HomeMy WebLinkAbout14.b. Dakota County Regional Rail Authority . � • C� . . � . . � . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . lTE� � . . . . ..� 4. � � � � � �� �.� ' . . . . March 31 , 1989 T0• Mayor Hoke Councilmembers: Napper Oxborough Walsh Wippermann FROM: Stephan Jilk, Administrator/Clerk RE: Dakota County Regional Railroad Autho ty Technical Review Committee - Light Rail Attached find a notice that the Dakota County Railroad Authority (Dakota County Board of Comarissioners) is forming a Technical Review Committee for the purpose of ad�rising the county board in the preparation of a light rail transit studp. Th3s committee wi11 be made up of representatives of variaus 3nterest groups one of which is cities. I would recommend that the city propose the selection of a representative from the City of Rosemount., I would further recommend that our representative be Dean Johnson. During the last several montfis Dean has gained knowledge in the area of transportation through his heavy involvement in the Opt-Out Study being completed and has recentlp been named to a subcommittee vf the MTC on transportation. I believe our interests wi11 be best served by his selection to the committ�e. Your action would be to adopt a motion to request that the county name Dean to th3.s committee as the City of R�semount' s representative. � : .. � . .. . � • .� �..� �. • � � . . . . . ,� � . . . . . . . . � . . . ' �A KQTA �OV NT� AOMINtSTRATION DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 612/43$-4418 DAKOTA COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 1560 HW`C 55- HASTINGS. MINNESOTA 55033 . I!�I 1.,�` . . . . . . . .. � ���yyy� . . � . . . � . � . � . � .. ' .`�.� � � . . � . � � . . .. . . . . ��� . � T���` �.�^ � . .. � . � . � . . . . � . REC�~tV�L� MAR 2 J: 198J CLERF�'S C)FFIC� DATE: March 16, 1989 CtTY pF,�OSEMQUNT TO: All Cities and Townships Metropolitan Transit Commission Metropolitan Council Regional Transit Board - " Minnesota Department of Transportation Regional Railroad Authorities DARTS United Handicap Federation FROM: Joan L. Kendall Assistant Administrator RE: DAROTA COIINTY REG30NAL RAILROAD AUTHORITY �ECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR LIt38T RAIL TRANSIT , _. Please post the attached Press Release regarding Dakota County's establishment of a Technical Review Committee for Light Rail Transit. Interested individuals or agencies should contact the Dakata County Administration Office (438-4418) to obtain an application. If you desire further information, please call the Department of Planning and Frogram Management at 431-1158. Applications should be submitted by April 14, 1989. JLK:rl Attachment AN EGUAI OPP4RTUNITY EMPIOVER . ;_�., �� �` y � �.� ,�.. � � l,.mA��D (_... G ���,�� DAKOTA C�IINTY PRE88 RELEA88 DARQTA C�UNTY REaIONAL RAILR�AD AOTHORITY TECHNICAL REVI�W COMMITTB$ FOR LIt3�iT RAIL TRANSIT The Dakota County Regional Railroad Authority wishes to announce the formation of a Technical Review Committee for light �ail transit. T�e Dakota County Regional Railroad Authority is comprised of the five elected County Board of Commissioners. The Authority has the responsibility for preparing a comprehensive plan for light rail transit in Dakota County. The purpose of the Technical Review Committee wi11 be to advise the Authority and County staff regarding the preparatian of a Light Rail Transit Study. The 5tudy will invoive an analysis of potential aorridors for light rail transit in the County. The Committee will consist of 15 members with at least one member from each of the five County Commissioner districts. The remaining l0 