HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Appeal to Sign Variance Approval _ � � AFFlDAVIT OF PUBLtCAT10N STATE Of MfNNES4TA ) �S Caunty of Uakota ) NANCY J. �iUSTAFS4N, being duty�wom,an oaN+ :oy; fhat sF+e ia an Quthori:ed agent rnnd employee of the pvbtisher of the newspoper known aa QakoM County Tribune,p11�I16S iLli IkROWIltI� o�the faets which o�a afoted balaw: ����'� �OT'^C (A)TMe newspaper has compiied wifh c�li of the requirements coestituting qudifieaNan as a legai APPEAL TO VARIANtE AP►ROVAI hewspapee�,qs prorided by MinneSotO SMtute�31 A.Q2,331 A.o�ana�e���r��i���,�o�ea. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTIGE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Ctty Gouncil of the City of Rosempunt wi11 hold a � Public Hearing on TueesdaY.Aprii 9,1�8,in �$j The p►inted (.:.,�'�t.....�.._.. . the Gouneil Chambers of the City Hall,26�75 � —,"�----"-" ___ �" 145th 3treet Wcst,beginning at B:Oq p,m.or r aa soon thereatter as �-..� p�siblt. The purpose of Ihis hearing is to co�ider an Appeai by Ronaid Jacobson,3697143rd St. W.,of a Planqing Commi�sion aetion whicb cauaed a Variance to be appraved which wouid atiow up lo a SS square(oot Comroer- cial Sign ta advertise a Chiropractie Busit�ess to be cun as a Nome pecupaGon at 302g 143rd whieh is oHoched wos c4t from the columns of aqid new9 S�'�West.This P��ty is iegally descriG pepe�',and wos pri�ed ond pu611sbed once ed as: AudiEor's Subd�visian No. I,Lot 27, Block 1,pakota County,Minnesota. Such persoos as desire to be heard with reterence to this hearing wiil be heard at this e��+'�.for r s�CBssi»wteks;it wos time, -------- Dated this 21st day o[h4arch,1989. jI ,� ^. . Susan M.Johnson, , ( l /'� C ty�of Rosemount first pubiished on Thursda the t (_c�� r I` � A f. � Y, do af_ 1�.'�..� �-K.t` Dakota County,Minnesotn a�o 19 ��{:� _ , and wos thereoffer priMed ond published on every Thwadery to ond ieetuc�ng Thursdoy,the da�of �4 . , ond�imed below is a copy of the bwer cuse t�iphab�t 1rom/1,}o Z,�}h inclusire,whieh is he►eby ocknowledged os 6eing the sise and kind o{type used in the composition ond publicotion af fhe notice: a hcttcf�!hi jk immryNp�vl uvwxpr, , � � �� i BY: /��t�t. (.`�.'/ j �t �t:_ - ��•;�� --y _ � -`- t� t,f<:� �. TITLE:Sec�etoryr ro tj�e�udtisher `� �` . i h�.�{._, " Subscribed and sworn fo before�ne on thisl��-.� (t � doy of �il `i 1i�-�' i-�'` .14 ��r' � � { �r } �� s t �� ,� ' • . . � � V ��j'l.�l.U''--�ti �� �,f � ��1.�' � . . t.=".`=`'a�- Notary PuMic r,.{__ _ r � N+IM�Mttlt�M�! ..•;.w.:�.... CARC)L J. HAVEF�It�ND �`� �� �� NOTAi�Y FUBLtC-Mir7r#ES�TA �,� oa�corA cou��nr �'`�..�' My Cortwnission Expires qee J.19H9 . , , • � �� ��� j ��„ � Y� � � tl�� �,� � ��`x�'�� b�� �'..�Y �il .:t�_f ,iloi. fli� .t _ ii . �';;.�; � .,� ����d..�d�� .�? , � . ,�� � TO: CITY COUNCIL EROM: MICHAEL WOZNIAK C1TY PLANNER ���� � � . , , AI(.P t)ATE: MARCH 29, 19f39 SUBJ: APRlL 4, 1989 - REGUI,AR MEETING REVIEWS 6. APPEAL TC) SIGN VARIANCE At its February 21, 1989 Regular Meeting, the Planoing C:ommissian, acting as the Zoning Board of Ap�eals and Adjustments, apprc�v�cl a variance petition which waulci allow a 32 syu�re fc�ot sign to he consErucicd on a residential property locaced al 3�25 1�3rd Street West (sce rna�}. Kerry Johnson, owner of K & L (;hiropractic, hat� petitioned the City for a variance lo zoning ordinance provisions lc� adver[ise his business. Mr. Johnson is pursuing the purchase of this prc�perty and intends ta reside on the premises and also operate his business as a home occupation at that acidress. Enclosed for Council review is a copy of Mr. Johnson's Variance Petition Ap�lication and a copy of the proposed site plan, building sketches and a sketch of the progosed sign. As Gity !'Ianner, I recommended against approval of the variance because it does not meet the fotlowing requirements for a variance as staled in Subd. 14.3 of the Zoning Orainance: a. Granting a variance will not adversely affect the public health, welfarc and safety ancl will not be detrimentat or injuriaus to � property �r imprc�vement in the neighborho�d. b. Strict interpretatian or enforcemenl would result in a practical