HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Minutes of March 21, 1989 Regular Meeting " * ROSEMOU �I'PY PR�GEEDINGS � " � REGULAR�tafEETING � ���� � �'�`� MARCH 21 , 19$9 Pursuan� to due call and nvtice thereof a regular �neeting of the City Council o� the City o:E Rosemount was duly hel.d on Tuesday, March 21 , 7989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City H�ll. Mayor Hoke ealled the m�eting ta order with all rnember.s pr�sent. A9ayor Hok� led the group in the Pledc�e of Allegiance. MOTION by Wippermann to a�prove the Consent Agenda �s �resented. SECOND by Oxborough. Ayes: tValsh, Wippermann, Hake, Oxt�orouc�h, Napper. Nays: 0, 5ee Cl�rk`s Eile 1989-8. As directed by Council at the March 7, 1989 Council mp�ting, Community Development Director Dean Johnson outlined the process reyuired to rev�rse the d�signation of urban r�sidential ta rural residential on the Kelley Trust property and the legal implications of such a ehange regarding downzoning and ch�nges in the Com�rehen�ive Guide Plan as outlined in his memorandum dated March 1b, 198'9. t��uncil concurred any commen�s or questions on tlie �r�cess and legal im�licat3ons would be addressed as paxt of the Shannon Parkway improvernents public heari�ng. See C1.erk' s FiiQ 1989-8. Jerry Shannon of Springsted, financ�.al eonsultant for the city, � presen�ed the bids £or the $1 ,320,Q00 Gen�ral Obligation R�venue Wa�er Bonds whieh will be used to finar�ce a n�w wate� towsr arrd a w�l� and pumphouse. The bids were opened by City Treasurer pon Darl.ing at 12:Q0 rzoon this date. The financial consultant recom�nended the bond sale be awarded to l�ougherty, nawkins, Strand & Yost, Incorpoxated at a ne� interest ra�:p af 7.3i 99�. See Clerk' s Fi1e 1989-8. MOTION by Walsh to ado�t �. RESOLUTION' ACCEPTING BID QN SALE QF $1 ,320,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION-REVENUE WATER BONDS, SBRIES 1989A, AND �ROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE. SECOND by Napper. Ayes: tVippermannr Hoke, Oxborough, Napper, Walsh. Nayst 0. Economic Development Specialist Tracie Pechonick requested Council' s approval 'to begin workin� with rnlalker Enterprises on the first issue of the cammunity newsletter. Pechonick noted �he £irst issuP waulcl consist of ten pag�s which would include a six page 3.t3SP.�"t f�r the park anc� recreation department summer programs at a cast of $3,80U. Mayar HvkP recommended the newsletter be distributed by bul.k m�i�ing rathex than through the ADS programs €ven though there would be an additional �stimated cast of $40fl. See Clerk' s Fiie 1989-8. MOTION by '�Iippermann to procec�d with the newsletter project as presented by the ,economic dev�lapmenfi�"s�pecialist and to d�.str:il�u�e the newsletter �hroug� bulk mailinc�. SEG�ONb by Walsh. Ayes: Hoke, Oxborough, Na�per� Walsh, taip�ermann. Nays: 4. ' , ROSEMOU �ITY FRflCEEDINGS REGULAR�PfEETING MARCH 21 , � 989 Community Development Di.rPctor nean Johnsan acknowledged rPc�ipt hy th� ' city from the Metropolitan Counca.l the background materi�ls regarding the sco�ing Environmental Ass�ssment Worksheet (EAW) �repared by Unit�d States Polluti�n Control, Inc. to construct i.n the Pin� Bend arAa ten containment cells for industxial waste. A publie rnePting is scheduled on April 24, 1989, at 7:00 p.m. , at Rosemaunt High Schaal t� solicit comments on the �roposal. Joiinsoi� ac3vised staff wi11 �r��are comments on the EAW and submit for Council review in the near futurP. . See Cl.erk' s File 1989-8. Councilme�nber Napper repoxted on �he final meeting of the �nvironmental Quality Board site committee ap�ointed to review the cogenPratian plant proposed by Oxbow Fower Corporation. As ehair�ers�n of �h3.s commitkpe, Cauncilmember Napper advised it was the eonsensus of the commitfi.ee that the C�ntinental Ni.trogen site and the applic�nt's preferred site were basically �he same site since th� two sites are in close praximity to on� another, but four of the members of the committeP had a slight preference for the �ppiicant' s preferred site. A short .recess was called a� 7: 58 p.m. with the in�eting continuing a� 3:00 p.m. �Iayor Hoke opened the puhlic hearing scheduled at this tim� to cons.ider City Project 195, West 12ic�ge 3rd Addition Str��t and Uti].ity Improvements. The deputy clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailed and posted Hearing Notice. See Cl�rk' s Fil.