HomeMy WebLinkAbout8. Valley Oak Addition Replat #2 Preliminary PlatI - -- :> �'�x 4 r�� � j `� , , �; �� � . � t�� S .� �.Y �$ �� �,pg� . . . . � . % , j I,T b Y..r': . f � . . . . . � . . 4 I�jl).'i 1� - . � . � . �' '� �i �4.,�� 3"i.��I < e � � � . � � .. �J i � � . :. i � . : ;,�. � ' . . . . . -_.. �„ � . . �, . � . � .. . . . � � . . . . . .� � . . . . . � . . . . TO: CITY COUNC[L FROM: M[CHAEL WOZNIAK, CITY PLANNER, AICP ,���� � � DATEs MARCf1 29, 1989 SUB3: APRIL 4, 19$9 - REGULAR MEETING REV(EWS S. VALLEY OAK ADDITION REPLAT NO. 2 - PREL[MINARY PLAT - PUBLtC HEARINC� Mr. 7ohn Kratz, President of Wind's Crossing Company, has submitted a preliminary plat for Valley Oak Addition Replat No. 2 to l�e considered by City Council. At[ached with this review is a copy af the Preliminary Plat and a co,py of the Res�lution that staff has prcpaxed which woutd authorize approval. This ' Preliminary Plat proposes to divide Outlot C, of Valley Oak Addition Replat (Wind's Crossing) into 4 parcels to allow construction crf a Quad Home. Outlot C is located at the intersection of Chippendale, Cornell Traii and Z56th SEreet West. The proposed preliminary plat is currrently zoned RM - Residential Multiple and is surrouncied by othcr Quad Homes. The preliminary plat meets all zoning and subdivision ordinance requirements. Staff recommends ap}�roval of the VaUey Oak Adclitian Re�lat No. Preliminary Plat subject to park dedicaiit�n recammendatic�n. Planning Commission recornn�endation will be provided [� lhe f:ity Council at the mee[ing. � a � � � ; CITY UE ROSEMOUNT � i RESOLUTION 1989 i A RESOLUTION GIVING APFRUVAL TO THE VALLEY OAK ADDITION REPLAT NO. Z � PRELIMINARY PLAT AND SETTING 4UT THE CONDITIONS FOR '' �`INAL APPROVAL i � � � � ; WHEREAS, the City af Rosem�unt has rcceivecl a Prefiminary Piat for ' �ut}ot C, Vatley Oak Addition Replat; and ; � WNEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has reviewed said pretiminary plat and submitted its recommendation to the ; City Council; and i � WHEREAS, the required pub(ic hearin�; and notifications have been I � com�letecl. i NOW THEREFORE BE [T RES+OLVED, that the City Council of the City of ' Rosemount approves the Valley Oak Addition Replat No. 2 ; � , 1. Park dedication recommendation � ` Adopted this �th day of Aprit, 1989. i . , � � � I , i 4 Rollan Hoke, ]Vlayor ; ATTEST: ; Stepl�an Jilk, A�lministratc�r/Clerk i � , - , � DELMAR H. �SCNWANZ ' � � . . � LAND$URVEYORS.INC. � � � � qpiaqrW th�dM l�w�01 TM S1N�of Mf�nMoh � . 14750 SOUTM ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUMT,MINNESOTA 55084 812/423-t769 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 30 50 -- ' 157.44 N 89° 48� 49" � � 1 � 76.00 _ _ ' - 81.4 4 � _ _ "� � I 1 Q ! 1 � � '� t ' �0 i � I � W 3 �o � - - Q w N _ O `n - � a - u� o u�i w � (D � } N � : � . N 7.�dL. +i n SO � _ td � _ �? _.. 