diffieulty or unecessary hardship irreonsistent with the intenE of this ordinance and the guide plan. c. Thcre are exce�ti�nal or extrac�rdinary crrcumstances or conditians applicahle t� the property, use or facilities that do not apply gcnerally to �lher pro�erties in the same dis[ricc. d. Strict or literal interpretation wau(d c#eprive the applicant of the use and enjoymenl of his pro�erty in a manner similar to other owners in the same district. e, Granting of the variance will nol atlow a use which is otherwise not a �ermit[ed usc in thc rc�ning districl in questic�n. Commissic�ners Toombs, Hathaway and Huntington voted in favor of the variance, while C'ommissianer Jacobson voled against and C�mmissioner Meyer was not presenL Commissioncr Jac�hsc�n expresscd �rcat concern o��cr the precedent set of allowing cammercial signs in a residential district. After considering the matter Cnmmissi�nzr Jacobsan elec�ed to ap�eal the Variancc decision as a resident and affected �roperty owner. I have bcen ad��ised hy the City Attorney, Dave C',rannis, thal ic is lhe ri�;ht of any residenx to appeal a Variancc action. ` � � �nclosed with this review is a copy of Mr. Jac�bson's Variance Appeal .'1pp}ica[ion. Mr. Jacobson has requested th'a[ the Lity Council overule [he Plannning Commission action and deny [he variance request. [n considering chis appeal it is importan[ for Council Member to consider Ehe definition of "Home Occupation" as found in the Zoning Ordinance. Home Occupation is �lefined as follows: "Any occupation of a service character which is clearly secondary to the main use of Ehe premises as a dwelling, aad does not change the charac.ter thereof or have any exterior evidence of such secondary use. This occupation shall be conducted only by members of a famity residing in the dwelling and in connection with which there is kept no stock in trac�e or commodity for sale upon lhe premises." I woul�i su�;�;est that Mr. Johnson's desire to use a sign ciearly disqualifies the business from being operated as a home occupation. There could be no rnore abvious external evidence of a business than the use of a commercial sign. Also [he usc of a commercial sign represents a change in use of the property which cannot be allowed by Variance. As the Rosemoun[ City Planner I must inform the City Council [hat I believe the Planning Gommission was in error in its decision approving the sign. Following the PTanning Commission action I consulted the City Attorney for an opinion as to the legality of the decision. I was informed by Dave Grannis that it is his opionion that the decision by the Planning Commission was not an illegal one, however, it certainly violates the intent of Sut�d 14.3 of the Zoning Ordinance. It sets an undesirable precedent to allow the use of a commercial sign on a residentia! lot. Tfiere are many home occupations being run in Rosemount and this decision coula open the door to many additional variance reyuests to allow the use af commerciat signs in residentiat districts. The Planning Gommission action also �romotes business use of a property which is clearly not suieed for that purpose. The lot in question is only SS' wide by 131' long. For example; the parking configuration the applicant has indicated would not be allowed because it does not meet zoning seiback requirements and wouid interefere with the intersectian of 143rd and South Rober� Trail. It should be recognized that Mr. Johnson informed the 1'lanning Commission that it is his in[ent to opera[e his business as a home occupation (residing on the premises) for a few years, hut that at some point he would likely petition for rezoning the the property for commercial use to allow use of the property completely for his business. My recommendation is that it is not sound land use policy to promote commercial use of a residential lot surrounded by public uses (school, church). Further complicating the matter is the issue of traffic concerns because of bus traffic generated from the school on 143rd. T'he City Council should also be aware that City of Rosemount, Bui}ding Official, Ran Wasrnund, has reviewed Mr. Johnson's �roposal for altering the