HomeMy WebLinkAbout9. and 12.a. O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition Rezonina and Final Plat r k. . } • I t: . � � '��� .� � � .� �'`4 r ) �� . � t ,� . . �� � � ��i� �.�r' � � .' ... � ' �+,�' � !i . , z .i�t�, �,; � a�; n�fi s i � f �_.�y: , ��5' � Q Z.a � � . . t � 1._ , �,.�! ti � T O: C I T 1' C O U N C1 L ���i��l� � � FROM: MICHAEL WOZNtAti, CITY PLANNER, AI�P � _��� ` DATE: MARCH 29, 1989 � � � � � � ' _ SUBJ: APRIL 4, 1989 - REGULAR MEETING REVIEWS � ' Items9 and 12a. O'LEARY'S HILLS FOURTH ADU1T[ON REZONINGf FINAL PI.AT Steve Brohack, President of Parkvie�v, Ine., Developer of the O'Leary's Hills Ptanned Unit Developrnent, has requested City approvat of O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition a 31 Icrt Single F�imily Resicicntiai Suhdivision which re�resents the fnurth �l�asc c�f [h� O'Lcary's Hiil�; Nlannc�c� Unit l�cvcic��ment. Mr. Broback has also �eiiliic�n�d lhc C:ity f�r rczonin�; c>f pf'at from A�riculture !o R-1 Single Farni(y Residential. Encloscd wilh this revicw is a copy c�! the Fourth Additian Pla[, Final Plat Resolutitan anci Zoning Ordinance A�nendment. The Plat is in conforniance with the O'Leary's Hil(s Preliminary Piat/PUD Plan and with all zoning and sut�divisian ordinance requircments have been met, except [rontage which was varieci under PUD procedures. Plans and S�ecificatians [or public improvemenls fc�r this project have been approved by the City. As is standard policy with projects with City designed and constructed im�rovements the Developer will be required to provide a letter of creciit equal to 60% of the total dollar am�unt of s�ecial assessents which will - be plac�d �n the properly. The Planning Comrnission has recommended a�proval of the O'Leary's Hills Faurth Additian Final Plat and Rezoning to City Council subject to an executed Subdivision Deve(opment Contract. ' _ � — • • City of Rosemount Resolution 19$9- A Resolution Approving the O'Leary's Hilis Fourth Addition Final Piat WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has approved [he O'Leary's Hills Faurth Addition preliminary plat; and i WHEREAS, a PUD Final Development Plan for O'Leary's Hills has ' b�en ap�rovecl by the City; and ; � WtiEItEAS, the Planning Commission of thc City of Rosemount has recammended appraval of the O'Leary's Hills Fourth Additic�n final i piaE. I NOW THER�FORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City F of Rosemount hereby apPraves the O'Leary's Nills Fourth Addition , final plat, subject to an executed Subdivision Development Agreement. i � j Adopted this 4th day of April, 1989. ; ; ; ; i � Rollan Hake, Mayor � ATTEST: i i i i � Stephan Jilk, AdrninistratorlClerk � , , �.:,,�. ; 1 ` , ., .� � � � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDINAIVCE NO. XVII. � AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVI1.3 - ZONING QRDINANCE The Cixy Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota ordains as follows: SECTION I. Ordinance No. XVII.3, adopted October 19, 1972, entitled, � "ZONING t�RDINANCE,VILLAGE OF ROSEMOUNT,DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA," is hereby amended to rezone from Agriculture District to ! R-1 Single Family the following described property located within the ' City of Rosemount, Minnesota, to-wit: � That property described �s U'Leary's Hil(s