final Scenerio 199Q OPERATING DRAFT SPECIAL NQ Bt1DGET t1PD�TES 199Q - I994 CIP October 24th BUDGET PRaPOSALS FOR COUNCIL & STAFF �ISCUSSION PREPAREQ AUGEIST 2gTH, I989 199Q BUDGETS EXPENQITURES ° RECELPTS Council Bud9et $103,221 Administratian Budget $183,733 Finance Budget $144,016 Election Budget �7�60a CommuRity Development Budget $288,212 Police Budget $594,359 � Fire Department Budget $I24,734 1990 FORM 280 ESTIMA'tE Public Works Budget $453,407 T07AL LEVY 2,095,644 Park & Recreatian Budget $374,541 TOTAL. SPECIAL LEVIES 27a,Z20 Park & Recreatian Special Budget $54,OOQ TOTAL SUB3ECT TO LIMIT 3:,825,434 General Gaverment Bud9et $lOQ,600 1990 LE1lY LIMIT 1.,$25,434 Government Buildings Budget $59,82Q OVER-(UNDER) LEVY LIMIT Q Paved Streets/Street Lighting $179,I00 Ice & Snow Removal/Signal Lights $I7,000 Insurance $100,000 --------------- TOTAL QPERATING BUDG�TS $2,784,343 Five (5) Year CIP Requirement $497,825 Retirement/Severance Fund #107 $38,088 Bonded Indebtedness $224,608 Fire Relief $25,I65 . Armory Rnticipatary Levy $26,002 ***�INCOFIES*��x� ****OTHER THAN LEVY**** Loca1 Goverment Aid $443,462 Tnterna1 Revenue Generated $1,043,335 Anticipated MSA Maintenance Funds $13,590 NEEDS $3,596,031 � �$1,5Q0,387f INCOME TOTALS TQ LEVY $2,095,644 . . ____ � . _._. �_.�-- — _ !. _ �. . _ _ �,.__.,. - _ - _ - — � : -�- . . • ����� - - - - * �.�� �►� A l� �a�� Ie ���e��� �' : I�I� . �' �;Y u�c�ear B�Julie�usrho Hotmq�ist t�meawne:s vv� paY in L990 ceut ProI��9. tau increase, Height�, Lakeville, RAsemouat ti�e 2ir�e"a�setting budgets this groperty taaes: - Me�aa said {Of that ?.8 per- .and Empire and Vermillion Year,Meieaa said. • �"��Y'� �'+�'h' � "That's t�e ba�d issue;' said c�, �.? p�+r�tt wcn�Id bave t�� ) . "We basi 1�faa�3990� ` .� } Ps• cally asked � mcrea�ing bY 20 City Admiaistrator T�m beea fas ge�ral p�u�pose�s 2,1 It s p�t — $ �ed , �° � �ppased Lo be,a straight ment heads Lo frn�tbe�val4 �e .Me�a. 'We-can no�aa�lly sit p�t far debt p�nposes.) trade-o€f, �nt t3�at'�s �ot equ�ta}asty�s.,�s a ce.nt�ase. P��6 P�'- �wn with t�e eflun�y and fig�u+e "We vcould have normaUy�ad guaranteed,,,Melena said. F or 1994, t he c i t y h a s . But +�►hat mat means to the out tl�e tax rate,l�it with au t� �7.8 percent increase, but vaith T�e 1990 total tax le�vy wi� _ budgeted S1s:4sg.s�s in r�v� � chaages, the CtN1II�'S lIl I� �CO�S1�L'IOn Of�,YQ�V�,�i8t �B118T81,E IYIOT@�i821�?.5 in�7l�on. and�6,3gZ.673 in average .ha�neawner s pocket- dark on this ��• . , ]� � �'�'Yaane would have grobablY b� Mau+e tha�S6 millio� of that is D�velopment in Apple VaDey book is sb11 tuulear. eLse is,"Meleaa s�id. that down fn nothing,"he said. t�ulgeted fa� g�eral Piu poses, v�`orth apProximately a80 m�iIIian �e C'.tty Counr�l adopt.ed the How t3�e tax changes affect T9te�cut in local state aid to more than !� �dnilliam for d�t jn the last year means the city PmP���' �udget and Prn- t1PPie Valley* pocketbooks pso- cities is s�uppo�ed be c.ompen- �rp�. wiH have to hire emp3oyees to "taa Ie�sry ,tast �elc afte�� bably won'f be known euitil sated for by an xncrease in state .'WiLh the growih in our eom- ke�,p up city services to nevv '��mac�e adjustments for the T�cember, Mele,na said, �� aid to sebool districts. - munitY,our ta�c rate has basical- devel�nents,he said te's � �t cut in local the c�unty has tiure to analyz� "thu�sch000l district is p�euy ly been going dovvn,,, R�ele.na "lbat means we need more � gavernmental aids.` tl�new properEy tax rates. good at �nancial cantrol, but , said. "We've #�een halding our servic�es — paliee officers and Tt�e st�ifting M t2mse state aids The 55 percent c�tt in eih�local that district.serves fiue or six ovvn. If the state hadn't cut the Pu����arks employe�s to plow from cities to schoog and the re- th cent legislative tax 1aw �overnmeatal sids fareed Apple comm�mities;,' Melena said. aid we wouldn't be o�,erating in new raads,,, Melena sai8. "So changes VaIley tfl adcl an e�cfra 12.2 per- (Indepe�ndent Sehool DistricE 196 the dark right novv." w e ca n't s a y n o t a n e w have made it difficult to deter- cent increase t�a what would serves Agple Valley,Bnrnsv�le, . The_cut in state aids totaling m i u e wba t A p p l e V a I1 e y hav e o t h e r w i 5 e b e e n a ?.8 �e r- Coa t e s, E agan, I nver Grnve ;'7760,30? forcerI the city to "hold TAX: Tq p�ge 8 . .. : �• • - . . . . . . _ . _ -_ -�- . . . _- . . . ._ . . .-. . . . . . . . . _ .. . . . . .__. . .. . . . . . . . .�.. '� � �� 1]EIZ �,Ct Uf� 1 - p e e�ar F� �� �� ��o� � � �� � emplayees but we are �P'�'��"Melena said � con�servative." �� But itt theory,that incxease in ' the city property tax levy Mei�na pointed out that the ci- �shouldn't create a l�avy burden ty must also l�aY fa�'normal cost far harneov��,cs,he said. . increases and for wage in- •`HoP��Y � talc rate wili creases dete�mi�d by union stay antuh the same as last c�tracts. � year, but we can't guarantee� � The city's real cost.increase is that,"Melena said. 5.7 percent — an inerease that •.T�,is is reaIly ug in the air. Iies within the normal range for We have no rational c�ay to Apple Valley, he said. In the knou•the effects." past,Apple Valley has had a 4.8 A public hearing on the 1990 percentto 6 pereentincreasein proposed budget and tax Jevy costs. will be 8 p.m.Thursda��,Dec.14, � "Beeause af state action: our at Apple�'alle3°Cit��Hall. � � NOTICE TO ALL ROSEMOUNT CITIZENS PROPOSED PRCIPERTY TAXES FOR 1990 City of Rosemount is proposing tca 3.ncrease the property tax it collects for 1990 by 2Q percent over 1989 taxes. Amount of Taxes Prop�sed: �2�495�644. : This ehange a.n the amount of taxes levied is nQt necessarily due to any decision by the Ci,ty CQuncil of Rosemoun� ta 3.ncrease sp�nc�ing. In 1990, Minnesota State Legislature wi11 sh�.ft state ai.d f�rom c�.ties to school districts in the tQt�l amount of some 100 million doll,ars. Rosemount' s tax levy will be �164,434 ar 9.5 percent higher than �hey would c�therwise be because of this aid loss, The amount to be levied is only a proposal. Al.l RQsc�mQunt citizens are invited to att�nd a public hearing where the City Counci.l will discuss these proposed taxes. The Couneil will vote to approve or disapprove the proposed amount at the hearing. Flease corne and give the City Council your op3.nions an �his pra�osal. Publie Hearing Date: December 7, 1989 Time: 8:QO P.M. Place; Rosemount Gi�y Hall 2875 - 145th Street West Ro�emaunt, MN 5506$ �f additional t3.me is needed, the hearing will be reconvened on Decem�x 12, 1989, at 8:QO p.m. , at the s�xme l.ocation. Summ3ries of the proposed 1990 Budget are ava3.l.able for review at Rosemount City Hall between 7:30 a.m. and 4:OQ p.m. Persons unabl.e to attend this hearing may send wiritten �omments to the Ci�y Council 'at the �boue address. For more 3nformation, call 423-4411 , hetween 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. , Monday thraugh Friday. + � � . ' .. CITY OF ROSFMOUAIT . gBSOLUTION 1989 -- A xSS4LUTI0N AFPROYING A F�ELIMINARY L$YY F4R COLL�CTION IN 1994 IN THS CITY 4F ROSBMQUi�T �fH81tSAS, the City Council of the Citq of Rosemount has dstere�ined that budget and special tax lenp needs for the year 1990 wi21 be in excess of those man:tes generat�d through internal operations in the amount af $i ,81�,$69; and i WHBRBAS, the Ci,tp Council of the Citp of Rosemount has determined I that special leviea far the purpose of Bonded indebtedness, Fire Relief and Armory Fund� t4ta1 $275,775; and wH8R8AS, the City must determine a preliminarp leuq to certffp to Dakota County for purposes of informing the eiti2ens of Ro�e�qunt under the "Truth in Taxation" laws of the State of Minnesota; and WHERBAS, the City of Rosemounfi is de�sirous in confor�ing with thase 1aws; N4W THB�EFOR$ BB ZT B$S4LYBD, that the total pxe�.iminarp l�vp to be eertified to Dakvta County be $2,495,644; and Tha� city staff is directed to certifp thie amount to the Countq Aud�.tor of Dakota Count�►, Minr�esota prior to Norember 1S, 2989' ADOPTBD this 7th day of Novemb�er, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mapar ATTBST: Stephan Jilk, Admini$trator C2er1� . �I� ��, � ... d . . . •� � � � . � - . �� ..� . �� � � . � � . � . 