home to accommodate his business and has c�eniea issuance of a building permit. Enclosed with this review is a copy of a letter Crom Ron to Mr. Jolanson stating his reasons for denying the builciing permit. The basis for Ron's denial of the building permiE was that the proposed nse of the home for the chirapractic affice is nol secandary to the use of Ehe �remiscs as a residence. I would concur with Ron's judgement, and would suggest that to aliow business use of the property as suggested would be to circumvent the intent of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Johnson has the right to appeal the denia( of the building permit to the Ptanning Commission. He has elccted to withholci his appeal until City Council Action is taken on the sign variancc appeaL ° f . . � . � . . � � � It is unt�ortunate that Mr. Johnson is disatisfied with the current location of his business, bwt provisions of the zoning ordinance preelude him from legally operating his business as a home occupation as praposed. I strongly recammend that the City Cc�uncil acl in t�avor of the Variance Ap�eat by Mr. Jacobson and act [o overturn the Planning Commission decision which approved a 32 square foot commercial sign to adverEise the K & L Chiropractic business at 3025 143rd St. West. I also recommend Ehat ihe City Counci( discourage Mr. Johnson €ram pursuing use of the property to operate his business. The size and IocaKion of the property caupled with zoning ordinance requirements make it impractical to jointly operate ihe busiaess and reside in the dwelling and a rezoning of the property for commercial use would represent a spot rezoning which would not conform to ci[y palicies or sound land use planning procedures. Enclosed with this review is a copy of a resolution indicating the action Staff has recommended that CiEy Council take regarding this Variance Appeal. . _r ' ` � � _> City of Rosemount Resatution 1989- A Resolution Den�ing a Variance Netition to allow a 32 Square Foot Commercial Sign at 3025 143rd Street Z'Vest WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount Planning Comrnission at its February 21, 19&9, Regular Meeting, approved the Variance Petition of Kerry Johnson of 1555? Cornell Trail, requesting [hat zoning ordinance requircments be varied to allow a 32 square commercial sign to constructed at 3025 143rd Street WesE a residence located with the R-i Single Family Residential District; WNEREAS, Ronalci L, Jac�bson of 3fi4'I 1�3rd. Slreet Wesl has petitianed Che City Council to ap�ea! the Planning Commission the aforementioned action requesting that the C'ity Counci( ticny lhe Variance Petition of Kerry 3ohnson. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESdLVED, the City Councit of the City of Rosemount hereby denies the Variance Pelition of Kerry Johnson because it does not meet the following mandalory requirements for appr�vat of a variance as stated in Subd. 14.3 of the City of Rosemount Zonin� Ordinance: a. Granting a variance will not adversely affect the public health, welfare and safety and will nol be ctetrimental or injurious to ' property or improvem�nts in the neighborhood. b. Strict interpre[ation or enforcement wauld result in a practical difficulty or unecessary hardshi� inconsistent with lhe intent of this ordinance ana the guid� plan. e. There are exceptionat or extraordinary circumsiances or canditions a�iplicahlc to tfic prc�perly, usc or facililics that d� not apply gcncrally to c�ther propertics in the samc districL �I. Strict c►r litcral inlcrprct�itic�n wuuld �tcprivc thc tipplicant of the usc end enjoymcnt o� his property in a manner similar lo olher owners in the same district. e. Granting of the variance witl not allow a use which is oEherwise not a �crmiltcd use in thc zc3ning district in qucstion. Adoptecl this 4th day of April, 1989. Rollan Hokc, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clcrk � �n:..,.�.' � � � �, � ���`� � 9�t� 11� �'��� �t���: �,�rt � '�ry 3, f r."''�� j� ;'Y '� I l ttl 1 \': 1'--•.. t d [ f t ,'+ 1 � �� � ��.����[,�d � F�l�t��� k� i?�i�;f t,��)I�tl( hAltlFlF �t)n !..�rf't1 v �� � fi1 1.:i dAI{ �...