Fourth Addition. i � � � SECTiON II. The Zoning Map of the City ot Rosernount referred to and described in said Ordinance No. XVII.3 as that certain map entitled, � "ZONING MAP, VILLAGE O� ROSEMOUNT, MINN�SOTA," shall not be ; republished to show lhe aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning rnap on fi7e in the Clerk's Office for ithe purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ; Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information ; shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part af j this Ordinance. ; ' SECTtON III. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and ! after ics publication according to law. i � � � Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 4th day of April, 1989. , � i ; ; j Roltan Hoke, Mayor i '� ATTEST: ; ; Stephan Jilk, Administrutor/Clerk � ` � ' .. ` � , .. P.O BOX 510 ��j�j U 2875-id5TH $T W. !l�e q�`���lft1� ROSEMOUNT. MtNNESOTA 55068 ua7Q/r�;V v�,,r�,� 612-423-4411 Affidavit of Mailed and Posted Hearing Notice O'Leary's Hil�s Fourth Addition Rezoning STATE OF MiNNESOTA } COUNTY OF UAKQTA )ss CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) Snsan M. 3ohnson, being fixst duly sworn, deposes and says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qualified Deputy Clerk of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. On March 24, 1989, acting on beha(f o[ the said City, [ posted at the City Hall, 2875 I45th Street West, and deposited in the United States Fost Office, Rosemount, Minnesota, a copy of the attached notice of a pubiic hearing for O'Leary's Hills Fourth Addition enclosed in sea(ed envelopes, with postage thereon ful}y prepaid, addressed to the persons listed on the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place af mailing and the places so addressed. Susan M. Joh s Deputy Cterk City of Rosemount Dakota C�unty,Minnesota Subscribed and sworn ta before me this �7� ~day of March, 1988. rllriwOd�.,� , • o�ttMrr► w���a� Notary Publi i � b��'S��' �' `� �� i'�� �trtK �f�i t .� ( e ! ��f���/ t)� ,.t�'•, 1 . ,111 �� ;�,, #.�4� ,�r�� � ,,. '�.`' ' HflSE.�d(lUN1 r.�INhJF ,t�1.1 5.,��t;M ¢ r��.�����=�r�rt��t.r��t� ` � y��� � � � � fit:' .t:'3-d-111 � Pubiic Notice . Q'Leary's Hiils Fourth Addition TO W1InM IT MAY CONCERN: NnT1C� iS IiEREBY GIYEN� the City Cc�uncil �t thc City of Rosemount will ht�ic� a f'ublic Hcaring on Tucs�lay, A�rit 4, 19$9, in the (:ouncil Chambers of the City H�I1, 2€37� 1�Sth Streel West, 6eginning at 8:0� �.m. or as soon thercafter as p�ssible. Thc �urrose �f this hearing is to consicier a rezoning from Abricullure lo R-I Singlc Family Residential of ' the pro�osed O'Lcary's Mitis Fourth A�Iclition, on thai property legatty descrihed as f�tlows: Be�inning �t ihe nortl�w�st corn4r ��f L��t (i, f3lcack l, saicl U'Leary's Hills Third Adclition; thencc e:�sterly along the northedy iine of said O'Leary's Hllis Third Acldition to the northeast corner o{ Lot 7, Block 2, saiJ O'Leary's Hills Third Addition; thence S�uth 89 degrees 4$ minutes 49 secands Exst a distance o[ �O.pO Ceet; thence North 0 � . degrees 36 minutes 32 secnnds East a dislance of 169.7$ feet �o a p�'iat ol� curve; thence alnng a curv� to khe right having a radius aC 735.3$ fec�, a centra) angle a[ 1tl degrees 09 minutes U7 secc�nds, an arc length of 139.36 feet, and a chord whicN l�ears