1990 BUDGETS EXPENDITURES RECEIP?S Council Budget $103,221 Administration Budget $183,733 - Finance Budget $144,016 Election 6udget $7,60Q Community Develapment Budget $288,212 Police Budget $594,359 Fire Department Budget $124,734 Public Works Budget $453,407 Park & Recreation E�udget $374,541 Park & Recreation Special Budget $54,000 General Goverment Budget $100,600 Government Buildings Budget $59,820 Paved Streets/Street Lighting $179,100 Ice & Snow Removal/Signal Lights $17,004 Insurance $100,000 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGETS $2,784,343 Five (5) Year CIP Requirement $497,825 Retirement/Severance Fund #1Q7 $38,088 Qonded Indebtedness �224,G08 Fire Relief $25,I65 Armory Anticipatory Levy $26,002 �***INCflMES*�** I_oeal Goverment Aid $443�462 internal Revenue Generated $1,043,335 �nticipated MSA Maintenance Funds $13,590 $3,596,031 $i,500,3$7 TflTI�LS T0 L.EVY $2,095,644 . � 1990 CIP UUI)GEi Oraft �6 199U CIP 9udget Pressnted for SLdff piscusaion August 19, t4B9 _- ITEM---------- - �-- � T COST------ -- ____----^' s�FiM101NG NEEbS'R ------ ------ *----- s--------- --- ---- -------- . .,- _._._..,,. RECAP#SNEET�._..___-._ * __ g_• - _--- -__ d_•._--•----_ - g-- ---------- � ------------ - ---------------1Q------------ -10---- ----------t0--------- '" -- 1990 TOtALS----------12-----663,000--12-------25$-----12---•-"165,75Q . . ------------------------------14-.___�-------- � 1h---------------1b---------------- -- ` 1991 10iALS __ --,-16----'S17,500--16-------25�-----16- -----129,375 ------------------------------18-------- --- -18----------- -16------------- - 199T1TOTAlS ' ' _-20-----373,OQp-•?0------'251c-----20----- --93�250� --------- ------------- -- -22--_.______.---22---------------22---------- - - ------ ""1993 10TAL5----------2#-----�42 5�0--2q--- •-__-------2�- ----- - ---- ---- ----___-._ <_ -__------?5--------�_- - . --- --259sT _ s --«-•110,E25 -?6- -26-- _ . . . . , __------- --- ----- --- 28-.___.___ ?8-- -- ----28 ---- ---- -- 1994 TOTALS ' 634,000 s 25� s 158,Sb0 --------------- ------------30-------------- 3d --------------�0---------------- ------------------------------32---------- -32------------ -3?------------- --- --------------------------36--------------3q-- ------ - -34-----------_---- ------------- ----- ----- ---36--------------36------ -_-----36---- ----------- -� ----' TOtAI "--- ---38---2�630,QUQ--3$---------------38• ------•___ -- ------- ---------- -----40----------.__ - ---------- -----_657-500-_ -40- -hp- - � � Page One 90C1P 1990 Cip BUQGET AlL DEPARTMENtS ITEM ------------------ :--'-CQST-- :------------- --------------------------�------------- -- .- ------------- --------------------------- ---- ---- . DEPARTNENt �M202 t�uck (reptace) s 78,000 s�Replace Trvak �aith - : �-- !'--- w-T- - - --- -- --- --- .. ,. .. paokage �ptow artd wing) : Pu4 Vtcks --- -.�,_•-----------�- 8--__-___..� g�____,...__._....�.____..._---•--------__...�.,_•_------,......_•---- 8-....--.-__.__._.. +�242a Piow (replace? sin above s for above ; Pub Ylrks __- -- ----------------10----------10----------------------------------------^--------------__--10--------------- #202b Wiog (replace) :in above : for above e Pub Nrks Chippendale Trai1T---R--^wT--12---8,500w-1�'Trail}com letion 1SSth so--h---�T--'� -----T- ! ---- -^}1�--'--T---� - -- , - ------- -------------------14----------14----------p-------------__ut__Co_160th__�----^ ----- • Parks . " "" _ _,__,,._•t�---_•__-------- North b South Nockey Rinks 22,000 : Mt�l For Upgrdg-changed to replace entirely-add 59,000 : Parks Repla �^ -� p -- ` 16- -iS--84 lTD ��----------------------------------------^-------1G--------- ---- ' --- -------- __ ce 84 T . 14,000 . ' entered Motor Pool from Police in Aprit af !87 : Planning 3 Potice Squads--------- --18-'25,500--18-Squad^Update------------------- - ------------------ -----1$-P------------- --- ---------------�-------20----------20--------------------�---------_--------------------------- ' _olice-- - -20- --- Dodd Raad Bike Trail • 25,OOU • Ghippendale to Carroltton II ; Parks City Hall Area^--------------22--85,000--22'She}ter and Rest R om^------------- ----------------- --21___----- - ____ ------------------------------24-----,--- ----------------^o__s_betwe�n_Rinks_and_Gara9�,-----•--- � Generat_ -24- -24--- -- ----- Sweepster 6room : 3,Q00 • Replace #215 Broom for Bobcat = pU6#p�k$ . ------------- ----------------26----------26------------------------------------------_-__-------....�---26_„_�...�-----___ Camfield Park : 10,000 : Basketball Court and Landscaping : Censral ------------- --------------Ze----------�a------------------------------------•----------------------2a--------_-_____ Gopy Machine • 11,000 • Administrativs/Staff Vehicle - repiaae '80 Fairrtwnt : GenlCom Oev . . -------- ------------30----------3Q--------------------------------•-------.__...^_____------=30.�_-___.__----- ' Citiy Mait Lot s iS,000 s Weet Natf of North Lot + Starm Sewer s Cenerei Radios/Pagers w ----______,.32_=-3,000+-32-N�r�andlrsplacement-- ------------- --•---_ _ � --- - -32-C•------ ----- ------------------ ---- -34- --34-------------------------------------------- ----- ------- _ammlD�v__ . . ----^- - ------- _ . -34- ---- Park Benches & Trail Shelter : 5,000 : Continuing Park Improvements : Parks ------- --------------------36----------36-------_�_.__�,..__-__------R---__----__�_.._.._-_.----....-----36--------------� GIS System ; 60,OOQ : Hardware,Software,Croundwork, etc ; Cen/Cp�ev ------- --- -- --------38----------38-----------------------------------------------------------38--------------- Ford 402 Tracto�/hfower • 31,Od0 : Replacement : Pubtic Warks ------------- ------------40---___-__-40•---------------------------------•-__--____---------------4Q----------^---- Playground Equ�pment-Uailara • 1Q,f�0 � Park Improvements s Farks ------- --- -- -------ai----------ai---------------------------•-------__.._..,:---•--------------az--------------- Rescue Van ; 9S,OQp : Replaee Existi�g - Keep Old one farr equip�ent hautar : Fire ^Erickson Pk Hocke Rnk lites-q4- � 44-- --- -- --- -_ ___ --- -- --- ---44 ---- --_.. _ ,._ ---------'--------Y----------Ta6---5,QOp--�6-Reptace_Lighting_System_added_57,000 due_to_Line_16 -- -- Parks----- # . _ � � -46- ---- Front End Laader : 60,000 : Reptace Fiat/Allis }aader with Plow and i�ing ; Public Morks Paint Striper --- --- -�-�8---g}ppp���$}Pavement & Recreational�field-M�--------�--+--�--^ - -- ���---�"'________ ------ -----------------------50- ------ ------------- --------------- _arking_Equipment ---- ---- � Pubtic Works - -- -SO- _g0--------- -- Curb & Gutter Erickson Park : 15�000 • Continuing Oepartment improvement due �o exp,�nsiaa of Ftee : Pubtic Wot^ks -------------------- -------52----�-----52-----------------------------------•-----------------------52---------,----, Crack Fitting Equipment : 20,000 ; Moved from '89 - added 52,000 : Public Works -------------- --- --�---sa----------sa--------------------------------,_,------------____..______-sa-----__�---�--- Lawn Mower Repiacement : 12,OOp ; Reptace 508 Toro : Public 1Morks Soccer Lighting JC'Park ' 'S�-'35,000 'S6wltem'Moved}from�'g1' - - - --- - •�-+- -__,,.__,. _ --_-r�6------- -- ---- ----------- -------- ---------58----------58------------- --------------- - -------- --- ---------- : Parks__.._,._ s Errosion Control t� Parking Lot} -5$#Parks --- --------- --------------------60----------60---------- ------------ ------------__--- ---- -- ------64--- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----62------___-62-------- ---------__------- ----- ----- ------- Gen/Admin ----- - . TOTAL " - �__ .. ---------^62---•-------•--- 663,000 ------- ----------------------64----------64-------- - ---- ----- - ------_ _-_------ ---- ---_ ._- -64-----_.__.._ _ Page One 91CiP ' 19�iP BUDGET � RLt DEPARIMENTS ITEM ' ------- :---"GQST-- . -------------------- --------- --------- ----- ----- -- : --�- • DEPARTMENT Snow Plow Equipme�t '-'------ �- -3,OOQ •'Mountings and'Btades for two ickv s fr!--Fir^-D--�T------ .-Pub MMrks-^---- -------------- --------------- 8--------- 8- ---------------------- --P----p----�----�--�p-------- • -------- ----- 8- 2 Poiice Squads • 26,000 ! . Update Squads : Police Tandem Dump Truck^ " _�� $5,000 _�� Additionat Tandem Truck fv� Fteet ^� '______ ____________1a'pub Mtrks Dodd Road 8ike Trail --^----�12--t�s�ppp--l2-Shannon^Parkway to D3amond�Path--- --- - �-----w- - -'----1�-P��k'-l--�---- � • : a a --------------------------14---R------10---___-----------------------------------------------------14--------------- 4 X 4 Pickup 18,OOQ : Rotation of Trucks : Fire Ptaygrou�d Equipment---------1fi--10,00�--16-wi�asTXing &'Kidder Park��-- -- ----- - -------�_..