� � /� . � . . . . . NlarCil }5, l�$4 �1r. Kcrry Jahn�on K.l.. Chirc�rractic _ 1=152O South Rc�t�crt 't'r.iil : It��scmou��t, 141N 550(�� Dcar Mr. J�hnson: 'I'I►is Icltcr sl�all scrvc a� f��rmal nc�licc lo y�,u „f ni�' cl�nia) c►f ,� huil�linE� �►crinil t���r ,tltcraliuns I�i a :�in�;lc fau�ily �I���cllii►�; fur �hc crratinn c�f a clinic tvill�iu Ihr li�►mc. l3ascd upc�n my inlcrprctatiun of tl�c Rpsci�iounl 'I_ctning Orclinancc, thc prc��ioseJ use docs nol fil the definilion of a 1-fomc Occupa[i�n. The Ze�ning (�r�iinance cfc(ines a tlom� Occunation as "Any occupati�n of a servicc cht�ractcr wliich is cicai•ly secund,iry to tl�c niain usc of the premiscs as a dwclling, ancl dUes not chan�;c thc charactcr tl�crcof c�r havc any cxtcrior cvidci�ce of sucli scc���idar�y usc. "Chis occu�ation Sl��iil hc carried on or con�lucted c�nly by membcrs of a famity residinb in the d�velling and with ���hich there is ke�i nc� stc�ck in lradc or c�►nmodity for s11e upon thc prc���ises." Afler �erfonnin�; a reviecv of the {�laiis sul�mitted !�y you aud convcrsation witfi you 1 dn no1 fcct tliat thc clinic usc is sccondary to the residenti�l use. Ar.c�rcling Io the plan y�u suf��nitted, the firsl Icvet ��( thc home cnn�aini 1,355 syuare feet. Thc ��rc�pc�sal is t� usc 637 square feet of this for resi�lential use and the rein�ining 718 square feet as clinic. Less than one- hali' of tlie existing s��acc wi11 be used for residence. Wc �liscussed reduci��g tlie t�uml�er c�f roc�ms ancl cc�nsec�uently thc square footagc usccl as clinic anJ yc�u in�icateel tliat you di�lii't want t� reducc the siz�: uf II�r ctinic. Tlicrc are lwo cc�dc rrquircments �vhich will af[ect tlic rtili� of use. The first is Uy ll�c Stalc Buildin� Cc�dc wl�ich requires handica� res[rr�c�rn facililies. Tliis facility would h:ive ta bc crcatccl, thus furtl�cr r�clucin�; tl�e residenrial sra�c. A1scr, lt�e Z�nin� t)r�linf�ncc ret�uires t� 3i)' sctb�tck Cr�nT �rrc�perty line Ic� slruciure o�� street sicles. 'The exisling struciure sit.s anb(ed an tl�e (ot with a '12' sett�ack on the sc�uth�vest corner and 20' sett�ack �n the southeast cc�rncr. 1Vcithcr dimcnsic�n �nccts scth:�ck requircments. T1►c aJdition tc� bc uscd as a wailin6 room wcrutcl iiot 1>c atlowec! itue ic� inabitity to ntcet sct(�ack Jist:uicc. If a waitinb ro�m was necess.�ry, it would alsc� reJuce tlie amount of resi�lcnlial space. � ; A1r. kerry Jc►tu�s�n � � Alurch 15, 1981 Thc intcnt �f thc ordinan�e is tc� .�Ilc�w an i�isi�nific��nt ��art ot ciwel}ing it� l�c usc�l as a secondary sc��ircc of incon�c tt� t.hc hi�uschcal�l, noi as a �rimary p��icc of occupation. Since ! do not fecl tliat the propc�sed usc 1'its the definiti�n of T-fomc Occupatic3u dic huilding �icrmit �voul�l liave to hc issucd as a commcrci�l - per�»it. Tfie Zc�ni»g Orc�inancc rec�uires Plannin�; Cc�mmis�ion approval of all permits f<�i• oihcr than residcntial ttse. Y�u have [he right lo appcal my intcrpretati«n and permit denia! to tl�c Pl.�iinii�g Commission. 'Tu filc an appcal you must cx�iress your desire [o clo so, in wri�ten foriai, to Uic C:ity Planncr, R1ikc Wor.ni�tk. Yc�u may also contaci the Ci[�� I'lanncr to scc if a commcrcial c�ccu�iancy would l�e allowcd in the p�cscnt (t-1 z��nin�; clistrict. I h:ivc ailacl�cd a list til� cc�dc rcquircmcnts ihai mus! hr mct in ordrr tc� la.�vc the clinic in your hon�e. t'Icase rcvirw thcm carefully lu detcrminc thcir impact, sli�uld yc�u �lcsirc t�� pursuc tliis mattcr furtl�cr. Sinccrcly, l�'�-- t��j�u�� Ron Wasmuncl Buil�ing (3fficial RN�/D(? Enclosure - cc: ►1�tichael Wot.niak, City Pl�nner Dcan Johnsoi�, Dircztor of Conimunity Devciopmcn[ Davc Grannis 1[1, City �Iturney � � 1 �,.. ����j� . �; �'�.� '��C��-� � � = --� ������I �- ��FI�� ����1 � � a � 4 /�7 . . � � . . ��-- U.l��s �� ���..� ����t�7►�C �+ � �� ��U� ��,�.�.���-rr���l �� �� I ��� ��t� �u�--�, � ��=f l..( �� • . '�t�.- ���zs �f� �tz�D I�L�S Tc� � , � � �-�� ��'�> ►�� ��..� �'�5�� - -�i>����; � ��� � ��ti��� ���r��� �� ����' ���, �� ��� � I`�1!� �= �� '' �t�'" � �t�'�I"''� � ��-�-: t�� �.�+8►� ���� ��" � -- �i,.���`r�,� �'.�z.�w-, �j� ��i� ` � �t-�c���a - �� '�.�i �J�..