HomeMy WebLinkAbout10. and 12.b. Wensman Third Addition Rezoning and Final Plat - . � • I .. • � � . � _s � e � � i��Y� � � � � � � � f .. � T(3: C1T'l' COUNClL ij���� �' `� � i 1 FRUM; 1111GHAEL WOZNIAh, CiTY FLANNER, AICP DATE: MARCH 29, 1989 SUBJ: APRIL 4, 19$9 - REGULAR MEETING REYIEWS 11 �ad 12c. WEST RII)GE THIRU ADI)tTION REZONING/FINAL PLAT Timathy Broback, President of Rosemount Developement Co., Developer of the West Ridge Planned Unit Development has requested approval af West Ridge Third Addition a 41 (ot Single Family Residential Subdivision. Mr. Broback has alsa petitioned the City for rezoning of the property from Agriculture tt� R-1 Single Family Residential. Enclosed with Chis revicw is a copy of the West Ridge Third Addition Plat, Final Plal Resolulion and Zoning Ordinanee Amendmeni The Plai is in conformance with the West Ridge Preliminary Plat/PUd Plan and all acaning and subdivision ordinance requirements have been met, except frontage which was varied under PUD procedures. Ptans and Specifications for �ublic improvements for this project have been approved by the City. As is standard policy with projects with City designed and cnnstructed improvernents the Developer wi11 be required to provide a letter of credit equal to 60% of the total dollar amount of s�ecial assessents which will be placccl on the �roperty. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of the West Ridge Third Addition Fina! Plat and Rezoning to City Council subject to an executed Subdivisic�n Development Contract. . • • City of Rosemount Resolution 1989- � A Resolution Approving the West Ridge Third Addition Final Plat ; ; f WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has a�proved the West Ridge ' Third Addition preliminary plat; and • WHEREAS, a PUD Final Development Plan for West Ridge has been iapproved by the City; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount has recommended approval of the West Ridge Third Addition final plat. � � � N�W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City i of Rosemount hereby appraves the West Ridge Third Addition final j plat, subject to an executed Subdivision Development Agreement. � . i � Adopted this 4th day of April, 1989. i r � � , � Rollan Hake, Mayar I ATTEST: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk r��» � S � � � I .i. . � � . . � � � . � ! CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � ' ORDINANC� NO. XVIt. ; AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVI1.3 - ZONING ORDINANCE � ' The City Council of the City of Rasemount, Minnesota ordains as ; follows• ' 5ECT[ON I. Ordinance No. XVII.3, adopted October 19, 1972, entitled, ; "ZONING ORDiNANCE,VILLAGE UP ROSEMUUNT,DAKOTA COUNTY, � M[NNESOTA," is hereby amended to rezone from Agriculture District to i R-1 Single Family the following described property located within the ' � City of Rosemount, Minnesota, to-wit: � � That property described as West Ridge Third Addition. � � SECTION II. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount referred to ; and described in said Ordinance No. XVII.3 as that certain map entitled, j ZONING MAP, VILLAC;E OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA,° shall not be � republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall � appropriately rnark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for j the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this � Ordinance and all of the notation references and other infarmation � shown Ehereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of f this Ordinance. i � SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be in full farce and effecE from and � after its publication according to law. ; � � Enacted and ordained into an Ordinance this 4th day of April, 1989. I Rotian Hoke, Mayor ATTEST: ..,r.M Stephan Jilk, AdministratorlClerk , \� , , t ��E��� uc�x �;iti 'f ���t . (� 2F�7�i-14�iTkl ST W �- ,` ��c���u�2 F3C�SEMOUNT. MINNESOTA 5!'iOfiFi � L 612---423-4411 AFFIDAVIT OF MAII,F,1) ANT) POSTF� 'f�EARtNG NOTiCF WEST IttUGE THIRI) ADDITiON REZONING STATE OF MINNESOT� CUUNTY OF DAKOTA)ss CiTY OF ROSEMOtTNT) Susan M. Johnson, being first duly sworn, deposes an�d says: I am a United States citizen and the duly qvaiified Deputy Clerk of the City of Rosemount,Minnesota. _ On March 22, 1989, acting on behalf of the said City, I posted at the City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, and deposited in the United States Post Uffice, Rosemount, Minnesota, copies of the attached notice of public hearings for the Rosemount Development Co. rezoning of property within Section 31 from AG Agriculture to R-1 Single Family Residential, enclosed in sealed envelopes, with postage thereon [ulty prepaid, addressed to the persons listed c�n the attached listings at the addresses listed with their names. - There is delivery service by United States Mail between the place of mazling and the places so addressed. S san M. John n . Deputy/Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Subscribed and sworn to before me this *��� day of March, 1989. �r CJM)1►Ot1RIDBlt ` ` �R�hA�'�l�G-�tl0�� OMR9IA Q�p111"1 w a,w.ovw��a.�.�a Notary Publi . �T�Y� - � , ' �'(� fTt)X !it(1 . �� �,��i1� O/ 't; 11 ,if1 ;1 :M � i ' f f� "� t ���.F { } 1ti r.;t Fal+�1r41 I�iri,rl� �i :,�„h:tf .i. `' .;?.,' l, ,� �,�c.f�. ��t �.pQ,i �"�� i�}. IJi.,�,��� PUBLIC NOTIGE WEST RI1)C;E TMIRU Ai)!)ITI�N TO WHUM IT MAY CONCERN: N(1T[CE IS tfEREBY C;iVEN, ifie City Councit of the City of Rosemount wili hold a Pabfic �iegring c�n Tuesday, A�rit 4, 1989, in the Councii Chambers of the City Hall, 2875 145fh Street West, beginning at 8:UU p.m, or as soon thercafter as nossil�le. The purpose of this hearing is to consider a rezoning from AG � Agricutture to R-1 Sin��e Family Residential of the rraposed West #tiJge Thir� Additic�n, ��n tliat �ro�erty l�galty �lescribeci as ft�liows: That part o[ the South�vest Quarter af Seetion 31, To�vnship 115, Ratige 19, Dakc�ta Coanty, Minnesol.a described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner q1' WEST RIUGE SECUND AI)t)ITtON, according t� the recorcfed plat thereof; thence North U degrecs 1S minutes 4? sec�ncis East (assumed bearing) along the west line of said Southwest (2uarter a distance of 525.69 feet; thence South 89 �legrees 44 minutes 13 sec�nds East a clistance oF 15{).O0 ('eet; thence Scyuth R� degrees 22 minut�s 37 seconds E�st a distance of G0.17 feet; thence South 89 cle�rees 4$ minutes 49 scec�r�da East a distance c,f 1{?10.26 f�et; thcnce Nt�rlh 0 �tegrees 11 minutes ]1 seconcls East a �lisiance of t4.fi7 feet; thence on a vcaring of East a distance of 16U.3y t'eet; tltence an a bearing of South a distance of 4l3.00 fcet; thence s�uthcrly 212.17 feet ��long a tangentiat curve concave Eo the west, radius of 341.37 fec:t, central an�;le of 35 de�xees 3fi minntes :�8 see�nds; tlfence Sotith 35 degrees 3C� minutes 38 secnnds West, langent to said curve, a distance of �y7.41 feet; thence southwesterty 196.