HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.d. Space Needs / Architectural Services Contract r P O $(7X 51t1 � �t � \� � p 2875-145Tl1 ST W. �,G�JQ��(��� AC)��MnUNT:MINNF,r>()'TA FF(16ft 612-:d2;i-441 t T0: Mayor Hoke _ Councilmembers NaPPer' �j� Oxborough � # � � Walsh _ i permann FROM: Stephan Jilk DATE: November 2, 1 89 �E� Space Needs Architectural Services Contract Boarman and Associates, the architectural firm doing our space needs study for us has presented two different cantr,acts for services €or the city to cor�sider. Bath of these are attached for your review. The first one, marked "Basic", provai.des a contract for the services outlined on their proposal far the space needs study. It has been reviewed by staff and legal counsel and it is acceptable. The secand one, marked "Extended", pravides for services as outlined in their praposai for the space needs study and services and, charges for those services, if the city wc�uld deszgn and construct any additions, remode�.ing or new buildings, That i,s, at the city's option, we could utilize their services as architects for actual design and construction management ot� resulting projects and this contract outiines the contractua�. arrangements for those serviees. The phase II or ` "impl,ementation" stage of this con�ract would only be cammenced at your appraval. This contract has also been reviewed b}� staff and legal counsel, The question before us is whether the city wishes to enter into the contract for space needs services only, or both space needs and design/construction. Chaosing the fc�rmer allows us to ehoose the arehitect £or ccanstruction and design at the time we er�ter that phase. Choosing the latter designates Boarman and Associates as that architect now. I reeommend we maintain the initzal phase, ar spaee needs study approach and not choose the "extended" contract. When we chase this firm to do the spaee needs study our RFQ and RFP pracess was very focused and we chose the best tirm based vn that process. To conclude; at this stage, that the same firm may serve us - through final design and constructian of future building needs i� shortsi hted in m $ view and Y I ho e w E o en to u s. p would maintain our optiorts P My recomm�ndation would be to have the council deny the request by Boarman and Associates for further contraetual a,�reem+�nts at this pcaint. This would mean we would follow through with yQur appraval on the contract for space needs study with na £urther action needed on that contract as you have already approved it. � �;� � �:�� i F����IVEf.� _ _ ��v���zti�nt�� QGT �61989 �ssc�c:lnrt.s ,,k� �„�<< �„�� Cl.ERK'� �FFICE r N�;�N r r k i N c; : CiTY OF ROSEMOUNT INllh:lrrlt n►sit;rt �ctober 25. 1989 Steve J�k,City Administrator Ciry of Rosemount 2975145th Street W. Rasemc�unt, Minnesota 55t)68 [3ear Steve, Enciosed are the twa revised opttonal#orma of the Standard A�reement Betw�en Owner and Architect as we discussed. Document B727(1�8 Edkkm far spec�l services�er�compases a�y the Space Needs Analysls. Form 8141,�h we f�ave used nxxe commcanly,ts written to lnclude a Phase i,Spece Needs Analysts and a Phase il, Imptementatfon. Und�er this agreemer�,Phase il is inkiated oniy upon acceptance of Phase i arxi authorizatton by the��y Gounc�. Please review both fonns and Mtorm me as ta wh�h one you prefer. The�elec�ed coMract M fts compl�ed form ` w�l then be tssued for sigtmture. F'lease cal!iF there are arry questions. Sincerel , : � �� David R. Kroos Projed Manager m1p/dk ._..�_�... r � {, 1 �. <� �. I r r �• I �Ai i n rt �• ;t �, .� i i s �l i tl n �� c tr i .t r' , � ,� I 6 ( .t t 1 •t i •" �, � •r n' � n �� r R i c n� i N s r i r u 7• H �F n � c, if t � � r, � s �, .s....� �� .s � � � , , - I )��� �t �I I r��r » !3 " c ic t �2� �tandard Forr�n af Agreement Between t)�nrner and Archifiect /'at• S/�c�ci<�l Sc�rtfirc�r 1988 EDITION 7'//l.ti' /)ltl.'UA!/sN%' //il.t JA•I/'O/;Ii1N'1 /l:'C;itl. C.Y)N.CIff)111:NG'li.�• f,'ON.S11t.%il'l7l)rV tl"1%7/ �iN�t%7t"J/1NliY 1.0 /iN�'U(f!�'�I(;IJ) tVJ'!'/I /lli.Slxl.G'I' %�) /%;ti f.l)ri�!'I,li�/ON OIZ A9U/lll�tcn����,v. AGREEMENT m:ic(c .�s c�C thc Tenth clay c�f October in ti�c ycs�r cjC Ninctcrn I F�incir�d ancl righty-nine BETWEEN tltc Ocvncr: City of Rosemount �.v.,,,r,•,�,,.e,,.r,n���.,<� 2875 145th St.W. Rosemount, MN 55068 aiui tlic Arcl�itcrt: (:V1tnk���,ut.ur�n•�•r..� Boarm�n fitlf�, �S30C�.ttt8$ 222 North Second Street Minne��olis, MN 55401 rc�r tlic fc�ti<�tving I�rc�jcct; //1trl�ir/t��/rt�Nlr•J d�•.re•ri/NJnit o/1'm/ek'f. /ar�Ninn, �r�l�lr��x.s u�tr!sExr�n�) S��+ce needs r�naiysis £or the Rosemount Mt►niciPal Tt�ciliti�±s: City Q�fices, Poliee, Public works, and Tire c3ep4trtment, � 'I'tic O�vncr :ir�tl thc Arcltitcct ;��;rcc as �et fc�rth hcl<mf. t:����)•�i,tht I�f,!, 19;�1. (cl1�fRN i.y'i'lu•Arn�•ri�•:�n tnp�ihik•s�f An9ii�c•r�s, i'i5 Nr«•�ink Ac�criuc,N.\�V..1+t`.tshi���;�nn.i).(:.d�HNlh. itr��r�nl��i�i„n��I tl�r tn:nrri:�l In•rc-in��r stdtsl:tntiat��a�+�;ni�,n nl'ir��irrn•isi�ms a•iah��w�ctil�cn�x•rn►i�.tii�rn�+1 tb�•.�itA�•ifii;�lt•e �hr r„�,�•ri}�I�t I:�ah�il'thr I lniii•<F�t:Ni�e an<i ��•iil in•�uMja�r t+�l�•�!:d�irv�si•i•i�Hrtin, AtA t)F)CUMt'Nfi 117?7•���C NFit Attrill fl'tJ u:NF.GAtI'N 1 • Pn�tt I�hl't'Ii+N•hly.' •,����tHi;• !'►1►� 1�IFtti�::\ti'IN�II'li�lti�tl'ANC1iillit:'is,1'4iN}:\C't'Oki�Al'IEN!lii,N.\Y'.,JC',�titlitdt;'1XYN.tI.t:.'tNNu� �7�.���& � � � � ART1CkE i * ARCHiTEG"f S SERVICES /l7rr�ttsr�hnsr serr�tees m he/+rep/dedhy the Arth/Mtt rmAer fhe 7lrnrs�nr/Cnndlf/o►rs t+J'tbts A�reme�►t Nott nnrler tatb ternlCt Kttrd fht mHhnel nnd rnMnt ry rom�xntnN��er m Hr rtsM, lj n/yd(tahfe,as pnwfdrd ht Arlfcle F.) Pliase L - Manicipal T'dcilities Stud� . Workscope: 1. Review and documentation o.0 existin� fdcilit�es 2. Needs Assessment * Service indic�tars * nep<rrtment:.�I questions and interviews ' * nocument flow �n�lysis * Space standt�rds 2 revisions * Ad�:�cencies * Area projecti.ons 2 revisions * 'Cra.tfic, p�trking �md vehicle stor�►ge * Com��r�tive city review * Fro�r�tm documenCatfan 3. Sc1�em�tic Anal.ysis * nepFertmental block Pldn layouts 2 �lternatives * Sub-block pl�n 1�►yout aF �re£erred bloek p1Ein 2 revisions * Bvilding shell Hnxlysis * Site impact 3 al.ternatives * Parking pl�tn 4. C�st Impacts * Building * Site develagment * Furniture �nd equipment * Contingencies 5. Review meetings (6 meetings) AtA DOCUM[I�T I372T•��\t'NP:It ANrtll'1'IY:f A�:Nh:},:MFN'1'• 1'wH L•:I rl'I tt�N•p1T'" •N�i')rett,•i'I1R AAIF:RICINlNS't'1'fF''1'li O1�Ak(:111'fh:<:'1'ti.�^►4 NI:VE`YURF:AVIih'UI:.M.1'tl:,�Yi15HIN(:1'L)N.b.(i.21uNHr �'��'j��$ ''4) y • � 'I'i:RMIS ANI� CONDITI�JN� pI� AGItrisMl;I�iT T3I:T\X/��N OWNER AND ARCI�ti'1'ECT ARTICLE 2 mattrr in c�ucstit�n nnt drscril�rd in thc �vrtttrn cc�nrcnt �r with a rcrsrm c�r rnUty nc�t n�m�cf cx cicsertl�rci titercin.'i'i�c OWNER'S RESPONSIBIIITtES f«rc�<�in�a�recmrnt t��:xhitrate�nd othcra�rcemcnts t��hrhi• tr;nc with an hdcltHcmtii ��crs{m or cntity iluly canscntcd�a 2.1 'IY�r �)�vne•r xh:�U �ircwidc fidl i��fi�nn:�ti�m re•};;trcqn�; hy 11�e(�;triiCg tn Ii�Te N�rt•cmrn�ehhH he sprciRc:�lly rnt��r��c- requirrn�cnls li�r thr 1'm�cCt. 'Chr Owncr ahall t'urni�ia :�hic 1r�hcrarch�ncc with hr��lic'�illc iniv in nny Ct)u�t h;lvin� rrc�uircd i�if�ttniatinn :1s cx��rciititiutily as ncresshry fc�r thr ju�iticiictinn thcrcoL ��nlc•rly�ir�i{;rc�tis c►C Ihe Work,:�ncl tl�c Arcl�itcct siu�lt i�emi- tic<� to rriy tttl kI1C :iCCUT:ICY :II1CI CC}RtrlCfCf1�3S [I1C1'COf. 4.4 TI1C 1�V;ifCI KCt1CICfC(I Ily fI1C afU1IMtUf t)f 1fItI4P�tnfS S�tali he fin71,aracl(ud�ment m�y I�e entereci upc�n i�in�ccc�rciance 2.2 "i'he n�vnc•r �h:if! drsi�iiatc 7 re�resentativc �uthc�ri•r.cd tvith:ipplir•abie lacv in any c�un h�vin�i��siadic�ic�n thercnf. �n:iri nr}ttie l)�vnrr'e i�ch:df wflh res�+e:et t�i tt�e t'rnjtet.'17�c O���ner i>r sucti ;n�ttir�rizetl rr�resent:�Hti�c .r•Itali rertcter tteci- Af�TIC�.E 5 si<�ns in:��imciy manncr rcrt�iniriR tc�cic�cunicnts suhntitted hy tl�c��c•hi�c<•t in cfrttCr fci:wnicl unrcasan:rhic ciriay tn�t,t TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION ��rcicrly :md sc•c�iicnti:rl ��rc��;res5 t�f Ihr Archltrrt'c cerviccs. 5.1 1'his A�rccmcnt may hc terminatcd hy eithcr harty���c�n ARTICLE 3 n���lcce tHhn�cwcn cl�ys'tvrlttrn nnHre shni�icl tlfe t�thcr n:�r�y ' USE t3F ARCHITECT'S DOCUMENTS r.iii s�ilxrtanitally 1�►�ic�fi�r�t1 in:trccxctance�vitt�tl�e trrnta�if iifis A�;rccn�enl thrc�u�;li t�c� �1ulE t�f tl�c phrt}� iriiti:tting thr tcrniination. 3.1 'I'hr d��c�micnis(xc�r�rcci hy thr Arcf�itcrt C<�r this 1'r<+i- ec•t arc intitra�jtcni� ��f thc ArCl�itcCt'ti scrvicr fc�r t�sc sc�lciy 5.2 lf il�c On�nt•r f:�its tn mhkc paymrnt cvhcn cluc thc Arci�i- �vi�h rrs�ic•ct t�►tliis 1'rr��crt and,unicsc�thcnvisc pmvidrd, trct('c�r�crvir�antl rx�cnsc�s,d�c Architrrt m:iy,i��c�n scwcn tiir Architee•t�h:�ll t+i�dc<•mcci il�e:�uih�►r��f 11�csc doctunenix d:�ys' wtiucn n��tic•r t��tNt t)�vncr,sus�,cnc4�rrfi�rmhnce e►f :mii.r•I�ali rc•t:�in:ili r�irnm�m la�v,rtatuu�rp:�ncl alhc•r rrservcd xt•rvires ttnticr this A};rccmcnt. Unic�s �:tymcnt in 1'till Is ri};htc, inrh�din�;the r�fpgri�ht.'i'I�c Chvner chait Ne permit- rrcrivc<I hy tiic Arrhitcrt�vithin xevc n cI:R����r et,e��:,�e��r���� k•ct tn rr�:iin c�+��ic�, inc•luclinu rc�irr�clocil�ic c��pira, cif thc nc�tirc,Ilte st�s�x�neitrri sliali t:►kc cffc•et a�cithcxu furthcr natirc. Arrl�itec•1'c il��cuments fc>r the t)wner'a infi�rm7Nem,rrf�rene•c in tl�e ct'rajt aC:� �us�xnsit�n c�l'se�vfctg, tJtc ArChttcrt ct�all :ind usr in c•��nncrtic►n with Nic Prc��cct.'1'hc Arci�itcct'a cfx�cu- h:�vr no lial�iifry tn thr On+ner fnr ciethy or damaRc c:�t�sesl mcrn�slydi n�r�Ix•uxrd hy thc•O�vttrr�ir��tl�cr!c<m��thrr rr���• thc Qwncn c��ratr.ac c3f ruclti si�cpcnsic►n �f ecrvites, cct�, i�►r a<I�tili��nx Is+ thix i�r��fcct ��r li►r c•c�m��irtirnt c�f 1!►i�; 5.3 In the cvrn���I'tcrtnin:�tie>n nt�t tl�r t�ult of thc ArrNi�Cct. 1'r+►icri h�� �ithi�rs, unleas thC Arrt�ilrt•t is acl�t�d};cci t<> Hc in dcliiuit uncic�r tiiiti A�;rcerttcrnt,csccnt tay a};rrrmc�u in writin� ���� �rchitcct sh:dl hr rnmnrns:tted far cerrirre �crfc�rtttCcl and with :��i�r��rri:uc com�xns:nic�n tc� the Arciiitrct. I�ric�r I<e trrminatic>n. tn�c�hcr cvirh Rcin�l�t�r�al�Ic F!tj�cncr< fhcn ch�r qntl ail'I�rmin:►t1<m i:xrrn,ers ac ck tinrcf in h.tra�rw�►h S.