HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Fire Marshall Position . < � ��. ¢ :, . . � � . . • . � . . �� � � � d . x � ;� , , �''��f`"`�:,s,� � � � . .. , . �.:. Agenda t tem 5c Ti): Mayor, City Cauncil, City Administrator FRnM: Ron Wasmund, Buiiding C)fficial DATE: March 31, 1989 SUBJ: Fire Marshal Position A committee comprised of mysclf, Scott Aker und Bernie Szczesniak have met and compiled a job description, salary recommc.ndations and starting date for the permanent part-time position of Fire Marshal. Au ��uliinc jul� �lcscri��li���� is atta�h��l. "1'hr�c arc Ilrc clutics and t�ualii�icatioif-s da�irrd. 'fl�r f��x�a�a) j��l� dcticriptiun 1hould I�c writt�:n to coincidc wiFh lf�c for►�a:�t uscd tc� rcwrit� all of thc city's _jc�b cl�scri��tions. It is our recommendation [hat this position would inifially be 2(} hours per week with the time scheduled as five (5) consecutive four-hour days or 2-if2 cansecutive eight-haur days. The actual schedule to be worked out in coo�eration of the successful candidate and the Building Official. This position would report directly to and work under the supervision of the Building Official. The Fire Marshal would provide coordination between Building Inspection and Fire Depar[ment as well as other duxies listed in Job Descrip[iun. The r�commendation tor recruitment is t� try lo hire a person who is currently em�loyed as a fult time firefighter with trainin� in fire inspections anci plan review within anotfier gov�rnmental entity. The anticipated sa(ary range for a person with these qualiCications is $12.OU to $15.00 per hour. This type of arran�ement is not perceived to present any probtems. In fact, of the cities polled with part-time fire marshals, this seems ta be the common practice. Full timc fire de�artments havc rotating shifts allowing the " f(exibilily needed for a person to scrve part-timc t� another enti[y. I[ is nlsc► sub�;ested that this p�sitian be evaluatecl on an annuat basis to determine futurc needs, benefit to the community ancl crcation of a full time positi�n. We sec an urgen[ need f�r this }�asition t� start as soon as possible. We have several commerciak, industriat and insEitutional t>ccupancies that need annuat ins�ecti�ns Co inswre c�mptidnce with lit'c sal'cty reyuiremen[s and fire �rrcvention corrections. Wc }�ropc�se, if thc C:ouncil sces the appropriateness of this �c�sition throu�h k�cncfit dc� the entire comtnunity, to dcivertise the posili�n thc 1as� two weeks of April, interview cturing lhc first two weeks af May and h���c the successful candiclatc slart nn laler than June 1, 1489. Wc respectfully request a��ro��al �f this imrortant p�sition. I will he at thc April 4th Council hlecting to answer any questions y�u might have. r�w . . . . � � . � � . . . . . .� . � . . � . � � � . . . Fire Marshal This is a highty visible part-time position within the Ci[y of Rosemount providing fire preveution and iife safety inspection, sgrinkler plan and building plan reviews for compliance with the Fire Code, and coordinatiort between Building and Fire Departments reporting to the Building Official. TIES 1. Develop an annual inspection program for all commercial, induskrial and institutional buildings. 2. Review building plans for compliance with the Uniform Fire Code, Appendix Chapter 38 and NFPA. 3. Help develop and participate, as directed, in fire }�revention activities. 4. Provide fire suppression syslem inspections. 5. Provide occupancy inspections with the Building Official for Occupancy Permits. 6. Provide coordination between the Building Officiai's office and tMe Fire Department. 7. Other duties as assigned by the Building OfficiaL MANDATQRY (Z,LLLIFICATIQNS L Working knowledge of M.U.F,C., N.F.P.A. and U.B.C. 2. Ability to learn working practices and Operating Procedures of Rosemount Fire Department. 3. Working knowledge of automatic fire suppression systems, their design and application. 4. Ability to communicate concisely both written and verbally. 5. Minimum of 1-3 years experience in fire inspections. 6. Minimvm of Fire Inspection I certification from an accredited sch�oL DESIREABLE OUALIFICATIONS i. Member of Minnesota Fire Protection Council. 2. Member of Society of Fire Protec[ion Engineers.