HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda �'�, wa`�a�ii+,- # ' . y:i' . :;.� � x z;-;at,�. �;. �e,. � x�'�n �'�� �E3�; � � y -� _:,� .a.. 4.. . � . �. . . . �ll.i +J.C� lilJ�1J.Y1 . - \�. . . �. �� AGENDA - " ItEC�1L�1R CO�JNCTL ME�PIf.� At�RTL 4, 19�9 7:30 P.M. 1. Call. �.� t?.�3er/Pledge of Alle�iancP ?.. A�di(-.ions or Corrections t� AgP.nda - Council, Staff, Audienc� 3. n�.PARTP�i..fi1T ' ' RE�ORTS BCTSINES� � .. /�� a.. Introducti�n of Dan JP_�P� Custxlian ��G��� 7 lL� �"� � � b. Recycling Program U�ate � c. �r� Tri.m►ni.ng �. Opt Out Discussion e. Valley Oak I�ond 1�dditivn Ponc� l��tr��ing . . . �i . . . . . � � .. , . . . � . . . � . `t� � �N�Y�i: L� !Y\JI:�Y':Jt'1 . . . � . � .. .� . : . � . . � . � � � .. . . . � . a. Minut�s ,�F t.�aarcl� 21 , 1989 Rec,�ul.ar Meel.ing b• APp.roval of Bills Lisi inc� 198q c. Ar��ava1 �f Licenses and/or P�ni�s 9'� aycc�. Authoriz� Feasibility R��ort V�lley Oak 7�ditican Pand StOL�Ti Jtl�le�y P]C'o��C� �97 A� 5. �GD BUSII�ICSS �'i96�'j-2S"a. App��v�1 of Nbdific-.ation V �o Red�vc�,.l.o}�rne�t Plan b. A�pendix-G�pter 38 c. F'ire M�s�lall Position +�'l9b�-�d. �opt Resolutioi� to Res�t Well y�8 Bid t3��ning e. City Counc�zl CoTrq�nsat.i�n RI989-�L-. 03:baw Pow�r Plant Site SelP��ion �1989-35�1• Dakota County Gun Club Propos�l � h. 8:40 P.�l. - PUB�,IC HE.�IRINGS 6. P[7�LIC i3F�1RT.i� - 1�PP�AL, TO SIC�1 V1�RT1�,'VCC APk'.RW�T`�, �/9&�-z �, Ctos� �. Conduet d. Action 7. PCt�iLIC H'E1�.R?.N� - VAL,C.EY' QAK 1�DDITIC�V k?�PLA'T', :�F3�1� N, STE2E�'� & UPTt;.C'L'Y IMc�RCnTF.��5 �4��a• O'�n c. Close � b. Corx3uct d. A�i-�.on ��9�.29 8. I�JB`LIC HEARING - V�T,1'�Y QAK 1�DDLTIC�N R�PLAT NO. ? PRELIM��i�1RY PL�T a• Ooesl c. Close IQ/9�I�,b. Cor�uct d. Action 9. PUBLIC H�Ai2Ii� - O'LEARY`5 HII,LS F'OU�Z'I�i ADDZTIt�.V REZ0�IING a. Opeaz c. Close b. Conduct d. Action 10. P�3LIC HE'.ARZ[� - WENSMI�1l�TN THIRll ADDITION I:2EZO�T?NG a. Open c. Close b. Ccanduct d. Acti.on 11 . PUBLIC E�EAt�ING - WEST RIDGE TiiIRU ADI�ITIOI�I REZO�TING a. Open c. Close b. Cflriduct d. Action 12. NEFI BUSINESS /��489-3/ a. O'Leazy'� Hills Fc�urtll Addi kion Fi.nal Plat Fi�B�-32�. Wensmann �ird �3dition Final Pl�t ��?89-33c. wesE RidgA Tizird Aadition Final Plat f�r4E�t- 3�d, nec�ive iJc>s�.s t.c� � A:���ssc�cii3rc��r ��ssess.i'cc�ii-Vailey C3��k 11c�c�i�t��.