� 1989- 8. City Engineer Rich Hefti provided th� chronolQgical �vents leading to the public hearing and noted the proposed pro�ect is the result of r�ceiving a 100� petition fr�m the owner/devploper of the property. Consul.�ing Engineer Steve Campbell id�entified �hA �roject as l�cated 3.n the southwest corner of Sectian 31 and reviewed thp propos�d improve�nents and estimated costs assc�ciated with �ach im��r�vc�ment. The total �stimated project eost is $490,000. The consul�inig engi�ieer advised ths �stimated ass�ssat�le cost is $454,000 to be ass�ssed against 41 lots. The engineer also advi5ed approximately $27�QU0 ana $9,U00 are core costs to be charged against the sanitary sewpr and storrn wat�r core facility funds respectively, There w�re no questions or cc�nc�rns from th+� audierzce rec�araing �lii� puulic hearing. MOTION by Na�per to close the puk�lic hearing. SECOND }�y Wi�permann. Ayes: Oxborough, Nappex, T�Val.sh, Wipperrnann, Hoke. Nays: Q. 2 t � . ROSEMOU�CITY FRQCEEpINGS REGULAR ETING MARCH 21 , 1989 MOTION by Napper to adopt A RES�LUTION FOR APPRQVAL OF WEST RIDGE 3RD ADDITION UTILiTY AND STREET IMFRdVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 195. SECQAID by Wa2sh. Ayes: Nap�er, ;��lsh, Wipnermann, Hoke, Oxborough. �tays: 0. MOTION by Napper t� a3opt A RESOLUTIOAT ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF WEST RI�GE 3RD ADDITIQN UTILITY �ND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 195. SECOND by Ox}�oro��gh. Ayes; t�Talsh, Wippermann, Hoke, Oxborough, Napper. Nays: 0. Mayor Hoke opened the public hearing to consicier Shannon Parkway Utility and Street Improvements between C�untry IIil.ls 3rd Ac�dition and Shannon 0aks Addition, Ci�y Project 194. The de�uty clerk liad in ha.s possesaion the Affidavi� of Publie�tion and Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice. See Clerk' s F�.le 1989- 8. City Engineer Rich �iefti advised the project was initiatAd by Council to accommodate the new �l�inentary school t�ing built in tli�� mic�dle of Section 19. City Engineer Hefti comment�d on the the city' s commitment to provide utilities and street access to the sch�ol. HA£�i ac3vised the school district plans to o�aen the school in June, 1990, and it was necessary to implement the pro�ect as quickZy as possibly . 3ud Osmundson from the consulting engineering firm of �SM id�nti.Eied thA project and advised �his project would camplete Shann4n Parkway between Country Hills 3rd Addition and Shannon Oaks. The consulting engineer provided a breakdown of the estimated costs fnr the w�tearmain, stormwater, sanitary sewer ana stree� improvementg. The tota.l Pst:imated cost of the improvements is $1 ,067,OQO with a���roximately �221 ,000 to be received as state aid and approximately $125,4U0 to be expencied from eore trunk funas, City Engin�ex Rieh �Iefti reviewed the proPosed assessment metlzodology pro�osed for this project. The amount to be assessed is estimated not to exceed $720,000. Discussion ensuec� between Council and staff regarding the legal and financial implications to the aity if the pro�ect was nc�t arc�e.rea at this time. The city engineer �a��sea commitments ��rith Inc�Ppendent Schoal District 196 for access to the sch�al from the n�rth provides a neeessity for completing Shannon Parkway north beyon(� the school site to Sh�nnon Oaks Ad�ition. He �urther ac3vised the Kelley Trust ��o�erty was zoned R-1 Single Family Resi�ential, and Shannon Parlcway is the loqical utility c4rridor for extending the sanitary sewer �nd water services. Iiefti stated it would not be as economically feasibl� to 3 . ' � ROSEMOU �ITY PROCEEDTNGS REGULAR�PfEETING MARCH 21 , 1989 construct the roadway now and install the �tilities at a future timP. Cauncilmember Wipperrnann objected to providing u�ilities to the Ke�,l�y Trust property prior to r.eceiving �ny deva_lopment propos�l and �s�urances from the property owner that they will be responsible for the appropriate assessments against the �roperty. Residents living adjacent to thA proposed Shannon Parkway proaect were in the audience and voiced their enncerns that the project would jeopardize the open spacc� nature and rural eharactpr of the area. Director af Elementary Education Calvin 7wiefpl advised the s�chool district purchased the site with the understanding the street wt�uld extend �north of the schvol site. He advised students wi.