Nc�clh �5 cic�rees 41 minute4 Q�i seconds East; th�nce Nnrth 79 clegrees 14 minutes 2U seconds West a distance �f 6i1.t30 fee[; thence North !i3 degrees 49 minuies 52 sec��nds W4st a clistance �f 12,5.110 fre�; thenee N�rth p6 degrQes U4 minutes �9 secc�n�s E:tst �� �istancr of 329.72 feet to a point on thc north linc c�f said Snuthwest Ouarter �f the Northeast t?oarter; thence N�rth 89 clegrecs 46 minutes 3l seconds West alang saict north line a distanee oC 1074.58 feet to the northwesl corner o(' said Southwest (?uarter of the Northeast (2ut�rter; thence South t?tl ifegrces 2F3 minutc� 4p secc�ncfs Wtst, s�lon� lMc �Ycst tine �f said S�uthwest t)uartcr c�f thc Narlhcast Quartcr, a distancc c�f SI1.97 fcct to a point c�f curve; thcncc a(c�n� ii CUfVC (t� tMe left having a radius of 634.f�7 fec� a central ang(e o[ i6 degrees 00 minutes �0 seconcls, an arc length of 177.07 t'eet, and a chord whicl� bcars Sc�uth fl� ctegrces 31 minutes ZO seconds East to the point of bcginnin�. , Such persc�ns as clesire tc� I�c h�aril with rcl�rr�ncc tn tl�is itcm witt he hearcl at this meeting. Dated lfiis 21st day of Marcfi, 1�)�39. � Sutian M. .Ic�lii .c�n 'cputy C'Icrk C'ity c�l� Rosrmeunt Dak�t� {'�ua�ty, Minnes�ta � 9�EARY'S HILL� FOURTH ADDITIQN REZONING - MAILING LIST , WENSMANN ADDIT,ISI,,_N l. Steph-An Homes 34-83600-250-03 14340 Pilot Kaob Road Appie Valley, MN S512d 2. Wensmann Realty 34-83600-250-03 °loHerbert H. Wensmann 14340 Pilot Knob Road Apple Valley, MN 55124 3. Charles & Terry Carter 34-83600-080-Q3 4042 152nd Court West Rosemount, MN 55068 4. Albert & Luetta Troutman 34-$3600-090-03 4035 152nd Court West Rasemount, MN 55068 5. Alex & Nancy Pavlis 34-83b00-1Q0-03 4U42 152nd Court West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 6. Floyd C. Jr. & Janelle Otte 34-83600-Q90-04 4024 153rd Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 WEN5MArtN 1Nj'L t1D,Q�ITION 7. Wensmann Realty 34-83601-090-01 1434U Pilot ICnab Road 3�i-836U1-090-OS Appel Valley, MN 55124 , 34-83601-i00-OS 34-$3601-110-QS U'LEARY'S HILL� ,�I�Q ADDITION 8. Richard Tietjen 34-54102-010-01 3926 154th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 ' 9. Basic Builders Inc.3. Norris 34-54102-030-01 14450 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN SSU68 i0. Michael J. & KaChleen O'Donnell 34-54102-Q30-Ol 3954 154th Street West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 11. Scott W. & Mary L. Rohr 34-54102-040-01 3964 154th Street West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 ..� ` . 12. Richard A. Hauser 34-541Q2-O50-Ol 3967 154th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 13. Alan L. & Jacklyn K. Deaton 34-54102-070-01 3953 154th Street West Rosemount, MN SSOb$ 14. James P. Katz 34-54102-0$0-01 3933 154th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 15. William E. & Naacy C. Wolfe 34-54102-p90-01 3923 154th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 16. Faul Heimkes 34-54102-050-03 3838 154th Street West Rosemount, MN SSQ68 17. Parkview Inc. 34-54102-020-Oi P.O. Box A -01Q-02 Rosemount, MN SSQ6$ -02p-�2 -030-Q2 -OSO-02 -06p-02 _0?0-02 -01p-03 -020-03 -03Q-03 -U40-Q3 , -060-03 -070-03 18. Parkgreen Ine. 34-54102-Q40-02 P.O. Box A Rosemaunt, MN 55068 SECTIUN 31, RAN�� ' 19. Dennis P. O'Leary Jx. 34-03110-013-17 15291 Chippendale Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 20. Chippendale 42 Partnership 34-03110-010-01 14b05 Johnny Cake Ridge Road 34-03110-011-15 Apple Valiey, MN 55124 DEVELOPER: Mr. Steve Broback Parkview, Inc. 3480 Upper 149th Street West Rosemaant, 1'viN 55068 :...�' , AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICAT�N . STATE OF MINNES4TA ) SS - County Qf Qakoto � PUBI.�C NUY'ICE .' o�RrY�s fanern�oaTwN '1'O WHOM IT ASAY CONCERN: NOTIGE IS HEREBY GIV�N, the (Yty ��°f���°���1°����• NdNCY J. GUSTAFSON,6ei du aworn on oath ��1�H'eart�6 on'h�day"��,�g�y,� �9 �Y . su�rs that ahe is an authori:�d agent and �th S�ta�eet t�ambera ot the C1ty Hap,�e7s; plq,es of the puWisher of ihe newspaper known as DokoM Coumq Tribnne,a�d bas fuli keowiedge ea.begino+oe st S:oo p.m,er °1M ae aoon t!►ere�tter�po�iWe.T6e pt+�ppse d of N�s foels w6ich�e atatad below: tbde�eering ia��sidar d t�ni ' iraq • A�riCnldae to$•i S#ngM Fsmflp�qu fion,����I.eary's Hiib Foia�th Ad�- tatlaws: �'Y�a8+���Y,d�'ibed u (A)TMa�wspaper hos compiied with aN of the requirements eonstituting quotificeNon oa o legul Begimaa�at the narthwroet cbcaer e[I,et d, �8�ieaee�m�,��e Htils Third Addl- newaPoP�r,as provWird 1�Minn.soM Stotuta 331 A.02,991 A,07 oed oth�r oppliea�rl�laws,w e�end�d. Nns et said O't.e�s �TI�d� to the notfhewt Cdv�of IAl7,SlackII,a� 0'[.esry's Hi1b 71►Ud AdtNdan; flNnce' �g)��q� '� �-' �. Sou�e�degrees�mi�r M reeondt F�t N dLttae�ot r8e.00 teet; tlt�ce Norl�0' �ea �6 minut�! � seCo[►de Eaet � dietem:e�IM.�[eet to a p�lM ot�; fheoee alanq a c�aye�tMs ri�N Mv �A r�us ot 78S.9t Eeet,s centrLI angle�le ���chord��'vldchbielte'eA�iatl� a6��i mhnttRs 98 teecw�de Fast; tAetrce Narth 79 degrees 1� mittu� fD seca�wa�a�tsnceefeo.0ote�;tlw�.�ce whie6 is attaehed was cat hom the edumns d sad�M'sPoPer.a+d was prietad ond Fublished onee . �&9d�e��minuteeS4�qr� degr�s 04 mim�keb 39 ezcobdb East 1� distarrce�329.z2 teet�a poiM en the� �-w�eak,for sue�s:si�e-�reeks;it w� Hne of asid 3outhweat Qwrter A[N�e Nortb� esst Qoarter�lheeret North��� mi�si aecau�wese al�g a norH, � u�a a�em�ce o���,.se reet ta a�e�tn- �;�r pub�a:hed o�rhwsdoy,r�+e.C�da�d Q,t'r r�oorxreissid8outria�estQ�mrterdMe . NortNesat Quarter;H�ce 3out6 00 deqreee 9emfm�tes�0 aernnds lWe�st�alairt fl��tt Q(� llne d ssid Southweet Quecta.ot the IYaKh- �q U ( , and wos thereoher ' �st Quart�,a distance ot stt.S7 Feet to e priMed and pubiiahed an every Tbursda� to ond inciueG�g : p o i»t d curve;�along a cnrve to tbe i e t t hevi�a n��ot 631.07 feet a c�G^at engle�'18 dege+�s OU mlrwtes a0 �svldeh bdidit r�e Soalh 07.Ct teet,�nd a� 'Thursdop.!Fa dahr of .�9 ; degree�si mi�99 �East to the p��ot beginnle�. amd pirin#ed 6etow is a eop;r of the low�ease olpho6e�kom A M Z,both inclusive,whie6 is hereby P��dea�re to be heerd with mret�rue to thls It�►will be lxacd at th�t acknowtedged as bai�N+e size ond kind of type esed in tha eennposiNon a�publicallon of tks eotiee: Dated this�ist dsY ot Mlrci►��98g." ' abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz S�an M.dohaeqf, ,-.. Deputy Cierk , .� . . ; Gity of Rodetnqmt� .. _ ..� . Dakota CoantY,lKim�eota '�s �L..t..� --' j __ � BY: + -' TITLE:Seeretary to lisher Sub�aibed ond swom to beforo n ttd �./f do�,of l r t,�.1 y�. � Natar�r Pablk \ ,,.�wy, CARt�LJ. HAVERLAND „l.�� NOTAAY PUBLIC-MINNESQTA , DAKOTA GOUNTY ... My Gommissbn ExpUes Dec.3.1�8