7,�fii sc�uare feet Proposed'Use: Quad hoiue. Simil.ar to other units coristructed iri the subdivision. [7otes: Dra.inac�e and util.ity easements shown are the same as the oric�inal , subdivision pPat. � Area is served by all City of Rosemount utilities. ; ' � 1 hereby ce�tify thet thia survey.Plan.or►sporf was propued by me or under my direct supenision and th�i 1�m�duly Repisterod land Surveyo�under the I�ws of ttro Sta1s ol Minnesota. ' . i3'1��"/� �(f"�,� � . Oated 02-17-89 DNmar H. Schw�nt �A)nn+t�a R�istrstion rVo.ea2S . k _ t . . . . . � .. � � ., � t"� . . � � . . . . .. . , . . . . . . . . F � �:._� � � . ,. ���1� ., � .. . � . . ..� . � . . . E. T � p� �; . . � . `t. � . AFFIDAVIT OF MA(I,ED AND POSTEI) HEARING NC)TICE STATE QF MINNESnTA COUNTY OF nAKOTA)ss CITY OF ROSEMOUNT) Susan M. Johnson, being first duly sworn, deposes and saps: I am a United Stales citiren anci the dut� qu;ilifieci De�utv C:Ierk �f tfic City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On March 22, 1989, acting c�n hehalf �f thc said City, t p�sted at the C:ity HaII, 2875 145th .�'itrcet West, and de�osited in [he Uni'tect Statcs Post C)ffice, Rosemounl, Minnesota, copies oC the attached notice of public hearings for the Valley Qak Addition Replat N�. 2 Areliminary Plat, enclosed in sealed envelo�es, with postage therec�n futly �repaici, ac�clressed t� the persons lisle� �n lhc attachetl listings al the �tcldressct lisCed with thcir names. There is detivery serc ice by United States Mail between the ��lace of mailing and the places so addressed. -� ,r� ,-'"� � , � ''� � 4� Susan M. Joh on De}�utylC}erk C.ity of Rosemoant D�kol� County, Minncscata Subscribed and sworn tc� hef�re me this "��L �lay U[ March, 1989. -;::s�M.:�: ; � � �a`�`""`.. �I►�0�1[7�i , �� �a+�t�a� ��c �.�,�,v�,ti-_... MU t5�1�1�l!�t9t14 � o t a r y P u b c r i . . � . ' � ...� � .� . . . � �. � �,a'*�r-^'n . . �� � � . . . �. . . . a �a j � "x � . . . . . . �� . .. e�'� ( f f! 11' ��7 . . 1 t��1 . � � . � :Y �' � � •' f � � i. i . . . � �F�1"{I�i , .I � . . . '�.• �� r' t� � � �,,�'; ! � i'f�F� �� ; r f , � ' t �, � Ah � '.',... � : . .. . � � . � � � � . .. . . PUBUC NOTICE VALLEY UAK AUIT1Tlf)N R�PLAT NO. Z PRELtM111NAR1�' PLAT I TO WHOM [T MAY CC)NCGRN: NOTICE IS IiEREl31' C:i�'a:N, ihc C'ity Council c�f ihc ('ily �>( 1tc��,emc���nf will hold a Public Iicarin� c�n Tucsdaj�, Ar,ril 4, L�)fi'), iij tltc C.'��uncil C'hamhcrs of the City Hall, 2875 145th Strcet Wcst, (aeginni���; t�t H:(If) }�.m. or as soon thereafter as i�c�ssible. The �ur�oSe o� this hearing is to c��nsidr.r lhe Valley Oak Additipn Re�ial No. 2 ��relimin<•u•Y t�lat, tegally deseril�cd as: Oullol C, Vallcy Oak Addiiic�n Rc�l.�l. N�. 2. 7'his pro{��?scd suhdivision entai}s thc divisi��n <�f t�utic�t C (hr�tindccl hv ('c�rncli Trail, 156th Slreet, ancl C'fiiE��,cnclale Ave.j intn f�atrr ��arccls t� accommodate fhe construrlic�n c�f a qu.icl-Hotnc. ' Such persons as dcsire to l�e licard �vith rcl�erence 1c� this hcariti� �uill hc hcard at this timc. UalGd this 211t� day of March, 1y�3). ,-' � � �� Su. ��n M. .toh �� ;�Ucputy/C'Icrk C'ity of k�scmouni Uakc�ta C't�unly, tilinncsc>IRi Jc�a n C. Meadows • � 1�i602 Cori3el.l Trail Rosemat.