��� r-- � �� �� �'�� �' � �� �U+-r-���'� ��t�, 15 � ' � Si�'�c;� ) ��+1 4� -� ��' �" ���rr�� ������ ���. �— �-' � ��'� " ��- 1 ��,c�� �� ���. �� t��� � � �,��� �. , � ��� �' � ����- �c►��i�.� �� � - —� � � ��� �i�x �� , � � � � , � � ����.�,,►� �.� �,��� �� -- �`' �..Itr.,� `�� �"������ �� C3��� c�i1� � FI����-����p �-,�; ►���- -�t� ✓��' ,�,��- � `�l.,r�T�..�� (���11� �'�(� <51� " � {�N 1 . �`-� t ����� � ' ►' 1�� �(�,..- �� �� �L1��w •--t--- �'y t� �IJ -�-�t�i�v)�(��L, � �'��� �1� '� „�,(��1�IZ�c'�L- , -- ��� `��.,�--�-t-� ���, ���,n,�� �� ���..��, �.��� �i��� c�/�° '�¢ ����`(�"' c� -��� ��'-�---��' �.�`�I�..c�'��' , � � _ __..._- — ��C�-�ot� �� ����'�"" �-� i-� � ��r� � �!c. ��'��o���' ���� i� �����.��,-�� � - �'���" N��� ����,� ����- ���u-��� - ,� � � `i-�r���" �9��'� �� �.�.l,n�"' �- � '` ,r� �-�.�-; � ' I.t.�� �'�' �� -- �� !z �� �%t'� E.����"Sl� � c��� �'�' ��� �.�, ��/. �. ��� ��� � 71����+� �� � � G�� �� � .� „ � �� ��1° �� -T� �i-�+� -C L�"�r C.�►����, �`�' N �' �t� � �! � �.�)�.. �'tt�- s►�i�►V� � ���� �s��-e�., ��r��;;� �x ��� � �-=- �� '' ���� �-� . �� �, . 5�����-� -� � �-� � �� . —� ��� �.� . .--- �,���,�, � �.���d � �, .� �' � ��.�r�� �-�=;��r� �t�� � �� � �.� �'`�s � � �� ��c�� � � `��°� � �� �=-�c��-- �� > .. �'1 �-��C���. . � � � ``" �� J I I�v�...� �`Y "���Q �" I �� ����" . ���� �. -��,�o� ���7r"��t��S, � � f �� � ��.., �c-�z I� �� �-- ���, ���`�.. �..���..,� . �� � �}���..,� ���� �,����1� `�7 �� ".��.� +` ��! `'�`��� ,�=��. �+����E., � ��� � ' ��� � �, � ---�� � `"� : �� �W��� I��`��a �T�' 4 ��G����c�'' ���' � . ��.., �--}�a���-�i����' ���� `�� � �' `v c�C.���� ��� ��u ��,, � i r��� � 1� ��� �r� ���.���� �1����sr�i�.� . --- ���L /�r��� ����,��-' � � ��� � �,��.�r.� ,��� .� ��U u�� . � I � � � City of Rosemount � N�: VARIANCE PETITfON �ate: 02/dl/89 Applicant: Kerry L. Johnson, D C , K L Chiropractic Phone: 423-5250 Ac�dress: 1�1520 South Robert Trail , RosemountL MN 55068 STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner '�/ liuyer Lessee OTHER: LOCATION: Lot 27 . Block , Addition Auditors Subdivision #1 Street Address: 3205 143rd � .re W � Ros mo �n MN �50F£3 Metes & Bounds Description Attached: Survey or PIoE Plan A[tached: From the Variance Requested: � occupation in R-1 zoning districts. Proposed Zaning: REASON FOR REQUEST: 1, I have purchased this �roperty and plan to use it as a home occupation. 2, A siqn is essential for advertising my k�usiness. 3, I feel tfiat this property meets all of the necessary criteria for � vari�ince from the existinc� ordinancc�s. �� �l�, ( ���� i�� v'gna re of Applicant FOR UFFICE USE ONLY Application received by: Lc.GI/ Date: � � �/ _ Fcc: $ 14��. �'l' How Paid: � '� J`.Jo2- Date: �_��T��—'` Planning Commission Action: tl�'� -,✓�" .� c.�, -� v���,�r -. ic, �,)i�' �'�'r Date: � �� �� . 2,f' .rc. �._ __ __.. .__._.__.__ _ �_._ __ � , � , I � .S T. ✓G..` f-�f� '� � L�'.;►�rr�a �/. ,�y.�,.-, C '.` ,�3�/I '� T '.,"'C� Y L of.� � As.so�. �� Lurf,! �.,�NG/P�'/`r'EJ fY.v. N . G...r`� ' Q?��, 384.,s �� �R'€� J��NS�N � � AR NC� PETi IT[�N . � � � ,� . ` �fe . 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' J� . � . ,-�-----i.r._.; r I �, , I i . � i - - � _ �_ . - ." � � _ � ' � , � -"FOR C?UA�LI.TY-f-I�A:LTH .CARE,,. : . � � � ; . , . . � � : ' , � , ; , � , - - , i , • � � � � � � , � � � • i � � � � 1 � f � r � �' s . � ; . � � � . , � � , -- �7'-� U Lr i �s�-reresuM.�"� . � . i . � ' t .�..__.. . -•-- • ---- -- _----- - � ? - . • ! REASON5 FOR REQUESTING �PFEAL TU PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF RERRY JONNSON - VARIANCE PETITION 1. The Variance Petition did not meei the fc�llowing required criteria for allowing a variance as stated in Subcl. 14.3 of the Zonin� Ordinance: t�. Strict interpretation or enforcement w�ould result in a practical difficutty or unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the intent of this and the Guide Plan. c. There are excepli�nal or extra�rdinary circumstances ar conditions a���iic.