___-----16-Parks- ---- ' : ------------------------------18----------18--------------------------------------____-•__-------------18------__------- New Vehici� 14,000 : Fleet Addition - moved from '92 ; Gom►n Dev JC Park Basebatl Field Lites-20--35,000'-20-Ongoing�Rark lmprovements- -------- -- ---�-- ----T-'- -20-Parks--'- ---- Park'Shelter-----------------22--30,000--22-Twin Puddles Park}------------- - ------- ---------------22-Parksw-------- . :, , --------------------------24----------24-----------------------------------�-------...,-----^--------24--------------- New P9ckup � t2,00Q : Replace 9983 Ford P9ckup : Pubiic Morka Aeriator----------------- - -26- -3,500 �26 Replacement�---- - ----- -- --- --------- --- - --- -26-Pa�^ka ! ' Orag. �-- --' --T--�--�--2$- �3,500--28-Added^for Ballfietd Maintenance- T� - �-�- - - --'2�'Parks--- #-- Park Benches-----------------30R--p,500--30'Ongoi�g Pa�k I�touementa---------' _..,.__ _ ___,.._---- •3Q-�a�ks- ---- Articulated Tractor-1-----�--32�-60,(?OQw-32-Mutti'Purpose+Tractor For TrailTd�+Perk~Maintenance---- ---32-ParkalPub^Wrku t/2 Ton Pickup--- ----------34--'S,OQO--34-ReplaceTCar/Swap with Public^Wot�ks--- ------- -- "______-3M-Fire- -------- 1 Ton Truck & Reei-=--'------36--3U,000--36-Nose Truck'b Reel-------^------------------- --- -- -----3�'FiFQ_-^_'__-_- JC Park Shelter--------------38-100,000 �8-Ongoing Park Improvements3Match'JC�Funding-^---------- -^}38-Parks--- ----- JC Rink & lighting-----'-----�0�"25,000�-�4-Ongoing Park lmprovements---�-------w- ------� _'-----�O-Parks�- -- -- ---------------------------- -42----------42-- ------------------------ -----------------------------42--•-----•------ ------------------------------44----------44----_------------- ----------------- -- ----- ----------4h---- ------ ------------------------------46--- - ----46--- ------ ------ ---------------- ---- ------ --- -----46--------- --- ------------------------------aa------ ---aa------ ------�---- ----------- --- - -------- --__--------ae---- ----- -- : ------------------- ----------50----------so------------------ -- - --- - ---- --- -� - - -so- _--_ -_ ------------------• �._-------52----------52� ----- - ----- --,.___.. _.,,--�------ - __-- -52-------- -_-- --------- --- ------ -------54--- -----54------------------- ---�----------------------� __;._...-- -5�4-__....___------- : ----------------------- ------56----------56-------___-- ------------- ----------- ------ --- ----- -56---- --_------- ------------ ---�____,-- ----58- ---- ---58--------- ---------------- --------- -------------- ------58------- ----- ----------------- ------ ---6Q- --------60------- - - ---------�- ---- - -- --------- -___- _, --60_ __ ----- ---------'TOTAL ^ � -�!-_ -62-517,500_-62____ ___,.________.._-- -___-__..__---- _..._--__ __,.__ __�,2.,_ .,._- ----- ------------------- - --------64-- ---- --64------------------------ ----^-------------- - - -------6#-^--- -------- • � � Page One 92C1P . 1992 GIP BUDGET : ALL QEPARTMfNTS ITEM '" ------------- .---'COSTT! .------------ ---- ---------- -------------- -------------- ,-- ----------- - -- ------------------ --------- ----- . DEPARTMENT Fuei Tank R�ptacement - • 25,000 • Undergrou�d Fuel Tank Replacement Prolram ^ w � PubRMrk^ w 3 Potice Squads----------- -- 8--39'�- 8-�9rade SquadS---_-_--------- --- ---g---- ----- ------ B---- �^-g --- - ----------------- -10-------- �10-- -------- --------------- ---------- - -------- - Poi�ce . - ---------- � -- - - - - - --�^---10---- ---------- Additiona! Pickup • 15,000 • . -------------- -----------T2-------- -12--------- ---------------------- ------------------ ------ pubRMrks' --- ----- -t2� Benches b Smalt Shelters : S,OQO • Ericksan'Park Ball Fields : Parks ------------------------------14----------14---------___-----------------------------------------------14--------------- JC Park Generai In�rovements : 6U,000 _: Additionat l.andscaping, Picnic Areas, etc : Pnrka --------------------------^---16---=------16----------------------------------------------__..,_�....-----16--------------- Score Boards : 12,000 s Erickson Park Batl Fietda ; Parka ------ --- -------------18----------18-------------------------------------..-,,.___-_------------18--------------- Aeriai Truek • 10Qapp� • 5700�000 1992, 5200,000 1993, 5300�U00 1994 ; �9re ------ ---------------------ZO----------20---------------------------------------------_-_-----------20-^---__-------- 4 X 4 Pickup ; 18,000 ' : Replace '86 Unit 227 in Fire Dept ` : Pteb Y1�ks --- ---------------------22__-..------22-------__-----------------,_----------------^--,.....-----.,_�,22-_-___-_------- S ri�kit Fire Halt : 1$,000 - ; Moved from '91 ; Fire --p------------s-E-Ui-m--- -24--19- --2q-Gontinuin--D-------------------------------- - -- --------24-^---^--------- _Engine_Analysi^!!q--p_ent_'_-26--- ,Oppw-�6--T------ 9 'epartment_Systems_Upgrading ----w----^--w---- • Public Morks _ _ -26------------- - Lawn Mower • 12,000 • Reptace Joh� Deere riding mower ; Parks Shetter & Generai Improvement�� SO,OflO _28 Gontinued Park lmprovement '_______ _ _ ____________ _Z8__a`ks_._______ ------------------------------30------ ---30-------------------------------------------------- --- ---30-P-----------_- ------------------------- ----32----------32- --------------------------------------- ------------ - --32- ------------- -----------------------------34----------34-•----------------------- -------�- - ---- - ------__------34- --- -------- : -------------------- - -------36-- �------36---__ -------------------------___------------------ ----36-------- - -- ----------- ------------------38----------38------------------------------------------------- --------38--------- ---- -- ------------------- -------4q----------40---------------------- ^----------------------,- --•------#0-^�---------__:., _..__ _-__ _,.----------------42----------42----- ---,---- -------- ---- -- --__ - ---- - -42- - -------- _ , --- -- --^--- ------ • - --�---4b-_-_-- --44- --,._..,.__;.___..__ ___..------------- ---- - - - -----M4-- , .._,.._�._ ------ ------ -----------46----------46------�_ ....___ _--------------�-------------.. �� - - --#5------.. ------- ----- - ----- ------ - -----48--- -- ---48----------�-----_------ --------- -------_•____------------48----- ---- ___ ---- --- - ---- -------------50--- ----50-- ------------------------------- --------- ------ -- --50�-------------- ----------- - ----------------52----------52-------- ----------- -- - ----- '-------^- -- ,. -------52---- ----._---- -------------------- - -------54--- -----54------ - ------- --------------------------___ - --------5#--_-_--_------- ------------- ------- -- -----56------ ---56------- ------------------------____- ------------------•--56------- --- ------------------------------58----------58----- ---------------------------------- ------- ---- -58---- --------- ------------ -- --------------60----- ----60^----------------- -------------------------------- ----60--------------- ----------TOTRL---------------62-373,000--62-------------------- --------------------__-- -------------62--------------- ------------ ----- -----------64----------64----------- ----- -------------- --- ------- ------- -----64--------------- �' j ` � Page One � 93CIP . 