HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Town Green Committee Update • • . ITEM # � 8 � TO�IN GR$EN AD HOC GOMMiTT88 OCTOBER 24, 1989 The second me�ting of the Town Green Ad Hoc Committee was held on October 24, Z989 at 6r00 p.m. at the Rasemount Citq Hall. MEMBERS PRESENT: Marge Rpan, Shiela Klassen, Jim Thomas, Lucp Holzer, Ro11an Hoke, and Deanna Simpson. Membere absent; Psul McKinley; and Lois McR�.nle� and John Howard �ha are Park Board liaisons. The purpose of the Qetober 24 meeting was to conduct a waikingj driving taur of Erickson Park, Camfield Park and the future Armorp site. The Committee used the�.r definition of the Town Green as autlined in the Octaber lOtb minutes, as cxiteria to ana7.p�e each of these three sites as to their appropr3ateness f4r the Town Green Project . The consensus of the Committee was the Camf�el$ Park site did not nneet the criteria or descrigt�,on of Town Green as outlined. The committee also concurred that while the Exickson Park site seemed to best meet the criteria of the Committee' s definition fvr Town Green, the Armary site should not be ruled out. Further discussion as to the a�erits of the Armory si.te versus Erickson Fark wi11 be continued. Further discussion surrounding a Rosemount Rose Garden or some sort of gatewap or entry way ta Erickson Park and the downtown led the comm3.ttee to the consensus that perhap� the most feaaible ar most practical and realizable of the Town Green Concept should ,be that of the Rose Garden. I� was the general feeling af the committee that while the Erickson Park phase was indeed desirable, a Rase Garden or Gate Way wauld be more practical and achievable in the short term.` And that the phasing of the Town Green concegt might indeed sea the monument or the Rose Garden taking the priority ta the phasing of Town Green. The comm:tttee felt that the Hwp 3 gate wap or entry wap wauld attract more attention to the future development of Ghe Town �reen gazebo phasg af ,Erickson Park development. Respect#u11p submitted, Mapor Rollan Hoke Acting Secretary r� � [� • , , � i'11 14r rx ',tit ,,� � � _� �`1 i t l t) �F��� ��. i i� �;i w *._,� ,� ��,�,,,�"'�,'� . � � � 4, , / p I�t)'i# M1A()!dN 1. MiNNf '.,()I 11 r�5Otil4 ��+ �,�'' ' � " �a���������R ��1:� � � � � � � 61? .1'l;1-441�1 � `� _ �-' , �� �.. .�'�.. TQWN GREEN AD HOC COMMITTEE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1989 The first meeting of the Towri Green Ad Hoc Committee was held on' October 10, 1989, at 7:00 p.�n. at City Hall. Members Presen�: Marge Ryan, Sheila Klassen, Jim ThQmas, Lucy Holzer, Paul MeKinley and Rollan Hoke. Members Absent: Lois McKinley, Deanna Simpson and 3Qhn Howard (Park Board Liaisons) Definition of Town Green: The committee reviewed excerpts from the Citizens Survey, Town Meeting Feedback, Citizen Adv�.sory Comma.ttee Recommendations and Urban Design Team ReGommenda�ions that related specifically to Town �reen. The committee then used that input to deve7.op the following theoretical description of and definition and purpose far "Town Green". When committee members were asked what Town Green means to th�m and to what purpose it would serve the community, they sai� the fo114wing: E1j "a sense ot center" i2} "a unifying-cannecting symbol" (3) "a facal point for the community" (4) "a gathering place for resident and non-resident alfke" (5) �"a place that will' enhance the cultural uniqueness, history, identity and 'hometown` fee�.ing that is uniquely Rosemount' s° (6) "a beautification and public open space project that wi3.1 give our citizens a sense of place, identity and community pride". Town Green could include but would no� be limited to the follawing: (1 ) ' creattive landscaping (2) deearative lighting (3) fl.owers, shrubs, walkways, trees C4} oid fashian gazebo E5) nature area. Depending on the ultimate site sslected for Town Green, the committee felt strongly that future downtown beautification like streetscaping, decorative lighting, a Rosemaunt monument and other pedestrian wal.kways and trails be carefully integrated or connected to the future Tc�wn Green. � . Town Green Ad Hoc Committee J t�inut�s of October 10, 19$9 Page 2 Refining the tasks for future meetinc�s and settinq_a time frame faar the com�letion of the committee�s work: Using the "key funetions and responsibili�ies" outlined in the City Council/Park Board' s ehart�r and chaxge issued to the Town Green Committee, the committ�e graposed th� following tasks and timeline for the completion of the committee's work: ME�TING 2• Scheduled for 6:00 p.m. , October 24, the committee will conduct a walking/driving tour of Eriekson Park, Cam£ield Park and the future armary site. The committee wiil use their definition of Town Green as criteria to analyze each of these three sites as to their appropriateness for the Town Green pro�eet. MEFTING 3: Scheduled for 8:00 a.m. , Saturday, Novembe� 4, will be used to �,00k at other Twin Cities' "Town Green" sites. Potential sites to sury�y were St. Anthony in St. Paul, 82nd and Narmandale, Chaska and Northfield. The committee would appreciate any other �ecommended sites that are thought to be good examples of the kind of project we are propo�ing. MEETTNGS 3L 4, 5, etc: Would be use�l to meet with c:tty staft, outsidE consultants and landscape arvhitects to help the committee determin� the potentia7. for th� propos�d site in meeting �he hypothetical comgonents of a Town Green. MEETINGS 7 & 8: Would be used to more spec3fically nail down what we want to see included in the Town Green Fro�ect and to writ� up our recommendations to the Park Board. The commit�ee hopes tc� get community iriput �nd invo].vement in defining the specifics of what the projec� wauZd include and what the gaz�bo and overall pro�ect would look like. Suggestions for community input inc�.ude the follo��aing: high school, middle school and elementary school, civic an� art elasses, technieal college input, and senior eitix�n input. � � 'iown Green Ad Hoc Committee ? �t�inut�s of October 10, i 989 Page 3 �IEETING 9: Go to Park Board with recommendations. MEL•'TxN� 14: Work with Park Board in drawing up RFQ's and RFP' s tor the projeet. MEETING 11 : Develop a plan for promotion, fund raising and public information anc� community participation in the pro�ect. Inv�estigate �otentiaZ corporate eontribution and additional private contributions needed from sources outside of eity government tunding for the pro�eet. MEETING 12: Park Board and Town Green Committee reports to the city council. Th� committee is hoping that they these proposed task� and meetings can be oompleted by April 1 , 1990. . Any suggestions by the Park Board, City S�aff or City Council as to the reasonableness of the timeframe and tasks or how we can bet�er fulfill our eharge would be appreciated. Respectfuily submitted, Mayor Rollan Hoke Acting Secretary � ;