�{. ARTICLE 4 5.4 1�rmin7tinn 1's�c�x nsc a Sliali l�r cctmrutrtt 7a a�crcc�nt:t�c ARBITRATION ��f the cc>tn��cn�c:uion earnec! tn thC t[mc of lcrniinatic�n, as fe111<xv5: 4.1 �:I:�ims.clis��tucs cir c�thcr ni:�ttcrs in qt�cxN�m(xt�vcrn thc .1 r��r scrvices rrovided ��n the t�asic c�f h muttiplc��f (�anirx t�� tl�is A}�rccmen� ari4infi c�ut c:f rfr r�hiti��fi r�� tl�is t?i�rrt i'rr.sc�nncl liurscnsc, 2t) prrcc►�t of thr tntnl ,��rcrment e�r hrr:ic•i�tlierrc�f sh:ill Ix xtrhjrct t�t:m�i clreiciecl i�irrrt I�:r�nnnei l:xpense ineurrccl tc�tl�c tlmc c�(ter- i�y:rrhitr,rti�m i�i aer��rd:mcr�vith thc t;ttn!;trttcti<�tt l�idustry tnination; ancl Arhitr.�ti�m Rulcs c�f thc Anu•ric:in Arhitradr>n Asxc�cf:�tit�n cur- rently in efCrc� t�nle�s thc ��artics mutu:Aly a�rrc�Nlicr�visc. •2 fKir,Scrvirrc prnvidcd on thc h:�sis t�f a sti�ul�tecl st�m, itt�xrccnt of thr sN�+cil�ted sum r�rncd to N�c timc 4.2 �1 drm:ind fi�r arhitr.�ti�m sh:dl hc madc aiti�in:�rcavnn. c>f tcrminhtirm. - ahic iime:ilte•r 1t�c claim,dis�mte r�r��tl�cr tncttirr in c�uCstitm h:�x :�ri,en. In n�► evrnt sli:�li ihc dcm;�ncl fi�r arhitratie�n he A,RT1Cl,E 6 macic:�ftcr thc:l:uc•wbe•n i�i.r•tittitlrnt�>f It�;:�l e�r iciuit;�hlt(art�- rc•�•ilinf;e h;isrwi n�i�;uch cl:�i���,dis�unc��r c>ttu•r m:itirr i��c�urs- M�SCELLANECIUS PROVIS101VS ti�>n��-i►u�cl he I�:arcd hg thr ap�ilicahlc st:uulcs��f limii:�ticros. 4.3 N��arhitr.ni�art:�risin�citu��f rx r<•i:�titr}�ic�this A�;rcemc•i�t 6.1 tlttlrtis othrr•�t�isc��r��vidcct,Iliis A�rcctttCnt shhll hc�;tat•, sh:ill inc•lue}e•, h��c�ms��liel:ninn,ieiineicr c>r in any n�hcr m:tn. cmcd I►y �I�c I:�a� c�(tlte �friitCirh! �ot:�t•e c�l'husinc�s vC tt�e ni•r, :tn:ulili�i����al{+rr�:��n c�r cniitp ru�t :��rirty u�ihis Al:rc'e- Archilcc•t. mr�f�, cxrcp� i,�• t��rincn c�invcn�rcmt:�ini���;a s�x�rific rrfcr- 6.2 Causc•s of:�c•tirin hrttivcrn thr p:�rtic��tc�titiix A};rrcn�crit cncc ui this ei�rcc•nrcnt signrcf hy the�)wnrr, Arcl�itCc•t :tncf �aertainin�tr�art�csr I:Rilures tc�:tCt sha11 t�c clermCci t�3 liave anv ���hrr• �u•r.c�n «r rntiry sr�uf•ht 1ri I�r iriincci. t:�mscnt tc� ac•crt�cd s�n�l thc• :��,tilic•:tf+ic.rtattitr rtf tirnit:ni��ns sh:�ll e<�rn. :irhiai:ui�ri�im�•,h•ing:m:►dciifinns�l�irr�.<an�ir cnti�v s1a:il1 n�q iair��c•c•tc�n�n ne,t latc•r tiian tilr clstie��a}�mc�if is tlt+r il�c Arelii- r�instiiu�c c•tms�•nt r�►:n•hitr:uicm��I':�ny c1:ii��r.tii�;�it�tr cir��llfcr Ire't ��urstrint 1�a IR�ra�;r.r�alt H.4. nin nocua+rNi�irn r�r•Nfitt Alt�.11l ll t'1'nr:ttl'bR11iN'Y• w,eM�;r,i i i<,N•nrn-� •�„rrNt�• rnH :1At1iRN'dN iNti't'PI f�7'1,nl ,1Rlitttitt:'1'ti,tTiS NIitlC Yl1HK AVl:N;1�:.N.\'C..\Y;�tiIIiNt:IY)N.1).(:.!fNUp� BTrLT��gB� 3 , � � 8.9 TMe Qivner ancl Architect,res�ecNvciy,bind thcroscives, �eet ancl Architect's em�loyees and consteltaots in the interest ti�eir panners,s�Fcccssors,assigns and IeR�t rcrresent,�tives to of the Pro�ect far. the �thrr{�arty tn this Agrcement anci to the �lrtners, suc- ,� sx�ense�f trancnortati�n and livi�g��penses in can- ressors,assiRn�and 1eg11 represtnMtives otsuch oth�r party nectfon with out-af-toarn travel authptizrd by the with respect ro all c�venants' of this Afirccmtnt. Neither Owner, C)wner nor Architr.ct shail asstRn this Agreement without the ' �vritten eE�nsent c�f ttte c�ther. •2 1onR-eH�tanee eomm4tntcaNt�ns; .3 fc�s p7icl f�r ccctrrfnp�a�mual c�F authorities hav. 6.4 This A�rrrment rr�resents the entire anct inte�r.+trd agret- inR�urt4cliction ovcr the Project; ment hetween the pwner and Arehitect an�1 su�ersecle�all A rcprotiuctic�nc; �rior neR�tiations,re�resenations pr aRrcements,either wrlc- �cn or or�i. 't'his AArcement may be amendcct oniy by wrtt- •S postage�nd hanclUn�of docum�nts; ten instrument siRned by both Owntr�nd ArcMtcct. •� ex{�ense of ov�n#me work rcq�f{rin� hiRher than re�ular r.�tts, it authorixed hy the Owncr, 6.5 Nntfiin�containctl in this ARrecment chalt cre�te a cc�m J renderinRe anci models rte�t�ected by the O�+rncr, tr:�ctual refaticroship with or a cause of acti�n in fauor af z thirci party a�ai�st �ither the Owner�r Architect. •8 expcnse of aciditionaf coveraRe or limita,insiuclin� nrc�fc�sic�nal liability iAsuranct, rec�ieStcci hy thc 6.6 Unless othenvise rrovickd in this Afireement,thc Archt• Owner in cxc�ss of that normaily car�lec4 by tht tect ancl Architrct's ccrosultants sh�N havc�a resp�nsihility Arrhitcct and thc Archittct's rnnsulMnts; and f��r the eliscovery,�rescnce,handli�fi,rem�vai or disr�s�i c�f .9 Rxrcncc of compe�tcr-sldcd clesifin anct cinitin� �r expnsurc of persons to har.�rdotis materiais in any form ec�utrment Nmc Svhen uced in con�ection witM thc at the Prn�ect ci[e, includinR hut n�t limitecl to ashestos, i�mject. :ISI)GSt�S(Dfp(IIICtA, palychiorinateci bi�henyl(PCl3)or other tnxic substances. 7.3 PAYMENTS ON ACGOUNT OF THE ARTICLE 7 ARCHITEC7'S SERViGES ' PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHlTEGT 7.3.1 Paymcnts on accaunt�f tl�e�rchitect's services anci fc�r Reimhurcahle F,rpc�see shal!tx mack monthiy utmn�rescn- 7.1 DIREGT PERSONNEI �XPEMSE tattc�n ot the Architect's staterncnt af cervices rencicrcd or�s 7.1.1 Direct Prrs�nnct Ex{�ense is deflnctl as the clircct salaries ����erwise hroviciccl in this ARretmtnt. of the Architect's�xrsc�nnel engaRed on the ProJcct anct the 73.2 An initihl p:►yment as set forth 3n i'aragr.trh AJ ts the ���Non�f the rnst of tl�eir mand�tory and eustcimary con- mintmum payment under this ARrcement. trihutit�ns and bencfits relatecl thercto,si�ch as�mpi�yment tares and othcr stattttnry emp�pyree I�enetits, insurancq slck �.4 ARCHITECT'S ACCOUNTtNG RECORDS I�ave,IIAII(I:1�!C,vacatinnc,(KnSIp(14,anct simil�r contriMutMns antt hcnrfits. 7.4.t ttccnrds of Reimhursahlc i?xpenses a�c1 cxncnscs prr- 7•2 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES taining tc� scrvices �crformed on the fr.n�ic of� mu}tiplc of 7.2.1 Rcimbursahic Tz�cnses arc tn addition t�the Architcct's hc Owncr s�thori�.�ed represen tive ait mut�1t y corn+Enient c�mpcnshtion anct include cxpcnscs inct�rrecl hy the Archi- Nmct. ARTICIE 8 BASI$ UF CC?MPENSATI4N Tl�r O�vner siiafl compensate the Architect as foiloan: 8.) AN tN(TtAL C'AYMCNT Qr ZF,RO faoil�rs(! 0.�0 )shait he made lrpc�n excrution of[his Agreemcnt anci creciitect to tl�e Ocvner's acco�mt at finat payment. 8.2 COMPrNSATTON fOR't'Itr ARCfii1'tiCT'S SfiRViCT;S, ;�s tieccril�eci in Articte 1, Arcl�;tcct'R ServiCt�, ahatt he com�utecl as follows: � � (laserf hwsls nJcnnt/ren��(l��n,(rrcGnlfng sN/�afnte�l sr�ms mrr/t(JNrs�nr Jx�K�nfnRrs,and!d�»HJy tlxsen�%M M.H�hlc$/rnrffttt/r►rfqetlmds nf torqfiettxpllort p/rffly, ��. . . r/,�ecrssnry.) The architect will be campensxted on �ny hourly b�tsis not tQ e�ceed $23,334.00. Reimb��rs�ble expenses are not to eX�eea Szaao.00. Hourly Rates Sk��dy T'ee: $23,334.00 �- - - _..._ , Rei.mi�ursHUl.es $ 2,OOO.t10 Project PriniciP�l $75.00 Total Stucly C4st: $25,334,00 Pro�ect Mandger $60.00 Interior Des3gn $48.00 Architect $54.QQ/�ati2.Op En�ineering $63.Op/$40.�Q Construction Administrt�tox$65.00 4 8727-1�$S A�A��UMENT A72�•(�\C'N1�N Att� t1i'i i.t"I' \c ift7�MF,N'1'• i�»+x r.i►���•u,N•,ttnM *a,t,�x+►r.�rtit: AblF.ki(:AN INSI'fft''1'!d OE AItt:Ill'1'F:/ !�,17,SS Ni:�'4'Yt!!tK AVHNilh,N.W.,#L+�tiUfNt:'PC)N,il.ti.2tMmt�� , � � 8.3 FOR Rf►MBU2SAt3LE EXPENSES,as dcsctibed ln Article 7,and any other itcros included in Anicte 9 as RNmbursabie F.t- penses, a multi�le ot �ne pain zero ( 1.0 ) t[m�s the cx�enses incurred by the Aechitect, the Archittct's cmploy��s and c�nsultants in the interest of the RroJect. S.4 Payments are due and payabie th ir ty t 30 )days from the ciate of the Architect's invQict.Amouncs unpa�d twenty—f ive ( 2,5 )days aRer the invoics date shaq bear tnterest �t tht ratt eotered beic�or in tfie abscnce thrrc�f, at the kgai nte �revailing from dme to dme ae thc princlpai piate of busintss af the Archittct, p�:�r.aK�yrnr�r4R.Ke,��o►,.� Prevailing �rime rdre, (ltJury fnu�s anr!rtqahernents nnder�be Fe�lara!7i-retb/n l,padlrtg,Itt,st�x/lnr sMro nnAlnceri rnnse:mn rn+A1t/e�rS and etAte'nr,�rrinNt�nt M tht Orrretr's an�l Anhlrecr i p•1nNJart ptncas oj hnsMes;the I�cnNon oJ rAe rmkc t anA etse�ahere may n/jeN ihe��l/dfry of Ih1t j+rot��sron,s�ry�re�nr ar��Ka.rno«td ex obarr„nr aNth ns/nc�ro dele�(ons or mnd/j/enNorot,anA aiso regrte^dtnq aber nqnlre�nexrr such aa�nlrren dfscfos�rros or a�ntc�ers.) 9.5 tF Titt SCOt�t?of the ProJect or of the Architect"s scrv#ces Is changed materiaUy, the amounts oF compcnsation sh:�it bt equitably �dJi�stcd. ARTICLE 9 OTHEfi CQNDtTiONS 9.i Re(erendum assistance wiii be aptionai and at the direction of the G�y Counc�. Gompensatton For these serutces wo�d not exceed�1,500 and woutd b�fn sdditlon to the amount stated!n tMe Phase i: Space NeedsAnalysfs. 9.2 The Owner wiil assign pers�nnei to assisE the Architect In the documentation ot existing fac�ities. Aii exisfing buHding documentation wN{be made avaNat�e to tfie architect. 9.3 Att services as outiir�ed in the archt#ects destgn senrices proposai,dated Jtdy 12, t989,are part o1 this AgreemeM. 9.4 If the project goes aMead with a sehematic design which is sWliciently developeci, potentiaily up to 25%of the study fee ccwld be cred�ed back to the owner tcriward the schematic phase of the pro)ect implementation. This A�reemcnt cntered Into as of the cfay anci year first written above. U�rJNrR ARCI IPCCC7' Steph�►n .ti7:ic, C3ty AciministrHtor �o�rm€�n g�nd As�oci�ttes, Inc. (.si�nflrure) (,SIRn�ture) Rall���� ltc�ke, rt:ryor .��tck Bo�rm�tn, President (PrJrarrl rrnner nrrrl tirtt) (l'rir�tr�f nnmr�n�i tttl�) (.��t�.L_J3.Lt3CUlU.UAr 130��'I�'s1I1,..��IIS�$ALaS.�K r a a 'f n� � AIA OCUMENT 8T9f•t fV�+Nliit-Att�111t1it 1 M i21i1i11l1:N'P�1'17tN(�1f1'YiI�N•AIA"' •R:�1')Nfi�'i'l1I? � � �� ��. . ewrFs��:�rrirnrrna�r•.cyr•nkc:i�r�a�:�ti. �'.S4 NI:W lY)NK AVISNiII?,N.vc!.VtA�l►tNt:'IX)N.u.c:.z�xxx: BT27-1988 5 , , � � T ii E A ht F R 1 C A N t N S T t T U T F, 0 F A R C tl 1 T � C T S •, . � � , `.:�.,,_, �� . ����..