1993 GiP BUDGET - All DEPARTMENTS ITEM '- ------------:---'COST-- :----------------------�----------------- ---- ------------ . -------------- - ----------------------------- ---------- ---- DEPARTMENt ; _; -----------------------------------•_--__-�__-_------- -:---------•_---- Aeriai Truck • 2pq,000 : Replace 20 Year Old Truck Fire Siren---------�-------------- 8--10,000 a Com tete'Si�en Instaitation North of-US H--T---l-------^-- �-l�-----------r ----------------- -----------10----------1U----p-------------------------------------anes�at_128th___ : Gene�ai__-____ -- _�p_ __�_ Shannon Park North • 40,000 : l.ighting of Athtetic Fields : Parks 2 Po1�ce Squad Cars----------12-'26 500--12-Update Squads-- ---------- ----- --------- - --------- -12-p------------- ---- __ -------------14----�- ---14-------------------- ------ ----- ------------------- -- ' _olice_-_-- _ __ __ - -f4- - - __- Roads�de MowPr : 3 000 : Replacement Program :Pubiic Morks Re�lace 'g7-�----------------16----�-----16- -ce n _------- --46-----^--------- - - ---�n�--------- --18--15,000_ : Repla---I-spection_Vehicte acqu�red_spring of '@7 : Ganm Dev ----- ---- - -�e-- _-_-------•-----�e--�------------ � X 4 Pickup : 20,000 ; Replace Grass Rig Unit-shift old unit to Pub Wrks : F3re City Hail Shelter------------20--60,Q00--20-Add on to----------------------- ----------^--------------20--------- ----- ________________________w,__�2_________ __}__ _ __shelter_near_City_Ha11_fo�_General_Improvement_ : Parks Seeder • 3,OQ0 -ZZ- -22------ ---- -- ' • : Parks ------ -- -- ----------24----------24-----'----------- -------------------------- ------24--------------- Electronic Distance Measure : 10,000 : Continuing Equipment upg�ades for efficiency ' : Pubi4c Morks Sk�d-steer loader---------- -26--20 000 �26---------�---------------------- ----------------------^---26------- ------- , : Replaae 86 Model • Fubtic Wcarks Erickson Park Parking}i.at ---28- ---000--2$-Add'to�----------------------- --------^-------------- ---28----------- --- 35, curb b gutter by paving1parking lot and drives • Parks ------------------------ � � . ------30----------30---------------------------�------------------------ -------30--------------- ------------------------------32----------32----- ----------------__-__----------- - ---^------ ------32------- - --- - ------- ----------------------34----------34---------__--------- ----------- --------------------------34--------------- ------------------------------36--- ------36---- ------------------------------------------ ------- ---36---------- -- ---------------------- - -----38--- ------38---------------------- ------- ---------------------- - - -38- --- ----- ------- --------- ------- - --ao----------ao------- �---------- ------ - - ------- - _ . -----------ao--------- - --------------------- --------az----------ai------------------------------------ ------ - �-----------ai- ----- - - ----------------„------------�+4----------44-------------- -------------------- ----------------___•- �a�- ------------ ------------------------------46----------46-----------------------------------------------------------46-- -- ------ -- ------------------------------48----------#8-------------- ------------------------- ---------_....�_----48---- ---------- -- ------------------- -------50----------50--------------------------------------------------------- -50--------------- ----------------- ------------52----------52-------- --- ------- - --------------_-_----------_ _--52- -- --- --- s ---------------�- --------- -54-- -----54----- --__^_-___-----------------__ - ----------- --- - -54---•----------- ------------------------------56_�___-----56- ----- -------_----------------- ---------..,. .___-----56---- --------- ------------------------------5&------- --58------------------------------------------------ -_ __---58----- --------- ------------------------------60-- -------60----------•-----_-_----....-------- ----------- - ----------60--- ------- --- ----------TOTAL--- -----------62-443,500--62---------------- ------------------------- -------------62--------------- ------------------------------64---------�64--------- ---------------------- --------------- ----------64--_------------ + • � Paqe One � 9h C1P .. 1994 C I P EiUDGE? ALL t�EPARTMENTS ITEM - ----.----CQST-- .---- ------------------------------ --------- ------------^- �DEPARTMENI Aerial ladder�Truck------------.-200,400---.-Replacement----------- -'-w-------- --- - --l--w-�}---- -.-Fir--'T---T--- New Vehicie-- -------'--- --- �--�6�ppp-- 8-p�inistration - replacey'89 Ga�avan-l--�---�-'w-------�-- 8-Generat- }-- - 4 POI 1C1!^Sf�Ul1i C�lf•S-______-_--10��,,'O�0--10-U�dit:elSt�u.��ts and ��dd i:n Fleot------------ ----_ __.-1(!-��)ic' ' - -- � e Park 13enchs^and T�bles�-------t2--1Q,000--12-Continuing Park improvements--�---w - -----------'w�---T'-12-Park-- --- - Kidder Park Shetter'+---- ----14--30,000 !14 Generaf She9ter and Slab for park Area-----T----w-T--�----1�'Parks---�----- ------------------------------16----------16------------------------------ -------------------__- ----16------- ------- Enabak Area Park • 50,000 : Aid in Park Development ; Parks w Computer Upgrades----^--------18--35,000--18-Pe�iodic Upgrading Requirements--T--------'-- - ----�- ---1�-Fi'l��-------- -------------------- -20- -ZO- ------------------------------ ------- --------------- T_nance------- . ----�---- -------- -- � -- -20- Erickson Park Equipment : t5,OQ0 • Play equipment fo� pafk areas : Parks Front End Loader-------1--a---22-110,000--22-Replace 1974 Unit,�PlowT& Wing�-_T�----------^--- w-----�2'Public Mork--- Puiverizsr--------------------24--'3,000'-24-�eplacement---------------------- ------------------------2h-Pu61i--�---�-- ------------------------------26----------26---------------------------------------------------------- -----c_.orks-- -26- Sander • 3,UOQ : Repiacement ; Pubiic Works 3ig� Board-----^--------------28---S,OQU--28-For construction zone safet------------------ - ___------28----"'__------- , • : Pub11c IYo�ka . ------------------------------30----------30--------------------------_-Y_-___,..____-------------------30---�----------- Skid Stee� t.oader • 30,OOfl s Additionai unit - with attachmenta : Pubiic Morks Schwarz Shelter-�--�--T��-----�2- 75,Q00--32TAdd to Northwest+Gorner�of^Park'next to K it'��__lww�^�---3�-lT���w---"___ ---------------------------- -34----------34------ -------------------------- -----e ey PropertY-- � Parks--------- - - - -- -3q- ------------------------------36----------36-----------------------------------------------------�-----36----- --------- ------------------------------38-------- -38-------------------------------------------------- --------36------------- ------------------------------40-------__-b0-----------�---------------------- -- --------- --------40---- - -------- ----------------------- ------42----------�2--------------�----------- ---------------------------- ---42------- ------- ------------------------------44----------44---------------------------�----------------^-------------4G-- -- - ------- ------------------------------46----------46------------------- ------------------------------------- -46- ------------ ------------------------------48----------48--------------------- ----------------- ------------------•4�-- ----- --- -- ------------------------ -----5U------- -50--------_• ----------------- -----------------^__•------50-----^-------- ------------------------------52----------52---------------------- ---------- ----___-------------- --52- - -------_-_ ------------------------------54----------54----------------_------------------------------------------54---- ---------- ----------------------- ------56----------56------------------------- --^------- ----- -------------56--------------- ------------------------------58----------58- ----------- ------- ------------------------ --__•__----58--------------- --------------------------- --6Q- --------60- ---- ------- ----------- -------------------------- - --60--------------- ---------'TOTAL---------------62-634,OQ0 �63---- --- --------------------- ^-----------.._..___�,.-------62----------- --- ------------------------------64----------64----��----------^---------------- -----------,-------------64-- -^_-_-__- M � • 107VVO1�NW�WWW.��+�• W�W�pWW�pWWWmy,1yp�,�Wp�WWWYIW(WpWy�WWWWyI��WWWWWWWWWWWWWwWWpp N�y NpN NNNNNfNNN�y NNNN NN � �. � W{MWWWW S+1�y WW WWiN N {µ NM NNhNp 1 .�+�p-+.�r�OR�Ut'W�OAW �VQ�IaAW��tp�4th1+���bN+� .1+O�tWRW� � 1�a.NaN.�spo p p p NNNNNNNNNNONOOd00 . . . 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WW 10pf0yqqfpp� V�NN � O�'� OPm'��01..+ ONWC'JN4PV�OWW4O\OSVV�N00�-�t'Fq-+1�f � W W±OWOO O�W01 G� �fOWN W ..ONV/V.+W� q . ag���� ���gs�o��o��:�����g�s�oo�����ss��og��s����^��ss��`":�� g ~wy N�„t��W � oa wwmvo a o w w c�i��t3owS'�w$�$m2iv`Pw ~ ' • � 1990 BUDGET WQRKSHEETS CITY GOUNCIL 41110 Page One Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Descriptian Arrrount Total 101 41110 1103.0 Cvuncil Salaries T �20,14$ l0I 41110 1103.1 Mayor �4,5a6 101 4111U 1103.2 Councilmember 41120 $3,848 101 41110 1iO3.3 Cauncilmember 41130 $3,898 101 4I110 1103.4 Cvuncilmember 41140 $3,898 101 41110 11Q3.5 Councilmember 41150 $3,$98 101 41I10 3341.0 Management $38,04Q 101 41110 3307.1 News1etter $15,000 ' 101 41110 3307.2 Training $6,fl00 - 101. 