members will be seiected at-large. Members wi11 be selected to represent a variety of 'interest groups, including the following: , - Cities and Townships within Dakota County - Private businesses within Dakota County - Metropolitan regional agencies - Regional Railroad authorities in adjacent counties - Minnesata Department of Transportation - Transit providers - Transit users It is anticipated that the Committee will meet monthly during tfie � course of the Study. Interested individuals or agencies should contact the Dakota County Administration Office (438-4428} to obtain an application. If you desire further information, please call th� Department of Planning and Program Management at 431-1158. Applications shauld be submitted by April 14, 1989. . � �;�^ � -, „ �-- ��-� � . . . . . � � . Sl�':v�m u 4+...... i< o �... .. . :'-:s�0�� � ���Li] � Continued from page lY s Armory projects may�be approved or working relationship with them." :'�.�������� ������� cut from the budget requ�st. If the - ! �"�� projects are appro�ed. fed�ral fund• In 8loomington, the armory is a sep- I ing will be availab{e immediate!y. aratz buiiding also used by the com ■ munity. The Brookiyn Park and � R ''If that happens, it spe�ds up the Bloomington armories have capped ���� ��� ������ �� �a � ' project imcnensely," said Tom Vesa- holes in their drill floors for tennis iv, architectural supervisor for the and volleyball neu. � ■ Faciiiues Management Ot�ice of the ������ ����� '� ����� ArmyNationalGuard. Communiry use of armories is be- � coming popalar, Vesely said,�"be- Vesely said that with congressional cause the Guard uses iz one to three By Jim F�s#er of facitity they want,"Jilk said. "We approva! this year, the Rosemount weekends a month. Most week nights Stat�`Writer just want to look into getting the best facility couid be designed by t990 and other weefceads it is free for possible facility, knowing that the ar- and built in t99t. community use." The Minn�sota �rmy Nationa[ mory is going to be built." • Guard is ready to move to Rose- Cox said if funding doesn't go Jiik said the Armon�•ICommunity Fa- maun�. .�.it it needs is a "go" from Gen. John Cox, assistant adjutant ihrough this year,the Guard hopes to cility Gommittee wili come up w�zh Congress. genera!of the�rmy Nadana!Guatd, get a new bu�iding by 1994 or 199�. community center plans to present to said an armor}, would cost $2 mil- the Ciry Council by�ug. 1. .� "go" could mean a new National lion. The faciliry would serve as a "Whenever they gi��e us the money, Guard armon•. - bactalion headquaners with tbl stat�f then we can build it,"Cox said. "�t this poini we've created a master m�mbers. T��etve to 1� of the scaff `wish Gst' for what we want in thz ' .�:►d«hile the Guard waits for ward m�cnbers woutd be fuli-time admin- Minnesota buiids two armories a communiry center,"Jilk said. "it in- �n cor.;ressianal funding, Rose- istrative ar.d clerica!employees, year, with t5 to 20 buildings now ciudes just about every school or mauai otiic:ais are looking into plans, being pianned, inciuding the Rose- commun�ty-use facility imaginable. for an addition to any new arnnory— The building, which has not yet txe�n mount facility and armones in Apple Then we will pare that down and an anachzd community center. designed, would include ot�ice space, Valley and Inver Gcove Heights. present it to the City Couneil." scorage and maintenance areas,and a :�ccording to Steve Jilk,city adminis- large drill room. Vesely said it could be 10 years be- NationaI Guard and Rosemount citv . trazor in Rosernount, a committee is fore the Rosemount armorv is fin- oi�"iciats