-2�'..z:�> �, , �IIA 1?nc�ime�tl 131�1 . �tandard �arm of Agreement Betw��n C�wner and Architect 1987 EDITIQN 'J'1!!.S l7nCUA�1iNfi I,/AS IMPORT�iNT I fiC,�if, CC)N,STQI./F.NCI:,C; �'C?N,St.J1.7'�I TJQN tl'?TI� AN�I T"1'C)RNliY IS Is"NGOUI�AGI'l� t�lyf�RI,S!'IsC7'7'f1 l7:S�C.�MPl,l'TJt?N OJt A9(7I.?lF1CATIf?N. AGREEMENT macie:ts c�('ti�e 7'enth clay c�f oetober an tl�e yeac o[ Ninctccn i-Iimdr�ct ancl Eighty-n�ne BETWEEN thc Own�r: eity of Rosemount (Nnn►r n�nt rrii�lrr�s) �C$�� 1�a 5 th SC. W. Rasemaunt, MN SSOG$ and tl�e Arci�itcct: (Nneerrenr/arlih��.cs� 13o�rman xnd AssociHtes, IttC. 222 Noxth Second Street Minne�tpolis, MN 5540i ror the foilotvin� ProjcCt: (h►rhrds�d�Ye!!iv/r(�tcc��i/rtir►►�ttif/'rt�l, A�r�rlfnit,ndrfmtt cq►rl strl/x•,j itosemount Atunicipal E�cilltiesz City offices, Police, Publi� works, �nd Fire dep#rtment. Phase 7: S�t�ce Needs Analy�tis �hdse T.I; Implement�tian(u�on Fiuti�orizatfan of the City,) The Qcvner .inct Architect a�ree ;�s sct fortl�t �elow. Cn�yri�i�t 1�t 7,t 92fi,194A,i�5 t, 195 i,19SR,i�i,i�fi:i,t 9C+�,I�C.7, 197i1,197�f. 1977,�19R7 bp The Amrrican tnstitt�tC r�f Archl�ccit, I7i5 New Y��rk Avr+ioc, N.\V„ �vl,yshi��ts�n, 1).G.2UtX1(i. Re��ncitesttcm nf the materlai hertln nr et�»staotiai quora�ir�n eif i�s�mvislo�;c�vtthout svHttrn�ermleiloa c�f ti�r AIA vfc�lates the rnpprl�ht taw:s oi tht United Srates and wifl he suh�cc•t tr�Ir};:�t pr�trcutlan. AIA DpGt1MEMT Bf�t •{3�+NF.R ANt;ffl7'Ii(;T 11[:RF.F.biF.NT��ff1IRTl:IiNTIt EI�I1'IflN•AtA� •�11'K17 '!'IiR ARli:kl(;AN INti'f'i'fUTt's()p ARl;lH1'1?(;'F'S,17}S NIiW YpRK AYF.Nt11?,(+t.}q.,W�SI IIMC;TtNi.p.t;.:tRHX B'�a'�„1l���' i , � � TrItM� ANfi) C�NDITIONS OP AGRi;iiMrN'T' T3F:'TWrIsN OIYINCR AND Alt�i-IIT�CT :� ARTICI.E 1 eci�rciute c�r c��nc�nechinn hncl},n.y. thr hrc�iritcct +:it:�n rn•�,arr, AFiCMIfiECT'S RESPONSf81l.IT1ES C<+r H�q�mv:d h?� thr t)+vncr� Ik�sii�rl ikt•ck�»ncr�t Ih�t�nxti�ts c•<tn�si:�tin}�nf dw.t���in�„�hntl��thcr tk�runttmt:�ttt lir mtd ch�crihe f.t ARCHITEGT�S SERYICES �hr s►ze anci ch,r.�r�rr c,r�he rrc��ece :n tc�hrchitrrttrrai,etn�c- t�irai, mcchhnic:tl and etrct�ir.�1 sy�tcmx, mqtcrhls hnct �nrf� 1.1.1 'I'I�r Arrl�iicc•t'� scruicce c�nxist r�f thc�er e��rv{crK �cr, othcr cicmrmg:�.a mhy Ix:t�r+�ri;ttc. f��rmrc!hy tlic Arrhitrc't,Architcct'c rmrl�yccs ancl ArrMtc�c�t':c cr�nsult7ntx a�ennmer.nrct tn Articics 2 hncf 3 t�f thi,e A�recment 2.3.2 'IY�r Arriiitcc�t shaif:Kiv�ee thr fJc��ncr r�(:tn}•:xtiuet»�entx anci:�n}c�thcr srrvicee induded in Article 12. rci thC nrclimi�;try•cstimhtr M C�natn�ctic�n f�ct. ' 1.1.2 'i'hc Arrhi�crt's srrvicc�c shatt hc prrfc�nned hs �x��ccq- 2.d GOFlSTRUCTit?N DUCUMENTS PHASE ti�wsly;�s is cnnsistcnt tivith rrc�frssicmai Skiii:�ncl Circ hnc!tt�r r�rcicriy nr�>�rces r�f thr�C��>rk.U�um rrqneri nf the(J�vncr,thc 2.d.1 A:iccd ��n �hc a�r�wrcl t7eci�n fkvr��rmcnt tk�rt�- k� Archiieet sh:�H suhmit G�r thr O�vncr'c:e�rrcav:tl c�!erhrtitdc P<�r ����'��t� :�nd nny fiinl�rr:tclit�cttnrntK!n rhe eec►re c�r c�t�alit�•nf �I�c r�rfixmanrc cif thc Architcct's scrvires cvltkli m:�y 1� ���r Pny�c�ct str in tl�r cYmstn�rtinn ix�cl�±rt autMci�ir.r�t hy the e aci�ustrcl as�fir 1're►�ert rrtx•eccle,:mct xii:dl i�tciadc alkiti�aricc+s t)�vflrr,tlu•An•hittct xh�li�are�r�,ft�r tip�mv:►i hy tiuC t)�vnrr, fr�r rrrie�ets rif iir�ic rcr�uircei for thr C7�vncr'c rc��ie�v and Rir ����nstn�rtkm[1sx'ttmrntc CYmsieNn�nF 1)r;�tvin};.S:tttcl C�CiliCa- ;��i�r��v:d cif s�dxnisskins hy;unhpri�irs h:win�;j�tristticN��n c�ucr ��>����ttinJ; fiird►fn tkthFl thC rct�etircmrn�s far tl�e eone�n�c- �lir Pr�►irct. 't'imc li�a�tts cstai�lisi�rc!hy tl�i.a xriirdt�ic a�prctvecl tH►n af ti�r i'r�i}rci. i�y dx c?a•tirr tihall ntN,csccnt i'iK rc:ca�n;ihle r.nr.oe,lac rrcrccircl 2.A.2 7�I1C AfCItIt(C)SIt:1II hSi�At tllC QNtiCf I19 tI1C('ffC(�:tf;itlA()U� hy�hc Arrhitcr� ��r C)�vnrr. the necC.r.sary hiciciin�infcxmatkm,hidtHn�fcxms,thc Concli- f.1.3 '1'lir �c rvicrs ccn•crrcl hy this A};rccmcnt art: sub(ccC t<� tk�n4 i�f Ntc Cnntr:tct,7ntl ti�c tcmn c�f A�rcen�cnt l�rt�vren thc thr tin�e timi�htions c��ntaincci fn Suh�iaraFraE�h t t.5.1. Urvncr hnti Gtmtr:�ctc�r. ' 2.�l.3 Tltc Archilrct si�:�it.�dvise thc pta ncr�if any:+ti(actmc nts ARTICLE 2 �n rrc�vic�uK nmtimin�ry cc�imhtrc nf C.c�netn�t�ticiit (:n!ct fr�tfi� SCOPE OF ARCNI7ECT'S BASiC SERVtCES �"�"��'fF��'�n�c•s in nt�uirrmcnts or�r�crai market ccx�liticros. 2.4.d '11�r Architcct�h�t1 ac�i.et the O�vnrr fn copncetk>��n�ith 2.1 DEFINiTIQN thc Owncr'� rcsrc�nsii�tiity fnr tilinR clocumcnts rrt�dreci tor 2.1.1 '17ic Arcliirc•c•�'�ftasic�crviccs r�m�ist c>f tlx�er ck�eerihccl �he hpnrov:�i �f�nvernmc»thF :ftetitoritks i�h��in� jt�ri,c�lictMn in 1'ar.�};r:irh�2.2 thrnu{;h 2.(�7nci 7ny nNetrr.acrviccs idenHflrcl ��vcr�l�c i r�►Jcrt. in Ar�icie I�as rarr nf}t:�.stc Srrvicr�,ancl inch�tic nnflnnl struc- tural,mcchanirai:incl cirrtrical en�inrcrin�scrvfires. 2•5 01DDING OR NEGOTIATION PHASE 2•2 SCHEMATfC DEStGN PWASE 2.5.1 'Ihtc Arrhitcct, f�ilrn�in� thr Otvncr's ;qr�rnv;�i c�f thc 2.2.1 't1�r ArcMitrct sh;dl rrview ihc�rc�f;r:nn fiimi�hcci liy thr (:���}st���t�����t�mentR ancl t�t thr ihtcst rrrliminnr}•r!atimatc c►f(;tm�tn�ctic�rs Gnt, shnit a�:eist thc O�vncr in t�ht:►IninF hicic t)�v�c•r ua 7cccnsiir� ti�c n+.�uiremcn�s c�t �hc� I�n+�ect nnct rflhli �►� ne�t�ttatc�l ��rc��u�e:ii�hnd ;►.esi�stt 1n hcvarclinl; antl �rcn�rin� arNvr a1 a muttr.d��ndrrsl7nelinJ;�af xuCt�rccµrircmcnts rrilh ttic ec>rnrarts G�r CtmslreK,'tinn. C)«�ncr. 2.2.2 1'hc Arehitect s}►:iTl �r�vicic a rreliminar}*evaler.ttkm oi' 2.� CONSTiiUGT10N PHaSE--AbMIN1STRATION ttEr c�«�nrr's rrr>�r.un, schcde�ic an<f ccinstraetie>n huct�rt OF THE CpNSTItIIC'fiOtV GpNTRAGT rrc�tiiremrnts, r�ch in t�-rms nt H�e other,suli�rct to tt�e limita- 2.6.f 7'hr Architrcl'c rec�nsibility t� hrc�vitle il:�c� Scn�icrs tk�ns sct forth in titF{a�;trafir.ihit 5.2.1, fc�r thc Gc>nstn�ctinn Ph:�ce unclrr this A�rccmcnt��mmcncec 2.2.3 1'hc �rchi�crt strFit rcvlew n i�li �i�c <)�vnc r :rttcmative �virh the an�:�rcl«f thr Cnntw.rct fnr Constn�cti�n�nd lemtin�ttc hnprcr.ic hcx ta cirsi�;n 7ncl constnrrlk�n��(tl�c i'�c►�ect, ���t����'��licr�f thc Fsstr.�ncc t�thc Owncr c�f t1K flnal�cctifie7tc 2.2.4 ►iasrct r�n ihc muiuhily ;��re�+�►•urx�n nr��F;ram, ti�:hrcitdr fc�r t'hymrrtl c�r C�O ch►y'$;tt((•r thc ciatc c�t'St�he�hnttal Ct�m�ktictn hncl c��nstnicti��n hucl�;ct requircntente, ti�r Ac�hitett shal! �C titc tYJtark,unkk�ccs c!stcntictl tmdcr thc trrntc c�f tit�i�n;tt:ry;ra�h 1O.;i.i. rrcp7rc, ft�r a�nr�rr,�t hy thr Uwncr, SChcm.niC 1)c�el�;n ikx�t�- mcntc r�mvistin�;�,(einc�vin�,s hnct e�ther ck?caments ilh�rtr.ninJ; ��'2 ��'c Architrct Sh�O pr�uieir acimi�ts�raiicm nf thc Ct�n, thc�c:de;tnci rcl:�ticroship�f Prc�ect comncmcnts. t�rc Pc�r t;an�tnrctian aa�:t fcanl�hcic>�v hncl in tisc ctfiti�n of A�A ��mcnt A2nl, (�cnrrhl (',�mciitinna�t t}�e Cr:ntr,�rt k�r 2.2.5 't'i�r An•Iji�rc� sh:�it e�d�rnit tc� thr p�vner a �xciirni��hry �:�>��stn�cllc�n, c»rrrnt ;�nf t1iC ci:tte tyf tl�ic A�rermcnt,unlrn cetima�c cif C.rn��lrurtk�n Cost tr.i.erci on currcnt�ma,vc�lume c�r �'t������'�:rrcividrei in this A�rrcment. t�ther ttnit c�+sts. 2•6.3 rhuies,rcspc�nsihitittcs ancl limit�tions c►f:�uttto�ity of thr 2.3 DESIGN bEVEIOPMENT PHASE Arrtiitec�t shall n��t i��stricted,mcxl#tied c�r cxtencircf�vtthc�ut ?..3.1 tl:►4rc1 ��n ti�c �r��mvrd Sciticm:tHr I)rsi�n f.k�ctimrnts i ct'C i�nt�i:�cynr,p�t!irh�Q�nscnt�sh,�llf C�«�hc'�tTnrc�u�n�l,�yr ancl an}":itI�U51fl1Ct1fS:1111IIf)f�7.CLI Il�1HC(�tV11CP ifl U1C r �. t�Qf.r7m, n�i�itl�eltL �ih�CUMf.NT Q14t •i�\C'N@R.ARCIttTB.�"T'At:itri'1�iFiN7"• 1't)Iqtl'RI�N'I'ii Elll'Pltly•AIA• •� n 1'!tH A�il:#tCAN tN�7'tTt1'Tt:(!R ANCIII7'1:(;I:C.1�}S NlsW Yt)ItK/1VR.NUI3.N.'19..���IttF}t:'IY)N,1).(:.2fMIfKi 8f4#-198fi 2 ' � � 2.6.4 T'hr Architcct sh:tli bc a rcpresentativr of anct shh117ch�isc qtrantit���f thr Wc�rk,(2)rcvic�vcci rnn.stntctivn mearta,mrth- and consuit with tt�e U�vncr(t)clurin�q eonstn�tlun unNf tinn! c�cie,tcYi�nie�ure,srqurncc.K nr�mcrtiures,(3)revicnrcd capirs paynicnt t�a thc C�ntractor is dt�c,anct(2)�.�an AcklitMnal�er- c�f rec��tisiticros reccivcct fran2 5ulx^�ntractcn�ancl mhtcri:�suE�• vicc at ti�c(3ivncr's Qirccticm from Umc to timc cluring the c��r plicrs a�ici csti�cr clatn rcc��estc�! by thc thvncr tn guhstantiate recticm�xriod dc.scnlxcl in thr Ccmtract fc�r Congtrt�c�icm.'i'hc �hr Cc�ntract�r's ri�t�t tc�p�yment or(�)a.sccrtainctific��v or for Architrct shatl havc a��tfi��rity to :�ct on hci�aif c�f thr f)cvnc� w1�at puryxxc tf�c GUntr,�ctar hst useci mcmcy prcviauaty raicl oni�•«��he rxtcnt pn�vidcci tn Iliis A�rcrmcnt tmie:�4<�therwitr �n hrmunt of tlic CvntracK Sum. mnc!lficd by �rittcn instrumcrn. 2.6.11 't'lic Architc�ct th�ii havc���hnriry�to rc�{rct 3YJ�rk n�likl� 2.6.5 Thc Architcct sh:�ll ��isit ihC sitc atintcrv;fis:tprrc�prhtc cic�cs not rw�k�nn tu tAc Cc�ntr;tct pc�ct�mente. 1�t►hrncvcr thc �c� ths: stsikc of constrt�ctic>n �r a5 c�thcrwk5c h�rcccl hy thc Ar:�l�itcct ronsic�rs it neccs�:fry tsr�civkai�tc 1'<�r fmrkmrnta- � p�vncr 7nci Arcijitrct in �vriNnJ; to i�ccc�mc �;rncr.�liy f:anilMv tk�n<zt'tl�r Mtcnt«t thc C�ntrart Ikx��ntrn��,li�r ArrMitCc1�ili with th� �ragrc�.5 hnd crualiry c�f thc '1C���rk c�c�ra�nirtc�cl;mtl to havc huttierhy tn rrquire hdctitkm�l inancrcdcm t�r tc�tin�hf the • dclermine in�rnrr:ti if thc lRJork f,s I�ein};lxrforrt►ccl in a m:�n- Wc�rk i�t acrnrd:�nct�vith ihC�rt�v�lnns ctt'ihr td�ntr.u.