41110 3307.3 Spring Clean Up $11,Q00 101 4i110 33Q7.4 Fireworks $6,Q00 101 41110 3307.5 101 41110 3307.6 101 41110 3307.8 101 41110 3307.9 101 411IO 3307.A 101 41110 3329,0 4mmunications t er $0 101 41110 3329.1 101 41i10 3329.2 101 41110 3329.3 101 4111Q 3329,4 101 41110 333i,Q rave $0 101 411i0 3331.1 101 41110 3331,2 101 41110 3331.3 _ 101 41110 3331.4 l0i 41110 3434.0 on erenees Seminars $6,Q40 101 41110 3434.2 Two to National Conf $3,OQ0 101 411I0 3434.2 5 to State & Regional $3,000 _ 101 41114 3434.3 101 4111Q 3434.4 101 41110 3439.0 isce aneous t er $0 101 4111Q 3439.1. , 101 41110 3439.2 101 4111Q 3439.3 ��, l0i 41110 5579.0 apita ut ay Ot er $39,073 ' 101 41110 5579.1 Education Reimbursement $7,5p0 101 41110 5579.2 All Employees-LMC Oues-� $3,000 - 101 41110 5579.3 AMM Dues $1,040 101 41110 5579.4 Contingencies $27,573 ' DEPARTMENT TOTALS $103,221 $1Q3,221 i • . 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ApMINiSTRATOR 4132Q Page One _ Object Requested �und Account # Ob� # Description A�unt Total -------------------------..____,-----------_ _ __ 101 41320 1101.0 Salaries �1?5,283 - 101 41320 1101.1 Administrator $66,547 101 41320 1101.2 Deputy Clerk $38,729 101 41320 1101.3 Secretary $23,063 101 41320 110i.4 Receptianist $23,422 101 41320 1101.5 New Posit�on {CamQev/PW)$23,422 101 �1320 1142.0 Regular �mp Overtime E3,Q00 101 41320 11Q2.1 $3�Q00 101 41320 1iO3,U artime �0 IOl 41320 1103.1 101 4132Q 2207.0 raining nstructio� $50Q lql 41320 2207.1 $50Q 101 41320 2207.2 101 4132Q 2207.3 l0i 41320 2221.0 qu�pment arts $0 101 41320 2221.1 Computer 101 41320 222I.2 l0i 4i320 2221.3 . 101 41320 2242.0 ' nor quipment $0 101 41320 2242.1 101 41320 2242.2 101 41320 2242.3 i01 41320 3307.0 anagement �2,OUQ 101 41320 3307.I Contract Negotiation $2,OQ0 101 4132Q , 3307.2 Comp Worth Update 101 41320 33Q7.3 Affirmative Action 101 41320 3309.0 Miscetlaneous $0 lUl 41320 33Q9.1 Computer Prog $0 101 41320 3309.2 Logis Costs $Q 101 41324 3309.3 Studies lUl 41320 3349.4 l0i 41320 3309.5 101 41320 3309.6 101 4i320 3331.0 rave $600 101 4132Q 3331.1 �6Q0 101 41320 333I.2 101 41320 3331.3 101 41320 3331,4 PAGE TOTA�S $181,283 �I81,283 � • i990 BUDGET WORKSMEETS AaMINISTRAT4R Page Tv�o 063ect Requested . Fund Account � Qbj � Description Amaunt Total 1Q1 41320 3339.0 Transport^Other ^� $300 101 41320 3339.2 $3fl0 101 41320 3339,2 , 101 4132Q 3339,3 lUl 41320 3396.0 P aintenance $200 101 4i320 3396.1 $2�0 101 41320 3396.2 101 4132Q 3396,3 101 41320 3413.0 D quipment $0 101. 41320 3413.I Printer 101 41320 3413.2 101 41320 3413.3 101 41320 3433,0 ues ubscriptivns $15Q : 101 41320 3433,1 MCMA $50 1Q1 41320 3433.2 ICMA $10U 101 41320 3433.3 ICMA News Service 101 41320 3434.0 Conferences/Seminars �1,800 1Q1 41320 3434.1 Natianal Conf $250 101 41320 3434.2 MCMR Conf $400 101 41320 3434.3 Qther ZO1 41320 3434.4 Deputy Clerk �75Q 101 41320 3434.5 Staff $44Q 1�1 41320 101 41320 T� ldl 41320 PAGE TOTALS �2,454 $2,45Q pEPARTMENT TOTALS $183,733 $183,733 . � 1990 BUDGET WQRKSHEEtS F - FINANGE 41520 Page One u n Ob3ect Requested . d Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ----------------------------------------------------------- 101 41520 1141.0 Salaries �126,126 101 41520 1101.1 Finance Director $45,469 101 4i520 1101.2 Deputy Finance Director $29,Q47 I01 41520 1101.3 financelDeputy Registrar$29,650 101 41520 i101.4 Deputy Registrar $21,960 101 41520 1101.5 New Position ??? 101 4i520 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $0 i01 41520 1103.]. 101 41520 3308.0 nstructor s ee $300 I01 4i52U 3308.1 Deputy Schooling $100 101 41520 3308.2 Finance Seminars $200 101 41520 3308.3 101 4152Q 3331.0 rave $30Q 101 41520 3331.1 Direetor �150 101 41520 3331.2 Deputy Director $100 101 41520 3331.3 Staff $50 1:01 41520 3391.Q Computer Maintenance $12,U00 : 101 41520 3391.1 Mini System Maint $7,500 101 41520 3391.2 Mini Software Lieense $4,500 101 41520 3391.3 101 41520 3392.0 Computer ccessories $0 101 41520 3392.1 i01 41520 3392.2 101 41520 3392.3 I01 41520 3393.0 Computer ard So t ware $4 101 41520 3393,1 101 41520 3393.2 101 41520 3393,3 101 41520 3393.4 101 41520 3395.0 a ntenance $60U 101 41520 3395.1 Micro Maint Contract $350 101 41520 3395.2 Printer Maint Contrac $250 101 41520 3415.Q flther Equipment �I,5Q0 101 41520 3415.1 Replace Cash Register $1,5�0 I01 41520 3415.2 101 41520 3433.0 ues Su scriptions �115 101 41320 3433.1 MDRA Annual $75 1Q1 41320 3433.2 MCFQA �15 101 41320 3433.3 GFOA $25 101 41320 3433.4 lUl 41320 3434.0 on erences/Seminars $2,975 1.01 41320 3434.1 MDRA in Sept for 3 $175 101 41320 3434.2 Gomputer Symposiams $2UU 101 4�320 3434.3 Chance Opportunity $200 101 41320 3434.4 National Conv $2,400 101 41320 3439.0 Miscellaneous Other $l0U 101 41320 3439. 1 Not covered by other $1�0 101 41320 3439.2 101 41320 3439.3 10] 4132Q PAGE TOTALS $144,OI6 $144,OI6 � � 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS ELECTIONS/DEPUTY CLERK Page On� 4I410 .. Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Deseription A�unt Total 101 41410 1103.0 Part Time Salaries �4,QOQ 101 41410 1103.1 Judges $3,50Q 141 41414 11Q3.2 Medicare $1Q0 101 41410 1103.3 Staff $�OQ 101 4141Q 22Q3.0 Printed Forms $200 101 4141U 2203.1 BallatS $2D0 l0i 41410 2203.2 101 41410 22U3.3 101 41410 2229.0 t er $1,(�{?0 101 41410 2229.1 MealslCleanup $700 1t11 41410 2229.2 Misc Su�plies $3Q0 101 41414 2229.3 101 41410 3309.Q �sce aneaus $900 101 41410 3309.1 Maintenance Agreement $90Q 101 41410 3309.2 101 41410 3309.3 101 41410 3321.0 e ep one $400 1Di 41410 3321.1 Precinct Phones $400 101 4141Q 3321.2 101 41410 3321.3 101 41410 3351.0 ega otices $lOQ l0I 41410 3351.1 Election Notices $1Q0 101 41410 3351.2 101 41410 335i.3 101 41410 3359,0 r nt ng nd ng �1,Q00 101 41410 3359.1 Printing �1,OU0 101 41410 3359.2 101 41410 3359.3 1Q1 41410 5581.0 t er quipment $0 101 41410 5581.1 101 4�4i0 5581.2 1Q1 4141Q 55$2.3 101 41410 . 101 4I410 101 41410 101 41410 PAGE TOTALS $7,600 �7,600 . � � ' 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Page 4ne 41910 _ Object Requested _ Fund Account # Obj # Description Arr�unt Total l�l 41910 i1Q1.0 SalariesT-w---�- - ^ ' �251,537 101 41910 1101.1 Camm Devel Director $59,545 101 41910 1101.2 Econ Devel Specialist $0 101 41910 1101.3 Secretary $24,358 lal 41910 1101.4 Planner $41,167 l�l 41910 1101,5 Building Dept Secy $35,51Q 101 41910 1101.6 Building Official $44,901 101 41910 1101.7 Building Inspector $39,046 i01 41910 1IO2.0 Full Time Overtime . 101 41910 1102. 1 Meetings b Minutes $7,000 101 41910 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $1,400 102 41910 1103.1 Planning Commission $1,400 101 41910 1103.2 101 41910 1103.3 101 41910 2203.Q raining Instructton $1,OQ0 101 41910 2203.1 Printed forms $I,Q00 101 41910 22Q3.2 101 41910 2209.3 l0I 41910 2212.0 otor �e $1,000 101 41910 2212.1 Inspection $1,000 101 41910 2212.2 101 41910 2212.3 101 41910 2221.0 Equipment arts $575 101 41910 2221.1 Repairs $575 101 41910 2221,Z . 101 4191Q 2221.3 101 4191Q 2229.0 t er $2Q0 101 41910 2224.1 Repair & Maintenanee $200 101 41910 2241.0 Sma11 Tools & Equip $ZOQ 101 4i910 224i.2 $2Q0 101 41910 3304.0 ega ees $750 101 41910 3304.1 $750 101 41910 3304,2 l0I 41910 3309.0 ro ess ona ervices $5,000 101 41910 3309.1 $5,OQ0 101 41910 3309.2 101 41910 3309.3 101 4191Q 3311.0 ontract nspQctions �15,OOU . 101 41910 3311.1 $16,OOd l0i 419I0 3311.2 101 41910 3312.0 empvrary erv�ces $1,Q00 101 - 4i91Q 3312.1 $1,OOQ 101 4Z910 3331.0 rave $3,600 101 41910 3331.1 $3,60Q 101 41910 3323.0 adios $0 101 41910 3323.1 101 41910 3341.0 Emp oyment $50Q 101 41910 3341.1 Ads $5Q0 141 41910 334I.2 101 41910 3341.3 PAGE TOTAIS $Z82,762 $282,762 , . � � 1990 t3UDGET WORKSHEETS COMMUNITY DEVELOPM�NT Page Two 41910 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amaunt Tota� - 101 41910 3350.0 Rrinting & Publishing $20Q 101 41910 3350.1 $200 101 4191D 3350.2 101 4i910 3350.3 101 41910 3351.Q ega otice $950 l0I 41910 3351.1 $95fl 101 41910 3351.2 101 41910 3351.3 101 41910' 3352.0 Genera otices $200 101 4191fl 3352.1 �200 101 41910 3352.2 1Q1 41910 3352.3 101 4�910 3395.0 a ntenance $4 101 419�0 3395.1 1Q1 41910 339a.2 101 41910 3395.3 l0i 4191U 3397.0 ard o t ware �304 10i 41910 3397.1 $30Q 101 41910 3397.2 101 4191Q 3397.3 101 41910 3433.0 ues u scr�pt ons �525 101 41910 3433.1 $525 101 41910 3433.2 I01 41910 3433.3 1�1 41910 3434.0 on erences/ em�nars $2,50Q 101 41910 3434.1 $2,500 101 �1910 3434.Z lU1 41910 3434.3 101 41910 3535.0 0o s amp ets $575 101 4191Q 3535.1 $575 101 41910 3535.2 101 41910 3535.3 1Q1 41910 3439.0 isce aneous 't er $2QQ 1Q1 41910 3439.I $ZQO 101 41910 3439.2 101 41910 101 4I910 PAGE TQTAlS $5,450 $5,450 DEPARTMENT TOTAI.S $288,2i2 $288,212 � i • 1990 BUDGET WQRKSNEETS POLiCE 4211U Page One Ob�ect Requested Fund Aceount # Obj # Description Amount Totai 101 42110 11Q1.0 Salaries � ^ � $497,981 } 101 42110 1101.1 Pplice Chief $58,373 101 42110 1101.2 Poliee Leutenant $52,267 101 42110 11Q1.3 Police Secy/Dispatch �33,967 141 42110 1I42.4 Pvlice Sargeant 421500K $49,962 101 42110 1104.5 Palice Sargeant 42160JQ $47,895 1Q1 42110 i101.6 Patrol 42130 Mark R $49,346 101 42110 1101.7 Ratrol 42140 Brian B $40,812 101 421IO 1101.8 Patral 421.70 Jewell E $44,I44 101 42110 1101.9 Patrol 42175 Bi11 0 $37,a02 101 42110 1101.A Patral 42180 John S $46,211 101 42110 1ZO1.B Patrol 42185 Brian W $37,502 101 42110 1101.0 Patrol 42190 $0 101 42110 1103.0 Part Time Salaries $9,706 101 42110 1103.1 Secretary 42191 $9,706 101 42110 2207.0 Training & Instruction $6,200 101 42110 2247.1 Training $4,950 101 42110 2207.2 Special classes & Ar� $1,250 101 421I0 2207.3 101 42110 2209.0 upp �es- t er �1,20Q 101 42Z10 2209.1 $1,2QQ 10�. 