�.l he bussed from the north, east azid west of the school site. MOTTON by Nanper to close the public hearing. SEC�ND by Walsh. Ayes: Walsh, Wippermann, HokP, Oxbo.rough, Napper. Nays: Q. Cauncilmeml�er Wippermann stated �he cvmmunity ii�volv�ment process has identified rural open space as a unique and desixable faa�ure of the community, and one that should be preserved. He exprPssed eaneern tha� approval of this project could prevent the city from bein�3 in a position to negotiate for any approp.riate transitian buff�r from R-1 Single Family to RR Rural R�sidential. Councilmember Wippe�rmann �i:aterl he was in support of extending sewer and water utiliti�s up ta the school site but not north of the school. Mayor Hoke stated the angoin� community involvement procpss, attempting to identify the many characteris�ics of small town ambiencA, cannot supersede the issue of tk�e present R-9 Single Family RQsiden�ial zoning of the Kelley Trust Pro�erty. tdayor Hoke acknawledged the i�nportant role �hat the rural residential area plays in the commurii.t� and will continue to play, but stated the city has a lec�al, fiscal and ethical respon�i��ility to the school district and the Ke11ey Trust property to go �orward �vith the project. Community Development Director Dean Johnsoti r�comrnended that the staff contact the Kelley Trust peo�ale t�' recPive a wri�ten eo+n�nitment regarding their financial obligations to the pro�ect. Johnson stated the commitment could be rec�ived prior to Council action an the approval of the plans and s�ecification of the pra�ect. MOTION �y Hoke to a�opt A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF SHANNQN PARKWAY UTILITY AND STREET TMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT 194. SECOND by Ayes: HokP, C)xboxaugh, Napper, Walsh. Nays: Wi�permann. 4 '� '' � ROSEMOUI��ITY PROCE�DINGS REGULAR ETING MARCH 21 , 1989 , MOTION by Napper to adopt A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PLANS AND SPECZFICATION FOR SHANNON PARKWAY UTILITY AI�iD STREET IMPROVEMENTS� PROJECT 194. SECOND by Oxvorough. Ayes: Hoke, Oxboxough, Na�per, '�Jalsh. Nays: Wip�ermann. A recess was called at 10:05 with �he meeting cont�.nuing at 1Q;15 p.m. , Pzayor Hoke opened �he meeting scheduled �t t�his time to raeeiv� commeiits on T�odification V to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan, adc�pted hy the Rosemount Housing and �Zedevelopment Autliority on February 21 , 1989. The aeputy clerk had in 11is presence the Affidavi.t of Publish�d Notice and Affidavit of Posted Hearing Notice. See Clerk' s File 1989-�. Ecanomic Deva_lopment Specialist Tracie Pechonick rPcommenc�ed that ' action be tabled to the April 4, 1989 Couneil m�e�ing to �l.l�w the Dakota County HR1� Board to revi�w Mor�ificati�n V at their Marc�� 28, 1989 �neeting. Council unanimously concurre� with this request. There we.re no public com�nenta r'�C��Vc':d. MOTION by Hoke to close the public hear3.ng. SECOND hy W:t��,��r�nann. Ayes: Ox}aar4ugh, Napper, Walsh, Wip�ermann, HQICP.. Nays: �. Cit}�, Etigineer Rich Hefti �dvised the Utility Commi�sion apprc�ved the �lans and sPAcifications for D�ep Well #8, Contract 't989-1 and recomrnendPd Council' s approval and authorization to adv�rtise for bids with a bid opening date of 10:00 a.m. on A�ril 14, 19£�9. The eon�ract is for the drilling af the well only. See C1�rk' s File 1 �$9-8. MOTION by Walsh to adopt A RESOLUTION APPR�VING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS, DEEP WELL #8, PROJECT #182. 5ECOND by Hoke. Ayes: Napper, W��lsh, Wip�pxm�nn, Hoke, Oxborough. Nays: 0. Economic Development Specialist Tracie Pechanick updated Couneil provided a brief update on the Star City pro�ram. Mayor Hoke reminded Council. of the Commuanity Involvement Workshop scheduled for March 28, 1989, at 7:04 p.m. The Rosem�i�nt A�3v�.�ary Commi�tAe wiil present their �reliminary goals and strategies t4 councii, commission, comznittee and staff inembers. 5 , * � ROSEMUUI�ITY PRO�CEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 21 , 'i9S9 MC?TION by Walsh to adjourn. SECOND by Oxuc�rough, Ay�s: 5. Nays: 0. Respectful�.y submitted, Susan M. Johnson, DPputy Clerk AT`SEST: Stephan Jilk, Administra���.�/Clerk Published t�iis day of , 19$9 in Dakata C,aunty Tribune. b