�t tk�cu- nrr incitc:ttinR ti�at IhC Wc►rk whcn ccm�plctcd will hC in arrc�r- n�rnts, whcthcr cz� ncx sucis V�<�rk fs f:d�ricwtccl, fnst:rlirci nr cihncc n�ith thc Gontr.irt Ik�umcnts. I lc�wcvcr, thc Architcct comrtctrct.i fcnvevrr,nrlthcr thh atrNn�rity ssf thc Arcl�ltcet nex shail not Ix rct�uircd tn nt:ikt rxhhustive c�r ecmtinuc�ug em•sitc a cleeislon m:ule in�eHxi f:�ith either t�cxerci.ac t>r ncst ta rxrr- ins�cc�tic>ns to cltcck Ihc qu:ilily�x q��7nNty af tbc�C�crrk, p�� r�ic surh ae�thcxrtty xh:�p};iuc risr tn a cinty rx resrnmstt�ilhy s�f thc b:i,ais M�n•sitc c�bscrva�Mns:�,4 :�n an:hittrt, thc Architcrt thc Architcct tc� �hc Ccmer.ec�nr, St�#x�mtnctsx�, matr�iaf arni shali krrp thc O�vncr informcti of the(�r�tF;rrSs:u�cl c1uallty cif cquirmcnt �ur��itrn, thrir a};r.nts or em�si�tyccc c:r t�thcr rcr- titic Work, anei shc�li enQc:rvttr u� �;uarel d�c C)wner aualnxt sems�erfeinnin};�x�rtlen�.s c�f thr �Vc�rk. cirfrrts and cicfieicnricx in thc Wc>rk, {Atott� c;il���rc/i+e sl1c� reprrsrr�trrlrnn nrct��/x�«jt;t'ck�t/It�t�s tut itttr(f/it��trtl 3'twtri4c; �rs 2,6.12 11u Arc•httc�ct Sh:�U n�vk�ti� ��tsi a�mvc c>r t�kc t�thcr - �Ic�ccr•itx��l irr t'E�r�r�;r•fr/�b,�.2.) ;��rrnp�ihtn c�tk>n upcm Ccmtr.rrt�ar'e,ndjmittals st�rh xc SMc� Or:nvinR.x. Prc�duet I��a�ncl S7m��le!4,h�et c�niy fc�r thc limitrd e! 2.6.6 '!'hc Arehitect sh:dl ��i� have C�mtrc�i civcr itt rhar};e�if I�urnoxe��f ehrrkin� Ci>�rc�iifr�m�:�ncr wid� ir�f+r�matk�n�h�rn hnd shail nnt bc rrs�x�w�,eihir fcx t^c►n�lnrClic�n mcat�.a,mrthc>ci.�, :������i���kwikn rcu�cx•�it rx��rtw�cxl{n!hc t:�„�Ir.wct tk�cumrnts. terNnic�iks,uc�urnecs�r pmcedu�ce,or fc�r.r.tfety�s�catFtkms .1'he Architecl's :K•tie►n :�h:�Ft tx t:IktYl 1r•kt� q�ech �ra,�cmhi�k anct nrvgr.tms in ccmncction witfi thc t���rk, sinrc thc.se arc rrc�m��tnrs.a as tc� c;�u.�: n<� ctcMay Fn thc �V��rk nr in thc rtm- sc�icly thc Ccmtr.rctor's rc�c�nsihifity unckr thc f,`<mtr;�t (c�r sln�ctMn of tiic pwncr c�r�f scrhr.�tc rnntnctt�r.c,�vhiic�Ila�u- C,onstructicm. 'i'he Arcliitect slu�p not he rcc��onsihtc R�r the +n�;stdlirknt timc in thc ArChitrct's�mCec.sk>nat �tid�menl tc� • Contr,�ctc>r's scheciuics ar f:iilurr to r.�rry ptrt thc\�ftork In aecY>r- P�rmit 7cfcKµr.�tr rcvir�v.Jtrvic�v��f stuth suimiiltals is nnt cc>n- dancr with �hc C'xmtract t3cacumcnts. 'flic Arct�itect st�hll nut ductcd fc>r thc�u�r�x»c nf cictrrminin�tl�r;�rc7rr,rc:y:�nci rc�m. ' h:�vr ccmtrt>1<n�cr or rhar},+c of:tcts ttr t�iltis�vic�nc t�f tltc C:tmtr.�c• 1�IetCnc.:cg��f uthcr ckt:�ils quch:�t dimcnsic�ne:�z�ci t�tt7��tftks c�r tor, tiuhccmtr�c���rs, or thrir a�;rnts or cmpic�y�c�s, or c�f hny rr�r suhst:mtialinfi instn►rUvns for In.gthtiaticm c�r�+Crfnnnhncc af othcr��rrscros��crC'<►rmi�i�;�x�rticros c�f thc�`S/crrk. cquipmcnt c�r Kysttms drsi�;ncd by Ii�c Cantr.�ctc��,all«f wi�irh rrm:�in the rcsrcrosihiltty �f thr Ccantr:ac�or tct thr rxtcnt 2.6.7 'i'hc Arrhitc�ct sh:di:n:�N timrs h7vc acecs.ti tu Uic 1Vork rcc�uircci hy d�r C,cmtr.�ct f�c�ct�ntcnts. 'I�I1C AfCIIIICCf',s reuictiv whrrc��cr it is in prc��7radcm or�rc��eNes. �h:dl ncu rcznxtitinc :r{�rr<n�h1 0(SKfcty rrrr.tuticros tx, nnlc�.e c�tli� �v 2.6.8 i:x � •. • • cr isc sneciflraliy st:�tccf h th+e Architcct, t�f constnrctinn ccn .� m.�� c>thrnvisc ijc nmvictcd in thc (:<mtr.�ct Y IAn�untcnts or �vi�en clirrct ccm�muniratic�nx havr Ix•en c n�cwns, methc�ds, tcchnk�i�rs. Fec�i�cncrs or pmcctiurrs. 'i'lic 1"K' Arrl�i�er1'S :�����n�v:d ��f � s�xcil}c Ncn� shalt nc�t indir:+t� ciall�•;tutheirizcd,U�c•O�vnrr and(;onin�e•Ii►r si�aii ceimmunicatc :ip��r��vai c�C:u� :i�cml�ly iif tivl�irh thr iicm ix ;� t't»nrx�nrnt. thn►u};h thc Arciiilcet.Cc�mniunicatkmx I�}�ancl�vNh tiic Archl• x Wi�cn pre�Ce�sie�n:d ccr111ir:n�», �>r�,��r<�t+,,:rncc rir,�r.�rtrristics tret's ecn�sult:ints Sh:�U l�c thmte�;h ti�e Arrhitect e�f m:aeri:ds,ey�tcros�ar rc�uirme�t i�rcc�uirtcF I�y tl�e(;c�ntr.�rt 2.6.9 ilasccl im tiic Arehitcct's r�i�xcn�adanx:md rv:duhtk>nK nf t)c�un�cnts, thc ArcMitc�ct xit:tf) I�C cntitlCc) tcf rcfy upnn st�Cit thc Con�r:ector'�; Ar�,llcatk���.� fnr P:rymcnt, tl�c Architcct slydl ccr�itieaticin tc� rst:�hlish tt�at thc mntrdat4, s?•�tehnr or cytiir• rrt•ir►v ancl errtlfy thr:rm�runis ttuc thc f:tmir.�rtttr. mcnt will m�rt Ihe�xrCt:rtn:tnrc critrri:i rrc�uin:d hy thr Cc�n- tr.�ct fk�Cumc�ils. Z.6.t0 'i'hr Arrhitcct's crrtiliC:�tic�n fcrr ��aa.mrnt �:It:dl rt►nxti- 2.6.i3 'Plyc ArchitcCt st�71) ��rr��rc (:han�;c Ordcrs hnd Ctm- tutr a rc��rc;ccnt:uiitrt tc� thc O���ncr, t�.t+rci c►n 1hr Arrhitcrt's etructkttt C.Ir,�ii�;c i)ircx,�tivcq. wlth st�+�tiniFsu ck�cumc��thtic�rj <�hscr�;itkms:u thr sitc hs��r«vici�cl in Sul�r;�r.i�r:ry�li 2.C.5:miF on thc cl:�t:� mm�irisin}; �hc iCcmtractor'x A����lic;�ricm fi�r 1�;�•. :�ncl cihta if cirrmccl ��cecwcary t�y d�r Art•hitcct w5 prnvidc�ct i�� 3 5uhpar.�}�rwphs i.l.l hnd 3.3.i, fo�thc Owncr'e h�rvv:�i anci mrnt,that thr\Yhsrk h;�.5 prcafirrs�c;d�cz�lyr ix>int inciic:�tc�tl:uui rxcraikm )n :�cxor�l:uirr witl� ttic Conlr.�ct Dc>cumrnts� ancl tl�:n,tc>U�c licst uf thc Arrhitect's knu.vleci�r.infs�rmallori a��cl �»:�y huth<�ri•rx minc�r chan�;c�c in tl�e Vvca�tc tac)t invt�ivin� :tn Ixiirf, cµ�:dity r�f U�r �r'c�rk is in sircnrci:nice tivi11� thE Ccmtrari ncijtistt»cn�in tlic C:cm�r:�ct:�t�m s>r hn rxtrn�:i��n nPthC(:tmirnri ikxumcnts. 'I'hc li,re�;<>in}; re��rcxentaiic�nv arr suH�rc•1 !c� an c��ai�r�tic�n c�f t}�c \V��rk fi�r Co�Ni►rmsince �viih iljc (:<nitr.�rt �i'ime�vhic'h:in:nr��ii�cunsi��rnt avitl�thc iith�nt c>f ihc(;c►nir:n•t U�scumrnt:s u���,n Suhstantiai C:xm��ilcticm, t�� resuits�>f sui�ce- Ihx•inncn�x. nurnt tc��s:incl inti�icrtk►��x,to minc�r dcvi:�tk�ns(nmf 1hr Cnn• 2.6.14 'I'lac Arrht�rct xi�:di c�fndurt insr+c:�ctic>ns t<� cMtcrn�inr tract ih�cunx•rns ci,a�rccr.�hir �iric�r tn cc�m��lcticm and u�s�x- ttm dntc<�r clatcs��f SuHst:mtlaf CctmpkKk�n and tfir tl:Nc of tin7t c�r<<���:a�r�:itN)ItS CX�IfCtiSCt{I)Y 1IiC A(CIII(4;C1.�I'hc istivancc c>f h r�mi��lcti��n, shali rrcYivc anei fctnvarci tc� tt�c O�wtrr (vr thc C:crtific:nc for P:i�•mrnt sh:ill furt'I�Cr rt�nstilutc a rerrescnthtkm U�vixr's rcvir�v smd fCCf)fCIS tivrittcn �v:trr,inl�cx :�iid rei;itrcl ttiat thc Cc�n�r.�ctc�r is rnti�icd t�n;�}�mcnt in 11ic anu�tmt crrti• ctcx•umrnts rcc�uirrcl h}� thc Gcmtr.�rt I�c�ct+n�c�uti :ind 7c�rm- fKd. f1��a•c:ver thc issu:mre nf:� (;enific^�te f<�r i��yme»t shati bicd h}�tl�r Cemtr:�rtc+r,and 5hatl Lceae:r firtai(;rrtifit:ite fi�r t':n�- n���I�c a rc��rescnt:uir>n tina thc Architcct h:ec{i)m:ulc cxluu�s• mcnt rinc�n cnn�rii;mcr�vi11� �I�c rrry��iremcnts c�f thc C:c�n�r.ut titi�c; cu rontinu��us r�r�-sitr ins�xcti<�nx to rbc�ck ti�c c�u:�lity nr [)cxunicnic. 3 Bf4#-19QT nta ooeuM��rr t��a� • ��v��NF�c.nuc:rnrHr.i•tic:a�sr:ne:wr• �ou���.�m�r:iai�ncm•ei�R •��is�rr;. 7Yt1;AAlfittlt;JlN INS'1'ITII'I'1i t)F AR4;tt17"1•.G'I'S,17jS NI=.'W YQItK AVN.MUP.,N,�V.,VY/►,SNiNG7�l,�.G.�t1l1ltf'i ` � � � 2.6.15 Thc Architcct shhil interprct hnd ciecitie m:►tren cc�n- 3.2.3 't�ar<�u�it thc c�hc�rv�tMns hy such rroJcct Re�arr.sen- cernin�;�crfifrm:mcc��f thc Ucvner and Ct�ntr:tctor uncier ti�e t�tivea, thr Arcifitert si��li endc;rvc�r to�►rovkk fi�Mher rr�trc• requirrments��f tl�r Ccmtr.ict pc�c��ment4 nn svritten rec�uest��f tk�n fc�r thc C)�vnc�nfihinst cictrcts�ncl cleflckatie4 in thr\'Vnric,� cithcr thr Uwner t�r Ctmtr:tct<x. 1'he Architect's resrum�c tt� flut the fi�micliinfi c�f such pm(ert rc�{+rcsentation eintt ncat such rrqursts shall lx made with rc�s�mhhic �romptncs.c�ncl mixiify thc rights,ccsrcrosihilitie4�r�hti�tic�nt p(�hc Architect wiihfn any timc limits srJ;reetl u�n. ns dcsrriheci rl.ec�vherc in thLg A�reement. 2,6.16 tmcryxrt:ni�►ne anci ckcisit�ns c�f thr Archltect shall hc c�>nsistrnt �vht�tl►t•intrnt i�f ancl re:�.snn�i�ty infcral�lc fm�n titr 3.3 CONTlNGENT ADDITlONAL SERVICES C��ntrac� (hxumriits nnd shhtl tx in s�ritin�;�r in thc fiinn nf �,3.i Mhkin� rcvi4hinR in t)r;�cvin�c, S�,f�ifitwtkinc nr ati�cr dra�vin}��;, 1C�hrn rnak'rr���uch i�tterprc•t:�d�ns and Mithl clrci- sic�ns, tiir Architrrt stthtl rntleavrir t<i scc��rc fai�hfi�l ncr[nr- dc►rtRmrnts�vlirn tit+rh rcvl.skans hrr: manrc hy h�nh Ocvner hnd Cnntrart�x,�hal1 nnt shrnv r;�ni�litY .1 incnnsistcnt with a�+�mv:ds csr instnietk�na�rr�•knrcty tn citiicr,ancl sh:dl n<»I�r ii7f�le f�r restdts c�f intcrprrtatkms or };iven f�y tt�e Oevner,insluciin�;rc��ttions m:�ck neces- dreisi�ms sr�rcndcrrd in gcxxl f;�1th. sary hy ndjt►ctmcnts in tht Ox��ncr'e prc��ram nr t�m(_ 2.6.17 The Architcct`s ciccisionc�i�m:tttc:�rrl:nin�ic�hrclhc. ect httcl�ct; tic cffcr�si�al!!x�fin:d if ccin;atstrnt with thc intrnt cs�xcssrci in .2 rrc�uircci i�y N�c rn:�ctmrnt nr rrt�i�&m c�i'ccxire,i7n•s �hc C��ntr.u•t f7cxumcnts. t>r rc},hdhtkm!�suixcc�t�rnt tc�N�r nm�:�r:�tkm iff Rt�rh 2.6.18 7'hc Arrltitrcti shali n:ndrr wriitrn cMcisicins �v{rhin a ` dr�cumc,trs;�r rt��e�►nal�k•time i�n:di<�lairns,rlisrulrs��r nlhrr mhltrrrc irt qtK�e- .3 dtx•t�►el�an�;rc#rth�tred hs a re•st�h��f the O*��t�cr'c fhil. tirm Hctwcrn N�r O�vner anci t':c�mr.�ct��r rclaHn�ta tl�c crrc��- t�rc tm m�tkr tkCi�ivn;c tn h tiutrly�mrynnrr. licm �ir �irc�}�ress c�f U�r \�Vnrk :is rrcfvittcd in thr t;rmtr:ict f)c�cuments. 3.3.2 1'rnviclin� scrviccs rcc�uirctt hcc':ttise of si�nilie:�nt 2.6.19 'I�tu• Arc•hitcct'x dcrisic�ns nn ci:dms,clisratcs�r titiacr ���"nRrs in thc 1'ro�rcf incltKlit��,i�ut nc�t IimitRYl t�,siye,c�tr,�l. ma�lrrx,incit�ctin�; the►sc i» qurstinn i�ct�vcrn tF�e Owncr n»cl i�Y. compicsky, the Owncr's schccitdr,cir ilte mCthc�tl nf I�itl- t:nntnc�t�x,cxcr�t fi�r�hc�sr rclatin�tc�ars�tictic effcct as��rc�. clin�;c�r nc���tiatii�fi�nci contr,►cttnfi fcx r�nstrurticm,cxccpt far viciccl in Suh�7raf;rhrl�2.C►.t 7,shail hc suh�cct tc�arhitr,�tkm hs Rervicrs rcquircci uncicr St�i�:tr:�r,mf� 5.2.9, rrovicicct in this A�rcement and in the Ccmtr,�ct Qe�cumems. 3.3.3 Prerarinfi t?r:�ttrfn�s,Srecitkwti�ns anct otl�er ck�eumen- thtkm anci sur���nln�tlhth, r��itr.►tin�Cs�mrat�t�x's�rt►�x�k, :rntl nn»•itRn� »thcr srrvierx in ccmncY�iinn a�itl� G'f�:m�c ARTIC[.E 3 Orcicrs 7nci Con.rtructicm Ci�anfir(3ircc�tvcs. ADDiT10NAt, SEF�VICES 3.3.4 t�rnvidin�srrviecc irt cttnnrCtinn tvi�h r��fttntin�+sttheti- tutk�ns rmrxts�ct hy the Cantr.►ctnr anct makinR eLihscc�t�c�t 3.1 GENERAI. rcvisicmc a�t)r,�tivin�.s,S�crtlic�tMn4:►nc1 ntl�cr cicactrmentatian 3.1.1 '!'hc tcn i<cs dc.rcrihe•d in this Artiric�are nr�t inciudcct rr:�altin�thrrefmm. in ilasir Scrviccti unlc4s cc�tdenNflrd(n Articlr t 2,and Urey sl�c�ii 3.3.5 t'rc�victtn�rnn�dtatMn rnncrminr rcrlac�cmcm nf\C'c�rk he naid fc�r hy �hr Uwner :n �roviclr<t in thi5 A�rcemtnt� in ����m���'�� ��)' �rc c�r c�lhct c:tttse dtttin�c'e�nstmcfkm, hnd ('irr- :�ddi�i�in t� thc c��m�xneati<in for lihsiC Serviccs. 