42110 2209.2 101 42110 2209.3 101 42110 22p9.4 $9��00 141 42110 22I2.0 ator ue s 1Q1 421i0 2212.1 $9,000 101 42110 2212.2 101 421i0 2212.3 lUl Q2110 2212.4 101 42110 2212.5 101 42i10 2213.0 Lubs dd�tives $150 101 42110 2213.I $150 101 4211fl 2213.2 101 42110 2213.3 101 42110 2213.4 101 42110 2219.0 t er $2U0 ' I01 a2110 2219. I Supplies far Auto $200 . 101 42110 2219.2 101 42110 2219.3 l0I 42110 2221.0 qu�pment -arts $3,5QQ 101 42110 2221, 1. Gar Repa�rs $3,500 i01 42110 2221.2 . 101 42110 2221.3 101 42110 2221.4 101 42110 2222.0 ires $1,500 10� 42110 2222.1 $1,500 101 42110 2222.2 l0i 42110 Z222.3 101 42110 2241.Q ma 1 ools $150 101 42110 224I. 1 $150 101 42110 2241.2 PAGE TQTALS $529,587 �529,587 � � 1990 BUOGET WQRKSHEETS PQLICE 42110 Page Two Object Requested Fund Account # Ob� # Oescription Ar�unt Total 101 42i1Q 3304.0 Legal �25,OOQ 101 42110 3304.1 Grannis & Grannis $25,000 101 42110 3304.2 101 42110 3304.3 101 4Z110 3304.4 101 42110 3305.0 ed�ca enta $1,000 1Q1 42110 3�05. 1 $1,OOQ 101 42i10 3305.2 101 4211Q 3306.0 ersonne esting $0 101 42110 33Q6. 1 $0 101 42110 3306.2 .101 42i10 3306.3 101 42110 3309.0 �sce aneous $10,85Q 101 42110 3309.1 Dispatch Police & Fire $9,040 101 42i10 3309.2 Deveiop film & Purchases $350 101 42110 " 3309.3 Biood & Breath Test $1,500 101 4211U 3323.0 Radio $2,500 101 42110 3323. 1 Radio Purchase i01 42i10 3323.2 Recertify & repair radio �500 ' 101 42110 3323.3 Repair Sirens �, RadiQs �2,OQQ 101 42110 3331.0 Travel ' $1,100 101 42110 3331. 1 GFiief's State $150 101 42110 3331.2 National Canvention $650 1Q1 42I10 3331,3 Crime Prevntn/Two Offcrs $300 101 42110 339I.0 Computer Maintenance $8,8flQ 101 42110 3391.1 ENFORS Software Main. $2,200 101 42110 3391.2 ENFORS Turnkey Main. $5,90Q • 101 42110 3391.3 CJDN connect charges $700 101 42110 3392.0 Camputer AccEssories $1,350 101` 42110 3392. 1 Disc Packs $600 i01 42I10 3392.2 Computer paper $500 101 421i0 3392.3 Rack cleaning $250 101 �2110 3395.0 P,C. Computer $250 101 42110 3395.1 P.C. Maintenance $25Q 101 42110 3395.2 Software P�rchases 101 42110 3419.0 4ther Rental $10,972 101 4F110 3419.1 Animal Control $5,772 1Q1 42110 3419.2 Wages $500 101 42110 3419.3 Insurance $1,20Q 101 42110 3419.4 Vet Clinic $3,5QU RAGE TOTAIS $6i,�22 $61,822 � � 1990 BUDGET W4RKSNEETS POIICE 4211U Page Three Objec� Requested Fund Account # Obj # Qescription Arr�unt Total - - ------------------------------------------- 101 4211Q 3433.0 Duas & Subsciptians �20Q lfl? 42110 3433.1 See Comments $Z00 I01 42110 3433.2 101 42110 3434.0 Con erences J Seminars $1,150 101 42110 3434.1 State Chief's $� Disaster $200 101 42110 3434.2 Chief's Nat'1 Conv. $550 l0i 421I.Q 3434.3 Crime WatchJTwo Officers $400 101 42i10 3435.0 Books � Pamphlets $6Q0 101 42110 3435, 1 �ike Safety $25Q 101 42110 3435.2 Other Programs $35Q 101 42110 3435.3 101 42110 - 343b.0 7owing arges $2Q0 i01 42110 3436. 1 $200 101 42�1Q 3436.2 101 42110 3436.3 101 42110 3439.0 sce aneous t er $800 101 42110 3439. 1 Tax Transfer $0 101 42110 3439.2 Setup Squads $80U l0I 42110 5551.0 Capital Outlay Auto $Q 101 42110 5551. 1 141 42110 5551.2 i01 42110 101 42110 101 42110 ' 201 42110 , 101 42110 101 42110 101 42110 101 42110 PAGE TOTALS $2,950 $2,950 OEPARTMENT TOTAIS $594,359 $594,359 � 1990 6UDGET WQRKSHEETS � FIRE DEPARTMENT Page Qne 42210 Object Requested Fund Aceount # Obj � Qescription Am�unt Total 101 42210 i103.0 Saiaries Part Time 1 T � -------$12,359 l0I 422I0 I103.1 Salaries $55,90Q 101 42210 1103.2 Pensian $800 1Q1 42210 1103.3 FICA $200 101 42210 1103.4 Medicare $750 1D1 42210 1103.5 Life Insurance $150 i01 42210 1103.6 Fire Marshall Salary $14,559 101 42210 2201.0 Office Supp & Access $1,500 101 42210 2201.1 Gleaning $500 101 42210 2201.2 Medical $5Q0 101 42210 2201.3 Nardware �500 l0I 42210 �202,0 Uuplieating & Copy $100 101 42210 2202.1 Capier supplies �100 1�1 42210 2202.2 101 42210 2204.0 nve opes etter ead $125 101 42210 2204.1 Department Supplies �125 101 42210 2204.2 l0I 42210 2207.0 raining Instruction $3,U00 101 42210 2207.1 Sectionat & State $i,00Q I01 4221U 2207.2 Haz-Mat $7flU 101 42210 2207.3 First Responder $700 101 42210 2207.4 Pumper Ctass $60Q 101 42210 2207.5 added I01 42210 2204.0 Supplies-Other $300 101 42210 : 2209.1 Miscellaneous supplies $3Q0 iAl 42210 2209.2 101 42210 2212,0 ator ue s $2,Q00 301 42210 2212.1 Truck fuels $1,500 1�1 42210 2212.2 added $5Q0 101 42210 2212.3 101 42210 2212.4 : 1Q1 42210 2213.Q u s dditives $1lQ00 101 4221Q 2213.1 di1 Changes - Lubs $300 101 42210 2213.2 Routine Maint, $700 1Q1 422I4 2213.3 101 4221Q 2217.0 enera C ot ing $6,OQ0 101 42210 2217.1 Caats $2.60Q �O1 42210 2217.2 Pants �1,bQ0 101 42210 2217.3 Melmets $6Q0 101 42210 2217.4 Accesories $1,200 i0i 422I0 2221.0 Equipment Parts $5,OQQ 101 42210 2221. I Equipment $1,OOU 101 42210 2221.2 Parts $2,OQ0 101 42210 2221.3 Repairs $2,OQ0 101 42210 2221.4 101 4221U 2222.0 ires $500 101 42210 2222, 1 replacement tires $5QQ 101 4221D 2222.2 101 42210 2222.3 101 42210 2229.Q t er $2�30Q 141 42210 2229.1 P9echanic - c�utside $1,000 lAl 42210 2229'.2 Eg. Testing $1,3Q0 PAGE TOTALS $94,184 $g�,i84 • � 1990 �UDGET WORKSHEETS S FIRE DEPARTMENT Page Two Ob�ect Requested Fund Account # Obj # �escription A�unt Total - ------------------------------------------- 101 42210 2241.0 Sma11 Too1s �1,500 101 42210 2241. 1 F�ttings & Adapt. $8QQ ^� IOi 42210 2241.2 Mech. Tools $lOQ 101 42210 2241.3 Garden N�se $200 101 42210 2241.4 Rescue Tvols $200 i01 42210 2241.5 Axes - Shovels $ZQO 101 42210 3305.0 Medical � Dental $2,Q00 I01 42210 3305.1 Neaith Testing $1,50fl 1Q1 4221Q 3305.2 Health Equipment �500 lUl 42210 3306.0 Personnel Testing $2,000 101 4221Q 3306.1 New Emp• $2,800 101 42210 33Q6.2 Err�rgency Checks �200� 101 42210 3306.3 TQ1 42210 3309.0 isce aneous $2,OQ0 101 42210 33Q9. 1 Haz Mat $2,OpQ 1Q1 42210 3309.2 101 42210 3309.3 101 42210 3322.0 Postage $2Q0 141 42210 3321.1 Miscellaneous Mailings $200 101 42210 3322.2 101 42210 3322.3 101 422I0 3323,0 adio $4,OflQ 101 42210 3323.1 Mobiles $I,500 101 42210 3323.2 Hand Held _ $1,5Q0 101 42210 3323.3 Pagers �1,Q00 101 42210 3329.0 Co�nt,rnication Qther $1,50Q 1Q1 42210 3329.1 Hand Hetd Repair $4p0 101 42210 3329.2 Mabile Repair $300 101 42210 3329.3 Pager Repair $800 101 42210 3331.0 Travel $2,700 101 42210 3331.1 National $i,00Q 101 42210 3331.2 State $1,QOQ 101 42210 3332.3 Sci�oots $700 101 42210 3382.0 Water $,�p 101 42210 3382.1 Contribution to Utility $55Q 101 42210 33$2.Z 101 42220 3382.3 _ 101 42210 3395.0 C aintenance $50 101 42210 3395.1 Maintenanee to existing $50 ' 101 42210 3395.2 101 42210 3397,U ard/ o t ware $500 101 42210 3397.1 Mardware 101 4221Q 3397.2 Software $400 1Q1 42210 3397.3 Accessories $100 101 42210 3397.4 added 101 422I0 3433.0 Dues $ Subscriptions $300 1Q1 42210 3433.1 Magazines $200 101 42210 3433.2 Dues $2Q0 101 42210 3433.3 PAGE TOTAL $17,300 $17,300 � � 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � FIRE DEPARTMENT Page Three 42210 Object Requested Fund Accaunt # Obj # Description Amount � Tatat - -------------------------------------- 101 42210 3434.0 Conferences/Seminars $75U " 201 42210 3434.1 Natianal $200 101 42210 3434.2 State $504 101 42210 3434.3 Other �50 101 4221Q 3439.0 Miscellaneous Other $3,000 101 42210 3439.1 Food $1D0 101 42210 3439.2 Oxygen-Plagues-Emblems $600 101 42210 3439.3 Painting $I,6Q0 102 42210 3439.