HomeMy WebLinkAbout9. Adopt Resolution Certifyng Election Results , . „, .-,,, 1 !�" "^;� • 1e`. J . ' r�� t3nx �tt) _ '" '� � �� 6 � �[�1/ ��� 2�375 1�SJTId 3T W �.s�a � i }, *� R��4F MQirNF M(NNF�C?tA S�Ofi8 \.' `���,� �:*�!G����T /�� fit? 273-441 1 . 3,� � � . . . � � � . . � .� � . . . . . . . � � �� .� . : ���� � . �., . .. TO: Mayor Hoke Counc:ilmembers Walsh, Wippermann, Oxboraugh, Nappar FROM: Susan Johnson, Deputy Clerk � ��} DATE: November 3, 1989 � RE: City Election Returns For your adaption attached is a draft c�f the resolu�ion which wil�. . declare the results of our city election on November 7, 1989. After the polls close at 8:00 p.m. , the electivn �udge captains will run results tapes at their respective polling places of the city's faur preeincts. They will bring the results tapes back to city hali to be accumul,ated for final tatals for the mayor and councilmembers seats. As soon as we obtain thase totals, they will be presented to you at the Council meetinq. r • ,., � . CITY �F RQSEMOUNT RESOLUTIQN 19$9- A RESOLUTZON DECLARING RESULTS OF THE ELEGTIQN AS THEY - APPEAR ON THE FACE OF THE ELECTIQN RETURNS A5 MADE BY THE ELECTION JUDGES AND SUBMITTED TO THE CITY CLERK WHEREAS, the Ci�y of Rasemount held its Municipal EleGtion on N4vember 7, 1989 to elect a mayor for a term of two (2) year� and two (2) councilmem�rs for a term o� four {4) years. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a canvass Of the votes revealed the followinq results for th� Municipal E�eetion: FOR MAYOR FOR GOUNCILMEMBER ADOPTED this 7th clay of November, 19$9. Roll call vote for passage of this Resolution was as follows: Ayes: Nays: Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Admini�tratar Clerk � .�— � / �� CITY C?F ROSEMQUNT RES�LUTZON 1989- 111 � A RESQLUTION DEeLARING RESt7LTS �F THE ELECTION AS THEY APPEAR QN THE FACE pF THfs ELECTION RETURNS AS MADE BX THE ELECTION JUDGES ANL1 SUBMITTED TO THE CITY CLERK WHERSAS, the �ity of Ras�±mount held its Municipal Election on November 7, 1989 to elec� a mayor for a term of twQ ��} years and two (2} eauncilmembers for a term of four i4) year�. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a canvass of the votes revealed the foll.owing results for the Municipal Election; FOR MAYQR Vernan Napper b41 Rollan Hoke 82 Jc�e Walsh 10 B�b Wilcox 8 Lee Knutsan 4 Ron Jacobson 2 Jnhn Oxborough 2 Arlyz� Cope 2 �etty ZanmiZler 1 William Michael Smith 1 _ Ray McNamara 1 Tessa Pinkstaf£ 1 Eidon Stauffer 1 John McMenomy 1 R�bert McM311an 1 Nei1 Jacobson 1 Gerald 0'Mera 1 Doug McCrilli� 1 Phy113.s Curry 1 Lois McKinley 1 Ron Carlson i Phillip Sterner 1 Kevin Meyer 1 Scott Aker 1 FOR COUNCILMEMBER Sheila Klassen 418 Harry Willeox 4Q6 Dani,ei Huntingtc�n 225 Thomas Tucker 218 Donald Sinnwell 141 Otto 'Pecl 83 Gene Sti.les 78 Kenneth Youngdahl, Jr. 54 _ Joe Walsh 2 _ ,� Resolution 19$9- 111 Page 2 � Lois Doll 1 Thomas Condon 1 Ra].lan Hake 1 Mike Willard 1 ADOPTED this 7th day of November, '19$9. Roll call vote for passage of this Resolution was as follqws: Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxbor�ugh, Nappex Nays: 0. Ro]ian iioke, 'l�aysar ATTEST: �r � Step an Jil Administrator Clerk