HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Legal Services Discussion • • • �o �c�x s�o �1�� f� 28T5-145TH ST W ` ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 ��ern.Qun� �,z-a���a„ T0: �Iayor Hoke ��E.�' Yl'Z � � � Councilmembers Napper ' Oxborough Walsh Wippermann HRA B4ard Members: Tucker Willard FROM: Stephan Jilk � DATE: November 2, 1989 RE: City Legal. Services The law firm of Grannis, Grannis, Farrel and Knutson has taken measures to dissolve itsel.f under its present format. Several of the practicing attorneys wili be jaining other firms. This was a decision made by the operating partnexs in the last few weeks. I have had an opportunity to meet with Dave Grannis III and Roger Knutson to discuss how the city's le�al service needs could stili be met after the firm has "disbanded so to speak. Following is my zecommendation; which is based upon my understanding of which attorneys will be working together and how our city staff feels our needs may or may not be continued to be met. : Dave Grannis and Dave Harmeyer will be fQrming a new partnership ' and wa.11 have the continued services of two legal assistants and clerical support from employees with the original firm� They have also hired another attorney to assist th.em. Dave Grannis's letter outlining their positian on this is attached for ou� reference. Roger Knutson, who has done most all of our HRA wark and some land use/planning/zoning matters, wilZ be working with a firm in Eagan. Roger has indicated his desire ta continue serving the city in HRA matters . A letter from Roger is akso attached. Elliot Knetsch, wha was doing much of the city's prosecution work, will aiso go to the Eagan firm. Pat Farrel, who did some easement acquisition and assessment appeals work, will not be associated with any particular Iaw €irm at this time. Based on our discussions with Dave Grannis and Roger Knutson and the Department Heads here, I would reeammend thats City Legal Servic� � Novemher 2 , 1989 Page 2 1. the HRA and city continue t4 utilize Roger Knutson as our legal counsel for HRA matters and those land use/zoning matters we may feel Rager's expertise would be best, and 2. utilize the new firm o£ Grannis and Harmeyer for other legal caunsel i.ncluding general iaw, criminal proseeution and defense matters when the need arises. Based on the experience we have with these people, we feel that adequate service will be provided and we can continue, what� has been a lengthy, strang and trusting relationship. Your action requested is to adopt a simple mota�on authorizing staff to eontinue to utilize the services of Roger Knutson fQr HRA and land use issues and the firm of Grannis and Harmeyer for a11 legal services including, but not limited to, genexal, prosecution and contraet law. Action by the HRA on the HRA's needs is apprapriate and action by the City Council on both is appropriate. I wauld be p�.eased to answer any questions on this matter at your request. aW . � LAW Of�FICF,S � GRANNIS & �ARMEYER. 403 Natwrsr B�rrK Btntn�t+c DAVID L GRANNIS 161 NoRTH CoNCARu EatcwwGB RUBY ER(?CIiS DAVID L IiARMEY�R SQLTTH ST. �AUL, MN SSU75 t,�OA4 Ass�rA►�vr DOUGLAS P. PEDF.RSEN Yeicphone:(612)4551661 Faz:(612)455-2359 November 2, 1989 Nir. Stephan Jilk " Administratar/Cl.erk City of Rosemount 2875 - 14�th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re; Legal Services Dear Mr. Jilk: This letter will canfirm our previous conversa�ion wh�re I advised you that Dave Harmeyer and I have formed a partnership �o practice law, afficing in South St. Paul. As members Q€ th� a1d firm, we worked on both civil and criminal matters for Rosemount. We have the capability and desire to continue doing legal work for the City. If you or any members of the Council should have . any questions, please do not hesitate to calZ me. GRANNIS & HARMEYER tR '. � r, ' �._,;,...- . . . . . . . . . . � � Bl}i �_..��'�..." � . . .�.4 �„`'. . . .. � . .. S David L. ann DLGjklt HAND DELIVERED : � G.�i�. ! Y �L.�► {d(IV � 2 �98� ��..���c�� �r���:� CtTY gF Rt?SEAA4UNT ,� i_ � F . . � � . . . � , .. � �� . � � . � .� . �AMi'B�LL, KNUTS()�1, SC;C�TT � E�UC'HS, i'A, Att<u-rxys .it }.aw Ch�an.}s). Csun��i,cli Rr +cr N. Kniuu,�i �r�;��»;,���. ����,�� chtt>45�-�4;E� (.i��ry(�. 1'ii�lis f�s�csitnik'(ftlZ) 45<�-t)54Z Jantes!t. V4,,Isum �lli�,it (3. Kne�tu h t?enn'rs J. tJn�;er OC�ObCL' 31 � � 989 R4SEM(JUNT HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHflRITY Mr. Stephan Jilk Mr. Dean Johnson Mr. Mi.ke tdozniak l��s. Tracie Pechonick Dear Steve, Dean, Mike, and Tracie: I am pleased to announce that I have joined the law fixm of Campbell, Scott & Fuchs in Eagan. The firm is being renamed Campbeil, lKr�utson, Scott & Fuchs. Tom Campbell, Tc�m Seatt, Gary Fuchs, and Jim Walston are all former Grannis attorneys I have worked with in the past. Joining me in this venture are Ellio�t Knetsch, my secretary Sue Nelson, and Michele Gulbrax�sc�n, prosecution leg,al assistant, all of whom were wi�h Grannis. We are very excited about the move. We plan to continue our xepresentation of the Rosemount HRA without any disruptions or delays. Qur new address, phone number and fax number are: Campb�ll, Knutson, Scott & Fuchs 346Q Washington Drive, Suite 202 Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Telephone: (612) 456-9539 Fax: (61,2) 456-9542 If you should have any questions, please �all me, Ver yours, CAMP ELL, UTSON, SCOTT & , . . BY: Ro e . Knutsan RNK:srn i',inkce 'ic�t�.�re C3ff�icc� 111 • `•i�ute 2C12 • i4fi0 Washin�;tc�n l)riv� • �a�an, M1�i 551Z1