HomeMy WebLinkAbout7. Valley Oak Addition Replat, Phase V, Street & Utility Improvements ♦ �D , . .. • • � ���l�... # 7� ■ ��*********************��********�***�*�PIEA10*********�***x*��r****�:t*�*k*�******* DATE: PIARCH 3p, 1989 Tp: PiAYOR & COUNC ILPiEP1BERS CIO CITY ADrtINISTRATOR JILK FROrI: CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIG WORKS DIRECTOR HEFTI RE; ITEriS FOR APRIL 4, 1989 COUNCIL rtEETZNG PUBLIC HEARING Valley Oak Additican Replat, Phase IV Street & Utility Improvements City Pro�ect 196 Acting on a petition by the developer, representing 100% ownership, Council ordered a feasibility study prepared by our Consulting Engineers, received the feasibility report on riarch 7, 1989, and ordered the public hearing to consider these public improvements �or April 4, 1989. Staff has mailed a11 necessary legal natices and published such notiees in the legal newspaper. A representative from our Consulting Fn�ineerin� firm of S.E.H. will be present to provide a short prssentation on the findings af the feasibility report. Recommended action for Council to consider is to adopt tlie attached resolutions approving the project and ordering the preparation of plans and specifications. � • • � � � � ; GITY �I' ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 19$9 — A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL OF VALLEY OAK ADpITION REPLAT, PHASE IV ' UTILITY AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PRO.IECT 196 WIi�REAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from , the developer and by a unanimous vote ordered a feasibility report for utility and street improvements in Valley Oak Additian Replat, Phase IV, City Project 196; and WHF.REAS, the City Council has received and accepteci the feasil�ility report on City Project 196; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to reeeive input an � the project. NQW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the Valley Oak Adciition Replat, Phase IV Utility �nd Street , Improvements, Gity Project 196. ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1989. • Rollan Hoke, Mayor • ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk - t. f . . . .. � . . • • — CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1989 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING PLANS AND SPECIFIGATIONS OF 9ALLEY OAK ADDITION REPLAT, PHASE IV STREET AND UTILITY IMPRt3VEMENTS CITY PROJECT 196 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount has received a petition from the developer and by a unanimous vate ordered a feasibility report for Valley �ak , Addition Replat, Phase IV Street and ITtility Improvements, City Project 196, and WHEREAS, the City Council has received and aecepted the feasibility report on � City Project 196; and WHEREAS, the City Council ordered and held a public hearing to reesive input on the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City af Rosemount ' hereby orders the plans and specifications for Valley Oak Addition Replat, Phase IV Street and Utility Improvements, Project 196. ADOPTED this 4th day of April, 1989. Rollan Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk .� � � -1 �� ;{, -� ��..<�: .,. l.t :.. �; , F <� , r ,t9Z� �f) a; , r � i � � � , r � � % � _ � �ra � „ ,�•, r1 . t . �! . r � �^ # ("^�'�� � �?,`�+��'��'����`U� ��� � i t ,�,�� ��,. r�� ir f D.t r�� , ,��. � ,�� k � • �S . . ..