'i'i�c srrvic�cs nt�i�in�;xr��•irc:a rcc�t�irrci in rnnncctic�n n+ittr thc re�l:�crmrnt cleScrihrd undcr par.��r.�rhs 3.2:md i.�i ehaN oniy l�c rmvickci nf rttrN Wnrk. i(huthnrized��r r��nlirmrc�in rvritin�!�y thr Q�vncr.iCscrvkcs �,3.6 Pnividin�srnicrs mhdc nccecaary'hV tI1C(IC(1LtIt Of(ITC <Ir.ccribcti uncirr Crm�in�ent Adcliti��n71 Srrvicrs In 1'nr.i}�r�rl� (,��ntr:►ctUr,hy m:ijnr ctrtccts or ctrticMncir.a in thr l4lork nf ti�� 3.3 arr rrquircci �liie �t�cirrumst7nees lxyand the Architrrt's L�>ntnc�t�r.c�r hy fhilurc�f�rfotm;�nt�c of rithcr the O���nrr or ccmtmi, �hc Architcct sha11 n�ttit'y thc Osvnrr �ric�r tc> can�- C.�ntracror uncicr tfrc Cnntnc�t fnr Gc�nstnictittn. mcnrin�such srrviccs. i�thc U�vner cicems that st►ch srn�trrs cirscrihcYl uncier Par:��;rr�ph i,; arr n�t rcqi�lreti, the pwner 3.3.7 Pre�viding serviees in e��:�tuhtin�hn extcnxivc»amher of sh:fli};ivc rrnmfit n�ritten n�tticc t��Hte Arcl�itrrt.if thr C?cvnc� elalms suhn�tttcti hy ti�c C'.cmtractc�r rjr cx1►rr.+c in cunnrctic►n • indir:�tcs in �vritin� that aN nr ran i�f st►ch CnnNn�ent AcItU. «•ith ChC \Y/nrk. tionai Servires are nat rct�tdrecl,the Arcltitert sfiall M:�vc no cshli- �;:n1t>n tci rrnvidr th�n��rviecs. 3.3,8 1'mviciin�scn�icc� in cnnncct[cm �vith :�rahiic hC;trinfi, arhitr;tNtm pnKrrclin� «r ity�l ��mcrcdin� c:ct�rpt �vherr tite 3•2 1'AOJECT REPRESENTATtON BEYOND BASIC �rrMitcct is�r,1rt}thcrctn. SERVIGES 3.3;9 Prcr:�rin�;tisuti�mrnts fi�r hltcmh�c�.err:+r,rtr f�r eeqnct�fi7F �.2.1 tf m��rr rx�c•r�sivc r<�tcxrmaNnn at tlie sitC th:m i� I�itls crr�+n�vkNr>>;sc•rvttY�in ccannc•ctic�rt xe;tii hiticlin�,nc�;c�tia- rlczcrihccl iit titd��i:tr:�};r.�pN 2.l.,5 it rcsn�ircci,thr Arr#iitc�ct sh:di ti�tn��r rnn�irueticm �xit►r tc� Ihr mtnnic•tic�n nf ti�r Ct�natnic- rr�x•icic�mr e�r nuttc I�rc��rct ltcrrcscnr,ui��cs t��hcsist i�carry�- t1�m f)c�cuments 1'h:�.aC. - in���u� xt�rh 7ckiiNcinai c�n-site res�c�ntihilUicK. 3.2.2 Pr<��cct (tc��n�;c•nt:nfvrs sh:dl tic seicctcd,cmri��ycd:�nd 3.4 �PTIONAL ADDITIONAL SERYICES clirrctc<I I��� U►e �rchit�•ct,:�nd ti�e Architcc�t Sh7N ix:cc�m�cn- 3.4.i l�r�n�idin�hnal}�sc�s��f thr Oaner'e ncccix and�n�ram- s:ucd therefi�r 9s :��rcrd hy �hr Uwnc•r �nd Arcliitert. 'Tlx inin�;the nc�uirentrnfs c�f the i�m(cet. dulirs, rrs�xmsihilitic•� :mtl lin�ft�ti<ms �,f authc►rity of 1'roJcct Itr�►rrscrn:nncs til��tt hr ;�.� cicscrlix•d in tl�r C<Htkm c�f AIA 3.4.2 nrc��Aiclin�linancF.d fraeit�iliiy ctr other��rrHti s1tK{ir�. f kx'umrnt 11 i5',?rurrcn��s�f�he cl:ue��f this A�n.�rment,unkss 3.A.3 rro,�ftiin� ��ihnnin�; sttn•cyc, xirc r�•alnatt�ns t�r �r�m- r�ihrnvi.sc a�;rrcd. (r.�r.�tivc sttKiics s►f E�rcxe{�t;c�tivc�s(tes. AfA Dp�UM[NT t11qt •tlt't'N1!R•ANCIt17'1?(;T Ar,p��Ml;N7'� 1'htiRTt?F.I+M'It i?nf1'KtN• AIA• • � + TIIF AAH:RIt;AN INS'1'i't'tfFF.ttp Ali(:fftTt:C7;C,ITiS NF.IV YC?RKAVIsN(►F,rl.VC+..yryA51tlNGl'UN,D.0 TikK)f, giai-i�a7 a . ., i � 3.4.A Prcn�idin� s�xri:�i stfrveys, cnvironmcntai ctudic� anct d.2 '1'i�c t��vner slial)csr.d�tisi�anct a�K.latc ryn c�vrr.eii i�ucl�;ct fi►r �abmisxicros rrqi�irctl Grr 7pprcrv;ds c�f�;nvc rnmcnt7l hutht�rltirs ti�r 1'rc�{ect,incku!{a};the Gon.atn►Ctk»i C;cxt,ihr p�vncr's s�thc r , ��r i�thrr�l�;�vin�;jurisciictkui ovcr tl�c Prt��crt. cc�xtx ht�d re:��cm:rUle cc:ntin�rnck�e rcl:�acYl tc�a1t c�t ti�t:W:cixc��, 3.4.5 i�r���•iclin}; W;rvicc�s rC{:�tivr tc� ftt�arr f:iciliNr�, sy�Ic+nK 4.3 if renucstcYl b}�thr Arch#��ct.thc C)�vi�r siu�il[t�rnitih cvi• anci cq�d�,mrnt. dc��cc that lin;tnci:�l:►rr;tny;c��xnta t�hve ta:rn m:Kh to tuliiil thc 3.A.6 Pr��viclini; srrvirc.� u► fnvcsli�;:i�c rxistin}; c�cmdi�h�nz c►r ���'ncr'��tl>li};:ni�ms c�ndcr Ihi�A�;n.�cment. i:�rilitics iir u�m:ike mc:�eurrti dr.�winy;s dmrrctl'. d.4 'i'hr C)wner shsdl eltsi�n�lr ct rC��rc�er�t:rtive:tt�t}k�rixetl tn 3.4J i'rcivi 1' � . ► c n �;� . . i . rd•� t u.c. t�>vrtif�ihc a• uri•� ,• :�rt <►n thr Osvncr's i �a:di tvitit � f. } cc .c� ��I'dr.ns in r n� x «,�x.�;1 tc� tlx l n �ct. `11r� c�thrr inCctrm:ni�m fumis) I k t wn r � x.x Ny tlic U�vncr. ) r or such a��ihc�rir,cct rc��nscn�atiti�c sh:�tl rcnctCr ticri4kms in :i timcl}•m:mncr r►rrt:dntn�tn ckx•umcntx snlxn�ucd I�y ti�c 3.A.8 Pruvicliny; reu�rdin:tti<►n ��f c�inr�n�cli�m �irrfi�rmcd (►)' Are'I�S1act in t�teicr te>hve�iet tmre:�wm:�i�ir tkl:ry iit tiK t►rcicrlti• sr��:iratr ccm�r:�rts►rs�ar l�y thc Chvnrr';t�nv�i li�rec�c s�nd r�x>rcli- ;�����!:c�c�ucnri;d��rt�};rca.q uf thc Arrlthrct`s:errt�ires. naticm �>f zcrviccs rcc{tiircci in cc�nncct&m ���itit runstniCtion 1icrGtrrncd:u�cl ec�ui��mrnt su���jliccl I�y tix�)�vnrr. 4.5 'I'hc t��vner �ir.i8 ft�misit st�n�c�•x t(r:srril�in}; physic�i 3.4.9 Pr�ividir�};scn�iccs M cYmnec•ticm tivith tije�vc�rk�►f a rc�n• ����r.�rtrristics,Ic};:II Ut1H171I(Tt1.4�i1CI(1(IIIf}�t�C:illft173 CC)f lI1C SI1C structic�n mana}�cr car sc�p:�r.uc c�msuit:mit rct:�incct I�y t1�c c��thr 1'rc�jcc�, and��vrittcn k�ti ckscri��th>n t�f tltr gite. 11sr ()�v��cr. stirvcyy sui�l k�;al infc>rtnhtkm �liall incli�cte as :��IMahk. };r:ulc� :�nct Itnc�c c�f Rtrcrts, hHcys, ravctiix,•nte :nxl adtc�inin}; 3.4.1� I'n���icli�t}�clrtailecl cstim:uc,r•of C<»�stnu'ti�Ni Cxnt. rrs�xny and ti�nK�t�rc:s; :�ci�:trent ctrnin;t�,►r: .y;r,��•t�r•ti,�y�, restrktic:ns, rascmems, enrniarl�mcnts, nmiri�, cicrd re�strtc- 3A.11 1'ri►t•idin}; ck�ailcci ctt�;��ttity survry� or in�•cniaricw c►f Ucn�s, bctui�ds�rirs and eemtc�urs c�(thr si�c: k�tk�n,o, Jimen- matcri:�l, eyui��mcni :�titl h�ix�r. sicros ancl nccxkG�ry cl;��h�xnKininq tca rxisti�;buitclin�.s,c�11xr 3.4.12 1'����•idin};;�n:d}•��of c��vnin�!and<>�xr:ilin};ctntx. int��rt�vrtncnts hnd trec�;:ttui init�mtatk�n cr�necrnir�hv:�ilahis t��fli�y sc�ruiccs ;�nct tinrs, hc�th rufliic hncl�xivh�c, :�ix��e :t�ul 3.4.13 t�rc>aidin}; inlcric�r dcxi�;n a�icl c�thcr ,ri�i�ll:�r strvic•cs hcia�v�•r,�cic,inctucUn�invrns;md d�ry�thR,All thc ink�rrnntkx� rcc�uircd liir�x in ccmneCti��n �vilh thc�scEccticm, nrncurcmrnt on Uic survey xl�atl Ix rcfcrrncrtl h�a rna�ect ixnchmark. �>r in�t:dlati<>n��f 1'urnitttrr, furni.ihin}�s anci rrl:urd re�ui�imcnl. 3.4.14 I'nrviclin};scrvicrs Ce�r��L•a�ni�i�,tcnant or rcrn:�l src�r�w. 4.6 '1'hr O�vncr�h:Tti fi�r�ti�h Nic srn•ie�:s ciF�rc�tcrhnie:i}cn};i• fkrrs�vhcn rtKh scrvitc�c�rr r�.Y�t�c:atcYl h��tl�r Ard�itrrt.tiixl� 3.4.15 AL•ikin}; irn•cwti}Y�tams, invcntndcs of i��:ncr9:ds��r cY�ui�� : �rvkrS may irrc•hrcic hut arc �K�i iin�i�rcl tc� �cst Ix�rin�,�, icxt mev�t,or�:du:�tKrns a�Ml ckt7ik�e1 a��r.�tv:eLti c�f cst�tihi�;f;Kititks. ��it�, eic�rrmin:stkiri� e�f�c�i) hthrin� v:�it�rs. �cm�latktn IR�ts, cv:d�r.�lic�i�s��f ir.rr.arcint�.ti tn7tcriais,�rciu�i�l cY�trt�.5km;tnd rtxi�- 3.4.16 I'rc��:uin};:�sc�uf rcpr�xlucihic rc�tc►rd dr.��viiiqs slu��v- tivity Icwts,Nuludin};nrrc�s:�ry c�rr.rtiRms k�r antiei�tin}�aul�- in�.i};nifirant ririn};cs in 1hc Wark m:�cM ciuriit}�r�>nslrc�rticin sc�il c�mditkms, tviti� rr�x�ns �nci :�rc�rihtr �tt�tc:�:cictt�:it ir.t�cd c�r� ma�krd-t�p��rinlK,cir.��vit��s:uicl cnher cl;u:�fumixitc�! rc�ca�nmc��clhtic>ns. li�• thc Cuntr.irtur to�hr Architcct. 4.6.1 'I'hr �wnrr shnll fiimi.r•h thc scrs�irex ct�nd�cr cYmsut• 3.d.iT i'r<►vidin�:�.csi,r.�nrc In Il�r udlifatk►n nf rc�tti��mcn� ar t:a�ts wiicn stKh r.crvicr:a hrr rr:i.�mal�ly�rt�uirrtl hy Iltr 4Ccryjc systrnu xuch a5�rxtin}�,acl�u4�in};hnd f�atancin};,��re��ar.�ti��n��f uf tl�c l�nt�Cct and 7rc rcqur.ttcci I�y tl�r hrchilc�c�t. u��cr.ni�in anti nr,�intrna»cc m7nu:iis, tr.�inln�; ��cnrn�ncl 12�r ' �►�xr:niun:oxt maintrr�:incr,:o�d cYmst�i�atic�n c4�r�n���rrra�k►n. �.7 'Phe Uwnrr�h;di furnixi�s�n�ctur.il, mcrhanicwi,chcmiCal, 3.4.18 f�r�n�idin};icn�irc:� :�f�cr i�,�tr.uire to Ilx n�v��er nC�he :�fr:nid wpuer�wOntic>n Fexte,te�ts Cf►r lm�hnk�t�s m:nrri:�l�,ancl fin:d c:criific:nc li�r Paytncnt, or in thr :il��:�K•c c�l':� linai Ccr• "����r laix�r:�tc►ry� hnd cnvinnamciHht ac�etg, ins�rcrt&m� anci �itic:�tc li►r f':iymcnt, �iu�rc �han !�t!day+s:iClrr iht:datc uf 5td�• re�u►ns rec�uircd I�y la+v t�r 1l�r f:emtr7ct i?orunx��is. ��a�i�i:�i C��in�,lcric►n uf tlir\Vurk. � q.8 '1'hc O+vncrr sh:dl turnish:�it k�,rrf,accc�c►ntin�anti ittst�r.tncc 3.4.19 Prc���iilin};srn�ices�f trnisult:utts k>r otl�rr�han arcl�i- '���tFi�Sriin�; scrvtcts hs m:ry tx ncYY�s:try:�t am� timc for tltc tcc�ur.d, xtrurtur:d, mcrhanic:d :�nil cicrtrir:d cn}�inrcrin}; nc�r- Prc>�ccK, inclutiin�;:�uditin�;scrvicc�thc U�vnrr n�:ry rcc�uirc tcz ti<mx iif thc Prci���ct ��r�ivickcl as:i ��;irt vf il:�eic Srrviccw. �'crity iitc Cc���lr.ictc�r'c A��piichttc�n.s fnr P:i}menE c��tc�asrcr�hin hcnv r�r 1'c�r�vt�a� ��uryx��ccw thc Gcmtr.�ctczr l�:�q usrci ti�r nx»try 3.4.20 T'rin•iiGn};:rn�•r�tl�cr xcn�is�rs nc>t otl�c•nvisc includrd in p:�id hy�<�r o�i ixic�r���r rtx ownrr, tlite A�rccmrrn or nc�t ct+s�om7rily farnisl►cci Fn xccc�rdhnrr s�•idt}.cncr.ilt}•arrc�,tcil architcYtur,if nr.�cticc. A.9 '17ic scrviccs,infc�rn�atinn.4UNQ�5:�nct rcn�rts rec�uirccl hy i':tr.��r.q�lts 4.4 11�r<n��l� 4.tt�h�ll t�r fumi.elxxf at tl�e D�vner'r csrcnsc, :mci thc An;ititrct shhti i�r c��titkcl ta rcly urvn thc :�ccur.e�>y:inel cetmrlrtcnc!�s thcrcc�t, ARTICLE 4 4.f 0 Vrom��t writtcn noticc sh;dl hc�;ivc�a h}•thc O�sncr tc�the �WNER'S RESPONSIF311�iT1�S A�ri�i�rct if�hr Uwnrr ixc�c�n�c�htiw�rc of:�n}�f�tdt c�r clefrct in ti�e 1'rc:�c:cf c�r nc�nccmkNmancc tvllh thr Cc�ntr.ert ikx�timcnts. 4.1 't'hc n��•ricr shall rn�vick fldl iitfvr�p7ticm rc�;;�rtiinj; 4.11 'i'hc �xo�x�srd I�n};u:i�c c�� cCrtilir.�tcs o� ccrtific:nit�ns rc•c�uirrmc��ts fc>r thc Prc�icct, inclucHn};:��,n�ram wltiirh st�711 rc<�iKstc-ct ctf djc Arci�itrct c�r hrchirrc;t's rcxnsuit:�iyls sit:ril ix set I��rth the f�wrier's c�h�:ctivcs,.�checi�ite,cc�nstrnints:�nd cri- submtttrcl to thc Arrl�ilcct ft�r rr��lcw ntjd a�iijr�vnl ht Irast l�i tcn.►, i�ieluclin}; s���rr rec�t�irrmcn�s ;uici rrlaHc>nslti�¢, ficxi- clays rrior�r�exccutic»i:'l'hc Qtvner shhii nnt rc<n�cst Ccrtifear- hilu��. c•r�,ai�d:�hilitp. s{xci:rl cc�uipnirnt, :cyxtrms :i��ci si�c tir>nx that �vtttdcl rcc�ttirc kn<»vicct};c c�r scrvirrs 1aC}•c�nd ttic rcquirrmrnts. xrai�c c►(tfti.q A�r��cntrnt. 