�l�lr ic► tlr� pr�►�acriy, usc t�r t�:icililirs Ifi;�l du ni�l ap��ly gcncrally Iu otl►cr prc�perties in thc samc district. d. StricC or literal intcr�xetali�3i� wc�tild �#c��rivc lhc a}�plicant of the usc and enjoyment of his' properly in a nianner similar lo other owners in the same district. e. Granting of the variance wili n-ot allow a use whieh is otherwise not a �ermi[t�d use in the zoning clistrict in question. Most specifically approval of the Kerry Jcyhnson Variance will allow a commerciai sign in a residential zaning districl which woul�! represent a distinct change �f use which is not ailowed under Subd. 14.3 subsection e. of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The approval of the Variance sets a poor prccedent by allowing the use of a con�mercial sign in conjunclion wilh a business which is proposed to he operated as a Horne Oceupation. There are many service oriented businesses being run as home occupations in Rasemount anci allo�ving signs to advertise these home accupations as was allowed by the Variance could could cause a significant inconvenience to pra�erly owners within the City's residenlial districts. The use of signs to advertise home occupations, even along major streets in the City conld negativzly effect property vaiues and could disrupt the visual character of residentia( districts. 3. Atlowing a commercial sign for advertisin� the Cl�irc�practic Business which is proposed to be run as a home occu�ation will pr�vide lhe applicant with a strong basis for requesting rezoning of the property to Cammercial at a later date. Because of its s,ize and Incalion the property is inherently unsuitabte for development for commercial use. The proposed modifications to the home to convert it for business use will make the structure less suitable for use as a hdme. The property owner could be left in a situation where he cannot market the property f�r use as a husiness hu� has modified ihe hame such that it is not desirable for use as a residcnce. The City is doing the appiicant a diservice b}= promoting short-term commercial use of the property givzn ihat it is ttot suitable for long-term commercial use. * . City af Rosemount !N�: F�equest f4r Appeaf to Variance Decision � Date: :� � ,r �% ._.� , I,� � �P�licant: "�.��` ;r �'4 �.� ��.� � °i?C �,� �� ��.�')i.�� `�•� � .,� !':` � Phone: � � Address: ;� � `� ,_, � l `J ' , i' `� �-�� �«:.� �:.L _F-�iti:t,, sr t-����� � ,� •�., . '3 r, f `1�`� � � J �`I°''J�/ �:.>�° _ ,l �--' STATUS nF APPLICANT: 1.'fe Uwner Buyer Lessee OTHER: y�t;, r�,,; « �,�� ��t' � t � � � � � �.t��.F��r�f��: �.(Dl� �}(1C� � t�t�C�I�t011 F 11,r�1 s ; � � . .. . � e . Ct` d�. t11�' :r. � ��i' i _ _ . . . � ...} ' , ._ :.. . .-. .. . . . . . . . _ � � a �- . . . . . . S[rCCt AC�t�CCSY: i .'... � 1 . � �; � ',. r 1 r": ` (.,. .,. .. tiletes b'c Bounds Dcscri�tion ��►itached: Survcy or Ptot I'l�in ��Uach�d: _f1;' ` y � �' r.:• j . t . f ', E�CUOIl R.CC]U�SICC�; ,' r1i .i ��7. � ,� "r t ;.�_ j. fi,� „ � 1��i! lC�i li".t j ` ' _" 1 >: } , . .. . . . . .. � . . , r� � � � . � . . . l� . .� `� ^ � , � � / '�; j,�. �J �: I;.:l , 'r:'���y �:.i i� �: .. � i;::,ir ;:i', ; - .7jrr : 1i. j 1, f ✓•� r— � RtiASON FOR REC}UEST: ,; 1 ,` i:� � � Z. '�"��� i � � ''� ml�-'��� . �1<" �" ,` � � 3. .-- .. , ; ` p , . '� � . � ..� -, - -c.>�` �!'. '..�,t...:. �/� : , `��:'�_ :: , �..�' , �, � Si�nature of Ap}� icant � ____ FOR OFFICE L�SE t)NLY'�� -� — j��r Apptication received hy: '�ti�,�� Dalc: � ' ��� ::�,�_r'.� fcc: $ How Paid; Dc�te: �, t'il�� C'ouncil : ' ; f�atc: . �'i I , ' . � . . . � � . . � . . . REASONS FOR REQUESTING APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION RPPROVAL OF KERRY JOHNSON - VARIRNCE PETITION l. The Uariance Petition did not meet the following required criteria far allowing a variance as stated in Subd. 14.3 of the Zoning Ordinance: a. Granting a variance wi11 not adversely affect the public health, welfare and safety and will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhaod. _ b. Strict interpretatian or enfarcement would resuit in a practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship inconsistent with the intent of this and the Guide Plan. c. There are exceptional or extraordinary eircumstances or conditions applicable to the praperty, use or faciliti�s that do not apply generally to ather properties in the same district. d. Strict or iiteral interpretation wauld deprive the applicant of the use and enjoyment of his property in a manner similar to other owners in the same district. e. Granting of the variance will not allow a use which is otherwise not a permitted use in the zoning district in question. Most specifically approval of the Kerry Johnson Variance wi11 all�w a commercial sign in a residential zaning district which would represent a distinct change of use which is not allowed under Subd. 14.3 suhsection e. of the 2oning Ordinance. 