HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Approval of Modification V to Redevelopment Pln � �. . . . �� f'� (kGt� ,i' � . � � � �� � - . � 1 � � ,�. . � '> - ,i�� f 1 `���,i . � f ? Q� ��F��� �`�� � . . . tt��-lPJi �1 n �v.n . �-a F". r F�,...� . . . J$� . � � . . . .. �� � G�,�A.'���`A'���l.� ��S � ��,' ��� ��� . K ,� ,;� � � _ �. � � � � �, TO: Ma or and Cit Council ���� '�f � � y y FRUM: Tracie L. Pechonick, Econ. Dev. Specialist DATE: March 31, 1989 SLTB1: Approval o[ Modification V to the Redrvelopment Plan Attached please find both a statcrnent and a resolution t'rom the Dakota County Board of Cammissioners in suflp�rt of Modifieati�n V to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan. In addition, I have enclased the Rosemount Cily Council resolution adopting said Modification V. Slaff respectfully recommencls that the resolutipn be approved at this time. . � • �� � �� � � l�T� ADMIt�IS7RATl4M QEPkRTMENT O O L�1 TELEPHONE 612/438-4418 � ' nAKOT�COUNTY GnVERNMf-NT CENTFR 15F4� HWY.55 - HASTINGS, MiNNESOTA 55033 March 22, 1989 Mr. Stephen Jilk AdministratorJC2erk City of Rosemount 2875 - 145th Str+�et West Rosemount, MN 55068 Dear Steve: Attached is a copy of Resolution Na. 89-249 adopted by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners on March 14, 1989. The County Board aaknowledged receipt of the Tax Increment Financing Plan Modification V submitted by the City of Rosemount and supports the use of tax increment financing for this purpose. Sincerely, � �`l- '' V Lyle . Wray Administrator LW/sf � ������� i�;M� 2 r �9�� C� ., �. � C�1��r►�� C13�',t�� i:�5E��0UNT * �� ��, ,�.`/��'�'�a,cNz..� f� C�. � � AN E9UAL OPP(�fZTUNITY EMPLOYER , + BOA�QF COUNTY COMMISSI�RS DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE March 14, 19$9 RESOLUTIONNO. �9'249 Motion by Commissioner Ha r r i S ..�onded by Commissioner C h a pd e 1 d 1 ne WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has submitted the Plan Modification for the City's downtown redevelopment Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District ta Dakota County for review; and WHEREAS, the purpose of Plan Modification V is redevelopment; and WHEREAS, the County supports the use of tax increment financing for this purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES�LVED, That the Dakota County Board of Comrnissianers acknowledges receipt ' of Tax Increment Financing Plan Modifi�ation V for Rosemount's downtown development TIF district. YES NO Harrie X Harris Maher X Maher GAapdelaine X Chapdelaine �� X Loeding B 'llirner X Turner State of Minnesota Caunty af Dakota I,Norma 8.Marsh,duly elected,qualifi�d and acting Coanty Auditor of the County of Dakota,SCate of Minnesota,do hereby certify that I heve compared the foregoing copy of a reaolution with the original minutes of tAe proceedings of the Board of Gounty Cammissionera, Dalcota County, Minneaota, at theic session held on the 14th day of Ma rc h i9$2.,now an file ia my office,aad have found the same to be a true and conect copy thereof. ��f, �'.�_�`� Witaaes my hnnd and officiai sea!at Hastings,Minnesota,this ��-� � day o �, ��7 � � � .�-.., Caunty Auditor 1 !� � . . . � � • � . . . . ClTY OF RC)SEMOUNT RESOLUT[ON 1y89 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING MUDIFICATION NO. V TO TRE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ANU 1NCLUDiNG THE USE OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCtNG PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STA1'UTES 469.1'�4 TO 469.179 IN TNE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, it is desirahle and in the public interest that the Housing and Redevetopment Autharity in an�i for the City of Rosemount undertake and carry out a Redeveloprnent Project identified as Moclification No. V to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, the Authority has funds available for the Rosemount Redevelopment Project, and recommends that the project be undertaken and be financed with lo�al funds; and WNEREAS, there is presented to this meeting of the City Councit of the City of Rosemount for its consideration and approval, a copy of Modification No. V to the Rosemount Redevelopment Plan consisting of 20 pages, including chree (3) rnaps, a statement of the Method Proposed for Financing ihe Project, and amendrnents to the Tax Increment Financing Plan (callectively the "Proposed Modi fication"); and WHEREAS, in conneetion with the undertaking of a redevelapment project by the Authority pursuant to the Minnesota Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act, as amended and supplemented, the approval of the Proposed Modification is required by the City Council; and WNEREAS, the Proposed Modification was [ransmitted to the Planning Comrnission of the City of Rosemount for its study, and a request was made of the Planning Comrnission for written opinion of the Proposed Modification, and said Planning Commission at a regular meeting scheduled for March 21, 19$9, determined the Proposed Madification to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Guide Ptan oC the City of Rosemount: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemoun[: 1. That the Proposed Modification will carry out the purpose and policy of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act of the State of Minnesota, as amended and suppiemented; 2. ThaE the City Councit hereby finds and determines by Resolution that: a. the land in the project area would not be made available for redevelopment and the proposed development wauld not occur soleiy through private investment within the reasonably foreseeable future; b. the Proposed Modification for the redevelopment areas in the locality wili afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such areas by private enterprise; and , .��, � � c. the Proposed Modification conforms with Ehe Comprehensive Guide - Plan of the City; and 3. That the City Councit hereby consents by resolution to the use by the Autharity of the tax incrernent method of financing in the Rosemount Redevelopment Project in the manner provided in Minnesota Statutes 469.174, but does not preclude the use of other rnethads of financing, including state and federal aid, but does preciude the use of tax increments outside of the project. 4. That staff is hereby authorized and directed to take such action as may vi ble to ex edite a roval of said Plan by be deemed necessar or ad sa p pP Y , any and all other authorities, including the State of Minnesota and the United States Government and any of its agencies and instrumentalities. 5. The Proposed Modification, which ineludes three (3) maps, a statemenE o[ the Method Proposed for Financing the Project, and amendments to the Tax Increment Financing Plan, is hereby in alt respects approved and [he City Clerk is hereby directed to file the Proposed Modification with the Minutes of this meeting. Adopted this 4th day of April, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST � Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Glerk