then wil!ptan an armory and louking into the possibility of buiid- �iinnesota Guard oEfieials haye tist- ished.Seventy-five percent ofarmory community center.The two probably ing a community center cannected to ed six armor} projects, including the funding comes from che federal gov- would be built tpgether,which would or situated near the new armory.The one in Rose:nount, as additions to emment, and zhe rest comes from benefit both because of cnmmon communitvi center design would be the Department of Defense budget state,county and cic}•go�•ernments. walls and utility hookups,Jilk said. oased partialiy on what pians are for this federai biennium. Congress made tor the armory. The cencer witi vote on che Defense budget re- The Nationai Guard supports joint "That's the most likely scen�rio. but u�uld�e on city ian�'on Hwy-. 3 near quest betore the biennium ends in community center-3rmory ptans. A it's not the only oprion,"he said. "tt Rosemount High SchooL Octaber. goed example of a communitvi center dcesa't have to be done at the �me buiit near an armon� is in BrooWyn time." "It's t4talty de�endent on what type Guard continuad on page 8Y Park,where she:wo are conneczed •`l�'e just macchaci all the btocic and mortar, so r•ou can't even te{I where we added on." Coz said. "We use portions of their building. aad they use portioas of ours.W e have a�d � S . � ' � / � ... . � . � � �� . -.. ...� �� . � . � �..� � .� . � � .. . � � .• . � �� � � � � � . . " . � . : . � . .. . � . . .� -. ' . : . . . . � . . . . . . � � : pyP , . _ - �. . 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Mpistwd Ueda L�wr M TM St�a ol M{enNot� 11750$OUTH ROBERT TRAII ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA 5506a a12/423-fi7'69 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFlCATE 30 50 -� � 157.44 N 89° 48� 49" � � I � � 76.00 - - - _ _ 81.4 4 � " - "� � � 1 � t Q / � M ' i i I W �� ' W �o 3 Q N � O � _ Q� = O � — � O — �n O u1 W _'"� � I � •�.•� O ' o `° � o � 2 � � z o � � � ► M ,� . Z � � M r � � �� � _ 76.00 _ � i - - 81.05 � O ' � - '� N 89°48�49�� W � � ` � N 89°48�49„ W '" -� � e� , , '��t � � 1 , -,.,..� � � 3`�2 � � � �.1..� i�.. � � � 0 � � � � � �O � ,0 4. 3 0 o � - 3 � N l = � - � � .. _ � � � �. � o � � ,..,� ; o � _ � �, J � . i: ;. _.. .. . N . � fb , � � 3� ^ � Q Scale: 1 fnch � � � �`�. �.,:: Q = 30 feet N 690�2�6 �- � � \� �.` Drainage & Utziity Easements f � . S� � � 8•Tg \ r_. � 4 S� � � d c g o '".,` 1_1 ' 1 W /Jr9 SS 3��Sp•, � ��- ...�,�_ / l0 1 50 � i -�--.__ � \ -- 8p,j� �' � � n � d = 9 �= 9°52�I8" _ � �.�. i �3 a�0 7'. "� � '�'� R = 468.76 _ !- Z I C T � , , y . � STR o � � T � WEST � � Prel.iminary P].at: V1iI,LEY Ol�[C 11DDITION REPI.AT NO. 2 Owr►er-UeveloF�er: Wind's Crossing Campany F'.O. Box 83 F�tt: Mr. John Kratz • ' ,Rosemount, MN 55068 923-2248 � � Property Descri�tion: Outl.ot C, VA.[�LI.Y OnK ADDI'I'ION RF.PLAT, acc�rdiny to the `` ' ' recorc3ed p.lat there�f, Dak.ota County, Minnesota. � � � : � . Lot Areas: L,ot 1 4,?;0 square ieet , , . , 7,ot 2 �1,915 squar'e feet � w,.`` Lot 3 • 9,070 square feet , ., . _ , Lot 9 : ,, ;;;.� � 7,6F�1 square feet Proposed'Use: Quad home. Simil.ar to other units constructed in the subdivision. t7otes: Dra.inage and Util.ity ease►nents shown are the same as the ori�inal ' , subdivision p.l'at. � . Area is served by all City of Rosemount utilities. ` • i hereby ce�tify that this survey,plan,or�epoA was � prop�red Dy me or under my direcf supervision and th�t i�m�duly Regisiered Land Survsyor under /� the INws ot the SUts of Minnesot�. ' �l�,��fg ��� l` Oated 0 2-13-8 9 D�Im�r H. Schwa�+= Minn�sota ti�istntlon No.�2S