2. The approval of the Variance sets a poor precedent by aliowing the use of a c:ommercial sign in conjunction with a busirress which is proposed to be operated as a Home Occupation. There are many service oriented businesses being run as home occupations in Rosemount and alTowing signs to advertise these home occupations as was allowed by the Variance could cause a significant inconvenience to property owners within the City's residential districts. The use of signs to advertise hame occupations, even along major streets in the City eould negatively effect property values and could disrupt the visual character of residential districts. 3. Allawing a commercial sign for advertising the Chiropractic Busin:ess avhich is proposed to be run as a home occupatian wili provide the applicant with a strong basis for requesting rezoning of the property ta Gommercial at a later date. Because of its size and location the property is inherently ' unsuitable for develapment for commercial use. The proposed modifications to the home to convert it for 6usiness use wi]1 make the structure less suitable for use as a home. The property owner could be left in a situation where he cannot market the praperty far use as a business but has madified the home such that it is not desirable for use as a residence. The City is doing the applicant a disservice by promoting short-term commercial use of the property given .that it is not suitable for long-term commercial use. � � 4�e the unciersigned citizens of I2osemount , do tier�I�y sup�art Dr . Kerry L. J�hnson ir� }�is petition to use as <a ct�iro�rt�ctic offic� the premises locateci at 3205 1�13rd Street West in Rose- mount, MN. Rosemount will benefit in that this pro�erty wiil no lonc�er have the aE�pcar:�nce of being a residential dwel_li:ng Zmidst other downtown commercial �nd public �rr�peri;y F�nc3 ai.so the attractiveness of this property will u� �nhc���crc� ��n�3 assured in the future tay this �ro��c�sec3 use . NAM�' �1DDRESS i . ' �S ��c cx n..,> `��j.i, �r.> k'C;�ct l��A'ts,':t�� �'��/��'� . . . . z . � ,l� �`:��j�� ���`"��-� �t-� ��zi�:�-'� 3 . � � , - 4� � _� � f - ,_ � �,r % � � �1 . /t t ✓� " �]/ .� - /'� ^ ' �'�' �� �1.C. �_�� �{r_ � _ �l ('-'' �.,�-`� � %��' ��� �� rf J�r��..t.t.,n,,� . � /" _�� G,'_ / � � � { ) � y� � � ?� J . �'l�l{�.�_dGL%!/�'/'1r !/ F l�' C''_&' < �"s�Cr+7 l E� • � ��_� �a�.,�'�.-� ��S`y'� � s� .:...�_/� S:{ L�,- /� s�u-f- 7 • ��i�c'�► ��"'�� 1y��1� r/�a�.°r�"y" �-��'�". ct-1, �='c�s�"f�J��i,L�i � ; ' \ �r' s . �v��i�-�� � �`✓�ttU C�eTt n�c�.�.Q., �rr�.i>� fi c s�. ►rc c��c�,�` n��..j �- � w L- 9 . �� ,t. � 't C � _ ��/ 7 �f' %l£r�-�����./ '�� ..� ��a�e �i�� �:fe ( U' _} � (��, 10 ��i' I c��t! l !-I ?�� : �._,��� S; . ,� t' -� ' , � , / / ,/� 1 1 . _�.�1.,,' _��p,yr._,...a, " 1 '?��..`iZi f�.t'�7'r..t{t G'4��t..., �`-�'a`� s-uto....y'�!`_... 12 . ,`-L[/. G� L�t./7 >L•. �'f�/ / .J �,l1(� �:�/L.� �G't. e C .��j L� L f !'�,C�„!<' �tt6c_fi.�K_�� ^� : .. . . 1 J . ' r ..L� � �'�„L, � . .':`+` ��l _r,',,.� �.�='� Ic��� �..�"-i,� C l.. _` ... . � � � . ' .� —1 . . . . _ s . , . , . � . . . . .q _� ,.� � i . 14 . _ . , ,� ' >� ,�:_`i �� :� ;�:_�' <:.��` � �' ,�i' 15 . l2:- �':�! ' lL�y�'.-G. ^_ /J�:/ •�� !f: cZc L�:'t' 2.ci .Lt-c•.r .1�. ' ,,�"A�-t�-�';1„t<rR.7�. . 1 6 . �j'/ 'v . . . /+7'/�sTi )� . � ••�..> f+u/� . "/tl,�.,.n�. . . . . . . . � / � . � �.. � ,-+� . � .,'� � T- �� �. � . � �' � ., t 7 . . ' t' .,�C �" j2t 11��,('c� �, ;.. ,�`�.5. ,�;�5 .a� 5�=��. �l, PCe�..»,� _1t �----c� 4 t� y � i � / �,, � t � /�/�� � / f � � 18 . �CtI:C� �� ,. .�c`"1 t �;��:',III�cG�t� �fL��.' � ff�{f�S S f-��(.�-c}��1'Cll (/ -, i �.: . � . - , � -- ., , . : , . „ _ . . . ._. 19 ,�, .