5 814f-19$7 n��oocu�tENr o14t •n�vr�t:e�nK�in7N.r:�•erni?Fn�r:ror�r•o��arr:r•.rn���r;��rrrtNr•eix" •���� 1'lif AMF.Rit:AM{Nti'1't7'UTii(?F ANCIIPI'N.G"F:.,lTiS tJGW YiJRK AYNNUN.,N.rv..WA:�1lINCTttN.p.C.2tMwX+ . * � . ARTIGLE 5 .3 ii'�hc i�rc>k•rt ix ahancl�nctl, trnninoitr in accc�rchnrr CONSTRUCTtON COST �vitl� t�:�r.�r.�pti R.�;nr .4 r�x�Ex�r.Hr in rrvisin�tlae Prc�icct scc>�r:mcl c���;�litr ne 5.1 D�FlNITtON rc�quirctl Ic�rrtiuct ti�c C�nstn�ctitan Caxt. S.t.t 'i'hc Cr►nsin�rtiF�n Cnst shait lic thc tnt:d cc�st nr rxti- 5.2.� ir��,�o«<�rr�n�,�,sce�o nm��r�r��„�rrr e�:+��� 5.2.�t.�s, marrci ccnt a>thr O�vnrr��f:dl rirmcnis<>f thc t�n�kct dczi�;ncv,l thc Art-l�itcct,�vittinat hciclitic,nnF rh:�r�r,sh,li m<xlif�•tl�c•Cnrn nr s�u�rificcl I�p thc Arthitcc•t, tr.ict ntu7�mcnts as ncCc�s.c:�n•tc�ct�r�at3lt�nith 11�r fixsYl limit,if cst:�hNshrcl as:�rnnclittnn nC thi.5 A�;rc�c n�cnt.'t'i�r m��dific:►ti�m 5.1.2 '1'hr G�ne�r�i<•�i�m C��st sh:iU lnclucic �he r�iSt at rtirre•nt �+f C:qntr.�et tkxYmirnte :ehhi! I�e Ihc lin�it c�C thC hrcititrct's m:irket rate�nf I;�tuj�:�nd m:Neri:d5 fttrnishCcf hy tlte p�vnc r hnc) rt�s(�e�nefliility �ri.ein�<nrt c�f Ihr Cst:d�lishn�snt qf:r Rxed iimit. cc��irr�nrrn cicsit,ncd, srctifirct, scicrlcct tar s �ci:dt� mt�ici�! 'h• li►r hy �hr Architccl,�titt�a rc:►st�n7hir:�Ik�sv,hnrr k►r iic<:�n• with tl i.c�A�n.�cmcnt fr r aq scrrirc�nc�orn�rcl ri;�}Kttnir c�r�nc t trart«r's cwrnc�•:�ct hnci rr�►lit. ln atiditit�n, 7 rt:�acin:�hic:dicnv- the(:�►nstrtn�i<m i'h:►se i.r re�mmrnc�cKL :�n�•c fi►r c��titint,cnc•k�x�I�atl Ixr I�cl��dcti fs�r iar►rkcl cYmciitkin. :it thr timr �►f hidclin}� anti fix c•l�an};c:a i►� tl�r �C�nrk dttrin�; c•�mstructinn. ARTICLE 6 5.i.3 C�mstruc•tit��t Cc�st dtit�x nnt inclacir thr cY�mrcns,,►q�,�,r►r USE OF ARGHITECT'S t?RAWINGS, ihr A�chi�rrl arxt Arrhitrct's r��nsuG7nts, tl�e c�nis c�f thr land, ri�hts-��(•�v:i}', iin;u�ein}; ��r�>thrr crt�sts wt�ici� art�itir rrs{xm• SPEx;IFIGATI�NS AND OTNER Df}CUMENTS sihitity t�C il�c U�vncr:�.c rr<�vitkcl in Articlr�f. 6.1 'i'i�c �r,rti��itl�;s, S�cciflrations hntl «thrr dc�eumentr �e�c- 5.2 RESPONSIBILtTY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST n�nrci hy thc Arc•idtrcy �c�r thit t�mjrct arc inetcurncnts M tMr ' Arciiitce['c scrv�•r fc�r t��r mlriy e�•i�1� mc�ct tc� this t�tt��Cet 5.2.1 Tv:du:�Nnn�n(thr O�vncr's Projret hucF�ct, nrcitminnry anti�unirse nthcnvi.cr�Snwidrtl,thc Arrl�ltcCt sh:ttt ta�C drtmCcl csHmalrs c�f Ct�nstruCtion Cnat ;�nd cictaitcd e:�Nm:ecex nt'Cnn. thc:�uthr�r c�f tltrsr tt<x�►mentc;mci s1in11 rrthin hti axnmon hw, � strncKic�n Cc�st,if:my,rnrarcd I�y tiic Arcliitcct.rrhrrscnt thr st:�tutc�ry :mcl otNcr rc;cerved rF�l�tx, inrlucl;n� tt�r ct�nyrl�i�t. Architc•cK'�Ix�st ii�d};mcnt as a drRiKn�re�fes,�i<>n;rl f:�mili7r�vid� 'i'lic O�v�cr 4h,fit hc�crmirtrel tn ret�in ccmicK.}nc}txling rcrm- tl�c cY�nstn�clic�n incit�stry. tt I.a rccti�R�ti�cci, hrnvrvcr,thal nei• tiucihir c��+ic�,t�t'thr ArchitCct's nr.icvin�s,S�crific:tt;cme:tncl ' thrr �hr Arcl�itrc•t ncx tNc n�vncr t�as cr�ntr�>I<iv�r thr r��st nf c�thrr dc�ct�rnrnts fiw infr►nn:tlicm:tnci rr�cn•ncc in rnnncctir�n f:dx�r, matcrials str rc�ui��ment,c�vcr�f�c Crnur;Ka�r'�nx�th<tids �vilh the f)s��ncr'x use hncl c�cceryr.�nry t�f thr t'resit�t.Tite Arcl�i- �>f cic tcrminin�;hic)�ricc�t,c�r cwer tY�mprtitivr hickitn�,m:trkrt tcct',e t�r,nvin�.s,ti�ilkwtitme nr ntlx r ctncttmcnts sh�p nt�t l�c c�r nr},Hiti:�hn� ceindi�ians. Accordin};ly, the Architect cin�a� usect hy the(��uncr�r�rtl�rrs on ntNcr pn>�ects,fcsr adclitionc to :ind dc>c:s n�it�v:irr,u�t nr rCrrcccnt ihat bid:e or nr�c�Nhtcd rrkc:a this 1►rc��ect t►r k��c'anirltMMn af this Yrr►icCt 1)y pt►�Cn,unlces «i11 n«t v:�ry fr��m ihc U�vnr�'s I�mjrct i�act�;rt tar fnim any thr Architcrt i.c�ci(ud};rct tc�hr tn clef:ndt t�ntlrr tt�t!s Agrccmcnt, c•xtimatc sif C:t�n!;artictic>n C;��t ar rv:du:nk�n prc�r,inci nr h�rrcYl cxec��t fiy h�;rs•c��echn in n•rhM�arnl�vitit a��rc��l:ttr mmpcn• ��►hy thc Arrhi�cct. s:tt&�n tc►thc Architrct. 5.2.2 Nc� fi�ccd limit af Ccrostn�ctic�n G�st ahaif hr esthhli�hetl :is:�r�mciitiem nf thi.�A�rrement 1���lye fi�rnisl�in 6.2 Suhmis.aicm ��r cli.�trihutk�n nf dc�c.�eimcnts u�mrrt o(fici;0 cstahiishmcnt r�f a t'�nicrt huci�,�ct�untcec such flxccl li nitryhhs ������'�tory rcc�t�ircmrn[4 ar fc�r eim�hr�t�rJx:.cea in ccmncctk�rt I�ccn a�;recd er�x�n in�vritin�ancl si�nccl hy thc panMs itrrct��.tf �'ith thC Pmjcrt is n<�t to hc cc.m.etnMd as�t+hiic;nhm In clen�,n. surti :i fixr�i limit h:�s lu�en c4thhN�Nccl, tl�r Arch3trct shafi ix� ��?n ctf tl�r Arel�itc�cc's rescrvrd ri�hts. �rrmNtrcl tti inc•i�idr e<►ntEn�rncirs f<�r cMai�;n, hicicifn}; and �+ricc c:�c:�Mti��n,ui cictc•m�6ic�vh:n matc•ri:ilx,r<�uirmrnt,tYm�• �innrnt systcros:�nd tyrc.�s of c�>nstrt�ctinn arC tcf 1x tnChukct in tiic Cnntr�ct F�cx•umcnts, t� mhkc rcaumahie ;Kih�stmcntx in . thc crc,�,c cif thr Prc�jrct nncl tn inci�ttfc in tlic G�mtnct ih��. ART-- '��'E� ntrnts�i�rmate hitts tn sicqusr the C<m.4tnrctkm Cc►4t tn ti�e lixr.ci A►RBtTRATl�N limit.i�ixrcl!lmils,if tiny,cha11 he incrchsecl in thc amcxmt c�f�n incrca.�ee in �he Gnntract Strm c�ccurrin�hQer esrettti�n e�1'tttt �•� Ciaims,ci;sr��tes c�r ott�cr m:Ktcrrc in nt�cstk�n h�ttt�cen�Fy� (:antr.�ct fix(;onstn�CNcm. (�hnks tcr�hts A�rccment�risin�r►ttt t�Par rclnttn�tc�thi!s A�rer. 5.2.3 if t1�c Ridclin��r M��x�tiaN�n i'hasc(i�s not c�mmeneeci tr.rtion in��crc�rtt;�ncr nritltn h Cnn tn�ttMn itn��4�ryt Arhf ra wtthin 9r) ctaya aftrr tlic Architcet srrhrnits thc Gc�nstnrction Ncm Ituks nf ti�c Amcriran Arhitr;�Hcsn ASsc�ciatMn currcntiv in l.k�ct�mcnts t<a thr Utivnrr,any flro;cct hud�,�rt nr fixcct ifmit ot cffrcK unic�s!c N�c��Nes mutually h�r atltern�i,cc. • C��nstructinn CO�! ti�1:tII Ik ;1(I�tISICCI tO fC(}CCt CI1:IRf;CS �{� tI1C f,`CItCf:ll ICVCI t)�(tf1CCS I!i(}iC Ct)flStRICf1f1t1(fl(I(IttfY I1CtNCCti fltC �'� ijCltt:tflC� �flf :IfI7Iff1ll!)tl.RI11II I)C IltCtj ttl tt'flttlt� t{�'t(�1 l�iC d;ur nf suhmiss7<m c�f thr C�nctn�ctic�n J?caeumcrtts to the }�ecmcnt ;�nci �vith �hr�lmcric:m Art�itr.�. c�thrr�ny m this A � Otvnrr�nct the ci:n��n evhkh r ti�m A�.ecxi;►tion.A cicm�nci far�rhitratiem sffali he m�cic n�ithin �S o(x�:sstk�re st�a�ht. 5.2.4 tf a (i+crci lirritr ��f Con�tn�ct(nn (;c�st ul��ctrcl hs nrc�, � rrhscinahic tintt hftrr th� ctaim, dis�+u�c c�r cttl�er mattrr in vtdetl in tiuhrar.iF�r,q�h 5.2.3)is exCcecMd hy(ti�c Insvicet Ixsn:t c1��c�Nnn h:�.ti hrisrn.In nr�rvtyu rh:�H thr cirmancl fin ari�itraticm ' fidt hid or nc};�ti:itccl pr��,r,�i, the O�vncr shaiL• t�c mack :�Rcr the datr tvlicn inst)tatkm pf M�t or cquithbk .1 �i��e a�rirtcn a�ro�.11 of hn incrc:i�e in surh lixcd !��n n�onhi he Ir.vrccl hy thc a�lkwl�st�utc��of limi�txmc, limft; .2 auth�uizc rct�;ddinfi ��r rcnc �tiatin• , 7•� Nri:trhitrhtkm arfsin�;nut nf ar rct;itinfi t��tl�is A�recmc•nt � �vi�Min 7 rr,�sonat�lc timc: � f, �f tix 1 r�,jcct ttiai[inci�ulr,i�}•can.a��pifhtirm,�c,ir�drr<��in 7n}�cHti�r m�nner, an hciclihonhl per!xm nr entPt nc>t � AfA ppG(tMF.NT Ot11 • �11t'N!?M•Ait(t11TCt;T A(:N!?r1�}rNT• r•ouai'F,F.N771!'fTi'f(rytd�AIA� • � {� Y (�1ftY tn thic�i��cmCtlt, 7'flti kAiF.�#ttiAN ifYSY't t'Ety'1{U��RCIIYI'N.CI'S,1735 NQq7 YqRK AV!?Nt�N.H.g{��^SIIINGTCJTt,t).G 2'tl(� Bfidi-f 987 G • � � cxecqj� hy writtcn c'tmsent rc�nt:�ining h ��rcifir rcfcrcnc:c tta .2 Tcn �rrcrnt nf ttic t�tht com�3cn.e7�ic�n tc�r 13:�.efc and this Agrecnrent si};i�rci hy thc O�wier,Arrhit��ct,;mtl any qthcr AcldiUtm:d ServiCrs c;imccl tc� ct9tc if tcrn�inatk�i� ��crsa� c�r entita� uni};ht W ix ic�ineci. Ccrosrnt tn ��i�itr.ttkyn �cc�rrs clurin�tl�r t�ccsip�n t�vcto}�mcnt i'h:�sc;or involvin� :m aciditkm:d ncrst>n or cntity sh:�li nnt constitt�tc ,� i�ivc(�crccnt of thc tot:�)Cc�m�CnSwtinn f�sr UhsiC anci. canscnt u►�rl�i�r.niori t�C:�ny cl�ini,ciisnute��r tfHirr m:itter iM ������1z���:it 5crvicec e�mrei tn thuc if ECm�inatie>n qucs�ic>n net dcscril�cci in thc�vrittrn c���ise�tt tx�vitli a��cr,ecin uCcurs cluring hny subsccµtcrn rtrtsC. <�r rnti[�•n<>t namccl cx clrscrilx:d thrrcin.'t1ic�fc�rc�;tsin}�:t};rce- mcnt to arl�itr:uc and c�tl�cr a�;memcnts t<� nrl�ilr.�lr with an additic�n:d�cr.s��n c�r cntity cluly rnnscntcd tu l�y tiic pattic�tc� drix A};rrrmcm .h:fii bc spccitiraily cnfi�rccai�tr in:xc���ciancc /�iRTICLE 9 wi�h :�p��liral�ir la��� in :�ny rnurt havin�;ju�ix�iicritm tl�crcot. MISCELLANEQUS PRQVIS{ONS 7.4 'i'hc cnvarci rrndcrcYf hy thc:irhitr.nnr or arhitr:n��rti sh:dt I�c tinal,and�ucl};mcnt m:�y)x�cntcrcit u�x�n it in•�cronl:�nre�vi�h 9.i iinicxs ntherwkc rnwiciccl, this A�;n:rmcnt ehati l�c�e�w a��plir.d�lc law in any cenm hhvin�)ari,uliction thcrcc�L cmcd i�y tlx L•�tiv of thc princi�t �sl:ecc vf ixtsirtt�c.s t�f Nfc Architrct. 9.2 'i'crms in ti�is Afircrmrnt sl�aii h7vc ti�r sarnc mc:ming aa ARTiCLE 8 tl�osc i�t AtA i�x��mrnt A2(11,fcnrral S:cmeliticros�f tl�c Ca�n- tr:�ct ft�r f:t>n,Yinutit>n,currcnt;r.c uf tt�c date c�f titl�A�rernvc•nt. TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANOONMENT 9.3 rht�.sr� t�f:�cti�n hrtwcen titc ��7rtica tc� ttTie X�;reemrnt 0.1 'Thi� A};rec•mrni m:�y t�c trn»in:rtcQ hy eithrr��hrty u���n tN'rlainin�; tc� arts nr t�ilurc�o ta a�t :ai�aii I�c tlCrntrci ta hhve not Ic��th:m sercn cta}ti written noticc Shatdci 1hr nCher�r.�n}• :�rcrucet :exi the hrrllr.�l�ic s�:nutrc nf NmitatMna shtitl rc�m- C:iil suNstanti:dly�i>r�rf<�rm in�cc<�rd:Fnrc�vith tlir tcrn�s<at Uiis �»����c to run ncK h1Cr Iir.m ritl�cr thc cE:ttc of Suintantial Com• ,\�recnxnt thnn�};li�n�f:�uh oCtfk�r.�ny innialin�;tixxiennh�atK►n. i�icHc>n kx acta nr failurc�!t►:�ct cmcurrin�;rrk�r to Stdisthn�Mt t:um��ictktn, c�r fl�c d:�tc<rf(�.au:�m�c c�f thr tinai Crnifirh�c fnr 8.2 if thc I�r���cct is suxpc�j�icd I�y�lic Owncr fc�r n�irc:�hcm it) P:ipmcnE far ncts or f:�iitirc�s ��s�ct cicettrrin�:�Cier 5ui�ct:miial cansrcutivc clh�•s, �he Arrhi�cct sh:dl Ix rnrn��cne7trci ti�r�cr- C:c�njqirticm. 