HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Recycling Program Update _ � � . , : � . ,� z� � �{ � � ; � i ,�; , -. � � ; � �_ ����� ��� . ..� , ,;� �r� , � , � r; �� � � � � F���>s:� r.��.��,ra�s. �:iirarvf �i�a �u�,;; � � :�. ' �'' � �# r :� ;+� a� '�'e : ti .; t �t ���.,� __ 4 � �,7. . ;a�i Agenda Item 3b TO: Mayor, City Council, City Administrator FROM: I)ean Johnson, Director of Community I)evelopment DATE: March 31, 1989 SUBJ: April 4, 1989 Regular Agenda Item 3b. 3b. Recycling Program U date Attached is a pragress report on our recycling activities through March 15, 1989. The memo is self-explanatory. For the sake of discussion and/or cc�mparison, I do have i'igures from �he fourth week of our prograrn. , Glass 3.71 54 Gallons nit Paper $.36 12 Batteries Cans 0.22 12.29 There were 604 households that participated in week #4, which is 26.3% of total households. Please refer to the aEtached memo for comparison purposes. _ ,. • * - �� , ,� �� � , �� . . < ; �t�t� ir,s „ „ � �� � �< �/ }�t Fip�.,t fi�C_�i�f-J 1 t.�;NP ! �(� r ;,i �Fg��A ���,� . . ,9� Y d.�,�5 a.�6 a � ➢ '�: 2i : d . r :1'. . .��I i .� . . ... �t..: . • - � . __�.;, . . . . . . .. . . . � . � . . �°�,. . . . . i�vtarch 3l, 19�39 Lynn Anderson R�cycling Specialist De�ari�n�nt of Planning & Pro�;ram Management 7300 West 147th Street, Suite 503 Apple Valley, MN 5512� RE: Landfill Abalemen[ Progress Report Dcar I.ynn: The City of Rosemount iclentificd the following c�bjectives to be met by March 15, 1989, in our landfiil abatement funding application: * Bid process complete and curbside collection in operation * lnilial �romotion and education complete ' Commerciat/Inclustrial program in ptace * i0°'o annual abatement goat met The City began iis residential curbside reeyctin�; collection on fiebruaxy 27, 1�323r). Recycling containers and promotional/educational materials were dclivered one week earlier. From its incepcion, our recycling program has be�n a��ailable to' 100% of our residents, single family and multiple family alike. Single family detached and attached residences have curbside c�llection with weekly pick-u�s. A�artment buildin�;s/com�lexes have central recycling containexs and are s�rviced as needed. Our cornmerciai/industrial program has not been totally imptemented as of this date; however, the following activities are underway: * Recycling collection at al! municipal facililies �` Seasonal collectian at atl municipal parks will be done again in i�I89 ' Recycling collection at Dakota County HRA offices '" Recycling c€�llection initiaEed a[ Rosemount School District offices and containers distributed to Rasemount schoals (next week) "` Can/Glass recycling inxplementcd at all hospitality industries Landfill Abatemen�rogress fteport � " ' March� 31, 19�89 � � �� � � � Wc eampletec! thrcc weeks of residciitial coltection by March 15, 1984. The follc>wing audited i�igures indicace we havc cxcecdcd our 10��o goal for annuaF abatemene at this time. These figures dc� not includc any information from apar[ments --- only singlc family "participation." Werk 1 Wrek 2 �'Veek 3 Total Tons Gluss 2.71 3.15 3.3b 9.22 Pu�er 8.7�1 6.50 7.69 22.93 (:uns U.29 O.iK Q.�O 0.6T Total Tons 11.74 9.83 11.25 32.82 Guilons Oil 97 6i 91 249 Galtons # Kutteries 25 14 ZS 64 Batteries These figures correspond to ?,3i)0 households which have received bins for curbsid�, colleetion. Weekly parlicipation rates for the first three weeks have been 23.6% (542 homes), 21.8% (542 homes) and 23.7�i"o (544 homes). Averag� weekly parlicipation has involved 23°Ic of the households. Average weekly colleetion has included 1Q.9�3 tans nf glass, paper and cans; 83 gallons of waste oil; and 21 bazteries. There are obviously no trends or conclusions that can be reached with such a limited data base. While it appears that che pragram has been fairly well reecived, the weather during ehis period has been some of the worst we've experienced in years. I expect that the participalion rates and tonnage will i�crease as Che weather ancl �rogram stahilice over [he next several weeks. P(ease do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincercly, Dcan R. J�hnson Director of Community Development DRJ:dq : Encl�sures