� , ; .; L�, >`r ,_4,�S ; _�.s 1< <1 �� . !`r � �y � 4�+ �/ . � � :��.r — . �♦' � .. . . ' ,..�.... . . . . � . � .�C y • , 1' '.�,�. '—L�'" - �,, f � i. We �he undexsigned citizer�s vE Rosemourit , do }iereuy suppUrt Dr . Kerry L. Johnson in his �etition tU use as a chiroprac,�.ie office the premises locat�ci at 3205 143rd Street 6dest irz Rose- mount, MN. Rosemount t�ill k�enefit in t}�at this prcaNerLy irill no longer have the appearance of being a r�sideritial d�rel.ling amids� otlzer downi;own commercial and public prc���crLy ancl t�iso th� attractiveness of this property wi11 be er�hariceci �nd ��surec3 in the future by this �ropr�sed use. � N1�M� ADDRESS f � , � 1 . ,L l Cr �� ..� �_�\.`l_'� t(�� � �.1���' �"'� � 3 ' � �..1 1 ,, � � � �� � ` .�� �i , t ��.-' � ��=����� �.a <,�<. f� � ��, �i t��Y��',�� . � ji , - ? ; �_ � _ . / i � ) f 2 . r.rr'1 r'�' t��«+a ,ct-�.� ,.� �ir� �� �r,� �.'(t�_,�� 1 C t i- .--- � ,r.��. �:.—x—� ,i t'��.-/ 3 • ��,•,i � �.�ik. ._t ,�i c�- !F�(c l`.� �''i�,t, � t � � �,�,_! J I t t'� ��l� l.L..�'F�s � , � 4 . 5 . G . 7 . � . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . l�l . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . "l0. . � . �Ve L-he undersigneci c.itireris c�E l�osen�our�t , do heret�y .�uCa��c�s-t Dr . Kerry L. Johnson in his petition to use as a chirapractic oEfice the premises located at 3205 143rd Street West in Rose= n�c�unt, MN. Rosemount will benefit in that this property tri�.l no longer have the appear�3nce of being a residential dwel.ling amic3st other downtown commerciai and public �ro�»rty anc3 ��lso the attractiveness of this property will be enhanc�d �nd assured in the future by this pro�c�sed use. " 'N�E ADDRESS l . �' �}... �t, 1 c��, ' / ,t,.�.�...., ��,t.�t; ��..— b�4� .—. � � 1.�� t �,_.. � ��� � � . � �. . � . ,� � . �. . � . . r / ` ,, � 2 . <� �!'��Z.i-L ���'1..-z�„ !�! ...: =�_� ��t�-�-:cc�: /-��.-.�' �..,_ 3 .� ����' C`�� �...,.-,�,.� _1 y �h'� .���=.�-� .�'1�� f _ 4 . � �(1�v�c.t+,...� �`�� /`> `y U„�,�..��; �,�,;���..__. 5 . �� x�.,,�-�-- /�7��� 3. �G<-•-•-�..ti.�, �'�. �--- — -•'' � . ��.L �-���- �' ;j y ��'� ��:�� .�,�.< ,�'' c 7 . ''��i �i �.�.��.t�_ �� 1�(� �~3 � E: C�.�;., ,-.�-< .�/ L�. ,�t� ^ $ , 9 . 10. 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . i8 . 19 . 20 . ,. � '• ! � r � y . • . . �r . R t. . . . � . . C � �) �; � ���i �11T'`� 3 �.C'r,�� ',�j�� �l, �v� rc�� 4i �p�,C,��� w � A � �' �;,,;���.� �a�rv `' o�' ��, ,�� � M ,�.�� �o . 3�i2- ; F�tl p�V� A�� A Jdt�.,, A� 5�t� 1 N�`'OT A 1ss 'C A'T� OF�`l pK���T , c�ses �n� sa`';,: G���k �� ��� C'(1T� �r Rc,����1, • �t du�" `'w�rr' de�'��1iEje� ��r,�ty `l,` (, �a1��5°���ct�� �,c.en A�'� ��e ��,y a �i��• � uni��daSt�t�� SUsa�' � Stat�s c�t��so�a• th� s��� i� �he �d n°t'�e�ian�e a U�'iteaount,M'� �,eha�f c�t de�`�s�te e `��t�ch of a va `'�`�h � a"' O� Rose'`r` a�t�n� °��,vest° anc o1�`J cj�Litiy Lo�n d�e""e��a£o" t�'e C�ty 19g9, 51c��� �a, a 1 �O sea,e ��5�� M�C�h ��,j5 1�Si�n` M:�����C an A�pe���oseathe peCSOn� ` �;ity �ff�ce, R°�oma re4�� Lomm�a�d�essedh�re�r ��mes• � the r�`'�� ° P�St G heaCin'� � p�ann Ce�a�d, ,�s�ed �*' l ��1tiv�� Ap�t�va, be��°� atU.th�aaaCcsses � ,rt�� �'���c� �1�' ��t��'�d ,�Sc;�$5 scc`'��� ad����� � ,/ a �eC`J a ' ) 'Th�Ce is da Che p1dc�5 y° � � . ma��l�$ a . P�1• �°h S� S -a� f�,lerk D���t}' R�S��ou����esora Dak�� L.�Unty, �� MaC�h, I`�g{�� �L�� �a`l , �h�s � n �pC� �l` �C. OZ� 4v ��� . ��--Z�.l� na sw �.,�'" SuUs�T��ea a �i �� • �7t �ub1i �R��*�� �����ry 1r"�c�,� ��� ~ � � . , ROH JACOHSON - VAR�AN�B APPEAL - MAILING L�S1 1. Gilbert M. , Lunning 34�66SQ�—a13 14300 Cameo Avenue Rosemount, Mld 55068 ' 2. St. JoseQd's Churdi of Bo�e�ount 34-66500-012-00 ' 14375 South Robert Trail Raee�ount, l�t 55068 , 3. Daniel L. �Celia Streee 3l-66500-OZ0-00 1l320 Ca�eo Avenne R�oant, MN 55068 ' !. Larry P. i Jean M. O1�nDurg 31-6650Q-04f�-00 6T,5 Dif#ley RD , Ea9an� 1N1 55123 5. Dantel P. i Lisa B. Rpen 3l-66500-�0-00 , 1!3!0 Careo Arenne ' 9oee�uunt� M�N 55068 6. Dr. R. J. ReAreldt ' Ir�dependent Sch�l District i96 , i!!!5 Ma�ond Peth ��`,�„ � , B�ou�t� MN 55068 - ;,<� ; .; , c " 7. �u�ene t Gloria Olson „`�1 ,, , e 30251�5t� Street Yest ' , ; Ro�ount� MN SSQ68 •