�i4 icet al�ng a tangentiaf cerrve c�ncave to the east, radius of I�3S9.01 Eeet, central angle �f 6 degrees O3 minutcs 3�3 sec�ncis; tl�ence South 29 clegrecs 33 minut�s UO seconcls West, tangent to said eurve, a distance of 227.t?(} feet ta the north line of said WEST RI�GE SECON1) AnNITIf)N; thence N�rth fip degrees 27 tf�inutes 4fl seconds west alnng said nc�rth line a distance ol' 269.U3 feet; thence on a bearinb c�[ Wesl along said north iine a distance of 4Z295 (ect; tf�ence Norlli 0 clegrees lS minutes 47 seconds East al'ong said norih line a distance c�f 9U.(�Q feet; thence on a bearing af West alt�ng said nor[h Iinc a discance of . 130.t}O feet; thence North f) cfegrees l.5 minutes 47 secc�nds East alc►ng said north line a distance �i }fi.l� 1'eei; thence on a bearing af 'West along saic! north line a dislanee ol 21�.00 feet to lhe �aoint of h�ginning. .. Such persons as desire tc� bc he�rcl �vith refcrence to this hearing witl 1�c heard at this tim• �. Dated this 21th day of March, 1�)8t). � S san 1�1. Johnsc�n, DePuty Clexk (:ity of Rutieinounl Dakota C'ounty, Mir�neso[a • ` WEST RID(`xE THIRD ADDITION REZONING - MAILINC� LIST WEST RiDGE SECQND ADDiTTON 1. Christencha�d Beni 34-83701-010-Q1 156Q4 Darling Path Rosemount, MN 55068 2. William Gary Manthey 34-8.3701-D2(?-01 15620 Darling Path Rosemaunt, MN SSU68 3. Fairfax Construction 34-83701-030-01. 3480 Upper 149th StreeC West -020-02 Rosemount, MN 5506$ -Q$0-02 _100-Q2 4. Rosemount Development Company 34-83703-04Q-01 3480 Upper 149th Street West -0b0-�1 Rosemount, MN 5546$ ' -070-01 -030-02 -090-Q2 5. Mark S. & Laurel L. Horton 34-83701-050-01 15652 Darling Path Rosemount, MN 5506$ 6. Woodview Constrnction 34-83701-080-01 3480 Upper 149th Street West -010-Q2 Rosernount, MN 55068 -110-02 -120-02 7. Stuart & Nancy Jo Noble 34-83701-090-01 ` 15674 Darling Fath Rosemount, MN 5506$ 8. Daniel M. & Wendy L. SmiEh 34-83601-?80-02 15216 Danvitle Avenue Rosernount, MN 55068 9. Dougias J. & Doreen A. Evans 34-83601-190-02 15224 Danvilte Avenue Rosemount, MN 5506$ � 10. Daniel & Judith Engen 34-83701-040-02 15619 Darling Path Rose�t►ount, MN SSQ68 11. Richard P, & Theresa Valesano 34-837U1-050-02 15625 Darling Path Rosemount, MN 55068 12. John G. Justin 34-83701-060-02 (1540 Thomas Lake Rd - #115 Eagan, MN} 15631 Darling Fath Rosemount, MN 55068 � ` 13. Irvin W. Jr. & Rodelia Myers 34-83701-070-fl2 15637 Darling Path Rasemaunt, MN 55068 14. Mark & Susan Lindeman 34-$3701-130-02 15675 Darling Path Rosemount, MN 55068 15, Jeffrey & Cindy Harrison 34-83701-140-02 4265 257th Court West Rosemount, MN SSOb8 SECTIQN 31 RA,_N�E 19 16. Rosemount Development Ca 34-03120-014-50 3480 Upper 149th StreeE West -015-50 Rosemount, MN 55068 17. Isadore J. Gergen 34-03110-013-50 24365 Cedar Lake Drive West -Q1Q-91 Jordan, MN 55352 ,. 'x AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATtON P�U�BLIC N70TICEN # � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS +� �r��+�coNe�: . " �: County of Dokota } NOTIGE I3 HEREHY GtYEN, the City Camcti of the Ctty oE Ftoeeeliiaint sWfl#mid a PubNe HeaNng on 1YteedaY�Aprtl!,iS�,ia the Cc�a�cit Chambets�the tYty Halt,9875 , 1l5th Street Weat,,t�eglru�io8 at 8.