HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Housing District Discussion , . R' �� � . • � � : . � . .. . � . P O BOX S1Q ��T�� � 2875�745TH ST:W. C �`A y� �iOSF'M�IINT, M(NNESOfiA 55(�iN �JQ/�`�Q�l G� 612-4?3-A41'! TO: CITY COUNCIL ITEM �. - FROM; MICHAEL WOZNIAR, CITY PLANNBR, AICP DATE: NOVEMBER 3, 1989 SUBJ: NOVSMBER 7, 1989 - REaULAR MEETINt� REVTLWS HOUSINC�i DIBTRICT DI8CtTSSION The Planning Gommission is currently considering a site plan for a proposed addition to the Rosemount Woods cabinet--making business which is located at 1464p Diamond Path in the Broback Tndustrial Park. Because the City has designated the Broback Zndustriai Fark as a Housing District where Tax Increment financing may be utili�ed ta assist in the development of housing, it waa the opinion of the Planning Cornmission that an expansion proposal far the only industrial use on the property should be brought to the attention of City Council. For many reasons the Broback �ndustrial Park has failed to develop over the years since it was platted in 1974. There are 10 lots within the Industrial Park which are approximately l acre in si2e. It is the c4nsensus of City Sta:ff that Tndustrial. Uevelopment of the Industrial Park is no lonqer the most appropriate land use because of the development which has occurx'ed around the property since 1�74. With singZe family housing abutting the property to the east and west (across Diamand Path in Appl.e Va�ley) and th� Lutheran Church of our Saviour to south it is very apparent that industrial develapment could conflict with these uses. However, the property is zoned Industriai Park and rezoning against the wishes of the property owners could represent a �aking of the property. As a solution to this dilemma the City created a Hausing District which would aliow owners af the properties within the Industrial Park to utilize tax increment financing if they wished to develop hc�using instead of industrial uses. Several months ago the praperty owners were invi�ed tv a meeting to have this incentive explained to them. They were informed that the Cit�r would not force a rezoning on them but if they were willing that the �ity would work with them in deueloping a housing project. Among the issues discussed was the fact that to effectively development the Industri.al Park Property for residential use it may be necessary to relocate Rosemount Woqds, The owners failed ta reach a consensus and nothing has happened to date. Th� owners of Rosemount Woods the oniy existing business in the Industrial Park have now requested a building permit far an expansion to their business. Although there are some code issues � , --�. • � which may preclude the expansian, the use is allowed under the current zoning and if the additions meets code requir�ments the business would be allowed to expand. City Council should bear in mind that if Rosemount Woods does expand it would increase the cost shou).d the City wish at a later date to relocate the business ta accommodate redevelopment of the property for residential use, It is the request of the Planning Commission that City Council conszder the future of the Broback Industrial Park property in terms of what land use would be in the best interest of the City. If the City has any interest in assisting the owners of Rosemount Woods to relocate their business, then, now wQuld be an appropriate time to initiate discussions wi�th them before they increase their capital investment in their existing property.