HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Public Works Staffing Position . � . . � . . � . � . . . ... .. . � . � .. . . . .. . . .�' { ' � . . � � . � . .. . � . . . . � � . . . . . � ".+4 .. .. � . . .• .. � . . ..' . . • �. .� '��.l+.� � _ � � .i ******�x*******�***,��*******************MEMO*��*���,��***�****��r**�**����k*;t�****** I >, � DATE: NOVEPiBER 3, 1489 � � T0: MAYOR & COUNCILMEM$ERS • �.- G/0 ADr1INISTRATOR JILK '� FROM: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR HE� RE: ITEMS FOR TAE NOVEMBER 7, 1989 COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS Authorize Filling riaintenance II Level Position for Utilities ' At the June 20, 1989 Council meeting Council approved, at Staffs request, creating �n opening for � Maintenance Level II position in tt�e Utilities Department. Attached is a copy of the past memo for Councils review. This memo is to summarize past events and make a recommendation as to filling th�►t new opening: Although we advertised and received applications this Ju1y, we felt that it would be appropriate to wait until our newly hired Public Works Foreman started in mid- August to ', allow him some input on the selection. Once we found out that a seminar and license test was being offered in the 1�ter part of OcE�ber, we fe],t it would be appropriate to postpone any �tecisions until City interested � applicants had applied for and taken the t�st. We felt one of oUr employees who applied for the position was qualifie�l with the exception of not having his license. Now that the test results are in and our existing employee who signed up for the test passed it, we are now able to make a recommendation to Couneil on �. the person to fill the Maintenance II position� ` The person we are recommending to fill this opening is 'A. J� Korpela. A.J. has been with the City since November, 1986 working in the Street and Utility Departments. He has shown himself to be g very capabl.e and responsible employee who we feel is qualified to fi11 the riaintenat�ce Lev�1 IY position in the Piaintenanee Department. We would be recommending that he begin at the starting level, Step A of the Maintenance Leve1 II position: The 1989 rat� for this position is $11.30 an hour. As with all newly occupied positions, Mr: Korpela will be on � six month probatian period basis as a Maintenance L�ve1 IY employee. I would further recommend that he begin this pasition eff�ctive November 8, 1989. i ( � f , � : , t � � . . � . . ..... . . � � � ... � .. � .. . � . � � . �i::: � . � . � � . . ' � . � . �.Y f . . � , ' • • i , . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . � .F . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... � .. .. � . .{. , City of Rosemount � . a � M E M O . ; , Tos Mayo� & Councilmembers, c/o Administrator Jilk � FROMs Public Works Director/City Engin�er Hefti � ; , DATE: June ' 16, 1989 SUBJ: Item� for June 20� 1989 Council I�eeting ' i , i NEW BUSINESS Authbrize Advertisement for Maintenance Leve1 iT - Utilities This item consists of Council 's appraving of creating an opening for a i, Maintenance ', Levei II position in the Utilities Department. The �, Utilities Commission, in agreement �with ' my , request, is recommending Council app�ove the position. The utilities department curre�tly has ane full time Maintenance Level II employee. In order to provide assistance for him tae have ta steal someone else from street or park maintenance: This practice is �tery disruptive and makes planning for projects extremely difficult. It alsa does not allow us to practice the preventive maintenance methods that -' are necessary to insure proper operation of our water distribution and wastewater colle�tion systems. With additianal help we �an begin cleaning all sanitary sewer lines, inspect the lines and m�nholes, exercise water vaives, elean out valv� baxes, etc. , on a reg�►1ar basis. In addition, w� have about 1,200 water meters that badly need to be replaced because they are ove� 12 years old. I am attaching a job description for your information. The sal�ry� and benefit costs will be funded from the Water and Sewer Operating Funds. Recommended'action for Couneil to take is to-authorize the advertisement for a Maintenance Level II posit�on. , �