@0 p.m.or aa�an tFiereatt�aapo�bk. " T1x Pu�P�e of thia heari�le ta coimlder a resq�tg feom AG AgHevlpae to R-1 Single N Jk►�Y),GUSTAFSON,being duly sworn,on oa�h Krya that she is an aathorized ageiM and Family Reatdentiai at the pra�foeed Wesk • RWge TMrd Additian,�thst�ropercp 1eg�k emVlq'ee of tl+e publishe�of ihe newspoper known as DakoM Goue Tribuee,ond hos tvN knowlad • 1r d�eNbsd as tottows: h 9e That paet d the Saqthwest Quatter of 3ec- of Nw foets which ae stated belaw: tfon 81,Township 113.Range 19,I�kota Cau��Y� M�onesata described aa foltpxn; �ng at tiu northweet cerner oE WE31' SEGQNDADATfION,actroriing to �r�O�p�et�re�;thence North e, (�►)The newapoper has eompiiet!wilh oll of H+e roqui►ements tonstituting q�olificoNon�a legd d�1s minuta 47 saot�e East fasfwn- ed ba�[ng) atamg the w�t line of eatd newspaper,os pravided br Minnasota St�otute 331 AA2,331 A.OJ ahd other oppiie�k lows,as ameaded. SoWhrveet Q�rtet a dista�ee of 5�.�feet; ffience 8euth as degrees 4i miaute� ia- secands East 8 distat�e of 130.00 fe�� `� thence S�th 85 dege'ees � minutet 9'f �B).�.��� -C... .. eeca�da Emlt a dL�tat�ee a[60.17 feM;ll�nce SaNh�de�ees�mimitea��-F.est a diatat�ce ot 1010.28 feet;tt�ence NoHh 0 degrees li mit�ea 11 siee¢onds Eaat a di8tlu�Ce O[14.87 fEel;thelle!m!a b�titl� ot Ea�t a dista�e�160.�feet;thence a� a beari�of South a distamx of 98.00[eet; tl�nce saitheriy 2121�feet along a tangen. tial curve carcave to the:w+est,radl�of 341.3?feet,centrai angle ot 35 degrees�g m�3Bseconds;thenceSouth35degre,ds wfiieh is aRtuehed was eut from the eolumns of said newspope►,and was pinted and published oe�ce 38 mimites�seco�West,tanqent ta seid curv& a dietance ot 187.41 fset; thence aoutlmesterly 198,�4 teet alaa�a tangenfla) cime crtncave to the east,rat�w�t�:0t ��p sueus�ir�weeks;iR wa� Leet,centrel angie af 6�OS minutee • !6 eacmkb: thence Sout(i�9 dc�ree� ;p minutdi 00 seconde yyest,�sngenE to taid (�� �� �� ewwe,a diers�ce�ra�.00 teet co tne�th fi�sr puWisMd on TbwsdoY,H�e C��dar of Y U t�...�t. '�1� IiM cf said WEST R1DGE SECC)ND AADi. • _.,TIONi fheqceNortL60dagi�e�:8/�mi�, ?'bD�adronda vrest eMng aaid�rth,l6ro s: ��d�tance�S�.�teet;NaenoeaA;7t,bmide� ,,�of Weat aba8+ea1�meth-iiae.,diaGmne aP 14 �� , ond wos fhoreoh�er prieMd and pubiished on every Thwsdor M and inclu�ng . 4IA.9S,teet; thenc8 NoMh:P degtv� i�; �m�m+ta Y7 secunde Eiilt ala��ekl nEegr line�distetdCE of 90.00 teeti thene!ee It �fa�M�f a,o4,te�at,�ther+cs�p�a�lh e Tbwsdap.th�e �iay�d .14 i de8ree�t�minutea 41 sacande Fast�1� and priM+ed b�low is e eopr af H�a IowM eay o!p{�ab,+frorn A 4o Z,botL i�elusiw,wlach is lwnb�r �+a �n ii�e e a�see�or�s.,� r�; thee►ceara beerir��'West akng sski north ocknowi�dOed as be4nq tfa sis�and kied d fypa Wsad ia N�e eom�osiNon a�d pu�lieotion ef th�eotieoo line a die4nee�918.OQ feet to ti�peiet eE ��P��s ss�sin+to be heerd rrith abcde€SfiiJkimnopqratuvwxyz t�sference to this hearing avW be h4erd�t tlils � viU dme. �� Dated ttds 81st day d Mareh�19� .; oht�on, �D`p"�qM�ount ,�} ' BY: � �G�: �. � 1?akota Couoti'�Mimbeots. ''� TITLE:,r�eereta�y , sher �+k! --'-- ------ , � S�saribtd and aworn te bdwe me on �� dery of �C.�C 19 . � Note�Rublie \. M���a����wwerwM�+* ,,,�:.y;�. CAROL J.HAVERLAND 1� NOTARY PUBt�—MiNtdESO'fA DAKOTA COUNTY . ►Ay Cexr�raaalon Exptres oec.3.�9ss