>»t, MN 55Q68 Ge�1-y O. & Areiell Larson 15604 Cornell Trail Rosemaunt, MN 55068 Rc���ert H. & Lynn Ann Meyer 15fi0G Cornell Trail Rase�naunt, MN 55068 Wayne R. & Sandra M. Ral�n 1560� Cornell Trail I2osemount, MN 5506$ Terranr.e D. & Nancy I . Youtic� 15610 Cornell Trail Rosemaunt, MN 5506£3 Sally i2. Slayton 15612 Cornell Trail Rasemount, MN 55068 Gerald E. Giesl.er 15G14 Cornell Trail �,,-'. Rosemouni�, MN 55068 r-' Ruth M. Englert S even J. Hu,�fow 15568 Chippendale Av�. I 7p C4rn •�.1 7.'raa.l Ros�mount, MN 55068 Ros moun�-c;�MN 55068 , �,. �Vi.11iam & Patricia Roch,e Robe , f�. & Dalcares �'homas 13'�9-�Cornell Trail 156X3 ornell Trai.l Rosemo��r� _MN�- 55Q68 R�as'�emou t MN �5068 ,...---,.." � _,------�c1"'i liam & Jery we —�' Michael. L. eis } r\' � �� 1�594 Cornell Tr i1 15GQ9 Cc�rne.11 Trai�J- Rosenount, MN �5068 Rosemount, MN �,-55068 Rok�er & Mar ,I;incoln Br_ian D. St:oe� - � ACL MGMNT� 3534 156tti St. W. 14117 F�on�ier Lane Roseitlaunt ��IN 5506f3 Burnsvil�l,e, MN 55337 `� '` Veronira L. ApQlegate Ricl�arci' B�;ens 3560 15�i�h St. W. 15590 Cornel� Trail Rosemount; MN 5506� lZoseariounL, MN 5506€3 � Mark & �Ian�emPr�nville Donald B. & Eli_zab th Frarne 156I1 Ccrrnel.l T.rail 155�4 Corne].1 Trail �` Rosemount, MN ��5068 Koseinount, MN 55�68 \ , 1 �,;;7?. Cc�r�ie11...Trail • Itc�s�moiii�t, M� 5�Ofifl [tosentouunL- , MN 55068 Velma E. Lincik�erg 3567 �JGt:Il St. W. Rosemount, MN 55068 I,isa 11. Hummel Dttane U. & JoyeP O. F��'laum 3575 156th St. W. 15616 Cornell Trai1 Rosemaunt, MAt 55Q6�3 Rosemount, MN �5�68 William & Darlsne Berg Geoff�ey C. & Siby 1 ,7. Roch� 3328 151st St. W. 15574 Cornell T�ai�. Ros�mount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MAt 550�8 l�orne G. & M. Eugene Hester Patrici� L. Nap�er 15553 Cornell Trail 15568 Cornell Trail �tosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Russe].1 Welander 2605 Trinidad St. Sarasota, FL 3358Q I�arry E. Ol.son 15565 Cornell Trail l�asemaunt, Mn 55068 John T. Kratz 1766 Sheridan Ave. St. Pau1, MN 55116 Linda A. Doocy 1557? Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 Joan C. Meadows 15602 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 Gary O. & Ardell Larson 1.5604 Coriiell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 Robert H. & Lynn Ann Meyer 15G(i6 Cornell Trail E2ose�nount., NIN 55068 It�il�li M. L,'nglei-l: Steven ,1 . I3u�w ' 1556�i Chippendale Av� 15570 Cornel�l.'rail Rosemount, Mt3 55068 Rosemount, MN 550f8 tiai}.liam & P�tricia Roehe Rok�ert L. & DoJ.ores Thomas 155�2 Cornell Trail 15613 Cornell Trail ' Rasemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 William & Jeryl Mawe M.ichael. L. Reis 15594 Carnell Trail 156�9 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 Rc�semaunt, MN 55t36$ Itobert & Mary Lincoln Brian I1. Stoen �S ACL MGMNT 3530 156th St. W. 14117 Frontier Lane Rasemoi�nt, MN 5�068 Buri�sville, MN 55337 Richard B. 8ens Veronica L. Applegate 15590 Cornell T�ail 3560 156th St. W. Itosemount, MN 55068 Rosemoun�, MN 55068 Donald B. & Elizabeth Frame M��k & Jana Demer�nvil.le 15584 Cornell Trail 15b11 CQrnell 7'rail Rosemount, MN ,5�06g �osemount, MN 5506€3 Francis N. Ludwig Tadd J. & Gail n�permann ].5586 Cornell Trail 3�80 156th St. W. Rosemount, MN 55p68 Ro�Emount, MN 55068 Mickey & Gina Hoffman Dale W. & Chris Franke 155F30 Cornell Trail 20175 �kin