� Extinquisher �3Q0 101 42210 3439.5 Patcher + ID �400 101 422i0 5561.0 Capital Outlay Furniture $104 101 42210 5561.1 �100 101 42210 5561.2 101 42210 5571.0 ice quipment $600 101 42210 5571.1 Xerox $600 101 42210 5571.2 101 42210 5581.0 4t er Equipment $8,80Q 101 42210 5581.1 E.ight Bars & Sirens $Z,IOQ 101 42210 5581,1 Mose $2,Qa0 i01 4221Q SGBA $3,000 101 42210 Nazzles $1,4Q0 1Q1 42210 Tarp� �700 PAGE TOTALS �33,250 $13,2�0 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $124,734 �124,734 ' • 1990 BUQGET WORKSMEE7� � PUBLIC WflRKS 43110 � Page Qne - Object Requested Fund Aecount # Obj # Description Amount Totat 101 43110 1i01.0 Salaries-^-�-T--- -^---T~-----�---�32a,943 I01 43110 i101.1 Public Works Director $28,076 101 43110 1101.2 Engineering Tech 43101 $33,870 101 43110 1101.3 Building Custodian 43106 $25,410 101 43110 1101.4 Engineering Tech 43107 �29,532 101 43110 1104.5 Foreman' 43120 $48,279 I01 43110 1101.6 Maintenance I 43118 $23,786 101 43110 1101.7 Maintenance II 43116 $34,044 101 43110 1101.8 Mechanic 43113 �33,054 101 43110 1101.9 Maintenance 1II 43115 �36,494 1�1 43110 1101,A Maintenance I 43130 �24,536 1Q� 43110 110�,6 Asst Pub Wks Dir �0 . 101 43110 il.O1.0 Mafntenance Level II $7,862 1Q1 43110 1101.D Elerical $p 101 43110 1102.0 full Time Overtfine $36,OUQ 101 43114 1102.0 Fu11 Time 4vertfime $36,000 101 431i0 1103.0 Part Time Empioyees �21,364 . 101 43110 I103. 1 Engineering Intern $8,5Q0 101 43110 1103.2 Public Works $12,854 101 4311Q 1103.3 101 43110 2202.Q opY up ieating $Q 101 43110 2203.0 Pr9nted Forms $0 1Q1 43110 2209.0 Office Supp-other $2,50+D $2,50Q 101 4311.0 2211.0 Cieaning Supp < �2d0 $2R0 101 43110 2212.0 Motor Fuels $12,OOQ $12,OOQ 101 43110 22I3.0 Lube & Add $3,000 $3,000 1Q1 43110 2219.0 Operat�ng Supp-other $4,OOQ $�,000 101 43110 2221.0 Equipt PartsJRepair �15,Q00 �15,OQ0 1Q1 43i10 222F.0 Tires $3,10Q ' 101 43110 2222. 1 loader/grader repl $1,5UQ 101 43110 2222.2 truck repl $800 101 43110 2222.3 misc $800 _ l0I 4311Q 2241.0 Small Tools $3,000 $3,000 101 43110 2242.Q Minor Equip $6,750 101 43110 2242.1 traf counters-2 101 43110 2242.2 misc $3,000 101 43110 2242.3 start tester �1,000 101 43110 2242.4 wheel caddie $450 101 4311Q 2242.5 misc survey equipt $1,500 101 43110 2242.6 metai detector $800 101 43110 2242.J 35mm SI.R camera 101 43I1Q 2242,8 101 43I10 2242.9 i01 43110 2242.A 101 43110 5561.0 ice urn�ture $50Q 101 43110 5561. 1 2 desks/chairs $200 101 43110 �561.2 filing cabinet �3Q0 PAGE T4TAL $432,357 $432,3a7 ` •' � 199� BUDGET WORKSH€ETS PUBIIC WORKS 4311Q Page fiwo Qbject Re�uested Fund Account # Obj � Descriptian Amount i'otal ' 101 43110 33�3.� Engineering�Fees--------�-$2,qQ0---l-�2,000 �. 101 43110 3304.0 I.egal Fees $1,000 �1,�?00 101 43110 3305.0 Medical Fees $500 �500 101 43110 3321.0 Telephone $Q 101 43110 3322.0 Postage $0 101 43110 3323.Q Radio Units $1,5Q0 $1,500 101 43110 3324.0 Messenger Service $5Q $5Q 101 43110 3329.(3 Co�nn - other $50 �50 : 1Q1 43110 3331,Q Travel Exp $2,Q40 $2,04Q 101 43110 3333.0 Freight & Express �IQO $100 101 4311Q 3339.0 Transportation �50 �5Q 1Q1 43110 3341.0 Employment 101 43110 3349.0 Advertising $500 $500 101 43110 3395.0 PC Maint $800 $800 �:Ol 43110 3396.0 PC Accessories/supl $100 $l0U 101 43110 3396.1 new 3�6 101 4311Q 3396.2 networking 101 43110 3396.� 20 Meg tape backup I4i 43110 3397.0 PC Hard & software $2,000 $2,000 101 43110 3404,0 Machinery & Equip $1,5U0 �1,500 1Q1 43110 3409,0 Contracted Rep&Maint $5,d00 $5,400 1�1 43110 34Z9.0 Rentais - other $60fl $6Q0 101 43I10 3433.0 �ues & Subserp �50Q $5Q0 101 431i0 3434.0 Conferenees/Seminars $2,000 $2,QOQ 101 43110 3435.0 Books & Pamphlets $3Q4 $30Q 101 43110 3439.0 Miscellaneous $5Q0 $500 Total Other Serv l0I 43110 TOTAI PUBiIC WQRKS-GEN $21,p50 �21,Q5D �453,407 $�53,407 • i 1990 BUDGET WQRKSHEETS PARKS & RECREATIQN Rage One 45110 Object R�quested Fund Account # Obj � Oescription Amount Total � __ ______________,...----------------____..___________...___ 1Q1 45110 1101.0 Salaries �240,T2Q 1Q1 45110 1101.1 Parks '& Rec �irector �51,639 101 45110 1101.2 Adm�n Assistant 45120 $32,1Q7 101 45110 11Q1.3 Rrogram Uireetor 101 45110 11Q1.4 Secretarial Added 101 45110 1101.5 Foreman 45112 �48,279 101 45110 1101.6 Maintenance I 45117 $24,536 101 45110 1101.7 Maintenance II 45114 �35,791 101 451iQ 1101.8 Forester Added $26,298 101 4511U 1101,9 Maintenance I Added $21,464 i01 45110 11Q2.0 Full Time Overtime $G,500 101 45110 1102.1 Parks $2,500 101 45110 1102.2 Maintenance $4,000 l0I 45110 11fl2.3 101 4511U 1103.0 art �me mp oyees �34,500 101 45110 1103. 1 Rlayground $8,Q00 101 45110 1103.2 �Varming House $6,Q00 101 451I0 1103.3 General Recreation $9,000 1Q1 45110 1103.4 Parks Maintenance $I2,5aQ lpl 4511Q ilOp.O TOTAI SALARIES PARKS & $281,120 $281,120 1Q1 45110 22Q2.Q Dupticating & CoPYin9 �2,438 101 45110 2202. 1 General Rrvgraming $438 1Q1 ` 45110 2202.2 Brochures $500 101 45110 2202.3 Drafting Supplies $1,5Q0 l0I 45110 2207.4 Training � Instruetion �1,Q00 101 45110 2207. i Videos $100 IOi 45110 2247.2 Machine Operator Guide $100 101 45i10 2207,3 Maintenance Guides ' $IQO 101 45110 2207.4 Schoot Tuition $70Q 101 45110 2209.0 Supplies Other $585 101 45110 2209. 1 P&R Office Supp & Furn $585 101 4511U 2209.2 _ I01 45110 2209.3 1Q1 45110 2212,Q otor Fuels $1,463 101 45110 2212. 1 tawn & Turf Equip, $I,463 101 45110 2212.2 Trucks, Cars, etc 101 45110 2215.0 Shop Mat/Park Supplies $14,000 ]:O1 45110 22i5. 1 Herbicide $3,500 i01 45110 2215.2 Fertilizer $4,500 101 45110 2215.3 Seed $1,A00 l0I 45110 2215.4 Red Rock $4,:500 101 45110 2215.5 Soi1 Tests, Etc $500 101 45110 2216.0 Special Programs $3,500 101 45110 2216. 1 Sunday Specials-45137 $I,750 101 45110 2216.2 leprechaun Days-45137 $550 101 45110 2216,3 Nal�oween-45137 $650 1DI 4511Q 2216.4 General Playgrd-4513Q $450 101 45110 2216.5 PAG€ TQTALS $304,106 $304,106 � 1990 BUDGET WORKSNEETS PARKS & RECREATION �age Two Object Requested Fund Accaunt # Obj # Description ` Amvunt Total 101 45110 2219.0 Qperating Supplies-Qther-------1---�$1,000�+ _ 101 �t5110 2219. 1 Arts & Crafts $500 101 45110 2219.2 Brushes, Brooms, Etc $50Q 101 45110 2219.3 101 45110 2221.0 Equipment arts ' $7,313 101 451IQ 2221.1 Fence Repair $2,500 101 45110 2221.2 Lighting Repair $2,500 101 45110 2221.3 Miscellaneous $2,313 101 45110 2222.0 Tires $488 101 45110 2222.1 Replacement Tires $488 101 45110 2222.2 101 4511Q 2222.3 101 45110 2223.0 ui ding epatr aint $4,875 . 101 45110 2223.1 Paint $750 101 45110 2223.2 Sfiingles, Boards, Etc �2,500 101 45110 2223.3 Miscellaneous $1,625 lpl 45110 2225.0 Landscape Materials $�,313 101 45110 2225, 1 Trees, Shrubs, etc $3,fi57 101 45].�0 2225.2 Timers, Fences, etc �3,656 101 451IQ 2226.0 Repair Materials $2,54Q l0I 45110 2226. 1, Nets, Poles, Bases,etc �2,000 101 45110 2226.2 Miscellaneous $5Q0 101 45110 2226.3 101 45110 2241.0 ma oa s $4,875 101 45110 2241. 1 Chainsaws, Mammers etc $2,9�0 101 45110 224I.2 BabCat Tao1s & Parts $1,975 101 45110 3309.0 Professional Srvs Other $4,OQ0 141 45110 3309.1 Engineering $1,500 101 45110 3309.2 Legal $500 101 45110 33Q9.3 Miscellaneous $2,000 101 �5110 3323.Q Radios $0 101 45110 3323.1 101 45110 3323.2 101 45110 3331.0 Trave $2,500 101 45110 3331. 1 Seminars & Workshups 101 45110 3331.2 Conventions $2,OOU 101 45110 3331.3 General Misc $5Q0 i01 45110 3333.0 Freight $585 101 45110 3333. 1 Materials ShipPing $585 � 101 45ll0 3333.2 101 45110 3333.3 101 45110 3349.0 dvertising- t er $8,500 101 45110 3349. 1 Broehures $6,OU0 101 45110 3349.2 Flyers(5choots, etc) $1,000 101 45110 3349.� Employment Ads �1,000 101 45110 3349.4 Miscellaneous $500 101 451i0 3381.D Electricity �9,750 101 45i10 3381. 1 Skating Rinks $4,5QQ 101 45110 338I.2 Softbail Fields $4,500 101 45110 3381.3 Miscellanous $750 101 45110 3382.0 Park & Rec Water $975 ldl 45110 3382. i Fie1d Irrigation $975 101 451IO 3382.2 PAGE TOTALS �54,674 �54,67R � � ! 199Q BU�GET WORKSHEETS � PARKS & RECREATION Page Three Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ------------------------------------ 101 4511D 33g5.0 PC Maintenance $585 � 1Q1 45110 3395. 1 Maintenance Contracts $585 101 45110 3395.2 101 45110 3395.3 101 45110 3397.0 C ard So t ware $2,000 101 45110 3397.1 Equipment & Software $2,OU0 101 45110 3397,2 101 45110 3397.3 101 45110 3409.0 t er epair Contracted $4,875 101 45110 34Q9.1 Irrigation Equip $1,500 101 45110 3409.2 Electrical Equip �1,500 101 45110 3409.3 Miscellaneous �1,875 101 45110 3419.0 Other Rental $6,$25 101 45110 3419.1 Portable Toilets $4,9Q0 1Q1 Q5110 3419.2 St John's & Gyms, etc $1,925 lUl �#5110 3419.3 101 45110 3433.0 Dues Su scriptians $488 101 45110 3433.i Various $488 1Q1 45110 3433.2 101 45110 3433.3 101 45110 3434.0 on erences / Seminars $5Q0 1Q1 45110 3434. 