4ires��crliinnc�t(�ri{x ti�n��tice of such xt�s�xnskm.Whcn H�c Proirrt is�csi�n►cd,thc Arct�itcct's com��cnshUcro shail bc�.Y�td- 9.4 'i'hc O�vncr ancl Architcct waivc aH ri�hts ;�inst cach �abiy aclju+tcd ui��rpvi�ir farexprnxes incarred in the interru��• cttt�cr :end :�};:�inct the Ccmtractort, �smsui�ants, :t�jClilS and tie>n:�ncl resum��ti<�n<if tlnt ArcMitcer'�urviccx. emnic���crs nf tl�r e�ther fcar th�rr�a�cs,hut cmt��t�tt�extcnt rnw crccl by pre�perty insur.�nec ciurin� canstn�ctictn, rxrc�►t sucf� 8.3 This A�;rcernent m;�y hc terminatcd h}• tl�c Ownrr u�n �i�;hts t�s thry m:ry havc t�the rrcxc�cYk c:f�tt�ch insunnre as scc ni�t kss�fian seuen days'written n��ticc t<�thc hrri�itect (n thr fonli in tMc eellik�n ofAlA t)cx��ment A2t)1,Gencr.d CcmcNti�ms event�l�at�hc 1'rolccl ta prnn:tncnily afi:tniic►nreL i(tii�i'mJcct ��f dtir G>ntr.tet C��r Ccmgtn�rH�m,ct�rrrnt�s nf ihc d:uc e�f this is ah:�nd<mcd hy�Nr O�vncrf2x mc�rc th:m�)cti�icccu�tvc ch�ys, A}�n:cmcnt.'I'lir�?wnrr arni ArchHeet c�di sh�if rcc�uirc�imil�r thc Architcct m;�}•tcrminate ihis Aurremcnt b;��ivfnK �vriucn whivcrs Cr<�m d�cir cYmtractor.t,t�cmqultantq;mcl;►Frnes. nc»ire. 9.5 'I'hc Owtxr:�ncl Ar�hitech, r�t.�srcrtivtiy, t�;ncl 4hctnsclvcs, 8.4 i:iilurc n(tlic f)�vncr tc�makr�aynrcnts�o�he Arri�itc•c�t in thrir n:�rmcrs, x��ccc�.eors, a,�ians 7nd ky,►�i rr>>rrsrntativc;s tc> ;tcr��rcL•�nrc�vith thi5 A�;nxmcnt sh;di I�c ecrosidcrc:cl xulxtanti:d tlic trlhrr n:trty�c�Uafa Ahrrc•mic�it :tnt1 tc►d�r ir.�nnerx,ct�ccrc- �i�n��x•rli�rm:inc•c arici ccn�5r Ccir�cr�nin;nkm. x��r.c,s�,r•si�;r�s:�nii Icl:;�I rr}�ct��lativrx nC.r•�n:h�ulxr�r,�ny tvitii 8.5 If thr. t)wnrr f:dls ut makr r:�ymen� wl�c�r cl��c dx ArcAi• ��"`��'i� tii:dl cc�vr�un�tq ctf tids Akrc•rmcm. Nci�h4r t)w�ucr nc�r trri f��r scrviccti ancl rs�xnscs,the�rri�itrc�t tnay,u�xm scvcn Arclrkc�c�t si�ail:��.tii};n �hl� Aarc�cnunt ivi�h�n�t ths writ�rn con- d:�y�'wriucn n�►ticr t���hr�wncr,st�e�xncl�xrfcinn:n�cc�►f~rr- ����t of ti�c t�thcr. ��ires un�kr tl�is A};rrcmrnt. Unk�.a�;�yment fn fuft�rcceiuccl 9.6 '1'hi.<A�;rc�cmcnt rrpresents�hr entire hnd intcKniecl;��rrc- I�y thc ArchitiYt�viN�in u��cn ilays��C thc ct:nc caf�hc n��►ic�c.thr mcnt ix;twcrn thc Owrxr a�xi Arcl�lircti �r�tt su�scr4rcic:e alt sps�xn.ion shaif I7kc cffr��t�vhhaut li�rihrr nctlicr.in thccvrnl ��ri<>r neq,K�tiaticliie� rchre:w;ttt:etit�mt t>r a�;mcmrttts, clthcr writ• of a suspcns'ron<>f scrvicc.�,thc Arrf�itcrt shail t�:rvr nc►1i:�l�ili�y trn�r c�r.d.'t1�is A�;rrcmcnt m:ty I�c:�mcnckct cmly by�vrtttrn t��the��vncr fi+r dci7y nr ciamaKr r.iuscd thc n�vner t�ec;�usc instn�ment si�;ncci hy Ix>t1i Otiv»cr anci Arehheet, of surh sus��rnsi«n��f:srrvic�cs. 9.7 N<alhin�rcmlhirtcd in thi.a A�rccmrnt.shali rrc:rtc h r<mtr.ic- 8.6 In thc c��cnt nf tcrminaticin nc�t �he f;iult c�C ti�c Arriiitrct, ttr.d relatkmchip wiUi ��r 7 cwtnc csf cicticm in f�vUr pt a third thc Arrhitcct shaii hc con�pcnsatrcl for srrvices�xr(c�rmcYt pricir rarty h�iin;�t cithcr dic U�vnrr or Architrrt. tc�terminadc�n,���}�etl;�r�viii�Rcimhursahlc t:x��c��scx ti�rn clue ancl aii 'i'crmin;nk►�i lix�x���s:�s drfinc�l In I':tr:�fir:y�l�R.7. �.S Unicxa ati�crtivisc�rc�vitircl in ihis At:memcnt,�hc Architrrt ancl Arrhttcc.�t�.+C/)115qIfhi115 4I1hI)I1:IYC ttt}ft'S(xN15II)IIIIY LU�IIiC 9.7 '1'crmin;nicin 1•x�xnsc�arc in ac(ctitit»i to e�n+qxnshUon Cc►r cliscxwrry,rrestricc,h;indlin}+„rcnmu:fi c�r ctis�x�s:Et R�f c�r rxru}. tiatiie anil AdQiti<in:d ticn+iccx,:mcl incluitc ex�xmcx�vl�itf�arr �urcc�f�xr.ums t�►h�•r.�rck�tr.s m:HCri:tls in:rnp k�m�ht iftcl'�c��rct clirc�Ny:utrihul:d�ic to trrminati�in.'fcrniin7�ii�n 1?xrcn.cLssi�:lll SMt�, iixi�niin}; I,ut iuK lbnitccl It� :t�x�:ts�, �lx�tt�.a nt+t�dt�,'te. hr c•�>m�,urcQ ax a �xrcentagc wt' �hc 1�ita1 c<ynqx�n�:�N�m li,r �xriS�ci�k>rfn:xcclljii�i�cnyi(1't.ti)c�r tNlicr�csxir st�l�t�tcc�c. it;�eic ticrvicc.r•anet Additit>n:►I tierviec�e:�r�icd tc�tlie titnr<if ter- ntinaei�i�i,;�s fi�Uenxs: 9,9 '1'itic AfCIIItCCt Sltsdt h:rvr H�c rf�ht tn inriueic n:rrrscnr.�- t�nis c�f thr c{e�i�;n c�f thc t�rc�jcct,incleal#n�nientc�mnl�s c�t'tl�c .1 'I'��•c�i�}• ��crccnt of tiie tc>�:d r•«mprnsxtinn far 1)stsiC rxtrrk�r�nd intcriot, hm�rt� thc Architrrt'4 pmmc�titm7t anci :utti Adcii�km:�(ticn�fccs c:�rnc�l tc�ctatc if tcnnin:nicon ixc>fc:csi�ntal materi;ds. 'i'hr Arrhitec�'s m�tcrinls Sh:r11 rnst fx•cnn l�cfc�rc c►r cltrrin{;thc��rrtksf�;n,�itc an:dpxis,nr inciudc ihc•t��v�►cr':c ccmfictcnti:tl t�r��n��riertry in�onn�ticm iC lclirm:�tic Ih•si�n i�haxcs;nr tl�c ihvncr�tas prcvicnisly :xivi,�u;d thc Arcttitrtt in tvritiriy;ni' 7 0141-#987 atn�ocuMeNr eut •c��vNr•k�xi:��nii:r.�'AGRI'sRhiF.NT• ��tinr��rny►wt��r�cHv•Ar�►� ��innr '1'l11:Aa11?kt(:AN IMti'PI'f1I'YIE(JI�hitC.itITF(:1'S,i 735 NHid YUNK A1/BNUP..N.V9'.,WASfttWGl'(}N.p.C.2tN7tK+ , . � �Me specitirinf<>rmhN��n rnn!stderccl by t{�c O�vner tc�ixx rnnti• 10.3 PAYMENTS{}N ACG(1liNT QF BASlC SERVtGES <Icnti:d ��r rnr�,rirtary. Thc O�vner slihil rrovictr �mfre.aicHiat rrrdir�c�r thc hrrl�iaeci�n thr ccinstn�ctics�ci�n qnti in ti�c rm• �0.3.1 An tnfthF�:tymrnt as.�c rontf in ra.:��,n r�.i ����,c mtttk>nat materi:tic f�r ihr Prc��cct. minimunr �r.tymr��t u��ckr thic A�rrcmcnt. . t0.3.2 Suhecc�uent�►:�yments fc>r ilaRic.Scrviccs th�tl f�c macir mn�tldy hnd, wl�crc;t��tkwhlc,th;ril t�r Fn rrrmnrtis�n ta ecr- ARTICLE 10 virce rcrfiarmrd n itf�#n c�N.�1i phaor nf eer�icc,an Ihc bhek•sst PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT fc�rth In+uhr;mt�r.�pi� i 1.2.2. 10.3.3 If:tncl tc�thr cxtrnt�hht thc time initi:�fity cetahlixhrct in 10.t DIREGT PERSONNE�EXPENSE ti;'hl�fi�h 11.5.1 nt thia Afirc�c�mrnt ts csecctfrci��r estcYukYl tl�rt►u�;h nr. Rn�lt c�t thr Architcct, ccm�rrnt:ttinn (nr;m}ar�- t0.1.1 hirer� Pc�c�mnrl isxrcnse is drlincQ :Rs �hr ciin�c�t virc� rc•iutercd c#uri»� ihr :�ci�l�tkmal ncri�itt «f Nnrc �lr.�fl i�r salark•s nf thc Arci►i�cct'c�►cr.w�nncl cn�a�,*cc!can thc t'rc��rct anct rc>m��utrti in tl�e mhnncr xrt fvrth in titd.r;�r.�Gmnl� 11.t.2. the rextirm c�f tiir cr�st of ti�eir m�nciatnry�ncl ru�tc►mhf,y�enn- trihi�tinns anct txnrtite rclatcd thcrct�>, guch :�s rmrlcyymrnt 10.3.4 1Y/hcn c«rn�+cns��Mn Is h;cacci�n��►rrccnt��c crfGtm- ��xr� 7ncl c��hrr stahuc�ry cm�ir�yce Ixnrtita, ins�rrhncr, sick ttn�cticrn Cc�rt and an�� hc�nMns vf�l�r i'mjcct are ttrtrtrcf nr tc:n�c, hniid:rys, vac.tt�nRQ, �p!���Aa �nCI Sltilll:�r contrtin�tic�iis �thcrtvi.ar nnt c�nnstnretc^�f,rnmprnaati�in fnr t?tc�sr�articros c�f anci lxnrfits. thr I'rc��rct s1�711 i�e �hyahk tc� thr r�tcnt :ccrviccs arc per- fr�rmrd�m�h<i.rr�c�rtiesna�in;rc�orei:mce nith ttir xrl�ettt�lr srt 10.2 F�EIMDUfiSAEILE EXPENSES f��r11i in titdirhr.��!r.�rh 11.2.2,1r,��ed cm(1)�l�r hnvc�ct Ix�n�ficir hici t?�t�r�;s�ri:�Ictl�rnrc��:tt,ttr(2)if n�)s��cii hitl or rrt�{u►r.d i.a 10.2.1 Reimhurc;�i,ic I:xrcnsrs arc in :�cictilinn tn ccm�rcne.�t- �'rccivrct,i1�c mcrtt rcrrnt�rciiminhr�•c�Nm�tc c�f(;ttnstructkm tic�n fnr if�sic :inct Additkin7l S�rviccs ancl inctucle rx�cnsce L�s� ��r drt:iiird esl;matc nf Ct�n4tn+ctic�n Ccr,et tcar Sttch �r- incurrcd hy thr Architcct :tnti Archftcct's cmri�ayc•c!c and con• 4kfns nf ti�c I'n�{e�t. st+ita�ns in�1ir inrerrst c�f Ihc 1'rejcct,as icirntiliect M thc fc�limv f0.4 PAYMENTS ON AGGOUNT OF ADEiiT10NAl in};Clauscs. SERYICES 10.2.i.1 Cx�+cnsr �>f tran�rx�Ftatinn in cc�nnccti�n cvith the 10.A.1 P�ymrnts �m accrnmt nf thc Arct�itect'c Aclditicma► Praiect; rx�cnss s in ccmnccN�n a�ith auth�riaxci nut-of-�ptivn Sc rvicc4;tnct fc�r Rrimhurs;ehk F.!crensca ahTH hc m:�tk mrmthly tr;�vri; kin�-distanc•c c�►mmunicwttnns;hn�l frce�ici far eecur• ����n��rnf:�N�an r�f 1hr Archltret'�:ct;�trrnrnt ntxervier±o cen- in�:�(>rrci��al c�i':iud�c�ritk4l�;ivinR jurlaclictkm t�vrr thr lan.��C�1, ticn�cl cx ex►xn.�eg Incurrrti. i:xrensr ��f rr�mducti�ns, �x�sta�e ancF ir.tndtin� nf nr.nvin�:�,S�xrifie;�Ncros an�!�t!►er tkart�ments. 10.5 PAYMENTS WITHNELd t(;wth�►rizc•cl in 7tiv:rncc I��• �hr n«•ncr, cY�xn�c t►f 10.5.t No ckd�icttans shhi{I�c m;Kic Crc�m nc�Architec�'s cc�m• ��vcrtime �w+rk rcc�ufrin�;l�i�hrr tl�:en rr�uihr r.ttc!s. i�rns;nkm cirt:tcrc�urn c�f prnalty, Nc�t�icMtc�t.l chm:�t!c qr tttiicr xtm�s�vitl�hricl 1'r��n fm}mrnte tn rcmrr.�ctcrr.e,nr c�tt arc<nmt nt i0.2.1.4 lix�x�ner af mnc�.vin�,c,mcxMi,s�rMi mc�cit-tt�.e rcqtre�tcct tlte cc>at c�f ch:tn�es i�thc Wnrk nti�ct than thvae for wlfich the hy the U�vnrr. Arcl�itcrt ita.a Ix:cn fntmct tn tu If�hk. , t0.2.1.5 lirnen�r nf adciitit�n:d insirrance caver;��e �r lfmitx, 10 6 ARGHIfiEGT'S ACCOUNTttJG RECORDS inrit►clin� �r��tc�si�>nal Iiahitil�� inRucmrr, rccnerstcd hy the c7�vncr in rxc•c.r•a�►f that ncxm:111y r.trrled hy tlie ArCt�itcYt;�rtd 10.$.1 ttcccxde cif 13cirni4ur!swl�le F,s�cn.ars and er��enscs rc�. Arrhitcct's c��nsuhants. th{nin�t�� AticliHe�n:�t tirrvk�r!c anc) �rvicxe rt:rf<�rmcti on tl�r h;�si.e c�f h m�dti�ir�►f htrcKh i+crwmnei I:rrcnsr sh;►ii hc ai��tL t;xrcnsc ��f c��mratcr-;ticiecl drsi�n and clr,�tFin� :d�ir tn Hie nsvnrr or t1�c(?nrner'4 autlxi�izccl rcrrrsrntativc at rqui�mrnt time�vhcn t�eed tn ce�nncctkm cvhir tltc n�c��cct. mutuaity�emvcnicnt Nmcs. ARTICIE 11 BASiS OF COMPENSAT40N Tl�r Otivncr sir.dt c•�m��cn.r.►te thc Arcl�Ftcct :�a fc>iitnvs: 11.1 AN IM'P1AL i?AYMTiNT<�f rf�:di hc mxcic uF+cm errcY�tk>n�f t1Ns A�;rrc ncnt ancl crcciitrd tc�thc Ownrr's arr�K�nt at fin:�l n7yn��flare(S d.QO � 11.2 BASIG COMPENSATION 11.2.1 i�f)R ItASI�SfiitViC.CS,as dcscrihed M,�rNcic 2,gnd hn}�ntl�cr Qervirc�ineluticd ir�Ariicic 12:r�C+:►n c�P tt;�giC Sert•iCt�,iSsslr (;c�m�nsatirm SIf:iH lic et�mrutctl t�s fc�i�nws: (gee enclosed brer�kdown next pHse) (tnarn laiHr r J rnm/x•�rrn�krre, l�rclni//n,���//�rr/nlr�1 srnns, nnihtplr.s nr�•�hH�qg.�, iva!Hlrrr►!/r/dwtsra hr u h/r!�/HalhYtlar ruNtwrk ry arnrjq•�r.sntknt aj/d4', i[ . . �n�[:��xsrrry.,� . . . . - AtA t10CUME.NT p1A1 •t1K'NI?It Aitf.1117'Pt:'f Alttt�F6iEtJ'f• 1'f�ilit't'F.�N'fi11�1)17'1f1►i•AIA^ •�'?I!Mf7 711li Abtl?ItIt:AN IN!�1'il't11'i?c)F AKCtlil'at:'1'%,17ti4(d1?�'0 Y{)�K I1yVNtlN,N.1V.,WASUtNt:TUN,(2.C.�tR1tX 81�11-i987 8 ' � � 11 .2.1 Cantinu�d i'UK 13ASTC S1:RV7C�S, �,s described in Articl.e 2 z�ncl other ser.vices inclucled in Article 1�2 <�s p�rrt �f fi��sic Services, l;Hsic Compensz��ion sli�ll be camputed Hs fol.law�: }'�ii15C t: S��<<ce iVeeds Analysis Tiie Architect sliall receive hourly com�ensation noC to exceed �t fixed mHximum oE: $23,33G.