�t�.� Ph.I�I tZi984-37 e. 1���pt Re�lution Ord�a:ing Ac�vc�.rti�nt for Aids-0'Leary's Hil.ls 4th Acl�itton h. ,q i9�1.3Sf- Adopt Resolution Approving Plans & Specs/t7rcl�r Ad fc�r �ids-Valley C7ralc, Ph. IV g• ��'"� ��ecK�Ps,� 6"�vMP. ^ / Ri48'�-?fth. �'ppto✓� l��y,s�/�,Te��,z.� �.�; -�, i: �7��.t c� �,"tr� �.�(o d�,�, �� ,,��. ,�,��.���,. ����L�� 13. M1�YOR'S IZl�PORT J' �6��`c, �/2q, a. Town Meeting j �. ?oning Ordinano� Worlssho� Meetinc�/1�gri1 11 , 1989, 6:30 p.m. c. i 4. ��vzs��mR's i�o�r a. Bud�t Prcx�ess �. D�.kota County Regic�nal Tt�ii Aathc�rity c. 15. �1:NDk'�11"1C��Ih�tl'S 16. ATh70LTF�cJMEN`� � � � `h3ai y 1 " ".�x'�',"_ _ y..� ,� ,x . ,.nw�u .�.,t ,is?:f � f.:��`f"a ��:.:� "�ra� ;}.e'4 i L h'tk:n � LS�� ,� �a. .; �� �` ��''�� " � �` AGEiVDA - REE��7L1�R CO�JNCTL MEE�If.� At�RTL 4, 19�9 7•30 P.M. 'i. Call. ro Order/Pledg�e of A3.legian� 2. A�dii-.ions or Cc»xr�cti.ons t� Ac�a�da - Council, Staff, Audi�noe 3. DLPARTP�C.:NT H�;AD6 REPC)RTS BUSINE�S 7 r � /l � ( ���^� a. Introduction of Don ,TerdP, Custxlian /�G���� 1��. b. Recycling Pxogram Updrate � � c. Tree Tr9.m�n�.ng c�. O�t Out Discussion e. Valley Oak Pond 1�3diti on Po�-K1 Fu;m�ing f. ,� 4. t�NiE�VT At;E5Vt7A , a. Minut�s �F t�iarch 21, 1989 Regul.ar 1�eting ,, b. App.roval of �3ills T.,ista.nc� ' ��c. App�rccyval �� Lic�ns�s and/or P�nits � 9'� a,�p: Authori�� Feasil�ility :Report V3�.ley t)ak 1�ddifi,�.on Pond Sto�rt �utlet, Proj�ct 197 5. t�C,D E30SIN�S5 �i�l6�-2S"a. Ap�c�va1 of Nbdifir,ation V to �edev�.lopment Plan b. Ap�azci�.x-C�.�ater 38 c. Fire Marshall �ositian '4�9�-Z�d. �c�pt Resol�ztio�i to R�sst Well /�8 I3id O�n.�ning e. City Counc�.l Compensatir�n R1�89-3�/t. Oxbow P�w�r Plant Site Sele��ic�n �/R89-�.i'�• nakc�ta County Gun CJ.ub Propos�l h. I 8:00 P.�4. - �JBLIC HEARINGS 6. PUHJ.,�C HF.,�;TNG — 1�'L�AL TO SIC�.V V11RIla,.`VCE A�'k'.ROV�t, �/9&�-Z,� �'.�x c. �los� �b. Coziduct d. Action 7. P'UB�,IC HEA�2IN!� - VALI.EY QAK ADDITION i2�PT..A'I', ??F3A5� IV, aTl2E�'I' t� CJ'�'It',t'T,'Y I�'RC7tTF,,,�4F�VTS �i4��b. O'�an c. Close Conduct c�. AYtion ,��4�a9 8. PUBIIIC HEARING — VALL�EY OAK ADD_ITI(�.V_RCPLAT_NO.?_.PR_L'I,INI.ZNIIRY PLAT