1 Seminars/Workshops $500 - 101 �5110 3434.2 101 45110 343�4.3 101 45110 3435.0 0o s ' Pamp ets $0 101 45110 3435.1 101 45110 3435.2 101 45110 3435.3 1Q1 45110 3439 U lsce aneous t er $4$8 101 45110 3439.1 Yarious $488 101 45110 3439.2 101 45110 5561.0 Capita ut ay Furniture $0 101 45110 5561. 1 101 45110 5561.2 101 45110 101 45110 101 45110 101 45110 , - 101 45110 101 45110 PAGE TQTALS .$15,761 �15,761 DERARTMENT TOTAIS $374,541 $374,541 I , � 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � F PARK & REC SPECIALS Page Qne � 45121 THRU 45135 n Ob,�ect Requested d Accvunt ;� Obj # pescription Amount Total _ -----------------------------------------____ 201. 45121/35 1103.Q Part Time Salaries �20,400 101 45121J35 1103.1 Various Program Payrol$2Q,000 101 45121j35 11Q3.2 101 45121/35 2219.0 perat�n9 upp ies- t er �5,4Q0 101 45121/35 2219.1 Various Prog Supplies $5,400 101 45121/35 2219.2 Finance Seminars 101 45121/35 2219.3 101 45121/35 2226.0 epair ateria s $5,600 1Q1 45121/35 2226.1 Equipment Repair $5,6Q0 101 45121/35 2226.2 101 45121/35 3309.0 ra essiona ervice $13,900 101 45121/35 3309.1 $13,900 101 45121j35 3309.2 101 45121/35 3331.0 Trave $8,000 l0i 45121/35 3331.1 Bus Rental for 7rips �8,000 101 45121/35 3331.2 101 45121/35 3331.3 10� 41520 3433.0 Dues ubscriptions $1,lOfl 101 41320 3433.1 $1,100 �.01 41320 3433.2 101 41320 3433.3 101 41320 3433.4 101 4I320 PAGE TOTALS ' $54,OOQ $54,000 � � 1990 BUOGET WORKSHEETS GENERA� GQYERNMENT Page One 41810 Objeet Requested Fund Account # Qbj # Description Amaunt Total - - ----------------------------------- ---- ___ _ 101 418i0 2201.0 Office Supp & Acces �D 101 41810 2201.1 101 41$10 2201.2 101 41810 2201.3 101 41810 2201.4 101 41810 2201.5 1Q1 41810 2202.0 Dup icating Copy $5,OQQ 101 41810 2202.1 $5,000 101 41810 2202.2 101 4181Q 22Q2.3 101 41810 2203.0 r nted orms $4,000 101 4181Q 2203.1 $4,QOQ 101 41810 22Q3.2 101 41810 2203.3 101 41810 2204.0 nve opes Ltr ead $2,OOU 1Q1 41810 22Q4.1; $2,Q00 101 4181Q 2204.2 101 41810 2204.3 101 4181Q 2209.0 upp es - t er $8,000 1QI 4181Q 2209.1 $S�OOQ 1Q� 41810 2209.2 $3�000 i�l 4181Q 2211.0 ean n9 �pP es 101 41810 2211,1 Cleanser,Mops,etc 101 41810 22i1.2 101 41810 2212.0 otor ue s $600 i01 41810 2212.1 $600 101 41.810 2219.0 Qperating Supplies-Other �0 101 41810 2219.1 101 41810 2221.0 qaipment arts $1,000 lUl 41810 2221,1 Admin �1,OOQ 101 41810 2221.2 ' 101 41810 2223.0 u� ding epair upp y $0 101 41810 2223.1 1Q1 41:�1Q 2223:2 �Oi 41810 2223,3 101 41810 2223,4 101 41810 2225.Q andscape Mat�ria s $0 1Q1 4I81Q 2225.1 101 41810 2229.0 Sign epair Materia s $0 101 41810 2229.0 101 41810 2241.0 ma oa s $Q 101 41810 2241.1 141 41810 2242.0 �nor yuipment $500 101 41810 2242.1 Admin * $400 101 41810 2242.Z Pub Wrlcs $100 101 41810 2242.3 101 41810 3301.0 ud�t ceounting �9,OQ0 101 41810 330i.1 * $9,OQ0 101 41810 3301.2 I01 41810 3301.3 l�l 41810 3302.0 rc itect s ees $2,000 ldl 41810 3302.1 * $Z,Q00 141 4181Q 330Z.Z lQ1 41810 3302.3 G T LS $32,100 $32,100 ' ' � 1990 BUpGET WORKSHEETS � GENERAI GOVERNMENT Page Taro 41810 Object Requested fund Account # Obj # Description Amourrt 7ata1 - ------------------------------------- 101 41810 3303.0 Engineering �3,000 � 101 41810 3303.1 �3,Q00 101 41810 3303.2 1Q1 41810 33Q4.0 Lega $$,000 ` 101 41810 3304.1 �8,000 l0i 41810 3304.2 101 4181U 3309,0 sce aneous $12,U40 101 �I810 33Q9.1 Senior Center $6,000 I01 41810 3309.Z Vermillion Watersfied $6,400 . 101 42810 3309.3 101 41810 3309.4 101 41810 3321.0 e ep one $21,000 101 41810 3321.1 �21,13Q0 , 101 41810 332i.2 1Q1 41810 3322.0 ostage $8,500 101 41810 3322.1 $$,500 101 4i810 3339.Q ransportat�on �1,QOQ 101 41810 3339.1 $I,004 101 41810 3352.Q enera otices $4,000 101 41$10 3352.1 $4,000 1Q1 4181.0 3352.2 I01 41810 3381.0 ectr�e t� ity $p 101 41$10 3381.1 101 41810 3381.2 101 4181Q 3383.0 as t �tY $p 101 �1810 3383.1 101 4181Q 33$4.0 e use ervice �0 101 41810 3384.1 101 41810 3413.0 quipment $3,000 101, 41810 3413.1 ` �3,OOQ 101 41810 34Z3.2 101 41810 3414.0 ata rocessing enta $0 l0I 41810 3414.1 - 101 41810 3414.2 101 41810 3419.0 t er enta �5,000 101 41810 3419.1 �5�QOp 101 4181Q 3419.2 i01 418i� 3419.3 l0i 4181Q 3439.0 M sce aneous $p 101. 41810 3439.1 101 418I0 5561.Q apita ut ay urniture $3,400 �Ql 4I81Q 5561.1 $3,000 101 41810 5561.2 IQi 41810 GE l $6$,5Q0 $68,5UQ UEPkRTMENT TOTALS �1Q0,600 �i00,600 ' � � 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS � GOVERNMENT BUII�DINGS Page One 41940 Object Requested Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total IO1T 41940^--2211.0^CleaningySupplies------w---- T $80U _ 101 41940 2211.1 $800 101 41940 2211.2 l0i 41940 2211.3 lUl 41940 2221.0 quiprr�nt arts $0 101 4L940 2221.1 $0 1Q1 41940 2221.2 101 41940 2223.0 ui ding epair aint $2,504 101 41940 2223.1 PD Remodel $2,500 101 41940 2223.2 Shop Remodel �0 101 41940 2223.3 101 41940 2225.0 andscape ateria s � �5Q0 101 4194Q 2225.1 $5Q0 101 41940 2225.2 101 41940 2225.3 101 41940 2229.0 t er $100 i41 41940 2229.1 $100 lU1 41940 2229.2 101 41940 2229.3 101 41940 2241.0 ma oa s $i00 101 4194Q 2241.1 $100 101 4I94Q 2241.2 _ 101 41940 2241.3 101 41940 2242.0 nor qu pment $100 101 41940 2242.1 $I00 101 41940 2242,2 101 41940 2242.3 101 41940 3309.0 isce aneous $6,220 101 4194Q 3309,1 $6,220 101 41940 3304.2 101 41940 3309.3 l0i 41940 3381.0 E ectr c�t� �18,Q00 - 101 41940 3381.1 $18,000 101 41940 3381.2 l0I 41940 3383.0 as $21,000 1.01 41940 3383.1 $2I,Q00 101 41940. 33$3.2 101 41940 3384.0 e use �4,OQ0 i01 41940 3384.1 $4,000 101 41940 3384.2 101 41940 3384,3 i01 41940 3419.Q t er enta �6,004 101 4I940 3419.1 $6,000 101 4194Q 3419.2 101 4194Q 3419.3 101 41940 3439.0 isce aneous t er �5Q0 101 41940 3439.1 $5U0 101 41940 PAGE TflTALS $59,820 $59,$20 � � 1990 6UQGET WORKSHEETS STREET LiGNTING - 43160 Object Requested � FFund Account # Ob3 # Description Amount Tatal -----------------------------____------- 101 43160 2226.0 Sign Repair Materials $1,OOQ 1Q1 43160 2227.0 Utii Sys Maint Sup $$Q0 Total Supp $1,8Q0 101 43160 3381.0 Electric Util �35,t}00 1Q1 43160 34Q9,0 Contracted Repair $2,pQQ 101 43160 3439.0 Misc $1Q0 Tota1 4ther Serv $37,1OQ 101 43160 TOTAL STREET LIGHTING $38,9Q0 ' � � 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PAVEO STREETS 43121 _ Qbject Requested FFund Account Obj # Uescription 14mount Total - ----------------------------------------------- -101 43121 2224.0 Street Maint Matl �5$,500 101 43121 2224.1 crack sealant $5,000 1Q1 43121 2224.2 bit patching $18,000 lUl 43121 2224.3 stripin9 $50Q 101 43121 2224.4 chloride $1$,Q00 101 43121 2224.5 gravel $16.000 101 4312i 2224.6 storm sewer ��,pQO 101 43121 2225.0 Landseape Mat'1 $1,500 1Q1 43121 2226.0 Sjgn Repair Matts $Q 101 43121 2226. 1 traffic control 101 43121 2226.2 street Ip Total Supplies $50,OOQ 101 43121 3303.4 Engineering Fees $�,Qpp l0I 43121 3309.0 Prof Serv - other $66,7p0 IOI 43121 3309.1 sealcoating $30,40Q 101 43121 3309,2 bit overlays $18:OOQ 101 4312i 3309.3 traffic marking $5,50Q 101 4312i 3309.4 c&g repl $4,800 101 43121 3309.5 slw repair $8,OOQ 101 43121 3309.fi pave't testing 101 43121 3384.0 Landfill Street Sweepings $10,000 101 43121 3419.0 RentaTs - other $I,000 101 43121 3439.Q Misc ��Op Total Other Serv $8U,204 1Q1 43121 TOTA� PAVED STREETS $144,200 , . � � 1990 BUQGET WQRKSHEETS ICE & SNOW REMQVAL -43125 Object Requested _ FFund Account # Obj # Oescription Amount Total - 1Q1 43125 2215.0 Chemicals^------------------ -- --'"-�7,500 101 43125 2224.0 Street Maint Matl $1,$QQ Total Supp $9,300 101 43125 3419.0 Rentals - other $2,$OQ 101 43125 3439.Q Misc $500 Total Other Serv $3,30U 101. 43125 TOTAI ICf & SN4W REM $12,6Q0 i • 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SIGNAL LIGHTS,SIGNS - 43170 Ob�ect Requested FFund Aceount # Obj # Description Amount Total' � ---__�-------------------------------------- 101 43170 2227.0 Utii Sys Maint Sup $2,30Q Tota1 Supp $2,3QQ 101 43170 3381.Q Electric Uti1 �2,OQQ 101 43170 3439.0 Misc $lOQ Tota1 Other Serv $��100 101 43170 TOTAL SIGNAL LTS & SIGNS $4,400 � � ' � � 1990 BUDGET WORKSHEETS INSURANCE 47240 Page Une 06�ect Requested _ Fund Account # Obj # Description Amount Total ------------------------------------------;----- i0I 47240 3565.0 Workmans Comp Insurance $50 000 101 47240 �565.1 Annual Premium $50,000 ' 101 47240 3565.2 101 47240 3569.0 Ot er Insurance $50,OQp 101 47240 3569. 1 General liab & Auto $50,OOQ 101 47240 101 47240 PAGE TOTALS $1Q0,000 �104,000