�0 Iteimburs�ble ex�ens�s $2,OQ�.00 1'hdse I Study Tnta]: $25,334.OQ Pf�ase II: Pro�ect Implementation The Arcl�irect sl��ll receive hourly compensz�tion not to exceed � fixed m�ximum based on a percenta�ge af tlie tot��l cost of construction and fu�nitu�e �nd equipment as incluciecl in the architect's work. FE� SCHIDULE PI:RG�NTAG� r�� ' 'GOPTSTRUCTION�111�itTNT"TOTAL �� $30�,000 8 1l2� $SQp�Q00 8� 5750,40 7 3/4% $1,Q00,04Q 7 lf2x $I,SDU,000 7 1/4% $2.00U,000 7� $�.500,OUO r�nd up �iouzly rates for Phdse I �nd II sht�11 be �ts st�►ted: �iourly Rates Pro3ect Prinicip�I $75,Qp Pro�eet Mdnager $60.40 InteriUr DeaiB� $4$.OU Arc}tiitect $54.00/$42.00 Engineering $��,QQ/$40.00 Construction Administr.ator $65.OQ � � 11.2.2 \r�hcre c��m�rn.�tion is h�sccl on�s�i�ulatecl sum�r rcrccnta�c c�i'Ccrostn�ctinn Cnst.rraRre�e p:tym�ntc for llasir Scn•ictc in cach rl�asr sh:stl t��tnl the i'nito�vin�rrrccnt:►�ce c�f thc 1c�t:�1 itasic C:c�mpcnchtkm�hyai�lr; /Jna�vl mldl�HMa�!p/a�rrr�ts nfqrrryw/nle.j , t'hf�se I; Spdce Needs Analysis (Fixed P'ee as St�ted in 11..2.1) p��ase �i' ��n�lementation percen►(15 ��j !,c�cm:i�ir sl�;n 'r sr: i�rsi}�n Drvr?c�rmcnt F'h:�,�c: yaet'cm!(�0 'X,) Cnnstn�cticm qc�rttmcnts I'hhsc: (�rrCcnt(4Q 'X.) ilielelin�or PJr���ti:uihn f'ha!ec: rcrcCnt( "� "f�) C:rinsiri►cti�n f'h:�ee: (�ct'trnt f 20--��� 'I'rn:d ilasic C:«mtx nsati�>n: «nr ht�ndrCcf t+crecnt(1{Ht�G j 11.3 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES 11.3.1 I�(�R i'RC)l�:CT I2f;PRi;Ci:N1'A9'1C)N t1F.YnNn T1A;SiC S�RVIC:I:S,;i�s ch�rrihcd in i'arh�r.►�h;i.2.Ct�nt�srne:ttkm thhfl f�c c��m- �trtrcl:4�v G�ll�nvs: Construction Aciministrdtor $65.00 11.3.2 1�c'?tt Aht)Yi't�C)NAi. s►:i�vrr.r•.s c�r• 7'Ii� ARCIiI`I'tiG'i', :rr ctcsc�il�rci in Articics ;i ancf iZ, o�nc�r�,:,�,��� �c�d;��o�,i rr��ccc itrrrescnt:tlirm,ns descriixcl(n i'�rw�rarM 3,2,and(2)srrvicrs inel�xlrct in Artirk 12 7s part of AddirMnalSCn�iccs,hut cxcltrtHn�ccr- vfces nf runsittthnts, cc�m�ensatinn.rMaii hc cr�mputccl a.a fctll<►wx� /l��rrr1 Ikirls��j rnmp�+is�Nfhe�, Arrlen/Iri�rrtlra an�Jh+r mnif!/drt�nj/t/ry+ri l9�rs�bnt��l t•:r/r•nar fi�r 1'r(�kY/ar/s�»k�pmplMtiv�e mk!tthaKlfl•i'H�a•//ar/a nml dns.rlft� . � �4A�IIHIYY•.C. I�I'IM(flll'IML J(G'q!/fV SJNY'�f(('tY/Y'h•rs tn n hk'h/atrrh'trk+r rat�tJxHl.<�j rrrrryµ��r.u�Nnn nJydlt!J'�►e+ns.mr�tj � � . . � .. � . ilOURLY RATI:S Pro3ect Princi�al $75.00 Project Manager $60,00 Interior Designer $48.OQ Architect $54.OQ/$42.OU Engineerin� $63.-00!$4O.Ot1 Construction Administrator $65.00 11.3.3 FnR Ahi>i9'ICINAI. SC•.RVtCrs �r• c.�tas��r.TANTS, inciuetin�;helelftMnhl stn�ctureil, mc�cl�:intca# anei rlcctrir.�t cn�Inrerinfi cc•�virrc an<I thnsr nnn•iticcf tmdCr 5ul��r.�ra�rarh ?4.4.1� c�r idcntiRcYi in AaMir 12 as r►;�rt of Atklititmal Scrvkrs, a muitt�k �C one oint 2.ero � 1.0 )timrs die�mrn�nts hitiect m Uyc Architcct fnr s��ch servkes. flrlrreti(p s�iri iji�►�yrr�c rr/rnrecnllanfx In Arflelr f?.f/nvpdrnrl.) ' • t 1.4 REIMBUFtSABLE EXPENSES 11.4.1 FOR RI?IWIlIURSA11t.T•.RXi'�NS�S,�s clrscNheci in I'hr:i�r,�nh 10.2,ancl hny othcr itcros inchKircl in Articir 12:�.e Rcirnhunnhic �xprn�cc,a mairi��te c>f pne point zexa ( I.0 )timcs tiic expensct incnrrcci i�y tl�c Arcfiitcct,thc Arc#�itcct's emric�yr�s�nci a>nstdtant�in tfic interc4t nt the ProJect. i 1.5 ADDtTIONAL PIiOViS10F1S 11.5.1 (t�"1'ltii ttntil('�rRVIC.rS cnvereci hy ti�t.e A�rccment h;rve rxat Ix�rn comrlrtcct�vithin by January, 19�1 ( )mc�nths cif the date hrre��f,�hrou�i�ne�f�►dt of 11�r Archftret�rxtrnsM�af thr Architc�c�t�3 3CNICtC��KN1CI llt:it tlRtt SI11II I)C e<�mprnsatcd ae nrc�victetl in Suhp�ra�r�nhs t0.3.3 and i t.3.2.(See section 11.5.4� 11.5.2 P7y�mc•nts hre due tincl p7y71�ir tlix3ty f 3d ) cMys fmm the cl�rte c�f riir Architect's invnicc. Arn��unts un�aic( rwen ty—f ive ( 25 )cL•�y�5:�ftcr thc invc�iec d�tr shaif hc�r intrrc¢t at thc r:�te cntrrrcF tact��v,or in the ahscncc thercof at the fe�,+�l r�te prcvailtng from tirne t��timc at thr prinri�ni�i:ece flf ln+.�iness of thc Archttcct. /Jnc�rt rrefe nf l�Nrmrt�t�,��rM irnnn.) Prev�iling Prime Rate l�/.eirp trrn•e�m�i r�r�nirrmetiN�unrfrr thr/��/..rpl TrrrlA frr I.t•r�itltyi;Arf,Nnep�+r strNe•+na1[.�rnt�onc�mrrr trevtit toerK nrnl ntMw nrt�i/n/k�ns nt thr thr�wrr:r rtral An•1+/. . . Nt�f't Jnrnr�rjad�rf.n rh.rJ i.rn�etrss,tl�r try�N1.Nr nj 1t�r/'rn��-t rm�l�$xent�lrrrp nt�q'�+/ftt-t tfw•rYdtrlifY�y'lAk�(nrra•ist�rrr.tryrl/!r h;qnt qrlah'r.rlwNtl�t IM r�/iteNfleai rt�lth� rehJr�v I tu�h�kNiena rrr nNvAfh�rtk»rs,Nn�i ebn��.�trfl7re};tyy�tNrptNtqlh strth rt�HwHltret tflxfhtsttrTs qr ttYeh�re's.j 9 F31�l1-t9fl7 atn�ocu�FaT n��� •r>�vr�r�s�anr:nn•i�r�y�r,Ttrr•.a�r•.nrr• tY?UR'TF.fNTI!FY�7'ft�J+AtA� • atrnot THK AMl!NIt7AN INct71'l17'li Ui�ArtC1111'1:(;7'C,17 t5 NI�iC Yt)&K AVF�Ntt�N.IL!,tvAStItMG1'ON,t�.C,2�Xff1C � � .' � . '. . . . .. 11,5.3 `fhr ratcs anci mullirirs tct ft�rti►fnr Addttinn;Fl SCtYI((5�Ital!hc'hnmr.iH��sl(IitlSf@C�itl,ICCt?f(I:IflCC\Y�tll T1Qft?1hI R;1�1/�'ICt'e(•�u rf:�c�icc���r��,r nrri,i�cc�. 11.5.4 II� Tl�r SERVICES, covered by this A�reement h�ve n�t been compa.eted by January l, 1991, through no fat�lt of the Architect: the houriy rr�tea aetfort� her�fn sh�],l, b� �d3usted. � The maximum amounea shHl� rema3n unless ad,jtisted wi,th Owners t�ppxavHl. AnTtCIC 12 OTHL-R CONDlTIONS QR SCJiVICL-S . � � ' //rrrrrl i/�K�r/jrHnnt nJ�ahrr�rrnd�rr,/drrN//v AilapNiNlyd S��nd�rx ha•frNtro/o�/tJeM IGrxir l.i�ur/rrrr<nNnn mriF�enNlfrrrHhur�In thr/wry�mrrN�na�l tnmprrnn�fr�a��lrr.rrr� ' � .� � l�t��fvikv!ln N.ic A�;nwnrrnf.) . � . . . � . . PhasQ t-St�ace Ng��._.Analygis t 2.1 Workscope: 1. Review and documentation of existing facNitiss 2 Needs Assessment * Service i�tcators * Departmental questfons arxii interviews * Dacume�t flow anatysis * Spaee star�ards 2 revisions * Adjacencies * Area pro�ections 2 revistons * Traffic� parking and vehicie storage * Comparative city review * Program documentation 3. Sehematic analysis * Departmentai block plan layouts 2 altematives * Su6-bioek ptan iayout of preferred block�an 2 revisions * BuAding sheli analysis * Stte fmpact 3 alternathres * Parking plan 4, Cost impacts * Buiiding * Site development * Fumftu�e aruf equtpment * CoMtngencies 5. Review meetings(6 meetings) This A,r,recmcnt entcrcct intq as of thc cl:�y ancl ye:�r Rrst .��rittcn �hc�vr, O\K�NTiti Ste�han Jilk, Gity Adm3nistrator ARf.tit't'�:CI' BOARMAN AND ASSOCIATES, IAIC. (.C;f;rrnran) . � . . � .. (.Cif;1t/tlNIY) � . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . Rv17.�n lioke�r�ar Citq vf Rasemount r�-,��„►�•,r►�,��,��•.,r�,i r;u�� �.�k Bo�rm�n, President �. � ' (Ne•��t�rvt�wnter�ueif I�Mr) ---.-•.�—,..— n�a non�i�r►ir n,�� •r)���NFtI•AI1t;itPY!'ti'P ARRt'Ittiirrn•• �'rn�n�•r•►•ri•rti rr,��•in+i . �ia- . R�r*rir- 'IY It,A�f!'nit:dN INti'1't l'HTF.t>!'Aitt:lli'i'1:(:1'�,17iS Ni?\V YpNx Ay1dNtltS,N:�R{,1VA5I I�NGTI)N.I1.t:.2tNM�f. Cli�ti-1907 1U _ • s Pt�ase I Ctmtinued t2.2 Referendum assistar�ce wNt be optional at the direction of the Cky Covnc�. Compensation for these serutces wv�d not exceed a1.5�.00 and wauid be in��1�to t!�amt� st�te as Phase I: S�ce Needs Anetysfs. , 12.3 Aii services as outlined in the architects design services praposai,dated July 12, 1989,are . part ot this agreement. Phase ii-1mplementation 12.4 Tf�e architect is to commence with the Phase 11, projeet im�ementatton,only at the conciusion c�f Phase I study and the authoriza#ton c�the Ciry Counc�, 12.5 if the proJect gc�es ahead with schematic design which is sufficiently develo�ed, patentlaily up to 259b of the sttxiy tee cot�d be credited back#o the owner taward the schernattc phase of pro]ect impiernentation. 12.6 The archftect shaN incorporate the work completed In the Phase!S�ce Needs Anatysis study iMo the subsequeM phases+�work descrit�ed tn thls contract. 12.7 The architect shail provide the owner v►►ith a certificate of�1,OQ0.t�.(�errars arul c»Mssions insurance. The owner st�ait reimburse the�rchitect 54&of the totai tees paid fo� sakf certiiicate. 12.8 During Phase U: tmpiementation,and up�n authorizatton by the ov�mer; the architect wNi provide two separate cost estimates to be compieted by an independeM contr�ctof; one at the conelusicm at desfgn development,the other Just priar to bklding the construction documeMs. The totai cast fa�both estimates is not to exceed$1.�0.00 and wiiii be b�ed as a reimbursabte expense. 12•9 Phase ii: Car�struction Documents-The owner agre�s to pay for the preparation oi bid aitemates based on the iee percentage ar houriy costs which ever ts greater. 12,10 The programming services as outlined in seetion 3.4.1 are tncludec!�g basic gervices for the Phase I Space Needs Analysis. Any chan�s directed by the ovmer to these Rems during ihe Phase il ImplenieMatton,wNl be ccros�iered actditkmal services. 12.11 Construcilon Phase: The arch�ect shail vis�the site a minirnum of two times a month during constructian. The end d�te of cwr Gonstructbn services w�i coirfecide w�h the date of substantiat cam�etton as agreed upan in ihe(?amer-Corritractor agreen,ent. One trip a after this date wNl be made to verify the corn�etion punch Itst. Any trips aRer the punch list verHicaEion w�i be addkianal services authoriz�by the pwner. See SeGtion 2.6.5. Basic serWces for the Construetion Phase are prt�vided as per Article 2.6 arxi shaH inciude: ' Administ�ation of the coniractor,and as the Owner's cepresentat(ve. * Certity Contractor's request for payment based on the progress arxf quality c�f ihe work. " Review and approve CoMr�ctor's submittals st�h as shop drawings,product data arui sampies. * Prepare change orders and construction change arder directives for Qwner's a ppcoval. * Make interpretations and decisPons consistent with the intent of the Contract pact�nnents. 12.i 2At the Owne�'s rec�uest more extenslve representation at the site shali be reviewett during the Sklding Phase and a proPosal w�!be subrnitted to the t7wner.