Ro�d RosemounL-, MN 55068 �'��'mington, MN 55Q24 Mark N. & Darla Lindell Arcriie �. & R.ita Paialsan 15582 Cornell Trail �535 156t1i St. W. Rosemount, MN 55Q6$ RQsemount, MN 55Q68 Theresa A. Sens John F. & Margie M. Ryan s 15576 Cornell Traii 15595 Cornell Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 �ose�naunt, MN 55068 William R. & Linda Sheehan Casey D. Miller 15578 Cornell Trail 15597 Cornell Trail Rosemaunt, MI� 55068 Rosemount, MN 554f8 Charles & Ladonna Mankowski Joseph R. Co�tture 15572 Cornell Trail 3559 156th St. W. Rosemo�2nt, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 G�c�ffxe�,._C..,...&.--Sib 1..,J..,:,,Rache• Ve1ma E. Linc3berg 1`�ri74 Cornell....Trail 3567 156th St, W. Rosernount, MN 55�68 .,,► • � � AFFIDAYIT OF PUBLICA7lQM STATE O� MiNNESOTA ) SS . County of Dcakota � NANCY 1. GUSTAFSON, beiag duly swom,oe oath acrys that sMa is on outhorisest agenf t�nd employee of the pubiisher of the niswspoper known oa tMkota Cou�ty fi�fbune,tmd hos full knowledge of tl�e focts wbith are stated below: PUB�IC NOTICE vALLEY OAK ADDITION qEp1,�T NO.2 ��)The newspaper 6os cctmpiied with oll of the requirements constituting quoliHccition ns o lega) TO WHOM T MAY CON ERN: newspoper.as provided br Minnesota SMtute 331 A.02,331 A.OT and oihef applicobt�laws,oa ame+�ded, NOTICE [S HEREgy GIVEN, the City Council of th¢(,yty of Rasemount wili hoid a e Public Hearing on Tuesda A rN 4,1989,in '� the CouncN Chambers of t1�e�ity Hait,2675 (B)The prinfed - t�- � �� -145th Street W¢yt,beginning at 8:00 p.m,or • as soon thereafter as�wss rbie. � t��Va Iery O k A�dd�ition ReplatroNo�a � pretiminary piat,legaily described as:Outlot -- -�------ ----�— — C,Vatley(h�k Addition Replat No.2.This prp- Pn�sed subctivisioa entai�s the divislon of OuUot C(��bY�-Q�ne)I Trai1,156th Street,arni �Pp��dale Ave.)into four parcels to accom- malate the co�truckion of a@uad-Home. Such person4 as desire to be heard with Whieh is attoched wos tuf from the eolumns of suid�ue�vspaper,and wos prir�ted aed published rn+ce reference to this hearing will be heard at this time. Dated this 21st day o[March,1989. Susan M.JoFu�.con, each.weck,for •suactssire wecks;it w�s Ih�puty('krk _ _. G�lq of Noscrnopnt Dakota County,Minnesola /� 9qt first published on Thursdoy,the r�).�i`t.���r�_ '� � ,:'{. �� ( .t, �___,___ --! . _ y��� 19 '-'�--- , ond was therca(ter printed and publisi�ed on every Thursdo�r to and ieclu�ng Thursday,the ---dOY�-- -------------— _,14.—___ ; and pri�ed below is o copy of the lower cose olphobet hom A to Z,both incFusive,which is bereby ocknowledged os being the size ond kind of#ype used in the composition ond publication of the notice: ;i h<•drf�;lti,jk l�n ixryup•sl uvu�x,yr. r, ��''' ! � ' i BY t ;(. L.: d` • ' , �;C. � '�t %�� i Z'�_ :�. •- TITIE:SecnMary t�i the�abiisher�.; ; ' (:• f, J �� � �_. Subscribed and swwn to before me on this; , ...� � _�{. dary of �'� � L`.l r !�"r ,lq�, ` E � � � �� �� � � +� � ��-- � �, ���.t � M���., ��_t��_�.,_.,�.. NoMry Public r . � ,,,..���.::,, CARO�,J.HAV�RI.AND �j��� � NQTAHYPUBItG-MiNN�SQTA � DAKQTA COUN`TY �`�:.� My Corrpniaslort Expire�Urc 3. Iut39