�. . ��a � �,e AFFIDAVIT OF AtAILEA AND POSTED HEARING NOTICE VALLEY OAK ADDITION, PHAS� IV STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 196 STATE OF MiNNESO�A ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA )ss. CITY OF ROSEMQUNT ) ' Stephan Jilk, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States Citizen and the duly qualified Clerk af the City of Rosemount, rtinnesota. On rtarch 23, 1989, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2$75 145th Street West, and deposited in tt�� United States Post Office of Rosemount, Piinnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearing regarding Valley Oak Addition, Phase IV Street and Utility Improuements, Project #196, enclased in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mailing and ttie places so mddiressed. ;- _.� ,,,..� -� � -__�__.._- ,�.�..---, - Dean Johnson Acting Deputy �letk City of Rosem.otint Dakota Caunty, rtinnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this �3�d day of Piarch, 1989. ►�ytiR�,y� ..�. �� � , ��A Q� � — rrr a�a�.a�a�aa.a�s i..,�� ���r�.��.�_. Notary Pu lic Y ' . � � . �� � � � �� . . AFFIDAVIT QF PUBLtCAT10N STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS County of Dakot�a ) NANCY 1. GUSTAFSdN, being dulY swwn,on ooth says that sbe is on vutlrocized ogeet and , employee of the publisher of the newspoper keown as Dakoto Coumy T�ibune,ond l�os fuil knowledge PVp�,��„ NOT"�CE of!he facts which are stated belaw: NOME Of PUti.►C HEARIN6 ON IMPROYEMQlITS IN VAILEY OAK ADDIT�pN, PHASE IV STREET AND UTIUTY� �MvaovEMENn (A}The newspoper hos complied wiifi all of the requirements constituting qualification as a 1ego1 PROIEtT NO.196 TQ WHOM IT MpY CpI�CERN: newspaper,as provided ay Minn+esoto Stofufie 331 AA2,331 A.Q7 ond otheropplisoble luws,as oenended, (VOTICE IS FiER�BY GIVEN,that the Ci- ty Councit of the City of Rosemount, Min- nesota,wi(1 meet aE s:0p o'clock p.m.or as 1r -� � 4 G� saon thereafter as possibie,Tueseiay�pP���4, {B)Tfie pri�Ned 1 �� � " 1909,in the Council Chambers oCthe City Hail, 2R75145th Street West,to consider the tollow- r ing improvements: Project•196-Valley Oak Addition.Phase N Street&Utility Improvements — The total estimated c�t o[said improve- ments is E235,000. The amount to be assessed is estimated to not exceed;22t,Oq0. �Boing Prrov�ements woulde enerall tb�e B y whic6 is ottached was cut kom the colum�s of soid newspoper,and was prieted ond pu6liaMad once ail that area generaily described as:Lots 15 -29,Block 2�Lots 2 h 3.Blocic 3�Lots 22•24, Bi�k q;and'Lots&i5,Block]0;alF w�thin the Valley Oaks Repiat Addition in accordanee eoeh week,fo► � � { C.�b sueeessive weeks;if was with the ptat recorded at the Dakota CountyR Rernrders Office,Dakota County,Minnesote.` Such person 83 c�}res to be heard with '�) , +� reference to the proposed improvements wlll first pubiished on Thursday,the��_�day of t t �, ~��is� ��[<�-'1. be heard at this meeting.Written oc pral opi- � `' mons will be considered. Aated this isth day o{�areh,1989. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCtL. �)��� Stephan Jiik 19 , and was therea(te� printed ond puWished on every Thursdoy to and iotlu�ng Administrator/Clerk City of R�emount Dakota County,Minnesota ��.� r 4� q.5 Thursday,tke --�-' �i"� doy oF �.^,�"_Z«_ � c_.�•� ,t4 �� j ; _ ----- oed�nted below is a copg of the lowee case olphobet hom A to Z,both inclusire,whicl�is he►eby ocknowledged as being tRe size and kiad of#ype used ie the tompasition ond publkaticn c#the noticec a bcclefghijkimn�pc�rstuvwxyz �t t.t (; ` ..x � j`, �� BY: 4.{, � � � ` [•t r.+��". /. ��,,,�# TITIE:Secretary fhe Pbblisher�� � � � �'� _ �•f- Subacribed ond sworn to bef /iMe on this 'Y% ��"y doy of ',�� ~�'`� :-�•� ,i9 '-' .( � � � � t� �� �r� � ! , �r ��� _ � � ,.(;�.��,:� .�; f; �` �4�. a� � `� .t'c�,.�K ,..--`' Notary Public ( ` - � \ `, �*���* ,. CARQL J. HAV�RLAf�D �,�< u•~q�,�� NOTARY PURGIG–MINNESc?TA ' 9�4��+�,"t� �AKI�TA CQUNTY ''`�.,�.1••Y My Gornmission Expires Dec 3.t989